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S35.E03: My Kisses Are Very Private


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7 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

Patrick getting voted out was absolutely delicious viewing.  It was cooked juuuust right. 

Perfectly stated!

6 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Lauren really needs to admit that she's a fisherman (woman?) and go out and catch stuff to show her worth to the tribe.

The title to the job would be angler.  Sorry worked with preschoolers on career explorations.  Not even any of the parents got that job title right.  Other job titles:  Letter carrier; police officer, fire fighter,.  I spent most of my time asking the parents, "What if you're a girl?"

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

I'm assuming it's because of the whole virgin thing. I was amused when they showed her talking about being a virgin and then showed him talking about how she was his dream girl. All the cynic in me could think was: Will she still be his dream girl when he realizes she's not going to be sleeping with him any time soon?

Worked for Erik!

(and there is surely more stigma against male virginity than female, yeah?)

9 hours ago, zibnchy said:

5. I haven't watched many seasons. I missed about 10 years. But I think the 3 teams of 6 people setup sucks. It is too hard to get to know the players. And I like slightly larger teams so more options for alliances. I swear I saw people last night that I've never seen before (Roark? Desi?)

I don't get this, I think smaller tribes make it easier to see people and get to know them.  If you go to tribal, every single vote counts and there's nowhere to hide.  It's just that the Healers haven't been, so there's been less material from them, but that is true of the winning tribe on any season, no matter how many there are.

  • Love 1

Professor Google says the gender-neutral word for "fisherman" is "fisher," although from the couple of links I clicked, women in the industry don't seem to care that much and still call themselves fishermen. FWIW, Lauren has twice called herself a fisherman in confessionals, in this episode and in last week's, so if it doesn't bother her, it doesn't bother me. On the other hand, if a lot of women who make their living by fishing insisted on the name change, then I would go along with that too.

Edited by fishcakes
  • Love 3
11 hours ago, jumper sage said:

The title to the job would be angler.  Sorry worked with preschoolers on career explorations.  Not even any of the parents got that job title right.  

Lauren has referred to herself multiple times as a fisherman, which is not the same as an angler. An angler uses a very specific technique to fish. So, all anglers are fishermen but not all fishermen are anglers. Guess you owe those parents an apology ;)

8 hours ago, KimberStormer said:

Worked for Erik!

I have literally no recollection whatsoever of either of those people. I swear, once these people are off my tv, it's like they get completely deleted from my brain.

  • Love 5
13 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

I’ll admit I didn’t care for Lauren’s remarks about redheads( and I’m not  one).however, I also don’t care for blond  jokes ( not one of them either). Nor do I care for disparaging  remarks about Lauren’s body type vs physical ability.  All are stereotypes. Furthermore -Lauren was helping  the other two members of the tribe over that obstacle wall. She seems able to do physical things.  Patrick just didn’t like Lauren and vice-versa. We don’t know what insulting things were said to Lauren by Patrick so we don’t really know if he brought the redhead remarks upon himself. 

I think Lauren is saved by a possible tribe swap. She probably ends up on a tribe that has people  more suited to her personality. For someone who asked- I think the first tribe swap was during the Africa season, and then disappeared for a season or two. 

Stereotypes do suck, and Lauren is certainly able to do physical things.  In this particular challenge, though, it took her climbing onto Patrick's shoulders, combined with all the others pushing to get her up on that netting.   I suspect they did Lauren first because they knew she couldn't get up without the entire tribe assisting.  But once she was there, she was able to help pull.  She was also through the original barricade quicker than some on the yellow tribe.  

I hope she eventually finds a tribe more suited to her personality, but the odds are reduced by the fact that alliances have already been forged at that point, and by Lauren's sour puss expressions.  

1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

I hope she eventually finds a tribe more suited to her personality, but the odds are reduced by the fact that alliances have already been forged at that point, and by Lauren's sour puss expressions.  

Lauren might not have the sour puss expressions now that constantly needling-screaming-waking-people-up Patrick is gone.

  • Love 11

I'm mostly glad Patrick is gone because I found the editing around discussing him and Ali painful. Without knowing the backstory their alliance made no sense and every talking head that discussed it was choppy, as though they were clearly having to cut around anything suspicious. Also I'm still on Team Ali and on the very outside chance that she wins I don't want an asterisk on that win because of a pre-existing relationship, which would have happened if Patrick had lasted much longer (and probably still will but him going out third means it's really hard to argue she got much of an advantage out of it). 

