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S01.E22: Berlin: Conclusion

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With the crashing of the mysterious prisoner transport plane, the city is on lock down as the authorities are on the hunt for all the escapees. Meanwhile, with Red in custody, Liz uses her power to get him out since he is their best chance at finding all the suspects. Elsewhere, their main objective is to track down Berlin, a prisoner on the plane who is somehow involved.


Have to love that corporate synergy -- apparently Matt Lauer does the breaking news all day long now. Based on the shadows on the ground at the airport from the previous episode, the plane crashed around midday. It's really confusing how much time progressed during the episode.


How would a crappy old plane like that make it all the way up the east coast of the US undetected from Venezuela and not stop for refueling .... somewhere ? Even though they tried to handwave some bullshit about staying under radar, I seriously doubt it.


Meera is really bad at being a CIA agent -- she knew the guy she was looking for was around, but all she did was walk slow and peak around corners. Her honed CIA skills were severely lacking when she had her throat slit.


here's no way that club was in D.C., it was definitely in NY. But I doubt dance clubs are that full in the middle of the day.


Again, what's with the travel wormholes between D.C. and N.Y. ? Wiggie and redshirt RBI guy (that was working with Fitch) were back and forth between the Post Office and NY at blazingly fast speeds.


Berlin spent years and years in a cell in Siberia -- why isn't he an old man. And since when can bone cut steel ? Of course, maybe that is all part of the legend.


How did Cooper survive that assassination attempt in his car ? Why didn't the guy finish the job ? How come the windshield wasn't broken when seen from that long view outside the car, but was broken in several places close up.


I would hate it if Berlin is doing all this killing of Reddington and his FBI team because Berlin was working as a waiter somewhere and Reddington stiffed him on a tip.


Lizzie really is the worst FBI agent -- she knows that she is being hunted, but doesn't even lock the car doors while waiting .... somewhere. Dembe normally does Red's driving, so what car was Lizzie driving and why was she waiting ?


Berlin pulled a Kaiser Soze -- hidden in plain sight. Why wasn't that guy in the hospital under guard -- he was still in the country illegally ?

Big surprise -- Tom's not dead despite 3 gut shots. Lizzie is such an idiot for not double-tapping him.


And since Berlin is still on the loose, no one seems to be worried about being offed. No extra security, no precautions.


Wow, that was bad !!!

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Wow. I think I need to take a deep breath. That was some wild ride.


First of all...Meera Malik, RIP. You were killed too soon. :'(


Second of all, I was at first disappointed to know that the man they killed towards the end wasn't Berlin...but then I thought of the story of Berlin and his daughter- and the fact that the daughter is #79 on The Blacklist- and I realized that Berlin's a worthy adversary. He's sympathetic, and I love that. Furthermore, it plays into the "Keen is Red's daughter" storyline- Berlin is going after Keen for revenge on his own daughter, hence why Keen can't know who her real father is. I like how this is all played, and I'm looking forward to the twists this rivalry will bring- maybe they'll eventually learn to co-exist and go after the real enemy, Fitch?


Loved Matt Lauer being there and giving news updates...that was a nice touch. Glad to see Cooper made it, but there was part of me that was curious how the show could be like with a Red/Keen/Ressler centre...I always felt there were too many "main" characters to give each of them adequate focus...streamlining them would have been beneficial.


Regardless, I think I still need a few moments to collect myself and breathe...it was too great a ride. :) I may have a new favourite show.

I was watching with my mother and said, "Reddington won't hurt the puppy dog but will hurt the man." Then zoom goes the knife.

I was wondering what the great Peter Stormare was doing in such a small role. Should have known better!

Loved Ressler going Hank Voight on the assassin. Sorry about Meera. I love Parminda Negra. Yay, Tom is gone.

BTW, what happened to the Keene dog? Maybe Will Graham took him in.

Reading this interview with Megan Boone about tonight's finale




There is a difference in being evasive so as not to give away spoilers and just plain old making shit up.


For example,


Topic:  The Finale Changes Everything

MB: “It leaves you in a place where you get a sense of where we’re going for Season 2, and it’s exciting. It’s a new direction.”


I would have to say no -- whatever it was at the end of the episode, it was neither exciting nor indicative of a new direction for the show.  If anything they should be nervous as hell as Berlin is still out there gunning for their asses (why would Berlin suddenly stop hunting them ? That makes no sense).


Topic: Season 2 Will Bring The Ensemble Closer Into The Fold

MB: “Season 2 will partially be about exploring the ensemble too, breathing a lot more life into the group and the tactical team and what is in their past. On The Blacklist no one is who we think they are, and that’s a theme that I think has made the show very interesting.”


