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S12.E15: Mystic Mistake

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37 minutes ago, Cheetosandchoc said:

Lydia and her “can I trust these girls to behave and not embarrass me on my VERY important business trip” antics is ridiculous. She isn’t Bethany ffs. This show is the only shot she has at making Noballsman work at all

Ugh, she is so ridiculous. Yea, it's not like she's going there to meet clients or anything. They're just going to be roaming around Iceland and then she will supposedly write an article on how awesome it is. Noballsman will tank with or without the girls behaving properly. 

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I think that the producers decided to give Shannon a crappy season.  Vicki is everybody's favorite villain, but if the other cast members refuse to film with her, there can be no drama.  I think Shannon put her foot down and said absolutely no Vicki for me, and the producers snickered and thought, then you can be the drama.  And then they told Lydia and Peggy what their job was- go after Shannon. 

I think Lydia is a bit too obvious with it, so the producers mess with her a little, like showing the $1800 total at the store while she pranced around acting like she bought a small country.  She overplays her fed lines at every turn (balls voyage for example)

I think Peggy must be making them happy because they are allowing her to control her storyline.  Her narrative seems to be that she's Armenian, her husband is quirky and attentive, they are wildly rich and live lavishly, and her schtick is struggling with the English language.

Meanwhile, she's actually quite good at the English language and her job, because she's managed to keep her cancer situation confusing and ambiguous, and it is so clearly on purpose to trap Shannon.

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     I think if Peggy just acts like herself and stops her confusing moronic Armenian with a confusing cancer story she may be redeemable. Maybe.

       Peggy’s hair makes me think of the Goblin King from Labrynth, though David Bowie’s hair looked much more shinier and healthier than Peg’s.


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1 hour ago, ezzy4 said:

Here's my take.

I think the powers that be intended this season to be the season Vicki is integrated back into the show.  What they must have not known is Vicki is just impossible.  She can't help herself, and she can't be helped.

Lydia - Was brought back with a clear role of being the "peacemaker".  Early in the season, she was very confident in the role. She basically said, "Look the producers need us to get Tam and Vicki back on speaking terms.  What's it gonna take to do that?"  When it didn't work, Lydia found herself mid-season without a role or storyline.  The easiest fix, of course, is to create drama, and Shannon is an easy target because she's so reactionary.  Lydia just isn't an interesting enough person to carry her own storyline so arguing with Shannon will have to do.

1 hour ago, film noire said:

I agree. She's a no-good stealth bully with a manic grin, Gumbi arms and all the charm of Pennywise. I don't much like Shannon (except for Bret Shannon, he's hot :) but Lydia is so awful, you have to stand against the invasion of the Galumphing Gremlin,  just on principle alone.

And it would be so much easier to defend Shannon,  if she'd toughen up when Lydia comes for her. Flip the power differential & disrupt the Putrid Pixie's prized identity, by confronting her supposedly Happy & Light trademarked self ("Lydia, do you always try to control other people's feelings? Because this dynamic between us -- where I feel something deeply, and you criticize me for it -- that feels very hostile to me.") Or turn everything the Lacklustre Leprechaun says into a joke ("Hey, Tamra? Mad Dog is my new rap name!!") 

Whatever Shannon does, she has to stop wobbling on her pins, like a damn weeble, every time the Sickening Sprite flings fairy shit all over her.

Fixed that up for you ; )


Lydia once realizing how deep the hurt was on Tamra and Shannon's side went for easier/dumber play rather than the smart one. Lydia continued to be Team Vicki, badger Tamra into reconciling, and antagonizing Shannon.

The smarter play would have been to befriend Shannon and Tamra and work with them to help them understand how their resentment is unhealthy and not particularly happy or content. It harms them more than it hurts Vicki. And the healthiest thing for both of them is that they should be doing things that make them happy and healthy. Using that approach, Lydia could probably get Tamra and Shannon speaking with Vicki. They'd never be close again, but it might get back to how it was before Ireland.

At the same time, Lydia could not neglect Vicki. Lydia needed to communicate how reprehensible Vicki's behavior was. Lydia needed to do this by talking to Kelly or Meghan about what went down in seasons 10 and 11. Even if Lydia had to reframe it in a Vicki way, Lydia needed to call attention to Vicki about Vicki's misdeeds. She could have said "When your friends brought it to your attention that you were dating a liar and a conman, you lashed out at them. You called them nasty names and bad friends even though they were looking out for you. Then after you apologized and started too heal your friendships, you gossiped about your friends because you were upset that your ex left you." It's not Shannon's or Tamra's fault that Brooks left Vicki and Lydia needed to emphasize that to Vicki.

