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S07.E10: Fertile Myrtle


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18 hours ago, jayfay said:

my first thought when I heard about Amber's pregnancy was that Matt was the baby daddy

Maybe that was Matt's first thought, too, and that's why he hasn't made any grand gestures to get back into Amber's life and house.  Babies are like a bottle of Matt-Baier-Repellent.

17 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I LOVED how Jen called Hudson “Huddles!”  So cute.

I wish Jen was my Mimi! (I'll pass on the rest of the family, though.)

13 hours ago, Bridget said:

Zero snark aside, I have seen the same thing: Ryan really loves that dog. Really, really, really loves that dog. Maybe the dog would be eligible to serve as his emotional support animal when Ryan really does quit drugs (and stops drinking & chewing nicotine)? 

Ryan is one of those people who should have had fur babies instead of human babies. Some of us are built to be parents to fur babies, some to real babies, and some to both - and there's nothing wrong with that.  Too bad Ryan knocked up his teenage girlfriend before he figured out what category he fit into. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 16
56 minutes ago, AirQuotes said:

I'm also a member of the "my kids only get water in the car" club. lol  My oldest is 25, and it only took one tupperware sippy cup filled with milk to get lost under the seat during the summer for me to see the error of my ways!  I'm up to 5 kids now and the youngest is 3.  So far they have all survived with just water in the car.

I did hear Nova's choices and I disapproved of 2 out of 3 even if being drank in the house!  Chocolate milk, juice, or Dr Pepper were on the menu and they only one I would ok is the juice. It would be diluted with some water.  Kids do not need that much sugar!  And anything with caffeine for a 3 year old is a hard NO.

I couldn't imagine giving my kids caffeine.  They're cracked out on a normal day, they'd likely spontaneously combust with actual caffeine in their systems!

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, AirQuotes said:

I'm also a member of the "my kids only get water in the car" club. lol  My oldest is 25, and it only took one tupperware sippy cup filled with milk to get lost under the seat during the summer for me to see the error of my ways!  I'm up to 5 kids now and the youngest is 3.  So far they have all survived with just water in the car.

I did hear Nova's choices and I disapproved of 2 out of 3 even if being drank in the house!  Chocolate milk, juice, or Dr Pepper were on the menu and they only one I would ok is the juice. It would be diluted with some water.  Kids do not need that much sugar!  And anything with caffeine for a 3 year old is a hard NO.

I cannot wrap my head around people giving their kids sugary drinks.  I guess for a special occasion or whatever, but pop should never enter the equation for a kid.  My kids get orange juice (half water) on the weekends as a treat and they have to drink it at the table.  We were out for breakfast last weekend and they got the real thing-oj and they were like "oh my god this is so good!!!!"  They could not figure out why the oj at home does not taste as sweet.  I played dumb.



43 minutes ago, hokeypokeyFOIA said:

1. If Matt 1.0 is the father of Amber's baby, this show will have officially blown my mind.

That's going to be one interesting situation. Will he do it* to try to find a way back onto the show? Or will it occur to him that this would also put him on the hook for even more child support that he won't/can't pay?

I've been so happy to see him exit stage left with such humiliation, but it looks now like we'll have some more months to count. That whole thing he sent Amber about "when you're done with your man your husband is ready to come home" was so creepy and stalker-ish. 


2. NuCate also gives me pause. They both need to be really careful around her. 


PS by "it" I mean demand a paternity test

Someone on twitter said something like, "if the kid comes out with no chin, greasy hair and greasy glasses, we will know it is Matt's."  HAHA!

  • Love 9
56 minutes ago, lezlers said:

I give my three year old chocolate ovaltine.  Sometimes it's the only thing I can get her to eat/drink in the morning and at least I know she's getting SOME nutrition between that and the fairlife kids milk with protein I mix it with.  *shrug*

there's nothing wrong w/that, as I'm sure that is not a choice on the table along with Dr Pepper!

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, heatherchandler said:

I cannot wrap my head around people giving their kids sugary drinks.  I guess for a special occasion or whatever, but pop should never enter the equation for a kid.  My kids get orange juice (half water) on the weekends as a treat and they have to drink it at the table.  We were out for breakfast last weekend and they got the real thing-oj and they were like "oh my god this is so good!!!!"  They could not figure out why the oj at home does not taste as sweet.  I played dumb.



