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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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4 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

The level of public castigation is a little out of hand.

What public castigation? Honestly, I think he's being treated more than kindly. The articles are stating facts (as they are known) and I've seen very little negative slant on them. I am NOT saying I think he should be pilloried, I'm saying he hasn't been. Pretty much every response to it has either been the OTT fan-worshipping (or its opposite) nonsense, or a general he-done-messed-up-but-we-still-love-him sentiment.

Yeah, it's getting more attention than a private citizen would, but this is the age of the cell-phone video and nobody is getting away with anonymous ass-hattery any more. I am eternally grateful it didn't exist when I was in my youth.

  • Love 11

What is with the fanboys/fangirls who excuse all this because they hero worship a guy they don't even really know? Or because they have a crush on him or whatever. Have they all forgotten what empathy is?

My first thought when hearing about it (in this forum because I don't follow celebs or celeb news) was of the victims and whether they are ok. My second thought was that I'm glad the police came and took him to sleep it off in a cell. I know he has a wife and kids and the thought of him going home in that state...I'm not saying he would hurt his family but in the condition he was in you can't be sure what he would do.

And only then I thought about Jared. But not in a 'poor him' way, rather I was thinking what an idiot he is. He apparently has depression and is taking meds for it I assume. Mixing alcohol with those meds is a giant NO. Which he has to know since someone is treating him and prescribing said meds. Even if he weren't taking meds, alcohol for someone with depression is a really bad idea which he would also know if he was being treated. The guy is freaking 37 years old, he has a family, he has a job and he has businesses...get it together. You are not 15, act like a grown up and wise up and get better help because clearly your current therapist isn't doing it right.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said:

So, yeah jumping to bribery, especially when there are no charges filed about bribing a police officer is a little OTT for me

Its fascinating. I was both disappointed and a little sad when I read about this. That was pretty much the totality of my reaction. I don't know Padalecki, so my knowledge of his issues is nonexistent and, whatever they may be, they have no impact on me. I wish him well, and hope I never have to read about this type of behavior again. 

Well, at least there's something interesting for fans to discuss. I haven't posted in a long time, and I'm seeing comments from others who rarely, if ever, post.  A juicy "fall from grace" story seems to pull people in. I'm finding the passion on both sides bewildering, to be honest  

  • Love 4
33 minutes ago, ukgirl71 said:

It's a volatile situation for sure - I wouldn't want to call it right now whether he'll be there or not (glad I went to Toronto and didn't wait for DC, tbh).  If I were Creation I'd be putting in a back up call to JDM.

I hope Creation makes some kind of statement soon, and I hope Jared does too (although I understand his will have to be vague). People who took time off work and paid a lot of money for the convention this weekend deserve to know what to expect. If they managed to get JDM to show up, I wouldn't be upset about Jared missing it, but I doubt that'll happen with how busy he is.

  • Love 3

Gotta love Jim Beaver for a little perspective. From his Facebook.


Today was a day. Five-hour flight from Toronto to Vancouver, an argument with a white-haired crew-cut jackanapes at Canadian immigration that I had to cool myself down during in order not to be the second cast member of this show to end up in jail today, then a long drive to the U.S. border in order to "flagpole" (meaning to leave Canada and u-turn in the U.S. and go back to Canada in order to accomplish some bureaucratic hocus-pocus, then 2 hours waiting for the Immigration people at the border (a much nicer bunch than at the airport) to start even working on my paperwork for a work permit, then a long drive back from the border to Burnaby for a wardrobe fitting and finally into the Vancouver proper to check into my hotel, a mere 14 hours after getting up after 4 hours' sleep. I didn't like much of it, but my house isn't on fire and I don't have cancer and I'm not a Kurd and my wife strangely only wants to be with me, so I'm good. Wouldn't mind meeting that Immigration guy on the sidewalk, though.

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I believe Jared gives the full story of the old barfight in this podcast. You have to use the link. And it's near the end. They were jumped; three people went to hospital; ambulances and police there but they were defending themselves. Though there is a prescient quote about getting in bar fights. 

