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S14.E08: Out of Nowhere

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40 minutes ago, izabella said:

I feel like I haven't seen Jo thrive professionally.  I remember seeing her be new and learning and messing up, and then she was insecure with her skills compared to Stephanie, but she made Chief Resident based on the fact there are no other other residents from her year, not because we've seen her be excellent at anything.


I think we've seen her grow a lot even just in the last few episodes. She was great with Meredith in the surgery that won Mer the Harper Avery, and she took control when the intern dropped his glasses in the patient. Meredith acknowledged how good she was in episode 6, too. And to see her taking charge and deciding to divorce her husband is huge after years of running. I get that it isn't much, but she has been so sidelined for so long that all of her stuff this year feels refreshing and mature and full of growth. 

  • Love 1
17 hours ago, moonorchid said:

Omg thst helicopter scene...it’s hilarious because of how flat Jackson and Maggie came off, lol. 

All I kept thinking about was the season 9episode where Jackson told april “he’d follow you anywhere, trust me”. I felt that scene, thinking about it now I feel it. That helicopter scene? I felt nothing. Thst was the time to sell some deep emotion and connection between them and it fell so damn flat. I’m a japril shipper so if there was some meat to thst scene I would have been devastated but I ended up feeling nothing. Maybe a little giggly, lol.

Krista and Debbie are trying so damn hard with these two, if you have to try this hard it’s not working. But whatever, this is the horse they are backing, yeah okay, lol

All I thought about during that helicopter scene was....if you are trying to put the moves on someone and then the blood hose starts and it looks like you've been attacked by an axe murderer, well....consider that a sign.

  • Love 18

So, is Ben officially off the show now?  Other than that first scene, he was not there and it sounded like the fire medic thing was a done deal.

As for Jackson and Maggie....what I felt worked for Jackson and April is that it didn't feel forced (in the beginning).  It seemed organic and believable.  With Jackson and Maggie it feels like that have that kids toy with the different shaped blocks and the matching holes and they are whamming it as hard as they can with the hammer to get the plastic square in the round hole.  Plus, when Jackson is around, the things I don't like about Maggie seem magnified.  I like her as a socially awkward, but smart and capable surgeon.  I can't stand her as a simpering lovestruck girl.  The only positive thing I see with this Maggie/Jackson thing is that it is putting a pause to the April/Jackson thing for a moment.  I don't hate April and Jackson together generally, but I'm really sick of the roller coaster they've been on.  If Jackson and April are endgame (I don't know if they are or are not...), they need to let April be on her own for a while.

The other thought I had about this show...was this supposed to be a comedy episode?  Because, other than the boy with the blood issue, everything seemed pretty laughable.

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, OtterMommy said:

So, if Ben officially off the show now?  Other than that first scene, he was not there and it sounded like the fire medic thing was a done deal.

As for Jackson and Maggie....what I felt worked for Jackson and April is that it didn't feel forced (in the beginning).  It seemed organic and believable.  With Jackson and Maggie it feels like that have that kids toy with the different shaped blocks and the matching holes and they are whamming it as hard as they can with the hammer to get the plastic square in the round hole.  Plus, when Jackson is around, the things I don't like about Maggie seem magnified.  I like her as a socially awkward, but smart and capable surgeon.  I can't stand her as a simpering lovestruck girl.  The only positive thing I see with this Maggie/Jackson thing is that it is putting a pause to the April/Jackson thing for a moment.  I don't hate April and Jackson together generally, but I'm really sick of the roller coaster they've been on.  If Jackson and April are endgame (I don't know if they are or are not...), they need to let April be on her own for a while.

The other thought I had about this show...was this supposed to be a comedy episode?  Because, other than the boy with the blood issue, everything seemed pretty laughable.

I concur with your analogy. 


I things between japril get rough (for lack of a better term) and it’s not everyone cup of tea. But their scenes never felt like a chore, and Jesse sold Jackson’s feelings. 

Whatever that was supposed to be on that helicopter just felt so...shallow and flat. And I’m starting to get the sense that Krista wants japrils story for jaggie, now that we have retconned that they may have crossed paths unknowingly as kids. 

I agree with you about Maggie and April. Maggie keeps getting written like a child everyone needs to take care of and it’s annoying cause she’s the only one who gets this kind of writing. April though does need to be on her own I think, just to figure out who she is now after two kids, the death of one child, and a messy divorce she never fathomed for herself. 

