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S08.E07: A Retreat To Remember

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I don't get the random clothing hanging in things called not The Closet at Dolores. This is the second time.

The first time was when Frank was moving back in and they were hanging out in her kitchen. She had clothing hanging from the kitchen cabinets.

Now this time in the living room, she has 3 random articles of clothing hanging off the fireplace.

  • Love 9

Wtf was that sweater "crop top" Margaret was wearing in that last scene? Super fugly.  Great Soggy impression though! 

That place where they held the retreat was nice. Not nice enough to entice me to a weekend retreat where the woman dispensing "relationship advice" is a raging loon. But nice nonetheless. 

Pretty surprised Delores went there about Joe to Teresa. Well kinda-sorta. I'm sure T is aware of Joe's indiscretions, or at least the rumors about them. But I don't know if she'll ever admit it on camera. 

  • Love 12

Before I retired, part of my job was supervising contractors and in order to do that, I had to attend a 3 day seminar about contract law every year.  Every year I thought it was going to kill me.  It was sooooo boring.  That's what Siggy's retreat reminded me of.  Although the contract law crap didn't include the opportunity to consult with a plastic surgeon.

  • Love 9

Love you, 

10 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I'm telling you,  I'd ask for a refund.  Soggy is cool cool and that shit about being so tormented about the name calling she received as a child being the reason she flipped her shit,  either she is lying or she is much more damaged and stupid than I thought. Get over it old lady. 

but be kind. Jersey Princesses like her will NEVER get "over it.  Don't you know that would take away from her purpose of being so important ? 

 Since when did drugs play an important role in this show? It isn't the Sopranos. 

  • Love 5

Good grief.  The production team could have just titled each episode Still Not Over It, part 3, 4, 5, 6, 7...............

Soggy has no business being a relationship expert or counselor, whatever self help guru moniker she's using.  She has so many issues, it's like doctor (or quack) heal thyself.  

She had to try and publicly humiliate Margaret.  The thing is Margaret is a lot stronger than Soggy is, so nice try Sog.  I loved Danielle's look as they started the seminar.  It was like what BS did I just sign up for here? ,I laughed out loud during Margaret's role play of Soggy.  Soggy set it up herself or her leadership partner did.  Soggy was not happy.  Cue the crying and shrieking in 1, 2, 3........

If this is a self empowerment seminar for women, they have makeup artists, plastic surgeon, photographers?  Then she said oh they had that there because most people's online profiles suck.  So basically, it's all about the outside no matter how much they say it's about the inside.  Now, granted, if I'm looking good, all done up, I do feel a little better, but they seem to be emphasizing looks.  There are truly beautiful people who are really ugly due to their personalities, so it has to start with inner grace and confidence first.  Beautiful from the inside out.  I don't think any of these women would be called drop dead gorgeous or natural beauties, but they're on a nationally televised show - mainly for their personalities (and craziness).

So Mr. Soggy wants his wifey to be there waiting for his return from work.  Mr. Soggy, the 50's ended decades ago, it doesn't work that way any more, plus you're coming off a bit misogynistic.  Even if that is your storyline aside from cake-gate, it sucks.  

Then, they had to show clips from season 1, where they women were quoting or paraphrasing what they read from "the book".  I was so sick of hearing about "the book" way back then, please do not resurrect it. 

Edited by hoosier80
  • Love 14

These lunatics are making Teresa and Melissa look like sane, normal, well-adjusted people. Who'd have thought?!

Jekyll and Hyde, aka Dolores, is the one who needs drugs (mood stabilizers).  She behaves like a crazy person. What is her damage?

Apart from the strange emotional outbursts, this show has been pretty boring. I did the dishes during tonight's episode.

  • Love 11

It sounded like Siggy was reciting platitudes or memes when she was at her retreat. I am kind of with Danielle when she said Siggy bringing up the whole Margaret issue at the retreat was about Siggy showing how great she was at dealing with it to the people that were invited to this retreat. Too bad Siggy's previous behavior this season negates at how well she deals with conflict. 

I am sure Siggy was teased because of her name when she was younger, but I did not think that was the reason why she was mad at Margaret in the first place. I thought it was about the memorial on the beach, Margaret not siding with Siggy about the damn cake, Margaret hanging out with the other ladies, and whatever else Siggy dreams up.

Margaret's Siggy impression gave me life! I loved the rest of the ladies reactions to it. I like Margaret. I like that she just isn't blindly loyal to one person just because they are friends. She pointed out that she thought Delores bringing up Danielle's possible drug use was shitty. The other week when she was not on the best terms with Delores she said that Danielle bringing up Delores living with her ex was not anyone's business. Margaret is pretty diplomatic and calm when she disagrees with others as well. I do not love the pigtails, but I feel like I am used to them now on her.

