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Season 1 - 3 Discussion

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14 hours ago, TVbitch said:

I  jumped into this show this season cuz I am a fan of Josh Holloway, so I have only seen two episodes. Can someone tell me is Beth bipolar? That is how she comes off to me, with the chronic drinking and the wild behavior. 

I think I can without a doubt say Beth is not bipolar. She's harboring a lot of guilt over her mother's death (as seen in S1) and there is also something that has happen between her and her brother Jamie which makes her hate him (seen in both S1 & S2) - we will find out what this is about this season. I posted a link to an article upthread regarding this hate/feud. She's not your sterotypical woman that's for sure and that's also probably why I personally love the character so much. 

I found this article regarding that Beth/Rip breakfast scene and I found it cute - Breakfast scene input (if you scroll down a bit on that page you'll find more cool articles if you press "Up next") 

I always appreciate actors insight after the show. I haven't seen the bunk boys recap Sunday's episode though come to think of it. Great gives me something to do today 🙂 Have a great weekend y'all! Looking forward to Sunday already! 

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On 7/2/2020 at 12:15 AM, Joimiaroxeu said:

That's an awfully big house Rip has for just one person.


Did they say where the house came from? Was it Lee's? If it was it makes sense John would heir it to Rip.

When Kaycee took over instead of kicking Rip to the bunk house, why didn't Kaycee  not just live there though? When Beth confronted John about Kaycee just living in the main house, John/Kaycee both said he didn't want to live with daddy. Yet that big house was out there?

Also seems smaller/more comfortable for Monica, since she's not comfortable in the main big house she's lost in. Oh well, happy for Rip getting it, you could tell how much it meant to him to be accepted as a son and into the family. He's the best Dutton although not one there is. lol

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On June 30, 2020 at 4:05 AM, MorbidPet said:

Kelsey, it's in the BTS clip. She seemed to have been a natural though once she was up but sorta odd that wasn't a must-know at casting imo. Seems they've done a few slip ups while casting her which brings me to...  

Thanks for responding.  I saw her on a horse last week and didn't think anything was off.   I didn't see the BTS clip and truth be told, I have no idea what BTS is.  LOL

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13 hours ago, AnnA said:

Thanks for responding.  I saw her on a horse last week and didn't think anything was off.   I didn't see the BTS clip and truth be told, I have no idea what BTS is.  LOL

Sorry for not explaining better 🙂 BTS = behind the scenes. I love everything BTS so I hunt for it. That's why I also have a lot of DVDs cause they often hold commentaries, gag reals and interviews. This also means it takes me about twice as long to watch a movie cause I see it once regulary and then again with the commentaries from director/actors 😄 With streaming and all I've noticed we get less and less of BTS material on the DVDs though, a bit sad about that but you can find plenty online. 

In the Bunkhouse BTS they actually say they all had riding lessons. Doesn't seem they were complete rookies like Asbille though. And Jake (Ream) - who was in that scene with her riding the wild horse - actually gave her props as his horse bumped in to hers and she handled it well. But I think I'm starting to see her (Asbille) with harsher eyes now that I've learnt she lied about her roots to get the part on Wind River (which led to Yellowstone). Not cool. 

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1 hour ago, MorbidPet said:

Sorry for not explaining better 🙂 BTS = behind the scenes. I love everything BTS so I hunt for it. That's why I also have a lot of DVDs cause they often hold commentaries, gag reals and interviews. This also means it takes me about twice as long to watch a movie cause I see it once regulary and then again with the commentaries from director/actors 😄 With streaming and all I've noticed we get less and less of BTS material on the DVDs though, a bit sad about that but you can find plenty online. 

In the Bunkhouse BTS they actually say they all had riding lessons. Doesn't seem they were complete rookies like Asbille though. And Jake (Ream) - who was in that scene with her riding the wild horse - actually gave her props as his horse bumped in to hers and she handled it well. But I think I'm starting to see her (Asbille) with harsher eyes now that I've learnt she lied about her roots to get the part on Wind River (which led to Yellowstone). Not cool. 

