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S03.E02: All Stars Divas Lip Sync Live

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21 minutes ago, Aerobicidal said:

Apparently Milk put on an entire bottle of Delusion™ by Jinkx Monsoon for this episode. Extreme levels of self-overconfidence do not do a body good.

For real. When I saw Milk whispering in the back, I thought she was outraged on Trixie's or Aja's behalf. Nope! Freaking delusional! The Celine outfit was terrible. I just looked up Celine's Met Gala look. It's waaaaaay more drag than Milk's leotard with a sheet.


Milk's runway look was basic too. If there had been a bottom 4, her ass would have been there. I'm over Sour Milk.

Kennedy was awful. However, Thorgy is so in her head that she likely wouldn't be going much further.

Ben is killing it.

Also shut up Milk!

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 8

Well, damn.  Thorgy is exhausting, but at least she's interesting - i just find Kennedy so dull.  I don't know why I've never warmed to her.  She seems like a really cool chick to hang with - just boring tv. YMMV. Thorgy gets so weirdly fixated on things she can't control and sets up herself to lose. That said, I actually thought Stevie Nicks was tough to do anything with - much like Katya / Diana last year, so I understood her concern.  She also had to sing it 'straight' while others had mini-comedy routines (they didn't write, BTW), which made theirs inherently more entertaining.

Shangela's Mariah was hilarious.  Trixie's THs are one of the best parts of this season - somehow she's even funnier out of drag.  Odd, that.


Oh yeah, what the hell is with Milk?  She's definitely one queen who's updated her image by returning - not doing herself any favors.  Who knew she was such a diva asshole?  Is this all Marc Jacobs' fault?

I just read elsewhere that Thorgy slapped Bob after the Season 8 finale - what the hell?  Yeah, she needed to go.  That's too much angst and bitterness for a show dripping in pink glitter and glue-sticked eyebrows.

Edited by lyric
  • Love 5

Well, I think its clear that Milk either is a 6 year old kid hidding on a big man body or she just signed herself to be this season crazy/delusional queen and standout/stay more than her last time on the show (she seems to be one of the least worried about fans reaction so I can totally see that). If its not the case, she should realize she should feel relief for be safe because in terms of look, she had the least recognizable diva (if wasnt for the backtrack, I could never have guessed Celine Dion) and her performance didnt made up for that either. Her runway look was just allright. Trixie was spot on her review on Milk this week.

Well, this type of challenges where queens get signed a role and lines its hard to judge because obviously some will get a way easier material to work while others will be set up for failure. Still, this is All Stars, you know the gig so at least try to do the best you can and as expected, the ones with easier roles made their job and didnt disappointed (Shangella and Ben in particular where spot on)... Aja was a close one to be with the top 3 (only thing is that sometimes her Amy was more like Gaga, but wow, talking about runway improvement).

And yep, Torghy had a challenge but guuirl, get out of your own head and allow yourself to be funny. Even the moment when she was supose to play Stevie getting dizzy, she didnt play enough and take the chance to be funny. Kennedy actually could have shined with Janice but geeez, she was soo worried to get the lines together (and what a messed up lip sync) that she was lackluster all number. She told better herself: Shes a fierce dancer doing free style.. Put a choreography on her way and she loses it. Glad with the outcome tho, at least Kennedy made me laugh at her showing up her original idea of the chicken getting cristalized lmao. Thorgy was just making us feel sad.

So far, rooting for Ben.. Shes excelling as we expected and as she did on her season (but at least now seems she doesnt have producers wanting to screw up with her to guarantee a spot for Adore at the finale) and the others I still need to see.. I´m a fan of Trixie but so far she has being just allright on the runway (liking her more on the talking heads).  Everyone else is doing what I would expect of them, expect ChiChi that I think not only didnt grew enough but it seems that is trying less this time around and Aja that actually stepped up her game.

Edited by CaioF
  • Love 1

Kennedy was funny this episode, and I was so proud to see it! Glad she's still on the show. I was thinking Thorgy was in the bottom last week, but no, she wasn't. Not too disappointed to see her go. I wish she'd gotten some really good therapy between her season and now. Bitter and paranoid isn't entertaining.