Who gives a shit about the backstory of the tactical team most of them are Redshirts/cannon fodder -- plus, this isn't 'Lost' ? Speaking of 'no one is who we think they are', we all thought Lizzie was a tough-as-nails FBI agent (that her male subordinates called 'Sir) who had spent several years heading up an FBI psych unit and was board-certified in psychology.  That is not who we know Lizzie to be (the wide-eyed neophyte who doesn't seem to know fuck all), let alone that bullshit about her being a cardsharp several episodes back (which came out of nowhere).

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Why am I still watching this show?  Ok, that's rhetorical, because SPADER.  But otherwise - GAH.  The stupid -- it still burns.


1.  FBI agents in a high-level secret op center don't have earwigs/communications abilities on a par with NCIS:LA?

2.  Related to this, dickish authority guy has to rap on the glass wall of the walkway to get his subordinates' attention?

3.  In the midst of this crisis, people have time to go meet on park benches?

4.  Head of Blacklist group (notice how I have no idea what any of the names are?), post the first team death, doesn't know to check his car before he gets in?

5.  Head of Blacklist group, now in a coma, has no family at all to visit him in the hospital?

6.  Other FBI guy chokes a prisoner and....no follow up?  What happened?  Did the prisoner die?  

7.  Meera (they said her name once she was dead, so I learned it)  -- didn't she start out as someone Red pulled into the team from the CIA?  Shouldn't she have been so much better at her job than she was?  What a patsy for Berlin's guy.

8.  Red leaves Megan to finish off BadHubby on her own?  I don't think so.  He's not dead and Red knows it.


I need to learn to put this on a DVR, read a quick recap for the salient plot points, then FF through it stopping only to watch and listen to Spader (and Alda, if he hangs around.)  

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but then I thought of the story of Berlin and his daughter- and the fact that the daughter is #79 on The Blacklist

I don't think she's number 79 on the blacklist. I think that is the picture he got off the wall of the tooth fairy (or whoever that guy was who made people disappear). I think she was one of the victims.


I was so, so, so hoping they'd off Lizzy, but no... they off everyone else I like. Guh.

Jesus, Megan Boone just can't act, can she? She gives Kristen Stewart tough competition in the "expressionless face" department. All through that conversation in the car with Spader, all I could focus on was the vast difference in James Spader's face and Boone's vacant, botox-like face. Stark opposites and painful to watch. Can we get rid of her please?

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I don't think she's number 79 on the blacklist. I think that is the picture he got off the wall of the tooth fairy (or whoever that guy was who made people disappear). I think she was one of the victims.

The Alchemist. I'm certain, though, he held a Polaroid of her with "#79" on it, and since we haven't seen "#79" I'm assuming she's a target, at least.

If I'm mistaken and someone else killed her or is trying to kill her, then it opens the door further for a Berlin-Red alliance, which I like the prospects for.

I'm pretty sure the polaroids were explained as the victims, although if #79 is Lizzie's mom / Berlin's daughter / Red's whatever, I'm sure that will change retroactively.


I guess there was no point in keeping Parminder Nagra around if they wouldn't let her act, but they could at least have let her death have an impact. As it is, the only thing that stuck with me about it was the way Lizzie was holding her body by the top of her head instead of, say, trying to stop the bleeding. If I was watching this show for the first time, I think I would have assumed that Lizzie was secretly working with the Russian guy and wanted to make sure Meera died.

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I'm pretty sure the polaroids were explained as the victims, although if #79 is Lizzie's mom / Berlin's daughter / Red's whatever, I'm sure that will change retroactively.


Having retrieved that woman's photo from the Stewmaker's album means that the Stewmaker killed her and made her disappear.  That also means that the body parts sent to Berlin in prison in Siberia were not from the woman in that polaroid or the photo in Berlin's watch (as they appear to be the same person).

Red keeps telling the story that his wife and daughter were killed in a fire -- so unless Red is lying, the woman in the polaroid is not his wife.

(which is to say, strictly speaking I'm pretty sure he's lying)


That's about the only thing that is true when it comes to Red and his stories.




Mark's got your Season In Review!


I agree, I just wish they had gone one step further and cleaned house by killing off everyone else except for Red and Dembe, and then brought in a whole new supporting cast of FBI folks for next season, and just be done with the whole Lizzie and her daddy issues nonsense (because no one really cares about it).

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I'm over the "how is Red connected to Lizzie" mystery.  It's too old now.  Him being her dad is the only thing that would really pull at your heartstrings and make for a great story. So, if he's her uncle?  Not that amusing.  So, I'm done with it. I'll watch next season, but I don't care about this mystery anymore.  OH, the scars on Red's back that they showed at the end was supposed to confirm that he was the one who rescued Lizzie from the fire, right? Those are burn scars from the fire.???


