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Unspoiled Spec: "$40k, someone long dead is resurrected."

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More importantly, I hope that the embargo on spoilers actually hurts the ratings. I get not wanting viewers to know every twist and turn, but teases and hints are fun. If the viewers don't have any idea at all as to what is coming up, what incentive do lapsed viewers like me have to tune back in?

Its like last summer when I came back from the barge for Figment!Georgie, the show was pretty bad at the time but I stayed because spoilers had some great some coming down the pike and then in August, the show starts getting good again.

Tiger, I whole heartedly agree with this. The hope of an upcoming storyline is what has kept me from living on the barge fulltime. It's a lot easier to completely tune out without that hope.

I personally believe they think this will improve ratings not understanding that people aren't going to waste 5 hours a week on a predictable horribly written mess. It's one thing to hang onto a show when it's 30 minutes or an hour a week it's another when it's 5 hours.

I'm not even looking forward to the NB or the upcoming acts. I simply trying to make it thru AJ's funeral without reaching through the TV & hitting Sonny upside the head.

Outside of plot point shock value, I don't understand why SonAva(Bitch) is having sex. Is it to push Morgan towards Kiki in an attempt to go back to the traingle. Is it the end of Sonny/Olivia? Is it the end of Olivia on the show?

Edited by BestestAuntEver

The thing is though, I am guessing a good number of people are like me. Unless school is out like this week, I very rarely get a chance to watch live. By the time I do get home I already know whether I want to watch from my Twitter feed and mesage boards. Today was a delete day. I have deleted without watching more days on the past couple of weeks than I have watched

I remember watching back in the day when you didn't get spoilers. You were too afraid to miss an episode.

Who can't figure this out? Some of us did four months ago: He's Bill Eckert.

Despite the many permutations that character went through, it was clear at a cursory glance that Bill was always a casual dabbler in the underworld at the least - and Tony Geary used to love talking at length about the darkness of Bill, the damaged nobility, the tortured soul within who filled the void in himself and his tragic past with filthy lucre and power, blah blah blah. I'm sure when the truth comes out TG will give another interview all about how the legacy of Bill has finally been fulfilled. He had a love for his son, yes, but Bill got pretty scummy. While I think they've turned the character into an OTT villain, I also think it's not that much of a reach and I'm sure Geary doesn't think so - TG never knows when to stop, but in this case, IMO, you don't have to reach far.

So far I've heard Damien Smith, Frank Smith, Det Taggert, Victor Jerome, Deke Woods and yes, Bill Eckert. All presented with plausible reasons. So it's really anybody's guess at this point.

Jerry Jax would never hit on Kaka. He would be all over Alexis. Now, if FauxLuke were being skeevy to Sam.....

Also, Jerry & Julian know each other. Julian was the one to help Jerry escape from the MetroCourt. Julian told Jerry he owed him big time.

Ron is writing this as if Julian is afraid of FauxLuke & that's not the dynamic I got from Julian/Jerry.

I don't think Ron has it in him to surprise anyone. I think he reads all the boards has his spies and whatever the posters write that's what he uses.. Everything he has written for GH , I seem to have read on the boards before  it came out. everyone said ben was Dante and Lulus. .I just remember a little of Bill Eckert. I don't remember him being evil. I could be wrong. I just loved Sly. I read somewhere he would return. If its true, could be Bill. I remember him dying in the caves.. Brain freeze about who did it?  Think Anna will arrest Carley and Franco for stealing evidence, or give them a medal ? I go with the medal because the keystone cops only arrest the innocent. Poor Finola.

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I would dearly dearly love to get Grant Putnam/Andrews back on canvas (it could provide an opening to bring on some more Qs), but I don't see how FakeLuke could be him.

Plus, Grant was long gone before Sonny showed up.  Also, Grant and Luke were friends.



Red Herring or clue?

I doubt if even RC could answer that, because I seriously wonder if RC's made up his mind who FauxLuke is.  LOL

Edited by LegalParrot81

Wait, there are other GH viewers who watch it unspoiled?! I started doing it spoiler-free around two years ago, and I think it's so much better this way. Still a soap opera, but at least I can't guess all the plot points before they happen. Case in point: Jordan is a DEA agent! I loved learning that.


Speculation: I think EviLuke is one of the Smiths. I remember Damian, but I don't remember his father at all. I don't remember Damian being *that* bad, but then I remember what he and Lucy did to Bobbie, and my opinion changes. But Anthony Zacchara or Trevor Lansing are acceptable options as well. Wouldn't put it past Trevor to frame his own son at all.


Now that the baby's dead, how on earth are they going to pursue Patrick and Sabrina still?

Wait, there are other GH viewers who watch it unspoiled?! I started doing it spoiler-free around two years ago, and I think it's so much better this way. Still a soap opera, but at least I can't guess all the plot points before they happen. Case in point: Jordan is a DEA agent! I loved learning that.


Speculation: I think EviLuke is one of the Smiths. I remember Damian, but I don't remember his father at all. I don't remember Damian being *that* bad, but then I remember what he and Lucy did to Bobbie, and my opinion changes. But Anthony Zacchara or Trevor Lansing are acceptable options as well. Wouldn't put it past Trevor to frame his own son at all.


Now that the baby's dead, how on earth are they going to pursue Patrick and Sabrina still?

I think Patrick and Sabrina are as dead as their son.  I was at another board and someone dropped that the writers were never invested in the baby to begin with (shocker, I know).  But they weren't going to be getting back together even if the boy lived.  I think Patrick's next story beat will be revving up for Jason and Robin, with Sam dropped in.  Which should have been the story since Jason was kicked into the harbor.  JT and KeMo have enough chem that I would have liked to seen them explored.  