Someone on twitter said something like, "if the kid comes out with no chin, greasy hair and greasy glasses, we will know it is Matt's."  HAHA!

Oh yeah if we're out to eat at a restaurant, I just ask the waitress to water down the juice.  They always nod knowingly.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, lezlers said:

I couldn't imagine giving my kids caffeine.  They're cracked out on a normal day, they'd likely spontaneously combust with actual caffeine in their systems!

when my oldest nephew was really young (maybe 3 tops) my mom gave him some pop and even I (no children) was like uhhh mom are you suppose to give little kids pop!?!? and she brushed it off.  It wasn't a bunch. And my brother was a first time dad so he probably didn't care or know and the mom wasn't in the picture. 

13 hours ago, Bridget said:

He was higher than a kite when he called Bentley on his birthday. Why didn't he FaceTime him instead, especially since he wasn't going to see him on his actual birthday? Was it because we'd see his dealer in the background or him passed out in a field of hay somewhere?

That conversation was so awkward. It reminded me more of calling an uncle who lives out of state that you only see once a year than a son talking to his father. 


3 hours ago, lezlers said:

Wow, apparently I'm the only one who actually felt Cate handled Nova's meltdown over the drink well.   My daughter throws fits like that too and when you're trying to get out the door to go somewhere, you're in survival mode.  Whatever gets them in the car.  She hugged Nova, talked to her and when they were in the car, Nova seemed perfectly happy.  She's three (well, she wasn't even three yet when this was filmed, actually).  That kind of stuff happens.  When your kid is that age, you can't die on every hill, you know?

I thought Cate's reaction was nice and appropriate. The only problem was, Tyler had just being the asshole screaming, "now you get nothing". So when Cate DID allow her a drink, it set up a situation where Nova is seeing she can play them off each other. I put it on Tyler, because his reaction was OTT, and you can't deny kids a drink. I liked how Cate got down on Nova's level and spoke softly, but firmly. 

2 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Ryan is one of those people who should have had fur babies instead of human babies.

Not cats, though. 

  • Love 12

So Mac bought herself a $10 ring? And Ryan said he was glad she didn’t go crazy and buy something “for like 100 bucks”? Oh he’s a real catch all right. 

Sophia and her wishes about not going to the wedding are ridiculous. You’re not going to have David babysit you alone for a week - it’s a wedding. You might say hi to him once or twice, but there will be other guests. And I’m not blaming the poor child, she’s so brainwashed by her mother. I can only imagine what she says about David. Farrah is not one to watch her language around a child. 

  • Love 16
5 minutes ago, EmeraldGirl said:

So Mac bought herself a $10 ring? And Ryan said he was glad she didn’t go crazy and buy something “for like 100 bucks”? Oh he’s a real catch all right. 

Sophia and her wishes about not going to the wedding are ridiculous. You’re not going to have David babysit you alone for a week - it’s a wedding. You might say hi to him once or twice, but there will be other guests. And I’m not blaming the poor child, she’s so brainwashed by her mother. I can only imagine what she says about David. Farrah is not one to watch her language around a child. 

I actually really liked how Michael explained it to Deb (although you know Deb's narcissistic ass didn't actually take it in, despite her protestations to the contrary).  Sophia saw David verbally attack and deeply upset her mother.  No child would be comfortable participating in a celebration where her grandmother, who she also loves, is marrying a person who treats both her and her mother like shit.

  • Love 12
5 minutes ago, lezlers said:

I actually really liked how Michael explained it to Deb (although you know Deb's narcissistic ass didn't actually take it in, despite her protestations to the contrary).  Sophia saw David verbally attack and deeply upset her mother.  No child would be comfortable participating in a celebration where her grandmother, who she also loves, is marrying a person who treats both her and her mother like shit.

this is just an observation.  Kids are more vocal w/their opinions than they used to be.