I'm really liking Dela and Aja. I guess there isn't any reason why alliances shouldn't be formed, but I be Shangela was counting on  Dela winning. Although they reveal later who they chose. Hmmm.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Aerobicidal said:

At this point, I am rooting for Ben to win more than I've rooted for anyone in quite a few seasons.

Same. And I haven't disliked someone as much as I now dislike Milk since Serena Chacha. It's not entertaining villainy, it's just tedious self absorption and unearned confidence (or insecurity pretending to be confidence, it's hard to tell).

  • Love 8

I feel like the Seasons 1-6 editors have been on strike and suddenly returned. This season has been so much better-paced and more entertainingly edited than any in recent memory, and I really hope they keep this going for Season 10! While it was clear that the characters were dictated to the queens well ahead of time just like they were for the Herstory challenge in AS2, this felt a lot less like a pre-prepared challenge. I'm so glad to have lengthy prepwork back, as well as getting to watch the girls beat their mugs without it being a very obviously prompted tragic tearful backstory time like Season 9. It's all just so much better to me, and I think some of that is casting - a lot of these girls aren't interested in manufacturing a likable and winning persona unlike AS2 - but I think a lot of it is in the edit.

I too had to look up the Celine Met Gala look and Milk's approximation was hideous. Also, why the hell did she have a long gold chain? The solo was tepid, I didn't notice her in the background of any of the other numbers, and I thought her resemblance was as bad or worse than Kennedy's Janet; she was lucky to be safe. I can't wait for her to actually land in the bottom, I feel like it's going to be hilarious.

I agreed with Dela and Shangela (who I very much dislike but she nailed Mariah and even though I didn't love her runway outfit that bubble - snow globe? - was fucking great) as the top two, but I feel like Trixie and Bebe could have swapped places, or at least if it was a top four Trixie would have been fourth. I thought she did a great job of doing a Dolly illusion in Trixie paint, she really nailed the persona, and I did notice her in the background.

Rupaul's "reclaiming my lime" runway bon mot was fantastic...during ChiChi's or Thorgy's look, can't remember which. 

  • Love 3

I forgot to say earlier that I think throwing a lip sync challenge is a talent. I think Dela did it this episode and Katya did it in AS2, and when the rules are that the winner chooses who goes home I don't blame them a bit. Although we could someday see an AS lip sync where both queens are trying to lose and they both end up just lying on the floor. Anyway, I think Dela didn't try to win the lip sync and that's fine.

  • Love 9

I've never been a fan of Thorgy, but... Girl had a point. It's undeniable that certain parts were just better than others - for example, that Dolly Parton part was god awful and I don't think there was any saving that, whereas Dela could've slept through Julie Andrews and still won. I'm not complaining too much (yet)  because I'm fine with Thorgy leaving, but I do think they fucked her over and the editing did her no favors.  

I was a bit worried that they would rig things for Trixie to win, and now I'm actually thinking the fix is in for Dela. Which is annoying, because both queens are talented in their own rights and I doubt they need production's help.   

This kind of sucked overall though, and I blame Todrick. I obviously wouldn't suggest bringing Lucian back because he's insane, but it's hard to deny that the quality of these stage performances was much higher before Todrick entered the picture. 

  • Love 5

I'm glad Thorgy is gone, since she wouldn't shutup otherwise (her Stevie was also lame.) As for Milk, I thought she'd be in the bottom; it reminded me of when she bombed snatch game.  She should have gone with Celine's iconic look, including blonde hair; I didn't see Celine, and it looked bad.  Kennedy was so inventive with her redone look, Milk could have done something amazing with hers.  But, Milk is getting the all-star winner's edit in this episode.

I love that Bendela is piling up wins, and I'm sure she chose Thorgy to go home as well; I was waiting for her 'goodbye' speech where she mentioned how Thorgy's attitude was a huge red flag.   Shangela's performances were also great this episode, and her redone Christmas look was a welcome flashback to one of the series most memorable episodes.  The outfits that she and Bendela chose for the lipsync were pretty lackluster and basic, though.

  • Love 2

Have any of you been to "Divas Las Vegas"? I don't who does the Celine Dion in that show, but it's the funniest performance I've ever seen there.

