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S09.E04: Meri's Crazy Idea

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21 minutes ago, kassa said:

I'm going to go out on a limb, though, and guess that it's the full time job your friend has that qualified her for the mortgage, even if she uses her LR money to pay the mortgage. Meri's already carrying a mortgage on her television money (I presume), and has no other job.


I'm not a banker or loan expert but my question would be regarding the stability of the LLR income. How much longer is the market for these clothes going to remain profitable? To me, LLR is a fad and thus transient and can't be relied upon to pay a mortgage for 10-30 years. 

  • Love 15
5 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

I'm not a banker or loan expert but my question would be regarding the stability of the LLR income. How much longer is the market for these clothes going to remain profitable? To me, LLR is a fad and thus transient and can't be relied upon to pay a mortgage for 10-30 years. 

I agree, and the same would apply to their TLC income, that's only as stable as the preceding years ratings.

  • Love 6

Tony must resemble a lot of people, because he looks almost identical to a friend of mine from high school.  We remained friends, up until he died in his 30's.  (VERY tragic and sad story, so I won't go there.)  But, the resemblance is amazing to my friend.  Their personalities are completely different though.  

And, Meri resembles a friend that I had years ago too.  Even their voice and personalities are similar.  ODD.  I sometimes wonder if she ever has people tell her that.  We don't run in the same circles anymore. I bet it must feel odd to be approached and told over and over that you look and act just like Meri Brown on Sister Wives! lol

  • Love 2
On 1/29/2018 at 8:15 AM, ghoulina said:

There was ONE bright, shining part in all the wedding preparations though; Gwendolyn trolling everyone by writing phrases like "so dirty" and "you look good in those pants" on the frisbees.

Come sit next to me, Gwen, we're going to be really good friends.  I hope she's the one that writes the tell-all book.

Gotta love Christine who basically says,"You want us to buy a house for your mother while you do jack shit?  Pound sand, Meri."


When they were cutting the paper hearts out of the book for guests to throw I thought oh I’m sure the Bloomington Country Club and it’s members would love to have their grounds covered in trashy hearts from this clusterfuck of a wedding!

No worries, the way that wind was blowing, all that shit probably blew back to Las Vegas.

Edited by Angeltoes
  • Love 14

Things I noticed during this episode.

Robyn reassuring her son, that daddy was going to be there in Utah, even though she wasn't going till later. I think it's really telling, that she wasn't like your other mom, Christine, or your brothers and sisters will be there, nope just daddy Kody. These families are so divided, and nobody sees them as one giant family.

None of the Sister Wives helped with the making of the flowers. And I only saw Christine at the rehearsal. Did any of them do anything for this wedding, besides dancing to I will survive?

Mykelti wants an outside wedding, even though everyone knows it going to be cold. Okay, fine, but couldn't she at least have picked out a shawl or cute shrug for her bridesmaids to wear? I love that Tony gives her a jacket, meanwhile all of her bridesmaids in short sleeves are just freezing over on the side.

  • Love 10
On 1/28/2018 at 6:34 PM, trimthatfat said:

Are we sure Mykelti really isn't Meri's child? This insistence on having an outdoor wedding in December when the weather is cold reeks of 'I want what I want and you better give me what I want'. 

The wedding really made me nuts.  Maybe YOU want your wedding outside but the guests, you know the ones that are gonna give you stuff, do NOT want to be cold, blown around, and stomping through mud FFS.  Yes, it is your wedding but making your guests comfy is important.  They really are clueless dumbshits.  

I wrote about a wedding I went to nearly 2 years ago that was outside (ok, it wasn't super chilly) but there were no chairs.  None.  Most of us were older than 40 there standing on uneven grass.  The grandmother did make someone go in and bring out the couch for her and her sister (both women were in the 300lb range and over 70, NO they were NOT going to stand) but the rest of us schlubs stood around for over 2 hours (also not planned well).  The bride and groom from my wedding remind me of this pair.  Rude, entitled, and not working with their full faculties (imho).

  • Love 19
19 hours ago, RoxieRambles said:

Yes! And there was this weird, curtained off area with stuff stacked up. It took me awhile to learn less is more tho. I thought that about the pawn shop guys house too! It was a beautiful house but so much stuff everywhere.