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The premise for this year's group trip is Doug & Lydia planning a "girls' trip" so that Lydia can write an article for NoBallsMan magazine. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I could have sworn the core customer of the magazine is not a group of OC mom's going to Whoop It Up.

From NoBallsMan website:

NOBLEMAN is a magazine designed for the gentlemanly alpha male, the leading man who is confident, capable and truly appreciates the finer things in life. He is not one to beat his own chest; the NOBLEMAN is humble despite his great achievements, and always eager to discover and learn. He possesses his own individual style, but also endeavors to keep up with ever-changing fashion trends; however, he is never a fashion victim.

He is a knowledgeable man who can converse on any subject, and fights for the causes he truly believes in. The NOBLEMAN is successful in his professional life, a true man of character who aspires to intelligence and cares for those around him. He is a man of style, substance and success.

It costs $80 for a yearly subscription which consists of 4 magazines. How many scintillating articles are in these pages done by Lydia? How many are written by Doug? It sounds like the majority of the magazine is filled with "ads".

Next on RHOC: Lydia coordinates an Scrotum Ice Sculpture contest. Winner gets a years subscription to her magazine...woo woo

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Ugh, she is so ridiculous. Yea, it's not like she's going there to meet clients or anything. They're just going to be roaming around Iceland and then she will supposedly write an article on how awesome it is. Noballsman will tank with or without the girls behaving properly. 

Ok, I wasn't watching OC when Lydiot and her eunuchorn were on before...Is she a journalist?  I don't know that I'd trust her to "write a review" of Iceland, and btw, who "reviews" a country?  Is she going to rate it in rainbows, tiaras, unicorns, stars or manic waving arms?

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I'm also curious as to who this "Frederic" is that Lydia refers to as the Godfather. Who wants to bet that it is the PR person for the Tourist Agency paying for advertising in the magazine?

13 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

Ok, I wasn't watching OC when Lydiot and her eunuchorn were on before...Is she a journalist?  I don't know that I'd trust her to "write a review" of Iceland, and btw, who "reviews" a country?  Is she going to rate it in rainbows, tiaras, unicorns, stars or manic waving arms?

Since it is geared towards the Alpha Male - I would suggest testicles.

Depending on how big of an ad they place she might give it 5 Balls Up


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6 minutes ago, Thumper said:

Isn't this just the usual RH travel and this time Lydia is the Designated Host?  (The Nobleman story sounds pretty weak.)

If they renamed the magazine "Emasculated" then the Lydia tie in to make this trip with the girls would make more sense.

Edited by KungFuBunny
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2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Lydia once realizing how deep the hurt was on Tamra and Shannon's side went for easier/dumber play rather than the smart one. Lydia continued to be Team Vicki, badger Tamra into reconciling, and antagonizing Shannon.

The smarter play would have been to befriend Shannon and Tamra and work with them to help them understand how their resentment is unhealthy and not particularly happy or content. It harms them more than it hurts Vicki. And the healthiest thing for both of them is that they should be doing things that make them happy and healthy. Using that approach, Lydia could probably get Tamra and Shannon speaking with Vicki. They'd never be close again, but it might get back to how it was before Ireland.

At the same time, Lydia could not neglect Vicki. Lydia needed to communicate how reprehensible Vicki's behavior was. Lydia needed to do this by talking to Kelly or Meghan about what went down in seasons 10 and 11. Even if Lydia had to reframe it in a Vicki way, Lydia needed to call attention to Vicki about Vicki's misdeeds. She could have said "When your friends brought it to your attention that you were dating a liar and a conman, you lashed out at them. You called them nasty names and bad friends even though they were looking out for you. Then after you apologized and started too heal your friendships, you gossiped about your friends because you were upset that your ex left you." It's not Shannon's or Tamra's fault that Brooks left Vicki and Lydia needed to emphasize that to Vicki.

That would require far more intellect, compassion, insight and maturity than Lydiot could ever hope to possess.


31 minutes ago, Thumper said:

Isn't this just the usual RH travel and this time Lydia is the Designated Host?  (The Nobleman story sounds pretty weak.)


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9 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I'm sure that she still does love him. She knows that everyone is dead set against him (this cast, her daughter and probably her son too, as well as the rest of America and other viewing countries). If she could, she'd be back with him in a heartbeat. Wait...could he be the cause of her enlarged upper chambers and A Fib? No one wants to hear about it. He so soured us that we don't give a hoot about your health and have little tolerance for anyone who has illnesses. Sorry Peggy. You'll never get any sympathy or casseroles because Vicki ruined it for all.  We should sic our Detective Megan on this to see if she's secretly in touch with him. What floored me was that she took up with Steve so fast afterwards. Whatever could he see in her besides D-list fame and money?  