If that preview was showing Melissa (I am not sure it was her or if it was in fact about Siggy) doing her own version of a Siggy impression by flopping about on the ground when she embarrassed Melissa at that purse party I am all for it!

I am sure Danielle is still a bit crazy, but it is possible that she changed some since her last appearance on the show many seasons ago. So if Delores is rehashing "the book" stuff as to why she does not trust or like Danielle I am thinking Delores spends way too much time with Caroline and Jaq. So far Danielle really has not done anything worse than the other ladies. She stirred the pot a couple of times, but so has the rest of the women.

  • Love 15

That retreat was a joke. It was all for the camera, right? There was hardly anybody there! If being a relationship expert is really a career for Sog and she actually makes a lot of money doing it then I say anybody should be able to make money doing anything as long as their balls are big enough...

Sog's sidekick Vicki the Attorney had her own show (short lived). She's a divorce attorney. Her show was pretty good, she doesn't pull any punches and seemed genuine. Total opposite of Sog. 

2 seconds of Dolores' husband was too much for me. I can not stand that greaseball. 

Danielle, that jet black hair is doing you no favors. You need to go with the caramel highlights just like everybody else on the show. Except pigtails, of course. 

Speaking of pigtails, do we really need to see her crying over her ex-stepchildren? Two episodes now. You can't make fun of Soggy if you are going to be a crybaby, too. You cheated on your stepkids father, hurt him badly, and that's why they don't want anything to do with you. You fucked up. Get over it and stop crying about it. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 13
9 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I'm telling you,  I'd ask for a refund.  Soggy is cool cool and that shit about being so tormented about the name calling she received as a child being the reason she flipped her shit,  either she is lying or she is much more damaged and stupid than I thought. Get over it old lady. 

Even if you asked for a refund, Shiddy Fucker already spent it on her next surgical procedure.

Perfect clients would be Jacko, both Kim's - they should go daily.

  • Love 8

I am so confused right now.  What is the point/goal of Siggy's "appearances" (seminars?)?  I, wrongly, assumed that she was about helping women mend and heal relationships,recognize the positives in their lives and generally feel good about themselves.  Imagine my shock when the relationship healer introduces her partner, a divorce lawyer!?!  


From the lineup of experts available for consultation, it looks like Siggy's brand of empowerment involves divorcing, removing, rejuvenating, or botoxing you're issues away, then we'll cover it up with makeup and take a photo.  Is that what empowering women is about? Is this the world we live in?

Edited by SweetieDarling
I cannot wait to see her reaction to Melissa's imitation of her on the floor
  • Love 19
8 hours ago, hoosier80 said:

So Mr. Soggy wants his wifey to be there waiting for his return from work.  Mr. Soggy, the 50's ended decades ago, it doesn't work that way any more, plus you're coming off a bit misogynistic.  Even if that is your storyline aside from cake-gate, it sucks.  

I picked up on that too. And I'm a SAHM, who is pretty old school. But that's MY choice. Siggy (as stupid as it is) WANTS to do this, and her husband isn't being supportive at all. In the flashback, they actually showed him saying something like, "I'm not asking you, I'm telling you". It's not like they have young kids at home. What is the purpose of her hanging around the house all day, just so she can be there when HE gets back from doing whatever the fuck makes HIM happy? 


8 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

Margaret's Siggy impression gave me life! I loved the rest of the ladies reactions to it. I like Margaret. I like that she just isn't blindly loyal to one person just because they are friends. She pointed out that she thought Delores bringing up Danielle's possible drug use was shitty. The other week when she was not on the best terms with Delores she said that Danielle bringing up Delores living with her ex was not anyone's business. Margaret is pretty diplomatic and calm when she disagrees with others as well. I do not love the pigtails, but I feel like I am used to them now on her.

That's why I like her as well. There's no "sides". She speaks up for what she sees as right or wrong, no matter who you are. But - *small voice* - I actually like her pigtails too! 


8 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

From the lineup of experts available for consultation, it looks like Siggy's brand of empowerment involves divorcing, removing, rejuvenating, or botoxing you're issues away, then we'll cover it up with makeup and take a photo.  Is that what empowering women is about? Is this the world we live in?

Right? It's not empowerment at all. It's more like a class on "How To Get Your Next (Rich) Husband". 