I remember being a child (in the 70s), and my parents drilling into my head that I Don't Speak Ill of Adults.  mind you, of *course* they were very normal and very mainstream and they wouldn't have allowed anyone to hurt me in any way, and if there was anything untoward, I'm sure they would have dealt with it.  But as a child, my obligation was to tell them about it and show up where and when they told me to.

With boy-child it was a little different, he could tell us "I don't like so-and-so, they're not nice" or whatever, but he was not to tell Auntie Whomever that he didn't like her husband or something, we were expected to attend family gatherings & keep our opinions to ourselves.  If anything out of line happened, it was ours to deal with,  not his. (and again, nothing did, thank God)

Maybe it's better now, that kids get an opinion.  Definitely.  But I can't help feeling like Soph is just being a little brat whenever she starts putting her foot down.

It's strange to see interactions that are just so far off of my interactions...but again, luckily no one in my family (that I know of...knock on wood) has dealt with anything but minor skirmishes.

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, teapot said:

this is just an observation.  Kids are more vocal w/their opinions than they used to be.

I remember being a child (in the 70s), and my parents drilling into my head that I Don't Speak Ill of Adults.  mind you, of *course* they were very normal and very mainstream and they wouldn't have allowed anyone to hurt me in any way, and if there was anything untoward, I'm sure they would have dealt with it.  But as a child, my obligation was to tell them about it and show up where and when they told me to.

With boy-child it was a little different, he could tell us "I don't like so-and-so, they're not nice" or whatever, but he was not to tell Auntie Whomever that he didn't like her husband or something, we were expected to attend family gatherings & keep our opinions to ourselves.  If anything out of line happened, it was ours to deal with,  not his. (and again, nothing did, thank God)

Maybe it's better now, that kids get an opinion.  Definitely.  But I can't help feeling like Soph is just being a little brat whenever she starts putting her foot down.

It's strange to see interactions that are just so far off of my interactions...but again, luckily no one in my family (that I know of...knock on wood) has dealt with anything but minor skirmishes.

I completely agree with you.  Hell, I was 15 when my mom married her boyfriend who was a total asshole to me and who I could not STAND.  Nevertheless, I was in her wedding and stood up there fighting back tears because I was a child and I did what I was told.   And that really is how it should be, as it's a matter of respect for your elders.  Most children grew up the same. Normal is something no one in the Abrahams crowd knows anything about, however. 

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, lezlers said:

I completely agree with you.  Hell, I was 15 when my mom married her boyfriend who was a total asshole to me and who I could not STAND.  Nevertheless, I was in her wedding and stood up there fighting back tears because I was a child and I did what I was told.   And that really is how it should be, as it's a matter of respect for your elders.  Most children grew up the same. Normal is something no one in the Abrahams crowd knows anything about, however. 

sorry about your mom's marriage, that completely sucks.  I would like to think that if I had someone in my life who my family absolutely despised, I'd heed their words and realize maybe I'm missing something there...

for example, hello, Deb, the ENTIRE VIEWING PUBLIC is definitely on Farrah & Sophia's side vs David, (and after her Vapor Trails experience, you'd think she'd say to herself, "hmmm, maybe I'm not the best judge of character here...") but I think it's just their attitude....as always!!!

  • Love 3

If Cate did indeed have a miscarriage, I feel for her. But how in the holy heck did she get Tyler to have sex with her? Did she get him drunk and rape him ala Debbie Gallagher from Shameless? These two have zero chemistry. 

I purposely avoided ever listening to Debz "rapping" and now I have heard it and it is forever ingrained in my mind. 

So did Ryan never actually buy Mac an engagement ring and that is why she is wearing a $10 ring? That she bought herself? If that's true then HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHHAAA!!!

  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, teapot said:

sorry about your mom's marriage, that completely sucks.  I would like to think that if I had someone in my life who my family absolutely despised, I'd heed their words and realize maybe I'm missing something there...

for example, hello, Deb, the ENTIRE VIEWING PUBLIC is definitely on Farrah & Sophia's side vs David, (and after her Vapor Trails experience, you'd think she'd say to herself, "hmmm, maybe I'm not the best judge of character here...") but I think it's just their attitude....as always!!!

