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S31.E04: Pizzagate


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Another episode, another series of clusterfucks. Yes, Virginia, these are grown-ass adults. And while Marie's immature, Brad . . . well, he's gone. Long gone. The last decent part of him died when Darrel gave the others an impromptu boxing demonstration in The Ruins. Brad was a jackass in Cutthroat, he's a jackass now. And that sucks because he was a hard luck guy; perhaps one of the biggest ones ever. Remember the veteran guys hosing him in BOTS2? Or losing to Abram and Derrick in subsequent seasons? Maybe we'd feel better if Randy came out of retirement. I mean, Jacquese was better, but BMP lost his number a long time ago. Bottom line: Brad is basically Ken Marino as actor Just Falcon on Children's Hospital . . . just a beard and buggy eyes.

Nicole is getting play. Good for her. I hope Melissa doesn't think all New Yorkers talk like her. Or Staten Islanders. I mean, Marie is right friggin' there . . .

Another messed up mission that doesn't count as trivia because only two questions were asked. Teege didn't even need the cheesy suit. But hey, we get the epic story of Tony eating rotten cheese, marshmallows and mayonnaise to get $8,000 and a spot in the Troika. Yeah, this was a big step towards respectability. You betcha. Okay, the same could have been said for CT back in the day, but he was a real troubled case. Tony is just a putz.

Edited by Lantern7

Who doesn’t love a nasty food challenge? Oh wait, basically fucking no one actually likes watching this nastiness. I definitely don’t like hearing and seeing people gag, dry-heave or puke. I tried to skip past those parts but, ugh. At least it kept the munchies at bay.

I enjoy Leroy. I am also sick of those “motherfuckers” and find them annoying. I’ve never really like Brad and think he’s been so overrated. Britni has annoyed me since moment one that she appeared on this show. They’re both just so tacky.

I kinda liked Zach this episode. What the fuck? Tony can do something of use, who knew? I thought Cara Maria was horrible at eating stuff usually? Am I remembering wrong? I was surprised she was down for doing it. 

This season really has no one to root for, imo.

@Lantern7 “Boom. Bazooka Joe.” ~Randy

Edited by Rebecca
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First, I love Devin.  I know he’s basically #NewGenWes, but I’m loving him more than I ever did Wes.  He seems more strategic, and his commentary is gold.  Team Devin till the end! 

I’ve never been a Tony fan until this episode.  I was in stitches at his somber “I’m a changed man” lmaoooo.  Tony “Changed Man” Raines.  You heard it here.  Shitty boyfriend material aside, he was impressive this challenge.  Especially when seven? teams got knocked out by the stinky cheese. “There’s fungus amongus” hahahahaha.  Tony’s performance might honestly go down as one of the greatest challenge moments ever.  I loved everyone cheering him too.  For the kids!  

Speaking of how many teams got eliminated right off the bat, I bet production really regretted their decisions with this one.  Talk about anticlimactic.  Without Tony, this entire episode would have been a waste.  The last few missions have been really lame. 

Britni and midlife crisis Brad are disgusting.  Did they really show us Britni riding his bug-eyed ass?  Gross!  I would have thrown pizza at them too! 

The season is shaping up to be the best Challenge in years, IMO.  The daily challenges have been stupid, but the cast is dynamite, and they FINALLY got rid of Camilla.  I don’t even mind John as much!  I think the difference is the rookies this year.  Bringing new people in from shows besides AYTO was a fantastic decision. 

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I am so so happy to see a Johnless Troika finally. 

I love how uncomfortable Brad and Joss were after they chose Sylvia. Asses. Joss said her name because Brad said it so quickly? WTF, you don’t have a mind of your own?

I noticed Nicole giving her “vendetta” Sylvia a comfort hug afterwards. Some of these vendettas are as tenuous as the Exes and Rivals matchups.

1 hour ago, dangwoodchucks said:

I noticed Nicole giving her “vendetta” Sylvia a comfort hug afterwards. Some of these vendettas are as tenuous as the Exes and Rivals matchups.

I realize that Nicole gets a lot of shit, and I can understand that. However, she was cast in a season of The Real World where BMP would bring in story-enhancing "Skeletons" of the roommates. Nicole's entry? Her triplet sisters, whom she had no beef with. I mean, they may have wrecked her "play," but how was that the same as bringing in exes and estranged people? I know Nicole can be . . . Nicole, but I think she is more normal than a lot of BMPers.

2 hours ago, Rebecca said:

This season really has no one to root for, imo.

@Lantern7 “Boom. Bazooka Joe.” ~Randy

1. What about Leroy? When I think back to overall "careers," I don't recall a major beef with him. Okay, he did fool around with Nia, but I didn't hate him for it. 2. I went with Randy because he was also a meathead. He just wasn't as huge a meathead as Brad.

