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S06.E04: A Breaking Point

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While running a secret errand, Dawson finds herself trapped in a collapsed parking structure. With all paths of exit blocked, she is forced to improvise and works double-duty to keep a number of injured individuals alive while trying to maintain peace among those trapped. Meanwhile, pressure is mounting on Casey as he begins to take on additional duties, Kidd grows increasingly skeptical of Hope after learning about rumors circulating and the firehouse receives a surprise visitor.

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I thought this was a good episode but I honestly wish it would have had someone like Sylvie or even Stella in Gabby’s role. We already know Gabriella Dawson is super woman, we’ve literally seen it a thousand times. But it would have been nice to see that side of someone else. Gabby does great things but I’m tired of everyone acting like she’s the only one capable of them.

Matt’s ceremony becoming about Gabby was just too much. This couple as a whole has just become too much and it’s becoming harder and harder to stomach.

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21 minutes ago, MakeMeLaugh said:

I would pay dearly for Casey to have an casual affair with some random woman (not a current character) or develop a slight drinking ptoblem or something. I don’t think I can stomach the couple much longer. 

Thank you!! No couple is this perfect!! It’s ridiculous. 

Casey impregnating a woman after a drunken one night stand when Gabby was unable to carry their baby to term would be some good drama with a lot of angles to work with. 

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I've said it before. Saint Gabby, First of Her Name. And her middle name is Mary-Sue. Still a toss-up with Upton on "PD" for who wins the statuette for Worst Character in a Chicago Franchise series. Now that I think of it, it's Gabby. At least Monica Raymund can act, even though I hate the role she's playing. Spiradakos can't, but her character hasn't been defined well enough to despise (yet).

I'll handwave the collapse and rescue logistics to a degree, since it's a network TV show budget. We the audience have to see, so of course the lights are still on, and it didn't immediately pancake down. I can work with that. I was rooting for the collapse to smush Saint Gabby, but we all know that can't happen. She bends the laws of physics, space, and time doncha know.

The same cable set that carries electricity to the elevator will also carry the alarm signal and phone line. I can see the phone not connecting, but if there's power for the elevator car's internal lights (which there was), then the bell will work too, which the FD would hear.

Where can I get one of those magic 27 MHz CBs that also transmits and receives on a 700 MHz digital trunking system? They could be handy. (Hint: it can't happen). I literally LOLd at that, since 2-way radio tech is my stock-and-trade. Cellphones most certainly do work 15 feet below ground. Well, my Verizon phone does, 1.4 miles from the closest tower to my own basement, but YMMV in Chicago. And even if that CB wasn't a Magic Transceiver, if it had power it would transmit a signal that I can guarantee SOMEONE would hear and hopefully relay by landline to 9-1-1. AND most CBs have a PA function in them, thus the "electrician" could probably jury-rig an external speaker from someone's car stereo easily enough so they could make some noise.

And speaking of which, HONK THE FUCKING HORNS for heaven's sake. All of them. Nothing says "Come rescue us, we're trapped under 30 tons of rubble" than multiple car horns sounding in a way that they don't sound like an alarm system going off automatically. Idiots.

Why would a Battalion Chief be the one bestowing the promotion? Wouldn't it be a DC, the Commissioner, or some other white helmet doing the honors at HQ?

I don't get the badge history thing. Makes no sense, but maybe that's a Chicago thing. Probably not, but I don't know.

When Boden tells BC4 that there's a trapped FF/PM in there, why wouldn't Casey have chimed in "She's also my wife." I sure as shit would have if it was the love of my life. And with that, the entire team would have Casey's back (unless they all knew Gabby and wanted her to end up getting slipped under the garage door instead).

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Stella in that crisis would have been awesome.  Why would Sylvia offer to talk to Connie?  Why did Connie even bring it up to Sylvia rather than to Boden and HR?  No good will come from everyone dumping the problem in Sylvie's lap.  I love that Stella has her number.

I didn't get the history of the badge either. Wouldn't that special badge have been reused or retired long ago?  Why did Gabby get to pin it on, and why did the ceremony need to be about her anyway?

