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7 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Not in New Hampshire so she would have to leave Claremont. Actually many states have done away with non consummation as a reason for annulment.

She could file for fraud. If they marry and she then finds out that David does not want to consummate the marriage then she could file an annulment under the grounds that he misrepresented himself and his intentions. I don't have a problem with sexless marriages in general. With my medical condition, I don't have much of a sex drive myself. However, both parties have to be on the same page as this. 

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1 hour ago, escapetoreality said:

Pretty clear the sex talk/lingerie shopping is based on desperation for anything remotely like a storyline for Evelyn and David. Having exhausted the standard conflicts as to friend disapproval, wedding plans and where to live, this is what it's come to.  

I agree.  They have moved the David Spain/Evelyn story along rather quickly.  I think they are down to about 3 weeks to the wedding.  This is probably because there just isn't that much interesting material with them.  So, they create a few conflicts to fill in time.  

On the other hand, with David Poor being such a train wreck, Annie Goldbahts being such a gold digger and David having interesting friends like Chris, Nikki and Antonio, they were only 3 days into the 90 days, halfway through the 3 episode since the 90 days started.  They fast forwarded about 3 weeks with Nikki giving them the eviction notice and banishing them to the abandoned firehouse, but they are still about 7 weeks behind David and Evelyn.  Obviously, since they get much more good material from David and Annie, they are stretching it out.  

Edited by Bryce Lynch
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2 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

But let's say it's more than that. David might be asexual. Those who are asexual are absolutely able to feel emotional attraction to others, but do not feel physical attraction. 

Depends on the person. I have friends who are asexual. They feel physical attraction, often to both sexes interchangeably, but don't feel sexual attraction. 

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I finally watched the first half of this episode.  OMG, David Poor me, poor me, pour me a drink is a sad sack.  David insulted Nikki's brother, Antonio, telling him that he was saying all that negative stuff about him because he, Antonio wanted to fuck Chris.  And David thought that was funny.  

Annie loves America, meaning she loves Chris and Nikki's home.  She probably thinks everybody in America lives like that, she'll have a rude awakening since she's hitched her wagon to a broke ass star.

I have a question about strangers abusing children:  Isn't it more likely that a child will wind up being abused by a family member or a "friend" of a family member than a total stranger?  

Edited by Neurochick
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16 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

She could file for fraud. If they marry and she then finds out that David does not want to consummate the marriage then she could file an annulment under the grounds that he misrepresented himself and his intentions. I don't have a problem with sexless marriages in general. With my medical condition, I don't have much of a sex drive myself. However, both parties have to be on the same page as this. 

Well yes but then she would have to prove that he promised her consummation. My main was point that most civil governments have tried to get out of annulments based on non-consummation because it goes into such grey areas so they have moved to more tangible issues. Even the fraud statues lend more to thongs outside of physical intimacy.

David's attitude doesn't strike me as someone who won't consummate the marriage just as someone who probably won't listen to Evelyn about her wants and needs in for a happy sex life which isn't fraud, he'l he told her that on national television. Shitty for her but not annulment territory.

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Chris is all let's get out of here and get you guys off to KY, I believe Nikki has your bags packed and ready to go. lol! Apparently if you spend a little time with David sad sack of shit, you want him to leave, you want to punch him in the face or you want to throw something at him.

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1 hour ago, OtterReality said:

I'm a few episodes behind, just watched this one yesterday. Did anyone else notice how empty Nikki and Chris' house seemed? There was furniture and some art but nothing personal. It reminded me of corporate housing. 

It may well be.  I wouldn't want my personal home on national TV.  It's also been said that many of the homes that Leah Remini goes to on her Scientology show are rented for the show.

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David's attitude doesn't strike me as someone who won't consummate the marriage just as someone who probably won't listen to Evelyn about her wants and needs in for a happy sex life which isn't fraud, he'l he told her that on national television. Shitty for her but not annulment territory.

They will be doing it in the dark, in the missionary position, once a week to once a month. He will be satisfied and she hopefully won't figure out that she should be expecting more.

