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Spoilers And Shockers

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After fan backlash it was revealed that Marlena's victims weren't dead. The Dimeras brainwashed her into thinking she killed them but they were actually on some island or something that Dimerias had built to look like Salem. 

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Thanks.  I remember them being on Melaswen, but thought they had actually died and been resurrected.  If Stephano can do that, why can't he get Abigail's future land some easier way?

Edited by oceanblue
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The serial killer storyline had a great beginning and an awful end...The reveal that Marlena was the serial killer was awesome, it was shown on a Friday and we did not know if it was her dead twin Samantha, Hattie or Marlena herself under some type of evil influence..I remember John even thought she was possessed by the devil again...What made the storyline so good was Lumi falling in love and fighting their feelings,  with Will scheming to get his parents together....The deaths were brutal and gratuitous, the worst for me was Alice being killed by a donut...

Edited by Apprentice79
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Thanks. I remember them being on Melaswen, but thought they had actually died and been resurrected. If Stephano can do that, why can't he get Abigail's future land some easier way?

Reasons Edited by Petunia13
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The serial killer storyline had a great beginning and an awful end...The reveal that Marlena was the serial killer was awesome, it was shown on a Friday and we did not know if it was her dead twin Samantha, Hattie or Marlena herself under some type of evil influence..I remember John even thought she was possessed by the devil again...What made the storyline so good was Lumi falling in love and fighting their feelings,  with Will scheming to get his parents together....The deaths were brutal and gratuitous, the worst for me was Alice being killed by a donut...

That is the storyline that got me sucked into watching Days!

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Next week's preview video:




I have hopes that at least Aiden might be going out as a hero, or a victim, but at least not as some EVUL of the EVULIST who fooled Hope and all of us for the last couple of years.  I wish even more we weren't losing him at all.


And as for Guy Wilson's face and emotion in the upcoming scene.......I'm sorry, but either this storyline is too much for him, the taping schedule is too much for him, or he's just a really terrible, awful actor.   He's like the "before" person in hemorrhoid commercial.   Gawd, he's just as crappy an actor as Kate Mansi.  

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And as for Guy Wilson's face and emotion in the upcoming scene.......I'm sorry, but either this storyline is too much for him, the taping schedule is too much for him, or he's just a really terrible, awful actor.   He's like the "before" person in hemorrhoid commercial.   Gawd, he's just as crappy an actor as Kate Mansi.

This is primary reason they both need to go, neither one can act worth a damn. As for Wilson, he doesn't even try to sell the material. It's like he is a life-sized puppet with someone's hand up his a**. I agree with the poster who said mop head was my favorite will. At least his bad acting could be chalked up to youthful awkwardness. Besides, he actually looked like he could be Lucas and Sami's son.

Mansi on the other hand, not only can't act, all of her performances or lack thereof smack of someone who has drank the koolaid and believes she is AWESOME. Guess what KM, I highly doubt that anyone outside of Days is looking to give you the Deidre Hall/Allison Sweeny treatment.


And as for Guy Wilson's face and emotion in the upcoming scene.......I'm sorry, but either this storyline is too much for him, the taping schedule is too much for him, or he's just a really terrible, awful actor.   He's like the "before" person in hemorrhoid commercial.   Gawd, he's just as crappy an actor as Kate Mansi.

This is primary reason they both need to go, neither one can act worth a damn. As for Wilson, he doesn't even try to sell the material. It's like he is a life-sized puppet with someone's hand up his a**. I agree with the poster who said mop head was my favorite will. At least his bad acting could be chalked up to youthful awkwardness. Besides, he actually looked like he could be Lucas and Sami's son.

Mansi on the other hand, not only can't act, all of her performances or lack thereof smack of someone who has drank the koolaid and believes she is AWESOME. Guess what KM, I highly doubt that anyone outside of Days is looking to give you the Deidre Hall/Allison Sweeny treatment.

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Spoilers for the  week of August 24...Welcome Home Steve! where's Jack?


Monday August 24:
Nicole scores a major victory over Serena and Xander.

Tuesday August 25:
Theresa’s latest plot has dire consequences for Xander.

Wednesday August 26:
Chad and Serena’s night takes an unpleasant turn.
Hope, Aiden, Victor, Maggie, Doug, and Julie rally around Caroline.

Thursday August 27:
Eric makes a shocking discovery.

Friday August 28:
Kayla is stunned when Steve makes an unexpected return to Salem!

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Here is the newly sorased teen scene in Salem...They look good. From left to right, we have Theo, Claire, Chase, Ciara and Joey...The show is good at casting and they all look like their parents..Even Theo looks like Lexie..We need Allie, Joy and JT to round out this group... Joey shows up on August 28th with Steve, Ciara & Chase on October 30th, Theo on November 3rd and Claire with her mom on Thanksgiving...



Edited by Apprentice79
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I always wanted the two Alices to go head to head...Allie seemed like a good girl like her Aunt Carrie and Ciara would be the bad girl embracing her Kiriakis roots....The show had set up  that dynamic and I wanted to see it play out as teens..Plus, I wanted Joy and JT to be in town because they are not related to anybody in town..JT could have been paired up with Claire and Joy who is Chloe's sister with Joey....

Edited by Apprentice79
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Exactly..Allie should have Claire's spot....I love Lucas when he is in father mode..His dynamic with Will is fraught with regret and guilt..Whereas with Allie, she was his second chance at fatherhood....Johnny should be for Lucas and not EJ..

