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Season 5 Discussion


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I don’t understand what Evelyn and David talked about or even had in common that made them decide getting married was a good idea.  I’m sure she thought it was exotic having an older European husband, but he should have had a much better idea about what needs to be ironed out before two people make a life together.  He agreed to support her music wherever it takes her and while I agree it seems to tie her down, he knew the music included her family.  Did he really think her whole family would uproot and move around?  I don’t care for either of them, but he is being a real jerk.  He picked a young, inexperienced girl and now he needs to deal with the consequences.  This marriage seems like a bad idea for both of them.

I don’t understand why Luis needs to watch Molly’s little girl.  Who watched her beforehand?  Molly has a good job and should be able to afford good childcare.  Moving Luis into their lives and having him be the caretaker for her girl is too much for both of them.  They needed room to get to know each other and get comfortable.  I also think bringing a stranger into her household with young girls is insane, but at least she could try to minimize the damage and allow them time to get to know each other.  Molly is selfish and she expects everyone to move at her speed and do everything she wants.  I think her father needs time, too, but she pushes everyone and cries that they’re not supportive.  Being supportive works both ways and she should have some empathy for the feelings of others, especially her daughters.

Did anyone get the idea that Libby was inferring Andrei could possibly work for daddy under the table?  She seemed to keep be saying, “Well, no he can’t legally work for 90 days.”  It just gave me the feeling she was saying that maybe he could work for daddy – wink wink, nudge nudge!

  • Love 7
14 minutes ago, Dobian said:

  Similarly, Josh's friend needed to stfu to Aika.  The guy acts more like Josh's jealous girlfriend than his friend.  Same with Elizabeth's sisters.  I don't get friends and family who think they can stick their nose into other people's business like that, it's weird.

I'm going to stick up for Joe, and (slightly) Family Elizabeth.  All they have to go on is what they've been told and Josh, and Elizabeth have talked a lot of shit about their intendeds.  Both groups are acting hesitant based off of what their friend, or family member, who they presumably trust, has given them.   

Maybe Joe would have been less confrontational if Josh had said, "Aika would like a new ring, because right now she has the one I gave my ex, but the one she wants is too expensive for me.  And before she came I gave her the impression that I was buying a Porsche, so I guess I can see why she might not understand my true financial situation."

But that's mature so it will never happen on this show.

  • Love 3
36 minutes ago, Chickabiddy said:

This. All of this. 

Plus, I have some sympathy for David Spain. Don't get me wrong - David Spain is a raging asshole. However, I am going to give him a pass for some of Claremont hate and bitchiness. Moving countries is HARD. I love Europe. I get Europe. I have been to Europe a lot. My mom is French. However, when my husband and I moved to Germany, I HATED every minute of my first few months. I had no job. I had no friends. It was a lonely adjustment period - and my husband was a great person who did his best to help, unlike Princess Raging Asshole. However, adjustment is just hard. You miss your old life and how comfortable you were doing even the tiniest things. David doesn't even have his own space. You get homesick for your comfort zone, for your sense of control over your own life, for that sense of belonging. I never love America more then when I am living away from her. Distance and homesickness add a glossy sheen to all your memories and experiences. I am the first to poke fun at America and and American culture, but God forbid some poor German would try to take the piss in front of me while I was in Germany, and I would have a go at them. You get over protective of YOUR home. Evelyn and her parents have NO sympathy and very little respect for anything other than Claremont. "There is no European dream." They are so tone deaf and self absorbed. that they don't realize that by proclaiming Claremeont the bestest place ever, they are slighting David's home and his feelings. Solomon's too busy feeling sorry for himself that he might lose his sister and the precious band that he can't even see beyond his own self absorption to have 0.000002 ounces of sympathy for David. Evelyn and her whole clan are always me, me, every day all the time.  I can't blame David for wanting to push back a little.  

I think some of this is a self-sustaining spiral into hell LOL. Evelyn is worried that David wants to move her away from her family so she gushes about Claremont. David never had any intention of living in Claremont. He assumed they would go to Virginia because he figured an 18 year old girl would just do what he says. So he is pissed and starts crabbing about everything in Spain being better. So Evelyn gets worried he isn't loving Claremont and ramps up the glories of Claremont. So David gets pissed and hates it even more. Both are acting like teenagers. The problem is, only one of them is a teenager.