Edited by Bobcatkitten
  • Useful 1

Just quickly because I'm late for something, but to all of you saying he needs a new therapist:  Stop.  Just stop.  He could have the best g.d. therapist in the world but that therapist can't control what Jared does.  If he's not listening to the help provided by this therapist and getting better that is on JARED!  If anyone cares to hear more of my opinion on this say the word and I'll give you a paragraph or two more.  But in the meantime, think about what you're saying.  You're blaming the therapist when you suggest that he gets a new one, cause apparently EVERYBODY in his life is talking to a brick wall where the drinking is concerned because I can't effing believe that no one else, ever, said "hey, maybe you should slow your roll" to him.*  A therapist doesn't have CONTROL over the patient and if he isn't going to listen to and do the work with one therapist, he's unlikely to with another.  JARED needs to get his shit together on this stuff, because ultimately changing his behaviour is entirely up to him.  And he has said as much when talking about his depression. So it's not like he doesn't know. 

Okay, more than I intended, I'm really late, and have no more to say.  Sorry about this, but I've had enough therapists (good and not so good) over the years to know where the responsibility lies.  And I'm sorry, but that attitude kinda pisses me off.  (Maybe cause therapy has saved my life so I have respect for the process these professionals are prepared to guide people through when they are prepared to make the journey.)

*See the raw ribs story.  I don't care who you are, if you are drunk enough to eat a pan full of raw mat there should be more to your reaction than that 'those were a little chewy'.

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, Bessie said:

Its fascinating. I was both disappointed and a little sad when I read about this. That was pretty much the totality of my reaction. I don't know Padalecki, so my knowledge of his issues is nonexistent and, whatever they may be, they have no impact on me. I wish him well, and hope I never have to read about this type of behavior again. 

Well, at least there's something interesting for fans to discuss. I haven't posted in a long time, and I'm seeing comments from others who rarely, if ever, post.  A juicy "fall from grace" story seems to pull people in. I'm finding the passion on both sides bewildering, to be honest  

I have a very jaded view of Hollywood and Actors/Actresses, I just assume they're all egotistical jackasses who cheat and feel self entitled (even the "good" ones). When I hear stuff like this I'm just not surprised and, in the grand scheme of Hollywood offenses, this is pretty minor. 

Jared will make a public apology, do some community service, probably go to anger management courses or increase therapy and maybe join AA (publicly anyway) and, settle a few civil suits. Something like this won't really impact his career or the Walker Reboot.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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37 minutes ago, Cambion said:

But in the meantime, think about what you're saying.  You're blaming the therapist when you suggest that he gets a new one.

I disagree.

IMO, you're simply looking for someone who can better help you or your loved one. That's all. Nothing else. Switching counselors does not equate to assigning blame because not all counselors are the same. 

40 minutes ago, Cambion said:

A therapist doesn't have CONTROL over the patient and if he isn't going to listen to and do the work with one therapist, he's unlikely to with another

As for this, IA with the unbolded part, but not the bolded part-and again I say this because not all counselors are the same.

From my experience, they seem to be the same as any other field of employment in that you have your great ones and yes, unhelpful one sometimes(for whatever reason) and everything in between; and again in my experience, the everything in between is by far the majority simply because it is so hard to help every individual who comes in the door precisely because everyone is an individual and figuring out how to help some of those-especially those who are resistant to change-is no easy task, I'm sure.

But IA that if you can find the right one for you or your loved one it can be a great help. 

It's just that if something isn't working, it's no sin to try something or someone else and, again IMO, it's not a reflection of the counselor's competency(and a good one, won't take it that way) and to me it's most certainly not assigning blame to the counselor.

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, Bessie said:

Isn’t it marketing people who say “all pr is good pr”?  This is definitely getting his name out there. ; )

Yep. As long as they spell the name right is part of the cliche. In Jared's case that isn't always a given, lol. Like I said earlier, IMO he's a golden child with his fans and with the CW and most of the tv/entertainment 'reporters'.  I have no doubt this will end up spun positively for him, provided he doesn't just go out and do it again any time soon.

  • Love 1
20 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Yep. As long as they spell the name right is part of the cliche. In Jared's case that isn't always a given, lol. Like I said earlier, IMO he's a golden child with his fans and with the CW and most of the tv/entertainment 'reporters'.  I have no doubt this will end up spun positively for him, provided he doesn't just go out and do it again any time soon.

This would be wrong on so many levels, IMO, and anyone in his life who would try to spin it that way is no friend or loved one of his, not in truth.

