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S05.E09: Hot Mess Express


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Bruno can be whiny and not want to do something outside what he thinks is his job sometimes and other times be helpful, he runs hot and cold, but I still think he is making great strides from when we first met him, unlike Nico. Nico and his brother need to go. From the clips from next show maybe Nico getting hurt forces him to leave, keeping him from getting kicked off officially, and that is how what's his name from last year come on board.

  • Love 10

Lee is losing me with all the goddamns, fucks , assholes, asses and clusterfuck bombs he keeps dropping. 

His language has gone beyond 'Salty Captain', straight to 'Angry Old Guy with Poor, Limited Vocabulary'.  It's so unnecessary. I respect him less and less with each episode. The fact that his crew continues to stink doesn't help. 

He should pay closer attention to how he and Kate manage people. There's room for improvement from both of them.

  • Love 13

I'm over Nico and his pasty doughy douche brother, Josh. Nico has been an entitled sour snot all season. I feel for both of them over the loss of their brother, but they really present as just unpleasant people to be around. 

Poor EJ is so Canadian, polite, and diplomatic. Knowing how drunken overnights tend to wreak havoc on the boats and the upholstery, EJ was trying to get them to clean their disgusting feet in the most diplomatic way possible. Nothing but invective from Nico and Josh. That Nico didn't even consider this is the reason he's not the bosun. Nico was also part of that thoughtful group that trashed a guest room last season. He's like a version of Kat, but one who is only intermittently good at his job.

Those guests were horrid.

  • Love 12

That “fiancée” couldn’t have screamed “gold digger” any louder if she’d had the words tattooed on each of her bu butt cheeks.  

And that behavior of the charter guest towards Jen was sexual harassment.  Did the skank think she wanted to be part of a threesome??

DISGUSTING would be a step up ffor these jerks.  

  • Love 23

Not that it is ever appropriate to act like that guest did toward Jen but I hope that guest gets so much shit that she isn't expecting because of the current sexual harassment/gropping/assault discussions just because she is a woman doesn't make her behavior okay.

I was disappointed in Kate telling Jen that she was sending mixed signals though I did appreciate that it appeared she didn't ever leave Jen alone with the guests.

Nico has always been an asshat and it's apparently a family trait.

I would bet anything the music was production not allowing it, there is a reason they only do dance montages with lame ass generic music because they don't want to have to clear the rights ans more importantly pay for actual music. I bet it's even in the guest contact that music will be limited to specific times and places (ie when they aren't filming). 

  • Love 13
11 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I would bet anything the music was production not allowing it, there is a reason they only do dance montages with lame ass generic music because they don't want to have to clear the rights ans more importantly pay for actual music. I bet it's even in the guest contact that music will be limited to specific times and places (ie when they aren't filming). 

That's exactly what I thought too. There was no way they were going to blow their budget or have no footage because Miss Fiancée wanted to listen to Shake It Off.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 9

I bet EJ gets relegated to the friend zone     a lot.


I almost have no words for Nico's beach picnic.  I would think all he would have to do is consult with Kate who has been on many a outing on that very beach.  I'm sure she knew there was a nearby gazebo/picnic area, etc... And I don't believe that someone who wants to be a bosun is not aware of weather conditions at all times.

  • Love 9

Nico is gross. Not 5 minutes after he broke up with his GF to start “dating” Bri, he’s commenting on someone else’s fiancée. Why does he bother having girlfriends if he doesn’t seem to want to limit himself to just one person?


I didn’t like how Kate basically implied Jen had to deal with the harassment from the guests because it happens in the yachting industry all the time. There’s a “certain way” to handle those guests? How about telling them to keep their hands off the crew? They don’t get excused just because they are paying for the trip (and they aren’t even paying for it anyway). 


These guests were rude AF lol Lousy tip too considering what a pain in the ass they were. It was, however, ridiculous delaying them 45 minutes to get to the beach because they didn’t get it set up properly. 

  • Love 10

Regardless of job position it is never ok for whomever you serve has the right to expose, proposition or manhandle you.  Kate who is in the supervisory position not only disregards but belittles Jen after Jen reports and informs of the incidents.  This is a classic case of an Employment Practices Liability claim waiting to happen - speaking as an insurance professional.

