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S22.E03: Week 3

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5 hours ago, Losemynumber said:

What did Bekah mean with “ that’s why you like moms “. She was tying it in to why she didn’t need him. I don’t get the connection/segue.


I took it completely differently (not that I claim to be very good at this game :) ). I thought she was saying "you like me ('cause I'm independent). You also like moms ('cause they already have a love/responsibility/other life outside of the partner)"

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6 hours ago, dleighg said:

I took it completely differently (not that I claim to be very good at this game :) ). I thought she was saying "you like me ('cause I'm independent). You also like moms ('cause they already have a love/responsibility/other life outside of the partner)"

That's exactly how I took it too.

23 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

hence, Bekah the Faking it Expert pretending she loves the ORIGINAL GLOW (IT STARTED IN 1986.  BEKAH WAS LIKELY BORN IN 1996.) 

23 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

GLOW is about 100 years ago.  It’s not relevant to anyone but wrestling fans. 

To be fair, there is a successful show on Netflix called GLOW right now that's based on these ladies. I wouldn't be surprised at all if she was a fan of the show.

Anyway, overall I agree with a lot of you all. Arie is unbelievably dull. Sidenote - Does anyone listen to the Bachelor Party podcast on The Ringer? Always some great funny takes on each episode.

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13 hours ago, jade.black said:

I can't even stand Bekah. She's clearly obsessed with herself and has written up a narrative in her head of all of her own super chill, awesome, cool girl traits which she is reciting to Arie every chance she gets. You're not supposed to TELL a guy that you're the girl who doesn't need him, or you're the girl who is simple and laid back, or any of the other bullshit she's been throwing out there. You just are yourself and people notice it on their own... nobody is impressed when you tell them how great you are.  If some random I just met was psychoanalyzing me on the third date ("maybe that's why you like moms"?? Really?!), their ass would be out of there. It makes Arie look really weak-minded when he plays right into it.

I agree with all of this so much.  I may be thinking a woman is really pretty, kind, big hearted, cool, whatever, but the minute she describes herself that way it's all over and I start coming up with reasons why she is not any of those things. 

I've lost all respect for Arie for falling for the two most superficial women in his group.  I didn't think any of the previous Bachelors seemed like Rhodes scholars but Arie may win the prize for dumbest of them all.  His social skills also suck.  I think his producer must have told him to be nice when rejecting a woman and to him that means, "hug them and walk them out," never mind all the body language that says that they don't want any of that.

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19 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

I think he looks like a possum. 

It's the eyes.


15 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

she was very pretty and sweet, but had a vocal fry and a speech pattern that was so annoying I would have found it unbelievable that any man could listen to that on a daily basis. I was so relieved when he sent her home. I dont know why so many women talk like this!!! Do they think its sexy?

I don't know if they think it's sexy, but I read about a study that asked whether a radio reporter who had vocal fry sounded authoritative.  People under 40 said it did.  Sigh.

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22 hours ago, Wouldofshouldof said:

The "young'uns" say this on all the reality shows (OK, maybe I watch too many).  Even worse is when they say they're "cheersing."  Ugh.  The other one that's becoming mainstream, much to my chagrin, is saying "verse" when they mean "versus."  As in "It was us verse them."  I've noticed this one for a few years now.

Verse KILLS me.

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2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

It's the eyes.


I don't know if they think it's sexy, but I read about a study that asked whether a radio reporter who had vocal fry sounded authoritative.  People under 40 said it did.  Sigh.

That’s amazing.  Vocal fry comes across as disinterested and bored.  People think that is authoritative?  Not to get into politics at all, but Hilary Clinton has an authoritative speech pattern.  Vocal fry is wishy washy, dull, passive Kourney Kardashian.

no hope for the world.  Jesus. 