Eh, they had been together 7 years by that point and they're still together now 25 years after their wedding.   Now he's near eighty and losing his mind and none of his biological children speak to him so it's my mom and I taking care of him.   Guess everything worked out as it was supposed to.  

Deb will NEVER admit she's wrong about ANYTHING.  That woman is all about titles and appearances (as noted on her incorrect credentials on her wedding invitation).  She bagged her a doctor so nothing else matters.

Edited by lezlers
  • Love 4
On 1/30/2018 at 3:10 AM, Calm81 said:

Catelynn stay away from New Cate. She’s collecting personal info from you while Tyler vents about life with you to her. Not cool. And when she said “that would be just my luck to be infertile” I wanted to shake my laptop. I bet a lot of infertile women loved hearing a biological mother of two complain about unfairness with fertility just after one month after taking out birth control so actively trying for under a month. SMH. Go eat your fries.


If I could have slapped Catelynn at that moment I would have. You delivered two babies.  You aren't infertile.  Bitch, please!  "I want to be done having kids by the time I'm 30!"  Your husband doesn't seem all that into you, so unless you have an immaculate conception, good luck with that.  STFU, Catelynn!!!

Edited by Marisagf
  • Love 9

It's amazing how Ryan didn't even get up off the couch once Bentley walked in. Still looks high as a kite. So much for wanting so badly to see his son. I cannot stand Mack and she is always all about drama. Looks like Jen and Larry babysat her kid while she and Ryan sat on the couch all day long. And it was just BS that they "forgot" to address Taylor, and the two younger kids on their wedding invitation. If I were Taylor I'd say no, on principle.

Regarding Farrah- Her daughter is what, like 8 ? She should not have a choice and instead just go to her grandmother's wedding. It's all the crap that Farrah keeps putting into Sophia's head.

And yes I agree with everyone else who are puzzled by the fact that Tyler actually had sex with Catelynn..(and got her pregnant).. He is clearly not attracted to her but only there because of Teen Mom and the income it generates for them.

Amber is a mess as usual. "Mom are you excited for me?" Oh ok yeah I'm sure she is after you got pregnant by some guy you barely know.

  • Love 5

I have mixed feelings on the Debra Danielson, EMBA wedding and Sophia refusing to go (when really it seems like Farrah not wanting to go and shifting blame onto Sophia).  No doubt David is a creep, and Debz OG is being relentless in the demands that Farrah and Sophia attend.   When it comes down to it, Debz OG is an adult, and she can marry whoever she wants.  No one can stop her and it is unrealistic for adults to expect to be able to dictate to other adults who they can and cannot marry.

I think as relentless as Debz OG is being with the invite that if I were Farrah it wouldn't be worth hearing all the bullshit.  I would just go to shut her up.  Just go and end the drama.  Farrah doesn't seem willing to break ties with Debz OG (which I agree would be really difficult), but as long as she is continuing a relationship then just go to the stupid wedding.  Smile.  Bite your tongue and just get it over with.

I don't think Sophia is old enough to be aware of the nuances of adult relationships.  Sure she has heard Farrah and Dr. David fighting and arguing but Farrah fights and yells with everybody.

Farrah is right to not want to go but it seems she is using Sophia as her scape goat and I don't like that.  Farrah should just bluntly say something like "David is rude and crude to me.  He touches me inappropriately and he makes me feel uncomfortable.  I'm not coming and don't ask again or I will stop speaking to you and I mean it."

But Farrah and Debz OG like to antagonize each other so I really think Farrah not wanting to attend the wedding is more about bothering Deb than anything else.

  • Love 10
23 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

If Cate did indeed have a miscarriage, I feel for her. But how in the holy heck did she get Tyler to have sex with her? Did she get him drunk and rape him ala Debbie Gallagher from Shameless? These two have zero chemistry. 

I purposely avoided ever listening to Debz "rapping" and now I have heard it and it is forever ingrained in my mind. 

So did Ryan never actually buy Mac an engagement ring and that is why she is wearing a $10 ring? That she bought herself? If that's true then HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHHAAA!!!

Here's my theory. 

There never was any sex.  That's why Tyler was adamant with the "No, you're not. No, you're not".  Not because he couldn't believe she was pregnant that fast, but because he couldn't believe she was telling that lie in front of the cameras. What can he  do at that point but play along with the tale and play the proud dad to be? 