Are you hungry whenever you comment? A day doesn't go by that you don't mention "casseroles" at least once. You must really dig casseroles.

23 hours ago, b2H said:

If one looks carefully, while David is “grilling” Diko, Michael is in the background looking on and Meaghan’s husband is working his cellphone.  I don’t believe for a moment that this wasn’t staged.  None of the husbands were talking to their wives during the cruise.

I saw this too.

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I thought Shannon was being pretty bitchy in that phone conversation with Tamra, and had to watch the scene twice to see who brought up the Diko-David conversation.  Tamra really was the one who brought it up, first thing.

Vicki and her eternal self-involvement - did she really have to ask the doctor's assistant if she could detect a broken heart?  I mean, did she expect to receive a casserole or something?  This 55 year old woman doesn't want to die of a stroke because Shannon and Tamra won't be her friend.  Pathetic, yes, but that's what she thinks - if she can't strong arm those two into friendship, she's going to have a stroke.  Vicki to Dr.: "I worry about my kids a lot because if I'm not here, I know that they're going to have a very VERY big void."  Dream on, Vicks - they'll manage to muddle through, I assure you.

Where did Meghan get that god-awful top she wore to her get-together?  And strapless tops are not Meghan's friend -- all those blue veins in her decollettage are not attractive (she IS nursing).   Consolation: the top would look atrocious on anyone.  And am I the only one who is sick to death of this shoulder cutout craze? 


I now know why Peggy is on this show.  If they're going to axe Vicki, they need a complete, unadulterated fucking bitch to replace her and that's what that rotten, goddamn Peggy is! 

"Are you DONE?" She asked Shannon a couple of times before bringing up the Diko-David conversation yet again in the most provocative and galling way possible by asking if her husband had lied to her about anything else, implying that he's lying to her about this. 

Man, if Shannon hadn't already used up all her outrage over stupid stuff, she'd have my permission to slap Peggy in the face for her pure bitchiness.  When Peggy doesn't make any headway going head-to-head with the others, then she's in tears and runs off in a huff.  She just wanted help from these women (what garbage).

One more thing about Peggy that I'll never understand is why she treats her little boy like HE'S the husband, and her husband like he's a little boy.  Oedipus complex, much?  I swear this kid is fucked up for life already, and he'll never have a good relationship with any woman besides his mother.  Which is the way Peggy wants it.

Oh joy!  It looks as if we'll be treated to more of Vicki's retching (and others too -- in their defense, those scandinavian countries do eat some weird stinky stuff).

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On 10/16/2017 at 7:02 PM, b2H said:

so Lydiot is gonna take on Tamra next week?

This oughta be good.

Well, it's not hard to predict.  Tamra is an alley cat, and Lydia is a pampered Persian.  My money's on Tamra, and I'm not a bettin' woman.

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 If you have a strong family history of breast or ovarian cancer, your cancer risk may be higher than normal even if you have a negative BRCA result.  So I can understand why Peggy had the double mastectomy considering her mom’s cancer.  I am sick of the controversy about this.  What women would do this themselves unnecessarily?  

That said Peggy has one of with worst resting bitch faces I’ve ever seen.

Shannon’s marriage is in the toilet and she needs other interests.  However, the restaurant business is one of the hardest to make succeed.  Her own children mentioned how bad her low cal food was. Hopefully they have a great chef who knows how to prepare low cost, low cal food.

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7 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

 If you have a strong family history of breast or ovarian cancer, your cancer risk may be higher than normal even if you have a negative BRCA result.  So I can understand why Peggy had the double mastectomy considering her mom’s cancer.  I am sick of the controversy about this.  What women would do this themselves unnecessarily?  

That said Peggy has one of with worst resting bitch faces I’ve ever seen.

Shannon’s marriage is in the toilet and she needs other interests.  However, the restaurant business is one of the hardest to make succeed.  Her own children mentioned how bad her low cal food was. Hopefully they have a great chef who knows how to prepare low cost, low cal food.

I don't think anyone doubts Peggy's reason for having the surgery given her history, it is more about how she keeps changing her story from HW to HW. It is as if she/Ditko are deliberately trying to cause confusion to insure she has a storyline, and a sympathetic one at that, so she gets asked back next year. The only controversy or confusion around it has been cause by Peggy/Ditko themselves and on purpose IMO.

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51 minutes ago, Anne Thrax said:

I thought Shannon was being pretty bitchy in that phone conversation with Tamra, and had to watch the scene twice to see who brought up the Diko-David conversation.  Tamra really was the one who brought it up, first thing.