  • Love 8

Molly and Luis could never work because they are in vastly different stages of their lives.   Luis’s mature life as an adult has not even started.  He has no marketable skills and has chosen NOT to transfer his dishwashing/bartending skills to the US.  I bet my first child that there are hotels in the Georgia area where they live.  Has he made any inquiries at any of those hotels?  I don’t see him looking into newspapers or online for jobs.  Unless Molly wants to keep him as a “kept man” and just cover all his expenses in exchange for babysitting and occasional mediocre sex.   There’s vacation sex and there’s post marriage sex.  It takes a healthy and loving relationship to sustain good sex throughout a marriage.  Not easy.

Molly just wants to be married to check that box.  Luis doesn’t know what he wants and saw this as an adventure.  Now that he is seeing what it takes to be married, he’s coming up with all kinds of scams to get out of it.  Molly is delusional in thinking that she can build a relationship that would sustain a marriage while at the same time planning for an “extravagant” wedding.  Evelyn is on the same trip, concentrating 99% on the wedding, and 1% on building a relationship and having “heart to heart” talks.  

David Spain despises Evelyn and Evelyn is slowly realizing that they are not meant to be together.  Neither of them has the balls to come out and just say it.   People from Spain can travel to the US for 90 days under a visit visa.  They should have use those 90days for that and then, once a relationship was actually formed, something with roots, then start talking about getting married.   In normal relationships, a lot of stuff needs to happen, lots of interactions, lots of situations, before talk of marriage is brought up.   These clueless couples, lured by the 15 seconds of fame that being on TV gives you, have deluded themselves into thinking they don’t need all that time to build a relationship and that they could take a shortcut.   There are no shortcuts to great things.

I read in a book years ago that “the dating process leading up to marriage is a series of disclosures about everything.”    A big wedding does not a relationship make.   You build a strong relationship (a foundation) and then build a marriage on top of that (a house)…not the other way around!!!

  • Love 14
39 minutes ago, Normades said:

He agreed to support her music wherever it takes her and while I agree it seems to tie her down, he knew the music included her family. 

With or without the Family Evelyn Band, musicians are like Nomads, they have to go where the next gig is...The Rolling Stones, JLo even the Partridge Family have had to travel to where ever the next gig/money was, does Evelyn think she will holding sold out concerts in their local arena or concert hall?  

  • Love 7

Molly and Luis could never work because they are in vastly different stages of their lives.   Luis’s mature life as an adult has not even started.  He has no marketable skills and has chosen NOT to transfer his dishwashing/bartending skills to the US.  I bet my first child that there are hotels in the Georgia area where they live.  Has he made any inquiries at any of those hotels?  I don’t see him looking into newspapers or online for jobs.  Unless Molly wants to keep him as a “kept man” and just cover all his expenses in exchange for babysitting and occasional mediocre sex.   There’s vacation sex and there’s post marriage sex.  It takes a healthy and loving relationship to sustain good sex throughout a marriage.  Not easy.

Molly and Luis are proof that you should never marry the stranger you had sex with while on vacation. And Luis can't work legally until they get married and he gets his green card. That's why none of the fiancés from overseas have jobs yet.

  • Love 7
13 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

With or without the Family Evelyn Band, musicians are like Nomads, they have to go where the next gig is...The Rolling Stones, JLo even the Partridge Family have had to travel to where ever the next gig/money was, does Evelyn think she will holding sold out concerts in their local arena or concert hall?  

While that's true of most musicians, I don't think it holds true for Evelyn.  They seem to play area churches and festivals, etc. and I doubt they've moved around all that much up to this point.  This is something that should have been discussed.  If it had been, David would have realized that Evelyn planned on staying put for the foreseeable future.  I don't understand what he expects out of the marriage.  He doesn't seem to like her much, hates the area, winced when she "sang," and seem uncomfortable on the preview discussing sex.  What are his motives??  They are both very unlikable, but at least some of Evelyn's behavior can be chalked up to youth.  