This is where I need the timeline of the rehab jaunt.  Did the stress of the pregnancy lie get to Cate?  Only 2 ways to go with that fable.  Tyler bucks up and actually has sex with her (we know better) and they finagle the timeline with a preemie ala Phaedra Parks or they cry miscarriage and gain the sympathy of adoring fans. Let's toss in some stress and suicidal thoughts to cement the love and understanding of their adoring  fans.

Those are my tin foil thoughts.  Do what ya want with them.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, Brooklynista said:

Here's my theory. 

There never was any sex.  That's why Tyler was adamant with the "No, you're not. No, you're not".  Not because he couldn't believe she was pregnant that fast, but because he couldn't believe she was telling that lie in front of the cameras. What can he  do at that point but play along with the tale and play the proud dad to be? 

This is where I need the timeline of the rehab jaunt.  Did the stress of the pregnancy lie get to Cate?  Only 2 ways to go with that fable.  Tyler bucks up and actually has sex with her (we know better) and they finagle the timeline with a preemie ala Phaedra Parks or they cry miscarriage and gain the sympathy of adoring fans. Let's toss in some stress and suicidal thoughts to cement the love and understanding of their adoring  fans.

Those are my tin foil thoughts.  Do what ya want with them.

I could definitely buy that theory. Tyler appeared to be inwardly cringing as much as I was outwardly cringing while she was tickling her little sausage stub across his neck asking for a pants party...it was almost as if he was embarrassed to admit on camera that he would consider doing it with his own wife. If he can't even fake it for his precious cameras, I can't imagine how bad it is when they aren't there.  

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Here's my theory. 

There never was any sex.  That's why Tyler was adamant with the "No, you're not. No, you're not".  Not because he couldn't believe she was pregnant that fast, but because he couldn't believe she was telling that lie in front of the cameras. What can he  do at that point but play along with the tale and play the proud dad to be? 

This is where I need the timeline of the rehab jaunt.  Did the stress of the pregnancy lie get to Cate?  Only 2 ways to go with that fable.  Tyler bucks up and actually has sex with her (we know better) and they finagle the timeline with a preemie ala Phaedra Parks or they cry miscarriage and gain the sympathy of adoring fans. Let's toss in some stress and suicidal thoughts to cement the love and understanding of their adoring  fans.

Those are my tin foil thoughts.  Do what ya want with them.

I think your theory is highly accurate.  I thought that was a really weird and awkward pregnancy reveal for a married couple who were actively trying to conceive.  There was no love, affection or intimacy between them in that moment.  Tyler's reaction was weird and uncomfortable so it all being a lie could explain that!

My husband and I had been trying for a while and I was beginning to worry we were having fertility problems.  It was close to a year of actively trying when I finally got pregnant.  When we both saw the positive test there was hugging and kissing and crying tears of joy!  But still, I imagine our reaction and behavior is more in line with typical than not.  C&T were nothing like that during the big reveal.  Now hearing the miscarriage news really makes for some pondering of the situation.

  • Love 6

I just don't understand why Catelynn wants to present to the public that she and Tyler have this hot sex life?  Tyler is a douche and not much to look at but I can see him hooking up with his young fans if he and Cate split...but Cate.....she is obese....her diet consists of quesadillas and fingernails....she doesn't appear to bathe, her clothes are for 40 yr olds, her facial features are so washed out from the excess weight....she is very needy and clingy...does she not see that?

  • Love 7

So Mack bought herself a $10 ring?  Like an cubic zirconia fake engagement ring? ...and she wears it like it's some big ass diamond Ryan bought her when he proposed?  Did he even propose or did she just tell him they were getting married?  

Yeah. Ryan was real excited to see Bentley after all those months...

I don't keep up very well on the real time happenings with all the moms.  Did both of Catelynn's rehab stays occur after this season stopped filming?