Vicki and her eternal self-involvement - did she really have to ask the doctor's assistant if she could detect a broken heart?  I mean, did she expect to receive a casserole or something?  This 55 year old woman doesn't want to die of a stroke because Shannon and Tamra won't be her friend.  Pathetic, yes, but that's what she thinks - if she can't strong arm those two into friendship, she's going to have a stroke.  Vicki to Dr.: "I worry about my kids a lot because if I'm not here, I know that they're going to have a very VERY big void."  Dream on, Vicks - they'll manage to muddle through, I assure you.

Where did Meghan get that god-awful top she wore to her get-together?  And strapless tops are not Meghan's friend -- all those blue veins in her decollettage are not attractive (she IS nursing).   Consolation: the top would look atrocious on anyone.  And am I the only one who is sick to death of this shoulder cutout craze? 


I now know why Peggy is on this show.  If they're going to axe Vicki, they need a complete, unadulterated fucking bitch to replace her and that's what that rotten, goddamn Peggy is! 

"Are you DONE?" She asked Shannon a couple of times before bringing up the Diko-David conversation yet again in the most provocative and galling way possible by asking if her husband had lied to her about anything else, implying that he's lying to her about this. 

Man, if Shannon hadn't already used up all her outrage over stupid stuff, she'd have my permission to slap Peggy in the face for her pure bitchiness.  When Peggy doesn't make any headway going head-to-head with the others, then she's in tears and runs off in a huff.  She just wanted help from these women (what garbage).

One more thing about Peggy that I'll never understand is why she treats her little boy like HE'S the husband, and her husband like he's a little boy.  Oedipus complex, much?  I swear this kid is fucked up for life already, and he'll never have a good relationship with any woman besides his mother.  Which is the way Peggy wants it.

Oh joy!  It looks as if we'll be treated to more of Vicki's retching (and others too -- in their defense, those scandinavian countries do eat some weird stinky stuff).

Peggy and small Dicko named their son KOKO - perfect name for a monkey. Poor thing - he seems just as dumb as both of his parents.

1 hour ago, sarivon said:


Are you hungry whenever you comment? A day doesn't go by that you don't mention "casseroles" at least once. You must really dig casseroles.

I saw this too.

Maybe she is - what do you dig?

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20 minutes ago, ITALIA said:

Peggy and small Dicko named their son KOKO - perfect name for a monkey. Poor thing - he seems just as dumb as both of his parents.

Maybe she is - what do you dig?

lololol! Hey how's your jaw?

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1 hour ago, Anne Thrax said:

Well, it's not hard to predict.  Tamra is an alley cat, and Lydia is a pampered Persian.  My money's on Tamra, and I'm not a bettin' woman.

      The problem with arguing with Lydia is that she is so obtuse and cannot read a situation. Her responses don’t really make sense. When Tamera goes to talk to Shannon in the bathroom she makes that extremely bizarre comment about seven year olds and periods. Her sex talk with her young child was about her being a virgin when she married. WTF. Fucking ballsvoyage? She thinks she is funny. Then she starts talking in a baby voice. I would just drop kick her and call it a day.

        Shannon May have some emotional problems bit I don’t think I would of handled that situation any better. When Peggy asked if she trusted her husband made me feel stabby.

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On 10/17/2017 at 7:35 AM, yourmomiseasy said:

My mom is not a prepper, so I don't know why it hasn't been tossed or why she didn't just take her damn pills.  The chest expanders are beyond painful after each expansion and a normal person probably would have hit that stash during the worst of it.

My dad is the same way, and in 2015 when he had bladder cancer, he gave me all his pain meds (for my bone spurs in both shoulders and one foot) because he knew he wouldn't take them.  I was SO grateful.  There's a war on opiates and the increasing pressure on doctors is making it harder and harder for people with legit osteo issues (but not dying of cancer) to get regular access to them.

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1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

I don't think anyone doubts Peggy's reason for having the surgery given her history, it is more about how she keeps changing her story from HW to HW. It is as if she/Ditko are deliberately trying to cause confusion to insure she has a storyline, and a sympathetic one at that, so she gets asked back next year. The only controversy or confusion around it has been cause by Peggy/Ditko themselves and on purpose IMO.

    Yes this. I don’t think anybody cares that she chose to get a mastectomy. I think it’s amazing we have that option and freedom to do it. She could of been vague about her answers, or just said it’s very personal and she doesn’t want to talk about it, and I think few people would of cared. Dick and her kept going into little details which made people think questions were okay. Very few people got forty without knowing someone who battled breast cancer. It affects so many women. I think people want to talk and understand and exchange/ gather information and experiences just to understand it.