He physically hurt people in a drunken rage. 

Anyone who would try and spin something like that into a good thing has problems of their own that they should get help for and they would not be helping him at all. MO, again.

Edited by Myrelle
  • Love 3
16 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

This would be wrong on so many levels, IMO, and anyone in his life who would try to spin it that way is no friend or loved one of his, not in truth.

He physically hurt people in a drunken rage. 

Anyone who would try and spin something like that into a good thing has problems of their own that they should get help for and they would not be helping him at all. MO, again.

You know I don't disagree, however his professional life (presumably) will go on, and it is the publicist's job to spin. I'm guessing a vague (for legal purposes) mea culpa, followed by some PSA's about mental health, substance abuse, responsibility, etc, and probably another charity campaign or two and he will be the poster boy for "AKF" again. It's that puppy-dog/moose/man-child thing he has going for him - it works for him.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
  • Love 3

I hate the way he and his actions get validated by his gazillion fans.

I wonder how they'd react if things were the other way round - if Jared had been at the end of some git's drunken violence... Maybe they'd be a little less "NBD" and "hopefully the perpetrator is ok".

Also I'm glad that when I was little MY dad didn't go out, get drunk and lose control over his impulses to a degree that the police had to come, take him away and lock him up in prison for a few hours. I can tell you I would NOT have looked forward to him coming home.

(Same if it had been my husband.)

  • Useful 1
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6 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

You know I don't disagree, however his professional life (presumably) will go on, and it is the publicist's job to spin. I'm guessing a vague (for legal purposes) mea culpa, followed by some PSA's about mental health, substance abuse, responsibility, etc, and probably another charity campaign or two and he will be the poster boy for "AKF" again. It's that puppy-dog/moose/man-child thing he has going for him - it works for him.

Not in all ways, it would seem.

But I know what you're trying to say.

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We'll see what happens in the next few days.  I hope he attends the con as scheduled, makes a brief, one-time statement about what happened, and everyone moves on.  I don't think we know enough about what actually happened to form any real opinions about his therapy, whether or not he has an alcohol problem, or anything else.  I will assume that if he needs help, his family and friends will see that he gets it.  Lucky for him, he has some really good people around him.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Cambion said:

Just quickly because I'm late for something, but to all of you saying he needs a new therapist:  Stop.  Just stop.  He could have the best g.d. therapist in the world but that therapist can't control what Jared does.

When I said the therapist isn't doing it right I wasn't blaming them for what Jared does. I mean that whatever approach they have tried with Jared isn't working. I know from my own experience because it took me a long time to find the kind of therapist that could actually help me. This has a lot to do with my own history and me as a person (for example I'm very stubborn). So finding someone I was comfortable with and who could find the right way to get to the bottom of me as a person, that took a while. And it also took a long time to find the right approach to a therapy, especially what to do outside of treatment/appointments to help me through the day. What works for one patient doesn't work for the next.

And that's what I meant when I said that whatever Jared's therapist was doing wasn't working in Jared's case. Of course nothing works unless Jared is willing to take serious steps to overcome or deal with his problems. And that's 100% on Jared.

Edited by Smad
  • Love 3

We don't know 'both sides' of the story, but we do know that he didn't 'get in a bar fight'. A fight implies two or more people throwing punches. By all accounts, he's the only one who got violent - the headlock guy and the general manager were trying to restrain/diffuse/calm him.

  • Love 11

I am certainly not new to posting on this site and really feel the need to say something especially to all those coming out of the woodwork. I am and have been since the beginning a Dean “girl” and it follows, a Jensen fan in the main. However I love the brother dynamic with a bit of angel and others thrown in so Sam and therefore Jared have been a big part of my life for 14 years as well. I follow both them and their wives on all SM sites and several of the other fan sites and fans on twitter and facebook. In no way can I say I know them but they both put themselves (or what they want us to see I am sure people will say) out there and I very much appreciate the glimpses we have into their lives.

I was devastated for Jared and his family and friends that he got himself into such an awful state and the film and photograph were absolutely shocking and very very upsetting. I am sure it will all fade away in time as has his other “mistakes” i.e. naming and shaming people on twitter etc. But it will always be there in the background and as with the twitter issues can be brought up again and again. This does in no way mean I think he should be handwaved just that I wish for him he could go back and not do it. The people, his employees it would seem, must have been in an almost impossible situation and I have utmost sympathy for them and hope that this does not have any long term effect on them.