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Here's the thing: what Gabby did was not heroic, it was just out-and-out stupid. She ran into a building that she herself had just determined was not structurally sound. Let me repeat that, people. She ran into a building she knew could collapse. Like an idiot. That's just firefighting 101: you do not enter a building that has been structurally compromised and may collapse. You get on a bullhorn and you order anyone inside to vacate. That's just common sense: you do not put your own life in peril, or the lives of those who might try to rescue you. Unless you simply do not give a damn about your friends or family or what will happen to them after you die.

It's one thing to shower Gabby with praise when she does something actually heroic - God knows we've been subjected to it for six years now. It's quite another to heap praise upon her when she's done something that is clearly against basic firefighting and rescue regulations. She should have been reprimanded for it, not feted. 

To top it off, making Casey's promotion all about her was just the icing on the shit cake. What an atrocity. 

I know for a fact I was not alone hoping Gabby would be killed in this episode. (She's not a real person, she's a fictional character; hoping for her demise is not immoral. We hope for the death of all kinds of fictional characters in movies and literature and she's no different.) I don't know why the show thinks she's God but they sure as hell aren't listening to us.


I didn't get the history of the badge either.

If it belonged to the very first Chief of station 51, how did it end up in an antique store? Wouldn't it have remained in his family? Did they sell it at some point? How would Gabby even have known that? I guess it wasn't important enough to rob precious minutes from Gabby's heroism. 


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I admit, I think Sylvie talking to Hope was a bad idea and I think maybe Connie will realize she shouldn't have said anything to Sylvie. That was like the only thing interesting I thought of the episode. I think Hope will turn out to be a bad idea. 

The rat or hamster, I think they were a bit rude to the boy scouts for some reason. 

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Is it just me, or is Hope wearing a flashing neon sign hung around her neck that reads: "I AM LYING. DO NOT TRUST A WORD THAT COMES OUT OF MY MOUTH, INCLUDING 'THE.' I AM A NIGHTMARE LYING LIAR WHO LIES."

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14 hours ago, SuzieQ said:

I want an hour of my life back!

What, you don't have fast forward?  I zipped through pretty much every bit of the garage scenes until 51 arrived.  Made it much easier. 

How did that soldier make staff sergeant without ever once being deployed somewhere?

So Gabby has a working knowledge of structural engineering, too?  You would think that, given the extent of the collapse, the contractor would have foreseen it too.  They do know about these things.

Chief Boden orders his entire house to respond to the collapse scene, even though they weren't dispatched, and they took out coverage of their own area.  Somebody's going to notice that in headquarters.  Look out, Chief.  Your job is on the line again.  And yes, Casey, let's go into a confined space without and SCBA or rescue rope, because it's your wife in there, and there's no chance of further collapse and trapping you, too.

I get the setup for Hope being not exactly competent, but, hey, firefighters, take care of your own equipment.  Call HQ by yourself to get those O2 bottles refilled.

I wasn't paying enough attention.  What happened to the rodent after it escaped?  Is it still at large?  Way too cute and furry to be an abandoned plotline.

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28 minutes ago, Dowel Jones said:

What, you don't have fast forward?  I zipped through pretty much every bit of the garage scenes until 51 arrived.  Made it much easier. 

How did that soldier make staff sergeant without ever once being deployed somewhere?

So Gabby has a working knowledge of structural engineering, too?  You would think that, given the extent of the collapse, the contractor would have foreseen it too.  They do know about these things.

Chief Boden orders his entire house to respond to the collapse scene, even though they weren't dispatched, and they took out coverage of their own area.  Somebody's going to notice that in headquarters.  Look out, Chief.  Your job is on the line again.  And yes, Casey, let's go into a confined space without and SCBA or rescue rope, because it's your wife in there, and there's no chance of further collapse and trapping you, too.

I get the setup for Hope being not exactly competent, but, hey, firefighters, take care of your own equipment.  Call HQ by yourself to get those O2 bottles refilled.

I wasn't paying enough attention.  What happened to the rodent after it escaped?  Is it still at large?  Way too cute and furry to be an abandoned plotline.

I don't think they ever said but in Derek's tweet he suggested he likes to think he found a nice family to take him in. Just hope the kids don't find out about that. 

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58 minutes ago, Dowel Jones said:

I get the setup for Hope being not exactly competent, but, hey, firefighters, take care of your own equipment.  Call HQ by yourself to get those O2 bottles refilled.

