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S09.E06: Meeting Mariah's Girlfriend

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1 hour ago, MV713 said:

In therapy I believe that Meri was upset about Janelle jumping in to answer a question ABOUT MARIAH specifically.  Being that is her only daughter, and they have had their issues, I can understand Meri being upset about Janelle answering for her.  She should have answered for her own daughter.

I thought Meri also said she was addressed by name, then asked a question. I still think it sounded like she probably overreacted. But it could be that she feels marginalized in general in that mess of a family and this occurrence was the last straw. 

I continue to feel bad for Meri (and hope she will finally figure out that she can move on) because I can’t imagjne too many things more grueling than being in love but having your husband screw and reproduce with other women, then feel devalued due to one’s own fertility issues. And feeling like a sinner because polygamist men have tried to sell the idea that this stupid set-up is to help women become better people as they learn to overcome jealousy. Which is clearly not possible for all (or probably most) of these women. And you can’t leave because no one will call you into heaven with them. (Why does their God just sit by and twiddle his thumbs? Their whole belief system makes me nuts.) 

THEN because this mess is so seriously patriarchal at heart, Kody still can make every attempt to control her about everything whenever he feels like it. Even when he backs down he still has uses his patented Manson stare to express his displeasure. Combine all that with a personality that makes it hard to express herself and I am surprised we haven’t seen her yet on “Snapped.”

i also didn’t think Nancy was trying to excuse Meri’s behavior. She was trying to help Meri recognize how her closing down and being prickly are not working to help her communicate with anyone. It isn’t any help for a therpist to tell you what to do; you have to come to your own realizations. 

  • Love 6
22 minutes ago, greekmom said:

It's the poly way to Keep Sweet all the time.  That was Meri's advice for Christine. 

Yep, just keep smiling and be happy, don't burden people with your problems and feelings. Stuff it down.

Anyone actually believe Meri takes her own advice and acts this way? Because I sure don't see it!

Not that anyone SHOULD just stuff their feeling down and never talk about it - but many of Meri's "problems" are very small, sometimes imagined, slights, and you ARE going to hear about it if you cross her. If you're not going to follow your own advice, don't give it. I thought she was very dismissive of Christine in that instance.

  • Love 8

In regards to possibly moving to Utah, I'm thinking of one huge factor... Don't uproot those kids! It appears they're now established in the Las Vegas schools and undoubtedly have new friends.  They went to all that work to acquire the cul-de-sac homes, which seems ideal as long as they can afford to live in that manner.

  • Love 6

Okay...first after years of watching this show I believe that the whole storyline of Meri/Janelle in therapy is just that...storyline. One of the main reasons I feel that way is (going back far far) the Honeymoon Special from the end of Season 1.  There is something about that episode that I think since the show wasn't really airing yet and the women didn't get the chance to see their husband panting like a horny toad after his new sumtin sumtin...they were more candid in front of the camera.

Back then we saw Meri, Christine and Janelle sitting together discussing things and Meri and Janelle were calm and loose with each other and even commented on their past issues with a very different lightness in tone.  Before the big move to Las Vegas and the financial strains that really created a big wedge between the two...plus seeing Kody and the other wives on the screen helped break down their little fantasy world.  I think up to that point they had developed a cool working relationship that was working for them.  They had the autonomy that they always talk about, yet came together for family things and just like we lowly monogamous peoples....you have to get along in some way, shape or form with your workmates.  Then...the show came along and that move really f**ked their working relationship up!

Their therapy sessions are such bullshit.  Janelle would SO much be better off just going to a one on one therapist and working on her own inner core of strength and personal security instead of having to sit with Meri the Meanie.  Janelle sits and thinks about how she sees each situation, she takes time to "wrap her head around things" and then always comes out with things she can do differently.  What does Meri do??  Sit there, cry because no one understands her, deflect, deflect, deflect, cry some more, roll her eyes (yes...Meri we saw that!!) and basically act like a child who is just getting through the time to get the hell out of there.  Meri will NEVER change because she only thinks that everyone else is wronging her.  SHE isn't wrong, she is defending herself from all the meanies in her life.  Her mean and snark is just being defensive.....um....okay...but at some point if she really wants real change within her family she needs to sit in front of a mirror and look really deep in herself and stop this bullshit blame everyone else because Meanie Meri is never ever to blame.