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8 hours ago, dangwoodchucks said:

Joss said her name because Brad said it so quickly? WTF, you don’t have a mind of your own?

I believe Joss and Brad are friends; we saw GentleJoss being a calming voice to MadBrad after the "You want a pizza me?" incident. 

So just say that, Joss.  Say "because we're friends with each other and not with you."  No balls.

23 minutes ago, AngryCarrot86 said:

You're not the only one...and Nelson's 5k grenade vs. Melissa's pick teams or drink some cream were not lost on me either.  The Challenge hates women. 

And wasn't the "Make one player drink a liter of cream before the challenge so they're more likely to lose" just a dumber version of "Exclude one player and send them into elimination"...?

Especially since the team could have just sat out the player who drank the cream...

This “trivia” challenge was lame. And stupid. Who do they have coming up with the challenges this season, the B team? The opening challenge was ok because of the scenery. The slip n slide was a retread of countless other ‘get up/down something slippery”, then there was the “move around quickly dangling above water”, and now they combined the trivia with an eating challenge.  It’s like they’re checking things off a list.

It’s a good thing they added all the new people or I probably would’ve stopped watching this season.

I am ready for Brad to get off my TV now.  Don't make me root for Marie, dude.

Stammering excuses is not a good look for Joss.  I know he didn't expect Sylvia to get so mad, but he needed to just own it. I wish Sylvia could have had some chill about it (I think I'm the only one here who likes her), but that was a total dick move on the guys' part.

Not a fan of the last couple of trivia challenges. Trivia should mean TJ dropping dumb people into water from a height, and anything less is a disappointment.

Brad and Joss didn’t have any other choice but to put Sylvia in. It saved both of them from being up for elimination by making it a girl’s elimination. Which, btw, seems to be an excuse to even the numbers back up after Eddie was kicked off.


Hopefully Britni gets sent in and is eliminated. I want to like Brad again. At least he’s still good for some funny quotes and bug eyed craziness. “It’s about the community. Let that marinate a bit.” ?


I’m one of the few who isn’t grossed out by eating Challenges. So Tony’s performance was legendary, IMO, and I am now a fan. It’s right up there with CT’s projectile vomiting in the Rivals II final. “Tony Time” and Zach’s commentary was hilarious.  


I’m loving the mixture of personalities this season. It’s already better than any of the recent few Challenges. The Brits are so much more entertaining than any of the ‘Young Bucks’ and AYTO people. 

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I'm not getting the Brad hate (other than the fact that he can like a cretin like Britni).  He was totally in the right with the Marie situation.  Marie sucks.  Brad's right - she has no appreciation for the larger community and she's a pig (I added that last part) and she sucks at challenges to boot.  Plus, I thought Brad was really contained when Marie called him a deadbeat dad - what the hell does she know about his situation and who is she to even comment on it?

I hate to admit it, but I was kind of happy for Tony that he won.  I don't know what it is about the guy.  I want to hate him.  I should hate him . . . but I can't.  He's like a big stupid dog (no insult intended to dog owners here).

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13 hours ago, AngryCarrot86 said:

I’ve never been a Tony fan until this episode.  I was in stitches at his somber “I’m a changed man” lmaoooo.  Tony “Changed Man” Raines.  You heard it here.  Shitty boyfriend material aside, he was impressive this challenge.  Especially when seven? teams got knocked out by the stinky cheese. “There’s fungus amongus” hahahahaha.  Tony’s performance might honestly go down as one of the greatest challenge moments ever.  I loved everyone cheering him too.  For the kids!  

I have never like Tony and have never been a fan, but damn if he didn't have me jumping up and down in my living room at 5 am this morning cheering for his dumb ass to win the mission.  It was definitely epic.  I still can't stand him and don't give a fuck about his kids, but I enjoyed that.  

2 hours ago, strippedhalo said:

Not a fan of the last couple of trivia challenges. Trivia should mean TJ dropping dumb people into water from a height, and anything less is a disappointment.

Yes.  Eliminating all the teams that didn't finish was idiotic.  The eating should have been fastest to finish.  Or, what I was expecting, was them eilimating all the eaters and leaving the remainder of their teams to continue in the triva/eating until only one team/person from a team was left.  Also, the teams shouldn't have been able to consult after they buzz in.  Once you buzz, you need to answer within 3 seconds or you lose; not you buzz first and then you take 30 seconds to answer.  This set up was just such a waste of the Trivi all around.  (Also, Johnny, Portgual is not the capital of Spain.  Idiot.)

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To his defense, I think the British girl is the one who said Portugal for Spain.

What a waste of a fun challenge that was. Did they not consider this possible scenario? There were only 2 questions asked!

