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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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So this is going around on SM right now (seems valid). Looks like Creation is going to crack down on Destiel/shipping questions. I get the feeling that Jensen finally put his foot down. If he isn't having any fun I can't see him attending anymore SPN conventions. Jared gets mostly mental health q's and Jensen always has to be on his toes for the inevitable D question (and that really odd if Jack was a girl question).

Jensen has The Boys, movies, animated Batman, brewery and his production company. Seems like his plate is pretty full. Same with Jared. If Creation can't get a handle on this they might just move on.

Edited by Casseiopeia
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I don't believe for a minute Jensen asked to stop the Destiel questions.  He's never shied away from answering them, the freaks just don't like what he has to say. I saw the "censorship" clip, and whatever the reason the handler spoke up, she barely got a word out before the person questioned her, and Misha said it was ok. Why were they even filming the person asking? Seemed  almost like a set up. Regardless,  I don't think Jensen had anything to do with it.

ETA: once again Jensen gets flak for something involving Misha and his fans.  

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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1 hour ago, Aithne said:

I'm at a loss to understand why we need to find an actor responsible for something social media says Creation may or may not be doing. 

If the con is doing it, the con is doing it. Whatever. 

I don't know or care who made the decision (if it was indeed made!)  Personally, I'd be happy without any more Destiel questions--not that I have anything against Destiel, just that it seems the question has been answered definitively by Jensen, many, many times.  Who was it who said the definition of insanity was to do the same thing over and over and expect different results?  And badgering or tricking people into saying what you want to hear doesn't mean anything, and is very unfair to the actors.   


Edited by ahrtee
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If it were my call, I'd say questions related to canon should be good to go, and noncanonical ship questions (like Wincest, reciprocated Destiel, any other noncanonical ships like Dean/Benny or Dean/Ellen, etc) should be off-limits. The one that seems to have started the controversy (it was "When did Dean know that Castiel was in love with him?", right?) seems like a normal question to ask about a love confession on a show. Ie, did he have any inkling prior to that moment, that sort of thing. Things about Dean potentially reciprocating, though, don't need to be asked again. 

That said, it's not up to me. But I don't see the point regardless in speculating in a fan-warrish way about whether an actor spurred a decision that may or may not have been made by the con. There's no evidence one way or another. 

Edited by Aithne
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20 minutes ago, Aithne said:

The one that seems to have started the controversy (it was "When did Dean know that Castiel was in love with him?", right?) seems like a normal question to ask about a love confession on a show. Ie, did he have any inkling prior to that moment, that sort of thing. Things about Dean potentially reciprocating, though, don't need to be asked again

It's weird how everyone is blaming JP for not letting JA answer when JA answered the question completely before JP started his really long convoluted take on "love who you want."

Why does no one complaining about JA being silenced actually listen when he speaks. Also, why didn't anyone ask a confession scene question in his solo panel? Because then they would actually have to listen to his answer?

Why is everything MC says off-the-record treated as canon written on a God tablet, and anything JA says attributed to NDAs or his supposed h*phobia?

13 hours ago, Casseiopeia said:

Jared gets mostly mental health q's and Jensen always has to be on his toes for the inevitable D question (and that really odd if Jack was a girl question).

I also feel bad for JP getting MH questions. He's not a professional? He can talk about his own struggles but is he really someone who can advise others?

Even if I care more about Dean/JA, I acknowledge that Dean wouldn't be the  Dean I fangirl for if there was no Sam. And I think JP is an excellent Sam. (Can't really imagine another actor for that role.) There are interesting questions to ask JP about Sam.


2 hours ago, MAK said:

There are interesting questions to ask JP about Sam.

Unfortunately, 'interesting questions' went out the window a long time ago in favour of 'pranks' and attempted 'Gotcha!' questions from people who will only hear one answer, no matter what is said.

IMO, Jensen's answer about when Dean 'knew' is the correct one. "Dean" knew when Cas said the words in 15x18 and not before, and Jensen knows this because that's how he played him. 

I blame Misha 100% for the ongoing insanity of Destiel (in the romantic, wants to jump his bones sense). He stokes that fire every chance he gets if it seems he'll get some more mileage out of it. Funny that he gives a different answer when he is actually in the same building as Jensen. That tells me it's not about his convictions - it's about pandering to the fanbase that pays his bills.

But the bottom line (for me) is, the fault lies with Dabb and Berens, who wrote that mess knowing full well what it would engender. IMO they are both frustrated, petty, small men who took the little bit of power they had and used it to punish someone who is their superior in every single way.