I don't know how long they want us lowly viewers to believe they have been working on their relationship, but it's obvious that it hasn't helped one iota.  They went from 0 to 60 in 2.2 seconds as soon as the therapy session turned to the "issue of the day to be brought up".  It was an instant change that you could physically feel through the camera and yes Janelle... >>I<< needed a stiff drink as well after watching that shit show. It's maddening to sit with a person and discuss things without the ability to think things through in your own way.  Meri is sitting there like a lion ready to pounce on Janelle pointing out how she phrased an answer or comment or the fact that Janelle took way too long to answer something.  No wonder Janelle sits and thinks before she speaks.  She has had someone ready to attack her for 25+ years for every reaction or misplaced word phrase.  Jeezz I would practice the fine art of avoidance as well...just for personal sanity!

  • Love 16

I thought that Mariah and her girlfriend were cute, however, it annoys the hell out of me when grown women insert the word like in their sentences every few words.  Like, Meri like did the same like thing when she was like trying to like get to know Audrey at the like restaurant. GAH!

I thought it was nice of Meri and Janelle to support Mariah by attending the march with her.  Even if their religious beliefs do not accept same-sex partnering.

I don't think that any of the sister wives have ever said that their involvement with polygamy was anything other than the following of their religious doctrine, therefore comparing their situations, choices or behavior outside of that context makes no sense to me.  That being said, not all religiously based polygamy is the same, even amongst the different FLDS sects.  I don't think that Kody and his crew appreciate that the majority of the general public have no idea about the history of polygamy in the United States, especially the LDS version and the events that occurred that resulted in it being declared illegal by the federal government.

I was not raised to believe in their faith, nor am I desirous to convert, so I can't put myself in any of their shoes about any of the way they interact with each other, their shared husband, or the various offspring.  I think a lot of the issues and drama that they portray on the show are merely scripted to titillate the viewing audience.  Would folks really watch if everyone got along?

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, kicotan said:

 I think a lot of the issues and drama that they portray on the show are merely scripted to titillate the viewing audience.  Would folks really watch if everyone got along?

Well I know quite a few people are watching "Seeking Sister Wives" and the wives of one of those families gets along very well.  Their drama is more about the woman they thought might be their sister wife and the fact that one of the wives has a tumor in her stomach that she thought was a pregnancy.

  • Love 6
22 minutes ago, answerphone said:

In regards to possibly moving to Utah, I'm thinking of one huge factor... Don't uproot those kids! It appears they're now established in the Las Vegas schools and undoubtedly have new friends.  They went to all that work to acquire the cul-de-sac homes, which seems ideal as long as they can afford to live in that manner.

Didn't stop Kody from making the trip from Utah to Vegas.  If we are to believe the show, he gave his kids three days to pack and say goodbye to their friends, while scaring them half to death by telling them that the police were after them.  Kody does what Kody wants.

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, Sandy W said:

I can't help but wonder what her reaction would have been if it was Robyn, the self appointed family mouthpiece, that had "butted in".  Meri has ceded her rights as a wife and mother to Robyn to the point that she even consults her on how best to engage Mariah in conversation, much to Robyn's smug delight.  After all, Robyn has "been there since the beginning" and has "pitchers" to prove it.

And she has such empathy, for all Meri has to dill with :)

Like fun, she does.

