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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes

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How The Arrowverse Is Celebrating Female Friendships
By Rose Moore  November 22, 2017


So why is it that these female friendships are so noteworthy, more-so than the friendships between other characters within the Arrowverse? Characters and relationships with depth and complexity are always welcome, of course, and no one wants to watch a show where friendships appear unrealistic, but what does gender have to do with it?

For fans wondering why that matters, the simple answer is representation. Superheroes and comic books have long been a male-dominated genre, and one where teams are predominantly (or entirely) male. Female characters are usually scantily clad and appear as the love interest or female counterpart of a male hero, and while there are plenty of other friendships and rivalries, real female friendships are a rarity. This is thankfully changing in comics themselves, but it’s no secret that the live-action adaptations of comics are still not as balanced as they could be. Seeing the Arrowverse taking steps to change that is huge.

It’s also worth remembering that the target audience for the Arrowverse shows are a younger demographic. These aren’t kids’ shows, of course, but they are aimed primarily at teens and viewers in their twenties (although plenty of the fandom is older), and it’s important for the younger end of that demographic to have real supportive friendships to look up to. Focusing on the relationships that women have with other women is a perfect way to make sure that this universe is not sidelining female characters, and that means that younger women watching them know that they shouldn’t need to feel sidelined in real life.
*  *  *
While most of the Arrowverse is killing it with their female characters, there’s still some work to be done to keep things balanced going forward. Arrow, in particular, hasn’t been doing quite as well as the other four series. At the moment, the only major female characters in Arrow are Felicity and Dinah (Juliana Harkavy); and these two women haven’t really connected. The eventual return of Thea (Willa Holland) is sure to be a big step in the right direction, of course, but there has been no official news about when Thea might wake up from her coma.

Edited by tv echo
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20 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Since I really shipped Sara/Cold, I hate it that they are teasing it again when Miller is leaving for good.  #Don'tMessWithMyEmotions

This times a thousand. I still dont like Legends as much as I did season one. Snart was my favorite. I dont know if I like that we’re getting him for just a little bit...

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One of the highlights of season one was Snart and I miss him but I think overall I've enjoyed Legends more in season two and now three than one, but that's no reflection on Snart.  I guess I'll take the tease if it's all I can get.  

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I am looking forward to seeing Snart interact with the Legends crew again, especially Sara. Yes, I did ship Sara/Snart in season one, so yes, it will make me happy to get a bone thrown my way. 

I really loved this weeks Legends, just as I've loved the last few weeks. This show is so nuts, and yet it still makes total sense, and it still takes its characters and their issues and relationships very seriously, and has some really great character development, even when the characters are fighting telepathic time displaced gorillas and eating pie with Madam Currie. 

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5 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I am looking forward to seeing Snart interact with the Legends crew again, especially Sara. Yes, I did ship Sara/Snart in season one, so yes, it will make me happy to get a bone thrown my way. 

I really loved this weeks Legends, just as I've loved the last few weeks. This show is so nuts, and yet it still makes total sense, and it still takes its characters and their issues and relationships very seriously, and has some really great character development, even when the characters are fighting telepathic time displaced gorillas and eating pie with Madam Currie. 


Yeah, Mick actually had some pretty complex character development that I wonder might have future reverberations in the future.  

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Does Oliver Use Kryptonite Arrows in 'Crisis on Earth-X?'
By RUSS BURLINGAME - November 22, 2017



Among the cool moments in the latest trailers for The CW's next big DC crossover, "Crisis on Earth-X," is a moment where Overgirl -- the Supergirl of Earth-X -- catches one of Oliver Queen's (we assume) arrows as it flies toward her. The big question fans want to know is -- is that Kryptonite on the tip?

In the image seen above, the tip of Oliver's arrow is glowing green, and there appears to be a bit of a jagged aspect to it.
*  *  *
Still, the fact that it was fired at a Kryptonian makes this one feel like a coincidence is unlikely -- especially when the trope of Oliver Queen having kryptonite arrows is one that has appeared numerous times in popular culture, most recognizably in Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns and on Smallville.