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51 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

Depends on the person. I have friends who are asexual. They feel physical attraction, often to both sexes interchangeably, but don't feel sexual attraction. 

what is physical attraction that's not sexual attraction?  Not being argumentative, just dopey. 

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16 hours ago, StitchPunk said:

I don't get all the talk that David "must" be gay or have some serious issue because doesn't want to talk about sex. Not everyone is obsessed with having sex all the time. He could have a low sex drive or non at all, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. He could not even know since people tend to act like if you don't have a high sex drive then you're broken and worthless. Some people just don't want sex. No particular reason.


You may be right that David had a low or no sex drive. But that is precisely why they need to have a discussion before marriage. If they were already sexually active, they would have a good idea of the other's level of sexual interest, but because they have not had sex, they can't gauge this to see if they are comparable. Evelyn appears to have a healthy interest in sex and is looking forward to this experience. If David is frigid he should tell her before the marriage.  If Evelyn wants to screw like a rabbit, it will not be a happy marriage if David if a dead fish in bed. 

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22 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

what is physical attraction that's not sexual attraction?  Not being argumentative, just dopey. 

Let's see if I can explain this well... :-)

With physical attraction, you can be physically stimulated by a person without actually feeling a sexual desire towards them. It's more like an aesthetic attraction, strictly an appreciation for one’s appearance. It's possible to only feel this towards one gender (you're only attracted to one gender) or to both. 

Physical: I think he's hot and looking at him gives me goosebumps. 

Sexual: I think he's hot and looking at him sets my whole pelvic region on fire. 

I have been physically attracted to people, think they're good-looking and interesting, but had zero desire to sleep with them. Conversely, I've had the opposite happen as well-a strong sexual pull towards people that don't physically (by appearance) or intellectually turn me on. 

You can enjoy the intimacy of a relationship (cuddling, holding hands, physically being close to someone, etc.) without having a sexual desire for them. It's like the libido is just turned off. 

Human sexuality is an interesting thing. 

Edited by mamadrama
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I wonder if David Espain caught wind that Evelyn and Mother Eveyln had the Bill Cosby sweater sex chat on camera and put her on blast previously, and that's why he flipped a shit when she brought it up to him on camera, knowing he wasn't down with it. He was pretty enraged I feel it has to be more that meets the eye and building off a past convo.  Evelyn wants this tv gig as her own personal American Idol possibly their mother and father Evelyn also for the $$$$. I feel they are more motivated to put it all out there for tv, the band, and maybe their religious agenda. 

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19 hours ago, lovesnark said:

Since we know that Josh made all sorts of promises lies in order to get her to come here, I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that he told her having it reversed was 100% effective 100% of the time, that it wasn't a big deal and he'd do it as soon as she arrived.

I think that's exactly what happened. During their conversation, he said "I told you", and she responded with "But when you were in the Philippines with me, you said it wouldn't be a problem and that I would have everything I asked for."  So I think he probably told her, but also said it wouldn't be a big deal to reverse hoping she would change her mind about kids.

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20 hours ago, Lemons said:
22 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

This is DEFINITELY how Latin men charm their WAGs.  

Plenty of Hispanic men know how to cook. I don’t see any of his behavior as stereotypical of any race or country. His behavior is all on him. 

Yeah, in our house it goes like this on Saturday and Sunday mornings (with or without hangovers). 7AM: Dadthecoach "should I make breakfast"  Me "blergh blech mmm" 9AM Dadthecoach "I made breakfast" Me "I. Don't. Care." 10AM Dadthecoach "get up and eat before kidtheplayer1 and kidtheplayer2 finish off the bacon" Me "I'm up. GOD!" Granted, I didn't know Dadthecoach until he was 30 so maybe at 26 he wasn't working to hard at cooking. But literally that Mexican man of mine has done more house work and cooking in the past 20 years than I've ever done.

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3 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

I think we're way too quick to assume people are gay (not that there's anything wrong with being gay - there isn't) when an individual doesn't outwardly demonstrate any physical interest in the opposite sex.