I spent more of the episode trying to figured out what that curtained off area was than paying attention to the wedding prep. 

25 minutes ago, Angeltoes said:

Come sit next to me, Gwen, we're going to be really good friends.  I hope she's the one that writes the tell-all book.

YES!!!! Her tell all book would be amazing. Barring Mykelti (who I think is actually Meri's), Christine's kids are either hilarious or super sweet. 


20 minutes ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

None of the Sister Wives helped with the making of the flowers. And I only saw Christine at the rehearsal. Did any of them do anything for this wedding, besides dancing to I will survive?

I agree with your overall point, but I don't blame a single one of them for shirking that horrible flower duty. I'd write my kid out of the will for insisting on that fuckery. 

  • Love 12
On 1/28/2018 at 7:04 PM, VedaPierce said:

Mykelty is a big, stupid, selfish fool! She doesn't care about making people freeze for "her day"??? What an asshole!!!! I would be FURIOUS if my thoughtless niece dragged me and my 2 little babies, and 3 older children, all with colds, outside in the freezing, raining, horrid day. All because she has some childish vision of what her tacky-ass wedding should be like. Her sitting on the couch and proclaiming, "I don't care, it's my day" made me detest her. Your guests' comfort should come first at any invited gathering, you stupid moron!! Ugh! She deserves every little bit of what she gets with FT. And hopefully she gets plenty.

Sing it Veda Pierce!  If my kids (don't have any) were sick I would have kept them inside.  Not gonna make them sicker because the bride/groom are dumb AF.

On 1/28/2018 at 7:50 PM, cereality said:

They plan a Dec wedding outside in the desert and are shocked that it's cold?? WTH? And so what if it's normally 50 and now it's unexpectedly 40. Is 50 supposed to be comfortable outdoor wedding weather??

Why the heck didn't they get married indoors with the Christmas theme -- red/white type of colors or blue/white/silver (little more Hannaukah-ish in colors but also reminiscent of snow/winter generally) kind of colors? I've seen both done quite elegantly around Christmas time and both times it was done by young/underemployed/just starting out couples just like T&M bc then you're paying nothing for decorations bc most places are already decked out for the holidays and let you use their existing décor. All you have to provide is your own bouquet, bridal bouquet, and boutonnieres and that's literally it. 

They could have at least brought out heaters!  Oh yeah, it had been rainy.  50 is not warm.  Never has been, never will be.  Unless they were providing every guest with a parka that they get to keep, they have no manners nor common sense.  My gift to them would have come home with me.  

  • Love 10
30 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Sing it Veda Pierce!  If my kids (don't have any) were sick I would have kept them inside.  Not gonna make them sicker because the bride/groom are dumb AF.

They could have at least brought out heaters!  Oh yeah, it had been rainy.  50 is not warm.  Never has been, never will be.  Unless they were providing every guest with a parka that they get to keep, they have no manners nor common sense.  My gift to them would have come home with me.  

My cousin got married 25 years ago in April - here in the Northeast, April could be warm, but it's more likely to be on the chillier side. The ceremony and reception were indoors, so that was great, but...she insisted on having pictures taken outside, on a cold and very windy day. And the bridesmaids were in just-below-the-knee, flutter-sleeved, thin polyester jacquard print pale yellow dresses. The only saving grace - we were wearing elbow-length white satin gloves. At least our hands and forearms were warm!

Edited by Gothish520
  • Love 4
On 1/29/2018 at 5:15 AM, ghoulina said:

These episodes are way too long. They could have cut the wedding shit in half. It's just all so fecking stupid. 

Domestic violence pinatas? Frisbee toss during the recession? Are they all getting high out there in Nevada?

And those fucking flowers. SEVEN THOUSAND flowers. I don't blame any of them for shirking that duty. Fuck that. Well, except Tony. Tony wants to have an opinion about EVERYTHING....but he doesn't want to help? Nah, get your lumpy ass to work sewing some flowers. If you want to whine like a little child that your fiance isn't paying enough attention to you, you can help her finish the job. Ass. 