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These people have grown up on the Kardashians and the Bachelor. Of course they think vocal fries are authoritative. They probably think Chris Harrison is a Rhodes Scholar. They probably believe Tyra Banks really graduated from Harvard (as opposed to attended a rich people's seminar). Society is in a reality TV induced downward spiral. It's a Brave New World people!!!!! *takes off crazy prepper hat* The only think that gives me hope is that the people who show up on this shit show do so because they really have nowhere else to do. These are not the best of their generation. Sadly they are the most represented.

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23 hours ago, Wouldofshouldof said:

The "young'uns" say this on all the reality shows (OK, maybe I watch too many).  Even worse is when they say they're "cheersing."  Ugh.  The other one that's becoming mainstream, much to my chagrin, is saying "verse" when they mean "versus."  As in "It was us verse them."  I've noticed this one for a few years now.

preach it. The way they say it is "I'm going to verse him in this game."  The first time I heard this I was genuinely confused as to what it meant. 

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On 1/15/2018 at 9:46 PM, Meowwww said:

I see we have Kim Kardashian on this season 

She's so beautiful but she needs to ease up on the highlighters and Kardashian makeup.  Edit:  I'm talking about the beautiful Indian woman (can't remember her name) but maybe you mean the vocal fry!

Edited by sasha206
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16 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

That’s amazing.  Vocal fry comes across as disinterested and bored.  People think that is authoritative? 

It did occur to me that the place on the radio where I hear the most vocal fry is NPR, and maybe the research subjects conflated vocal fry and NPR and came out authoritative.  I certainly can't think of any other explanation except that people find Kourtney Kardashian authoritative, and my only hope with that is it's because they don't understand what the word "authoritative" means.  It's not the same as "influential."  Or actually, these days, it probably is.

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Other than a great body, I don't see anything pretty about Krystal.  Her skin is horrible.  And all I can see is nose job. 

I think Bibiana was actually one of the prettiest.  Her body is banging too although b/c her boobs are so big and she looks short, at first I thought she was a tad heavier than the usual girls.  But when she was in her yoga pants, she is thin and with a great body!  

I am glad he sent Lauren S home.  Her voice was irritating AF.  I still don't get what he finds so enthralling about Chelsea.  She is pretty but she looks much older than she claims to be.  And I don't see anything mysterious about her.  I don't think there's much depth to her at all. 

24 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

That’s amazing.  Vocal fry comes across as disinterested and bored.  People think that is authoritative?  Not to get into politics at all, but Hilary Clinton has an authoritative speech pattern.  Vocal fry is wishy washy, dull, passive Kourney Kardashian.

no hope for the world.  Jesus. 

That is funny because I think vocal fry = a lack of confidence.  

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10 hours ago, dleighg said:

I took it completely differently (not that I claim to be very good at this game :) ). I thought she was saying "you like me ('cause I'm independent). You also like moms ('cause they already have a love/responsibility/other life outside of the partner)"

That's funny because I took it as she views moms as being more needy -- like a single mom wants to find a new daddy for their kids.  And what unsettles him about her is that he likes her, even though she doesn't need him.  So therefore she is just soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo different that all the other girls!

Edited by sasha206
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On 1/16/2018 at 7:21 AM, JudyObscure said:

He always looks like he has the flu; watery eyes, red around the nostrils, and pale gray skin.

I also think he's skinny fat.  I don't recall seeing the usual beefcake bachelor taking shirt off and sporting six pack scenes.  He looked a little chubby to me on one of the dates.

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On 1/16/2018 at 9:05 AM, mostlylurking said:

So pretty much all of the age appropriate women are gone now?  I guess oldie Arie (he's my age) likes them young.  I knew once he started eating on the one on one date she was a goner.  Chelsea seems to have come in too hot because she's pretty much faded into the background as far as bringing the dramz.  Becca is a little plain, but she and another brunette (can't remember her name) seem the most normal.  The other brunette is so pretty (I think she was the one crying for Krystal to shut up).  I love Bekah's look, but I don't like her.  Trying to hard to be a "cool girl".  Blech.

I'm of the mindset that both Krystal and Chelsea are older than they claim to be.