I'm back off the Ryan train. That whole Cochran-esque 'I'm a nerd I've never had a girlfriend' thing always rubs me the wrong way. I've met way too many dudes like that who were actually kind of creepy for me to find it cute. 

Jessica is a curious case. I don't care that she's a virgin but she seems incredibly naive - both about Cole and about the game. 

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, lilabennet said:

I don't think Jessica is naive about the game at all.  She was right that Cole jumped the gun on spreading his "secret" and she correctly pointed out that the person most likely to be hurt by that was Cole himself when Joe finds out he ratted him out.

I thought he was an idiot, especially to do it before they went to the challenge and knew whether they'd won or lost. He is clearly a big enthusiatic puppy of a blabbermouth (but then she's just told the entire viewing public of the world that she's a virgin; that was not a need to know!) On the other hand, anything that hastens Joe's departure is a good thing.

  • Love 3

I forgot! Very excited that annoying twit Patrick was voted out. Thought Lauren did an excellent job of holding  her own and presenting her undeniable points, like an elder statesman. I gather the redhead comment was insensitive - but given his allover stance of her hilarious inferiority as a woman, a somewhat 'older' woman, and a woman (thank god for a bit of visual relief)  without a sculpted bikini body or a smiling winsome demeanor, plus his demeaning of her in numerous little mocking swipes at other times in the show so far - I think it was a fairly modest comeback to make a judgement based on his appearance, also.

  • Love 6
On 10/13/2017 at 11:08 AM, Rachel RSL said:

Lauren has referred to herself multiple times as a fisherman, which is not the same as an angler. An angler uses a very specific technique to fish. So, all anglers are fishermen but not all fishermen are anglers. Guess you owe those parents an apology ;)

Actually the government term (what you put on your taxes) is Fishing and Hunting Workers.  Angler is a term for the archaic term fisherman.  Just like a policeman became a police officer, fireman became fire fighter.

The purpose of the preschool group assignment was to teach parents that the archaic, male based terms were incorrect.  The picture shown was of a man and a woman fishing with rod and reel.  In Lauren's bio she talks about catching flounder which is where the angler would be correct.  She also talks about shrimping and crabbing.

1 hour ago, himela said:

I don't like how Been and Chrissy are acting all bossy and I will be really mad to see her win or even make it far. She was playing the victim the first days and now she acts like the queen.

They are quite full of themselves lately.  Since the editors know who the winner is and how s/he gets there, I hope they are being set up for a big fall.  They did set up Patrick's demise rather nicely  :)

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Angler is a term for the archaic term fisherman. 

That's not correct. It has nothing to do with being archaic or gender-based. Angling is a specific type of fishing that is done with hooks. So someone fishing with a rod and a hook is angling. Commercial fishermen (or anyone) who use traps and nets definitely are not anglers.  Which is why it's probably best Lauren didn't tell anyone about her profession. Working as a commercial fisherman with traps and nets probably wouldn't give her any advantage when it comes to swimming around and trying to spear a fish. She was wise to keep her mouth shut about that.

  • Love 5
On 10/12/2017 at 2:07 PM, zibnchy said:

1. Virgin girl is 29 and a Nurse Practitioner. Not too shabby. It is not an easy degree and requires, I think, fairly extensive work experience (as a nurse) and academic study. I suspect she's been working very hard and, possibly, had no time or energy for a relationship. No big deal and certainly none of our business. I just have to wonder what circumstances led her to divulge that on TV. A leading question from production no doubt. Also there's the whole religious thing.

4. Just exactly what are they allowed to bring to the island? Why did (the one who left last week) bring knee high boots?

I think you're a lot more likely to get cast if you tell production you're a virgin AND are willing to state so on TV.  So good for her, I guess, for using her unique traits to get on the show.  

The show strands them out there in all kinds of inappropriate attire, for our entertainment.  I love that aspect.  And actually, like they said, knee high boots would be terrific to have.  Several Survivors have said knee socks are a huge asset out there, because they protect your legs from the bugs and elements.  

On 10/12/2017 at 4:53 PM, eel2178 said:

Some of the worst nurses I've ever worked with have gone on to become nurse practitioners. Most of them decided to get an advanced degree because they totally sucked at bedside care. It is also possible to become a nurse practitioner without any nursing experience. You just need a bachelor's degree in another subject. (Google "becoming a nurse practitioner without a nursing degree" if you want to know more.) It also isn't a difficult degree to obtain. Some courses let you get a way with as little as 3 months of experience doing clinical work. Others let you take your classes entirely online, so you aren't getting any hands-on supervised experience.