Umm... isn't that exactly why they have administrative assistants? Stella should be too busy saving peoples' lives to do the exact job that Hope was hired to do. Firefighters need help to do their hectic jobs, they can't do everything themselves. 

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The rat or hamster, I think they were a bit rude to the boy scouts for some reason. 

It was a guinea pig, and that cage was way too small for it. And who the heck OK'd the idea of giving it to a fire station? Like a fire station really wants to take care of a guinea pig.

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Yes, the guinea pig sideline was the dumbest thing ever.  I like that Matt didn't even really thank them and just handed it off for someone to find it a good home.  I hope he wasn't a Chekhov guinea pig.

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1 hour ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Umm... isn't that exactly why they have administrative assistants?

Well, personally, I wouldn't want to leave that in the hands of an AA.  It's one more link in the chain of getting critical equipment.  I'm sure it depends on the location, but when I was working, I would always find time to make a phone call to get stuff for the engine.  Plus, although ambulance personnel might be run hard in real life, this crowd spends an awful lot of time lounging around the station or running errands.

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After years of reading message boards about people's feelings towards Gabby, I remained neutral about her. She didn't bother me. After this episode, I see the light and ask to be welcomed (with open arms) to the Anti-Gabby Team. The way she approached the foreman irked me. When the sergeant took control for a brief moment, the look on Gabby's face was "how dare he he talk to me that way". I was wishing for a beam to fall on her. I was surprised she didn't solve race relations between the two or speak Filipino.

Why do they make other fire houses look incompetent? If Casey and Severide arrived on the scene first, those people would have been rescued in no time. Severide dissected their sorry work from a few seconds of watching the news. Unreal!

Edited by mxc90
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I found myself more concerned about:

A. The guinea pig being in the tiniest cage ever. I worked 7 months in an exotic animal hospital in boarding. That cage should have been banned.

B. What happened to the poor guy? I don't know how they could have just left that unresolved. Guinea pigs need hay for their sensitive digestive tracts and it's not going to survive on its own. I was worried at one point that 51 were going to run it over when they got back to the house.

Tired of Gabby. I liked the story line enough, I just wish Stella or Bret would have been the ones trapped in the parking garage. It would have been much more interesting.

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I too agree that this would have been an amazing episode had it been focused on Stella or Sylvie. Or, it could have been Severide in there, so that they would acknowledge that even though Casey is getting the title, Kelly deserves it equally if not more.

Plus I agree, they applaud her for getting herself trapped in there? Had she not been well, Gabby, she would have stayed outside and she would have been able to get help within minutes instead of hours. And that was supposed to be heroic?

I used to love Gabby, but the writers keep giving us reasons to hate her. Plus, I'm tired of the focus on Gabby and Casey altogether. It's all about them and I get that they want to have two characters front and center, but at least dedicate a few episodes to expand the other characters as well. Kelly just lost his girlfriend to cancer and we barely got a reaction out of him.

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Just saw the episode last night on dvr. 

I love the chemistry between the two original leads, Casey and Severide, which we got a glimpse of at the end when Kelly handed over his tie. I really miss their story lines.

I can't believe the writers expect us to believe Gabby knows everything. Really, aren't they just laughing at the audience at this point?

I loved the subtle reminder from Capp that he's still there--"they can't call you Cap, it has to be captain." 

I can't believe most of the episode featured non-regular cast members. 

The antique badge story line was just stupid. Gabby stealing all Casey's thunder even stupider. 

Don't get me started on a guinea pig. What kind of mom would encourage a live animal as a surprise gift? 

If Mr MML didn't think he is in this show (he knows a lot of the locations and is far less critical than I am), we wouldn't be watching it.

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Enough with the fake driveway award ceremonies already. We're supposed to believe that the antique badge wasn't in a display case at HQ or something? Yeah right. Get back to the original premise of fighting fires and arson investigations. That was interesting

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On 10/20/2017 at 0:17 AM, doLLish said:

I thought this was a good episode but I honestly wish it would have had someone like Sylvie or even Stella in Gabby’s role. We already know Gabriella Dawson is super woman, we’ve literally seen it a thousand times. But it would have been nice to see that side of someone else. Gabby does great things but I’m tired of everyone acting like she’s the only one capable of them.