  • Love 4

@Roslyn makes a good point above about how the wives interacted when the show first aired.  They really were much more light-hearted with each other.  That's why I started watching the show in the first place - my main interest was how the wives lived and worked with each other.  I can't remember how soon after the show first aired that Robyn came along, but it makes sense that Meri, Christine and Janelle not only had to make room for Robyn, but also had to watch their shared man-boy frolic with his other wives on teevee.  It was probably much easier to bury their heads in the sand and suppress the jealousy when they weren't confronted with it every Sunday night.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 15
6 minutes ago, jacksgirl said:

I don't think Kody wants to move back to Utah at all. It's just one of the story arcs the producers came up with. We had a wedding, met Mariah' s gf, gonna have a baby soon, now we need another storyline for Kody.

Maybe with all of these new polygamist families on TLC, he’s worried that they’re going to get canceled and won’t be able to afford the cul-de-sac compound anymore, so they’ll have to move back into one house together in Utah?  Just kidding. Kody will do anything to keep the storylines moving and the TV checks coming. It’s not like he’s going to go out and get an actual job to support all these kids (and now a grandkid born to unemployed parents) ...

  • Love 8

All of this footage is so old.  That march is from January of 2017.  Makes me wonder what is going on now.  Are Meri and Janelle in a better place with their relationship?  Is Mariah still with Audrey?  Is Caleb okay?  Are Mykelti and FT opening a taco business, you know real street tacos not white people tacos?

  • Love 16
19 hours ago, mrs ra said:

So Janelle voiced that polygamist families have more cars. What? Why?  Does Kody have to have a different car for each wife?  Wouldn't it be the usual five adults means five or so cars?  I know they have a couple of passenger vans, but it seems like that is only a couple of extra cars. It seems the average family has a car for each adult, maybe an extra SUV or camper, a car for teen drivers. So what does polygamy have to do with by definition having more cars?

It makes perfect sense that a polygamist family would have more cars than a monogamous one. More adults, more teenagers, more cars. Right off the bat, there's five parents instead of the usual two (or one). Add in the more-than-usual amount of teenagers, and there you go.

Edited by Gothish520
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, answerphone said:

In regards to possibly moving to Utah, I'm thinking of one huge factor... Don't uproot those kids! It appears they're now established in the Las Vegas schools and undoubtedly have new friends.  They went to all that work to acquire the cul-de-sac homes, which seems ideal as long as they can afford to live in that manner.

Oh Koduche is waiting for all the homes to fold up.  then he will come crawling back to Utah with his tail tuck between his legs.  Kudos to Meri.  She has somewhere to go. The others - not so much. 

  • Love 4

Several posters mentioned that in Season One, the wives appeared to get along much better.  I believe that was all smoke and mirrors.  Years earlier, Janelle left the family and had to be coaxed back. Christine threw a fit and walked out of the taping when Kody announced he was the one who picked Robyn’s wedding dress.  We later learned that when Kody and Robyn were on their honeymoon, Janelle refused to take his calls.  It was clear that Janelle and Christine didn’t care for Robyn.  And while Christine has since come around, to this day, it appears Janelle barely acknowledges her existence.  The fact that Kody isn’t allowed to be affectionate with one wife while in the presence of the others tells me they are all jealous and insecure but would have us believe otherwise. 

Edited by Adeejay
  • Love 16
4 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

The fact that Kody isn’t allowed to be affectionate with one wife while in the presence of the others tells me they are all jealous and insecure but would have us believe otherwise.

I'm glad he's not.  I don't think I could have stomached it if he had been hugging, kissing, holding Robyn's hand when he was all twitterpated over her.  I think that would have been so hurtful to the other wives... because I just can't even picture him being affectionate to anyone besides Robyn.

  • Love 4

I can believe Kody wants to move back to Utah but I think it’s more likely to be because because of finances. Their standard of living went up in Las Vegas and, without the show, there is no way for them to keep all four houses. I remember when they first built the houses someone, maybe on TWOP, got a copy of the loan information and I believe the houses were financed in an unconventional way which was going to cause problems later on. Maybe a balloon or the payments increase dramatically. I remember feeling stressed for them when they built those houses because I could not understand how they could keep up the payments after the show. How do they sleep at night? 

I think Utah is ultimately a cheaper place to live and Las Vegas did not end up being as wonderful and Kody thought it would be. I also think they may have thought moving back to Utah would guarantee a new season to show how everyone adjusts to being back. 