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1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

I think Bibiana was actually one of the prettiest.  Her body is banging too although b/c her boobs are so big and she looks short, at first I thought she was a tad heavier than the usual girls.  But when she was in her yoga pants, she is thin and with a great body!  

Bibiana is one of those naturally beautiful women. When she doesn't over do all the makeup she is quite lovely. She does read as heavy though. IDK if it's the way she was dressing, or if she maybe hunches or something (would explain the lack of neck) but she does herself no favors. She should have been one of the most confident women there but she came off as very desperate and needy. Pity, because when she wasn't whining I think I liked her.


20 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

I also think he's skinny fat. 

He totally is! The cardigans aren't helping. Maybe 10 years ago Arie was quite the stud, but he comes across more fatherly than anything. I didn't watch Emily's season because I hate her with the fire of a thousand suns, so maybe he was different then, because I'm just not feeling him. Still glad it wasn't Peter though, I think. I mean, if it was I would have skipped the season and had a lot more free time, but then I would have missed out on all this lovely snark.

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1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

It did occur to me that the place on the radio where I hear the most vocal fry is NPR, and maybe the research subjects conflated vocal fry and NPR and came out authoritative.  I certainly can't think of any other explanation except that people find Kourtney Kardashian authoritative, and my only hope with that is it's because they don't understand what the word "authoritative" means.  It's not the same as "influential."  Or actually, these days, it probably is.

Yeah, i’ve also been noticing a lot of vocal fry on NPR, too. Very easy to tell who the “old timers” are and who are the millennials newly on the beat. My daughter is 21, and I’ve noticed when she’s just “talking to mom” about general stuff, she has her regular voice, but when she’s talking about work or school or laying out her 5-year plan over-achiever kind of stuff, she talks with a vocal fry voice. So, there must be something to this theory that this voice sounds authoritative to other millennials. 

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36 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

She does read as heavy though. IDK if it's the way she was dressing, or if she maybe hunches or something (would explain the lack of neck) but she does herself no favors.

Honestly, I think Bib is probably about a size 4 surrounded by a bunch of 00s, so that is making her look heavier than she is.  I thought she was the prettiest one there.

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15 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Honestly, I think Bib is probably about a size 4 surrounded by a bunch of 00s, so that is making her look heavier than she is.  I thought she was the prettiest one there.

Exactly. She'd never have become an NFL cheerleader if she'd been anywhere close to "heavy." It's just that the camera is not a friend to short, curvy women.

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The wrestling lady making fun of her name was totally uncalled for. If that were me, I absolutely would have been like, "No. This is not what I signed up for. I am on a dating show. That was unnecessary, and has nothing to do with my relationship with Arie. I'm not playing this game, and if Arie thinks less of me because of it, that's his problem."

I am guessing she probably did complain, though probably not quite as eloquently as you would have put it, what with her being Miss "Mic Drop" and all.

And then what likely happened is that the producers told her that, on the contrary, she did sign up for this, and she should check out her contract. And they then threatened her with the boot. Now I certainly have no idea how well those Bachelor Nation contracts would hold up if someone were to really take it all the way to court, but I imagine they are quite effective as a tool when dealing within the moment. In any case, I imagine this got Bibby Babka quickly back into the fold.

As far as what the wrestler said, I really didn't get her trash talk. How does she think "Bibiana" should be spelled? I thought maybe she was trying to suggest Bibiana is a made up name, but in fact it is a pretty old name, deriving from Latin. In fact, there is a St. Bibiana. And needless to say, this Bibiana does in fact spell it correctly.

Though on further thought, I shouldn't be surprised at the wrestler's weak trash talk. I was a teenager back when GLOW first aired, and a huge fan. And while I remember the Farmer's Daughter, I do not remember Little Egypt at all. And like I said, I was not a casual fan. I am the type of GLOW fan who still cringes at the mention of the name Suzie Spirit. Other fans like myself know what I am talking about.

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46 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Honestly, I think Bib is probably about a size 4 surrounded by a bunch of 00s, so that is making her look heavier than she is.  I thought she was the prettiest one there.