I'm glad they had the lessons makes it more realistic. Very few actors will have the riding ability to pull off cowboy without help. There are several very good riders on this show...or they are using stunt doubles.

Beth was on fire this episode. So many good lines..

"Lucille Ball and Fabio!" LOLOL

This character is so well written and acted. She is a revelation. Layer upon layer and how they unfold is special.



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On 7/3/2020 at 10:34 AM, Artsda said:

Oh well, happy for Rip getting it, you could tell how much it meant to him to be accepted as a son and into the family. He's the best Dutt

Has anyone figured out all the living situations. I know there is a bunk house and the big house, when Kayce and Monica are now. John moved to a red shingle clad house that I assumed was Lee's because when he moved in he moved some clothes aside and mentioned something like " just making room, not taking them out". So I am guessing maybe Rip's new log cabin is one maybe set aside for Kayce. Beth said something about decor so someone must have been there. I watched season 2 with the CC on during the marathon on and I learned so much by having the CC on.

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I have no idea how many houses are on that property.     The one Rip was given seems to be set back from the others. There's also a foreman's house.    Rip had to move into the bunk house when Kayce took charge and got that house. 

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Whatever fanciful flights this series takes, the occasional moments like Jamie with the dad make it worthwhile viewing.  My better self is trying to get around the killing of the perps.  The appeal of "frontier justice" is strong within me.  Of course, the problem is we really can't be a nation ruled by men.  We must be a nation ruled by law.   

The tax revenues were wildly overstated in the proposal Steel made to the Governor.  The risks of the new resort becoming successful are also not at all clear.  The Forest Service can make a call on a new airport which will destroy the ecosystem?  The biggest error?  Not one mention of Rainwater.  One thing very much in Steel's favor is the expanded eminent domain powers the states now enjoy.

The crack of dawn nature encounter with the Dutton boys and the wolf/elk was another nice moment.

What a great death this would be for Jimmy.  He had never known such wonder in his whole existence and he went out as a real cowboy.  


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Jamie handled himself well with his first crisis so far but someone is going to screw up with their story.

Up until the governor's request at the end, I was wondering if Kaycee was going to have a story this season. So far, all he has done was bang Monica and tried to talk to a coyote.

John and Tate had a nice opening. Grandpa is doing way more for Tate's rehab than the parents.

The governor must hate Beth. She didn't call her, invite her to the meeting and didn't mention her as a replacement. Good thing Beth has her secretary on her payroll.

The governor is playing with fire by trying to placate with solutions and maybe have a good time in bed with John in order for him to surrender. The sales pitch of adding big revenue to the state has put her on the path to bring down Yellowstone. 

How can Jamie go to interim attorney general that fast?

"You can hold her damn hand Rip!" "Thank you daddy!"

Still not warmed up to Tatter yet.

Colby must have wanted to be wine and dined before he gives it up!

Once John told Jimmy he will be hard to stay on the payroll if he got hurt, I had a feeling an injury was right around the corner for him. I hope he isn't written off the show. That was a loud crunch. To add insult to injury he just got a date. Maybe Mia's brother put a curse on Jimmy.

Edited by mxc90
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I do not like the newbie, Teeter.   I love Rip but question his decision to hire her.   I certainly wouldn't want someone as crude as she is on my staff.   I literally cringe when she speaks. 

Jamie is a good "fixer."

Love Rip and Beth holding hands with daddy's approval.

I'm worried about Jimmy.  Maybe I've become too cynical  but  I can't help wondering if Mia came on to Jimmy to distract hIm.  

Edited by AnnA
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6 hours ago, AnnA said:


Jamie is a good "fixer."


I'm worried about Jimmy.  Maybe I've become too cynical  but  I can't help wondering if Mia came on to Jimmy to distract hIm.  

I'm glad I'm not the only cynic.

Jaime is slick and boy can he creatively problem solve. I can see why John sent him to law school.

So much for Josh Holloways good old boy routine. That turned quick.

Not accounting for Rainwater seems like a mistake at this point.


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I have to wonder about this peculiar area of Montana where the governor sits down with her erstwhile boyfriend in the middle of the rodeo and no one takes any notice.  Not even a photographer.