Matt’s ceremony becoming about Gabby was just too much. This couple as a whole has just become too much and it’s becoming harder and harder to stomach.

Probably cause the Writers keep getting a lot of "Dawsey Rules we love them so much" Garbage through Social Media. I know I'm getting really tired of Prefect Couple Dawsey and how prefect they are. I want some focus on Severide, Slyvie, Otis, Hermann, Mouch, Boden and Cruz

Edited by jay741982
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16 hours ago, jay741982 said:

Probably cause the Writers keep getting a lot of "Dawsey Rules we love them so much" Garbage through Social Media. I know I'm getting really tired of Prefect Couple Dawsey and how prefect they are. I want some focus on Severide, Slyvie, Otis, Hermann, Mouch, Boden and Cruz

Its funny because I looked at the response on social media after this episode and its like I'm living in the twilight zone. Twitter LOVES Gabby and wants MORE. Its dumbfounding.

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OMG....What the hell was that? You know fire needs oxygen to survive and Gabby is currently sucking the life out of this one.

Seriously they would want to be careful....first they hype up the season premiere to within an inch of it's life & it's the biggest letdown when everyone walks away without even a scratch & now they've been talking up Mr Sprinkles & it's a rodent (or whatever...I was rolling my eyes too much to actually see what it was.......you know the story about the boy that cried wolf......

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6 hours ago, doLLish said:

Its funny because I looked at the response on social media after this episode and its like I'm living in the twilight zone. Twitter LOVES Gabby and wants MORE. Its dumbfounding.

Oh god I can't take even more of Gabby 

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On 21/10/2017 at 0:46 AM, mxc90 said:

After years of reading message boards about people's feelings towards Gabby, I remained neutral about her. She didn't bother me. After this episode, I see the light and ask to be welcomed (with open arms) to the Anti-Gabby Team. The way she approached the foreman irked me. When the sergeant took control for a brief moment, the look on Gabby's face was "how dare he he talk to me that way". I was wishing for a beam to fall on her. I was surprised she didn't solve race relations between the two or speak Filipino.

Why do they make other fire houses look incompetent? If Casey and Severide arrived on the scene first, those people would have been rescued in no time. Severide dissected their sorry work from a few seconds of watching the news. Unreal!

Come in, welcome, join our growing band, the water's warm, the bitchin's fun!!

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Oh, dear mercy, I spent the entire episode hoping they'd finally kill off this odious Gabby character yet knowing that would never happen.  Now this stupid show has me starting to hate Casey too.  Just erect a statue and have everyone worship it already.  

What a bunch of bull.  First she acts like a screeching harpy (as usual) then runs into a structure she fears will collapse.  Brilliant. Then she turns her special bitchface on an Army staff sergeant who's just trying to help.  Then staff sergeant puts himself in danger to save everyone from dying of carbon monoxide poisoning and she gets the credit.  Not to mention her vast knowledge of structural engineering.  There are simply no words.  

Dear Writers of This Drivel,

Can we have some stories that feature other characters doing brave things?  Can we have a Severide storyline that doesn't involve his amazing libido?  Can we stop making the supporting characters comic foils to the Greatest Love Story of all Time and let them develop and grow as characters too?  Can Sylvia and Stella get some substantial screen time and stories that don't revolve around the glory and wonder of Gabby the Magnificent?

Love, Limecoke

I've just about had it.

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I found myself more concerned about:

A. The guinea pig being in the tiniest cage ever. I worked 7 months in an exotic animal hospital in boarding. That cage should have been banned.

B. What happened to the poor guy? I don't know how they could have just left that unresolved. Guinea pigs need hay for their sensitive digestive tracts and it's not going to survive on its own. I was worried at one point that 51 were going to run it over when they got back to the house.

We had guinea pigs as pets when we were little. (They breed like rabbits; before we knew it we had around eight of them.) They make very good pets for children, because they almost never bite, and they can't run very fast with their stubby little legs. That said, they can't jump either, so if that cage was up on a table and the guinea pig got out and jumped/fell down to the floor it could have been seriously injured.