I have mostly been able to avoid all the noise this con caused on social media. Unfortunately somebody I know re-blogged a tumblr post that was, quite frankly, terrifying. Like, actual calls for violence against Jensen for disappointing them in their fantasies. I hope that Dabb and Berens both rot, and if anything ever does happen, that they are all held accountable for it.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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I only paid attention to the Jensen solo and gold panel. I'm a little tired of Misha's and Jared's schtick. I know their fans love it so I don't blame anyone but I get most everything I want from Jensen's part. I really wish Jensen and Jared would do separate panels and do the gold panel together. Half (sometime more) of J2's panels are jokes, tangents and misunderstandings. 

I'm not surprised that there was some blowback on twitter over the heavenly not romantic love statements. I actually thought it was going to be worse. I wouldn't be surprised if Creation is banning questions. I don't want to think Prequel questions, Destiel questions and finale questions have or will be banned but it might be inevitable if it harms the cons. 

Question for anyone that watched all the panels. Did Jared/Misha/Jim get any questions or boos on the finale? When everything was ending Jared thought it was one of the best episodes they had ever done, Misha had to do a public apology for being insensitive and Jim got pretty surly over all the twitter hate.  Now that time has passed, did their opinions on the ending change or were they surprised at some of the reactions some fans still have? It's pretty obvious that Jensen's opinions haven't changed. 

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59 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Unfortunately, 'interesting questions' went out the window a long time ago in favour of 'pranks' and attempted 'Gotcha!' questions from people who will only hear one answer, no matter what is said.

IMO, Jensen's answer about when Dean 'knew' is the correct one. "Dean" knew when Cas said the words in 15x18 and not before, and Jensen knows this because that's how he played him. 

I blame Misha 100% for the ongoing insanity of Destiel (in the romantic, wants to jump his bones sense). He stokes that fire every chance he gets if it seems he'll get some more mileage out of it. Funny that he gives a different answer when he is actually in the same building as Jensen. That tells me it's not about his convictions - it's about pandering to the fanbase that pays his bills.

But the bottom line (for me) is, the fault lies with Dabb and Berens, who wrote that mess knowing full well what it would engender. IMO they are both frustrated, petty, small men who took the little bit of power they had and used it to punish someone who is their superior in every single way.

I have mostly been able to avoid all the noise this con caused on social media. Unfortunately somebody I know re-blogged a tumblr post that was, quite frankly, terrifying. Like, actual calls for violence against Jensen for disappointing them in their fantasies. I hope that Dabb and Berens both rot, and if anything ever does happen, that they are all held accountable for it.

I haven't seen that.  Did you all report it?

It feels like the shippers in the fandom have only become worse since the finale. I saw a few posts on Twitter and was blown away at how out of control people are. JA did the best he could with that question. Some people seem to have no respect for the choices he made when playing Dean. And JP stumbled around a bit but JA agreed w him that their thoughts were that it was not a romantic or sexual love. It was clumsy and offensive in some ways but the greater point stands, I think. Misha makes trouble. Anyway, I think if people want conventions to continue, they’ll rein in their behavior. The threats and whatnot sent to the actor SM accounts are insane. 

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I know there will be more cons than I'd like to see in 2022, but that's because they were all rescheduled from 2020 and 2021. After that, I'd honestly hope to see maybe one big one a year - like Creation does for Trek. One big thing in Vegas, for instance, and leave it at that. I know the cons are lucrative, and the second/third tier actors really count on them. But personally I want to see the Js, and Jensen especially, become simply too busy for the circuit.

Of course, I'd love to see Jensen engaging in fan events for projects like The Boys now anyway.

The "gotcha" questions and obvious set ups are pathetic. Those people need to start expending that amount of energy into their real lives for a change.

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2 hours ago, PAForrest said:

The "gotcha" questions and obvious set ups are pathetic. Those people need to start expending that amount of energy into their real lives for a change


So much.

And I'm hoping that Jensen will be too busy to do so many of them,  too.

I've watched his whole solo panel and some of the Gold and while he was as wonderful and gracious as ever in them-and even with some who didn't deserve it at all-I'm also  more than ready for him to do some promo work for The Boys at this point.

I've been loving the bits we've been getting of his interactions with that cast. And his Karl Urban story at this one only made me want and wish for more of those; and now we have Rust, too. 