With that Patti Labelle performance, Chi Chi didn't deserve to be anywhere near the bottom. Milk was horrible. I think we're getting a pretty good idea of who the front runners are, though.

  • Love 3

Aja and House of Aja are on a recent Hey Qween episode, and at the end when they played Look at Huh! They showed Milk, and Johnny said Milk was a bit mysterious and asked Aja to tell them something they wouldn't know about Milk. Aja was complimentary about Milk, and said they'd worked together for years, but she also said that Milk is a big crybaby. I wonder if this episode had anything to do with Aja saying that, because I think Aja might have been trying to soften the bad impression Milk made tonight. I'm not sure how long ago Hey Qween was filmed though. I recommend the whole episode, Aja came off pretty well. She said that "Hey, Sis" "brings warmth", like it's a friendly greeting.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Cosmic Muffin said:

I forgot to say earlier that I think throwing a lip sync challenge is a talent. I think Dela did it this episode and Katya did it in AS2, and when the rules are that the winner chooses who goes home I don't blame them a bit. Although we could someday see an AS lip sync where both queens are trying to lose and they both end up just lying on the floor. Anyway, I think Dela didn't try to win the lip sync and that's fine.

Yep, I thought that too. Dela did a much better job of it than Katya did IMO -- Katya's looked like she ran out of gas halfway through and undercut what a good performer she is. Dela managed to remain entertaining while also staying a level under Shangela. 

It's also an excellent reason why they should stop this LSFYLegacy shenanigans. The regular season lip syncs have been trending downward over the last couple of seasons anyway (especially S9, ugh), so why on earth are the producers sabotaging the possibility of legendary All Stars LSFYLives? I really do think the boot order would have been the same, given the girls in the bottom and the song choices, but Morgan vs ChiChi and Thorgy vs Kennedy fighting to stay could have been epic! 

  • Love 4

Kennedy did terribly in the divas challenge. She didn't know the words and she was half assing the choreography. The only good thing was that her makeup looked beautiful.

Shangela did an amazing job with lip syncing even with the dialogue that had no music. She didn't look like Mariah Carey, but her costume definitely evoked Mariah, especially the giant butterfly headpiece. I actually didn't like Shangela's new Christmas look but she gets points for runway drama with the big bubble.

Even though Trixie's Dolly Parton looked similar to looks she has done, I thought she did a good job adapting her regular look into Dolly. I appreciated that she un-Trixied her makeup enough.

Chi Chi's Patti LaBelle was great but I didn't love her neon redo.

Ben's Julie Andrews was awesome. Her pink redo was great too.

Milk's Celine suuuuuucked. The hair, the makeup, and the outfit - NONE of that said Celine. If I saw her walk out on stage without any context (like the song), I never would have guessed that was supposed to be Celine Dion. Her redo look was not glamorous from the neck down. The dress was pretty but not glamorous.

In contrast, I thought Aja's red redo was a good upgrade of the original.Thorgy's neon green redo was definitely an upgrade too.

It was sad to see Thorgy's persecution complex on full display during the Divas rehearsal. But I do give her credit for being direct and asking Todrick to put her in as a backup dancer for one of the other girls' segments. I didn't think that her Stevie Nicks was amazing and it was silly for her to get upset that Bebe's Diana Ross got praised. Sorry, Thorgy, but sometimes less IS more. In the context of dance, that's often true.

I still have mixed feelings about the top two lip syncing instead of the bottom two. On the one hand there is something to be said for what we got tonight which was Shangela and Ben obviously having a good time. I feel like knowing you're in the top means you're more confident and relaxed which can make for a great performance (bonus: we don't get all the desperate wig ripping and death drops). On the other hand, we also get shenanigans like Ben subtly giving up so that she didn't have to decide who to send home. On top of that, I want to see girls fight to stay instead of just standing there waiting to see whose name is on the lipstick.

  • Love 4

Maybe have each show an hour and a half, and two lipsyncs - one for the bottom three, one of those three is declared safe. One for the top two, to decide who of the bottom two goes home (and who gets $10K.)

I feel bad for Thorgy - she is just not cut out for drag competitions. I want so much to like her, but she makes it so hard. Milk can go any time.