What I absolutely believe is that Jared is totally genuine in his caring and generous nature and I do not believe for one minute that this action reflects badly on all the good work he has done concerning mental health issues. I do believe that a lot of fans use him rather than a therapist as a crutch which is not good, IMO, for him or in the end for them. Having said that, Jared obviously does have what appears to be anger issues which seem to be aggravated by alcohol and it certainly brings out the more unpleasant side of his nature – I think most of us have some sort of unpleasant side although I have never been tempted to hit anyone!

Many people on here seem to think that he is an alcoholic but having had a functioning alcoholic mother and an alcholic husband I would not necessarily think he has an alcohol problem as such, I think he leads a far too healthy life style generally to be an alcoholic, more like a binge drinker.

I just wanted to put my twopence in here as it seems to me that a lot of people who dislike Sam are putting that on to Jared I hope that all the fans that are sending him love and more love via SM will also listen to those he has attacked as otherwise it will be even more unpleasant for them all – again IMO. I mostly hope that Jared can get to a better place and that his hurt employees are okay.

  • Love 8
15 hours ago, S Cook Productions said:

I took Cliff’s Instagram to mean he was watching a Jared movie in his own house (in a show of support). At any rate, too bad Cliff wasn’t with Jared Saturday night to keep him out of trouble. 😞

That's how I originally took it. I honestly can't decide, but if you articulate the "@" in front of Jared's username, it does make sense that he was saying he was at Jared Padalecki's house.

2 hours ago, Myrelle said:

OTOH, the fear is that that's why he does he things like this.

What things like this?

I mean, I think this fight is a disgrace, particularly since it seems he employs these people (who, common sense suggests, were trying probably trying to shut him off for his own good).

Calling someone out on Twitter is not like this. Getting jumped in a bar and fighting back at age 22 is not like this. I can't stand that a good chunk of this fandom is treating Jared like the victim, but by the same token, I don't think he's some hardened thug with a track record of things like this. Am I missing something? 

12 minutes ago, goyour-own-way said:

Gen has somewhat broken her silence and posted this on her Instagram stories just now. I feel much worse for her and their children than I do Jared.


I just joined Instagram (like five minutes ago) so I could see this.

I don't know how to find stories. The options I saw after following her are her photos & videos, and above them, the choices are: "Style" "Wellness" "Bites" "Kiddos" "Blog" "Love."

How do you find her stories? I know they're only up for a limited time.

Edited by General Days
  • Love 2

If this was shared here yesterday, I've forgotten and couldn't find it when I went to double check, but I apologize.

For anyone needing a break from the Jared story, Misha has an op-ed in NYT's Parenting section.

He discusses his nomadic childhood and how food always anchored them together. It's pretty poignant. I generally shy away from celebrity press, so I didn't realize this is how he grew up. It's a lovely piece, though.  https://parenting.nytimes.com/feeding/misha-collins-supernatural-family-meal?smid=tw-nytparenting

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I'm not trying to blame or condemn Jared or anyone for defending him.  I don't think this "slip" negates any of his good work or his caring nature.  But you can be a good person/truly want to do good things but have issues that surface given certain situations or triggers.  What  matters is how you recognize and deal with them.

Having only found out 20 years later what my sister went through with her alcoholic husband, I can vouch for the fact that good people can have a dark side, and what the public (and sometimes even friends and family) sees is only what they're unable to hide, with 90% under the surface, especially when the person's public face is very important to them.  

I would say the fact that Jared was out drinking alone till 2 am on a Saturday night, especially on one of his few days off without any commitments like cons, shows that there was something wrong to start with.  Considering how both Js have been saying for years how much they miss their families and how they desperately want more time with them, Jared's actions are curious at best, though I would say concerning.  

So maybe there were circumstances that made him more vulnerable to drinking and its effects, and made him more likely to react badly.  That's where the self-understanding and acknowledgement comes in, like an AA member who decides to call his sponsor instead of picking up a drink.  But I don't think anyone can shrug it off as unimportant or a one-time thing.  And having all the support in the world is no help if you don't use it--don't call someone, at least to have someone to drink with, who can say, "that's enough.  Time to go."  