At this point, I think any hate he gets is eventually drowned out by all the Love from his own fandom(which is substantial now and much more than just and only made up of the SPN "family" 🙄) and, IMO, sadly, it's often the cons that encourage and keep the hate alive and kicking at all.




Edited by Myrelle
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30 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

And I'm hoping that Jensen will be too busy to do so many of them,  too

I hope so too. He doesn't really need the money, and he no longer has to promote the show. 

He tells such great stories about BTS stuff, interesting and amusing. Production, directing, acting, storylines, set-dec.  If he does do more cons, he should only answer questions on things like that.

Answer, "Will you do a little dance for me?" with a "No. Next question." And every confessiom/Destiel question with, "Dean had no idea and did not reciprocate. You can ask Misha about Castiel's POV. Next question."

But he's probably too much of a gentleman to do that.

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Not that this has much to do with anything, but at one con someone asked Jared what his least favorite costume was (in anything, not just SPN).  I thought that was an interesting question because I don't think I've ever heard anyone ask much about wardrobe before, and presumably that person has an interest in such things.  I do kind of wonder why she went least favorite or favorite, but I'm sure she had her reasons.


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21 hours ago, Binns said:

Misha makes trouble.

I’ve always felt Misha pushed the Destiel button whenever he could and the Twitter crowd lapped it up.  Never mind Jensen’s portrayal of Dean as anything but bisexual. And Castiel couldn’t even be called a “friend” judging by the scripts. He was a plot prop most of the time.  And that stupid  bloody raincoat….🙄

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59 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

I’ve always felt Misha pushed the Destiel button whenever he could and the Twitter crowd lapped it up.  Never mind Jensen’s portrayal of Dean as anything but bisexual. And Castiel couldn’t even be called a “friend” judging by the scripts. He was a plot prop most of the time.  And that stupid  bloody raincoat….🙄

Dabb era, maybe, but everyone was pretty OOC by then. Castiel, in the days when Destiel began and grew to eclipse Wincest and RPF in fan circles, was absolutely a friend to Dean. Frankly, in a world where Sam was the specialest of the special kids and no one considered Dean worth a second glance, Castiel's admiration for and commitment to him was pretty dang refreshing. 

Re: MC's comments on the ship, I consider JA to be the authority on Dean, and MC to be the authority on Castiel. Castiel's feelings shouldn't imply anything about Dean's, or vice versa, and if the actors are speaking for other actors' characters, they shouldn't be. 

Edited by Aithne
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Misha Collins behaves as though he needs the money from all his destiel fans, so I doubt he ever stops stirring that pot. Playing castiel for all these years was a good gig for him, largely because of destiel fans. So I don’t blame him. But I do question his authority when it comes to judging anything having to do with Castiel’s feelings toward Dean. He comes across as having ulterior motives. Makes him untrustworthy. 

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1 hour ago, Bessie said:

Misha Collins behaves as though he needs the money from all his destiel fans, so I doubt he ever stops stirring that pot. Playing castiel for all these years was a good gig for him, largely because of destiel fans. So I don’t blame him. But I do question his authority when it comes to judging anything having to do with Castiel’s feelings toward Dean. He comes across as having ulterior motives. Makes him untrustworthy. 

I think he does need the money. I also think the convention circuit is a major paycheck for him. And if Jensen and Jared stop going to SPN cons that paycheck will disappear. Conventions with just Misha and guest stars aren't a huge money maker for CE.

  Unfortunately Destiel seems to be the sword his career is going to die on.

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1 hour ago, Bessie said:

Makes him untrustworthy. 

Only as much so as JA and JP, who rode the financial wave of promoting their  "real-life brotherhood" from day one, in the time-honored tradition of showmances between leads. They all make money off of the fan investment, whether in the brotherly bond, in the ships, etc. I wouldn't single any one of them out as untrustworthy for doing so. 

Anyway, what happened in the show is still what happened in the show, and I'm still interested in their interpretations. 

Edited by Aithne
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It's always been weird that fans/stans think JA, JP, and MC do these cons out of the goodness of their hearts, because they "love" the spnfamily. Yes, these three come off as salt-of-the-earth and just regular guys, always kind and open. But isn't that part of their jobs?

Not a single actor would appear if money wasn't worth it, or unless they had to for their continued employment. 


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56 minutes ago, MAK said:

It's always been weird that fans/stans think JA, JP, and MC do these cons out of the goodness of their hearts, because they "love" the spnfamily. Yes, these three come off as salt-of-the-earth and just regular guys, always kind and open. But isn't that part of their jobs?