  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

Molly and Luis are proof that you should never marry the stranger you had sex with while on vacation. And Luis can't work legally until they get married and he gets his green card. That's why none of the fiancés from overseas have jobs yet.

That may be what TLC wants people to think, but - copying from @Bryce Lynch above - this is the actual law:

"Permission to Work

After admission, your fiancé(e) may immediately apply for permission to work by filing a Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization with the USCIS Service Center having jurisdiction over your place of residence. Any work authorization based on a nonimmigrant fiancé (e) visa would be valid for only 90 days after entry. However, your fiancé (e) would also be eligible to apply for an extended work authorization at the same time as he or she files for permanent residence. In this case, your fiancé(e) would file Form I-765 together with Form I-485 as soon as you marry."

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Dobian said:

Yeah he was way out of line.  He had a right to jump on David for what he said but no right to talk his fiance like that, it's none of his damn business.  He's not her family or friend so he needs to stfu.  Similarly, Josh's friend needed to stfu to Aika.  The guy acts more like Josh's jealous girlfriend than his friend.  Same with Elizabeth's sisters.  I don't get friends and family who think they can stick their nose into other people's business like that, it's weird.

I remember a couple of seasons back, there was a very ugly scene when Brett's haggardly friend confronted Daya about her intentions. She was so nosy and invasive, and the whole thing was painful to watch, especially because Daya clearly had genuine feelings for Brett! And, grandma came off like a jealous girlfriend for sure. It was very hurtful to Daya and it certainly didn't make her feel welcome, especially on top of Brett's mom's behavior. (Brett's mother actually boycotted the wedding which was outrageous.)

At one point, Daya cried so hard she was hyperventilating. When she said she wanted to go home, she really meant it.

The worst part about it was the Daya really did leave everything behind to be with Brett, and she was missing her family desperately. She could have used a female friend, but what she got from Brett's mom and grandma friend were two enemies.  Sad.

(Unlike Aika and Luis, who keep throwing the going home thing out there like a pawn in some crazy out-of-control chess game.

Fortunately for Daya, Brett regained his footing and his ballsack. In future seasons, he stood by his wife. He should have done it from Day 1, but at least he did the right thing in the end, and I give him credit for that. Theirs was a true love match as opposed to Aika, who would be happy to switch Josh for another dope at this point.

I get that people marry for a lot of reasons, but when the person is so purely mercenary and out for what they can get, it's just difficult to stomach, even when they're "nice."

Fortunately, I'm not the one having to marry Aika. I can just sit on the sidelines and be snarky. What's that called? A gadfly. That's it. I'm good at that.

Josh's friend does need to STFU even though he's right, right as rain. And, Aika is not the least bit hurt by his words because she's not really emotionally invested in any of it. I'm sure she's got a fondness for Josh, but that's quickly fading. His friend is just an obstacle to be fought on her path to a green card and nice things. 

I could be wrong here, but Aika seems more calculating and more motivated by greed, whereas Annie is motivated by desperation.

Annie is not at all calculated. She's just clutching at Bhatman like a drowning man trying to scramble onto a life raft. Hopefully he will float for her.

As for Elizabeth, she's loving the drama! Andrei is picking off the members of her family one by one, fighting her battles, and she couldn't be more pleased. Sitting quietly at that table, her eyes lit up with pleasure, almost brighter than her lips, and surely Andrrrrei got a blowjob that night.  I do agree with those who have said that he doesn't really know who he is marrying. However, theirs does seem to be a genuine love match and I wish them well.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Normades said:

While that's true of most musicians, I don't think it holds true for Evelyn.  They seem to play area churches and festivals, etc. and I doubt they've moved around all that much up to this point.  This is something that should have been discussed.  If it had been, David would have realized that Evelyn planned on staying put for the foreseeable future.  I don't understand what he expects out of the marriage.  He doesn't seem to like her much, hates the area, winced when she "sang," and seem uncomfortable on the preview discussing sex.  What are his motives??  They are both very unlikable, but at least some of Evelyn's behavior can be chalked up to youth.  

There has got to be churches in Virginia and community festivals that need a talent challenged singer.  

What would be worse for Evelyn, admitting that she and David should not be getting married or getting divorced?