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, funnygirl said:

And correct me if I'm wrong, but, weren't they still using paper charts in season 6 when April and Jackson transferred over from Mercy West? The old school way of doing things should not necessarily be a foreign concept to the current attendings. To the current residents and interns, sure. 

Add it to the list of the many ways Grey's has smudged continuity to service a plot. 

Of course they were!  (using paper charts).  I seem to recall the MAGIC interns getting called to the floor for NOT "charting", and them being punished with literal STACKS of charts to catch up on.  And I also recall (during the Pegasus "takeover") Bailey bashing a locked cart full of meds until she broke it open, again, a failure of computer programming.  So, something tells me that there was another short circuit in the writing for this show.....they should have manual overrides for things like accessing meds, blood bank, etc. in case of a total power outage or major computer malfunction.

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As Baseops said its great seeing Camilla finally be treated as a leading character. She may not be the strongest cast member but I think she does the comedy parts well and I'm hoping of the DV storyline is done to any justic she'll get to show a bit more range. 

After having nothing to do for 2 years it's nice to see her on par with the others. 

  • Love 1
49 minutes ago, lorbeer said:

The logical question IS - why the hell such big institution doesn't have a data copy kept on separate servers in a separate network or - better option - that don't have any access to the Internet? I mean SERIOUSLY?

And the IT guy saying, oh, that seminar is next week?????  You don't go live, especially with such critical data, until everything is locked down tight!

  • Love 8
16 minutes ago, moonorchid said:

But their scenes never felt like a chore, and Jesse sold Jackson’s feelings

I don't know if I'd say that. Season 12 they were exhausting to watch because of all the endless fighting about the same things. I blame April for a lot of that because she's sucks a tantrum thrower when things aren't going her way. I did think that Jackson treated her like shit though around the Montana episodes. He was downright spiteful to her. I just feel too much has happened for me to see them together again but if they could get back to how they were in late season ten early season eleven then I could come around to it.

With Maggie he comes off as a really skeevy player or something. None of it seems genuine.

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Maggie/Jackson— still torn on them. I still enjoy their scenes honestly and I do not think they are void of chemistry.  I also can’t wait to see catherine, Richard, and Merideth flip about it. I think there could be lots of comedy here and I’m all about the lighter season this year.  I also think the actors do bounce well off of each other and I like the cute cheese. But I agree that the actors are not trying to sell this ship and I think it’s because of the backlash. Kelly is getting a lot of nasty comments and frequently acts uncomfortable when japril is brought up. And Jesse wants to be popular, period. He’s full of himself IMO and just doesn’t want to rock the boat. If Maggie was more popular, he’d be behind the ship. But she isn’t, so he isn’t. 

Edited by dirtypop90
  • Love 3
23 minutes ago, OtterMommy said:

As for Jackson and Maggie....what I felt worked for Jackson and April is that it didn't feel forced (in the beginning).  It seemed organic and believable.  With Jackson and Maggie it feels like that have that kids toy with the different shaped blocks and the matching holes and they are whamming it as hard as they can with the hammer to get the plastic square in the round hole.  Plus, when Jackson is around, the things I don't like about Maggie seem magnified.  I like her as a socially awkward, but smart and capable surgeon.  I can't stand her as a simpering lovestruck girl. 

The smartest thing they did with Jackson and April was having them hook up completely out of the blue (at a super stressful time when it's believable to do so) and also making their initial relationship stages all about sex. It shifted their dynamic immediately and gave them this surprising, magnetic pull toward each other. That's what made them such a compelling couple to watch IMO, and also made them more believable later when they added in the love and drama. Anyway, early Jackson/April was really well done.  And I think the contrast shows why Jackson/Maggie is failing so much now. There's no heat. There's no pull. And then you add in all the talk of them being siblings, and they feel completely asexual. Maybe it's intentional based on where the story is headed? I hope so because, otherwise, it's just really bad writing and acting.

  • Love 17

Possible continuity issue: the FBI told Bailey everyone on staff needed to turn the WiFi off on their phones. But later when Richard said he needed a newspaper, two interns held up their cell phones showing online newspapers. Maybe they didn't get the message?


Ellen Pompeo is looking her age and more, particularly when she puts on a pained smile.  Not a good look.

I applaud Pompeo for not destroying her face the way so many other actresses have. Considering the grief, trauma and stress Meredith has lived through the past fourteen years, it's a wonder she doesn't look 70.


I really, really don't want to start another are they related debate but I really find the chemistry between [Jackson and Maggie] to be more of a big brother, little sister vibe. 