Not a single actor would appear if money wasn't worth it, or unless they had to for their continued employment. 


While that is true in the last few years fans have developed a sense of ownership and entitlement that is way over the top. If an actor doesn't say exactly what they want them to say or perform exactly how they want at cons, time to pull out the death threats.

In the manner of "I pay you, you do as I say". People should learn that they pay to see them in real life, pay for autographs and standing next to them in a picture. There is no pay option for "validate me in exactly the way I want".

How do those people get through life? Life doesn't coddle and validate you.

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Don’t they (ie Panel handlers/coordinators) screen questions?  I’ve only been to small Cons for a show that’s 40 yrs old, so this really isn’t an issue as most of us know each other personally.  And usually only one or two of the actors come.  

I’m a Destiel shipper, but that doesn’t mean I believe the actors have to be.  They have their interpretation and I have mine.  Yet knowing the mine field this subject is, I would never presume to ask them any kind of volatile question.  And honestly I cringe whenever hearing them in the videos.  We’re hoping to attend the VA Con next year, and I do have a question, if I get picked, but it’s a scene filming question from early in the series.  

I just think screening these should be important.  The questions should be abt their careers, the show, the crew & cast.  Not questionable or non-canon ideas, or their personal lives.  If they want to share, fine.  But I think personal questions should also be off limits.  It seems intrusive.

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So my heart stopped this morning when the news was reported about a fatal shooting on the set of Rust.  Alec Baldwin accidently shot and killed a cinematographer and seriously injured the director with a prop gun. Just really tragic news.


Edited by Casseiopeia
1 hour ago, Casseiopeia said:

So my heart stopped this morning when the news was reported about a fatal shooting on the set of Rust.  Alec Baldwin accidently shot and killed a cinematographer and seriously injured the director with a prop gun. Just really tragic news.


Oh, God. How awful!!!

17 hours ago, Binns said:

Oh boy. 



When news of the Rust set tragedy first broke, reports did not identify which member of the cast had been handling the gun when it misfired. I kept thinking if it was Jensen, we were going to see the clip where he discussed on set gun "training" on a perma-loop.

If you didn't see that part of the con, he pantomimed firing a shot, spinning the gun on his fingers, and re-holstering it with a flourish. It was a funny, cute moment, that the media would have used to haunt him until the end of his days.

Edited by General Days
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1 hour ago, General Days said:


When news of the Rust set tragedy first broke, reports did not identify which member of the cast had been handling the gun when it misfired. I kept thinking if it was Jensen, we were going to see the clip where he discussed on set gun "training" on a perma-loop.

If you didn't see that part of the con, he pantomimed firing a shot, spinning the gun on his fingers, and re-holstering it with a flourish. It was a funny, cute moment, that the media would have used to haunt him until the end of his days.

I'm guessing all of this is going to haunt him to the end of his days.  I wonder if the police let everyone go home, or if they have to stick around for the investigation?  I imagine he wants to be with loved ones right now.  

I wonder if Jared will rethink weapons/blanks on Walker?  

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29 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

I wonder if Jared will rethink weapons/blanks on Walker?  

I hope this is an industry wide wake up call. Even on the set of SPN there was a prop gun mishap that scared the crap out of Alaina and Mark S.

My fear is that Jensen is forever going to be linked to that tragedy because he was the only cast member on video talking about weapons. What was he doing on that project to begin with? From all the info coming out it sounds like it was a low budget production that was fraught with serious safety and labor issues from the start. If I were Jensen I think I would have a serious conversation with my manager about vetting future projects.

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Right now, the best thing Jensen can do is stay quiet, which he can do.  I do wonder if the movie production will ever continue. 

Anyone who watched Jensen's story will realize that it was said to entertain and had nothing to do with thinking they weren't being safe on the set.  I wouldn't have thought that Alec Baldwin meant a bad gig, but now I do wonder about the actor that Jensen had replaced.  Why did he leave the production?  Hopefully, it won't harm Jensen's acting career, but it will teach a lesson.

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5 hours ago, ahrtee said:

I'm guessing all of this is going to haunt him to the end of his days.  I wonder if the police let everyone go home, or if they have to stick around for the investigation?  I imagine he wants to be with loved ones right now.  

I wonder if Jared will rethink weapons/blanks on Walker?  