  • Love 16

I was only halfway paying attention because....Halloween. But, as much as I cannot stand Jen, she did NOT deserve to be harassed by those guests the way she was. It was hard to say exactly what happened. But the guests clearly shut the door when she went in there. Then the woman took her shirt off and asked for a hug? The guy was in there too, right? Did I hear wrong or did the woman say something like, "we're giving you what you want"? I'd have reported that shit and if the Captain didn't boot them off the boat, I'd leave. Fuck that. Rich fucking assholes thinking they can treat people however they want. 

I was glad Kate and Bri gave her many accolades after the charter was over. But I wish there wasn't this mentality that service people of any type have to put up with that shit. There's putting up with a little flirting and joking.....and then there's this. 


I don't really have much else to say. Nico and his brother are those guys. I like that Matt is easy going and able to take direction from someone else - even if, as a chef, he shouldn't have to be told certain things. Bruno wins "most improved" this season. 

  • Love 20
46 minutes ago, BogoGog24 said:

I didn’t like how Kate basically implied Jen had to deal with the harassment from the guests because it happens in the yachting industry all the time. There’s a “certain way” to handle those guests? How about telling them to keep their hands off the crew? They don’t get excused just because they are paying for the trip (and they aren’t even paying for it anyway).

Yes, and she showed Jen how to do it, whith the "ice cold water bottle" which had to be delivered at bed time ^_^

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

That “fiancée” couldn’t have screamed “gold digger” any louder if she’d had the words tattooed on each of her bu butt cheeks.  

And that behavior of the charter guest towards Jen was sexual harassment.  Did the skank think she wanted to be part of a threesome??

DISGUSTING would be a step up ffor these jerks.  

More like "G.D.A.F" - as she seemed soooo obsessed with using acronyms, especially "AF". 

Annoyingly disgusting guests!!  This was the first time the whole season I actually felt sorry for Jen.  The wife of the one couple seemed intent on setting her husband up with her.  She kept pushing it - "SHE'S pretty - check her out....".  The husband actually looked slightly uncomfortable.  I don't know if it was because their dirty little secret was being exposed on national TV, or because his wife seemed more into the game than he is.

  • Love 4

There never really is a shortage of people willing to put themselves on reality tv and act like a fool. That woman who went after Jen...well let's just say that it's now out there for all her friends, family, co-workers, and bosses to see for eternity. If I was her I'd be embarrassed (ashamed).  I'm sure there are people that know her that are now snickering behind her back. I do not think that her male friend was much better allowing it to continue, much to his amusement. 

Jen does not think quickly on her feet and lacks in the job skills department but I'd never like to see her as a victim of sexual assault. 

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, BogoGog24 said:

I didn’t like how Kate basically implied Jen had to deal with the harassment from the guests because it happens in the yachting industry all the time. There’s a “certain way” to handle those guests? How about telling them to keep their hands off the crew? They don’t get excused just because they are paying for the trip (and they aren’t even paying for it anyway). 

And all Kate does is talk about how inexperienced Jen is.  How about YOU, as the supervisor, take Jen aside and tell her the best way to deal with it?  And THEN, bitch, go to the Captain and inform him so that he can protect the crew.  He could call Mr. and Mrs. Dirtbag to the bridge under the pretense of giving them a "tour" and say "I understand this is a yacht, but your behavior toward my crew member was very inappropriate and I would like you to stop."  No tip is worth what Jen went through.  I'd have said "screw this" - kneed HIM in the groin and bitchslapped HER.  

Whether U.S. laws on sexual harassment would apply for employees on a yacht flying the flag of another nation I cannot say.  But I hope the Ugly American Swinger Skanks told ALLLLL their friends to be sure to watch them on TV last night and then were appalled to find out (1) they kept the film going while they double-teamed a hapless employee sexually behind closed doors and (2) they included her uncouth butt grab.  Chances are they were so effing drunk they don't even remember.  However, after viewing this, I imagine the two of them are right now being dropped from a lot of Christmas Party lists.   

  • Love 24

I am amazed about how the crew set up on the beach.  I've visited a fair amount of beaches in NC, SC, VA, FL,  St. Martin, Mexico, CA, etc.  AND I would never think that a flimsy, lightweight chair would work.  Winds are pretty strong. Plus, that canopy tent?  Are you kidding me?  You have to have some kind of built in devices that secure the legs into the sand.  Why don't they have the proper equipment?  Maybe, it's just in the script. 