I feel like at this point, the top 3 will be Ben, Trixie, and Shangela. Possibly Aja out at 4th. Aja's makeup is better than in her season, but she still doesn't really contour her jaw or cheeks, and so look something like a potato with eye makeup on.

I have to echo what others have said about the divas each queen got. Some clearly had bigger/funnier parts. I do think Ru assigned each queen a diva that was in her wheel house but the Stevie Bit Thorgy had had no real funny moments. Neither did Kennedy's Janet. But I also saw the judges' point that you can still sell something small if the execution is right. Bebe's part wasn't big but she really channeled Diana Ross.

I don't know what happened to Milk. She was very likeable and drama free during her season. Although it was a season of big personalities so maybe she just got lost? I keep wanting to think she is faking it or believes she needs to do this for air time....but why? She is really overestimating her drag. She's a great model as a man though. Should have been on the bottom instead of Chi Chi though. Chi Chi's Patti was great. Her runway was so so but not deserving of the bottom.

Thorgy was channeling Nina at her paranoid best in this episode. It's sad to see she hasn't been able to get a handle on that even after her season. But I do still like her and I think she has a unique style.

I'm dying to know what the twist is with Alaska and Chad and the booted queens.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I appreciated that she un-Trixied her makeup enough.

Can someone explain Trixie's makeup to me?  Why does he have that sort of line across her cheeks?  It's like there are two different colors of foundation?  I don't understand why she looks like that and doesn't blend and contour like the others.  Is this a part of her character?

  • Love 1

This is probably going to be the last time I whine about it until I write an actual academic thesis about how All Stars has fucked up lip sync for your life, but another thing that pisses me off about it is: the classic LSFYL format is actually a super unique and lovely thing about this show. You can have a shit week, or have a challenge that is really not in your wheelhouse and flop, and you can save yourself by doing what is for most queens their main bread and butter the best you possibly can against another queen fighting (ideally) just as hard. The judges' critiques about the main challenge stop mattering, and it's down to Ru who turned it out the best. I can't think of any other competition reality show that does it this way -- it's like Redemption Island on Survivor, or Last Chance Kitchen on Top Chef, but it's not a post-elimination grab to jump back in, it's the weekly elimination itself, and it's fabulous. It sucks that now the only "chance" the bottom queens get to save themselves is groveling and proposing alliances with the top queens in very staged one on ones, and the fairest thing to do is vote for the girl the queens think the judges would have eliminated.

I love this show, I always will no matter what romper room fuckery it does with its rules and structure, but this elimination format is awful and I was really hoping it would have gone the way of the AS1 teams -- an experiment that was never revisited. Now it's going to be the norm.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Marisagf said:

Can someone explain Trixie's makeup to me?  Why does he have that sort of line across her cheeks?  It's like there are two different colors of foundation?  I don't understand why she looks like that and doesn't blend and contour like the others.  Is this a part of her character?

Yeah, it's just part of her look. She started out with much softer makeup and it's gotten more extreme over the years. I personally love it, but I understand why some people don't. I do think it has helped her a ton, though - it set her apart from the other queens and made her instantly memorable, and now it's probably the single most recognizable face I can think of among RuGirls, even more so than Raven or Bianca.

  • Love 2
15 minutes ago, TheLukeP said:

There's something shady going on with my TV... can someone explain to me why kennedy looks like this?  


That is shady. It looks like bad meme photoshop.

I like that All Stars has a tweaked format from the regular version of the show. It's the right amount of "the same, but different." Maybe they should bring immunity back, just for All Stars, so the queens have something more direct and tangible to lipsync for. In Ben's place I would have been trying to thread that needle between good and not too good, for the same reasons. But if she also had the chance to get immunity for next week, it might have been enough to light a fire under her.

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, Xazeal said:

I've never been a fan of Thorgy, but... Girl had a point. It's undeniable that certain parts were just better than others - for example, that Dolly Parton part was god awful and I don't think there was any saving that, whereas Dela could've slept through Julie Andrews and still won. I'm not complaining too much (yet)  because I'm fine with Thorgy leaving, but I do think they fucked her over and the editing did her no favors.  