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I think that Levi is a hit man. He may be working free lance which is why both Luke and Ava called him. Actually, I wouldn't mind having the zen hitman replace the holy hitman.


I don't remember Luke and Ava calling Levi? I did miss some episodes, though. When did this happen? What were the respective conversations? I wonder if I blocked them out. 


Someone posted on another board that Puke is really Luke's horrible father. Their reasons are Puke said something about keeping Luke alive because Puke may need a kidney and that Puke's hands looked older than Luke's.


The kidney thing is what makes me think it's Bill. 


Especially if Kiki turns out to be Nina's daughter.

This seems likely to me. In my head, Madeline hired Ava to seduce Silas in the first place. Next, Madeline's plan to make Nina miscarry backfired and ended with Nina in a coma, but she had a coma baby, which Madeline then paid Ava to raise as her own. This is how I make it work in my head that Ava was in love with Silas for all those years, but never tried to lure him back by telling him about their shared daughter: she was paid well not to do so.

Edited by CindyMcLennan
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Both Puke and Ava made mysterious phone calls to someone asking that person to take care of something for them. Ava threatened Sabrina to keep Carlos in line and Puke threatened Emma to make Spenser keep quiet.


It just dawned on me that Spenser is the only one who knows that Puke is Julian's boss. I wonder if Ron forgot that as he forgot so many things.

Edited by Lillybee
Both Puke and Ava made mysterious phone calls to someone asking that person to take care of something for them. Ava threatened Sabrina to keep Carlos in line and Puke threatened Emma to make Spenser keep quiet.



I'm a little slow this week, so please bear with my questions. By the above, I am taking it to mean that Ava, while talking to Carlos, threatened to harm Sabrina, and Luke, while talking to Spenser, threatened to harm Emma?

(Because otherwise, if Ava and Luke made threats to the faces of Sabrina and Emma, I am damned sorry I missed some episodes.)

Edited by CindyMcLennan
  • Love 1
The kidney thing is what makes me think it's Bill.


I know bringing reality into GH is always problematic, but kidney donations don't have to be from family members. 


Ava, while talking to Carlos, threatened to harm Sabrina, and Luke, while talking to Spenser, threatened to harm Emma?


That's exactly what happened, Cindy. From what we've seen afterward, it looks as if FakeLuke was the one who's responsible for the car accident, as he's had a few phone calls that pointed in that direction. But it's Ron, so who knows.

  • Love 1

I don't remember Luke and Ava calling Levi? I did miss some episodes, though. When did this happen? What were the respective conversations? I wonder if I blocked them out. 



The kidney thing is what makes me think it's Bill. 


This seems likely to me. In my head, Madeline hired Ava to seduce Silas in the first place. Next, Madeline's plan to make Nina miscarry backfired and ended with Nina in a coma, but she had a coma baby, which Madeline then paid Ava to raise as her own. This is how I make it work in my head that Ava was in love with Silas for all those years, but never tried to lure him back by telling him about their shared daughter: she was paid well not to do so.

If I was an offspring in Port Charles, I'd get a DNA test.


I'm a little slow this week, so please bear with my questions. By the above, I am taking it to mean that Ava, while talking to Carlos, threatened to harm Sabrina, and Luke, while talking to Spenser, threatened to harm Emma?

(Because otherwise, if Ava and Luke made threats to the faces of Sabrina and Emma, I am damned sorry I missed some episodes.)

About 3-4 weeks ago, Luke was in a room with Spencer and wanted him to be quiet about something so he alluded to harm befalling Emma. This was the night of some dance.  Then we got scenes of Spencer over acting with worry and telling Cameron he needed to protect Emma. 


Yes, I knew that. it was the wording that confused me. When I read "Ava threatened Sabrina," I read it like Ava made the threat to Sabrina's face. I was just trying to make sure the original post meant, "Ava told Carols she would harm Sabrina," because otherwise, I missed more than I thought.

Edited by CindyMcLennan

If the anvils they're dropping get any bigger they're going to fall through my tv - Kiki is so The Nina's daughter. Mama with the facelift from hell gave comababy to Ava and soon we'll be treated to the shocking! emotional! outoftheblue! knowledge that the Terror of Tiny Town is the spawn of DumpsterDiving Diva Nina and The Walking Dead Silas. Which means she'll also be related to Britt and The Wooden Soldier, and Dr. OLLLLLLLLLLLbrecht. What joy.

Hey, who needs the Quartermaines now that this NEW family has come to town??

We are witnessing the Rappaport Years, transferred from OLTL to GH.


Ron C., bringing us the WORST from all the soaps, for our viewing horror.

There have been weird rumors about Kiki being someone, anyone else's baby since forever. First people claimed she might be Duke and Anna's lost child somehow, now it's this. I don't know that I buy any of it, I think that was all spec. I think someone else - I'm thinking of someone in particular but won't mention it in the unspoiled thread since they're not here yet - may end up being Silas and Nina's coma baby.


(There was also a persistent claim that Sabrina might turn out to be Duke and Anna's kid, thereby making her Robin's half-sister, which I think got sourced as something RC actually did play with for a while, but that never panned out.)


Is bi-polar disorder hereditary?   It'd be interesting if instead of Sahbweeenah being run of the mill cray-cray, she was showing signs of bi-polar disorder that she got from her father's genes.  


To throw more fuel on the fire, I remember them making a point to say Sabrina's father had destroyed all the pictures of her mother.  Additionally, once her mother died her father abandoned her.


My theory was that her mother was a cousin of Lily's who agreed to raise the girl and after she died, her husband had no interest in a child that wasn't his.

Edited by Tiger
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