I can't think of anything much worse than sharing a cabin with Nico.  

Maybe, I'm spoiled, but, if I were on a very expensive tour like that and a salad or sandwich was offered for my meal......I don't think I would be pleased.  I'm sure they are delicious, but, I'd expect more. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 8
27 minutes ago, ryebread said:

@Carolina Girl Thanks for saving me a whole lotta typing.  Right on the money, every word.

Thank you so much!  I normally tune in and out of those things, but that just really pissed me the hell off, especially in light of the stories we're hearing every day about "underlings" being abused by those that have the authority to do so.  This is precisely why those laws are in place.  

  • Love 8

@Carolina Girl : But... Kate DID IT, during the "ice cold water bottle at bed time" episode, just after Kate told her in the galley, after the "sticky" charter guest came to be sure she'll get THE bottle she asked for, that her gesture (?) could lead people tend to think that she's OK with it (summarizing, but it's how I get it) ! And rushing, hiding -and laughing- with Jen, etc..... It should have been better edited, but she did it.

Edited by Diane Mars
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

And all Kate does is talk about how inexperienced Jen is.  How about YOU, as the supervisor, take Jen aside and tell her the best way to deal with it?  

My thoughts exactly.  I would have thought Kate would have instructed her on the best way to handle the situation keeping her staff safe without jeopardizing the tip.

Kate stated that there was no HR on the boat.  After what we have seen the crew have to endure I would be interested in how things are governed on the yacht/water?  Kate also mentioned on a previous episode that they were required to give a certain amount time for breaks and sleep.

  • Love 4

I wonder if the female guest, knowing she couldn't compete with the fiancée in the looks department, thought acting like a sleeze would get her more camera time. She probably thought she was being worldly and sophisticated, but that kind of behavior should have been intolerable even before current events. I agree that the guest's husband condoning her behavior was also over the line. But Bravo deserves a nice slice of the criticism here, too. Bravo staff were in the hallway when this happened and chose not to intervene. They also chose not to inform the captain so he could discourage the guests' behavior. Bravo goes for drama over the safety and comfort of its people and they should know better. I hope fans are complaining on social media a lot.

Kate could have done better for Jen. Not letting her be alone in the sleeping area was fine, but Kate could have stayed with the guests on the beach herself and rearranged schedules so that Jen wasn't doing the other meal services. Simply stepping between the guest and Jen in the galley would have sent a message to the guest. There are more direct ways to handle people's inappropriate behavior than getting gimmicky with water bottles. You don't have to be a yachtie to know how to politely and firmly discourage unwanted advances from customers. Kate implied she knew how, Kate should have sat Jen down and taught her. She and Lee are a big disappointment this season. Kate's hair is improving, however, so there's that.

Say what you will about marrying for money, the fiancée was gorgeous. That's the kind of body you only get from working at it. I give her credit for that.

Edited by Passing Strange
  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Passing Strange said:

I wonder if the female guest, knowing she couldn't compete with the fiancée in the looks department, thought acting like a sleeze would get her more camera time. She probably thought she was being worldly and sophisticated, but that kind of behavior should have been intolerable even before current events. I agree that her husband condoning her behavior was also over the line. But Bravo deserves a nice slice of the criticism here, too. Bravo staff were in the hallway when this happened and chose not to intervene. They also chose not to inform the captain so he could discourage the guests behavior. Bravo goes for drama over the safety and comfort of its people and they should know better. I hope fans are complaining on social media a lot.

Kate could have done better for Jen. Not letting her be alone in the sleeping area was fine, but Kate could have stayed with the guests on the beach herself and rearranged schedules so that Jen wasn't doing the other meal services. Simply stepping between the guest and Jen in the galley would have sent a message to the guest. There are more direct ways to handle people's inappropriate behavior than getting gimmicky with water bottles. You don't have to be a yachtie to know how to politely and firmly discourage unwanted advances from customers. Kate implied she knew how, Kate should have sat Jen down and taught her. She and Lee are a big disappointment this season. Kate's hair is improving, however, so there's that.

Say what you will about marrying for money, the fiancée was gorgeous. That's the kind of body you only get from working at it. I give her credit for that.

I've worked out A LOT before, but, it didn't translate that much for me. lol 

  • Love 7
14 minutes ago, dleighg said:

Can someone explain to me the appeal of a "party bus" where you go bar hopping? I guess it's so you can set eyes on as many of the opposite (or otherwise attractive) sex as possible in one night? I'm just way too old for this stuff. A few drinks on a nice warm patio with a view is way more appealing.