I realize the airport/eminent domain controversy is a necessary plot point, but I would like to point out that Bozeman/Yellowstone International Airport, right up the road from the ranch, is the busiest airport in Montana, surpassing Missoula and Billings.  Wouldn't there be a lot of opposition from those three cities, as traffic diverted to the new airport/development would negatively impact their own businesses.  Of course, without this new crisis, Josh Holloway wouldn't get to fish all day and irritate Beth.  Speaking of which, I'm glad he called her on her 'I'm just Daddy's girl, trying to keep the ranch in business' bullshit.  She's no different than him.

17 hours ago, mxc90 said:

That was a loud crunch.

If it was a skull fracture, he can keep on working at the Yellowstone.  Kid is dumb as a box of rocks, anyway.

Jaime is in waaay over his head.  He owes the DA, the corrupt cops, and Agent Henson now, and he's supposed to be the top cop in the state, enforcing actual laws instead of vendettas.  If any one of them cracks under some other situation and rolls over on the rest, the repercussions will be severe.  At least, in the real world they would be.  Here, Dutton would just wave his hat, the governor will fall in line, and business will be as usual. 

One other small point:  Brucellosis is a disease infecting cattle and other livestock.  Two of the main vectors are wild bison and elk in the Montana/Idaho/Wyoming area.  It's very difficult to control, but the Wyoming Dept. of Fish & Game, at least, is working on protecting the predators, i.e., coyotes and wolves, so that they will biologically control the populations of elk and bison.  Unless a rancher decides to show his son how to save an elk, of course.

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"You can hold her damn hand Rip." LMAO. That was hilarious, Rip trying to be discreet with John next to him and Beth's pulling her sunglasses down to side eye him. I liked how Rip said nothing during the entire  scene.  

I liked seeing them going out on their Yellowstone outing.  Interesting seating placements that says a lot,  John flanked on either side by Rip and Kaycee, Jamie further down the row. 

Jimmie so stupid, I get he was love struck but still you're about to do something dangerous. Focus! 

Does Monica not work anymore? She seems to have no point, but to go to camp and hang out with Kaycee? She's not even helping much with Tate's PTSD, that seems to be all John.   If Tate thinks ranching isn't hard work, he probably needs to spend time with others, don't think  Rip sleeps. lol

Kaycee also seems slow plot so far, not much to him. ivestock Commissioner I guess will work going out in field wise since he's a vet, Rip seems to handle the ranch anyways and has the bunkhouse back.

Jamie's handling of that agent situation and turning it all around so that the rancher loved him? Exactly what Beth predicted and why she suggested him. He would do best to bring ranchers to his side and it would be what they needed in future. Which is what he did. 


Edited by Artsda
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1 hour ago, Artsda said:


Does Monica not work anymore? She seems to have no point, but to go to camp and hang out with Kaycee? She's not even helping much with Tate's PTSD, that seems to be all John.   If Tate thinks ranching isn't hard work, he probably needs to spend time with others, don't think  Rip sleeps. lol



How long has it been? They had the immediate aftermath of the battle and the resignation. You would think any employer would give a  mother  leave from work after the kidnapping of her son.

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31 minutes ago, Raja said:

How long has it been? They had the immediate aftermath of the battle and the resignation. You would think any employer would give a  mother  leave from work after the kidnapping of her son.

But wasn't she just at the university to snark at the kids already this season?

The actor playing Tate was Not Good this week. He had that huge scene opposite Costner and it was f l a t. 

I laughed at Monica's "Little House on the Prairie" nightie.

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The romance between Beth and Rip is really sweet this season.  

Didn't Kayce promise Monica in the tent that their life would be simple?  Guess that's not happening if he's made Livestock Commissioner.


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7 hours ago, Artsda said:

"You can hold her damn hand Rip." LMAO. That was hilarious, Rip trying to be discreet with John next to him and Beth's pulling her sunglasses down to side eye him. I liked how Rip said nothing during the entire  scene. 

That was such a great little scene. I've seen it like 10 times already haha. I also like Beth's "Thank you daddy". Even watching Ryan's reaction on the side was fun. 