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20 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Evelyn made dinner for David to remind him of home...I will be in Spain (Barcelona) in January, will I be seeing quesadillas?  I always assumed that quesadillas were associated with Mexico.  

Those looked like the worst quesadillas I've seen in my life. The tortillas didn't even looked warmed through much less have that nice, crisp off the comal toastiness. And my 19 yo - who is a connoisseur of quesadillas - was hella pissed that they didn't have any chicken fajita in them, nor any sour cream or guac or pico. He was yelling at the TV, "You don't need to COOK to make THAT. Slap some cheese in a tortilla and hit 1 minute on the microwave. JESUS!!"

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18 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

A really devout, conservative Roman Catholic probably wouldn't be too keen on marrying a Protestant girl either. 

Truth. Dadthecoach's super duper Catholic family doesn't even think that Protestants are Christians. For REAL. They don't consider ANY church other than a Catholic church a "real church."  But somehow our 20+ years of living in sin doesn't freak them out that much. People have weird brains.

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17 hours ago, StitchPunk said:

Maybe he is repulsed by the idea of sex. Plenty of people are and not because something is wrong with them. They may just find the thought nauseatingly gross. There's a number of reasons to think so. They should have talked about it before, but that's on both of them. Not every adult has to be into it. Like not all adults smoke, drink, go to clubs, drive, do drugs, etc.

If he is repulsed by the idea of sex then he shouldn't be marrying someone who clearly expects to HAVE it. That's NOT on both of them. I dislike Evelyn with the intensity of a thousand suns for a multitude of reasons - but at the end of the day she's an 18 year old idiot. I have a couple of those at home myself, so I'm pretty well acquainted with the stupidity of teenagers. David Spain is a grown adult man. If he finds sex nauseatingly gross then maybe don't groom a teenager towards marriage.  It's obvious Evelyn has the expectation of his penis going into her vagina (thanks for that that insight, Mom Evelyn). If David cannot imagine that occurring without losing his shit, then that's 100% on him, not on the 18 year old immature idiot he's picked out of the literal WHOLE world to marry.

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2 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Depends on the person. I have friends who are asexual. They feel physical attraction, often to both sexes interchangeably, but don't feel sexual attraction. 

Yes - poor choice of words on my part!

It's true those who are asexual may feel emotionally attracted to others while also having a desire for non-sexual physical intimacy. So I should have said "...do not feel sexual attraction..."

Found another good website, The Asexual Visibility & Education Network, which explains the difference quite well.

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54 minutes ago, shockermolar said:

Those looked like the worst quesadillas I've seen in my life. The tortillas didn't even looked warmed through much less have that nice, crisp off the comal toastiness. And my 19 yo - who is a connoisseur of quesadillas - was hella pissed that they didn't have any chicken fajita in them, nor any sour cream or guac or pico. He was yelling at the TV, "You don't need to COOK to make THAT. Slap some cheese in a tortilla and hit 1 minute on the microwave. JESUS!!"

Evelyn walked in the door with BAGS.  What was in the bags if all she made was a flat grilled cheese sammich?  I did see sour cream on the table, but for what??? I don't know about David but she could have just made me some Tostinos if that's all she was going to create.  Why bother?

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1 hour ago, shockermolar said:

If he is repulsed by the idea of sex then he shouldn't be marrying someone who clearly expects to HAVE it. That's NOT on both of them. I dislike Evelyn with the intensity of a thousand suns for a multitude of reasons - but at the end of the day she's an 18 year old idiot. I have a couple of those at home myself, so I'm pretty well acquainted with the stupidity of teenagers. David Spain is a grown adult man. If he finds sex nauseatingly gross then maybe don't groom a teenager towards marriage.  It's obvious Evelyn has the expectation of his penis going into her vagina (thanks for that that insight, Mom Evelyn). If David cannot imagine that occurring without losing his shit, then that's 100% on him, not on the 18 year old immature idiot he's picked out of the literal WHOLE world to marry.

While, I agree that a man who does not want to have sex should not marry a woman expecting to have sex, I don't think we have seen even a shred of evidence that David Spain is "asexual" or homosexual or whatever.   