Some parts were clearly funnier, but I think Trixie's Dolly was really solid, Aja's Amy Winehouse was good, and Chi Chi's Patti LaBelle was great. Nothing in any of those parts was inherently funny, but I think those queens did a good job of magnifying the traits and tics of their respective divas. Furthermore, Milk and Trixie (I'm not sure if I'm remembering correctly) as back up dancers during the Stevie Nicks routine were clearly given directions to act like they were dizzy after spinning. Thorgy was surely given that same direction and either ignored it or couldn't pull it off. Her routine ended with a joke about her being dizzy.

  • Love 3

Whether there was a fix or not, I was over Throgy's whining so I can't say that I'm sorry to see her go home. That being said...her Stevie wasn't all that bed, imo. Certainly not worse than Milk's Celine. I actually didn't get to see who Milk was given, so without that knowledge I didn't know who the hell she was supposed to be and was confused at the somewhat Quebecois accent lipsync. Celine is known for long dirty blonde hair, pointing, and displaying her vocal prowess with a Power Stance. Milk failed all around. 

I was also a bit confused on why Chi Chi was in the bottom since she was praised almost the entire time? She had a good Patti going and her outfit, while yes, a little basic, was worth a Safe. 

Bebe's Diana Ross had me literally screaming because Ms. Ross really doesn't do much, however she exudes so much confidence. Bebe's makeup was on point, sequined outfit on point, hair on point, HAIR BOUNCE on point. If there was a fan to make the hair billow while Bebe/Diana oh-so-gently shakes it with her face turned up to the sky, y'all probably would have heard me shrieking in utter delight. 

Edited by cyberfruit
  • Love 9

All in all, I thought the divas performances were sub par.  Shangela was spot on, particularly the mariah body movements (the writing was also funny).  Ben is a great lipsyncher and a tight performer, but I just don't warm up to his 50's suburban housewife shtick.  I find it dull and one note.  Chi Chi is making the argument for those who think she's been overrated.  This was another dud from her.  Patti Bluebell is a drag queen's gift.  Even Patti does a better drag version of Patti than Chi Chi did.  Bebe, on the other hand, captured Miss Ross in all of her vain silliness.  I would have put her in the top two with Shangela.  Aja gave it her all and also pulled off Amy Winehouse. 

The rest of them?  Yeck.  Thorgy apparently doesn't know much about Stevie Nicks.  She should check out some of her early performances (eg, Rhiannon).  Stevie rocked it out.  First of all, she could have gone with a natural look (Stevie traditionally did not do make-up), which would have been a change from her usual Herman Munster face work.  That might have attracted a response from the judges.    If she wanted to go funny, she could have used a lot of scarves and allowed herself to get tangled in them or trip over one of them.  Something.  I actually find Thorgy intriguing, but have never really been impressed by her drag.  That redo look was cool, but she had to ruin it with that anvil on her head. 

Loved Shangela's talking heads.  Her read on Milk was a howler:  Milk knows a friend of a friend of a friend who knows a friend of a friend of a friend of Celine who said she was lovely!  I cracked up. 

The Milk histrionics looked staged to me.  Probably means she'll go to the end- as the bitchy girl. I expect a Shangela, Ben, and Milk final. 

I thought todrick was some youtube person.  Is he really a choreographer?

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, cyberfruit said:

Bebe's Diana Ross had me literally screaming because Ms. Ross really doesn't do much, however she exudes so much confidence. Bebe's makeup was on point, sequined outfit on point, hair on point, HAIR BOUNCE on point. If there was a fan to make the hair billow while Bebe/Diana oh-so-gently shakes it with her face turned up to the sky, y'all probably would have heard me shrieking in utter delight.


I was experiencing a church service in my apartment this morning when I saw Bebe's amazing interpretation of Ms. Ross. When she did the hair bounce, I said "Yes, Ms. Cameroon!!"

I have always had a sweet spot for Bendela, but she has proven that she is in this to win and show that she has improved throughout her time away from her initial time on the show.

Edited by vixenbynight
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, vixenbynight said:

I was experiencing a church service in my apartment this morning when I saw Bebe's amazing interpretation of Ms. Ross. When she did the hair bounce, I said "Yes, Ms. Cameroon!!"

