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S09.E03: I Will Survive

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I'm still not ready to give Meri OR all of the other adults a pass on Garrison's homecoming...something stinks about that whole deal. Somebody did something, or didn't do something, I don't know what and don't really care that much, they're all passive-agressive and kind of nuts.

I will say this though - I've learned a few things about what you THINK you would be able to hear, and what you ACTUALLY hear.

  • My back went out so badly one time that my Mom had to come stay with me. I could not get to my feet on my own, at all, not even to use the restroom, had to be helped in and out of chairs, bed, etc. I woke up in incredible pain in the middle of the night and needed her to get me out of bed. I called for her...nothing. I started really yelling...nothing. Then, in a desperate panic, screamed as loud as I possibly could for 45 min straight, to no avail. Somehow I struggled up through the pain and got closer to the bedroom she was staying in, and then she finally heard me. But her in an 2nd floor bedroom, me in my 1st floor bedroom...could not hear me. AT ALL. Screamed for all I was worth, with her right in the same HOUSE as me, and she never heard me. We had to set up a system where I called my own home phone from my cell phone - after that, she was able to hear the phone just fine and help me when needed.
  • I love across the street from the high school football field/track & tennis court. I honestly sometimes do not realize there is a track meet or football game going on until I turn my tv off and my house is totally quiet. And people take that stuff pretty seriously around here. There are hundreds of screaming people across the street, I have little yappy dogs who bark at noises, and I can still not realize there's a big to-do going on - and neither do the dogs! The tennis court is first, field behind that - that seems to be just far away enough that if I have any noise going on in my own house, neither the dogs or I will hear it. 
  • I totally lost my mind during a recent NFL playoff game, and ran around my living room screaming at the top of my lungs for like 20 minutes. Couldn't talk the next day. Didn't fully get my voice back for 3 days. I have very little space between my neighbor's houses and mine...fully expected the cops to show up at my house (I'm in a different house how than the larger one I had where my Mom couldn't hear me). Zippo! Not one person heard me. I now realize that I could definitely be murdered in a very bloody, prolonged fashion and none of my neighbors would hear a thing.

That being said, I do kinda think if you were EXPECTING "Hey, Garrison's supposed to be getting home sometime tonight", you might notice a little something, get a little curious, look out a window, etc. And on the other side of that coin, someone out of all of those people could have thought to shoot her a text (even if they thought Meri was still away on business) just to say "Garrison's home safely". Epic fail by pretty much everyone.

I don't buy the "miscommunication" line. I have a brother who lives quite a ways away...sometimes he & his family drive, sometimes they fly to a nearby city (our town's too small for an airport) - whoever is picking them up when they fly in shoots a courtesy text to the rest of the family - "Landed safely, have them and all their luggage" - it really is the least you can do. I even track my brother or nephews on a flight tracking website, I want to know if they miss a connecting flight or something, see if they've altered the flight path due to weather...I care how things are going, and I'm excited for their arrival! I thought that's what families did. I guess not this family.

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On 1/23/2018 at 10:06 AM, bichonblitz said:

I'm disappointed in favorite son in law Caleb. I had high hopes for him,  thought he would be good for Maddie, showing her what the world could really be like outside of the confines of her crazy mothers and Kody. Turns out, he's nothing but a slug. A 30 yr old man, no job and still going to school, his wife is pregnant and you can't afford to pay the rent on your own and take care of your child? This is not a 22 yr old kid we're talking about here. What has he been doing since graduation high school 12 years ago? 

He was firmly on the famewhore TLC-teat gravy-train.  Did you hear when Maddie was sort of mumbling about why they're moving back he talked right over her with the production company line "and we want the baby to be born around family"

19 hours ago, JoannKB said:

Cutting up your wedding dress and turning it into flowers is not "something borrowed." Borrowing something means that you will return it after you use it. That's why "something borrowed" at a wedding is usually something like a piece of jewelry or maybe a grandparents' handkerchief or something. Then you give it back after the wedding. Mykelti is not going to give the fabric flowers back after the wedding and it will magically become a wedding dress again.