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

What does the black population of New Hampshire or Claremont have to do with this show?  David is just a whiner. He could care less about how many black people live in that town. I'm sure he would like to more people of Latin ancestry, but black people, not so much. Also, do you really think David is that concerned about about the attempted lynching?  I doubt it.  He is, after all, European and racially white. 

Someone brought up diversity in Claremont and someone said, who cares if Claremont isn't diverse because lack of diversity doesn't mean a town won't accept outsiders.

So there's that.

But it's good to know that whites couldn't possibly care about lynchings. Kinda bolsters the argument about people living insular, segregated lives. 

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

That may be what TLC wants people to think, but - copying from @Bryce Lynch above - this is the actual law:

"Permission to Work

After admission, your fiancé(e) may immediately apply for permission to work by filing a Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization with the USCIS Service Center having jurisdiction over your place of residence. Any work authorization based on a nonimmigrant fiancé (e) visa would be valid for only 90 days after entry. However, your fiancé (e) would also be eligible to apply for an extended work authorization at the same time as he or she files for permanent residence. In this case, your fiancé(e) would file Form I-765 together with Form I-485 as soon as you marry."

I wonder how long those applications take to process.  I wouldn't be surprised if by the time the work permit for the 90 day fiance period gets approved, the 90 days are almost up.  Plus, once the permit is approved, they would need to find work, which might not be easy for an immigrant.    

But, once they are married, I think they can get the work permit well before the  2 year green card period.  

  • Love 4
Just now, Bryce Lynch said:

I wonder how long those applications take to process.  I wouldn't be surprised if by the time the work permit for the 90 day fiance period gets approved, the 90 days are almost up.  Plus, once the permit is approved, they would need to find work, which might not be easy for an immigrant.    

But, once they are married, I think they can get the work permit well before the  2 year green card period.  

Even so, they keep insisting on the show that the fiance(e) CAN'T work for the 90 days.  More like they DON'T because they don't want to bother with the permit.  Seems to me you could apply for the work permit as soon as you have K-1 in hand . . . and the forms can be obtained online.  Most of the people on the show seem to go from their homeland to the USA pretty quickly after being granted the K-1, so there's not a lot of lead time to apply for the work permit and have it processed before arrival.

We just don't see any evidence that any of them even try.  If Andrrrrrei wants to start out as a truck driver, is he taking classes to qualify for his trucking license?  Are any of these folks even putting in job applications with an "available" date for the future?  Is Luis applying at nearby bars to be a bartender when he's approved for a work permit?  It's more like they got the visa to marry and become the live-in pet of the citizen.  

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Kangatush said:
1 hour ago, Dobian said:


I'm going to stick up for Joe, and (slightly) Family Elizabeth.  All they have to go on is what they've been told and Josh, and Elizabeth have talked a lot of shit about their intendeds.  Both groups are acting hesitant based off of what their friend, or family member, who they presumably trust, has given them.   

Maybe Joe would have been less confrontational if Josh had said, "Aika would like a new ring, because right now she has the one I gave my ex, but the one she wants is too expensive for me.  And before she came I gave her the impression that I was buying a Porsche, so I guess I can see why she might not understand my true financial situation."

But that's mature so it will never happen on this show.

Right? They presented their partners in the worst possible way, but want to act surprised about the friction between their family and partner.

I've heard more than once that you should be careful what you say about your relationship to friends and family - especially in the heat of the moment. Any trash talking you do will stick with them and cause strain later on.

  • Love 9
59 minutes ago, brillia79 said:

Someone brought up diversity in Claremont and someone said, who cares if Claremont isn't diverse because lack of diversity doesn't mean a town won't accept outsiders.

So there's that.

But it's good to know that whites couldn't possibly care about lynchings. Kinda bolsters the argument about people living insular, segregated lives. 

As has been discussed, there are good reasons other than racism that NH and the rest of that region would have low black populations.  The fact that colonial and early American NH residents were LESS racist than Southerners and for the most part did NOT have slaves, caused the baseline black population to be very small.   After slavery ended, there wasn't a whole lot of reason for blacks to move there.  It is cold, there were few if any large cities with jobs, and they could find better opportunities for farming type jobs hundreds of miles closer.  Freed slaves and there descendants likely avoided NH for a lot of the same reasons David doesn't want to live there...cold and no jobs.