  • Love 11

I also noticed Audrey used the word "like" a zillion times. I am shocked more people have not brought that up in here. It was so "valley girl", yet it may have been her nerves being on camera for the first time?

3 hours ago, kicotan said:

I thought that Mariah and her girlfriend were cute, however, it annoys the hell out of me when grown women insert the word like in their sentences every few words.  Like, Meri like did the same like thing when she was like trying to like get to know Audrey at the like restaurant. GAH!

In Meri's house for the breakfast gathering for Mariah's girlfriends; were the foods spread out on the normal Kitchen counter OR WAS THAT ON THE WET BAR? This would be the perfect time to use it! Do they stand around eating in the kitchen or does Meri have a big table to sit at, I forget? Any bar stools? I think since Meri's house is perfect for these little "brunches" (with or without a wet bar)

  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

Several posters mentioned that in Season One, the wives appeared to get along much better.  I believe that was all smoke and mirrors.  Years earlier, Janelle left the family and had to be coaxed back. Christine threw a fit and walk out of the taping when Kody announced he was the one who picked Robyn’s wedding dress.  We later learned that when Kody and Robyn were on their honeymoon, Janelle refused to take his calls.  It was clear that Janelle and Christine didn’t care for Robyn.  And while Christine has since come around, to this day, it appears Janelle barely acknowledges her existence.  The fact that Kody isn’t allowed to be affectionate with one wife while in the presence of the others tells me they are all jealous and insecure but would have us believe otherwise. 

"Get along" and "Like each other" are two different things.  I don't think they have ever, for one moment had the sister wife "sisterhood" that they are supposed to aspire to according to what they are conditioned to believe as young children and continue to try to convince themselves (and then the viewers) over the years. Bits and pieces have emerged over the years as well as info from their book that let us all know that they have never gotten along...However, I do think that once they moved into the Lehi house with three separate living spaces that they were able to have a working relationship among themselves.  Meri free to do exactly what she wanted, Janelle being to work, work, work and not worry about the care and feeding of her children, and Christine happy as a home Mum to a large brood.  I think they lived within their heads and were able to block the jealousy out because by then there were clear rules to "no affection" in front of each other.  I'm not sure if it has been clearly stated on the show...but I've always had the impression that it was Meri who made the no affection rule, as well as the "all wives get the same piece of the family money pie" rule, no matter how many children each Mum has".  I'm sure there were plenty of everyday issues, but by the time the cameras came rolling in, they had a stable relationship with the three of them.  Robyn obviously shook things up.

I have a feeling that Christine and Janelle tip toed around Meri and watched exactly what they did and said around her.  But when you watch them on film that first season, they don't have the same stiff pent up frustration and anger around each other that came in later seasons.  Especially after the Vegas move.

The whole "we want to return to Utah to be near our church family" is interesting.  Christine has her feet pretty planted, but...she was the same way when they were "fleeing" to Vegas.  She may be someone who really can't stand that kind of change, I don't think she has ever been super emotionally stable and she swings between fake "sweet and happy" and mania.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Calibabydolly said:

I also noticed Audrey used the word "like" a zillion times. I am shocked more people have not brought that up in here. It was so "valley girl", yet it may have been her nerves being on camera for the first time?

In Meri's house for the breakfast gathering for Mariah's girlfriends; were the foods spread out on the normal Kitchen counter OR WAS THAT ON THE WET BAR? This would be the perfect time to use it! Do they stand around eating in the kitchen or does Meri have a big table to sit at, I forget? Any bar stools? I think since Meri's house is perfect for these little "brunches" (with or without a wet bar)

I think the constant use of the word "like" is associated with nerves like all the giggling.  I did notice she said "you's guys's" at one point.

  • Love 4

New here, had to create an account to talk about my favorite hate-watch/train wreck! 