The only thing I can think of is that maybe Christine is making a bouquet with these flowers and she's hoping that her other daughters will ALSO use that same bouquet - so it's borrowed if she's planning on taking it back.

  • Love 2
23 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:


What???  You mean every person of Mexican ancestry doesn't throw frisbees at the bridal couple right after the ceremony?  Well dang!   ::::::scratches off marrying a man of Mexican ancestry from her checklist:::::    that's just disappointing!    ~~~  BUT!!!     I just had an epiphany!  :::::Ding:::::   <~~ sound of epiphany.   I think I finally understand the symbolism of it all, and why FT wanted the frisbees!  It's to symbolize all of the common sense that is going to whiz over their heads this day and every day in their future.

  • Love 4
25 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

What???  You mean every person of Mexican ancestry doesn't throw frisbees at the bridal couple right after the ceremony?  Well dang!   ::::::scratches off marrying a man of Mexican ancestry from her checklist:::::    that's just disappointing!    ~~~  BUT!!!     I just had an epiphany!  :::::Ding:::::   <~~ sound of epiphany.   I think I finally understand the symbolism of it all, and why FT wanted the frisbees!  It's to symbolize all of the common sense that is going to whiz over their heads this day and every day in their future.

To be fair to FT, the frisbees were the idea of the sketchy porn, um, pawn guy with the frosted tips who's officiating this travesty.

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Alapaki said:

To be fair to FT, the frisbees were the idea of the sketchy porn, um, pawn guy with the frosted tips who's officiating this travesty.

Well naturally.  He knows them.  Who would know better that everything that makes sense and is intelligent is going to sail over their heads for the rest of their married life?  

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

Well naturally.  He knows them.  Who would know better that everything that makes sense and is intelligent is going to sail over their heads for the rest of their married life?  

The symbolism is unintentionally quite rich.

And I bet Tony and Mykelti are just glad they didn't tell pawn-guy they met while picking tomatoes!  

  • Love 1
On 1/23/2018 at 0:07 AM, NotinKansasanymore said:

Could one of the reasons for Christine and Kody doing so well now is that Kody is basically back to having three wives? Even Kody admits that he and Meri are like a divorced couple. My assumption is she is out of the nightly rotations and spend no time together.

So Christine is back to Kody's three wives schedule, as well as developing a deeper sister bond now with Robin, a bond Christine seemed to not have with either Meri or Janelle. 

My guess is that he's now on a "Two Wife Schedule." I think he and Janelle are just Friends Who Co-Parent. 


I heard that Caleb is very ill.  Not sure of the details.  He could have something like cancer, or else something that hits hard but does get better with time - colitis, um.... something else.  Not sure.  If he's missing a lot of work due to this issue, it would make sense that they can't cover the bills.  But I think it's ridiculous that the Browns have to remodel a house to accommodate them! 


Crohn's Disease? My son was 23 when it hit him. He lost 70 pounds and was in the hospital for nine days (in the ONCOLOGY WING, which did not do much for my nerves) and missed a lot of work.  Years later, he's still on weekly injections for it and cannot be far from a bathroom.  THIS may be the real reason Kodouche is insisting on Maddie and Caleb having their own PRIVATE bathroom, right across the hall.  Also could explain Caleb's thinner, sickly appearance on You Tube (mentioned up thread). And I can see them not really wanting to address these things on camera, so let's blame the pregnant woman for the need for a close bathroom.  Just a theory. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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22 minutes ago, toodles said:

And on the drunk side of the night.

Luckily, Mr. Xword doesn't drink.  He is a constant channel surfer (drives me nuts, so we each have our own TV) and showed me the Invicta? (I think) watch channel once.  Our cable apparently dedicates a shopping channel to watches.  Very weird.  Neither of us has worn a watch since we retired, so no purchases from us.