The guy isn't just in denial. He's living in Fantasyland. 

Jessica has a doctorate in nursing. 

I don't think Cole would be disappointed to hear she's a virgin.  Wouldn't that most likely make her even MORE his dream girl?  I thought all men dreamed of bagging a virgin of their very own. 

On 10/13/2017 at 2:16 PM, lilabennet said:

I don't think Jessica is naive about the game at all.  She was right that Cole jumped the gun on spreading his "secret" and she correctly pointed out that the person most likely to be hurt by that was Cole himself when Joe finds out he ratted him out.

I agree.  I think Jessica probably learned how Cole and Joe 'found the idol together' and knew right then Cole didn't know how to play Survivor.  Telling a bunch of people about Joe's idol just makes it more likely that Joe will find out he's blabbing and there will be repurcussions.  At the very least, it ruins any chance of a blindside.  

7 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I don't think Cole would be disappointed to hear she's a virgin.  Wouldn't that most likely make her even MORE his dream girl?  I thought all men dreamed of bagging a virgin of their very own. 

I dunno - I think the bag limit on virgins varies from state to state.  :D

Seriously, though - I think the whole virgin thing only matters to three types of guys:

  1. The my-life-for-Jesus types, for whom moral purity in a mate is paramount (incidentally, the odds with this type are high of the guy being a virgin as well).
  2. That particular species of manshark which focuses solely on despoiling virgins - find'em, bang 'em, and move on.  Vile, that lot.
  3. The sort of guy who may be feeling - ah, "inadequate" - in certain areas. Such a person might feel more comfortable knowing their partner has little or no basis for comparison.
  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Nashville said:

3. The sort of guy who may be feeling - ah, "inadequate" - in certain areas. Such a person might feel more comfortable knowing their partner has little or no basis for comparison.

Like one of my favorite lines from, "Out of Africa:"  "I'd always planned on marrying a virgin, I can't stand criticism."

4. Heirs to the throne of England. 

  • Love 5
On 10/11/2017 at 6:01 PM, Lamb18 said:

Now I'm going to see how much Patrick really contributes at the Immunity challenge. Last place in the hurdles. Well, he can hit the bricks OK, but his team is in last place and he won't switch out with anyone. A real challenge beast. Oh, oh, Hustlers lost. Yep, Patrick really contributes at challenges.

That's the problem I had with the idea that they had to keep him to win a challenge.  Since they had him, and hadn't won.  Just because he's a young man in decent shape doesn't mean he's that valuable

On 10/11/2017 at 6:28 PM, susannot said:

Maybe the tribe should post security after that murderous glare.  How dare they vote him out!

That's what I said to hubby.  That was creepy, and I'd gotten creepy vibes from him before, the way he seemed to be able to switch his smile of and off made it seem fake.

  • Love 3

I think that Jessica is right to be annoyed that Cole shared the information about the idol. You hold on to that information until you need it to take someone out. By sharing the information early, Cole places a target on his back. Joe is likely to find out that Cole told people about the idol, so Cole just burned a bridge with Joe. Joe can easily argue that Cole is not trustworthy because Cole was willing to share with everyone Joe's secret. This means that Cole would be willing and able to tell other peoples secrets. The way the show depicted Jessica's opposition is that she is jealous that Cole is talking to others and sharing their secret. I suspect that Jessica is concerned for mainly game reasons.

I could careless that Jessica is a virgin, I was a virgin until I was married at 38. Initially it was for religious purposes and then it was wanting to wait until I was in love. It turns out the person who I loved was the person who I married and he was fine with waiting for three years. And I have a Doctorate. I reserve my judgment on any Doctorate until I know what school it is from and what type of program it is from. It is far too easy to buy a Doctorate these days. If the degree is from an accredited school than I am would say that the degree requires a great deal of perseverance and more than a modicum of intelligence. The class work for pretty much any accredited doctorate is challenging, I was reading on average 1,000 pages per week per class and had to teach myself basic calculus and matrix algebra in order to pass my econometrics and game theory classes. I cannot judge how hard the course work is for a Doctorate in Nursing but I am willing to bet that it is pretty darn hard. I know I could not pass the regular classes to become a nurse, I am not great in the physical sciences, so I am going to assume that the Masters and Doctoral classes are out of my skill set. I am too lazy to look up her degrees but if she has a Doctorate in Nursing then she is probably pretty smart and capable. That does not translate to having great social skills or common sense which are just as important, heck they might be more important, in Survivor.