Edited by Apprentice79
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Wonder what they are going to do with JJ.  He's 18, maybe 19 now, but still a teenager, and if Paige will be gone soon, they need a new girl for him.  Unless he will continue to be attracted to women his mother's age.

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I wonder if Paige is going to be murdered because of Kyle's drug business, or as part of the serial killer storyline.


I read a spoiler that Eve will find out what JJ is up to, and will use it to her advantage.  Is she planning on trying to get JJ killed?

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The cover story with Billy, Robert and Kate from SOD last week had Robert saying Ben was becoming more bad so Chad becoming  good in comparison makes sense. They both can't be bad at the same time.

Edited by Artsda
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The cover story with Billy, Robert and Kate from SOD last week had Robert saying Ben was becoming more bad so Chad becoming  good in comparison makes sense. They both can be bad at the same time.


Why not? I'm sure Abifail wouldn't care how bad they are as long as they're giving her attention and begging for her love. 

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All the other "teens" (which, please! -- NeoTheo looks in his middle twenties at the very least) are legacy characters in some degree. Does Chase stay because he's so important to the storyline? Which storyline? Or does the SORAS Machine just send out a wave of aging in a wide radius, and anyone who's caught in it is affected? Speaking of affected, if Abigail were caught in the SORAS wave, would she finally grow the hell up?


Edited because I do know the difference between "who's" and "whose." I blame Abigail.

Edited by Sandman
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All the other "teens" (which, please! -- NeoTheo looks in his middle twenties at the very least) are legacy characters in some degree. Does Chase stay because he's so important to the storyline? Which storyline? Or does the SORAS Machine just send out a wave of aging in a wide radius, and anyone whose caught in it is affected? Speaking of affected, if Abigail were caught in the SORAS wave, would she finally grow the hell up?

Chase will be in Salem for a bit after Aiden's departure..I assume that after Aiden dies, Hope will take him in..I think Aiden will go evil and kidnap Hope and Bo will die saving her...Word on the street is that Peter wrapped up his stint as Bo Brady....

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... Which storyline? Or does the SORAS Machine just send out a wave of aging in a wide radius, and anyone whose caught in it is affected? Speaking of affected, if Abigail were caught in the SORAS wave, would she finally grow the hell up?

Pure gold right there, Sandman : )

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All the other "teens" (which, please! -- NeoTheo looks in his middle twenties at the very least) are legacy characters in some degree. Does Chase stay because he's so important to the storyline? Which storyline? Or does the SORAS Machine just send out a wave of aging in a wide radius, and anyone whose caught in it is affected? Speaking of affected, if Abigail were caught in the SORAS wave, would she finally grow the hell up?


I kinda get it.  The lack of family ties makes it easier to drop him into romance and he already has a history with Ciara.  Using him instead of some new random in what I'm guessing will be a love triangle with Ciara and Clare makes sense.

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I mean, I guess it's better than introducing some 27-year-old "teenager" with no ties to anyone in town ::glares at Sparkle:: But if Aidan is on his way out, that leaves Chase a connection with Ciara and Hope only. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to argue in favour of a more incestuous canvas, because, Good Lord.

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To me, Allie and Ciara make sense as rivals for Chase than Ciara and her niece Claire....They should have brought Claire back with Johnny and Sydney, whenever they show up..I think Johnny  with Benji's son can be the next generation of Dimera men...He was always fascinated with the Dimera legacy...

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I don't even know who any of those kids' parents are besides Theo and Ciara. 


Claire is the daughter of Shawn and Belle (Shawn is the son of Hope and Bo, Belle is the daughter of John and Marlena).  Joey is the son of Steve and Kayla. Theo is the son of Abe and Lexie (Stefano's daughter). Chase is Aiden's son.  It will be strange to have a SORAS'd Chase if Aiden is leaving.

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So Allie would be in a different age bracket than her twin?

No, they could have brought Allie first and then Johnny later with Sydney, since they are both Dimeras....I could see Sami keeping them away from Salem to keep them from Stefano..Whereas Allie is a Horton and has lots of family that could protect her..She would have Kate, Jennifer, JJ, Abigail, Will, Lucas, Rafe and Ari. Plus the whole Brady family..If the show were to get too inondated with legacy  children who were teens, it would turn some people off...The show needs to get a good balance of people in different ages...I hope the show remembers that Claire is older than her aunt Ciara...lol...

Edited by Apprentice79
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I don't understand why they're dumping Daniel Cosgrove when Peter Reckell's only returning for a short while. It seems short-sighted. If it's about giving Rafe a love interest, there are unattached women on the canvas, Eve for starters, while Nicole and Theresa badly need new men, not the losers they're currently saddled with. There were plenty of options.

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I still think the original plan was for Aiden to have killed his wife, hope would figure it out at the cabin..and then she'd be rescued..or she'd rescue herself. However, they clicked as a couple so it wad rewritten...hence why they languished for months on the back burner till rafe entered her orbit.

I would have hoped Bo and hope would resolve their relationship once and for all...he saves her..they make peace and then he leaves town.

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I'm horrible person. When Sonny closed the door behind him to leave for Paris, I thought for sure Will would throw Ari against the wall and holler, "f*ck, f*ck, f*ck" . That's how much I've grown to dislike the character of Will.

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