I think you’re right considering the person JA seems to be. And the con thing was a really entertaining anecdote for fans who know how much experience he has w guns on set. They never had an incident in 15 seasons…this movie had 3 in the week before this. And there are union/scab issues. I feel terrible for JA- he was so excited and it seemed like a good launching point into a movie career, but the more we hear about the production…yikes. Should chat w his manager. 

lots of chatter amongst the obnoxious Twitter crowd (you know the ones) snarking that he hasn’t made a statement yet. Most likely he’s being told not to- keep his head down, etc. No one else from the production is making statements. And I keep thinking he might have been there when it happened based on the scene being filmed. I’m sure it was extremely traumatic for everyone. 

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5 hours ago, Casseiopeia said:

My fear is that Jensen is forever going to be linked to that tragedy because he was the only cast member on video talking about weapons.

Well, obviously Alec Baldwin will be forever linked to the tragedy. As far as we know, Jensen was probably nothing more than an onlooker. And that little con video had nothing to do with what happened. The reason the media got so much mileage out of it is because they were looking for something to attract clicks and had nothing else to use, besides a few still photographs and a police statement. It's like when the NY Times, in their first article on what happened,  included several paragraphs on Alec Baldwin's previous encounters with the police for disorderly conduct -- totally irrelevant, but the media was searching for anything to amp up their coverage. Once they get their hands on something else, like maybe videos of those involved speaking about it, I would not be surprised if the con video loses its attraction to the media.

5 hours ago, Casseiopeia said:

What was he doing on that project to begin with? From all the info coming out it sounds like it was a low budget production that was fraught with serious safety and labor issues from the start.

He was on the project mainly, I think, because he has always wanted to do a Western and this must have sounded like a good opportunity. As for the safety issues, which apparently came up a few days before what happened and were not publicized until afterwards,  I'm not sure how Jensen was supposed to know about that beforehand. Interview individual crew members anonymously before he accepted the role to make sure they had no complaints? I think it is unfair to imply now in hindsight that Jensen somehow made an error in judgment by joining the cast. It's not as if he could have known what was going to happen.

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42 minutes ago, Bergamot said:

Well, obviously Alec Baldwin will be forever linked to the tragedy. As far as we know, Jensen was probably nothing more than an onlooker. And that little con video had nothing to do with what happened. The reason the media got so much mileage out of it is because they were looking for something to attract clicks and had nothing else to use, besides a few still photographs and a police statement. It's like when the NY Times, in their first article on what happened,  included several paragraphs on Alec Baldwin's previous encounters with the police for disorderly conduct -- totally irrelevant, but the media was searching for anything to amp up their coverage. Once they get their hands on something else, like maybe videos of those involved speaking about it, I would not be surprised if the con video loses its attraction to the media.

He was on the project mainly, I think, because he has always wanted to do a Western and this must have sounded like a good opportunity. As for the safety issues, which apparently came up a few days before what happened and were not publicized until afterwards,  I'm not sure how Jensen was supposed to know about that beforehand. Interview individual crew members anonymously before he accepted the role to make sure they had no complaints? I think it is unfair to imply now in hindsight that Jensen somehow made an error in judgment by joining the cast. It's not as if he could have known what was going to happen.

Unfortunately Jensen is the only face being pushed all over main stream media right now. I'm not saying it's going to affect his career in any way it just sucks that he is being used this way. 

From the affidavit that was filed there were problems for a lot longer than the last few days on set.  My only point was that Jensen is on the rise in the industry he doesn't need to get involved in low budget projects that have been having serious violations on set. I don't think he did anything wrong I just think his manager needs to vet these projects before bringing them to Jensen's attention. 

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32 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

My only point was that Jensen is on the rise in the industry he doesn't need to get involved in low budget projects that have been having serious violations on set.

Its easy to say in hindsight, but its possible he didn't know. 

As for why he took the role, that's simple.  He said it at the con last weekend.  He's wanted to be in a western since he was 6 months old.  Given that was an old school, period piece western it probably had extra appeal.  He's always said he wants to do parts that are interesting and challenging.  He said he read and liked the script and the character.   If it was just the big A-List status he was after he would have left SPN after Marvel came knocking. 

I don't think he look down on a role because its not attached to a big budget hollywood blockbuster.

Also Baldwin reached out to him.  There was supposed to be another actor from the part, but Jensen was definitely giddy over it, so if it was another big name, and said the other person had to cancel because of scheduling issues.  So it it was a big name, along with Baldwin, and him being brought in at the last minute, its not unreasonable to think that he picture was already vetted.