Many of the Hoarder-type shows I've watched have featured people who are addicted to shopping networks.  Many times, they never even open the items they buy.  Even weirder.

If a bathroom was indeed necessary for Maddie and Caleb, Kody and Janelle should have offered their master suite with attached bathroom (I'm presuming that the McMansions all have a master suite with its own BR.)  Caleb didn't look like he'd lost weight, but I guess it's possible he has an intestinal/digestive problem.

I wonder if the creepy tonymykelti wedding will be the last ep we see this (and hopefully last) season?  

  • Love 1

I just can't with the Browns. They spend an entire season prattling on about how they're being persecuted for THEIR RELIGION and about how THEIR RELIGION is so important to them that they're willing to move away for it, and they view their show as evangelism for polygamy (hint: nobody is rushing to sign up for plural marriage based on what they see on TLC), and blah blah. But when it comes to their own kids, and the issue of being FLDS and polygamists, which they're supposed to think is SO IMPORTANT and concerning ONE'S SOUL, they handwave about how they're just happy their kids have some sort of faith, as if religions are interchangeable, and they don't care that not a single damn one of "their" kids wants to be a polygamist.

Your rock-solid deep-seated faith is really awe-inspiring, Kody and Ko.

  • Love 1
On 1/22/2018 at 1:10 PM, laurakaye said:

I have always felt that Kody went into polygamy to feed his ego, anything else was just extraneous BS, and he figured out how to do it under the cloak of polygamy.  Young Kody, he of the Perfectly Coiffed Hair and Cat-Eating-Canary toothpaste smile felt that he was so tasty, any woman would be lucky to have him.  He took wallflower Meri first and got her on board, then had a lil' somethin'-somethin' with his sister-in-law Janelle, and then here comes this bubbly blonde chasing him all over town who happens to be from plyg royalty, so even though she grossed him out, he married her and brought his magic number up to three, and his ego up to a million.

I agree. Based on some of the older episodes, Kody said that his parents converted to Fundamentalist Mormonism when he was at the age of 14. BUT, he actually served a two-year mission with the mainstream Mormon church and then went into Fundamentalism. I wonder what the delay was for him to get on board. I remember he sad that Meri was the bait to get him to completely convert (right after his mission), but I wonder when was the light-bulb moment for him to say, "I think I'm going to try this church now!"

I am aware that there are quite a few Mainstream Mormons that convert to Fundamentalism after reading up on the church's history, and gain a desire to completely follow the teachings of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, but I highly doubt that that was the case for Kody.

Edited by giaNtsandYankees
9 hours ago, Meghzie said:

Can we talk about the domestic violence piñatas for a second? Seriously! If the Family won’t shut them down, the venue should. So creepy. And paired with FT’s controlling ways, it feels extra creepy. 

My phone randomly capitalizes “Family,” but, eh, it kinda works. 

They did this on the movie Napoleon Dynamite; Pedro had a pinata of Summer Wheatley, his opponent for student council president.   But then he also had one of himself at his birthday party, and he explained it was a Mexican tradition.  I am willing to concede, though, that it's not necessarily an actual Mexican tradition just because they said it is on Napoleon Dynamite. ☺️

  • Love 1
15 minutes ago, steff13 said:

They did this on the movie Napoleon Dynamite; Pedro had a pinata of Summer Wheatley, his opponent for student council president.   But then he also had one of himself at his birthday party, and he explained it was a Mexican tradition.  I am willing to concede, though, that it's not necessarily an actual Mexican tradition just because they said it is on Napoleon Dynamite. ☺️

maybe this is Tony joking around and he got it from Napoleon Dynamite...like the Browns would know any better...

  • Love 1

I'm about 15-20 minutes into this episode, and bored out of my gourd. I'm thinking about taking up drinking as a hobby.