Then there's Christine's singing. I'm still not convinced that Mykelti wasn't punking her with that request. Actually, she sounded a tiny bit better when she first started with that guitarist. But then it was all, "I'm used to a much higher key". Yea, but you can't handle the higher key!!! She should have adjusted to him, not the other way around. And what really kills me is all the wives propping up this idea that Christine is a great singer. "She's sang in choirs all her life". Yea, so has the little, old lady down the street. Doesn't mean anyone's giving her a solo in Les Mis. 

But the worst, the absolute worst idea of this God-forsaken wedding, is Mykelti's insistence on having it outdoors. In December. With no backup plan. Most brides who want an outdoor wedding have a backup plan. My sister got married on the beach in July, but they had plans to move to entire wedding to the reception venue if it rained. I get that where they live it isn't usually that cold or wet in December, but still. Backup plan. But no, spoiled little Mykelti is all, "It's my day, people can just freeze their asses off." And judging by the previews, they do. 

There was ONE bright, shining part in all the wedding preparations though; Gwendolyn trolling everyone by writing phrases like "so dirty" and "you look good in those pants" on the frisbees. That kid is gonna go far. 


But poor Ysabel. Such severe scoliosis. I felt so awful for her when she was crying about how it hurt. I really really hope this brace works and she doesn't need surgery. 


Then we have Meri and her fucking house. She really is something, isn't she? A few weeks back she initially brings up the idea in a totally different way. "You guys, remember that house my family once owned in Para-whatever? Well, it's a B&B now and the owner's looking to sell! We could buy it and keep running it. That way the house is back in the family AND we're generating more income. Oh, and Christine's mom has agreed to run it, so I don't even have to be away from the family more than the 350 days a year I already am." 

Cut to the present - "Annie who? MY mom wants to live in it. It was her family home after all. But hell no, she can't run a B&B. You guys just buy the house and she can live in it. K? Thanks, bye!" 

And then she feebly throws it out there that her dumbass Lularoe "business" can probably eventually maybe some day cover the mortgage payment. Hahahahahhaa, yea right! 

I loved all the various reactions. Jenelle and Robyn were trying to be diplomatic, but Christine just threw it all out there. And Kody looked like he wanted to laugh that bitch right out of the cul de sac. 

It's all moot, though, right? Isn't the currently "running" it as a B&B? So I guess they all shot her down for real. Good. She's a spoiled idiot. 

That was HILARIOUS!  This whole wedding made me grumpy (if my posts have not made it clear!) and I would not react well if I got a frisbee to the noggin.  It is also pretty dangerous if someone got one in the eye or whacked a little kid in the head.  Not that experienced with kids but aren't their heads kinda soft for awhile?  

Meri, Meri, Meri.  What can I say?  Selfish and really pushing it.  I am glad that Christine has no filter.  

  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

That was HILARIOUS!  This whole wedding made me grumpy (if my posts have not made it clear!) and I would not react well if I got a frisbee to the noggin.  It is also pretty dangerous if someone got one in the eye or whacked a little kid in the head.  Not that experienced with kids but aren't their heads kinda soft for awhile?  

Meri, Meri, Meri.  What can I say?  Selfish and really pushing it.  I am glad that Christine has no filter.  

The frisbees were pretty small, I don't think they would hurt any heads, but if they were thrown hard enough (some groomsman goofing around for example) I suppose it might damage an eye or chip a tooth?   I am guessing that a LOT of the wedding guests were hit by a frisbee.  It's inevitable!  I am curious to see if ANY kids got a turn at the pinata.  FT was SO adamant that only HE was going to bash the bride to bits with a stick - and he said more than once that he was going to do it before their little Mexican ditty was over - so I don't think he shares/takes turns very well.   I have no doubt no one got a turn on the bride pinata.  Maybe the groom.   HEY!!  I wonder if FT scrounged around in the mud grasping at all the little Mexican candies that fell out?  That would be a sight to see!  (Looking forward to Feb.11th now!)  Maybe THAT'S why he wore jeans and tennis shoes to his own wedding!    :::::Beams cuz I'm so smart:::::

  • Love 11
On 1/29/2018 at 7:46 AM, ChicksDigScars said:

More FT damage control. Even these idiots know how bad he looks, and are constantly trying to justify the fact that their daughter forced him into their already odd ball family.  Hey, Kody, think of it this way. FT makes the rest of you seem normal and somewhat palatable. 