Lots of people who don't like talking about sex, very much enjoy having sex.  I think the term for them is "men".  :)

This is especially true when a) The person is inexperienced in sex b) The person comes from a conservative upbringing where sex is not discussed a whole lot c) Most importantly when the discussion about sex is going to be made public to millions of people (and snarked about on the internet).  

I venture to guess that a lot of people who are concerned about David Spain's reaction, would respond in a similar manner if the TLC cameras were shoved in their face and their partner said it is time to starting talking about our sex life.  

Edited by Bryce Lynch
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12 hours ago, Lemons said:

The father is vile. If he wants to pretend he’s wealthy he might want to change out of his Walmart clothes.

And the brother. I keep going back to the talking heads outside of the restaurant after they first met Andrei. The brother, sounding like an immature high school bullying jock type goes on and on about "Moldavo" with a self-satisfied smirk on his face, while the dad smiles like an asshole in the background at the extreme humor of his son ignorantly ranting about his daughter's fiancee.  Ugh.

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7 minutes ago, shockermolar said:

If he is repulsed by the idea of sex then he shouldn't be marrying someone who clearly expects to HAVE it. That's NOT on both of them. I dislike Evelyn with the intensity of a thousand suns for a multitude of reasons - but at the end of the day she's an 18 year old idiot. I have a couple of those at home myself, so I'm pretty well acquainted with the stupidity of teenagers. David Spain is a grown adult man. If he finds sex nauseatingly gross then maybe don't groom a teenager towards marriage.  It's obvious Evelyn has the expectation of his penis going into her vagina (thanks for that that insight, Mom Evelyn). If David cannot imagine that occurring without losing his shit, then that's 100% on him, not on the 18 year old immature idiot he's picked out of the literal WHOLE world to marry.

I'm sorry, but some of this has to be on Evelyn, too. She and or her parents bear some responsibility for rushing into an ill advised marriage. There is no reason these two wacky virgins have to rush into a marriage with someone each of them hardly knows. My German husband and I did the long distance thing for two years - with lots of communication and trips to see each other. We hashed everything out BEFORE he showed up on our shores to get married.  Living together for 3 months also helped before we got married. FYI, it used to be possible to get married on a tourist visa and kind of ask for forgiveness after the fact, but that was 20 years ago.

Evelyn may be immature and sheltered, but she is 18, and is legally responsible for her actions as an adult. If David Spain was grooming a teenager towards a sexless  marriage, then I blame the parents for not properly watching over and guiding their daughter. It's not like she has shown signs of Oppositional Defiance Disorder. She would have listened to them. Relationship woes are never completely the fault of one person. Absolving Evelyn and her parents of personal accountability just means that no one will ever feel compelled to learn from their mistakes, and will spend an unhappy life blaming everyone else for their woes.

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 lot of people who are concerned about David Spain's reaction, would respond in a similar manner if the TLC cameras were shoved in their face


I guess I missed the episode where Seal Team 6 dragged him out Spain and took him by silent helicopter to New Hampshire:)  Seriously....someone on here nailed it.  He's the Euro version of the ugly American.  Hate everything about that whiny idiot!

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3 minutes ago, Chickabiddy said:

I'm sorry, but some of this has to be on Evelyn, too. She and or her parents bear some responsibility for rushing into an ill advised marriage. There is no reason these two wacky virgins have to rush into a marriage with someone each of them hardly knows. My German husband and I did the long distance thing for two years - with lots of communication and trips to see each other. We hashed everything out BEFORE he showed up on our shores to get married.  Living together for 3 months also helped before we got married. FYI, it used to be possible to get married on a tourist visa and kind of ask for forgiveness after the fact, but that was 20 years ago.

Evelyn may be immature and sheltered, but she is 18, and is legally responsible for her actions as an adult. If David Spain was grooming a teenager towards a sexless  marriage, then I blame the parents for not properly watching over and guiding their daughter. It's not like she has shown signs of Oppositional Defiance Disorder. She would have listened to them. Relationship woes are never completely the fault of one person. Absolving Evelyn and her parents of personal accountability just means that no one will ever feel compelled to learn from their mistakes, and will spend an unhappy life blaming everyone else for their woes.