Judging by the size of that cage I suspect the original intent was for there to be a hamster or gerbil in there, and they decided it was too small, wasn't visible enough, or wasn't funny enough.


Its funny because I looked at the response on social media after this episode and its like I'm living in the twilight zone. Twitter LOVES Gabby and wants MORE. Its dumbfounding.

I often feel Twitter is the worst thing that ever happened to television. Too many sycophants feeding the writers' egos. 

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3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I often feel Twitter is the worst thing that ever happened to television. Too many sycophants feeding the writers' egos. 

There is SO much truth in this. Twitter and Social Media absolutely destroyed Scandal. It was one of the first big shows to have a large social media presence with the actors and writers all live tweeting and engaging with fans. Every time there was a major twist Twitter would erupt. They took that to mean add even more ridiculously absurd twists, even if they didn’t make any sense, content quality be damned. They did it to the point of ruining the show and the ratings subsequently headed for the toilet. Vocal minorities and ego filled actors/writers/producers/directors can’t see the forest for the trees. I can honestly see Chicago Fire suffering a similar fate.

”Dawsey” fans can say whatever they want on Twitter and Facebook but the ratings are what tell the true story and they are very much in decline. Somethings gotta give.

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 Not to mention Shay, the most interesting character on this and almost any other show, got killed early on when a beam fell on her after a building exploded (as they do). Mary Sue Gabby, the most predictably written and least interesting character on this and almost any other show, is somehow immune.

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On 10/20/2017 at 7:46 PM, mxc90 said:

The way she approached the foreman irked me. When the sergeant took control for a brief moment, the look on Gabby's face was "how dare he he talk to me that way". I was wishing for a beam to fall on her. I was surprised she didn't solve race relations between the two or speak Filipino.

The thing with the foreman was kind of funny. Just the way Gabby dropped her full name as if he was supposed to have heard of her. The bit thought with the Staff Sergeant was kind of fucked though since why shouldn't he be in control? It is not like he was a new recruit, and even if he hadn't been deployed anywhere being a Sergeant would mean having some experience/training in leading and controlling groups of people in stressful situations.

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37 minutes ago, Kel Varnsen said:

The thing with the foreman was kind of funny. Just the way Gabby dropped her full name as if he was supposed to have heard of her. The bit thought with the Staff Sergeant was kind of fucked though since why shouldn't he be in control? It is not like he was a new recruit, and even if he hadn't been deployed anywhere being a Sergeant would mean having some experience/training in leading and controlling groups of people in stressful situations.

And the poor guy had to apologize and bow down to her greatness.

It's Gabby's world and we are paying rent in it.

If she wants the Yankee's manager job.. she would probably get it!

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50 minutes ago, mxc90 said:


It's Gabby's world and we are paying rent in it.

If she wants the Yankee's manager job.. she would probably get it!

I'm sure she already knows how to do it! So far, she's been an expert EMT, the best firefighter, a better detective than anyone at Chicago PD, and now she knows everthing about structural engineering. 

Edited by juliet73
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On 20/10/2017 at 6:28 PM, iMonrey said:

Here's the thing: what Gabby did was not heroic, it was just out-and-out stupid. She ran into a building that she herself had just determined was not structurally sound. Let me repeat that, people. She ran into a building she knew could collapse. Like an idiot. That's just firefighting 101: you do not enter a building that has been structurally compromised and may collapse. You get on a bullhorn and you order anyone inside to vacate. That's just common sense: you do not put your own life in peril, or the lives of those who might try to rescue you. Unless you simply do not give a damn about your friends or family or what will happen to them after you die.

It's one thing to shower Gabby with praise when she does something actually heroic - God knows we've been subjected to it for six years now. It's quite another to heap praise upon her when she's done something that is clearly against basic firefighting and rescue regulations. She should have been reprimanded for it, not feted. 

To top it off, making Casey's promotion all about her was just the icing on the shit cake. What an atrocity. 

I know for a fact I was not alone hoping Gabby would be killed in this episode. (She's not a real person, she's a fictional character; hoping for her demise is not immoral. We hope for the death of all kinds of fictional characters in movies and literature and she's no different.) I don't know why the show thinks she's God but they sure as hell aren't listening to us.