She actually looked smaller than a size 4 when they showed her wrestling in those yoga pants.  I think it's the boobs and short stature that made her look heavier.  

I also think she was the prettiest one.  She could wear very little makeup and look beautiful.

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On 1/15/2018 at 6:38 PM, SallyAlbright said:

Even more than her horrible voice, which makes me question everything good in this world, her flaring nostrils freak me out. I genuinely find her a bit terrifying. 

This reminds me of the TWOP predecessor, MBTV, and even Dawson's Wrap, where they'd describe Dawson's nostrils flaring ("flap" in our parlance back then) during his scenes: "Dawson said, 'but Joey!' *flap flap* 'I love you,' *flap flap*" 

On 1/15/2018 at 6:45 PM, Mabinogia said:

To basically beg a guy to kiss you and he's all "um, we're not there yet" then shoves his throat down the next girl he runs into. 

I know what you meant, but that's a funny picture, 

On 1/15/2018 at 9:37 PM, chocolatine said:

No, I meant what I said. Tia has to be bleeped almost every time she speaks - that's trashy in my book. 

I'm always a bit perplexed by this perspective, given the numerous studies that show people who use profanity tend to be better educated, have bigger vocabularies, and even tend to have higher IQ's. That's obviously not the case for everyone, nor is the reverse, but it seems quite clear that it is no indicator of status. The most absolutely foul-mouthed groups I've been around have been in both my professions - - institutional stockbrokerage and law, neither of which is generally considered "trashy" as I understand it to be used here. 

Someone did ask her if she felt comfortable around the trailers, but she didn't at all seem to take offense or be upset. Others may take offense at being identified as having lived in a mobile home, but lots of people don't, and are plenty proud of those homes, as they should be. 

I also have to add I was thrilled to see Bibiana's name, though I didn't like her much. I have a tattoo of St. Bibiana on my right side, from just under my armpit to about mid-thigh. She is the patron saint of headaches, hangovers, and mental illness. Make of that what you will. ;) 

Edited by xtwheeler
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12 hours ago, dleighg said:

I took it completely differently (not that I claim to be very good at this game :) ). I thought she was saying "you like me ('cause I'm independent). You also like moms ('cause they already have a love/responsibility/other life outside of the partner)"

Ah, and I took it at as a genius way of subtly needling him about his attraction to Emily and Chelsea, making him think perhaps he has a mommy complex, and a little critical dig at Chelsea. Bekah could also have been pointing out that she herself, the fun-loving independent young single woman, is the polar opposite of the mom stereotype.

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Bibiana does sort of hunch over, very unflattering. I agree that she came off very needy and insecure which is too bad. 

I was shocked when on re-watch I glimpsed a scene where Krystal imterrrupted Arie talking to Bibiana and he was totally rubbing her (B’s) bare leg. Huh?? When did they have chemistry that strong, or at all, that he would be stroking her (bare!) leg?? I was blown away. 

Krystal is a highly disturbing character. 

Arie’s body language says all. When he is smitten he stares into their eyes and smiles and chats freely. He is glowing! Not into them-avoids eye contact, body language and conversation is stiff and stilted. Lauren was clearly going home; his eyes had glazed over. 

To me Arie is cute and charming but I think he is a total player and too smooth. He is a bit callous at times like picking up the rose only to tell Lauren he was sending her home on the winery date. Not cool. 

He never got over Emily. I saw his eyes light up the most on the first show when he met the blonde girls with brown eyes like her. (Krystal) 

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4 minutes ago, Sage47 said:

He is a bit callous at times like picking up the rose only to tell Lauren he was sending her home on the winery date. Not cool. 

I kind of assumed they had to do that. I don't have a great memory, so has there been a case where they didn't pick up the rose? I figured Production forced them to for the drama. Maybe Arie is just more willing to give Production what they want than others. He does come off as very cold when he's not interested. He wouldn't even give Annaliese a kiss on the cheek or something, anything to make her feel at least slightly less repulsive? IRL I wouldn't like it, but given I'm a Wrong Reasoner I say bring it Arie!