Gee, Janelle, how do you feel about the lip-syncing at Mykelti's bridal shower? We have no idea. Please tell us. Are you uncomfortable performing? I beg of you, please share. THE PEOPLE OF THE INTERNETS DEMAND TO KNOW.

And all of this bio mom BS. "We don't care WHO the bio mom is! We do EVERYTHING as ONE BIG FAMILY! Except when we don't. Except when Bio Mom gets final say. Which is all the time." Family, my ass.

Edited by the-grey-lady
  • Love 3

I thought I saw a flash of annoyance cross Robyn's face when she realized that Kody and Janelle knew about the pregnancy for a while but kept it secret. Sorry if this was already discussed but I'm only on pg 2! 

And Meri not knowing/intentionally feigning ignorance/ being purposely excluded from Janelle's kids' homecoming ... That's some fucked up shit right there.

those 2 snippets say it all. A hell of a lot more than they warble out on the couch every episode. 

Edited by VedaPierce
  • Love 3
34 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

I thought I saw a flash of annoyance across Robyn's face when she realized that Kody and Janelle knew about the pregnancy for a while but kept it secret. Sorry if this was already discussed but I'm only on pg 2! 

And Meri not knowing/intentionally feigning ignorance/ being purposely excluded from Janelle's kids' homecoming ... That's some fucked up shit right there.

those 2 snippets say it all. A hell of a lot more than they warble out on the couch every episode. 

Microexpressions are priceless, most people cannot control them. And with social media these days, how could Meri NOT have known. Something shady going on and I"m so okay with that. 

  • Love 7
35 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

But, but, but......the teeny-tiny Bible forever strapped to their bodies!  That can only be read with an electron microscope.  Another load of cockamamie religious crap.

When Maddie is in labor, they can ALL crowd into Janelle's bathroom (if it isn't their's by now).  Caleb will be able to time the contractions with the swell new watch, gifted to him by his loving FIL for Maddie's birthday.  

When the 72 hour labor becomes overwhelming, they can flip the watch over and find some bible verse that justifies this travesty.

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

...they can flip the watch over and find some bible verse that justifies this travesty.

It's even worse than that. I looked it up (sad, I know) and the bible is on a tiny chip below the 6 on the dial. Worthless piece of shit even if you believed in that stuff.  I mean the watch, not Kody.  Wait, him too.

  • Love 5

Since, I was raised in a very religious home, I'll chime in on the Bible watch topic.   The Bible is revered by some faiths and is considered sacred.  To have God's word on your person, I would imagine, would seem ideal and much like some would consider a Crucifix.  It brings protection, hope, strength and faith.  That's my take on it.  I'm not that big on formalized religion, but, I would welcome the gift and I think it would make me feel good to wear it. To each his own.  I do think the couple liked the watches and that it was a thoughtful gesture. 

  • Love 8
On ‎1‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 5:29 PM, xwordfanatik said:

Luckily, Mr. Xword doesn't drink.  He is a constant channel surfer (drives me nuts, so we each have our own TV) and showed me the Invicta? (I think) watch channel once.  Our cable apparently dedicates a shopping channel to watches.  Very weird.  Neither of us has worn a watch since we retired, so no purchases from us.

Many of the Hoarder-type shows I've watched have featured people who are addicted to shopping networks.  Many times, they never even open the items they buy.  Even weirder.

If a bathroom was indeed necessary for Maddie and Caleb, Kody and Janelle should have offered their master suite with attached bathroom (I'm presuming that the McMansions all have a master suite with its own BR.)  Caleb didn't look like he'd lost weight, but I guess it's possible he has an intestinal/digestive problem.

I wonder if the creepy tonymykelti wedding will be the last ep we see this (and hopefully last) season?  

My husband who has never even worn a watch loves that stupid channel featuring garish, cheap watches. WTF?