Part of that (for me anyway) is because Maggie has a little girl voice. I've never, ever bought Kelly McCreary as some highly prestigious cardio prodigy. She seems more suited to play the wacky nurse. Everything about her reads childish to me.


AND why in the heck was Glasses standing while donating his blood? 

I think I know the answer to that one: because of how the patient was elevated on the table it wouldn't have worked if he was sitting down. In other words, the blood was going directly into the patient, not an intermediate receptacle. He had to be over her in order for the blood to siphon.

Orgasm lady almost makes me miss Minnick. (Almost. Can we just have neither?)

  • Love 9
1 minute ago, iMonrey said:

Possible continuity issue: the FBI told Bailey everyone on staff needed to turn the WiFi off on their phones. But later when Richard said he needed a newspaper, two interns held up their cell phones showing online newspapers. Maybe they didn't get the message?

You can get internet on your phone with just cell service (no wifi) as long as you have turned on cellular data.  That's how we can use phone navigation systems in the car without wifi, for example.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 7
4 hours ago, BaseOps said:

I'm enjoying how they're writing the interns relatively light, and to be honest I've already warmed up to Glasses. It's nice seeing medicine through young eyes, again, and I enjoyed how he played off Meredith (it felt a lot like watching George in surgery with Burke in the early years). 

Same here! It reminded me of when Burke picked George as his guy, something about picking on the weakest so the others [interns] would fall in line.


4 hours ago, beverlyoc said:

I call BS on April being stunned by Richard's old-school medicine.  She was in the Middle East helping troops for a while - and they did that whole story about helping the foreign doctors who had nothing in the field.  This show is usually fantastic about honoring history - not so much this time.

This! But also, didn't Webber reel Hunt in because of his intro as the trauma surgeon who did things the old-fashioned way because in war there's no such things as fancy medical tools and equipment etc? The interns (or were they residents at that time?) all had to go through tough training by Dr Owen "the drill sergeant" Hunt to learn and re-familiarize themselves with "simplistic" and "basic" medical stuff in the event of power outages or running out of fancy stuff. Now Hunt was the one complaining about the CT scan (or MRI, whatever).

Also, remember how the interns were all fascinated by Webber's old-school surgery skills, with him performing with his eyes closed (in the skill lab) and I think also later in surgeries teaching them how to listen to certain things and feel their way around etc.?

1 hour ago, llewis823 said:

What did Jo's husband call her (her real name) before he corrected himself and called her Jo? (If it's in a thread above and I just missed it, I apologize).

Brooke, I think.

  • Love 6
13 hours ago, pennben said:

 It's a no win for actresses.....have work done, folks say "yikes", don't have work done and look your age, folks say "yikes".  Yawn.

I'm grateful she's stayed with the show, it's been fascinating watching her character grow through the years, in particular, after Derek's death. 

Thank you. God forbid a woman look her age. I guess I should prepare to exit the Earth once I turn 35.

  • Love 16

I actually like Jackson and Maggie, both individually and as a pairing.  I would have been fine with them just being friends and sort of sibling too, but I don't mind them as a romantic pairing. I never saw it as any level of incest (they did not grow up together and they aren't even legally steps if Richard isn't legally Maggie's father), and saw a lot of chemistry between them leading up the hospital fire. And I still see it in flashes.  However, I feel like this season, they've been playing up the awkward unnecessarily and the writers' attempts to lampshade the perceived ick factor of being sort of step siblings has been rushed and ham-fisted.   I still like them, but tonight was not good for them

As for the rest of the episode, I enjoyed it.  Cyber security is a real issue for hospitals.  So that was good to see.  But seriously?  Everything is in the place, including the door lock security, is linked to external networks?  And no emergency releases? Ugh. 

Edited by RachelKM
  • Love 7

I thought "computerized systems fail" was a great idea for a plot.  Not so crazy about how suddenly stupid they all were--reading out the ransom notice, frantically yelling about everyone dying, etc.  I would be happier if they'd shown several more examples like stimulating the vagus nerve instead of popping pills into people.  (I'm newly diagnosed and outraged that my doctors seem to be unfamiliar with anything beyond their prescription pads.)

Writing something down on paper instead of entering the information into your iPad doesn't count.


Good cliffhanger, but I agree that season breaks are a drag.  I've been watching ER reruns on one of the cable channels--the plots and characters feel much more solid and developed since they were churning out 22 episodes per year, one after another, year after year.  Heh, the Stone Age.