When I was watching Meri and Janelle's interactions on this episode, it struck me that their relationship has probably always been so bad because that's how Meri got attention from Kody. She'd set herself up as Janelle's victim. I bet from the earliest times, she'd point out all the ways Janelle was mean to her.  It was how she could gain Kody's sympathies and lord it over Janelle.

  • Love 12
19 minutes ago, Gothish520 said:

It must really suck to be scrutinzed like that. I dare say, none of us would pass muster living under a microscope.

You choose to go on nationwide TV, you know that you'll be scrutinized;  that's the way it works.  Unless she's been living under a bushel basket, she has to know how much B level press coverage there is on the Brown Clowns.  Joining their circus makes me think she's another fame whore that will join the Grifters Club.  

And we know that it's possible to divorce yourself form this mess....Logan did.  Consenting to appearing is consenting to be scrutinized.


It just dawned on me that we sat through that extremely awkward speech Robyn gave about not being a virgin when she married Kody, when Janelle probably wasn’t either!

At least Janelle never asked for a "do over" like Sobbyn.  Another thingk that can't be undone no matter how much you pretend it can.

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Stay tuned for a two-hour, season-ending retrospective on Kody's hair...short, long, scrunched, frizzed, moussed, tousled, and spazzed...followed by an in-depth discussion/debate as each wife rhapsodizes on their preferred style - down?  Up?  Ponytail?  French braid?  During the last two minutes of the show, Paedon puts Kody in a headlock and shaves him bald.  Problem solved, no therapy needed.

Wouldn't that be the best?  I'm already liking Paedon so much, because of the upcoming episode where he tells Kody he's not going to the polygamy march thing.

Shave him bald!  Kody and that over bleached, over greasy and shitty looking hair, someone needs to just take the bull by the balls, and get rid of that ugly hair.

  • Love 11
20 minutes ago, Fredriqua said:

New here, had to create an account to talk about my favorite hate-watch/train wreck! 

When I was watching Meri and Janelle's interactions on this episode, it struck me that their relationship has probably always been so bad because that's how Meri got attention from Kody. She'd set herself up as Janelle's victim. I bet from the earliest times, she'd point out all the ways Janelle was mean to her.  It was how she could gain Kody's sympathies and lord it over Janelle.

You might want to read their book.  They have only touched on the issues with Meri and Janelle and it's been discussed a lot over the years, but basically Meri had Kody to herself for three years and Janelle was married to Meri's brother, divorced the brother (they were mainstream LDS) and Janelle wanted Kody pretty bad and "saw the light" on living the principle so she could have the man she wanted, even though he was already married.  Kody and Janelle became close friends and even had secret lunch meets without Meri knowing and Janelle enters the family...Kody sucked at leading his family and they didn't get off to a great start with lots of household bickering to the point that Janelle felt abused.  Meri got Kody's attention because she was super physical and clingy with him.  Janelles part in the book talked about feeling shut out while Meri and Kody cuddled on the couch together and Meri would quit jobs to travel with him.  To add to it, in all that time Meri never became pregnant, yet as soon as Janelle entered the family she was quickly pregnant and of course giving Kody his dream first born son...who became probably the favorite child of the brood.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Gothish520 said:

How crappy it must be to have to apologize for everything you do because people just expect everyone to be perfect. It must really suck to be scrutinzed like that. I dare say, none of us would pass muster living under a microscope.

Yeah but... they asked for it. 

Mariah is educated and applying for graduate school and hopefully wants to be taken seriously.

like, talking to someone, like in real life, like, even if it is filmed, like, will be a testament to your education and like, thrown out there on like, social media because, like, you know your family is like under a miscroscope so like why wouldn't you like either be the like best like example of their like success or like....opt out.

Edited by kicotan
  • Love 8
4 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

It makes perfect sense that a polygamist family would have more cars than a monogamous one. More adults, more teenagers, more cars. Right off the bat, there's five parents instead of the usual two (or one). Add in the more-than-usual amount of teenagers, and there you go.