Marie is an idiot. It's like there was a moment for her to be on camera so she wanted to stretch that out into a whole thing. Brad already completely forgot about her at that point. I give him credit for staying cool after being interrupted and bringing his personal issues into it.

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Just now, Lola82 said:

Marie is an idiot. It's like there was a moment for her to be on camera so she wanted to stretch that out into a whole thing. Brad already completely forgot about her at that point. I give him credit for staying cool after being interrupted and bringing his personal issues into it.

I concur. 

Don't get me wrong, Brad is a bug-eyed roid-raging class-A tool, but I would also call someone out on taking two pizzas for themselves when there were still a dozen people outside who hadn't eaten yet. 

I don't want to marinate in it or anything, but there is a sense of community that we learn in kindergarten that says "Don't be a glutton"/"Sharing is caring."

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7 hours ago, snarts said:

Am I the only one bothered by the rule changes that have basically stripped any power the women had in this challenge? 

No. You are not.  The way this is set up now, if there is a female in the Troika at all, it will likely be only one.  The women won't ever be able to control the game and that sucks because it forces them to cowtow to the likes of Johnny et al., to stay around. 


I am hoping against hope that Devin somehow pulls off some next level strategy and gets people on his side to defeat the usual suspects.  

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That whole thing was weird. John was telling Kayleigh Madrid before she said Portugal, but then he didn’t answer to TJ until Kayleigh said it. Why not just say it if you know it. Meanwhile Cara is standing there with a blank look. 

Wow did Natalie look pissed when John chose Leroy’s team to save.

I loved Jemmye questioning why Sylvia was the one facing the rotten cheese.

Marie was hilarious ranting about Brad hating two of her favorite things (pizza and Sylvia).

5 hours ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

At least [Brad]’s still good for some funny quotes and bug eyed craziness. “It’s about the community. Let that marinate a bit.” ?

This is why I can't bring myself to hate Brad. He's so hilarious!

4 hours ago, ghertigirl said:

I hate to admit it, but I was kind of happy for Tony that he won.  I don't know what it is about the guy.  I want to hate him.  I should hate him . . . but I can't.  He's like a big stupid dog (no insult intended to dog owners here).

This. He's just kind of adorable to me.

Brad and Britni banging is the highlight of the episode.  I really didn't need to see that!!  But...I hope it was editing, and they finished their session...That is more fun than Marie and pizza. Marie just seems mean and pathetic.  I think Brad was right about the pizza. 

Other than that...kinda boring episode.  I despise eating challenges. 

44 minutes ago, Cherry Cola said:

Brad and Britni banging is the highlight of the episode.  I really didn't need to see that!!  But...I hope it was editing, and they finished their session...That is more fun than Marie and pizza. Marie just seems mean and pathetic.  I think Brad was right about the pizza. 

Other than that...kinda boring episode.  I despise eating challenges. 

Banging with the door open!  I'm sure they didn't want pizza boxes tossed at them, but they were surely hoping the camera would catch them. 

Has Brad always had those crazy eyes.  I wonder if he's on something.  Maybe steroids to try to beef up and quickly get in competetive condition?

I was crawling out of my skin when Brad was screaming at Marie about respect meanwhile he is displaying a boatload of respect when he is getting eff'd in the middle of the afternoon by Britini. His kids are going to be able to google search that stuff one day. Not mention Britini saying "wanna f*@k?" just seconds before they were caught. Ugh!

19 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

 1. What about Leroy? When I think back to overall "careers," I don't recall a major beef with him. Okay, he did fool around with Nia, but I didn't hate him for it. 

Like I said, I enjoy Leroy. He’s funny. I don’t really think he has much of a chance of winning. I know he got second once but eh. I like Jemmye too but same thing, she has no real chance of winning, IMO.

2 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Has Brad always had those crazy eyes.  

Yes. They get crazier at times but I remember thinking he had buldgey eyes way back during his RW season.

Marie sucks and is the worst drunk.  

Also fuck John.  I’m sick of his stupid commentary and constantly skating by.

Why on earth was Shane the one who went up for his team?  He’s a terrible eater.

My son cracked up at Kyle’s rant about the pizza.  It was funny, his indignation about the whole thing said in that accent.  His crack about what Cara swallows was not at all cool, however.