  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, candall said:

Good cliffhanger, but I agree that season breaks are a drag.  I've been watching ER reruns on one of the cable channels--the plots and characters feel much more solid and developed since they were churning out 22 episodes per year, one after another, year after year.  Heh, the Stone Age.

Well, other than the first season and this season, I think GA has been doing 22 episodes a year (season 1 was half a season and this season will have 24 episodes).

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, funnygirl said:

I was pretty underwhelmed with this episode, especially after last week's lovely installment. The best part was Jo running into Paul. I hope they do this DV storyline justice, especially since they've left the plot hanging for far too long. 

Carina and her "orgasms" have past their expiration date. Enough already.  

The glasses intern and Andrew's girlfriend are pretty annoying. 

Yeah, I felt a little bit let down too.  The last 5 minutes were kind of thrilling, but it was so soapy.  Jo runs into to Paul and then the camera lingers on her face for like 30 seconds and she doesn't say anything or really react, just the way that soap operas always cut to commercial after a bombshell.  Knowing that Paul showing up was most likely going to be the mid-season cliffhanger, I"m not sure what more they could have done, but the entirety of the Jo/Alex "storyline" over the past two years has been based on and building to this moment, and I just felt a little "meh" about it.  Hopefully, that will change once they pick back up in January.  

I agree with the AZ/Carina orgasm and vagina talk.  I have a feeling that this is going to be the Krista/Stacy McKee tradeoff.  Krista will bring some continuity to the plot and the characters, along with some lightness, but the dialogue is going to be littered with the "Grey's speak" and childish sex talk.  Not that it has ever really gone away, but it seemed to lessen somewhat amidst all of the doom and gloom of the last few seasons.

If they are going to go with Maggie/Jackson, I wish that they would just do it already instead of hinting around about it.  Rather than promoting anticipation for them to finally get together, it seems to be promoting dread.  

As always, I love Richard and I want him to be around until very last episode.  I would sacrifice almost any other character for that to happen.

Edited by Deanie87
  • Love 9

The jury is still out for me regarding the interns, mostly because we've really only gotten to know a little bit about two of them this year.  I actually kind of like glasses--he's like George, but with a bit more moxie.  I have nothing against Doctor Dance.  She seems to be a passable actress and if her presence leads to more scenes of a shirtless Andrew Deluca*, I'm all for it.  Of course, I'd also like to learn their actual names at some point.

*For the record, I resent having to differentiate my Delucas.  Add one more to the myriad of reasons why I can't stand Carina.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, lorbeer said:

Oh my gosh... I just knew they were goin to blew it. I'm a computer science engineer and I just HATE watching all those cyber-stuff in TV shows. It's always sooo... annoyingly untrue adn so stupid.  I was really annoyed but Bailey's behavior "work faster" and "I'll pay the money"... In real world paying the money solves nothing because the hackers never return your data. Why would they do that? :) They don't want to leave any traces behind. :) But... this is how people actully see it. That it takes few clicks to break cipher key consisted of 256 chars. Well.. actually it takes years. :) So my guess the FBI guys didn't try to decipher data they were trying to catch the hackers. And if they better hackers than 'the hackers' they may steal the key and decipher the data.

The logical question IS - why the hell such big institution doesn't have a data copy kept on separate servers in a separate network or - better option - that don't have any access to the Internet? I mean SERIOUSLY?

One thing I liked about the episode - Webber showing everybody how to do things without machines. :)

Most hospitals have an "intranet" which means it is local to them. You can't access it unless you are in the building or know the portal access. Plus, the way the tech guy at the hospital was talking, sounded like one of the biggest idiots, ever. Sure he knows how much bitcoin translates to and the FBI guy should have plainly said: "It won't matter, most hackers like this take the money and run and you get nothing!" Bailey acted like an idiot and really, no one else didn't go: "Wait, no one can all be flatlining at once, that makes no sense." Also, how the hack started made no sense, you can't go simple automation one wing with monitors and then suddenly it spreads to every building. They would have had to VPN in or know the exact access. Yet, no data, can't find simple people who gave kids their check ups or injections. The building would have been locked down the second the FBI came in. 9 times out of the 10, the person doing that kind of a hack is someone who works in the building and knows the access. Instead they were like: "Oh, yeah, that will be on Friday and yeah maybe someone clicked on an email instead of deleting it, but nah! Must be a super hacker!" Just like how the FBI showed up in almost no time after the hospital realized they were cyber attacked. That's some damn fast response time. Also, Bailey yelling at Richard that it was his fault her husband wanted to be a stupid firefighter. I was like: "Why do you hate it so much? Because he'll get killed? Or the fact it is a right wing change that screams him having his own tumor. 