I get that more people means more cars but she specifically made it seem like it had something to do with being a polygamous family  

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Gothish520 said:

How crappy it must be to have to apologize for everything you do because people just expect everyone to be perfect. It must really suck to be scrutinzed like that. I dare say, none of us would pass muster living under a microscope.

True.  But we don't get the big paychecks that go with the scrutiny.  There is a price to pay if you put your life on public display.  I'll stay private and poor!

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, Adeejay said:

The fact that Kody isn’t allowed to be affectionate with one wife while in the presence of the others tells me they are all jealous and insecure but would have us believe otherwise. 

I'm actually okay with this little "rule" - although according to the book, as Roslyn mentioned above, Meri apparently was very affectionate and cuddly with Kody - maybe the rule came about because of that, or maybe Meri made the rule after Kody started being more affectionate to others and couldn't stand it - that's all speculation on my part, I admit that.

But while I certainly do think this lifestyle is pretty nuts and definitely not for me, I think if you're going to try to live this way, this is a smart rule. You have plenty of time to be snuggly and touchy feely when it's your night with the husband (gross - your scheduled night - ugh). I know it's kind of a "burying your head in the sand" sort of thing, but who needs to see him being affectionate with the other wives? It's one thing to know it's happening when you're not around, it's another thing entirely to SEE it.

I think in the interest of trying to keep jealousy and insecurity to a minimum, this is the way to go. When I see other polygamist families on tv being very openly affectionate in front of each other, I kind of cringe. Yes, Wife A knows you hold hands, kiss, etc with Wife B (and more) but you don't need to shove it in each other's faces.

And, now that I've stated this, I will fully admit that it's still weird, it's still not anything I would ever choose, and each family probably works out their own deal on how this will work. Maybe it actually wouldn't bother some wives. But I think the fact that the Browns have pretty much said that it was hard seeing Kody on camera with the other wives shows that they need this rule.

I think, with this bunch especially, it would just be one more way to passive aggressively "stick it" to another wife. And Kody ABSOLUTELY does not have the intelligence to keep it within a reasonable limit...he'd be hanging all over Robyn, as someone above stated. (Puke, barf, gag....why doesn't my recliner come with an air sickness bag!!!)

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

You choose to go on nationwide TV, you know that you'll be scrutinized;  that's the way it works.  Unless she's been living under a bushel basket, she has to know how much B level press coverage there is on the Brown Clowns.  

That's all well and good, but saying "like" a few times doesn't mean she deserves to be publicly shamed. She came across as a very nice girl and has done nothing to deserve being called names.

Edited by Gothish520
  • Love 6
6 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

It makes perfect sense that a polygamist family would have more cars than a monogamous one. More adults, more teenagers, more cars. Right off the bat, there's five parents instead of the usual two (or one). Add in the more-than-usual amount of teenagers, and there you go.


Janelle didn’t qualify it at all and she should have.  What if you have a bunch of sister wives like Meri who don’t pop out a bunch of kids vs. the Duggars? It isn’t really about polygamy but rather over-reproducing. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, mrs ra said:

I get that more people means more cars but she specifically made it seem like it had something to do with being a polygamous family  

Polygamist families have more parents and more teenagers.

7 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

Janelle didn’t qualify it at all and she should have.  What if you have a bunch of sister wives like Meri who don’t pop out a bunch of kids vs. the Duggars? It isn’t really about polygamy but rather over-reproducing. 


I completely took it to mean that bigger families have more cars. I dont know how else to take it, actually. I don't watch the Duggars, but they are certainly not the average sized American family. 

Edited by Gothish520
  • Love 2

I have spent time in Utah with a family member who lived there.  She pointed out polygamist neighborhoods where the houses were built like several houses attached as one. I don’t know if they stayed under the radar, but it didn’t seem to be much of a secret. This was in the area where the Browns lived and not FLDS. 

I will never understand how 4 women can share a penis but not a kitchen. 

I may be the only one, but I thought Robyn was trying hard to compose her face at first when told that Meri and Janelle would be going to the March. For once, she wasn’t in on something.  