Edited by snarts
cubic not crystal
  • Love 5
28 minutes ago, Caracoa1 said:

I just don't understand why Catelynn wants to present to the public that she and Tyler have this hot sex life?  Tyler is a douche and not much to look at but I can see him hooking up with his young fans if he and Cate split...but Cate.....she is obese....her diet consists of quesadillas and fingernails....she doesn't appear to bathe, her clothes are for 40 yr olds, her facial features are so washed out from the excess weight....she is very needy and clingy...does she not see that?


I don't think Tyler has ever been more honest when he blurted out "No man wants his wife to be a big ole heifer". He tried to backpeddle off of that but he meant that shit and he was letting Cate know she wss not attractive to him. She's only gotten bigger and sloppier since then.

But sure, they're having regular pants parties. Why not.

Tyler has always fancied himself as some Justin Bieber of the Midwest and as such, he deserves a hot and sexy wife. Right now, Cate aint that.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 12
55 minutes ago, AirQuotes said:

I think your theory is highly accurate.  I thought that was a really weird and awkward pregnancy reveal for a married couple who were actively trying to conceive.  There was no love, affection or intimacy between them in that moment.  Tyler's reaction was weird and uncomfortable so it all being a lie could explain that!

My husband and I had been trying for a while and I was beginning to worry we were having fertility problems.  It was close to a year of actively trying when I finally got pregnant.  When we both saw the positive test there was hugging and kissing and crying tears of joy!  But still, I imagine our reaction and behavior is more in line with typical than not.  C&T were nothing like that during the big reveal.  Now hearing the miscarriage news really makes for some pondering of the situation.

There's more than one way of reacting to a pregnancy when you're actively trying to get pregnant.  Both of my children were planned, but my husband wasn't one to actually get excited about the kids until they were actually here.  When I showed him the positive test for our first child he just kind of said "cool."  When I asked him if that was it he said "well, we were trying so it's not like it was a surprise."  :/  (Whatevs, it was cool, my mom was excited enough for the both of us.)  With our second, I showed him the test and he reacted kind of like Tyler.  When I saw that second line my first thought was "finally!  Another squishy baby, squeeee!!!!"  His first thought was "oh god, here comes another year of not sleeping."  Incidentally, my husband is a fantastic father.  

My point is, drawing a "the whole thing is fake they never even had sex" from Tyler's reaction to the positive test is more than a bit of a stretch.

41 minutes ago, Caracoa1 said:

I just don't understand why Catelynn wants to present to the public that she and Tyler have this hot sex life?  Tyler is a douche and not much to look at but I can see him hooking up with his young fans if he and Cate split...but Cate.....she is obese....her diet consists of quesadillas and fingernails....she doesn't appear to bathe, her clothes are for 40 yr olds, her facial features are so washed out from the excess weight....she is very needy and clingy...does she not see that?

Remember, they've been together since they were children.  They are all each other knows and are extremely co-dependent.  Also, not everyone is superficial.  There's a good chance he loves Cate for Cate, not what she looks like.  There are many many MANY men who date larger women and love it.

Edited by lezlers
  • Love 16
44 minutes ago, lezlers said:

Remember, they've been together since they were children.  They are all each other knows and are extremely co-dependent.  Also, not everyone is superficial.  There's a good chance he loves Cate for Cate, not what she looks like.  There are many many MANY men who date larger women and love it.

Except that he called her a "heifer".

My brother loves himself  a big gal. I'm sure none of them would consider heifer a term of affection. 

  • Love 11
19 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

Except that he called her a "heifer".

My brother loves himself  a big gal. I'm sure none of them would consider heifer a term of affection. 

I'm trying to remember that conversation.  I know it happened, I'm just trying to remember the context.   I don't recall him ever calling Cate a heifer.  I took it more to mean he didn't want her to continue sitting on her ass, not exercising, smoking cigarettes and stuffing her face with 700 point quesadillas until she ends up looking like that one friend of hers (you know the one I'm talking about!)  

I mean, they obviously have sex, they've conceived three times (yes I believe she really was pregnant).   Unless she's the next virgin mary, he's attracted enough to take care of business.

  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, lezlers said:

'm trying to remember that conversation.  I know it happened, I'm just trying to remember the context.   I don't recall him ever calling Cate a heifer.  I took it more to mean he didn't want her to continue sitting on her ass, not exercising, smoking cigarettes and stuffing her face with 700 point quesadillas until she ends up looking like that one friend of hers (you know the one I'm talking about!)  