I don't know, I'm afraid.  The "Party Bus" came into vogue "after my time."  In my day we ponied up our resources for a limo, where the biggest thrill you got was sticking your head out of the sunroof and shreiking at the top of your lungs and generally playing the fool to the general annoyance of nearby pedestrians.

  • Love 7
18 minutes ago, Passing Strange said:

Bravo deserves a nice slice of the criticism here, too. Bravo staff were in the hallway when this happened and chose not to intervene. They also chose not to inform the captain so he could discourage the guests' behavior. Bravo goes for drama over the safety and comfort of its people and they should know better. I hope fans are complaining on social media a lot.

I don't know why people seem to think that the camera crew is going to intervene. Shouldn't the Bachelor in Paradise debacle be an indication that we should stop expecting it. Even ignoring that incident, they cast 3 dangerously underqualified deck crew members this season, all of them who could have put the boat and the lives of guests and crew in serious danger. People have been raped on reality tv. I don't want to be an asshole, but I feel like only a naif is surprised by the inherent callousness of a reality tv film crew.

  • Love 3
25 minutes ago, dleighg said:

Can someone explain to me the appeal of a "party bus" where you go bar hopping?

I dunno.  And they were behaving as drunkenly foolish on that 'land yacht' as the guests they were just complaining about.  I'm sure the crew on the bus were side-eyeing their antics the same way.  I wouldn't put it past Nico Freako and his brother to have played grab ass with the bus crew.  God, they were gross.

In Detroit, we have these.  You have to pedal, to go anywhere.  If I had to choose, I'd pick the party bus.  I love working out but I don't want to do it while I'm partying down.

24936-largejpg.jpg 636050672204059465-070716-FLJJ-fe-beerpu 

And then this summer we got these.  I'd be less obliged to do the pedal boat even though I'm a water rat.  No place to pee.  It's not like you can just jump in the water like when you're out in one of the big lakes.  Shown below is the Detroit River.  Just, no.  I wouldn't dip a toe.


  • Love 1
59 minutes ago, Passing Strange said:

I wonder if the female guest, knowing she couldn't compete with the fiancée in the looks department, thought acting like a sleeze would get her more camera time.

I don't know if it was for camera time, but I've seen insecure women think that if they try to point out hot women to their husbands, go to strip clubs with them, initiate a threesome, etc. their husbands will see THEM as more desirable. It's gross. Especially when it crosses the line into making others feel uncomfortable. 

  • Love 10
58 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I don't know why people seem to think that the camera crew is going to intervene. Shouldn't the Bachelor in Paradise debacle be an indication that we should stop expecting it. Even ignoring that incident, they cast 3 dangerously underqualified deck crew members this season, all of them who could have put the boat and the lives of guests and crew in serious danger. People have been raped on reality tv. I don't want to be an asshole, but I feel like only a naif is surprised by the inherent callousness of a reality tv film crew.

I didn't say I was surprised, I said Bravo deserves criticism for a policy that allowed their staff not to take action in this situation. I feel the same away about CBS's policy that required staff to sit by and allow Survivor contestant Michael Skupkin to fall into a fire and be severely burned. It's not naïveté, it's outrage.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Carolina Girl said:

I don't know, I'm afraid.  The "Party Bus" came into vogue "after my time."  In my day we ponied up our resources for a limo, where the biggest thrill you got was sticking your head out of the sunroof and shreiking at the top of your lungs and generally playing the fool to the general annoyance of nearby pedestrians.

Heh.  Limos were not a thing until I was in college.  

I will always remember pulling up to the bars in CoeurD'Alene, Idaho and people gawking.  And the disappointment on their faces when they realized we were nobodies.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I don't know why people seem to think that the camera crew is going to intervene. Shouldn't the Bachelor in Paradise debacle be an indication that we should stop expecting it. Even ignoring that incident, they cast 3 dangerously underqualified deck crew members this season, all of them who could have put the boat and the lives of guests and crew in serious danger. People have been raped on reality tv. I don't want to be an asshole, but I feel like only a naif is surprised by the inherent callousness of a reality tv film crew.