I just can't see this happening.  I could more see it as him grooming for for sex.  But, lots of men have (more or less) sexless marriages who don't want them to be sexless.  

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2 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I agree.  They have moved the David Spain/Evelyn story along rather quickly.  I think they are down to about 3 weeks to the wedding.  This is probably because there just isn't that much interesting material with them.  So, they create a few conflicts to fill in time.  

On the other hand, with David Poor being such a train wreck, Annie Goldbahts being such a gold digger and David having interesting friends like Chris, Nikki and Antonio, they were only 3 days into the 90 days, halfway through the 3 episode since the 90 days started.  They fast forwarded about 3 weeks with Nikki giving them the eviction notice and banishing them to the abandoned firehouse, but they are still about 7 weeks behind David and Evelyn.  Obviously, since they get much more good material from David and Annie, they are stretching it out.  

Maybe (and hopefully yet doubtfully) it's because Annie went back three days after seeing the firehouse, so they need to stretch their relationship out more...

1 hour ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I wonder if David Espain caught wind that Evelyn and Mother Eveyln had the Bill Cosby sweater sex chat on camera and put her on blast previously, and that's why he flipped a shit when she brought it up to him on camera, knowing he wasn't down with it. He was pretty enraged I feel it has to be more that meets the eye and building off a past convo.  Evelyn wants this tv gig as her own personal American Idol possibly their mother and father Evelyn also for the $$$$. I feel they are more motivated to put it all out there for tv, the band, and maybe their religious agenda. 

I actually wonder if the sweater chat was after the David chat.  Evelyn does mention "he doesn't want to talk about it" and it could be a TLC "ok, since we didn't get anything there, maybe talk about it with your mom?" and since it wasn't that interested they edited any mention of the walk out (or E. didn't want to raise it floridly with her mom so there wasn't a lot to edit out?)  I am not really assuming anything we see is in order, in context, or non-staged.

16 minutes ago, shockermolar said:

And the brother. I keep going back to the talking heads outside of the restaurant after they first met Andrei. The brother, sounding like an immature high school bullying jock type goes on and on about "Moldavo" with a self-satisfied smirk on his face, while the dad smiles like an asshole in the background at the extreme humor of his son ignorantly ranting about his daughter's fiancee.  Ugh.

I have a Moldavo watch, the ones with that one dot at the top?

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1 hour ago, Princess Sparkle said:

During their conversation, he said "I told you", and she responded with "But when you were in the Philippines with me, you said it wouldn't be a problem and that I would have everything I asked for." 

IIRC, he then went on to say something like, "Haven't I treated you like a queen?" All I could think of was, um...sure, you gave Aika your exes' engagement ring, picked her up in a Jeep instead of the promised Porsche, took her to an apartment with roommates, and told her you can't afford a vasectomy reversal. Apparently that's HIS idea of how to impress a woman

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1 minute ago, Indy USAF said:

 lot of people who are concerned about David Spain's reaction, would respond in a similar manner if the TLC cameras were shoved in their face


I guess I missed the episode where Seal Team 6 dragged him out Spain and took him by silent helicopter to New Hampshire:)  Seriously....someone on here nailed it.  He's the Euro version of the ugly American.  Hate everything about that whiny idiot!

I'm not a big fan of the way David Spain has trashed NH and everything about Evelyn's hometown.  I also understand that they agreed to be on a cheesy reality show and should understand there will be cameras.  But, I also get that many people wouldn't want to discuss certain, private things on camera, and sex is one of those things for many people. 

For the most part, there hasn't been a lot of deeply personal stuff discussed in the David/Evelyn segments.   They have mostly talked about NH vs. VA, apples, vintage apartments/appliances, "The Band", wedding plan details, etc.  So, the producers wanting him to talk about his future sex life with Evelyn probably seemed a lot more intrusive than what he has been asked about so far.  