“That’s a big a— quesadilla, it has a lot of chicken.  It’s your body, you could do what you want. Obviously I don’t want no heifer for a wife!”



  • Love 6

Regarding the $10 fake ring, Mack was wearing an engagement ring and a wedding band.  I think the $10 ring was the wedding band which would make sense given it was a spur of the moment wedding and he was really, really, really high.  I wouldn’t be suprised if she bought the fake band in the weeks following that ceremony while he was in rehab.  I was stunned by the discussion about it when he wanted to make sure she didn’t spend $100 on a fake ring because she is stupid enough to do so.  He called her stupid and all she did was give him some side eye.  Those two really seem to hate each other.

  • Love 13

I wouldn't be surprised if it WASN'T a fake.... I could see her buying an expensive ass ring and just telling him it's cheap.

My wedding ring was 36 bucks... it's sterling silver and cz and I love it. I also have a couple in case I want to switch the look, so I get having a cheap ring. But she seems like the type who would blow money on herself. 

  • Love 4

Not that I expected Ryan to be fatherly enough to be waiting in the doorway or driveway for the car to pull up with Bentley -- or perish the thought ride with his parents to go get Bentley -- but it irritated me that when they walked in, he says hi to Bentley and then starting talking to HUDSON -- telling him he's going to tear some jacket or cloth or something he was playing with. Uh -- you see Hudson DAILY and BTW he's not yours. For all the crying about how that bitch Maci keeps your son away, maybe get out from under the covers and hug the son OR if you're soooo lazy, call the son over to you and hug him or at least have him sit next to you. Nope Bentley sits down next to grandpa. And then Ryan and Mac proceed to make fun of the kid's sweater -- more than once. IIRC he has a late Oct/Nov birthday. TONS of adults are decorating for Christmas earlier and earlier now and stores have all their Christmas goods out practically after Labor Day. So if the kid wants to wear a Santa sweater on his birthday -- I wouldn't make a federal case of it. And then we go from there to calling him Michael Jackson bc he wears one glove playing football -- as the kid is defending himself justifying that he's QB so he needs it for his throwing hand . . . WTF Ryan??

Gary jokes around with Leah (the -- you had your chance to be my favorite, now the baby is my favorite; or what will your booooyfriend think about this) BUT he is with her 24-7. He does EVERYTHING for her -- from getting her to school, to meals, to helping with homework -- literally everything. They are bonded on such a level that he can joke around her with and she knows it's just a joke. Plus bc he knows her so well, he knows her personality -- he KNOWS whether it'd hurt her feelings or not. Ryan doesn't know Bentley like that. He doesn't know if Bentley is smiling bc he's supposed to or bc the cameras are there while thinking -- wow I haven't seen my dad in months, he hasn't even seen me play football QB, and he's making fun of me. For all his faults LARRY was defending Bentley saying -- have you seen the sweater -- it's pretty cool, it's Santa dabbing . . . .

Every time Jen is near Maci (and now Maci and Taylor) -- she gets that look on her face, as if she's thinking "what might have been" for her son. It could have been Maci and Ryan and they'd be the ones with the house, 2 other kids etc. But instead her heroin addict son and his messed up wife are in a modest one bedroom rental bitching about how everyone is screwing them over/withholding his kid. Jen can't say it in front of Larry or Ryan bc God forbid she speak the truth and not take her son's side -- but it seems like she respects Maci (maybe even likes her and her husband?). She was in total and quick agreement that the birthday visit would only be at her/Larry's home and only they could drive Bentley and in no circumstance could Bentley go anywhere with Ryan. In her heart of hearts she must notice that her grandson has turned out pretty well -- seems mellow; has friends; is a team player at sports; respectful; loves his brother/sister; helps at home; good manners etc. She must realize that that comes from how Maci and Taylor are raising him day to day --NOT how her son treats him. In this episode Ryan seriously acted like that college kid who comes home for Christmas and his mom forces him to spend some time with the youngest bro who is 9 yrs old and college bro has NOTHING to say to him -- so his idea of hanging out is mocking the kid . . . .