Another good episode. For someone who's not even from the US (& probably for anyone) it really is a visible beautiful show and even if John & Tate are urinating in the scene the view is still/just breathtaking. 

Jamie is so sly. Using his sister (who he cares zero about) in that speech to the victim's father. Well I gotta give it to him, he won that travesty over. 

I have a really hard time seeing them getting rid of Jimmy (and 


Jefferson White is listed on IMDB in every episode this season

but he almost deserves getting fired for being so dumb as to not take the rodeo serious. I do like the character bar from this particulary scene though. I like his growth from season one even if it plummeted with this scene. Hopefully he'll rise again. Also the actor is so active on Instagram, he's liked like every post I've made on the shows IG account. I also wouldn't want the show without the stories from the Bunkhouse so here's to hoping he'll be back up soon. 

I forgot to quote but yeah that scene with John & Tate did come of as a little flat, mostly from the boy. But I'm thinking Tate hasn't been back long, I mean Beth's face still showing signs of her assault so we can't be so far along from Tate's abduction, so he should still be a little numb. However this scene in ep 3 probably should've come before the great scenes we've seen with the grandfather/grandson that we've seen in ep 1 & 2. But I'm still buying he's not back to his old form. A kid could probably jump back from such an ordeal quicker than an adult (not always though) and it seemes grandpa's remedy is best for him. Which Monica got as she asked John to take Tate up there so even if the parents aren't that active with him we only see a small portion of their day so them just being up there with him and taking him to the rodeo might just be what he needs right now. 

I find Teeter funny. That scene with her at the campfire with Colby was comic relief to me. She's totally pushing boundaries and I'm here for it. 

I like the Governor with John but I don't trust her one bit. They do make a cute couple though. I wonder if they will be back to getting it on 😏

I haven't seen a promo for next week's ep so I'm in the dark on what's to come. Still excited though. This show always brings. 

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On ‎7‎/‎5‎/‎2020 at 9:53 PM, mxc90 said:

The governor must hate Beth. She didn't call her, invite her to the meeting and didn't mention her as a replacement. Good thing Beth has her secretary on her payroll.

I think the feeling is mutual.

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Great interview with Taylor with their plans for filming this summer. They'll be exclusively in Montana filming not combo with Utah like before. They're currently building a mini city on the filming ranch for the cast and crew to keep them together/quarantined.



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The Supreme Court just affimed an aspect of sovereignty for the Creek tribe in Oklahoma.  Their land remains, "Indian country" for certain legal purposes.

Sheridan now has even more real-world developments to assert Rainwater's power.

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I’ve been watching from the beginning and can’t get enough of it! Love every episode! Best cast ever! Can’t wait for next week! Everyone need to watch once you’ll be hooked! Kevin is exceptional! Love him! The cast make this show one to watch!

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Lol, John and Tate whippin' 'em out and marking their territory. Also, the young actor who plays Tate has grown a bit, no? He seems noticeably taller to me.

Yeah, ditto comments upthread, something tells me that deputy is going to trip himself up on the story of how those prisoners died and he'll end up incriminating Jamie. At which point he'll be found looking like he hung himself. Jamie is not trying to be the Dutton family's Fredo anymore.

Poor Jimmy. Sure hope that girl who was flirting with him wasn't meant to be a deliberate distraction.


Not accounting for Rainwater seems like a mistake at this point.

Right? I've seen a theory elsewhere that Dutton might give/sell the Dutton land to Rainwater in exchange for the Duttons continuing to live and ranch there in perpetuity. The developers probably can't use eminent domain if the land belongs to the tribe. Not without a huge PR stink. Plus, the tribe can likely afford a lengthy court battle. (Though with the SCOTUS ruling this week, it might be a quicker decision than would've been expected when this episode was filmed.)

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just had a thought..

Tate is half Indian. If he is John's heir does the Yellowstone get protection? 

That's how Id play it! wrap it up with Tate...and voila. Solution.

3 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Lol, John and Tate whippin' 'em out and marking their territory. Also, the young actor who plays Tate has grown a bit, no? He seems noticeably taller to me.