Holy crap. SO DID MINE. Stood up, stared at the teevy with her ears perked up, and began barking. LOUDLY. I think she was trying to spare my ears the torture. 

If they saved thousands then they don't value their own time.  I could see doing 100 flowers.  But 7000?  And they looked terrible?  If someone asked me to do that I would think they were punking me.  I am NOT working harder on your stupid decorations than you own fucking soon to be husband.  Put THAT in your fucking pinata!

  • Love 11
On 1/29/2018 at 8:49 AM, trimthatfat said:

Forgive me as I am not the seasoned singer that Christine is, but why was she singing so high when the guitarist kept lowering the note? I think he was hinting that they'd sound awful if she sang so high. 

Also, Robyn was well within her rights to say she wasn't going to the wedding if all of her kids were sick. The preview of her sitting in the cold with her baby bundled up pissed me off. Kody should have put his foot down when they realized the weather was getting worse, not better. The venue seemed to have glass views of the entire property so why was an outdoor wedding even necessary? Mykelti is selfish.

My guess?  The venue wouldn't accommodate that many people at one time.  If the cap is 300, you can't really go higher.  The 300 includes all staff working the event in the space.  Unless it really does hold 400 but from what I could see it wouldn't hold 400 chairs.

On 1/29/2018 at 9:05 AM, TurtlePower said:

The dyed black hair isn't doing her any favors. 

Neither are her Mr. Potato Head  eyebrows.  

On 1/29/2018 at 9:22 AM, Madding crowd said:

I'm guessing the whole story line with Meri was made up . I know her mom probably does live in the B and B but the wives TH's all sounded like it was read off a script. Kody wants to pretend Meri is still with the family to keep up appearances. 

I hated the flowers and Mykelti acted like she didn't even care her mother made her such a special thing. Sorry everyone but I still can't stand Christine. I think she is nutty and not in a good way. And how did they match up a guitar player with a woman who sings at the dog whistle level? No guitar could accompany such a high voice. My biggest annoyance this year is how we already know how every single thing turns out due to social media, so what is the point?

Christine reminded me of the little bit I saw of Florence Foster Jenkins!

  • Love 5
44 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

The frisbees were pretty small, I don't think they would hurt any heads, but if they were thrown hard enough (some groomsman goofing around for example) I suppose it might damage an eye or chip a tooth?   I am guessing that a LOT of the wedding guests were hit by a frisbee.  It's inevitable!  I am curious to see if ANY kids got a turn at the pinata.  FT was SO adamant that only HE was going to bash the bride to bits with a stick - and he said more than once that he was going to do it before their little Mexican ditty was over - so I don't think he shares/takes turns very well.   I have no doubt no one got a turn on the bride pinata.  Maybe the groom.   HEY!!  I wonder if FT scrounged around in the mud grasping at all the little Mexican candies that fell out?  That would be a sight to see!  (Looking forward to Feb.11th now!)  Maybe THAT'S why he wore jeans and tennis shoes to his own wedding!    :::::Beams cuz I'm so smart:::::

If I’m already freezing ass cold and I get pelted in the face with a frisbee, one best believe that I’m going to cut someone. When you’re THAT cold and something hits you it feels like your bones are made of glass and it throbs a thousand times harder. Nope, I’d go to jail. 

Edited by FakeJoshDuggar
  • Love 17
23 hours ago, gunderda said:

I have just started using an eyebrow pencil and these people make me super paranoid that I look like an idiot every day.  But I at least have eyebrows to follow as a guide..they're just light so you can't see them very well without. this crew went a bit plucking crazy!

As someone with PALE eyebrows I like the Maybelline color crayon.  

I think bad eyebrows is a Brown family trait.  

  • Love 5
18 hours ago, LilWharveyGal said:


Christine is driving to St. George where she'll have a manicure with Mykelti, Aspyn, Maria, and Tony's sisters.  At the salon, Mykelti is asking for matte maroon nail polish.  Christine hugs everybody and voiceovers that she's learned how to say, "Where is the bathroom?" in Spanish for the occasion.  Good thinking, Christine.  I know I'd need to plan a place to throw up if I were around Tony.  In the salon, Mykelti says that she's feeling good about the wedding prep but that Tony is stressing.  "Is he worryingk about marryingk you?" asks Christine.  Aspyn mentions that Tony and Mykelti got in a fight last night over the wedding flowers.  The family has been making 7,000 fabric petals to make into bouquets and it's been a lot of work, but neither Kody nor Tony have helped.  Aspyn explains that she may have instigated the fight by asking Tony to help, but that Tony was really pissing her off.  Christine repeats the story to Maria who needs one of Tony's sisters to interpret.  Christine thinks that bickering between a couple is healthy.  Mykelti's nails are done and she voiceovers that she's so ready and excited for the wedding.