  • Love 3

I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t realize this episode was going into the mid season break. So I’m quite irritated over the cliffhanger. I hate cliffhangers, I think they are almost always a let down and by the time the show comes back I probably won’t care because that emotional investment will be gone. 

I must be one of the few here who are glad to see April and Jackson moving away from each other and Jack and Maggie coming together. I don’t really care if they become a couple or not, I just like seeing the characters interacting. I could like Maggie a lot more of they gave her a better storyline, and since I like Jackson, I’m hoping this will be it. 

Still meh on the interns. 

Still meh on Bailey. 

Was hoping for some more Sophia storyline but I don’t even think she was mentioned. I’m not clear, did orgasm and Arizona have a conversation about why they suddenly weren’t seeing each other anymore? I was under the impression that orgasm didn’t like the fact that Sophia was coming back to live with her mom and if that’s so, why was she seeming like she wanted to get back with Arizona?

also, I wasn’t clear on the helicopter scene. Was that supposed to be normal turbulence? (I’ve never been in a helicopter) I shut my eyes for the blood spray part but I was wondering if they were going to crash. 

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, DEL901 said:

And the IT guy saying, oh, that seminar is next week?????  You don't go live, especially with such critical data, until everything is locked down tight!

Forgive me, I had to giggle a bit at this.  Not medical field, but formerly of huge company when IT insisted all would be well with a rollout at our busiest time of year.  Needless to say, IT had not anticipated everything and brought down the business for a day and a half.  So, yep, Bailey was annoying, but I get her standing over their shoulders and being crazy.  Of course, we all have our stories whether on IT side or on end-user side, so we can all relate to someone here!!!!

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, readster said:

Most hospitals have an "intranet" which means it is local to them. You can't access it unless you are in the building or know the portal access. Plus, the way the tech guy at the hospital was talking, sounded like one of the biggest idiots, ever. Sure he knows how much bitcoin translates to and the FBI guy should have plainly said: "It won't matter, most hackers like this take the money and run and you get nothing!" Bailey acted like an idiot and really, no one else didn't go: "Wait, no one can all be flatlining at once, that makes no sense." Also, how the hack started made no sense, you can't go simple automation one wing with monitors and then suddenly it spreads to every building. They would have had to VPN in or know the exact access. Yet, no data, can't find simple people who gave kids their check ups or injections. The building would have been locked down the second the FBI came in. 9 times out of the 10, the person doing that kind of a hack is someone who works in the building and knows the access. Instead they were like: "Oh, yeah, that will be on Friday and yeah maybe someone clicked on an email instead of deleting it, but nah! Must be a super hacker!" Just like how the FBI showed up in almost no time after the hospital realized they were cyber attacked. That's some damn fast response time. Also, Bailey yelling at Richard that it was his fault her husband wanted to be a stupid firefighter. I was like: "Why do you hate it so much? Because he'll get killed? Or the fact it is a right wing change that screams him having his own tumor. 

Exactly THAT.

  • Love 1
On 17.11.2017. at 5:41 PM, deaja said:

Arizona's line about not wanting to deliver a baby because she doesn't want to mix business and pleasure by looking at a vagina really annoyed me.  

It was especially weird considering that she got paged for basically every single pregnancy/delivery in the last couple of seasons. And knowing that she's not an OB (which was confirmed now), we all wondered what the heck her position at the hospital was. Gosh, the continuity on this show really is something else. Same with the April storyline people have already commented on. The same April who struggled with the concept of Tinder not too long ago and was herself presented as a dinosaur time has long passed by.

Man, Jaggie is really happening. They really are trying so hard with these two. I really cannot understand why, as they're only marginally better than Amelia and Owen (if that), and we all know how painful that's been for everyone, in all senses. I thought we were supposed not to repeat the same mistakes again.

Carina was actually slightly more tolerable once she stopped talking about orgasms and acted like a normal person. I'm sensing a storyline where she and Arizona get back together and Carina struggles with her role in Sofia's upbringing so they break up and make up and evenetually overcome all problems and Sofia loves her.

Bailey continues to be the worst chief ever. I live for the day she gets fired/demoted. Of course, it won't happen, because, Bailey.

I preferred De Luca when he was just this good, decent young man with angelic looks instead of some sex driven beast. And his girlfriend is HORRRIBLE. Quite possibly the worst actress ever to appear on GA.