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3 hours ago, sasha206 said:

That's funny because I took it as she views moms as being more needy -- like a single mom wants to find a new daddy for their kids.  And what unsettles him about her is that he likes her, even though she doesn't need him.  So therefore she is just soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo different that all the other girls!


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The Bach picking up the rose during the one-on-one dinner and faking like he's going to give it to the b-ette, then smacking her down by sending her home ... "I really like you and you are a great girl, BUT ..." started one or two seasons ago and now is locked in as a standard Fleiss-edited ruse. I freaked out about it here the first time it happened, how could that guy be SO RUDE?! Now, I could care less. It's SOP for this show and no longer "shocking" or "dramatic." Keep watching ... it will happen every season from now on.

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I think the best dump EVER was when Ben had a 2 on 1 date with Olivia and (one of the twins?) and they went to some island, and Ben picked up the rose, took Olivia's hand, and led her off to being dumped. And then Ben and Twin flew off(?) and left Olivia standing on a a rocky beach alone. LOL.

Of course that was my first season so there may have been epic dumps before.

Edited by dleighg
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1 minute ago, sasha206 said:

I did think Lauren S needed to be sent home because that was the worst attempt at a beachy wave ever with a flat iron.

was that her little formal waves at only the bottom of her hair? I kind of noticed that. Not that I am a hair watcher. To me it looked like she did what we old people did "in the day" by braiding our hair wet and sleeping on it :)

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5 minutes ago, dleighg said:

was that her little formal waves at only the bottom of her hair? I kind of noticed that. Not that I am a hair watcher. To me it looked like she did what we old people did "in the day" by braiding our hair wet and sleeping on it :)

Yes, only the waves stopped about 2 inches from the bottom too!

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6 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Yes, only the waves stopped about 2 inches from the bottom too!

I think that's why I thought of the braid thing, because you have to put a rubber band around it at some point, so the end is straight!

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Just now, dleighg said:

I think that's why I thought of the braid thing, because you have to put a rubber band around it at some point, so the end is straight!

That's a very good call!

Whatever the hell she did, it looked stupid!  

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2 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

Bibiana is one of those naturally beautiful women. When she doesn't over do all the makeup she is quite lovely. She does read as heavy though. IDK if it's the way she was dressing, or if she maybe hunches or something (would explain the lack of neck) but she does herself no favors. She should have been one of the most confident women there but she came off as very desperate and needy. Pity, because when she wasn't whining I think I liked her.

I hadn't noticed the lack of neck on my own, but y'all are right.  And you're right that she reads as heavy.  I think it may have something to do with her broad shoulders, which looked linebackery in something she was wearing with very thin straps, instead of coat-hangery like they can on some people.

But I'm completely down with the effortlessly beautiful face of hers.


55 minutes ago, xtwheeler said:

I'm always a bit perplexed by this perspective, given the numerous studies that show people who use profanity tend to be better educated, have bigger vocabularies, and even tend to have higher IQ's. That's obviously not the case for everyone, nor is the reverse, but it seems quite clear that it is no indicator of status. The most absolutely foul-mouthed groups I've been around have been in both my professions - - institutional stockbrokerage and law, neither of which is generally considered "trashy" as I understand it to be used here.


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49 minutes ago, dleighg said:

I think the best dump EVER was when Ben had a 2 on 1 date with Olivia and (one of the twins?) and they went to some island, and Ben picked up the rose, took Olivia's hand, and led her off to being dumped. And then Ben and Twin flew off(?) and left Olivia standing on a a rocky beach alone. LOL.

Of course that was my first season so there may have been epic dumps before.

Oh, there have been many great 2-on-1 date dumpings in the past. People have been left behind on a ship, thrown off a train in the middle of nowhere, left wandering the desert, and - my favorite - left behind on a glacier. 

Edited by chocolatine
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10 hours ago, Ohwell said:

It would have been very interesting if Arie had been one of the contestants on Rachel's show.  They have the same style of face sucking when they kiss. 