If it belonged to the very first Chief of station 51, how did it end up in an antique store? Wouldn't it have remained in his family? Did they sell it at some point? How would Gabby even have known that? I guess it wasn't important enough to rob precious minutes from Gabby's heroism. 


Unfortunately so many of the storylines in this show are now just plain silly!  And Dawson sticks her nose into everything so she can have more screen time!  Im sad for the actors who have to put up with rubbish writing and showrunning and NBC don't seem to give a monkey any more! A great shame! It's just become the gabby Dawson show and it's getting boring. The ratings are showing that viewers are dropping the show in droves and the blame for that lies squarely with the showrunners who only seem to listen to the hordes of  gabby fans on Twitter. Well they won't have a show to run if they don't do something really radical and soon...like stop shoving Dawson and her family into our faces at every opportunity! Get back to Casey and Severide and the crews fighting fires and doing rescues and the excitement of Seasons 1 & 2!  The showrunners don't take any notice of anyone outside of their little twitter world which is a great shame because they might learn a thing or two if they bothered to check other forums! There are a LOT of us out here who cant stand the dawson character and she is tainting Casey as well now sadly.

On 04/01/2018 at 7:38 PM, Chas411 said:

Fast forwarded through Gabbys scenes so I think I saw a total of 5 minutes of showtime. 

That sounds about right for most of the episodes these days...she seems to be involved in everything in the whole show! Sad and annoying as she is one of the most unlikeable characters on tv.

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On 23/10/2017 at 11:15 PM, limecoke said:

Oh, dear mercy, I spent the entire episode hoping they'd finally kill off this odious Gabby character yet knowing that would never happen.  Now this stupid show has me starting to hate Casey too.  Just erect a statue and have everyone worship it already.  

What a bunch of bull.  First she acts like a screeching harpy (as usual) then runs into a structure she fears will collapse.  Brilliant. Then she turns her special bitchface on an Army staff sergeant who's just trying to help.  Then staff sergeant puts himself in danger to save everyone from dying of carbon monoxide poisoning and she gets the credit.  Not to mention her vast knowledge of structural engineering.  There are simply no words.  

Dear Writers of This Drivel,

Can we have some stories that feature other characters doing brave things?  Can we have a Severide storyline that doesn't involve his amazing libido?  Can we stop making the supporting characters comic foils to the Greatest Love Story of all Time and let them develop and grow as characters too?  Can Sylvia and Stella get some substantial screen time and stories that don't revolve around the glory and wonder of Gabby the Magnificent?

Love, Limecoke

I've just about had it.

Please don't hate Casey - remember he did have a tbi and was on the rebound from Hallie's death when dawson got her claws into him, and he was desperate not to be alone. Hahaha those 'are the only possible reasons l can find for him being besotted with her!

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3 minutes ago, belletane said:

Please don't hate Casey - remember he did have a tbi and was on the rebound from Hallie's death when dawson got her claws into him, and he was desperate not to be alone. Hahaha those 'are the only possible reasons l can find for him being besotted with her!

Still wish Hallie made it, all these years later. I actually liked her. Gabby should have died instead.

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On 23/10/2017 at 11:15 PM, limecoke said:

Oh, dear mercy, I spent the entire episode hoping they'd finally kill off this odious Gabby character yet knowing that would never happen.  Now this stupid show has me starting to hate Casey too.  Just erect a statue and have everyone worship it already.  

What a bunch of bull.  First she acts like a screeching harpy (as usual) then runs into a structure she fears will collapse.  Brilliant. Then she turns her special bitchface on an Army staff sergeant who's just trying to help.  Then staff sergeant puts himself in danger to save everyone from dying of carbon monoxide poisoning and she gets the credit.  Not to mention her vast knowledge of structural engineering.  There are simply no words.  

Dear Writers of This Drivel,

Can we have some stories that feature other characters doing brave things?  Can we have a Severide storyline that doesn't involve his amazing libido?  Can we stop making the supporting characters comic foils to the Greatest Love Story of all Time and let them develop and grow as characters too?  Can Sylvia and Stella get some substantial screen time and stories that don't revolve around the glory and wonder of Gabby the Magnificent?

Love, Limecoke

I've just about had it.

There are a lot of us out here!