  • Love 2
On 1/24/2018 at 11:22 PM, steff13 said:

They did this on the movie Napoleon Dynamite; Pedro had a pinata of Summer Wheatley, his opponent for student council president.   But then he also had one of himself at his birthday party, and he explained it was a Mexican tradition.  I am willing to concede, though, that it's not necessarily an actual Mexican tradition just because they said it is on Napoleon Dynamite. ☺️

Good to know! I think how FT treats Mykelti is what makes it feel not quite as joking as they were going for. 

  • Love 4
On January 22, 2018 at 2:12 AM, Sasha888 said:

Wow, just finished and saw the previews for next week, and Christine is PISSED about Meri now just wanting the home for her mother! Can't say I blame her. Meri pitched it as a business (a shaky one, IMO) for the family to sink money into, not "let's use money from the family coffers to buy a house for my mom." 

Perhaps Christine's also a bit peeved because she had her mother move in with her, and Meri has plenty of room to have her mother move into her house, if her mother really needs a place to live. Also Christine's mother, Annie, was supposed to be the main one running the B&B, so she might feel a bit slighted for her mom's sake. 

It's all just so weird and goofy for so many reasons. She distances herself from the family, but wants family money to buy a B&B. She "misses" Garrison's homecoming, even though she's right there in her house. Then she wants the house for her mom, not to run as a business.

Meri, just decide if you want to be a part of this screwball family or not. Either engage in family activities (and be "present" when there), or don't ask for the use of family money.

If she said "I'm done with these people, I'm leaving, have a nice life" and ran away, I'd be cheering her on. But don't ask them to finance your running away. 

I don't think it even crosses her mind that she's being unfair...she just seems to think she deserves whatever she wants, on whatever terms she wants. (She's not the only one who acts that way, but that's a whole different can of worms.)

Yup, that's Meri in a nutshell. She pulled that same crap waffling on having a baby or not, and only FINALLY made some sort of decision when Robyn fiendishly offered up her uterus for rent. Put up or shut up Meri. Meri has always wanted to have her cake and eat it too. She's exhausting and awful and selfish. That's why there are pages and pages about her in her aptly titled thread 'wet bar of tears'. She has got SOME NERVE expecting all the wives, with their dozens of kids, to now buy a house for Meri's mother!! Her greed and selfishness knows no bounds! I guess Meri gets to have 2 houses because, well, she's sentimental and excited about it and just really, really wants it! GFY Meri! Finally Christine is standing up to the madness. If she really does, and doesn't cave to Meri's asshattery, there will finally be someone to root for on this show filled with losers. FEH on Meri!

Edited by VedaPierce
  • Love 15
3 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

Yup, that's Meri in a nutshell. She pulled that same crap waffling on having a baby or not, and only FINALLY made some sort of decision when Robyn fiendishly offered up her uterus for rent. Put up or shut up Meri. Meri has always wanted to have her cake and eat it too. She's exhausting and awful and selfish. That's why there are pages and pages about her in her aptly titled thread 'wet bar of tears'. She has got SOME NERVE expecting all the wives, with their dozens of kids to now buy a house for Meri's mother!! Her greed and selfishness knows no bounds! I guess Meri gets to have 2 houses because, well, she's sentimental and excited about it and just really, really wants it! GFY Meri! Finally Christine is standing up to the madness. If she really does, and doesn't cave to Meri's asshattery, there will finally be someone to root for on this show filled with losers. FEH on Meri!

I don't get why Meri's mother couldn't live in Meri's house on the cul-de-sac?  No room in the Inn?

  • Love 12
1 minute ago, OtterReality said:

Maddie's birthday is in November. Kody should have given Maddie her watch for her birthday and given Caleb the matching one for a Christmas gift a month later. Kody's an unthoughtful jerk though.

He's set a precedent now.  Come Mykelti's, Aspyn's and Logan's birthdays, their significant others should be expecting a gift equal to the birthday child...or does that privilege extend only to Caleb, The Knighted One.

  • Love 10
28 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

I don't get why Meri's mother couldn't live in Meri's house on the cul-de-sac?  No room in the Inn?