I would not say I am impressed by anyone with a Doctorate but I do respect the degree and the amount of work and intelligence required in order to earn a Doctorate in any field. But show me the schools accreditation and track record first because those online degrees are easy to get and many of them are bogus. Some are legit but most are not. In my very biased opinion.

ETA: OK, so clicking on the links provided by Winston... I suspect that Jessica was in the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program which is different then the Doctorate (PhD) Program. If it is the Doctor of Nursing Program, then that appears to be more of a specialized certificate after you have completed your Bachelors degree. The page also lists a Masters option so there is a Bachelors Doctor of Nursing and a Masters of Nursing. Both are different from the PhD program. Either way, I know plenty of Nurses who completed an undergraduate program (and several who completed a PhD) and I am well aware of the classes they have to take. The requirements are not trivial. I understand that there are Nursing degrees that you can receive as Associates Degrees. As in all things, there are varying levels and corresponding responsibility levels. It sounds like the Doctor of Nursing Practice is a step beyond a Bachelors in Nursing but not the same as a Masters of Nursing.

Edited by ProfCrash
Adding info
  • Love 5
5 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

It sounds like the Doctor of Nursing Practice is a step beyond a Bachelors in Nursing but not the same as a Masters of Nursing.

I noticed this on that page- The Post-MSN Option can be completed in two years, and the Post-BSN Option can be completed in three years of full-time study. 

Which to me sounded like 4 year bach. PLUS 3 years of doc, so 7 years total (or 8 if MSN was pursued first).   But she also mentions in one interview that her degree was difficult and took her 5 years.   So I'm guessing 5 years post-bach?  That would make sense given her age-- bachelors at age 22 plus 5 for doc. makes her 27, which is when she completed it all.  

12 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Except that it appears the show is providing specific underwear for the men because they are all wearing the same style of boxer-briefs and that's too weird to be a coincidence. 

Yes, if  they're no longer trying to play the pretend story of people stranded with nothing but the clothes on their back,  why not give them their own swim suits? What they chose for themselves gives a little hint about their personalities.  Besides,  I really don't want to see men or women in their wet underpants.

  • Love 4
15 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Which to me sounded like 4 year bach. PLUS 3 years of doc, so 7 years total (or 8 if MSN was pursued first).   But she also mentions in one interview that her degree was difficult and took her 5 years.   So I'm guessing 5 years post-bach?  That would make sense given her age-- bachelors at age 22 plus 5 for doc. makes her 27, which is when she completed it all.  

Or she started college with a bunch of classes finished due to AP classes or some gen eds at a community college while in high school and completed her bachelors in two years and the BSN in three making five years. Either way, she is not an idiot and has completed some very difficult class work in a difficult field. I wish that shows like Survivor would play up a woman's intelligence and savy and not her sex status. Having a bit more background on her makes me think that she understands the strategic importance of the idol and keeping it quiet that they know and less that she is jealous that Cole is talking to other women.

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Yeah, in her CBS intro video it's funny how many times the camera pans up her bikini-clad body or they do the obligatory 'walking away' shot.  I guess they always do this eye candy stuff, but it struck me as somehow more gratuitous in this one, probably due to her religiousness and all.  


6 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

Either way, she is not an idiot and has completed some very difficult class work in a difficult field. I wish that shows like Survivor would play up a woman's intelligence and savy and not her sex status. Having a bit more background on her makes me think that she understands the strategic importance of the idol and keeping it quiet that they know and less that she is jealous that Cole is talking to other women.

I think Survivor is certainly trying to play up Chrissy's smarts (not that people are reacting well to that, imo). I think part of the narrative the editing monkeys show depends on what mix of stories they think viewers will want to see. I think Jessica is getting more of a focus on her relationship with Cole and her body and less on her brains precisely because she's in a showmance. They aren't getting that with Desi, Roark, Chrissy, Ali, or Lauren. Just Jessica/Cole and maaaaybe Ashley/JP. I think that's also why we aren't seeing much of Desi and Roark yet--no drama, no romance. Just calmly getting along, cooking potatoes, and managing not to bitchslap Joe when he chucks them rather than giving them to someone else or waits and cooks them more to his liking.

I do think Jessica was right that Cole should have kept his mouth shut. There may also have been some jealousy in her reaction, because that would be a normal human reaction for anyone if your closest ally told you a big secret, then planned something with you, then without asking you told two other people the plan. It wouldn't matter if it was a showmance or JT/Fishbach, you'd be annoyed both at being less powerful and integral to the person and that they made what could be a big strategic mistake.