Glasses is going to turn out to be the best in his class.

Absolutely no interest in Jo's story. And the kid is obviously not going to die. Maggie's and Jackson's patient probably will, though.

Anyway, I feel the season is actually starting after the winter break. These episodes so far have been used to clean up the mess from previous seasons and get rid of some dead weight, as well as give as glimpse of the new characters to come. Also, we've got the Very Special Episode (300th, homage to previous characters, Meredith gets the award etc.) and the obligatory disaster episode out of the way, so we can finally really start moving forward. Hopefully.

  • Love 5
On 18.11.2017. at 0:15 AM, Deanie87 said:

I agree with the AZ/Carina orgasm and vagina talk.  I have a feeling that this is going to be the Krista/Stacy McKee tradeoff.  Krista will bring some continuity to the plot and the characters, along with some lightness, but the dialogue is going to be littered with the "Grey's speak" and childish sex talk.  Not that it has ever really gone away, but it seemed to lessen somewhat amidst all of the doom and gloom of the last few seasons.

Yeah, this is a very good point. If there was anything good among the hideousness of the previous seasons, it's that the characters mostly didn't sound like a teenage boy having his first erection. Eh. 

  • Love 2
16 minutes ago, Joana said:

It was especially weird considering that she got paged for basically every single pregnancy/delivery in the last couple of seasons. And knowing that she's not an OB (which was confirmed now), we all wondered what the heck her position at the hospital was. Gosh, the continuity on this show really is something else. Same with the April storyline people have already commented on. The same April who struggled with the concept of Tinder not too long ago and was herself presented as a dinosaur time has long passed by.

Bailey continues to be the worst chief ever. I live for the day she gets fired/demoted. Of course, it won't happen, because, Bailey.

I preferred De Luca when he was just this good, decent young man with angelic looks instead of some sex driven beast. And his girlfriend is HORRRIBLE. Quite possibly the worst actress ever to appear on GA.


Good points on all, originally Arizona was a pediatrician, now I don't know what she is anymore. As for Bailey, constant continuing that the Chief of Surgery is the know all be all of the hospital, when that's not how the chief of anything is. Jo's chief resident has been the only thing depicted correctly. As for De Luca, seriously? This is how they wanted to move his character forward? His sexed crazed sister who grew up with their foreign father shows up, followed by  his ex-girlfriend that makes the two of them just have to jump each other. Who is a horrible actress and their back story is so cliche and stupid on top of that. Of course they would end up at the same hospital after a couple years apart. I am  not happy to think what is going to happen when De Luca realizes Jo's ex is at the hospital now too, what are Alex and Nathan going to do? Get the black masks on and got kick the shit out of him and dump the body? "Hey Alex what was that move that make you make my eye bulge out?" "Oh it was this! And don't use our real names, this is a dark hit."

48 minutes ago, Lyanna19 said:

I hate Jaggie, I want Japril back! I can't believe how the writers of this show just push everything from adultery to loose morals, and when they finally decide to try to portray a Christian character they absolutely fail! 

Not a coincidence that the single, most beautiful, most sincere portrayal of April’s Christianity and how she embodies it was written by a friend of Sarah Drew’s. 

Its been a damn shame how this show used April’s religion as a plot device to give japril ever lasting drama. 

Jaggie may last a long time but it’s just...not good and it doesn’t make either Jackson or maggie look good either. I can’t believe how much Jackson has been written down to better match maggie, just ugh.

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On ‎11‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 5:39 PM, dmc said:

This episode was just okay.  I would be into the cliffhanger if I cared about Jo but I don’t.  

Haha! I am dying! Succinct and to the point!

Meredith is doing well and she is one of the only characters I actually care about. Poor Alex got tangled in the Jo mess. Looks like they're keeping him there.

Richard has always been a favorite.  He made me smile with his old school knowledge.

I don't know what to think about the new interns, but glasses dude with Meredith made me love her a little more. I've never cared about Deluca one way or the other (I had to look his name up -- that shows much I don't care about him -- in my mind I call him the Derek wannabe) anyway--- I don't mind him with the dark-eyed little intern. They are both pretty and I am shallow enough to admit I like to watch pretty people hook up.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, taanja said:

Haha! I am dying! Succinct and to the point!

Meredith is doing well and she is one of the only characters I actually care about. Poor Alex got tangled in the Jo mess. Looks like they're keeping him there.

Richard has always been a favorite.  He made me smile with his old school knowledge.