1 minute ago, WendyCR72 said:

Still wish Hallie made it, all these years later. I actually liked her. Gabby should have died instead.

ep - that's what loads of us out here think as well! Wrong paramedic got killed when Shay was got rid of! 

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On 24/10/2017 at 4:22 AM, doLLish said:

There is SO much truth in this. Twitter and Social Media absolutely destroyed Scandal. It was one of the first big shows to have a large social media presence with the actors and writers all live tweeting and engaging with fans. Every time there was a major twist Twitter would erupt. They took that to mean add even more ridiculously absurd twists, even if they didn’t make any sense, content quality be damned. They did it to the point of ruining the show and the ratings subsequently headed for the toilet. Vocal minorities and ego filled actors/writers/producers/directors can’t see the forest for the trees. I can honestly see Chicago Fire suffering a similar fate.

”Dawsey” fans can say whatever they want on Twitter and Facebook but the ratings are what tell the true story and they are very much in decline. Somethings gotta give.

The ego-filled runners and writers are tanking their own show at the moment - surely they must realise what is happening and not go blindly on turning out repetitive storylines and romance stuff. The show is called Chicago Fire for a reason and we seem to be a millions miles away from the fresh excitment of seasons 1 & 2  with all the dawson family rubbish and so on. At the rate things are going CF looks as if it will suffer the same fate as Scandal did!  l do hope not though becasue l adore Casey and wish they would get him out of that awful dawsey coupling!         

On 27/10/2017 at 3:52 AM, juliet73 said:

I'm sure she already knows how to do it! So far, she's been an expert EMT, the best firefighter, a better detective than anyone at Chicago PD, and now she knows everthing about structural engineering. 

And dont forget that when she was a candidate on Truck 81 (what a joke that was) she was an arson investigator as well!

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On 21/10/2017 at 0:46 AM, mxc90 said:

After years of reading message boards about people's feelings towards Gabby, I remained neutral about her. She didn't bother me. After this episode, I see the light and ask to be welcomed (with open arms) to the Anti-Gabby Team. The way she approached the foreman irked me. When the sergeant took control for a brief moment, the look on Gabby's face was "how dare he he talk to me that way". I was wishing for a beam to fall on her. I was surprised she didn't solve race relations between the two or speak Filipino.

Why do they make other fire houses look incompetent? If Casey and Severide arrived on the scene first, those people would have been rescued in no time. Severide dissected their sorry work from a few seconds of watching the news. Unreal!

l seem to be one of the most vocal in the Anti-Gabby team as l cant stand dawson and hate that they have paired the wonderful Casey with such a horrible character. The only way l can justify him being with her is that he was on the rebound from Hallie's death and desperate not to be alone and then he went and got a tbi which clearly affected his judgement! Wish they had written her out instead of Shay, along with many many other people who feel the same. The showrunners need to take a look on here to find out what people really think of their precious gabby dawson but they are happy in their little twitter world where gabby is perfect! Sad but true!

On 23/10/2017 at 5:31 PM, ukgirl71 said:

Come in, welcome, join our growing band, the water's warm, the bitchin's fun!!

Yep - how very refreshing to find like minded people on here instead of all the twitter rubbish massaging the egos of the showrunners and making them think we want more more more dawson! How wrong can they be? lol

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On 21/10/2017 at 11:23 AM, dreamcatcher said:

I too agree that this would have been an amazing episode had it been focused on Stella or Sylvie. Or, it could have been Severide in there, so that they would acknowledge that even though Casey is getting the title, Kelly deserves it equally if not more.

Plus I agree, they applaud her for getting herself trapped in there? Had she not been well, Gabby, she would have stayed outside and she would have been able to get help within minutes instead of hours. And that was supposed to be heroic?

I used to love Gabby, but the writers keep giving us reasons to hate her. Plus, I'm tired of the focus on Gabby and Casey altogether. It's all about them and I get that they want to have two characters front and center, but at least dedicate a few episodes to expand the other characters as well. Kelly just lost his girlfriend to cancer and we barely got a reaction out of him.

Well tbh dawson is the only one who would have been stupid enough to go in there anyway. None of the others would. The storylines make her look stupid even though she knows everything about everything! The whole story was just to give her more screen time, nothing to do with sense or reality!

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