Another question might be where the Kryptonite came from, and its effectiveness against the target. So far, audiences have only seen Earth-38 Kryptonite, but this could just as easily be from Earth-X or even Earth-1 if they could somehow find a way to locate it.
*  *  *
Historically -- at least in the thirty-odd years since Crisis on Infinite Earths -- the Kryptonite of a different universe does not affect Kryptonians. If this was green-K, one could argue it would probably have to have been harvested on Earth-X unless to be effective -- unless the Arrowverse rules are different.

(Of course, The Ray and Citizen Cold could have brought some over, especially since Overgirl is a fixture on their planet so it would stand to reason rebels against the Reich would want all the Kryptonite they could get.)

Edited by tv echo
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This was retweeted by Blake Neely...

CRISIS ON EARTH X: Blake Neely composes epic TWO & HALF HOUR score for DC/WB crossover event
by Leonard Sultana - Nov 23, 2017


Composer Blake Neely – who writes the scores for all four shows – has faced his own superhuman challenge as he had created a mammoth two and a half hour score for the four part special. The composer had an eight day window in which to write and record the score, which he completed only yesterday, Tuesday 21st November, at The Bridge Recording Studio in Glendale. Sorry, Barry, but this is someone else who’s after your mantle as Fastest Man Alive!

We’ve been provided with an exclusive look at the process Neely went through in putting this incredible score together – AEISD may be getting the chance to speak to the composer soon so watch this space for an exclusive interview.

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Chyler Leigh Previews "Crisis on Earth-X" | DC TV Crossover
Published on Nov 22, 2017, by KSiteTV

-- On whether she has much of a role in the crossover, Chyler Leigh: "Oh, I'm all over it. Oh yeah...  We were the only two, you know, who went over in the crossover. It was just primarily just the both of us."

-- CL: "Went there for Barry and Iris' wedding... It's comic book that nothing is every peachy and easy and so, um, like, disaster ensues... So it's everyone banding together and figuring out, you know, strengths, weaknesses. You have all these minds in one place and all these super powers in one place - and all these costumes  in one place... I'm really glad that I have a DEO outfit, like, I'm super stoked about that... But you have all of this in one area that is - actually, we joked a lot about it because there are a few scenes where you see everybody together... It looked like a high school reunion. Like, we're all standing - this is really funny. What do we do for a living? It was great."

-- CL: "With Alex and Kara, it is very much a duke it out, we are here together, we're in this, and, you know, at certain moments, we're fighting for each other, fighting to get to each other, you know, and fighting together."

-- CL: "And so, you really get to see a lot of sides of everybody and sides that you wouldn't expect. And it was a lot of fun. It was a lot of work and exhausting. But it was a lot of fun. We had a really great time together."

-- On whether Alex has any key moments with any of the other characters, CL: "A lot of them. A lot of the moments that she had are with Oliver and Barry, um, and Sara and, um, a lot of it with the Legends cast... That was the biggest part of it."

Edited by tv echo
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2 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I'm thinking it's a mistake and he didn't mean to do that. But if he did ... ooooh boy!

One has to open the comment section, go through the responses to like a reply. Its not the same as liking a pic by mistake. 

Edited by Velocity23
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Grant doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would do this on purpose - it's incredibly stupid. But yikes what a comment to accidentally hit the heart on while you're scrolling (or to not read all the way through).

Edited by apinknightmare
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I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say he didn't fully read it but, sigh. The Flash's attempts  to write more Iris haven't been smooth but wanting her to die for that? Yeah they'd probably be happier if she had no more than 30 seconds an episode (and she doesn't often have more than that now anyway). 

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Unless he's totally fronting being nice about it in real life and then acting all passive-aggressive behind the scenes - and he really just doesn't seem like the type - there's no way in hell that Gustin liked that post for any reason other than:

1) He stopped reading at "great actor"; or

2) This is a private joke of some kind between him and Patton.

Fandom being what it, they're probably best having an online set of replies to it that's all "Omigod, totally didn't mean to like that because you're so awesome!" / "No worries, totally forgive you because you're so awesome!" A completely fucking stupid thing to have to do, but probably necessary to avoid having Gustin used as cannon fodder in a pro-Patton/anti-Patton fandom meltdown.