Yeah, ditto comments upthread, something tells me that deputy is going to trip himself up on the story of how those prisoners died and he'll end up incriminating Jamie. At which point he'll be found looking like he hung himself. Jamie is not trying to be the Dutton family's Fredo anymore.

Poor Jimmy. Sure hope that girl who was flirting with him wasn't meant to be a deliberate distraction.

Right? I've seen a theory elsewhere that Dutton might give/sell the Dutton land to Rainwater in exchange for the Duttons continuing to live and ranch there in perpetuity. The developers probably can't use eminent domain if the land belongs to the tribe. Not without a huge PR stink. Plus, the tribe can likely afford a lengthy court battle. (Though with the SCOTUS ruling this week, it might be a quicker decision than would've been expected when this episode was filmed.)


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12 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

(Though with the SCOTUS ruling this week, it might be a quicker decision than would've been expected when this episode was filmed.)

From what I read of the decision, it came about because Congress never actually enacted a law that reduced the size of the Creek Reservation in Oklahoma.  That might not be the case in other reservations.  That being said, the writers can pony up any excuse they want.

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On 6/28/2020 at 9:39 PM, mxc90 said:

Mind the flowers when you leave!". And Beth runs over them. Only a matter of time until those two are in bed.

If they procreate that poor baby would have horrible stringy greasy hair.  That’s all I could think of in that scene.

So Monica wants to live in a tent?  Is that what she was implying?  I was confused.  She just drags Kayce down for me.  Even when she is supposed to be happy she seems so sad sack.

I was actually laughing at the guys getting thrown around the back of that trailer....until I wasn’t .  Yeesh!

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I was surprised Dutton was sitting at Jimmy's bedside. I would have expected Rip or Lloyd to be there.

No way Jimmy is back to is old job at the ranch. If he's thinking about competing in rodeo again, he's crazy.

Mia just met Jimmy and she is already on him. I don't trust this girl.

Good for the show to keep consistent with Beth bruises.

Beth doesn't take little or medium "leaks". Now the fight starts!!!!!!!!!!

I feel we are being set up for some disaster with Rip and Beth's romance. 

Who did Jake think he was talking to? He didn't see the governor right in front of him?

Jake suggested to put the governor (wearing a skirt) on a horse.

The governor's security just let her get out of their sight? Then she decides to spend the night and (I guess) they had to bunk at the ranch. The tax dollars for that overtime.

Did Jake ever return with Jaime to the camp?

Kaycee just can't say "No" to the governor. His heart will not be in the job.

I thought the "Burning Sage" line was just joke. LOL! Looking forward to see how "evil" is this Angela Blue Thunder.

Tate hasn't bathe in a week. Oh Monica!

Monica: "Don't stop loving me to kill something". She better pray nothing happens to those calves.

Rip was fearless going after the guy with a gun pointing at him.

I wouldn't trust those bikers. At least take their names and addresses. The land is huge, they can start a fire anywhere.

Sensing Colby is going file an harassment claim soon.

Edited by mxc90
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11 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

I was surprised Dutton was sitting at Jimmy's bedside. I would have expected Rip or Lloyd to be there.

No way Jimmy is back to is old job at the ranch. If he's thinking about competing in rodeo again, he's crazy.

Mia just met Jimmy and she is already on him. I don't trust this girl.


I know he joked in the last episode that he is no good for drawing pay should he get hurt. But on another level Jimmy wears the brand and Dutton owes the loyalty up and down the line for life to those men even if Jimmy was only on one or two dirty missions

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John at Jimmy's bedside was odd, probably should have been Lloyd/Rip but I guess with the talk about the hospital bills someone had to be there that could afford to pay it and scare Jimmy enough to be done rodeoing.

Jimmy's "girlfriend" is weird, in a stalker and creepy way. She shows up, says she's his girlfriend, parks herself there all day and then not caring if he's got a broken back and new hip has sex with him? Didn't they only speak like a sentence at the rodeo?  