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16 minutes ago, shockermolar said:

And the brother. I keep going back to the talking heads outside of the restaurant after they first met Andrei. The brother, sounding like an immature high school bullying jock type goes on and on about "Moldavo" with a self-satisfied smirk on his face, while the dad smiles like an asshole in the background at the extreme humor of his son ignorantly ranting about his daughter's fiancee.  Ugh.

Libby's family sucks....all of them!!  Overall this is just one massive trainwreck of a season!  All the couples except Libby/Andrei have ZERO chance of making it and almost all of them are unlikeable and/or pathetic with unlikeable family and friends.  They need to have a few more people to root for?  How are the lovestruck young water buffaloes coming along:)

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6 minutes ago, magemaud said:

IIRC, he then went on to say something like, "Haven't I treated you like a queen?" All I could think of was, um...sure, you gave Aika your exes' engagement ring, picked her up in a Jeep instead of the promised Porsche, took her to an apartment with roommates, and told her you can't afford a vasectomy reversal. Apparently that's HIS idea of how to impress a woman

I think Josh, has sort of tried to treat her well. at least from his perspective.  But, with his lack of resources, I don't think many women would feel great about being treated like the Queen of Joshland. 

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5 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I think Josh, has sort of tried to treat her well. at least from his perspective.  But, with his lack of resources, I don't think many women would feel great about being treated like the Queen of Joshland. 

Josh doesn't seem like a bad guy, but why would he think that playing the role of sugar daddy would ever work in real life?  I met a few guys like Josh in Ukraine, but they left the sugar daddy act over there because they knew it was an act. 

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2 hours ago, funky-rat said:

It may well be.  I wouldn't want my personal home on national TV.  It's also been said that many of the homes that Leah Remini goes to on her Scientology show are rented for the show.

I think it's pretty common in reality filming.   It was a common theme, at least, in the awesome Catfish writeups on this site, in which Tara often snarked awesomely about all the obvious AirB&Bs used.

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31 minutes ago, Indy USAF said:

 lot of people who are concerned about David Spain's reaction, would respond in a similar manner if the TLC cameras were shoved in their face


I guess I missed the episode where Seal Team 6 dragged him out Spain and took him by silent helicopter to New Hampshire:)  Seriously....someone on here nailed it.  He's the Euro version of the ugly American.  Hate everything about that whiny idiot!

Maybe, but since it is like the 4th (?) season of 90 Day Fiance, it shouldn't be unexpected that this topic came up.  At the very least Evelyn could have warned him and he could have had a better response.  I would never want to be on the show, but if I announced to the world on tv that I was a virgin and was on a show about marriage, I would expect the topic to present itself.  Every time there is a virgin couple, it seems to be a big deal.   I have a hard time having sympathy for people who appear on these shows and then don't know what to expect.  Reality tv has been around for many years now and producers will do anything to make someone embarrassed or start conflict.  If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

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19 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Maybe Josh could give Aika a choice, which would she rather have, a $ 13K diamond ring or a $ 15K vasectomy reversal? "Choose wisely, you can't have both." 

Tough choice.  My first instinct would be the ring, so she would have something of monetary value she could sell.  But, on the other hand, if she really wants a baby, long term, she could probably get a lot more than $13K worth of child support from Josh, after she serves her 2 year sentence with him, gets her green card, and upgrades.  

My prediction.  Josh tells Aika he had the vasectomy reversed, but doesn't really have it done. :)  He doesn't want the responsibility of a child and he certainly doesn't want his "hottest cheerleader" wife to ruin her figure having a baby.  Plus, he gets lots of futile "let's make a baby sex" from Aika.  

Edited by Bryce Lynch
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25 minutes ago, Indy USAF said:

almost all of them are unlikeable and/or pathetic with unlikeable family and friends.  They need to have a few more people to root for?  How are the lovestruck young water buffaloes coming along:)

Excellent!!!!  Too funny.  I think many of us would find that story much more interesting than watching another season of these toerags.  Between the Two Virgins, The Dynamic Duo of Bahtman and Golddigger, The Waterboy and the Hot Cheerleader, Laurel and Hardy Visit Morocco, and Molly and Her Mr Mom/Maid, most of us have had a craw full already. Bring on The Water Buffaloes.