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1 hour ago, Casseiopeia said:

Unfortunately Jensen is the only face being pushed all over main stream media right now. I'm not saying it's going to affect his career in any way it just sucks that he is being used this way. 

Never mind.  I hadn't seen any of the major news outlets talking about Jensen at all (except EW) but I did just see that his interview showed up in quite a few places.

However, whatever fuss about Jensen talking about the weapons seems to have disappeared by now (the videos were taken down) and, since mostly what they were looking for was information about how the actors were trained/vetted on gun safety, I assume, then Jensen just showed that they were.  AFAIK, as long as the clip didn't show him being a smartass, it shouldn't reflect badly on him at all.   


Edited by ahrtee
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I haven't read Jensen's name in any articles about the tragedy.  I'm sure he feels horrible about it, whether he was on set at the time or not, but it's a personal blow.  Unfortunately Alec Baldwin is the "face" for this shooting, even though it sounds like the AD Dave Hall was the irresponsible one.  

  • Love 2
22 hours ago, ahrtee said:

I'm guessing all of this is going to haunt him to the end of his days.

Of course the tragedy will weigh heavy on Jensen and everyone involved with the production. A woman died and a man was injured. 

Please don't twist the meaning of my tweet which was — again as stated — that I was afraid the media would haunt Jensen with that clip from the Denver convention. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Frost said:

I haven't read Jensen's name in any articles about the tragedy.

An article on Yahoo a couple of days ago was totally about Jensen and his comments at the convention.  It was a 'read between the lines' type of thing. But that's what Yahoo does.

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, General Days said:

Of course the tragedy will weigh heavy on Jensen and everyone involved with the production. A woman died and a man was injured. 

Please don't twist the meaning of my tweet which was — again as stated — that I was afraid the media would haunt Jensen with that clip from the Denver convention. 

I don't think I was twisting the meaning but apologies if you think so.  I did say that, unless the clip included Jensen being a smartass (and from what I've read it didn't) then there was nothing he said that the media could use against him.  They weren't looking to make him look bad, just get first-hand info on the weapons and training before the accident.

Most articles and YouTube clips have been about Alec Baldwin and now the assist Hall is being added as the 2nd name.  To be honest, I haven't seen anything about Jensen but I don't watch CNN news at all.  So I don't think in the long run this will harm him.  The convention wasn't saying anything about not being safe.  The only real thing they could say is that he pretended to know nothing about using a gun on set and went through the training.  Short version for a laugh, doesn't mean he thought they weren't being safe.

What it should do, is make sure something like this doesn't happen again.  Alec is the one that this will be an issue for the rest of his career.  They keep saying not only is he the actor, but he is also the producer.  So it is a double-edge sword.

Jensen's story about his interactions and respect for Halyna is heartfelt.  So unless someone is looking for a reason to hate, I'm not seeing it.

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On 10/23/2021 at 6:35 PM, ILoveReading said:

Its easy to say in hindsight, but its possible he didn't know. 

As for why he took the role, that's simple.  He said it at the con last weekend.  He's wanted to be in a western since he was 6 months old.  Given that was an old school, period piece western it probably had extra appeal.  He's always said he wants to do parts that are interesting and challenging.  He said he read and liked the script and the character.   If it was just the big A-List status he was after he would have left SPN after Marvel came knocking. 

I don't think he look down on a role because its not attached to a big budget hollywood blockbuster.

Also Baldwin reached out to him.  There was supposed to be another actor from the part, but Jensen was definitely giddy over it, so if it was another big name, and said the other person had to cancel because of scheduling issues.  So it it was a big name, along with Baldwin, and him being brought in at the last minute, its not unreasonable to think that he picture was already vetted.


I never said he should look down on a role because it wasn't a block buster. However as it turns out the production company let the union crew walk off the set without looking into their concerns and replaced them with non union workers in order to rush production along and save money.

I watched the convention video as well (I posted it) and yes Jensen was excited about the project. My point was that low budget can also mean poor pay and poor working conditions for the cast and crew. Jensen is used to working long hours into the night but he is also used to working with a tight professional crew where safety is the first priority which clearly wasn't the case on this set. And I certainly don't blame Jensen for anything. However the unfortunate death of Halyn was the exact reason that SAG crew members were about to strike. Unsafe and unfair working conditions, something that the production company behind Rust didn't take very seriously. It could have easily been Jensen on either end of that gun since he was the protagonist in the movie.



Edited by Casseiopeia

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