  • Love 23
36 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

But she has this way of just throwing shit out there and then shrugging her shoulders. I noticed the way she 100% implied Juicy had cheated on Tre, but then backed right away from that with her innocent act. After watching her last night, I am even more sure that she said what Danielle claims she said about Tre. 

All I see with Delores regarding Tre is a great deal of animosity. They may have known each other for 20 yrs. but I don't see a real friendship there, no warmth at all so I agree with you, @Ghoulina. Also, Delores is good friends with Caroline Manzo and Jacqueline which kind of explains how she truly feels about Tre. 

  • Love 19
44 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

From the lineup of experts available for consultation, it looks like Siggy's brand of empowerment involves divorcing, removing, rejuvenating, or botoxing you're issues away, then we'll cover it up with makeup and take a photo.  Is that what empowering women is about? Is this the world we live in?

Also, selling stupid "Siggy Saying" t-shirts - because those overpriced rags give women such a sense of empowerment. [/dripping sarcasm]

  • Love 15

I don't comment much on these threads, but I can't help it because I HATE Siggy.  I feel like this year it's the Siggy show.  She is a very unlikeable person and doing herself no favors if she expects people to want to pay for an 'empowerment' retreat by such an unstable person.  I think I'd rather get a root canal again then attend one.  

Also, if being called Soggy was so bad and traumatic, why on earth would she put them on t-shirts?  Too contradictory if you ask me.

Liking Margaret and her husband seems sweet.  Just so weird to me that her kids are upset and not talking to her but she seemingly has a good relationship with her ex-husband. If he can get over it, I would hope that her kids could as well.

Dolores seems very cold towards and over the friendship with Tre.  

  • Love 15

I suspect that Margaret's stepchildren saw her affair as a rejection of them as well as their father. She rejected the life that she had with him/them. That is probably why they are not over it and he is. If it's been 5-6 years, I doubt they are going to get over it anytime soon . That's why while I agree that her discussing it on air likely will not help, I also think that it cannot hurt at this point, so, why not? I can sense she is desperate. 

  • Love 5
15 minutes ago, KLJ said:


Dolores seems very cold towards and over the friendship with Tre.  

she's close w/the Manzos & Jac, I'm sure she's pushing their agenda.

1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

All I see with Delores regarding Tre is a great deal of animosity. They may have known each other for 20 yrs. but I don't see a real friendship there, no warmth at all so I agree with you, @Ghoulina. Also, Delores is good friends with Caroline Manzo and Jacqueline which kind of explains how she truly feels about Tre. 

LOL what they said...


2 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

From the lineup of experts available for consultation, it looks like Siggy's brand of empowerment involves divorcing, removing, rejuvenating, or botoxing you're issues away, then we'll cover it up with makeup and take a photo.  Is that what empowering women is about? Is this the world we live in?

no kidding, she spewed a bunch of Pinterest quotes at them (at least the snacks looked good!  and I hope the drinks were free!)

when *Melissa* thinks that something's too superficial, then there's a problem...


10 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

. I like Margaret. I like that she just isn't blindly loyal to one person just because they are friends. She pointed out that she thought Delores bringing up Danielle's possible drug use was shitty.

Danielle kind of seems like a vicious animal that's been sedated, so I see Dolores' point. And I kind of like Margaret too...she seemed a bit "extra" at the beginning, but that seems kind of genuine, in a way, so I'm here for it.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, SweetieDarling said:

Delores: "I don't like Danielle because,...where should I begin?.."

Cut to flashback scene from season 1, the women discussing The Book. As the camera pans across the room, the first person we see in the clip is Caroline Manzo. Coincidence?

I'm not sure why people insist on giving Danielle a pass.  She has a horrible reputation for lying and causing trouble. There was a effort by the cast and producers to edit Danielle out of this season - after an audio surfaced of her yelling racist profanities against an ex.  She can be heard calling him a "stupid f***ing Mexican." She also dropped the n-word several times.  That's why she wasn't given full time status.

In addition, she has accused HW of giving her daughters PTSD.  Even though she was the one that had them on the show and insisted on putting them in adult situations. 

  • Love 14

I'm certainly not giving Danielle a pass. I just don't know who Delores is to get all self righteous about her. She's acting like Tre needs protecting, but I don't think Tre is all about becoming BFFs with Danielle. She's just trying to keep things light and casual. So far, on camera, I haven't seen anything horrible that Danielle is done. If Delores has an issue with any of those things, she could bring them. But all we're getting is ancient stuff or insinuations of drug use. I doubt Delores cares about her colorful language. So it's not so much about defending Danielle (who is crazy, no doubt) as it is about giving Delores the side-eye, when her best friend is just as nuts. 

  • Love 18

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