I thought of that. blech. lots of slobber!!

1 hour ago, chocolatine said:

Oh, there have been many great 2-on-1 date dumpings in the past. People have been left behind on a ship, thrown off a train in the middle of nowhere, left wandering the desert, and - my favorite - left behind on a glacier. 

on Andys season wasnt it an aircraft carrier? lol but Kasey on the glacier was the best.

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4 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

Bibiana is one of those naturally beautiful women. When she doesn't over do all the makeup she is quite lovely. She does read as heavy though. IDK if it's the way she was dressing, or if she maybe hunches or something (would explain the lack of neck) but she does herself no favors. She should have been one of the most confident women there but she came off as very desperate and needy. Pity, because when she wasn't whining I think I liked her.


He totally is! The cardigans aren't helping. Maybe 10 years ago Arie was quite the stud, but he comes across more fatherly than anything. I didn't watch Emily's season because I hate her with the fire of a thousand suns, so maybe he was different then, because I'm just not feeling him. Still glad it wasn't Peter though, I think. I mean, if it was I would have skipped the season and had a lot more free time, but then I would have missed out on all this lovely snark.

bib was a wet blanket, but I sort of liked her. She does look heavy, but not because of weight.  She has a real hang dog personality and she is an ungainly walker and a neck tucker.   Pretty face, hair, good figure, but holds herself like Frankenstein’s monster.  She’s fairly insecure and I’d say shy as well. 

And you, little miss hot dog joint.  Arie likes moms because people in their thirties are often parents.  He is pushing middle age, and people in that age range tend to be open to partners with kids.  It’s called being an adult.

now go back in your sand box and think about something clever to post for your 14 yo followers.  Something with haters.  That’ll get them.

thank god there are studies vindicating my potty mouth.  I feel fucking smart right now.  

Edited by Mu Shu
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The dumping of Olivia on the windy rocky beach (extremely windy as I recall because there was a storm coming in) was the first time I remember seeing the rose being picked up, carried..etc to then just send the person home. Then JoJo did it the next season (which is the first time I saw it on a 1 in 1 date) with Wells. I remember being a little shocked but as @saber5055 said it's now becoming more commonplace and we'll probably see it more in upcoming seasons.

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I thought Bibiana was the prettiest girl there and I am so sad she had to be the jackass of the season.   When Arie told her "5 more minutes" did he attempt to go look for her after because it seemed like he brought girl after girl over to that spot.  I don't know if it was set up that way or editing.  Bibiana did nothing to ever get time with Arie.  I wonder if she is that hysterical in reality.

Annaliese had some serious bags under her eyes - too much crying!!

I like Tia and Becca a lot and wish Britney (spell?) would get some more time in.    Bekah M has Bachelor in Paradise calling her name. 

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The cardigans aren't helping. Maybe 10 years ago Arie was quite the stud, but he comes across more fatherly than anything.

Arie does look much older. He is older but the salt and pepper hair does him no favors. He looked much better in Emily's season and dark hair makes him look young. I was surprised that the show aged him with that hair, he just doesn't seem as attractive in that color.

Every season of The Bachelor is boring, and every time we discuss how boring TB is. So this one is no surprise. I was surprised at the hate for Krystal. She doesn't owe the girls anything and I was surprised that they hated on her for taking Arie first to the side, I don't get why that was so personal. The girls keep taking her desire to not talk about her dates so personally, it is her wish, she doesn't have to talk about it. Having said that, he voice and mannerisms are super annoying. She keeps asking Arie how she should behave and he keeps telling her to be herself, which is confusing I guess because she is acting aggressive, and he seems to like that. I don't know, I thought the girls were picking on her unnecessarily but she seems annoying too.

I am happy that Bibiana is gone. She was over the top with constant complaining instead of getting off her butt and going and actually doing something about it, instead of picking on Krystal and acting passive aggressive and bullying other girls because they did what she would not do. I could not stand her personality so am glad she is gone.