WHAT IS WITH THIS TREND???!!!   Sorry I yelled.  When did this go from a silent 'g' to a hard 'g'?  I notice it a lot these days and it makes me stabby.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

I want to know if Kody spends the night or any time at all at Meri's. I suspect she only sees him at the family gatherings where she does {decide to} get the memo.

I don't think so. The way he talked to her about visiting the B&B, there was no chemistry or suggestion of intimacy. They looked like two classmates forced to work together on a group project.

  • Love 17

I follow Meri on Lularoe because I was just curious.

Other retailers are fun and friendly, she on the other hand, not so much!

She basically yells at people for asking questions and has confusing sorting system. She has the room in her house to have a large inventory so she does well. I think she makes a lot of money off it thought because she has the outlet and wears that shit ALL the time on the show. 

  • Love 3

Mykelti had her eyebrows microbladed, no way is a pencil or powder going to give you that perfect a shape.  Unfortunately for her they look ridiculous.    I don't know what's more distracting in their TH - her eyebrows or FT's hair.  Did he get a perm??

Christines singing automatically requires a unlimited free bar at the reception. 

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I spent more of the episode trying to figured out what that curtained off area was than paying attention to the wedding prep. 

I think it was a storage area for junk but since FT is "in banking" he probably calls it his study.  They have an awful lot of stuff for their age.  It's going to be interesting to see what the Entitlement Twins do for money in the future.  Raising a family on two low level jobs isn't easy (no way do I think FT is in "management" LOL!)

  • Love 8
42 minutes ago, riverblue22 said:

I think it was a storage area for junk but since FT is "in banking" he probably calls it his study.  They have an awful lot of stuff for their age.  It's going to be interesting to see what the Entitlement Twins do for money in the future.  Raising a family on two low level jobs isn't easy (no way do I think FT is in "management" LOL!)

It's probably a bunch of pawn shop reject merchandise. 

37 minutes ago, SL16 said:

I just want to say that Meri's selfishness knows no bounds. Poor Ysabel may need spinal surgery yet Meri wants the family to spend money on another huge empty house. This woman makes me so angry I can hardly see straight. She really does not care about anyone but herself.

Exactly! I'm sure she is trying to set herself up for her big escape but come on!? You signed up to help raise and support all of these children. I really do hope the younger ones get the option to have these expensive weddings, parties and college educations! Before all the SW money runs out.

Edited by RoxieRambles
  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

If they saved thousands then they don't value their own time.  I could see doing 100 flowers.  But 7000?  And they looked terrible?  If someone asked me to do that I would think they were punking me.  I am NOT working harder on your stupid decorations than you own fucking soon to be husband.  Put THAT in your fucking pinata!

I am reminded of the Big Bang Theory episode where Penny has to make a huge order of Penny Blossoms, and made no money on it because they take too freaking long.

  • Love 7

How old are Mykelti and FT? Are they just so young that they don't realize that their wedding is shaping up to be a train wreck? I think that both sets of parents are disgraceful for not putting the brakes on this thing and steering these two idiots in a sane direction with their wedding.

Meri is a hideous human being. I never thought that I would say these words, but I think that she's worse than Robyn. She's so very selfish and self absorbed. She's sickening.

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, jactv said:

I follow Meri on Lularoe because I was just curious.

Other retailers are fun and friendly, she on the other hand, not so much!

She basically yells at people for asking questions and has confusing sorting system. She has the room in her house to have a large inventory so she does well. I think she makes a lot of money off it thought because she has the outlet and wears that shit ALL the time on the show. 

I would just as soon walk around in FLDS prairie garb than to buy anything from that selfish, ungrateful, whiny bitch.  Her sycophant army have to be a bunch of brainless twits that have a masochistic streak.  She is rude, crude, and socially unattractive (and I'm being nice today.)