Rip, I don't think John will wonder where Beth is sleeping, I think he'll know exactly where she is. lol 

Beth's domestic "how was your day, dear" as she walked up to Rip was hilarious. We also saw more to her underlying of what she really wants under her tough not scared persona. She wants to be his wife, and I think we saw hints all these seasons that there was something there with her and children. So I think this is the start of her leading up more of her backstory. 

I liked Rip calling her out on her always running away, we saw that from like episode one when he suggested they go out and she fought him about ruining it. His reassuring her that she's all he needs,  all his tomorrow's was hers was so sweet. I think that was kind of a proposal? 

No Jamie in this episode I think was on purpose.

Monica stopping Kaycee from shooting the wolf scene I didn't like, Kaycee better hope her telling him what do when safety of the cattle is at risk doesn't come back at him. Her don't stop loving me to kill something was eye rolling. Kaycee should have gone.

Rip is still limping from the bullets he just took recently and he walks straight towards the biker with the gun. He's badass in that scene. Not sure why the 3 of them thought facing an entire gang of bikers would have been a great idea, but this reminds me of the epsiode season back when they go to the bar. 

John sitting there alone to face the bikers in the field, no way in the world Rip would have allowed that. So I knew Rip at least had to be there somewhere.  I'm always surprised to see Kaycee though, he seems to be lost sometimes on what to do/take charge. 

"California" "Figures." Lol.  I think they'll be using those graves this season. 


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I genuinely look forward to the next Dutton/Rainwater (Broken Rock Confederate Tribes) alliance.

Beth's admitting she could never give everything to Rip was a great moment.  Run RIP!!!!!!!  Being barren is not the problem with her.  She is unfixable, absent unreal work which would take her totally out of the family business.  When someone admits something against self-interest, book it.

It's ridiculous, but I enjoy the concept of the on again/off again arrangement Dutton and the Governor have.  I trust she would prefer to retain the Yellowstone, but not enough to commit professional suicide.

The sage references and burning were no joke.  They were still darn humorous.

Good ol' Monica and her emotions getting in the way again.  Goodness, she is a walking voodoo tiki.  If Kayce didn't have the weight of having to notify her that he is the new commish, he would have had the gumption to eliminate the wolf.  Odds on Tate being imperiled by that wolf?  All but guaranteed, imo.

I was a little surprised Bob didn't just take his 20% windfall instead of defrauding the market.  I'm still trying to figure out what is in it for him.  

Jimmy is cray cray, but he has some sense.  There has gotsta be something really odd behind Mia.  Another Beth?  I bet her brother will get involved.  I love that John literally gave him more rope.  Bronc-bustin' days are done.  Roping have begun.  The rodeo dream lives.  


Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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Not feeling the Rip and Beth romance. She's a mess and he's a straight forward kind of guy. He deserves better.  

That hospital scene with Mia getting on top of Jimmy was ridic. Was he saying he's a virgin? C'mon now. 

So Tate runs off, Kaycee shows up out of nowhere and he and Monica start having wilderness sex again, they spot the lone wolf and don't worry about the kid being out there with this wolf roaming around? Ok, carry on you horny kids, don't worry about your son. 

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I can't stand Kaycee and Monica. Bad acting and always look unkempt. Beth and Rip have a complicated relationship and interesting. John and his "drop your dress" eyes to the governor is the sexiest part of this episode. Great line by Taylor. Something not right about Jimmy's girlfriend.

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John is a good guy to cover Jimmy's hospital bills.

I can't believe the buckle bunny had the nerve to show up at Jimmy's bedside. But OTOH it looks like she gave him the motivation he needed to get out of bed.

Is this episode happening the day after the previous episode? I thought the governor was going to have to tell them about that development company coming after their land. If she told John he doesn't seem to be too fazed.

Beth wants to marry Rip? Oh Rip, you in danger, boy.

How does the governor just go play hooky at the drop of a hat? Doesn't she have important stuff to handle for the state?

FFS, that buckle bunny was doing the most. Sex with a broken back? In the hospital bed? Yeah, no. I'm wondering if she really was sent to hurt Jimmy, or at least manipulate him in some way.

Well, Beth would likely be at the tail end of her childbearing years anyway, right? But watch her end up miraculously pregnant after she sleeps with that guy Roarke. Because of course.