I have always had a sweet spot for Bendela, but she has proven that she is in this to win and show that she has improved throughout her time away from her initial time on the show.

Yeeeeeessssss on both counts. I think both will be in the final three, I honestly cannot choose between them at this point. 

Loved the Divas challenge but some of the singers sounded nothing like certain divas to me, which distracted me. Julie Andrews was spot on though, as was Bendela!

So disappointed in Milk and Thorgy, which makes me sad since I liked both during their original seasons. Cannot wait to see what Ru and Handmaids Chad and Alaska have in store for those that have sashayed away...

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, Mayberry said:

What is going on with Milk? Has fame really gone to her head that much? Wouldn't be surprised if she's acting and playing it all up, though. Because on one hand she has been a male model and has done ads for Madonna's skincare line, but on the other her outrage seems inauthentic. Or she has become a full-time fake. 

I think Milk has always been overconfident.  In her season, she was so proud of her pregnant Tony award and boy Rupaul looks for being out-there and edgy, but they were so sloppy.  She thinks her ideas are way smarter than they actually are.  She needs to craft things better, pay attention to detail.  

  • Love 3

Milk's officially gone sour for me. She was lucky to have been safe, because that was a terrible performance. She should have been in the bottom instead of Chi Chi. Speaking of which, I don't see why the fuck she wasn't at least safe when the judges praised her performance and gave only a mild criticism of her runway look. Whatever, as long as Ben makes it far, I'll be happy, but I'm still giving the side eye to some of these decisions.

Edited by Haberdasher
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, heckkitty said:

I’m in serious danger of loving Shangela here. Never thought that would happen. 

Ha! I came in here to post that too! I could not stand her and thought my eyeballs would roll out of my sockets when she popped out of that box but if she stops saying that damn catch phrase I refuse to type out, she may just grow on me. 

I’m ready for Milk to go next. 

  • Love 2

I know she couldn't be given the win for it, but Bendela had me absolutely howling during her lip synch performance. Like, I couldn't breathe. The brilliant thing about it is someone hasn't done it on this show yet, and it can never be done again.

Milk sucks. She was never great, but at least on her season she seemed like she was okay with being criticized as long as she stayed true to herself. Now she demands praise and you KNOW Ru hates when people think they deserve a trophy for showing up.

ChiChi had that Patti posture. She should have been safe, with Milk in the bottom.

I think not knowing the words--especially as badly as Kennedy didn't know them--is a faux pas deserving of elimination, but I wasn't mad about Thorgy going home, since I didn't want to see much more of her constant freakout. Besides, the show might as well have just flashed "THORGY GOES HOME" at the top of the episode, for as obvious as the editing made it.

  • Love 7

I have liked Milk in the past, I like the alternative drag and I love figure skating. But I don't think I have any sense of who Milk really is, which might work in her favor. In season 6 Milk got into huge fights with both Adore and Gia, which they left out, but I don't think Milk is as mellow and cerebral as she'd like to be or as she'd like us to think she is.

  • Love 3

I'm fine with Shangela winning, but I wasn't quite as impressed by her as the judges were. She did well with her Mariah, but the part was written really funny and I think any drag queen worth her salt would have killed with it. Also Raven pointed out on Fashion Photo Ruview that the bodysuit was right but Mariah hasn't worn long fringe like that. And I thought the giant ball was genius, but I've never seen an ornament that looked like her red spotted outfit. She was great in the lipsynch and the jumprope was a cute touch, though.

Milk should be ashamed of her portrayal of Celine. Talk about a dream character for a drag queen and she just totally blew it. Not one chest thump!

  • Love 2

Wow Milk...way to be a jerk. For no apparent reason! I was excited when I saw she was on All Stars but now I find her insufferable.  And Celine warranted her in the bottom., that was terrible. From the look down to the performance.

I'm probably the only person who feels this way but I feel like Thorgy was set up with Stevie Nicks. Her whole section was boring, there wasn't much to play up. Even Bendela got to have a funny, goofy part to go along with Julie Andrews.  I know Thorgy is over the top but I kind of got what she was saying with her part and its choreography. Everyone else got fun things to work with and characters that were not a stretch for them to play (Trixie as Dolly Parton--I mean, how easy was that!)  and hers was markedly different than the rest, IMO. 