I don't know what to think about the new interns, but glasses dude with Meredith made me love her a little more. I've never cared about Deluca one way or the other (I had to look his name up -- that shows much I don't care about him -- in my mind I call him the Derek wannabe) anyway--- I don't mind him with the dark-eyed little intern. They are both pretty and I am shallow enough to admit I like to watch pretty people hook up.

Lol...I mean for cliffhangers to work...you sort have to care about the character 


also agreed Delucca is poor man’s Mcdreamy 

  • Love 1
15 minutes ago, dmc said:

also agreed Delucca is poor man’s Mcdream  y 

I must be very poor then, because I prefer Andrew Deluca over a hundred Derek Shepherds.  Derek was really not a great guy for quite a bit of his run and while he and Meredith had this storied romance, if you look at it there were times when he was almost emotionally abusive towards her.  (Disclosure--I was never a Derek fan and actually thought the show improved once he was hit by a truck....)

To be fair, we haven't seen as much of Andrew as we probably should have since he came on the show, but what we have seen has been a stand up guy who is serious about his work and respectful to those around him--which I realize is very unusual for this show.  (Plus, he's just oh so adorable).

That being said, I'm torn between being happy that he's finally getting a story line and bummed that it is basically your run of the mill Grey's story line with an actress who is...passable.  I'm also worried that his days of being a "good guy" are numbered as Grey's doesn't have a lot of success there.  The generally nice youngish male characters that they've had--George and Ben--have gone the way of the dodo, either by seemingly not having anything to do, or not having anything to do but then getting hit by a bus (Yeah, I know Richard is a nice guy...but his fatherly role in the show puts him in a slightly different position).  The male characters who have been successful long term have been less than upstanding--Mark, Alex, Owen (questionable, I know...), Derek.  I'm not sure if I'd include Jackson in the category of nice guys who haven't worked or someone who was not "nice."  He's had his moments, but he's really kind of a jackass now.

So, I fear that Andrew's character is either going to have to go downhill (a la Jackson) or he's going to have an unfortunate encounter with the one sort of vehicle that hasn't killed anyone or seriously injured them to the point they have an out of body experience yet.  I'm not sure what that would be?  (Car/Pickup, Bus, Truck, Plane, Boat/Ferry have all been taken.  Train, maybe?)

  • Love 7
On 11/17/2017 at 3:39 PM, dmc said:

This episode was just okay.  I would be into the cliffhanger if I cared about Jo but I don’t.  

I feel like they’ve waited so long to pull the trigger on this (last season not withstanding cause of the actors pregnancy) because they wanted the audience to be emotionally invested enough in Jo to make it work...and at this point people just want it to happen cause they keep talking about it. Hopefully they pull this off.

  • Love 2
30 minutes ago, OtterMommy said:

I must be very poor then, because I prefer Andrew Deluca over a hundred Derek Shepherds.  Derek was really not a great guy for quite a bit of his run and while he and Meredith had this storied romance, if you look at it there were times when he was almost emotionally abusive towards her.  (Disclosure--I was never a Derek fan and actually thought the show improved once he was hit by a truck....)

To be fair, we haven't seen as much of Andrew as we probably should have since he came on the show, but what we have seen has been a stand up guy who is serious about his work and respectful to those around him--which I realize is very unusual for this show.  (Plus, he's just oh so adorable).

That being said, I'm torn between being happy that he's finally getting a story line and bummed that it is basically your run of the mill Grey's story line with an actress who is...passable.  I'm also worried that his days of being a "good guy" are numbered as Grey's doesn't have a lot of success there.  The generally nice youngish male characters that they've had--George and Ben--have gone the way of the dodo, either by seemingly not having anything to do, or not having anything to do but then getting hit by a bus (Yeah, I know Richard is a nice guy...but his fatherly role in the show puts him in a slightly different position).  The male characters who have been successful long term have been less than upstanding--Mark, Alex, Owen (questionable, I know...), Derek.  I'm not sure if I'd include Jackson in the category of nice guys who haven't worked or someone who was not "nice."  He's had his moments, but he's really kind of a jackass now.

So, I fear that Andrew's character is either going to have to go downhill (a la Jackson) or he's going to have an unfortunate encounter with the one sort of vehicle that hasn't killed anyone or seriously injured them to the point they have an out of body experience yet.  I'm not sure what that would be?  (Car/Pickup, Bus, Truck, Plane, Boat/Ferry have all been taken.  Train, maybe?)

Jet Ski!