Who says whites don't care about lynchings?  There was one incident involving children 13 and younger and the details are not clear.  The mother of the 8 year old claims it was intentional, the mother of the 13 year old claims it was an accident during horseplay.  I do wish more details would come out, but there hasn't been any new reporting I can find for a couple of months.  If it was indeed intentional, it is a horrible act and the boys involved need some severe consequences along with some help (if they can be helped).

  At any rate, what happened is a reflection on the boys who did it and their parents, but not on an entire community or state.  

48 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Even so, they keep insisting on the show that the fiance(e) CAN'T work for the 90 days.  More like they DON'T because they don't want to bother with the permit.  Seems to me you could apply for the work permit as soon as you have K-1 in hand . . . and the forms can be obtained online.  Most of the people on the show seem to go from their homeland to the USA pretty quickly after being granted the K-1, so there's not a lot of lead time to apply for the work permit and have it processed before arrival.

We just don't see any evidence that any of them even try.  If Andrrrrrei wants to start out as a truck driver, is he taking classes to qualify for his trucking license?  Are any of these folks even putting in job applications with an "available" date for the future?  Is Luis applying at nearby bars to be a bartender when he's approved for a work permit?  It's more like they got the visa to marry and become the live-in pet of the citizen.  

I am willing to bet that Luis applied for a job at the strip club, and asked if he can be paid in ones. :)

Edited by Bryce Lynch
  • LOL 1
  • Love 14
1 hour ago, Normades said:

While that's true of most musicians, I don't think it holds true for Evelyn.  They seem to play area churches and festivals, etc. and I doubt they've moved around all that much up to this point. 

I bet they hardly do any live gigs. I would be willing to bet a shiny quarter that they're about 90% YouTube and trying to gather followers. Maybe they play the occasional youth service at their church, you know, to let the young folks know that church can be cool!

  • Love 7
On 11/27/2017 at 2:55 AM, Teddybear said:

I'd like to dissect the "Ninja turtle penguin batman ass bitch" insult.  What a weird hilarious string of random words!!  Penguin because David was wearing a black and white outfit?  We call him Baht-man here but I'm not thinking that was Antonio's intent. LOL.  I personally think he should have thrown Teletubby in the mix because that's what David looked like sitting with his legs in the pool looking completely wasted.  Annie has really grown on me---she seems so sweet and I am sad she may not have the wherewithal to leave his ninja turtle ass.  

He does kind of look like the Penguin as played by Danny DeVito. Ninja Turtle because he rounds his spine and doesn't stand up straight.

  • Love 4
18 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

White supremacists march and sadly probably always will, but their numbers are tiny compared to in 1966.

Individual numbers may be lower than 50 years ago, but the reality is that hate group/white power group numbers are on the rise over the last decade. Anti-muslim groups are seeing the highest rise, but other white nationalist group numbers are  increasing. Even in tiny NH there are neo-Nazi and KKK groups. source: Southern Poverty Law Center

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Bryce Lynch said:


  At any rate, what happened is a reflection on the boys who did it and their parents, but not on an entire community or state.  


I agree with everything you said however for me the Claremont police made a huge mistake when they  said, after the boy was released from hospital with neck rope burns, bruises and open wounds that that there wasn't enough evidence for an investigation.  Not good. That reflects on the community based on the actions of their PD. State AG took over quickly.  I can see where David might wonder what kind of fresh hell he has moved into. 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
  • Love 14
1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

There has got to be churches in Virginia and community festivals that need a talent challenged singer.  

What would be worse for Evelyn, admitting that she and David should not be getting married or getting divorced?

I'm sure you're right, although you did say talented, so Evelyn need not apply.  What I'm saying is that I don't think Evelyn told David how she traveled around with her singing career.  Also, since she is in the family band, I'm sure it was clear that she planned to stay near the family.  If they didn't discuss this, shame on them both and if they did shame on David for expecting something different than what had been presented.  