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I don't disagree with Brad about Marie being selfish about taking so much pizza and even though her pizza prank was immature, it was harmless. His reaction was disproportionate to the situation. There's some irony in lecturing someone about compromising their character and lacking respect while they've been doing all sorts of sexual things around the house in front of the cameras practically from the time he stepped into the house. He may not be married anymore, but he's still the father of two small children and I wouldn't appreciate being a small child wondering why I hadn't seen my dad in a while only to find very accessible footage of my dad sexing it up on cameras everywhere. Felt bad for Sylvia...she stepped up because her teammates wouldn't even try to offer  their services for the challenge but then they reward her efforts by throwing her in. Did Brad really justify nominating Sylvia because otherwise he would have been nominated for elimination? Is Brad dense or is he intentionally lying? Even if Joss got nominated, Brad would have been nominated by the Traika by virtue of both Tony and Marie being on it. Note to Brad, you dodged a bullet. Your stupid ass shouldn't go around telling people to put you on their hitlist. But I'm pretty sure you've just made your lovergirl the target. Really hoping Sylvia comes back next episode but it seems like a long shot because she's never been great at these challenges. 

Can't help but root for Tony. I don't mind him as much anymore and he's trying. I wouldn't want to date him under any circumstances but as a bystander, I'm rooting for him to figure his shit out so that he can take care of his children because it does seem like a genuine priority of his. 

I actually enjoy watching Zach this season. I NEVER thought I'd ever say that....

I cracked up at Zach saying TJ walked in wearing his prom suit!

What was up with Cara's chin? During the whole pizza incident she had a bandage on it.

19 hours ago, Lola82 said:

And did she really take both of those pizzas for herself?! How does one eat so much?

I think she took one whole one to her room and then came back and ate from another box. That's when Brad said something and her response was that it was another flavor. I honestly don't care about Brad or Marie, but it's polite when in big groups to wait until everyone has eaten before going back for seconds. 

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Brad's issue was that a lot of people didn't even know pizza had arrived (they were outside).  So he wanted to be sure everyone knew it was there and had a chance to have a slice or two.  Did Marie bring the box back?  I think if she had, Brad wouldn't have had a problem with her actions.  I think he thought she was unnecessarily hoarding pizza.

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1 hour ago, OnceSane said:

Brad's issue was that a lot of people didn't even know pizza had arrived (they were outside).  So he wanted to be sure everyone knew it was there and had a chance to have a slice or two.  Did Marie bring the box back?  I think if she had, Brad wouldn't have had a problem with her actions.  I think he thought she was unnecessarily hoarding pizza.

Yea she did and then I think she took another one.  I think it was just really weird... why not just take a couple slices.  Did she eat the entire thing!?!

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I also would like to know why Marie needed an entire pizza.  

I wasn't mad at Brad until the end.  Fuck him for sending in Sylvia.  And fuck you too, Joss.  Bitch move by both of them. 

Also, there is something about Nicole's body or the way she walks that always stands out to me but at the same time I can't for the life of me pinpoint. Does anyone else notice this?

Edited by IDreamofJoaquin
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18 hours ago, OnceSane said:

Brad's issue was that a lot of people didn't even know pizza had arrived (they were outside).  So he wanted to be sure everyone knew it was there and had a chance to have a slice or two.  Did Marie bring the box back?  I think if she had, Brad wouldn't have had a problem with her actions.  I think he thought she was unnecessarily hoarding pizza.

Was there pizza in the 4-5 pizza boxes Marie threw on Brad and Britni's bed?  

Because that would be even worse than the entire pizza + a few extra slices she'd taken earlier (and IMO was also selfish AF.) 

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17 hours ago, gunderda said:

Yea she did and then I think she took another one.  I think it was just really weird... why not just take a couple slices.  Did she eat the entire thing!?!

I also noticed she was writing on the inside of the pizza box.. couldn't make out what it said though.

Marie and box.JPG

Edited by ProphecyGrrl
10 minutes ago, ProphecyGrrl said:

I also noticed she was writing on the inside of the pizza box.. couldn't make out what it said though.

Marie and box.JPG

yea i kinda thought that was weird too..... at first i thought she took the box to write a message to someone and then put the box back but then it jumped into the storyline of her being selfish and taking a whole pizza for herself.  

Not a fan of Marie at all. The whole thing looks like she just wanted her moment during the episode and to ensure that she would be invited to the reunion just in case she was eliminated early and it was determined that she didn't need to be there. I was a fan of the old Brad, but not this new Brad. 

I'm rooting for Leroy, Kailah, Jemmye, Veronica, Kam, and Kayleigh this season, not a big fan of the bromance between Leroy and banana but will always cheer for Leroy. 

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It has been said many times on social media but if Nicole was male and acted as as aggressive and creepy as she does, she would be in some hot water especially in the current climate.  I mean she just was in a snapchat and she grabbed the boob of one of Natalie's friends in a bar in it.  She uses the fact that she is a woman and most woman feel comfortable with her even though her actions are very predatory and creepy as fuck.  She definitely takes advantage of the comfort level being female to take advantage or at least push things with other women who may not be into her sexually.

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