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3 hours ago, sarivon said:

Are you hungry whenever you comment? A day doesn't go by that you don't mention "casseroles" at least once. You must really dig casseroles.

On 10/17/2017 at 8:58 PM, b2H said:

Ok. I agree that I might have an obsession with this subject. No, I am not hungry tho I am only 88 lbs and can usually eat whatever I want (because it takes so little to fill me; I don't consume enough to gain weight which is an issue for my doctors They feel that I am underweight).  Let's just call it my signature comment. P.S. I do make a mean casserole! Thank you for your concern. 

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10 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

her eunuchorn 

Well played, madam; well played ; )

10 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

NOBLEMAN is a magazine designed for the gentlemanly alpha male

A great ape in a tux?

Thanks for posting the pixie shit, Kung Fu Bunny (and Moses on an Armenian pony, the NOBLEMAN sounds like a fucking asshole -- a mansplaining son of a bitch cross between The Most Interesting Man in the World and Zoolander, dressed in a messy manbun and steampunk jacket, yammering on about fourteenth century poetry while fondling his panicked ballsack in his pants -- FUCK YOU, NOBLEMAN. I HOPE BJORK KILLS YOU IN ICELAND.)

4 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

 Let's just call it my signature comment. 


Edited by film noire
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As a breast cancer survivor (& highly offended by Vick's & Brook's lies) I've been amazed by the Ho'wives' belief that only those with BRCA cancer should consider mastectomy.  I had aggressive (Grade 3) HER2 positive, estrogen negative breast cancer, fortunately detected via mammogram at Stage 1.  I eventually opted for bilateral mastectomy, for a tad more peace of mind than offered by lesser surgery, & to end the annual worry re my mammo's.   The great thing is mammo's do save lives, & we now have some choice if cancer is found - to each his/her own.  Apparently The Armenian has now spelled out her condition very clearly (as befitting an English major) in her blog - too bad so much wasted screen time was spent on her faked inarticulateness.  And then Pegs resorts to the tried & trite fit-someone-into-a-suitcase trope - Diko, have you no self-respect?  Pegs obviously has little for him!

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7 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

If they renamed the magazine "Emasculated" then the Lydia tie in to make this trip with the girls would make more sense.

E-Masculated: The online magazine for today’s cultured, yet rugged man. A man who would like to Have a Ball (let alone TWO balls). A man who appreciates the finer things, like elegant “Balls Voyage” parties aboard moored yachts. A man for whom an $80 subscription to a quarterly print magazine seems just too inexpensive. The man who wants to put his balls on Ice-land. The man who leaves important decisions about the fate of his genitalia completely in the hands of his girlfriend or wife. That’s the E-Masculated Man.

1 hour ago, telemachus2 said:

As a breast cancer survivor (& highly offended by Vick's & Brook's lies) I've been amazed by the Ho'wives' belief that only those with BRCA cancer should consider mastectomy.  

Thank you for sharing your story. This has bugged me as well. BRCA is not the only genetic indicator for breast cancer, but you’d think it was based on their conversations. 

Peggy could definitely stand to explain herself more clearly. But I don’t blame her for her decision and don’t really question it, either.

PS. Extra kids? What is this extra kids? In Armenia, there are no extra kids. We call them “additional dolma laborers.”

Edited by ivygirl
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On ‎10‎/‎18‎/‎2017 at 0:40 PM, VedaPierce said:

What's the alternative?? Outliving your children?? Stupid Vickie. Of COURSE your kids should get that call!

Vicki is really a Demented Old Circus Monkey-TM King Of Queens

Didn't Vicki say something idiotic and hysterical about outliving her children or die before they did in the same season her mother died?

Edited by Ubiquitous
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9 hours ago, Thumper said:

Isn't this just the usual RH travel and this time Lydia is the Designated Host?  (The Nobleman story sounds pretty weak.)

My guess is that trip is an infomercial for Nobleman.... A paid publicity stunt for Iceland, paid by the tourism office of Iceland. Nothing more...

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15 hours ago, Beachdreamer said:

I think that the producers decided to give Shannon a crappy season.  Vicki is everybody's favorite villain, but if the other cast members refuse to film with her, there can be no drama.  I think Shannon put her foot down and said absolutely no Vicki for me, and the producers snickered and thought, then you can be the drama.  And then they told Lydia and Peggy what their job was- go after Shannon. 