I think it would be worse in Evelyn's mind to not get married because that would be admitting her friend and others were right.  Plus she wouldn't get that super special princess days that apparently all girls dream of (except me).  Now if they divorce, she can spin it into David's fault and at this point, I'm sure she would be partially correct.   Now in my opinion, of course I think it would be best for Evelyn, David, Solomon, Mom, Dad, the Family Bank, Claremont, and humanity in general if they called the wedding off.  Especially if they actually procreate before this whole thing goes south.  I hope they're not the type of fundies who shun birth control.  I sure can't see either one of those selfish twits raising 12 kids!

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, Stripper Glitter said:
On 11/26/2017 at 9:48 PM, jumper sage said:

The whole stripper thing was just too stupid.  I am taking a survey - how many of you wanted strippers at any type of party?  If someone is getting married why would they want a stripper?

Married for 23 years. Didnt have a bachelorette party and if I'd had one, I would not have wanted strippers. Ew.

I've been to strip clubs many times, but usually female strip clubs that happen to also have a male revue going on on one side. That way our whole group of friends, male or female, could go together and have fun. I've also been to just male nights. I've never been to a male specific club. Having said all that, the fun part was always being with my friends and mocking the whole damn thing, or tipping the folks - regardless of gender - who were damn good dancers or who did stunts or whatever. For me, and actually in my experience the girls with me, there wasn't anything specifically sexual about it. I mostly remember really not wanting them to touch me because they were SUPER oily. Every time. And I distinctly remember this one time that I kept thinking that I recognized one of the men and it turned out that he was my regular FedEx driver at my office and that was HELLA awkward for a very long time because he also knew my SO. I'm pretty sure that was the last time I went - at that point real-life adulthood and party life smashed into each other too hard. Kind of like I stopped going clubbing regularly when I was teaching right out of college and I started running into my STUDENTS at dance clubs. No bueno!

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

David and Evelyn are very, very bad at expressing themselves. Evelyn is laying it on so thick I can almost understand David pushing back some. The breakfast place is the Best Breakfast Place Ever. The apples are the Most Delicious Ambrosia of the Gods. The view is the Most Beautiful, Awe-Inspiring Panorama that Ever Delighted the Eyes of a Human. Jesus, girl, dial it back. It must be exhausting to be around her. "We're going down Main Street, Claremont. The most Delightful Thoroughfare of Any Town in the United States". "We're going to Target in Claremont Mall. Its the Most Unique and Original Assortment of Stores Ever Assembled in One Place". "My mom is cooking an egg. Isn't it the Freshest, Most Delicious Egg Ever Cooked?" Don't mistake me, David is acting like a sulky 7 year old. But against the constant onslaught of the Wonderful Specialness of Claremont, I can almost see why.

OMG!! Totally this exactly. I honestly never got any kind of negative vibe regarding Claremont from David Spain until she started with the shtick!

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Who says whites don't care about lynchings?  There was one incident involving children 13 and younger and the details are not clear.  The mother of the 8 year old claims it was intentional, the mother of the 13 year old claims it was an accident during horseplay.  I do wish more details would come out, but there hasn't been any new reporting I can find for a couple of months.  If it was indeed intentional, it is a horrible act and the boys involved need some severe consequences along with some help (if they can be helped).

You should ask the person I quoted in my comment. They implied that since David is white and European, he probably doesn't care about a lynching.

What kind of horseplay ends with a half black child having rope lacerations and bruising around their neck? The kind where a white parent is lying to protect their racist kid... and cover up what they learned at home... of from their sleepy little town.

  • Love 10

Evelyn: GO TO COLLEGE!!! why no college for her? This strikes me as very odd as most young women today go to college! It's a normal part of life and growing up. I think some women who are not book-minded and are interested in a trade decide not to go to college, but I think Evelyn is the type who usually goes to college.

My mother was ranked 6th in her very large High School (Sewanaka) in 1958. She did not go to college because she wanted to become a wife and mother. She said the guidance counselor called her in. She was embarrassed because she knew her family was poor and could not afford to send her anyway. She told the counselor that she wanted to be a wife and mother. She said there may have existed scholarships but she never heard anything about it. 

Why is Evelyn acting like a woman in the 50s? Get an education for godsakes!!