I also don't think Jessica saying she's a virgin is TMI. She didn't graphically list her sexual exploits and limits or anything. I think she was simply explaining that outside of Survivor she's a slow mover, possibly somewhat for religious reasons. There are a lot of people out there like that. I don't think anyone should be judged for doing what they feel is right for them. I mean, I don't want to hear people go on about their sex lives (please, God, no), but I didn't feel she was. Of course, we all interpret through our own lenses, and I'm sure there was some producer prodding there too, so ymmv.

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19 minutes ago, simplyme said:

I also don't think Jessica saying she's a virgin is TMI. She didn't graphically list her sexual exploits and limits or anything. I think she was simply explaining that outside of Survivor she's a slow mover, possibly somewhat for religious reasons. There are a lot of people out there like that. I don't think anyone should be judged for doing what they feel is right for them

I think being a slow mover is a good thing and self-restraint is a quality I admire. So if Jessica had said that she had never had a serious relationship with a guy, either because she was working hard on her career, religious beliefs or simply a rule she made for her own life plan,  I would think she was smart and self-disciplined.  I still do in fact.  What I think is TMI is telling everyone the exact state of her hymen. I find it sort of a contradiction to the modesty she's intending to project.

  • Love 3

I have no doubt that the virgin line was something TPTB insisted on. Hell, I remember back in the early seasons of The Amazing Race, one team's "hook" that popped up every time they were on screen was "dating virgins". Something about people over a certain age still being virgins really appeals to the people who cast these shows. 

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

I have no doubt that the virgin line was something TPTB insisted on. Hell, I remember back in the early seasons of The Amazing Race, one team's "hook" that popped up every time they were on screen was "dating virgins". Something about people over a certain age still being virgins really appeals to the people who cast these shows. 

I can buy that. I can also say that the amount of people who discuss their sex lives and want to share stories is pretty high. I say this because people would ask me if I had done act x, y or z. If I said "No" they would ask about acts a, b, or c and then be shocked when I told them I was a virgin. Honestly, I could care less who knew. How is it not TMI when you are telling me about your sex life? I would bet that they asked Jessica about Cole and what they may or may not do on the beach. I seriously doubt that Jessica offered out of the blue she was a virgin. I know I never led with that line. I did tell anyone I was dating that I was a virgin and had no intention of having sex anytime in the near future. Not surprisingly, 95% of the guys I went out with became friends or disappeared. I figured honesty was the best policy and I did not date just to date. I went out with guys who I thought I could develop a solid relationship with. We assume that people who are dating are having sex. People are fascinated by anyone in their 20's who have not had sex. You should hear the type of questions I got when I was in my 30's and had not had sex. (shrugs)

Without seeing the footage we don't know what Jessica is doing or playing. There does seem to be some evidence that she is smarter then she is being portrayed and that the show is focused on her as a hot body who has not had sex. I would hope that we would get a more complete picture but I doubt that we will. The only women who seem to be allowed to be smart and cagey are the Denise and Kass's of the world. Everyone else seems to get the Mom treatment or the cute girl treatment. But that goes into gender and it's portrayal on the show so I'll shut up.

  • Love 6

I don't agree with people saying that Cole telling Desi and Roark about Joe's idol was a mistake. That way he gained their trust, him and Jessica become a foursome with Desi and Roark and even if a swap happens Joe has now a huge target on his back and these 4 people can use it against him regardless the tribe they are in. Joe has become a public enemy and Cole managed to take the target off his back and create an alliance with Desi and Roark. Maybe his move was thoughtless but I don't think it will harm him.

  • Love 1
42 minutes ago, himela said:

I don't agree with people saying that Cole telling Desi and Roark about Joe's idol was a mistake. That way he gained their trust, him and Jessica become a foursome with Desi and Roark and even if a swap happens Joe has now a huge target on his back and these 4 people can use it against him regardless the tribe they are in. Joe has become a public enemy and Cole managed to take the target off his back and create an alliance with Desi and Roark. Maybe his move was thoughtless but I don't think it will harm him.

I'm impressed that you know these names.  I get that "Desi" and "Roark" are the people that Cole spilled the beans to but I swear that they haven't even appeared on the show.  I'm not even sure if they are male or female.  Roark sounds like a man's name and I think Desi does too because of Desi Arnaz but I gather they must be women because the men on that tribe are Cole, Joe and Mike.

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