They should intervene because if there was a sexual harassment lawsuit, Bravo, not Kate, would be sued.  Who has been raped on reality TV?   If you’re referring to Bachelor in Paradise, even Corinne Olympios has stated that after the investigation, she is satisfied that she was not raped. And, by the way, it was a crew member that first expressed concern about the incident. 

Edited by laprin
  • Love 1
46 minutes ago, laprin said:

They should intervene because if there was a sexual harassment lawsuit, Bravo, not Kate, would be sued.  Who has been raped on reality TV?   If you’re referring to Bachelor in Paradise, even Corinne Olympios has stated that after the investigation, she is satisfied that she was not raped. And, by the way, it was a crew member that first expressed concern about the incident. 

Tonya Cooley


The way they write these contracts, Bravo probably isn't open to a sexual harassment suit. It's 51 Minds and Endemol who produce the show. Furthermore, most participants are regarded as independent contractors in the contracts. Most of the contracts have an arbitration clause for dealing with disputes and preclude a law suit. Finally, the ship isn't sailing under a U.S. flag. I'm not saying that Bravo, 51 Minds, and Endomol shouldn't intervene nor am I saying they shouldn't face condemnation. I'm saying that after Bachelor in Paradise and a ton of other events that should have caused reality tv to reform what they do, they still haven't. I bet you the contracts haven't changed. I bet you the only change is that they are slightly more observant about alcohol intake, but even then, not by much.

  • Love 3

These guests were the skankiest ever.  Did anyone get the feeling that they were into some kinky stuff?  I just felt dirty every time they were on screen.  

The fiancée actually asked if they could get "one of those" - meaning a chef.  Sugar Daddy said sure.   And she was confused "AF" about lunch - was that the real lunch or just part of a lunch or .........?  Good grief.  It was a large salad, how could that not be a real meal?   Oh, wait she was getting drunk AF.

If any of their friends watched the show, I'm sure they though it was all funny.  Just my opinion but any real friends of theirs are also skanky (AF).

Nico, you're obnoxious AF (tm fiancée), not all that cute, and a dumbass.  The tent or canopy blowing over on the beach was priceless, after all his I should be the bosun  whining.  

The guests were the whiniest whiners ever.  I'm missing all the good sun.  Hey, dumbass, there's a deck full of lounge chairs.   Have at it.  Make the best of it.  You're in paradise.  But no, let's whine some more.  Can you imagine if the weather was bad?  "Oh, I HATE this.  Can we goooooo?  I wanna put on my swimsuit.  Whyyyyy can't we go to the beach?  When is the weather going to clear up?  But whennn? Can we get another cruise with better weather??  Oh I HATE this!"   Insert a couple of random AF's, of course.

I think that the skank couple picked on Jen because she seemed like an easy mark.  They didn't try anything with Bri, who seems to be able to think on her feet a bit more.   Kate should have reported it to the Captain, not sure what they can do that this point, but screw the tip.  I kind of understand what Kate was saying - Jen didn't know how to handle it, but Kate step up and help her.  That's your job.  Wouldn't their contract for the charter lay out some rules, such as we do not permit xxxxx - like no sexual contact with the crew, etc.  What if the drunk (AF) guests did damage to the yacht?  Is there something that holds them liable or is there some sort of deposit?  I was thinking that if there is inappropriate remarks or actions on behalf of the charter guests towards the crew, then they wouldn't get the deposit back, some sort of monetary penalty.   What if they had made racial or sexual slurs towards the crew?  There has to be some protections in place for the crew.  

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, dleighg said:

I saw those pedal buses in Amsterdam this summer. Seemed to be a big thing for bachelorette parties. 

We did a pedal pub for my sister's bachelorette party this summer and it was a lot of fun. They let you drink onboard (beer or wine and it has to be in non-glass containers) and we stopped at a few bars in town and the driver waited for us with the pub and all our stuff. It's harder than it looks (though a lot of our bike chains kept popping off so that didn't help) so it's good that there's also a motor, just in case. ;)

We blasted Despacito and turned on the pub lights. It was awesome.

  • Love 4

Boo F&N Hoo!  What is all this sympathy for Jen? Now all of a sudden she is a victim of sexual harassment?

Isn't Jen always telling everyone she is horny?

Didn't Jen fake an orgasm during the crews first dinner?

Wasn't Jen the girl twerking on the party bus?

Didn't Jen iron her clothes in her underwear on national TV?

  • Love 3

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