It’s not about having somewhere to live. Both Meri and her mom just want their family house. Which is understandable. But expecting the family to cough up for it and not have it be a business is ridiculous.

23 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

He's set a precedent now.  Come Mykelti's, Aspyn's and Logan's birthdays, their significant others should be expecting a gift equal to the birthday child...or does that privilege extend only to Caleb, The Knighted One.

Maybe he bought the watch in bulk and everyone and their SO will eventually get one. 

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, Meghzie said:

It’s not about having somewhere to live. Both Meri and her mom just want their family house. Which is understandable. But expecting the family to cough up for it and not have it be a business is ridiculous.

I don't think Kody/wives contributed. 

I think Meri got the down payment from her mom, who just sold her house and that's why Christine's mom isn't there now. 

  • Love 5
On January 22, 2018 at 8:26 AM, ghoulina said:


I want to know more about why Meri wasn't there, though. She said she was right next door, "but I must have missed the memo". Does that mean no one invited her? Or was it a misunderstanding on HER end? My guess is she came home early from whatever she was doing and didn't tell anyone, so she didn't know about Garrison. I feel like Meri just likes to pick and choose what family stuff she wants to attend lately, and it just doesn't work like that. I'm sorry you only had one child, but you signed on for polygamy, you do family stuff. 


Jenelle went to a Korean bath house????

I believe this is so much of Meri's chronic manipulation. She could have been clear. She could have explained why she wasn't there plainly. I think that she pulls this stuff intentionally all the time...leaves lots of things unsaid, makes everyone feel like they've done something wrong when they haven't.  I bet what happened was this: Meri let them all know she wasn't around, then became around, then tried to imply that it was everyone's fault for not coming to get her---when they all thought she wasn't around to begin with! That's why nobody was apologizing for excluding her...they didn't purposefully leave her out. However, she tries to paint a picture of being left out, of 'not getting the memo', by the things she says and omits. I bet she does this garbage all the time, you can see it in her talking head segments on the couch for years, the abstract, indirect way she has of telling her side of any story. She uses that for power and leverage. She's really the worst!

And yeah, Janelle and the nekkid Korean bath house...she really is a weird bird. Living in a teepee, fishing the morning of your daughter's wedding, CHOOSING POLYGAMY to begin with when its not how you were even raised, marrying your brother-in-law hot off of your divorce...she's such a weirdo!

Edited by VedaPierce
  • Love 12
7 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

I don't think Kody/wives contributed. 

I think Meri got the down payment from her mom, who just sold her house and that's why Christine's mom isn't there now. 

I agree, it seemed there was a long gap between the time Meri first looked at the B&B and the actual purchase.  Meri had stated on her SM something to the effect that 'significant obstacles had been overcome'.   It could be that the other family members couldn't or wouldn't come up with the cash required.

  • Love 8
On January 22, 2018 at 8:29 AM, bichonblitz said:

OMG, Christine running around between the tables and screaming in the kitchen was more than I could handle. What is wrong with that woman? She's trying really hard to show us the carefree, fun loving, happy mom and sister wife this season instead of the depressed, neglected sister wife of season's past. Not buying it. Did anybody else hear her emphatically say she will not move back to Utah when they were having the Utah couch discussion. She actually said it twice and the last time she was dead serious. Interesting. 

I don't understand why Christine chose that song to dance to at the shower. The song is about a woman that got dumped and will survive regardless of being left alone. WTF?

Oh, and Kody, there is no such word as "irregardless". It's "regardless", you asshat. 

Love this whole thing but especially Christine not moving back to Utah. That. Is gonna get good. Because moving back is 100% Robyn's idea. She has family there, right? So good to see that drama play out!! Can't wait to see Queen Robyn not get her way!

Also, LOVED your irregardless reference!!! That made me nuts but I forgot to mention it here! That alone says a lot about that dunce. Asshat indeed.

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