I think the producers showed us what was going on with Shannon, and the truth is that Shannon is a mess. It is hard to not feel badly for her, but also frustrating to watch the way she reacts to everything. Tamra said that they talk every single day and that Shannon cries every single day when they talk. That is something to be concerned about. She has been falling apart since her very first scene on this show, but wow is it escalating. And I don't think the problem is these other gals. She is miserable in her own head and in her own life. She feels like she has no one backing her up in the group, but seems to have forgotten her first season when they all went to Bali. She tried to turn the one friend Tamra had on that trip (Heather) against her in a big way, by revealing to Heather hurtful things that Tamra had said to her in private. She was desperate to make sure Tamra felt alone. And maybe others are gas lighting her. I have no idea. But if that is what gas lighting looks like, I think that Shannon was doing that to Kelly last season in Ireland when she was encouraging her to drink after Kelly made it clear she didn't want to drink that night. Shannon wasn't a friend trying to get another friend to let her hair down and have some fun. She didn't like or care for Kelly and just wanted her to be put in a vulnerable position on camera where she would most certainly make an ass out of herself. 

The stuff with Vicki is interesting to me only in that the narrative to me has changed. Early in the season it looked like others didn't want to film with her. But now it looks different. Vicki has missed a couple of big group filming opportunities. The one on the boat to celebrate the whole balls getting cut off stupidity, and now the deal at Meghan's house. Vicki was invited in both situations but opted to not be part of the group events. Since there haven't been as many big group events, it says a lot that Vicki was willing to instead film alone. She cannot claim that the others didn't want her around if she stayed away. 

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The one on the boat to celebrate the whole balls getting cut off stupidity, and now the deal at Meghan's house. Vicki was invited in both situations but opted to not be part of the group events. Since there haven't been as many big group events, it says a lot that Vicki was willing to instead film alone. She cannot claim that the others didn't want her around if she stayed away. 

Maybe she thinks by not going she is punishing them, and making the event less fun, not noteworthy.  She is wrong, the drama is happening without her.  I wonder if these ladies are all surprised how the show is airing, I mean how it was edited.  It is clear via flashbacks they filmed additional things that were cut out.  

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5 minutes ago, FamilyVan said:

Maybe she thinks by not going she is punishing them, and making the event less fun, not noteworthy.  She is wrong, the drama is happening without her.  I wonder if these ladies are all surprised how the show is airing, I mean how it was edited.  It is clear via flashbacks they filmed additional things that were cut out.  

I think the thing that might be surprising to Vicki is how well Kelly is getting along with the rest of the group. I don't think she anticipated it would work out that way. I certainly didn't. I am not sure she realized it was happening when they were filming because she didn't see a lot of it, but now watching it play out on TV she might realize that she really is on an island for the most part. Kelly is still being a good friend to Vicki, but she is also just moving on with the other gals and they are letting her. 

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17 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:


From NoBallsMan website:

NOBLEMAN is a magazine designed for the gentlemanly alpha male, the leading man who is confident, capable and truly appreciates the finer things in life. He is not one to beat his own chest; the NOBLEMAN is humble despite his great achievements, and always eager to discover and learn. He possesses his own individual style, but also endeavors to keep up with ever-changing fashion trends; however, he is never a fashion victim.

He is a knowledgeable man who can converse on any subject, and fights for the causes he truly believes in. The NOBLEMAN is successful in his professional life, a true man of character who aspires to intelligence and cares for those around him. He is a man of style, substance and success.


BARF. What a load of horseshit. 

Lydia and Ball-less are such wanna-be's. The whole description made me roll my eyes and I'm embarrassed for them. Mag is dead within 1 1/2 years. 

16 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

I'm also curious as to who this "Frederic" is that Lydia refers to as the Godfather. Who wants to bet that it is the PR person for the Tourist Agency paying for advertising in the magazine?

Since it is geared towards the Alpha Male - I would suggest testicles.


The Alpha Male who is fashion-forward, but never a fashion victim. And has many great achievements. Which he's very humble about. 

Lololololololololololol!!! So stupid

if this is her writing, I can only imagine the write-up on Iceland. 

Edited by VedaPierce
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On 10/17/2017 at 7:42 AM, ghoulina said:

Yup. I did not mind her originally. I thought she was a bit of a fence rider, but I LOVED how she stood up to Slade. She hasn't done one right thing this season. She's trying to insert herself in everything and is totally messy about it. 

I felt the same way. And I'm frustrated because I actually AGREE with the bulk of her message regarding Shannon - she's histrionic, dramatic, 0 - 60 in an instant, and a drag to be around - but something gets majorly lost in translation here because Lydia has a blind spot to her own shit. It frustrates me so much when someone is delivering the right message on these shows but the message gets lost because the messenger can't relay it properly. This has happened with LVP numerous times now.

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7 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

BARF. What a load of horseshit. 