So where is Tate hanging out while Monica and Kayce are having sex in the tent? Or on the riverbank? Or wolves are roaming about?

Wannabe badass bikers. Of course. Like the Duttons don't have enough trouble. I'm thinking John should've just had all their kneecaps shot out.


From what I read of the decision, it came about because Congress never actually enacted a law that reduced the size of the Creek Reservation in Oklahoma.  That might not be the case in other reservations.  That being said, the writers can pony up any excuse they want.

Apparently one of the newer justices has established a track record of generally ruling in favor of the tribes. That's what I was referring to. This may be the start of an overall game change. Or not.

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41 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Well, Beth would likely be at the tail end of her childbearing years anyway, right? But watch her end up miraculously pregnant after she sleeps with that guy Roarke. Because of course.

I *think Beth is supposed to be 34-35 which is technically the beginning of advanced maternal age, but statistically she'd be fine otherwise. Rip's face over her shoulder though - I don't think he's telling the truth about not wanting kids.

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6 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Not feeling the Rip and Beth romance. She's a mess and he's a straight forward kind of guy. He deserves better.  

That hospital scene with Mia getting on top of Jimmy was ridic. Was he saying he's a virgin? C'mon now. 

So Tate runs off, Kaycee shows up out of nowhere and he and Monica start having wilderness sex again, they spot the lone wolf and don't worry about the kid being out there with this wolf roaming around? Ok, carry on you horny kids, don't worry about your son. 

Thank you! I was thinking the same thing...this whole Mia/Jimmy thing seems so contrived and stupid. Beautiful girl just pops out of nowhere and has mad sex with him after two minutes of knowing him? There has to be some kind evil plotline here, if not, it's beyond stupid. Kayce and Monica banging again out in the open while their young son, who is just recuperating from being kidnapped by white supremicists, runs into the woods with wolves, bears, etc...and I agree about the Rip/Beth romance. Beth is broken, she can't be fixed. She will do something that will hurt Rip just to keep him at arm's length.

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Damn!  I love this show!    Beth and Rip sure didn't disappoint this episode.  I want them to be together so much that I get nervous each week that something will go wrong.  

I saw a few posts about Monica not working.   The only answer I can think of is that it's summer.  School is out and they're living at summer camp.  


I thought I saw Monica with a bloody face in a preview.    I wonder if she gets attacked by the wolf she saved this week.  

I'm glad Jimmy survived but I don't know what to make of Mia.  

I have to say that I sure didn't miss seeing Jaime.

i don't remember seeing that Angela character in previous seasons.   Does she have a backstory that I forgot? 

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I'm bummed. A couple months ago I rec'd an email from Xfinity informing that due to the pandemic they are making certain cable and internet upgrades available at no charge. One of those upgrades is access to Peacock, which makes Paramount available. 

I jumped on the first two seasons of Yellowstone and binge-watched just before this season began. I watched the first ep of this season with no problem... and then the current access poofed although the first two seasons remain available.

I've been reading here because I do (and don't) want to know what's happening, even though I won't be able to watch this current season until just before season 4 begins. Gah! 

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7 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

How, except for the obvious, are there not 17 Tates by now? Kayce and Monica having trauma sex everywhere is such a dumb story line and I am so not into it. 

And the wolf Kaycee talks to watches them. They are the worst storyline.

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The worst scene in this ep, and it is among the worst yet filmed, was when John and Kayce left their tents simultaneously and had the worst dialogue written North of the Pecos.  The "acting" and staging were pathetic.  I get the attempted humor.  I get the effort to demonstrate that the mightiest of men can be laid low by feminine wiles.  But, this depiction made Jimmy look like a Chippendale porn star who is a member of Mensa.

I'm also unsure of Rainwater's declaration of his dream of devolution.  He has certainly spoken with great pride of the superior way of life his tribes seek.  Yet, he also spoke knowledgeably of how political and legal power brokering are necessary to attain and maintain such.  This week, he sounded at least as radical, and naive, as Monica.  Again...he has always been super strong about tribal rights and how the white way is hopelessly corrupt and evil.  Going back to pre-industrial and pure agrarianism?  Never hinted at.