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25 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Tough choice.  My first instinct would be the ring, so she would have something of monetary value she could sell.  But, on the other hand, if she really wants a baby, long term, she could probably get a lot more than $13K worth of child support from Josh, after she serves her 2 year sentence with him, gets her green card, and upgrades.  


That 13k ring would be worth shit if she tried to sell it.

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3 hours ago, funky-rat said:

It may well be.  I wouldn't want my personal home on national TV.  It's also been said that many of the homes that Leah Remini goes to on her Scientology show are rented for the show.

This would make sense after the ex church members on the show tell their stories about ending up impoverished but all seem to have nice homes in California, no less.

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1 minute ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

This would make sense after the ex church members on the show tell their stories about ending up impoverished but all seem to have nice homes in California, no less.

Or having COS goons know where you live.....

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35 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Tough choice.  My first instinct would be the ring, so she would have something of monetary value she could sell.  But, on the other hand, if she really wants a baby, long term, she could probably get a lot more than $13K worth of child support from Josh, after she serves her 2 year sentence with him, gets her green card, and upgrades.  

IIRC, she wanted a 2ct ring for $13k. A decent - not amazing, but just decent - 2ct diamond cost way waaaay more than $13k. And any fine jewelry is never going to net the seller what they paid for it. It's normally a huge loss when trying to re sell jewelry. I'd say a shitty, crap stone ring like that, she'd be lucky to get $4-5K at most. On a good day. With a chump buyer. That said, you cant squeeze money from someone who doesnt have any, and let's face it, Josh is never going to be a decent earner. The dude is how old and lives with how many room mates? Aika is fucked any way she looks at it. Best to go home now and start fresh.

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6 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Knowing Josh, she’d find out later that Her Precious (the ring) is a CZ.

The $13k ring was the 2 carat heart shaped ring at the jewelry store, not the hand me down from ex-Mrs. Josh ring, so it would be real.  But, jewelry stores mark their rings up greatly.  If the $13K was the full retail price, (and it normally sold for around $8,000) she would probably only get a few thousand for it.  If the $13K was already the discounted price, off a list of maybe $20K, she might get $6K or $7K for it.  

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6 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Actually, the United Pentecostal Church denies the Trinity, which is one of the most important fundamentals of the faith and is, theologically considered a cult, by most Christian groups.

In reality, groups like the UPC, with heretical theology and odd practices, or groups that have something closer to traditional Christian beliefs, but who tend to identify themselves around a misinterpretation or over emphasis on a particular scripture or scriptures, and things like having huge families, snake handling, health and wealth or women not cutting hair or wearing pants, are what people think of when they hear the word "Fundamentalist".  

As, a result, a lot of Evangelical or other conservative Christian groups (like Evelyn's church) tend to avoid being labeled "Fundamentalist", because of the stigma that has been attached to it because of the wackos.

I was part of the United Pentecostal church for years until I studied my way out of Christianity altogether, went back to my Jewish roots, and then became an atheist lol. It's been a long road. Yes, we did not believe in the trinity as most Christians do. We believed that the father, son, Holy Ghost were one and that the Bible stated that very clearly. We did not believe that they didn't exist. The word "trinity" is not in the Bible. So we still considered that to be the fundamentals and literal and inspired word of god. It was our interpretation and we thought everyone who did not see it that way was wrong. Each individual church denomination thinks they're correct and others are wrong. So, what I'm saying is, if UPC thinks they're correct and believes they are fundamentalists, then to them they are. They may be different from mainstream fundamentalism, but how can I claim that any of it is right or wrong or any of it is the literal word of god when I personally believe it's all bullshit? Just like the UPC believed the baptists next door were misinterpreting what the Bible said and were in danger of hellfire. The point is they BELIEVE they are correct. So what is a fundamentalist if the Bible is fiction? It's interpreted in a thousand different ways. It's not really worth debating. I just think that Evelyn can be a fundamentalist and still wear a bathing suit depending on her interpretation of a book that she believes is literal and inspired by god. 