Lydia and Ball-less are such wanna-be's. The whole description made me roll my eyes and I'm embarrassed for them. Mag is dead within 1 1/2 years. 

The Alpha Male who is fashion-forward, but never a fashion victim. And has many great achievements. Which he's very humble about. 

Lololololololololololol!!! So stupid

if this is her writing, I can only imagine the write-up on Iceland. 

Right!!!!!!  Ugh.  A celebration of male wealth and power is GROSS in general and even more so given the Harvey Weinstein/Hollywood crap that is out there now.

I feel the same about women, too.  I may be in the minority on this one, but bathing in luxury by the already-rich, regardless of gender, race, etc. is a repulsive concept to me. Even Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop is gross to me (and even if she was a HW victim).  "A luxury lifestyle website..." Ugh again.

It's all about "self" and "stuff".   With the possible exception of providing a small number of jobs, none of it adds an ounce to the betterment of humanity and it shifts priorities in a dangerous direction.

Edited by Jextella
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12 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Ok. I agree that I might have an obsession with this subject. No, I am not hungry tho I am only 88 lbs and can usually eat whatever I want (because it takes so little to fill me; I don't consume enough to gain weight which is an issue for my doctors They feel that I am underweight).  Let's just call it my signature comment. P.S. I do make a mean casserole! Thank you for your concern. 

You say "casserole" all you want!  It cracks me up. Vicks brought it to all of our attention in that so very stupid way she said "they should bring me casserole!" Like its saying - they should bring me shrimp!  That's not how you use the word dummerass!  I saw somewhere right before the season started that Vicks lost so much weight for the season.  Where????  Between the ears maybe.  Cause her sausage dresses are getting ever tighter.  She would look ok if she wore something that actually fit. 

One more random - I don't think Peggy has a resting bitch face.  I think its a very active bitch face ready to go at it at all times.  That girl is ready to pounce.  Throws stuff out there then dares them to speak of it ever!  Go away Peggy.  God I hate those black and white cars.  Oh those really a thing or just their dumb signature?  

I want casserole!

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36 minutes ago, blueiris said:

One more random - I don't think Peggy has a resting bitch face.  I think its a very active bitch face ready to go at it at all times.  That girl is ready to pounce.  Throws stuff out there then dares them to speak of it ever!

I think this is exactly true!  This is her "creating drama" to secure her spot.  She's just ssosososososo bad at it.  As I said before, I think she practices that scowl in the mirror.

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On 10/17/2017 at 9:44 AM, ghoulina said:

This. I'm sorry for anyone who has lost a loved one, but 83 isn't an age where one should be SHOCKED that someone died. Also, I am super evil, but I immediately thought that Brianna and Michael might WELCOME that call. 

Yeah, when the doctor asked, "what did she die of?" I'm thinking "being 83 years old?" Also, I sometimes confuse Tamra and Vicki's mother, but am I right in thinking she seemed like a smoker? Or ex-smoker? I'm sorry she died, yes, of course, but 83 is not young.

When Vicki said, "my dying would leave a huge void in their life, " I said to my sister, "A financial void!"

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5 hours ago, gundysgirl said:

The stuff with Vicki is interesting to me only in that the narrative to me has changed. Early in the season it looked like others didn't want to film with her. But now it looks different. Vicki has missed a couple of big group filming opportunities. The one on the boat to celebrate the whole balls getting cut off stupidity, and now the deal at Meghan's house. Vicki was invited in both situations but opted to not be part of the group events. Since there haven't been as many big group events, it says a lot that Vicki was willing to instead film alone. She cannot claim that the others didn't want her around if she stayed away. 

Yeah, but revisionist history Vicki would accuse them of staying away from her.

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On 10/17/2017 at 2:08 AM, MVFrostsMyPie said:

Peggy saying that reminds me of when a racist lady told me I wasn't American because I was Middle Eastern (I have to admit I was impressed she at least guessed my ethnicity correctly even though she thinks it's a nationality). *facepalm* 

I am genuinely sorry this happened to you. I guarantee her ancestors came from somewhere outside the continental USA.

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2 hours ago, Jextella said:

Right!!!!!!  Ugh.  A celebration of male wealth and power is GROSS in general and even more so given the Harvey Weinstein/Hollywood crap that is out there now.

I feel the same about women, too.  I may be in the minority on this one, but bathing in luxury by the already-rich and regardless of gender is a repulsive concept to me. Even Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop is gross to me (and even if she was a HW victim).  "A luxury lifestyle website..." Ugh again.

It's all about "self" and "stuff".   With the possible exception of providing a small number of jobs, none of it adds an ounce to the betterment of humanity and it shifts priorities in a negative direction.