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I dunno why I found this episode slow. Stuff did happen, we had a great biker vs bunkhouse fight but it just struck me as slow and as we are soon midway through the season I get nervous (and sad). Okay gonna stick with this episode and the great parts. 

Glad Jimmy is okay. I've only seen the episode once but did I hear right - he had a hip replacement? So yeah Mia he probably shouldn't have sex right now either way. I don't really get the eagerness with her to "consumate", it doesn't really fit with a scenario where she's an adrenalin junkie as she's not the one at risk 😕 I liked seeing Jimmy's buttcheeks though, suits his character, could've been without Mia's though...

Are we supposed to like the Governor now? I was like totally sure she was on the bad side but no...? And either way, as I've written before, I like her with John. I agree the tent scene with him and Kacey was a bit of a fail but the scenery were nice so whatever. 

Kacey and Monica, yeah blah. Tate seems to living his best summer though. Good for him. Run Tate run. 

The wolf should be listed in the main credits imo. He might be this seasons mightiest antagonist. 

Aww Rip & Beth still being the best couple. Awkward scenes are not pleasant though and the call-me-wife scene certainly was one of those. The rest and the conclusion was sweet though. I think most of us viewers had already suspected one of the issues weighing hard on Beth had something to do with a baby/child. So now we know she can't have babies but we don't know why but it's clearly linked to Jamie somehow. In epsiode 5 Young Jamie is in the cast list so we are getting flashbacks in the upcoming episode (and unfortunately present day Jamie, sorry-not-sorry).

I don't read it as Rip was lying (consiously or unconsiously) about not wanting kids or not caring about that - I think he's still doubting her and that she'll stay. I think he senses there's more to it (like it most often is with Beth) and worries how that will affect their relationship. That's my take on it at least. I've been known to be wrong though so I'm not holding is as the truth. 

I liked Angela Blue Thunder and her entire being/presence. I loved the actress on The Alienist unfortunately it looks like we're only getting her for 4 episodes but hopefully she'll be back in season 4 (and 5 & 6) 

Still a fan of Teeter 😆 so I think Mia is my only no no so far this season. 

Beth climbing the fence and the way she approached the Rip manor could've been my favorite scene of the episode but then the wife thing spoiled it so it will be a toss up between Rip ramming the bikes scene and the John vs bikers scene at the very end. I'm looking forward to the Roarke/Beth showdown that must be in the horizon. That quickly changed from biatch in a good way to biatch in the bad way 🤭 

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A fellow once told me that 'living in harmony with nature is the same as living at the mercy of nature'.  Rainwater wants to return to a hunter gatherer society, and chastises the attorney for living in a concrete environment, yet, all the while keeping his office in a huge building.  Will he dump the casino if he gets his wish?  I think not.

Those were the lamest bikers on television.  None of that would have happened with the Mayans.

Just think, if John had let the wolf find and kill the elk calf, maybe its appetite would have been sated and it would not hang around the cow camp.

Do people get out of bed a day or two after a spinal fracture and hip replacement to walk around?

15 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

If she told John he doesn't seem to be too fazed.

Wouldn't have Beth told him by now?

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9 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:


Those were the lamest bikers on television.  None of that would have happened with the Mayans.


LOL!!  THIS^^  I kept thinking, if that was Marcus Alvarez, all the Duttons would be dead!

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12 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:


Do people get out of bed a day or two after a spinal fracture and hip replacement to walk around?



Beth and Rip! Where to start? The chemistry between these two is smoking. I find every scene authentic. Compare that to Kayce and Monica? Zero chemistry. I ask myself why are they together. The governor and John? very hot but Kevin oozes sex appeal.

Jimmy and Mia? I just don't get it. What is the deal here?

Loved the scene with John and Jimmy. The scene really portrayed why his ranch hands are loyal and ride or die for John.

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I'm ready for Josh Holloway to appear in more than 1 scene per episode.   It feels like they are wasting him so far.   Overall, the season is just plodding along.  

Also, was the governor really allowed to go up to that camp without her security detail?  

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