  • Love 17

So thanks to the new link to watch this show I have caught up. Not sure that is a good thing. Lol. 

I think Sophia really does feel uncomfortable around David and frankly it is fine if she doesn’t want to go.  David acts terribly around them and I know that Farrah isn’t friendly but Deb can’t really expect them to want to see him. He is always awful and rude. And why did Deb take those dresses to Italy?  So they all have extra things for their luggage?  I did think Farrah handled the dress scene well. She stayed calm and expressed her support but also her feelings. 

The Bentley scenes were odd. Ryan definitely acts like the distant uncle and Mac is so clearly unhappy. It makes no sense that she is pretending she has some great thing. 

  • Love 9

Different question -- is Ryan just a user or also a dealer? Sometimes people who are using at that level start dealing too -- probably bc they need the money -- which I guess he doesn't as long as Teen Mom stays on the air. But like what's he doing for health insurance -- kinda important given his usage, no? I mean I don't get the sense he's making a lot from dealing OR Teen Mom -- given that Mac bought a $10 ring for herself since he presumably never gave her any engagement ring; and the apartment he came back to post rehab looked like a really really modest 1 bedroom walk up situation. They live in Chattanooga -- where even new construction apartments aren't that expensive so I can only imagine that an older 1 bedroom is only a few hundred max.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, lezlers said:

Remember, they've been together since they were children.  They are all each other knows and are extremely co-dependent.  Also, not everyone is superficial.  There's a good chance he loves Cate for Cate, not what she looks like.  There are many many MANY men who date larger women and love it.

IMO, Cate and Tyler would both be better off if they broke up, but I also see that there is a lot of truth to this. They are kind of sibling-spouses, not just because of April and Butch's relationship (though that adds to the dynamic). I totally see the lack of romantic chemistry between them and I believe that Tyler at least lusts in his heart/imagination for others, but it's not hard for me to believe that he also feels a genuine affection/connection/even sexual attraction for Cate.

Also, "mainstream media" does a lot to promote the idea that women (especially) who aren't thin, young, etc. are sexually repulsive to men, but it's just not true. In real life, many/most men are attracted to women who aren't attractive by Hollywood standards. Many "real men" are actually more attracted to women who "have some meat on their bones," don't look like Barbie dolls, or are otherwise "real" in ways that "perfect" thin, blonde, conventionally pretty women aren't. Even men who prefer "Barbie types" are often more than willing to have sex with women who don't fit that mold. All of that to say, although I don't think C & T are the most sexually aflame couple ever, I don't have a problem believing that they do have sex and I would actually guess that if one of them is less enthusiastic about sex it would be Cate (due to her many issues), not Tyler.

  • Love 12
21 hours ago, Belle0712 said:

i must thank u for this 2am laugh! shithead tho!?! 


I was just following amber's nickname formula:

Body excrement + body part = affectionate nickname 

Booger + butt

Shit + head 

13 hours ago, CofCinci said:

I wouldn’t trust a urine test that Ryan took in his attorney’s office. 

Maybe that's why Mackenzie said, "what does she want you to do? Pee in her yard?"

To that, Maxi should say "yes, please. "

  • Love 3

Ambers cousin looked realllly into Andrew, she even called him adorable! 

Cate looked happy throughout the episode even when she was oblivious to the fact that Tyler was NOT happy during the pregnancy announcement. My heart broke a little for her. I don't think they have sex either, or he may fake it like Cosmo Kramer.

And Cate come on girl, stop eating out so much or @ least order a salad. 

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:

I just don't understand why Catelynn wants to present to the public that she and Tyler have this hot sex life?  Tyler is a douche and not much to look at but I can see him hooking up with his young fans if he and Cate split...but Cate.....she is obese....her diet consists of quesadillas and fingernails....she doesn't appear to bathe, her clothes are for 40 yr olds, her facial features are so washed out from the excess weight....she is very needy and clingy...does she not see that?

You aren't supposed to insult other posters!!! I'm 40, and I take offense that I'd be put in a box of "people who dress like Catelynn". Just kidding...kinda. ?

  • Love 12

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