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1 hour ago, Bryce Lynch said:

While, I agree that a man who does not want to have sex should not marry a woman expecting to have sex, I don't think we have seen even a shred of evidence that David Spain is "asexual" or homosexual or whatever.   

Lots of people who don't like talking about sex, very much enjoy having sex.  I think the term for them is "men".  :)

This is especially true when a) The person is inexperienced in sex b) The person comes from a conservative upbringing where sex is not discussed a whole lot c) Most importantly when the discussion about sex is going to be made public to millions of people (and snarked about on the internet).  

I venture to guess that a lot of people who are concerned about David Spain's reaction, would respond in a similar manner if the TLC cameras were shoved in their face and their partner said it is time to starting talking about our sex life.  

I agree, the conjecture is kind of hysterical.  There is no evidence that he is gay or asexual or can't get it up or hates sex or won't have sex a lot and won't bop Evy. He was mortified she brought this up on TV. He was mad at her, embarrassed, just furious and needed a break. I don't like him and it was a pretty over the top reaction, but trying to use this as proof that is he gay or not going to consummate and then Evelyn can divorce him or unable to get it up is just silly. I guess that is what we do here, conjecture wildly over every scene on the show!

Edited by calpurnia99
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something was fishy about the fire station. I guess Chris had the electricity and heat turned on? And sheets were on the bed. I guess someone came by and put sheets on the bed? I guess he has employees in the area. I think the apartment itself is fine for their situation (homeless and jobless). A bed, a bedroom, a bathroom, a toilet, a shower, a kitchen and a  sofa to sit on. it's fine better than a dirt floor and shitting into a hole in the ground.

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1 hour ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Lots of people who don't like talking about sex, very much enjoy having sex.  I think the term for them is "men".  :)

In my experience, that's not the majority.  I don't think I know man who would run out of a room aghast because a beautiful woman was talking about her plans to have sex with him that day/month/year/lifetime. 

David didn't change the subject or get shy... he bolted, somewhat disgusted by the notion, and she said he's done this when she tried to talk to him privately also. 

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1 minute ago, Nowhere said:

I was part of the United Pentecostal church for years until I studied my way out of Christianity altogether, went back to my Jewish roots, and then became an atheist lol. It's been a long road. Yes, we did not believe in the trinity as most Christians do. We believed that the father, son, Holy Ghost were one and that the Bible stated that very clearly. We did not believe that they didn't exist. The word "trinity" is not in the Bible. So we still considered that to be the fundamentals and literal and inspired word of god. It was our interpretation and we thought everyone who did not see it that way was wrong. Each individual church denomination thinks they're correct and others are wrong. So, what I'm saying is, if UPC thinks they're correct and believes they are fundamentalists, then to them they are. They may be different from mainstream fundamentalism, but how can I claim that any of it is right or wrong or any of it is the literal word of god when I personally believe it's all bullshit? Just like the UPC believed the baptists next door were misinterpreting what the Bible said and were in danger of hellfire. The point is they BELIEVE they are correct. So what is a fundamentalist if the Bible is fiction? It's interpreted in a thousand different ways. It's not really worth debating. I just think that Evelyn can be a fundamentalist and still wear a bathing suit depending on her interpretation of a book that she believes is literal and inspired by god. 

I don't really want to get off topic, but the Modalist view of the Godhead espoused by the UPC is considered serious heresy by essentially every major Christian denomination, including ones that don't agree with one another and many things.   

My point is that groups that the average person thinks of as "fundamentalists" are often heterodox groups that deny one or more of the fundamentals that the Fundamentalist movement were based on, or are groups with more or less orthodox (with a small o) theology, but ones that tend to build much of their identity around their (often wrong, exaggerated or subjective) interpretations of a few Bible verses, on things like handling poisonous snakes, women's wardrobes and appearances, signs and wonders, prosperity, bible versions, having lots of kids, etc.   

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