I think the producers got Annaliese to go back to Arie. I mean, she kind of knew that there was no chemistry and it was pretty clear but even after that she went to him again, I feel like the producers talked her up asking her to seek clarification because it was not clear to them and that she still had a chance. I would not be surprised if they told her they thought she had chemistry and she didn't think so and they asked her just to go and clarify it with Arie because they saw something else.

Edited by MasalaCurry
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12 hours ago, sasha206 said:
12 hours ago, dleighg said:

I think that's why I thought of the braid thing, because you have to put a rubber band around it at some point, so the end is straight!

That's a very good call!

I assumed her ends were fried & wouldn't curl, but the braid thing makes more sense.  This is a recommended method of making "beach waves" on several websites, (I think Living Proof might be one of them) so I think people are still doing it, but yeah, you have to braid down to the very bottom.

10 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

now go back in your sand box and think about something clever to post for your 14 yo followers.  Something with haters.  That’ll get them.


7 hours ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

When Arie told her "5 more minutes" did he attempt to go look for her after because it seemed like he brought girl after girl over to that spot.  I don't know if it was set up that way or editing

That's exactly what it was.

4 hours ago, MasalaCurry said:

I was surprised at the hate for Krystal. She doesn't owe the girls anything and I was surprised that they hated on her for taking Arie first to the side, I don't get why that was so personal.

They were angry because Krystal already had a rose, there was no need for her to hunt him down and beg him to let her stay talk to him at the cocktail party.  As far as Bibiana goes, I can't help but have a little soft spot for her.  I think she was really trying to be polite and let people have their turn, but as soon as it was in her head that it was her turn, someone else would swoop in.  And when she did finally go over and interrupt she got the "five more minutes" comment, which a lead doesn't really do.  At that point, she should have scooped up her pride and left, complete with the "this isn't working out" speech.  Dollars to donuts we'll be seeing her on Paradise.

Edited by ByTor
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5 hours ago, MasalaCurry said:

The girls keep taking her desire to not talk about her dates so personally, it is her wish, she doesn't have to talk about it.

Which would be fine if she wasn't sitting there with that shit eating grin like something happened worth talking about. She's goading them to ask then acting all coy and giggly when she says "oh, nothing really". She is THAT girl. She doesn't give to shits about Arie, she cares that she's ahead of all the other girls and is making sure they know it.

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14 hours ago, xtwheeler said:

I also have to add I was thrilled to see Bibiana's name, though I didn't like her much. I have a tattoo of St. Bibiana on my right side, from just under my armpit to about mid-thigh. She is the patron saint of headaches, hangovers, and mental illness. Make of that what you will. ;) 

Oh, my gosh, if I ever get a tattoo, now I know what I want!   St Bibiana belongs somewhere on my body.       

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Well, nuts, I accidentally clicked the Spoiler thread instead of this one, so now I know the end and the series is ruined for me. No reason to post here any more. Now I'll turn to fragments of The Bach during commercials on Better Late Than Never instead of the other way around. See you guys after Arie does or does not pick his F1. And after TWTA. That's always fun.

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7 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

Which would be fine if she wasn't sitting there with that shit eating grin like something happened worth talking about. She's goading them to ask then acting all coy and giggly when she says "oh, nothing really". She is THAT girl. She doesn't give to shits about Arie, she cares that she's ahead of all the other girls and is making sure they know it.

Sounds like a life long habit of hers also. In the conversation with Marikh she tells her about a friend in school who told her she would never let her around any of her future boyfriends again because she took hers. Her attitude was, " poor pitiful me, don't hate me because I'm beautiful", when she knows exactly what she's doing. She loves being the girl others love to hate.

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1 hour ago, yorklee2 said:

In [Krystal's] conversation with Marikh ....

That reminds me, that convo was totally not real, right? I mean there was no way Krystal was actually talking to Marikh there. They were never shown together and honestly Marikh's one word responses didn't even sound like they matched up with what Krystal was saying. I assumed maybe Krystal was talking to a producer or something and so they just pretended she was talking to Marikh so they could air it.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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