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It's very unlike him to have liked that out of nowhere, so I really don't think he did it on purpose.

Apparently he commented on another fan's account that he definitely didn't like that comment and called the guy a troll, so it was probably a mistake. It is kind of weird that he was scrolling through her comments when he didn't even like her post though.

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I did find it weird that he didnt like the post but liked a comment, so maybe it could've been an accident or if he had insta opened while his phone was in his pockets or something. But out of all the comments that he could've liked accidentally it happened to be that troll's one. Its strange.

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Maybe he was bored and snooping around online. Unfortunate he clicked on that by mistake though!

I accidentally posted a full set of smilies when someone posted a farewell to their deceased father once. I was horrified and deleted it quick smart. 

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So, if you're interested: there's a thread on the Legends subreddit by someone claiming to have a copy of the Legends crossover screener that basically details the entire hour plot point by plot point. Not gonna link as I don't know if it's kosher - but it's out there if you want to find it.

Alert, because I know how this board leans: the poster is not Olicity-friendly. Not sure about his feelings for WestAllen. I just know that, like the rest of the universe, there's no Ray/Mick appreciation there. ?

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Okay, I just looked at it.

Again, that is DEFINITELY a Legends episode, lol. 

Stupid me for actually buying the line from them that you won't be able to tell which show is which. If these spoilers are accurate, both Arrow and Legends are Arrow/Legends episodes, focusing on their own characters for the most part in each.

I bet the only difference here is going to be that Supergirl feels more like a Flash episode, since only Alex and Kara will be there, and the wedding has to focus on Barry/Iris somewhat. So Flash will kind of get two episodes. Maybe Supergirl will feel the most like an ensemble one, but the rest of the shows are going to feel like their own shows, I bet.

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13 minutes ago, Miss Dee said:

You must be speaking about the Arrow spoilers thread? Because I don't frequent the Arrow board much besides this thread (too scary).

Yup! All good! hehe I hope Ray's moment (my Ray) lives up to my expectations!!!!! I want to see him kickass!!!!!

I don't dare hope for a Felicity and Ray scene but Ray kicking ass for a bit will be good enough! 

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52 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I don't dare hope for a Felicity and Ray scene but Ray kicking ass for a bit will be good enough! 

I want this, I want a Ray and Felicity scene. Just something with Ray being sweet to Felicity or Felicity being sweet to Ray and Oliver seeing it and getting grumpy even though he has nothing to be grumpy about and he knows it. I just love that Oliver is a bit insecure when it comes to Ray :P 

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5 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:





I just wish we would have more villains with so many heroes. Generic henchmen are so boring and overplayed now.

Mock it all you want, but that hero walk in Smallville along with the music, will NEVER NOT be AWESOME.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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2 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Mock it all you want, but that hero walk in Smallville along with the music, will NEVER NOT be AWESOME.

Never watched Smallville but I think the walk works much better with a smaller group like they had rather than the 11-person slow-mo we have. And they also appear to be walking away from something (although I could be wrong) rather than towards the enemy in the most easily picked off formation imaginable.

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1 minute ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

Never watched Smallville but I think the walk works much better with a smaller group like they had rather than the 11-person slow-mo we have. And they also appear to be walking away from something (although I could be wrong) rather than towards the enemy in the most easily picked off formation imaginable.

Yeah- they had just bombed Lex’s facility that was doing unethical and illegal testing on meteor-infected people, I think. It was the first thing they ALL did as a team and were walking away after they had accomplished what they set out to do.

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28 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:





I just wish we would have more villains with so many heroes. Generic henchmen are so boring and overplayed now.

I have never seen anything more cheesy in my life. And I use to watch Passions with my mum after school.

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4 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

I have never seen anything more cheesy in my life. And I use to watch Passions with my mum after school.


Lol but I am able to give full passes during crossovers for cheesiness. 

I wonder what they will do next year though. We've done aliens, we've done alternate earths, we've done starcrossed lovers. Maybe they'll do a larger scale Civil War.

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