A good therapist can get someone to recognize the symptoms and give them tools to use, but no one can make the call for them.  And depression or anxiety, alcoholism or even binge drinking doesn't make someone violent if the tendencies aren't there already.     

I do think all this will be swept under the rug (probably after an apology and promise to do better), but I truly hope that it *is* a wake up call to Jared's friends at least--those who might not have recognized or understood the problem.  

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, ahrtee said:

It does put a different spin on "Always Keep Fighting" though, doesn't it?  😐

(Sorry...bad taste but I can never resist a straight line.)

Back when he was raging on Twitter about a bartender or waiter or flight attendant or something, I joked that they left off the “Everyone” at the end of the name. I join you in bad taste solidarity. 🙂

I am quite sure his career will be fine - he’s no RDJ, so he can’t keep doing this without going down the Andy Dick road instead, so he’d be wise to lock it up and use it to his advantage, since thousands of people have asked “who the hell is Jared Padalecki?” in the past day or so. But I don’t see much of what once seemed like a sweet guy. For years he has seemed like he is barely containing anger and snark, and his sweetie-goofy moose act just makes me uncomfortable because he’s not that great of an actor and I don’t buy it. He’s handsome AF and man, I really wanted to keep liking the dude, but I fell out of like. 

And he better own the hell out of this. If he makes excuses, it’s going to happen again. I like to think this will be a wake up call, but, I mean, Smallville was a freaking sex cult so I have no idea WTF goes on in the CW, heh. 

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, ahrtee said:

It does put a different spin on "Always Keep Fighting" though, doesn't it?  😐

(Sorry...bad taste but I can never resist a straight line.)

I laughed. #Sorrynotsorry

I saw tweets from both Rachel (Meg) and Sarah Shepherd (Mark's wife) which were pretty obviously support for Jared/pleas for understanding. I think it's lovely, but boy, does it grate on my last nerve when the "Be kind, always" line is used in association with Jared (and on occasion by Jared) because, honestly, he has been less than kind many, many times on social media. So while it's a lovely sentiment, please don't preach what isn't practiced.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
nerve and never are not the same words
  • Love 16
9 hours ago, Smad said:

I'm not saying he would hurt his family but in the condition he was in you can't be sure what he would do.

Take it from someone who grew up with a drunk father, they don't have to hit you to hurt you.  Seeing them in that sloppy state, hearing them try to talk and slur their words, it hurts.  And kids go-to thoughts are "what did I do to cause this?" .

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24 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

I just saw a post on Tumblr stating that his mug shot is hot, this makes him more interesting, not a big deal, I hope he's ok, etc. I don't understand some people.

That can go both ways.  There have been people making some malicious and thoughtless comments and jokes using his mugshot and gifs.  Is that ok?

2 minutes ago, BlueSapphire said:

That can go both ways.  There have been people making some malicious and thoughtless comments and jokes using his mugshot and gifs.  Is that ok?

I don't understand your question. Did I say that they should make fun of it and make malicious comments? I don't think that I did. Did it seem like that was what I meant? Again, I don't think that I did. Can you clarify what you're inferring from my comment?

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25 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

I just saw a post on Tumblr stating that his mug shot is hot, this makes him more interesting, not a big deal, I hope he's ok, etc. I don't understand some people.

Tumblr and Twitter are cesspools of delusion right now.

The way some people in this fandom think is scary as hell to me.

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5 minutes ago, BlueSapphire said:

I guess I felt you were implying that he’s only getting positive affirmation and that there didn’t seem to be anything more insensitive out there.  I apologize since that wasn’t the case.

No, it wasn't that. I'm not looking for celebrating comments that bash Jared and his current situation but I found it odd to see a post gushing about how hot his mugshot is and what a bad boy it makes him look like. That's pretty cringeworthy IMO.

  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, BlueSapphire said:

That can go both ways.  There have been people making some malicious and thoughtless comments and jokes using his mugshot and gifs.  Is that ok?

I don't think people should be making fun of his mugshot, though I can admit that I have had a chuckle over ridiculous civilian mugshots (sometimes, but not always, associated with "Florida Man" or "Florida Woman").  And that's not kind of me because they might have issues I'd be sympathetic towards, but if I don't know that, does that really give me license to laugh?