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, moonorchid said:

I feel like they’ve waited so long to pull the trigger on this (last season not withstanding cause of the actors pregnancy) because they wanted the audience to be emotionally invested enough in Jo to make it work...and at this point people just want it to happen cause they keep talking about it. Hopefully they pull this off.

I could never care for Jo and Alex after she beat Peckwell (I think that was his name) almost to death. 

Edited by gator12
  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, gator12 said:

I could never care for Jo and Alex after she beat Peckwell (I think that was his name) almost to dead. 

Did she not push him and he hit his head after they got into an argument and he grabbed her. It was the fall that resulted in him being near death. She didn't beat him to near death aka Alex/DeLuca style.

  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, Joana said:

Well, we never actually got to see what happened, but whatever it was, he ended up in much worse shape than her. I know we were supposed to be on her side in that instance, but the way it was all glossed over and swept under the rug didn't leave a good impression on me. 

I don't think we were supposed to side with her at all, otherwise they wouldn't have left it so ambiguous.  Most characters who throw a punch on this show are clearly meant to be cheered on, but I don't think we were supposed to root for her here. She and Alex have that in common, at least.  If the had followed up on why she freaked out sooner, the story would have been 100% better. Instead it's been 4 years. I get why people don't care anymore, if they ever did, but I am looking forward to it finally playing out. If, for no other reason, than to get it done and over with.



Poor Alex got tangled in the Jo mess. Looks like they're keeping him there.

Hopefully that means that he'll finally get a real storyline that goes somewhere.  It's been nice to see him have a life outside of being the third sister.

Edited by Deanie87
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, moonorchid said:

I feel like they’ve waited so long to pull the trigger on this (last season not withstanding cause of the actors pregnancy) because they wanted the audience to be emotionally invested enough in Jo to make it work...and at this point people just want it to happen cause they keep talking about it. Hopefully they pull this off.

They waited FOREVER to pull the trigger on it.

Jo has been around forever...she barely has any storylines.  

Any time she does it involves her being a jerk...being jealous of Stephanie, sleeping with glasses etc.  

They seem determined to keep her around but minus any good writing :/

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, gator12 said:

I could never care for Jo and Alex after she beat Peckwell (I think that was his name) almost to dead. 

They almost never write her sympathetic. Every time she is in a storyline she is the jerk.  I can’t tell if it’s intentional or not. 

Poor Alex, He’s either stuck in a storyline with Jo Or an afterthought to Meredith.  

  • Love 2
13 minutes ago, dmc said:

They almost never write her sympathetic. Every time she is in a storyline she is the jerk.  I can’t tell if it’s intentional or not. 

Poor Alex, He’s either stuck in a storyline with Jo Or an afterthought to Meredith.  

I don't think it was international I just don't think whoever was writing the season over the last 3 seasons had any interest in her as a character. The writing this season is more on par with what she got in season 9/10 and the difference in the focus she's getting is glaring.

Realistically though I think people who aren't interested in her storyline now were probably never interested in her to begin with. What she does or doesn't do won't change that.

Edited by Chas411
  • Love 4
10 hours ago, Joana said:

It was especially weird considering that she got paged for basically every single pregnancy/delivery in the last couple of seasons. And knowing that she's not an OB (which was confirmed now), we all wondered what the heck her position at the hospital was. Gosh, the continuity on this show really is something else. Same with the April storyline people have already commented on. The same April who struggled with the concept of Tinder not too long ago and was herself presented as a dinosaur time has long passed by.

I actually thought that line was a shout out to the fact that fans have been complaining/wondering why the fetal surgeon was getting called for all the births in the past couple seasons.  

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, Joana said:

Well, we never actually got to see what happened, but whatever it was, he ended up in much worse shape than her. I know we were supposed to be on her side in that instance, but the way it was all glossed over and swept under the rug didn't leave a good impression on me. 

I started watching Grey's again right when she beat him, so it didn't leave a good impression

And the very next season, she told Callie she has put 3 men in hospitals. 


11 hours ago, dmc said:

They almost never write her sympathetic. Every time she is in a storyline she is the jerk.  I can’t tell if it’s intentional or not. 

Poor Alex, He’s either stuck in a storyline with Jo Or an afterthought to Meredith.  

I think we are supposed to see her as a strong woman or at least root for her as someone who can make Alex happy without the writers actually writing something for Alex. 

It the only reason why she's the only one who survive from that intern class. Its not because Camilla is a good actress. They should have kept Shane and crazy Leah instead of her. 

Edited by gator12
  • Love 5

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