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, Adeejay said:

The fact that Kody isn’t allowed to be affectionate with one wife while in the presence of the others tells me they are all jealous and insecure but would have us believe otherwise. 

So I had to sit and think about this for a bit.  I have to say, while it will not be the norm, that if in an alternate universe I decided to share my husband in a poly situation, centered around him, I would definitely want him to show mild affection to all of his partners in a group setting.  AKA - he comes in from work, NOT KODY, and is excited to see his kids and wives or wife and husband  (it's an new universe) and gives each of his partners a hug and maybe a quick kiss while asking them how their day was. Of course he's gorgeous, successful, has a Scottish/Irish/British accent, gorgeous hair, athletic, involved in his kids lives, loves animals and loves making our property into a successful and wonderful homestead.  Did I mention NOT KODY?  I think that keeping the, I can only show affection when behind closed doors thing,  is off putting for not only the adults but that it might show the children affection is something private.  Perhaps that's why 2 of the girls, so far, have had quick marriages.  They married guys that are willing to show them affection in public or in a home setting that isn't behind closed doors.  I know it's not a normal idea, but putting it out there.

  • Love 3

In my opinion I don't think Meri is cut out for polygamy. I think due to her family and how she was raised its really all she knew, and she went into it when she was very young.

Look at the Brown children, when they lived a more restrictive life back in Utah, one of the children who was adamant that she was going to marry into a polygamous culture was Mariah. Once they moved and had exposure to other cultures, and ways of thinking, they found their true selves. 

I think Meri got exposure to new friends, and realized she really wasn't happy living polygamy. I mean she got catfished but she believed she was going to leave to be in a monogamous relationship with a man.

We all see she's checked out, openly stated she wasn't going to raise the other children, and is now doing her own thing with the bed and breakfast.

Even the other children comment she's not really there when she's attending family events. I just really believe she's over the whole polygamy thing.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, DragonFaerie said:

Perhaps Gwen and Ysabel should look into community college classes for auto repair?  They would have a skill set, a job and could enter the military with a good skill set and get make their own lives???? - based on all the dead cars in the cul de sac.  

I think Axel James Brush, once he gets a bit older, would be wise to follow in the footsteps of his aunts.  He is clearly the chosen one of the next generation for the role of Brown family mechanic.

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On ‎2‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 12:23 AM, RedheadZombie said:

I really couldn't handle Caleb's passive-aggressive bullshit.  Yes Caleb, it's pathetic that you're thirty years old and living off of your in-laws.  And it's pathetic that you wasted ten years you could have been getting your degree before Maddie came along.  It's also unfortunate that you both decided to have a baby you weren't ready for.   Clearly moving back home is Maddie's doing and he passively allows it - look how he allowed Kody to handle all of his move.  If it were up to Caleb, they would never have gotten there.  But Caleb, you're a grown man.  How pathetic to use a health scare to manipulate things, and how horrible to let Maddie think that Caleb's a ticking time bomb, about to drop dead at any minute.

PEs are serious, and they are life threatening.  But Caleb's was diagnosed and it's resolved.  There's no reason to believe it's going to happen again unless he has a clotting disorder.  If he was diagnosed with a clotting disorder he will be on an anticoagulant, and he will be monitored.  Hundreds of thousands of people have this problem and go on with their lives in a productive manner, without running back home to be cared for by parents.  Pregnant women get PEs and yet manage to have and care for their babies, as well as go back to work after maternity leave.

It still amuses me that so many always cited Maddie as their favorite and most likely to succeed in life.  She's married as a teenager, knocked up soon after, gone to three different colleges, and back living at home by the age of twenty.  My hope is for Aspyn, but we shall see.

And speaking of poor Aspyn, she apparently doesn't even register in Kody's mind.  Mariah was his second . . . . except that was Aspyn.  That girl is used by everyone, and it looks like she had to go haul Maddie's ass to Las Vegas, too.

He will be on an anticoagulant for quite a while. It could happen again as it happened before that does increase the risk of reoccurrence. 

Edited by Higgins
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