Color me shocked seeing Kennedy up there struggling with choreography. Like that was really shocking and sad to see, LOL. Kennedy dances for a  living. Yes, she freestyles or whatever but she literally went to school for dance and has been performing professionally for years but she couldn't hit that choreo? Yikes. That lipsync was abysmal too. I hate that she was phoning it in.

Bebe Zahara Benet will always be one of my favorite queens. Something about that FACE just gets me everytime. That hair bounce killed me. I love ha. 

I don't care for Trixie's drag at all but I could listen to her commentary all day long. 

I love me some Shangela and her Mariah was priceless.

I'm loving Aja this season.

ChiChi is fading into the background for me.

I keep forgetting Bendela is there until she wins something, LOL. 

  • Love 3

The writing for the Divas definitely gave some people a leg up, but I could imagine someone not shining with the good material, and getting slammed for that, in addition to the opportunity to shine through not that much material like Bebe did. Thorgy just needed to step it up 15%, either to be funnier or to be more precisely Stevie. 

And oh my god is she exhausting. She only had two episodes' worth of talking heads to shoot, so did she literally not ever say anything that wasn't conspiracy theory/bitter/hostile??

  • Love 4

I feel like this challenge would have been better had there been a blind draw to assign characters. Because the way it was done, it does seem like some queens were set up to do worse than others - the parts just weren't equitable or as memorable. I like Thorgy and am sorry to see her go - I think she's very talented and I keep an eye out to see if she's ever in my neck of the woods b/c I'd love to see her perform. 

Chi Chi is sort of fading for me, and that's a bummer b/c I loved her in her original season. I hope she steps it up some.

  • Love 1

I'm fine with Shangela winning, but I wasn't quite as impressed by her as the judges were. She did well with her Mariah, but the part was written really funny and I think any drag queen worth her salt would have killed with it. Also Raven pointed out on Fashion Photo Ruview that the bodysuit was right but Mariah hasn't worn long fringe like that.

A very fair point. I'm a huge Mariah fan so Shangela won me over with all the assorted butterflies (Ms. Carey loves them as much as she loves rainbows, and she has two great albums called Butterfly and Rainbow. I'll shut up now).

MILK. I don't understand how somebody so attractive (and who has made a lucrative career out of being so attractive, what with the male modeling and all) can be so insecure.

Kennedy was clearly channeling Janet's look from the Busta Rhymes "What's It Gonna Be" video, but the song was calling for more of a "Rhythm Nation" look. I enjoyed Vanessa Williams calling that out (and also name-dropping Wilhelmina Slater twice! I LOVED UGLY BETTY SO MUCH. I was at a viewing party with 18-year-olds and they didn't get it).

Speaking of Vanessa Williams and her varied career, Chi Chi deciding to take the moment to tell her how much she loved "Eraser", is why I love Chi Chi! It's even part of the movie's Wikipedia page now!



Critical response

Based on 45 reviews collected by Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an overall approval rating from critics of 36% and an average score of 4.9/10.[15] Drag Queen Chi Chi Devayne really enjoyed Vanessa Williams' character in the movie.


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Dear Thorgy,

RE: Stevie Nicks as a gay icon. 

Hey, queen, I don't know if you know about the two decades+ annual Stevie Nicks tribute night, NIGHT OF A 1000 STEVIES, that's been running in NYC and started/run by all the art gays, but maybe you should check that shit out if you can't imagine Stevie Nicks as a gay icon diva. I mean, good god. She's on equal footing with any of those divas, and if Diana Ross doesn't do much movement, then actually, you can have it all over her with Stevie. You done did yourself in, and I'm deeply disappointed in how you went out.

Aja is blowing my mind. I dunno if she can go all the way to the top, but she wins "Most Improved" by a country mile. Trixie and Chi Chi were robbed.

I couldn't breathe after Ben de la's act. That may be the funniest moment on RPDR hands down!

But the queen of my heart is Ms Bebe. I really want her to win it just because she really did help pave the way, and she won because she was fierce and talented, but there wasn't a large enough audience to appreciate her yet. She's like the restored Deep Cut track that everyone can't believe they missed the first time around.

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