Anyway, Jared himself has made fun of other celeb mugshots.  He tweeted about Justin Bieber's, saying, "I gotta admit, she's kinda hot without all of her usual makeup on ..."

So he really doubled down on what he was making fun of and how he chose to.  I think he deleted this tweet later (of course).  Maybe he learned from that and understands it's in bad taste, and just bc he did it before doesn't make it "right" for other people to do it to him, but he has done it to other people in front of his huge follower base.  (And many probably thought it was hilarious bc their idol said it.)  And even if the Bieber joke is somehow "okay" (it's not) because Bieber is an asshat and at the time, people might not have known about his mental health problems, is that what makes the difference?  So the people who know about Jared's problems can't make fun, but the people who don't, it's fair game?

Even after this dies down, I expect that Jared will stop making these kinds of tweets, including the ones I mentioned in a previous post about Philip Seymour Hoffman.  They weren't good at the time, and they haven't aged well when applied to him.

  • Love 8

They've added Gil McKinney to this weekend's con to replace Richard Speight Jr., with no mention of any changes re Jared. I would guess that if he wasn't coming it would have been announced by now (schedules usually come out on the Wednesday before), so it looks like business as usual.

54 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

They've added Gil McKinney to this weekend's con to replace Richard Speight Jr., with no mention of any changes re Jared. I would guess that if he wasn't coming it would have been announced by now (schedules usually come out on the Wednesday before), so it looks like business as usual.

Regardless of what an ass Jared was he has to face his contractual obligations (at least he should). He already let down the people he loves he can't let down the people that saved for years to go to their first convention. That really would  be a dick move. He's going to have to face the music good or bad and move on.

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3 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

Regardless of what an ass Jared was he has to face his contractual obligations (at least he should). He already let down the people he loves he can't let down the people that saved for years to go to their first convention. That really would  be a dick move. He's going to have to face the music good or bad and move on.

Well, if he's not legally allowed to leave the state, there wouldn't be much he could do about it. He is out on bail, which most of the time comes with restrictions such as, you can't leave the state.  However, they may give him a pass for a pre-scheduled work thing, in which case, yes, he should be there.

  • Love 1

Unless the judge specifically spelled out travel restrictions as a condition of bail, there likely is nothing to prohibit Jared from traveling. If the charges aren't felonies (and given the low bail, that seems to be the case), and he's not considered a flight risk, it's doubtful that those kind of restrictions would have been ordered. This is a first offense and Jared has deep ties with his home community (in that it's the primary residence for his family). The odds that he would try to run to avoid legal penalties are pretty infinitesimal, especially if the charges are all misdemeanors. 

The reality is that Jared's legal jeopardy is rather small when everything is considered. That's, again, not to minimize the mistake that he made but it would be as much a mistake to overblow what happened. It's a first offense and no one was apparently seriously injured, so jail time is highly unlikely. He may be ordered to take an anger management class (the way Alec Baldwin did when he plead guilty to assault) and pay restitution to the ones he hit. The public and professional embarrassment over the situation is going to be the biggest penalty for Jared in all likelihood.  

12 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

I imagine things are probably a little awkward on set. 

Jared is going to be eating crow for a little while and I'd be surprised if Jensen didn't read him the riot act for being such an idiot.

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25 minutes ago, Katy M said:

Well, if he's not legally allowed to leave the state, there wouldn't be much he could do about it. He is out on bail, which most of the time comes with restrictions such as, you can't leave the state.  However, they may give him a pass for a pre-scheduled work thing, in which case, yes, he should be there.

He's only been charged he hasn't been convicted and he isn't a flight risk so travel shouldn't be a problem.

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, Hana Chan said:

The reality is that Jared's legal jeopardy is rather small when everything is considered. That's, again, not to minimize the mistake that he made but it would be as much a mistake to overblow what happened. It's a first offense and no one was apparently seriously injured, so jail time is highly unlikely. He may be ordered to take an anger management class (the way Alec Baldwin did when he plead guilty to assault) and pay restitution to the ones he hit. The public and professional embarrassment over the situation is going to be the biggest penalty for Jared in all likelihood.  

He most likely had to apply for paper work to get entry into Canada.  But that probably won't be much of an issue. 

I figure he'll probably plead guitly to a lesser charge.  But I hope it a wake up call and he gets whatever help he may need or this will only happen again and hopefully next time it won't escalate.

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