Can someone help me with this.  If we are to believe the story that Red has told about Lizzie can't know who her father is because it will place her in danger and that she is at riss, because she's on the task force and Berlin is going after her, then please explain why Red put her there.  Red says he knew of the danger of Berlin when he walked into the FBI office and asked to join them to help locate criminals.  His major demand was that Lizzie be placed on the team. So, if he is so concerned for her, why pluck her from obscurity, (she was a rookie FBI agent) and bring her on the team?  That seems like a total contradiction to me.  


Still, I love Red and laughed at him with the little dog and peaches.  


Agreed the FBI need some refresher classes.  It doesn't even take a smart criminal to do them in.

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While at the beginning of the season it seemed way too obvious that Red was Lizzie's father and the burn scars could just be a red herring, I am starting to think that he is, indeed, her father. He wants her to think her father is dead and never wants her to know because if anyone did find out that she was his daughter, clearly that would make her an ongoing target for any of Red's enemies.


I could be wrong -- and kind of want to be -- but it makes sense.


Oh, and I really wish Tom was dead, I'm kind of done with that storyline.

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So, is it my imagination or do they seem to keep killing off the female characters but we still have Megan Boone?  Will miss Meera.


Eh, I got a The Usual Suspects vibe at the end but this show isn't as good as that so I'm not holding out much hope.


Was really hoping Tom was dead.


I hope TPTB tighten this up next season and actually have a theory as to what they are trying to do since it seems like they're just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks.

I do hope Tom is gone for good. Although the actor is good looking, it is time to move on from that storyline.

I think that the writers and the producers have read reviews online that for next season, they know the changes they need to make. Unfortunately, they can't get rid of Lizzie or the actress for that matter. But she was better in this episode than she has been throughout the season.

And next season, hopefully, we won't have those awful wigs anymore.

I hope Aram stays a good guy. I like him a lot.

I think I'm the only one who is glad Tom probably isn't dead.


I have a sneaking suspician that after Red left Liz alone with the dying Tom, Liz may have pulled a fast one.  When she knelt over Tom, I didn't see it in her face that she was going to finish him off.  I think Liz was trying to somehow help Tom survive.  That's why Liz told Red to leave and that she'll handle Tom.  I think Tom will come back next season.  It will be a shame if he did not since I found him such an intriguing, mysterious character.  I think Liz managed to call someone to spirit Tom away before the police (or FBI) came to investigate.

Glad Tom is not dead - his character is the only interesting one besides Red.


The entire is he or isn't he 'daddy' story line has become downright stupid.

As originally presented, the clues that he was daddy were so obvious that I thought it was all a red herring.  Now it has just dragged on way too long and whichever way the chips fall, it will seem like a giant cheat - possibly even a McGuffin   -to dredge up Alfred Hitchcock.


The question no longer has any real meaning or impact on the plot - such as it is.


Someone up thread pointed out the inconsistency of Red being so concerned for her safety and then putting her on the task force directly in Berlin's sight line. Oh lord, I just criticized plot consistency when there hasn't been any from day1. Never mind!


I am beginning to hate that I watch this show, even to get a Spader fix - and didn't he do a beautiful job in the scene with Liz in the car talking about Sam.  He can convey so much with a shift in his face.  She was of course her usual dead, frozen self with a few drops of water dripping artistically down her face as she attempted to convey emotion.  She should get it written into her contract to have as few scenes as possible with Spader since she just doesn't have the chops to play a scene with him.

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Love the show, loved the episode.  To me the main plot of mystery of the show is Red and his Blacklist (and those shadowy people); and now of course the relationship/history between him and Berlin.  Lizzie's connection is a side story; they've left enough clues to come up with two answers and neither one really detracts from the main plot (ie. Red and his Blacklist).


I'm looking forward to next season.

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I was watching with my mother and said, "Reddington won't hurt the puppy dog but will hurt the man." Then zoom goes the knife.

I was wondering what the great Peter Stormare was doing in such a small role. Should have known better!

Loved Ressler going Hank Voight on the assassin. Sorry about Meera. I love Parminda Negra. Yay, Tom is gone.

BTW, what happened to the Keene dog? Maybe Will Graham took him in.


I don't think Tom is dead. I will be shocked if he is. He will be on next season.


Who is Red to Lizzie? Well, TPTB presented their relationship quite ambiguous. They were some scenes which were quite 'paternally'. OTOH, the producers told repeatedly he isn't her father as well as Red himself answered that question with 'no'. Apart from that, only the thought of any father looking at his daughter as Red did now and again... well, let's not go there. In contrast to emotionless Lizzie and hence Megan Boone's non-acting, James Spader knows what he is doing, acting-wise, means his gazes or other expressions of emotion are deliberately and surely requested by TPTB. Showing the burn scars at the end was yanking the chains of ... well, I am not sure of whom exactly. It was a poor choice on the part of TPTB, IMO.