....but...but...he's HUMBLE about it, though....

again, lolololololololololololololo!

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"He is a knowledgeable man who can converse on any subject, and fights for the causes he truly believes in. The NOBLEMAN is successful in his professional life, a true man of character who aspires to intelligence and cares for those around him. He is a man of style, substance and success."


ANY subject, people! He is just as comfortable conversing about the quadratic equation as he is conversing about the best cast-on to use while knitting. Wow! Whatta guy!

Too bad their write-up has no "style, substance, or success"! Idiots. 

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7 hours ago, gundysgirl said:

She didn't like or care for Kelly and just wanted her to be put in a vulnerable position on camera where she would most certainly make an ass out of herself. 

Which is one of the reasons I can't stand Shannon -- that said, the way she's falling apart (so naked and so messy and high strung) makes it impossible for me not to take her side when the bear-poking happens. Setting up a sad sack to lose her shit has to be the lowest sport of all. 

2 hours ago, blueiris said:

You say "casserole" all you want!  It cracks me up.

Me, too  ("They may take our lives, but they'll never take our chicken tetrazinni!")

3 hours ago, Jextella said:

Even Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop is gross to me (and even if she was a HW victim).  "A luxury lifestyle website..." Ugh again.

Goop is poop -- how's that for mighty insight, Jextella? ; )

(That woman drives me nuts, with her blabber blabber -  "I'm not like someone who makes 20,000 a year" and "I would never feed my children X food"  -- the classism drips off her like flop sweat.)

Edited by film noire
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17 hours ago, Anne Thrax said:

Well, it's not hard to predict.  Tamra is an alley cat, and Lydia is a pampered Persian.  My money's on Tamra, and I'm not a bettin' woman.

The second I saw lydia fling those menus and storm away in a huff (a la, ME, in Acapulco, with my parents, in 1987) she lost. Stupid and annoying for a teenager. Insufferable for a woman pushing middle-age. I'm happy Shannon got to see it. "why Lydia, whatever is the matter? Why do you have to be so dramatic?" Lol. Would have loved if shannon said that to her!

Edited by VedaPierce
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1 hour ago, VedaPierce said:

"He is a knowledgeable man who can converse on any subject, and fights for the causes he truly believes in. The NOBLEMAN is successful in his professional life, a true man of character who aspires to intelligence and cares for those around him. He is a man of style, substance and success."


ANY subject, people! He is just as comfortable conversing about the quadratic equation as he is conversing about the best cast-on to use while knitting. Wow! Whatta guy!

Too bad their write-up has no "style, substance, or success"! Idiots. 

Any subject! As comfortable talking about the Tesla Model S as he is stirring his feeling pot with his pals.

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20 hours ago, Thumper said:

Isn't this just the usual RH travel and this time Lydia is the Designated Host?  (The Nobleman story sounds pretty weak.)

Yes, but some premises are more tolerable than others. Last year Megan wanted to go to Ireland to trace her Irish roots, which is definitely plausible and we did see her doing just that. Lydia is going to figure out how this northern country will appeal to the suntanned douches of OC? Yea, okay. I know it's BS, but since it's such a lame attempt, I'll snark it right into the ground. 


17 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I don't think anyone doubts Peggy's reason for having the surgery given her history, it is more about how she keeps changing her story from HW to HW. It is as if she/Ditko are deliberately trying to cause confusion to insure she has a storyline, and a sympathetic one at that, so she gets asked back next year. The only controversy or confusion around it has been cause by Peggy/Ditko themselves and on purpose IMO.

Exactly. There would BE no "controversy" without those two. They have consistently been the ones to bring up the topic, only to be totally INconsistent (and vague) with their explanations. They totally want to make it look like OC is obsessed with cancer. 

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13 hours ago, ivygirl said:

E-Masculated: The online magazine for today’s cultured, yet rugged man. A man who would like to Have a Ball (let alone TWO balls). A man who appreciates the finer things, like elegant “Balls Voyage” parties aboard moored yachts. A man for whom an $80 subscription to a quarterly print magazine seems just too inexpensive. The man who wants to put his balls on Ice-land. The man who leaves important decisions about the fate of his genitalia completely in the hands of his girlfriend or wife. That’s the E-Masculated Man.

Speaking of Alpha Males - exhibit A - Diko Sulahian - ad contributor to NoBallsMan Magazine


Here he shows off his signature move he calls The Butterfly while giggling non-stop.

Diko has decided to share his secret, this is actually the sound it makes when he is motor-boating Doug's balls. Sadly for the both of them, this no longer happens as one ball is gone.

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