  • Love 12
11 minutes ago, Libby said:

How old are Mykelti and FT? Are they just so young that they don't realize that their wedding is shaping up to be a train wreck? I think that both sets of parents are disgraceful for not putting the brakes on this thing and steering these two idiots in a sane direction with their wedding.


Look what Mykelti has grown up with - chaos, a flood of tacky celebrations.   Remember the stress Janelle went through over "helping" Meri with the Thanksgiving decorations, that amounted to a bunch of painted tin cans/fake flowers?    So, tacos for 400, pinatas, frisbees and a wedding in the wind/rain/cold seems perfectly acceptable.   There are no adults, just a bunch of disfunctional lame brains.

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

WHAT IS WITH THIS TREND???!!!   Sorry I yelled.  When did this go from a silent 'g' to a hard 'g'?  I notice it a lot these days and it makes me stabby.

I can’t stand the letter T being omitted in the middle of words. How do you like my adorable tabby kih-en? Your shirt is unbuh-ened. ARGH! Though I will admit to swingin’ with the locals in pronouncing Renton, Washington as “Rehn-uhn.”

  • Love 10
11 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

Look what Mykelti has grown up with - chaos, a flood of tacky celebrations.   Remember the stress Janelle went through over "helping" Meri with the Thanksgiving decorations, that amounted to a bunch of painted tin cans/fake flowers?    So, tacos for 400, pinatas, frisbees and a wedding in the wind/rain/cold seems perfectly acceptable.   There are no adults, just a bunch of disfunctional lame brains.

Why do these people have to celebrate every little thing and even non-events? The over the top decorations for each holiday, the dumb "Vegas" celebration in the back yard with costumes, the dumb commitment ceremony which was all show and no substance, and that stupid stupid stupid mission statement. Why do families need a mission statement anyway? Isn't your mission as a family simply to be a family and to love and support one another? It's really not much more complicated than that.

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

I can’t stand the letter T being omitted in the middle of words

Or replaced with a D.  How do you like my new kidden?  He's so liddle!

21 minutes ago, SL16 said:

Why do these people have to celebrate every little thing and even non-events?

Because there are absolutely no story lines for this train wreck so they have to do something to stay on the air.  They are the most boring bunch of people on earth so painting cans is deigned to be a highlight.

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Because there are absolutely no story lines for this train wreck so they have to do something to stay on the air.  They are the most boring bunch of people on earth so painting cans is deigned to be a highlight.

My big celebration for the upcoming Valentine's Day holiday is to hang a Valentine themed welcome sign on my door. Maybe I should have a reality TV show.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, SL16 said:

Why do these people have to celebrate every little thing and even non-events? The over the top decorations for each holiday, the dumb "Vegas" celebration in the back yard with costumes, the dumb commitment ceremony which was all show and no substance, and that stupid stupid stupid mission statement. Why do families need a mission statement anyway? Isn't your mission as a family simply to be a family and to love and support one another? It's really not much more complicated than that.

Storylines........without these magical milestone events, we would have looong episodes of Meri intently texting while ignoring the rest of the world, Robyn nursing baby Ari while being Commander in Chief of family, Christine letting off steam by running around house in a frenzy, Janelle dozing on chair and Kody...just being Kody.

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

I can’t stand the letter T being omitted in the middle of words. How do you like my adorable tabby kih-en? Your shirt is unbuh-ened. ARGH! Though I will admit to swingin’ with the locals in pronouncing Renton, Washington as “Rehn-uhn.”

My pet peeve is people that pronounce Washington with an R.  It's not Warshington!  Most offenders live there, too, as do I.  Or "I have to go warsh my hands."  Makes me nutty.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Kyanight said:

It's the first rule of polygamist religion.   "Thou must name thy child a name with bizarro spelling".

I think it's a Mormon/Utah thing, too. There's an online Mormon Name Generator and a Utah Name Generator. Odd names and lots of "Y's"


The Utah Rules 


Christine seems particularly fond of that letter, at least for her girls.  Aspyn, Mykelti, Ysabel, Gwendolyn, Truley. I'm actually surprised she didn't spell Paedon with a Y.  Like Paydon. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
  • Love 8

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