Anyway, I wouldn't mind at all if Lizzie would disappear for good somehow, together with her creepy husband, mind. Nope, I am not a fan of Tom, not at all. If I had my druthers he hasn't survived the shooting. Case closed.

Edited by Tony Hill
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I'm starting to wonder if Red isn't the guy who set the fire that killed Lizzie's dad. It would explain the burns. But then, when they were telling us his backstory at the beginning, they never actually mentioned the future Admiral's wife and daughter dying in a fire, which is odd, because they made it sound as if it was a total mystery why he left his career and became a criminal. 

I would hate it if Berlin is doing all this killing of Reddington and his FBI team because Berlin was working as a waiter somewhere and Reddington stiffed him on a tip.

Ha, I know waiters get really pissed about their crappy customers not tipping well, but this would be the most dedicated waiter to avenge himself. I'd hate to see what Berlin had planned for the lady who ordered her salad dressing on the side.


Meera, nooooooooo! I'm glad Harold isn't dead yet. That Godfather-esque moment made me think oh crap, Berlin is settling all his business RIGHT NOW. Heh, of course, that really made me hope Lizzie was next on the list. Sadly she's still alive and kicking and dumb as a box of hair. I was so glad to be rid of Tom. I hope he stays dead.


Thank goodness Reddington didn't hurt the cute little dog! It's good to know he draws the line somewhere.


If I was watching this show for the first time, I think I would have assumed that Lizzie was secretly working with the Russian guy and wanted to make sure Meera died.

So now we know that not only is Elizabeth the worst FBI agent ever, but she also didn't pay any attention during her first aid training.


I really don't understand how Lizzie not knowing who her bio father is protects her in any way. As long as she isn't going to run straight to Berlin to tell him her father's identity, how is knowing going to put her in any more danger than she's already been in?

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So do we think Liz is actually Berlin's grand daughter then? I saw the photo in his watch as being the same woman as the photo "Red" was holding that he stole out of The Stewmaker's book.

Perhaps Red killed Berlin's daughter and this is his revenge? Although Berlin as Lizzie's grandfather could be this show's attempt at irony. Berlin finally stops with the granddaughter revelation and dumber than a box of rocks Lizzie gets to gloat to Red that had she known the truth, she could have saved the day earlier.

After a weekend marathon, my thoughts on the show are:

Assets = James Spader, the Dembe character, Alan Alda, Jane Alexander (uber stupid to kill her off), the quality guest villains.

Have potential to be assists if the show would give then something to do = Cooper, Blonde a guy Agent, Aram, and Meera (but they killed her off).

Absolute Liability = Lizzie of the bad wig, non-existent brain, and atrocious acting. How has she not been killed off or replaced. She can still be replaced, horrible accident requires complete facial reconstruction, or killed off, now Red wants to destroy her killers.

Edited by Happytobehere
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There goes my hope that Meera would take over the show.  Who's going to be the smart one now?  Honestly, a Meera-Aram-Reddington book club would be more interesting than this show's actual plotlines.


Ressler made me laugh when he said "USA" with an accent.  That's the most he has gotten out of me all season.  From now on, I am going to pretend that someone without a very big vocabulary is dubbing in the dialogue.  About the only speech that does sound real are the words that are not spoken in English.  Actually, I like that the show does not assume that villains all over the world speak English.  That is one of the only directing decisions on this show that seems to have been somewhat interesting.


I was actively rooting for Cooper's killer to succeed and I am sad to see the claims above that he makes it in Season 2.  On the other hand, I am very glad the husband character may be alive.  Tom is my favorite character.  Alan Alda was ok this episode, too.


Although I love him, I have been underwhelmed by the character of Red.  I think Spader has acted like a parody of himself for most of this season.  He's only been good in this role when he drops the snark and is regretful or sincere or truly baffled, as he was in the scene with the Russian not-Berlin guy.


I'm all for getting rid of Lizzy.  What do we have to do to get that to happen?

Edited by ToxicUnicorn
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Berlin cutting his own hand off and not the guard's was the height of dumb. It's not like he could foresee that the other prisoners would be so unspecific as to say "He cut his hand off." instead of "He cut his own hand off.", you know, like a normal person would say it.

Are they going for that old cliche where Red didn't technically lie when he told Liz that he wasn't her father and that her father is dead, because the man he was "died that night" and that now he is a different man? If so I might vomit.

On 5/13/2014 at 8:53 AM, themadman said:

Jesus, Megan Boone just can't act, can she? She gives Kristen Stewart tough competition in the "expressionless face" department.

Well that's not fair. Kristen Stewart is a great actress, given the right material.

8 minutes ago, Dowel Jones said:

Better get some Alka Seltzer or Pepto Bismol...

Urgh. I hate when I'm right.

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