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, brillia79 said:

Someone brought up diversity in Claremont and someone said, who cares if Claremont isn't diverse because lack of diversity doesn't mean a town won't accept outsiders.

So there's that.

But it's good to know that whites couldn't possibly care about lynchings. Kinda bolsters the argument about people living insular, segregated lives. 



4 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

What does the black population of New Hampshire or Claremont have to do with this show?  David is just a whiner. He could care less about how many black people live in that town. I'm sure he would like to more people of Latin ancestry, but black people, not so much. Also, do you really think David is that concerned about about the attempted lynching?  I doubt it.  He is, after all, European and racially white. 

Not really. He's considered Mediterranean, along w/ Greeks, Italians, Egyptians, Moroccans, Lebanese, etc. The Mediterranean region consists of Southern Europe, North Africa and some other places in the Middle East, so there is some diversity in looks but no one is going to mistake him for Jesse from the Netherlands. Ppl w/ no cultural exposure see a guy w/ "swarthy" skin and hear the accent and they assume he is a Muslim terrorist or an illegal Mexican or one of the other "piss races." And yes, members of those groups are marginalized in all sorts of ways, too. So he definitely may want to see that there are others besides Western European descendants there. But I think he's even more interested in the "mentality" of ppl from big racially diverse cities as opposed to actual census data.

Edited by balisticnikki
  • Love 8
13 minutes ago, calpurnia99 said:

Evelyn: GO TO COLLEGE!!! why no college for her? This strikes me as very odd as most young women today go to college! It's a normal part of life and growing up. I think some women who are not book-minded and are interested in a trade decide not to go to college, but I think Evelyn is the type who usually goes to college.


If Evelyn went to college she would have to leave Claremont. If you are Claremont bred, in Claremont you must remain. I'm starting to think they have a lottery every year, if you know what I mean.

Edited by Pepper Mostly
  • Love 23
3 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

If Evelyn went to college she would have to leave Claremont. If you are Claremont bred, in Claremont you must remain. I'm starting to think they have a lottery every year, if you know what I mean.

Maybe they can talk Solomon into applying for college in the DMV area. What's he got planned for the next 60 years?

I was really annoyed at David pissing all over All Things Claremont. I get that once you’ve seen the Alps or the Rockies or the Andes that the mountains of New Hampshire might be unimpressive, but appreciate the beauty and live in the moment, FFS! Going to an apple orchard in the foothills  of the mountains of New Hampshire would have been my idea of a nice way to spend the day. And yes, I’ve been to the Alps and the Rockies, but I would live in the moment and just enjoy it for what it is.  Beauty is everywhere you look. 

Maybe, I have maturity on my side, or maybe my health has made me realize that you can’t take anything for granted and simple pleasures make for some of the best experiences.  Unless this was scripted (which it probably was) to make David Spain the contrarian, joyless, stick up his butt foil for Evelyn’s Claremont cheerleading, all I see is these two engaged in a power struggle that’s nasty and toxic and won’t end well. 

  • Love 17
9 minutes ago, calpurnia99 said:

Evelyn: GO TO COLLEGE!!! why no college for her?

At least get a degree in Music Education to fall back on in case your singing career doesn't pan out. I get the impression she's pretty much "self-taught" and thus doesn't have the necessary musical training (and TALENT!) to get accepted into a competitive college music program, but there must be plenty of colleges within a couple of hours of Claremont where she could hone her skills while learning about other ways of sharing her music with others that would pay the rent. She could still "gig" on the side. There are probably millions of highly talented and trained professional musicians who can't make a living as performers, so Evelyn is being extremely unrealistic. Then again, she might be the type that doesn't think she needs education (that wouldn't surprise me in the least)...

  • Love 10
2 minutes ago, magemaud said:
32 minutes ago, calpurnia99 said:

Evelyn: GO TO COLLEGE!!! why no college for her?

At least get a degree in Music Education to fall back on in case your singing career doesn't pan out. I get the impression she's pretty much "self-taught" and thus doesn't have the necessary musical training (and TALENT!) to get accepted into a competitive college music program, but there must be plenty of colleges within a couple of hours of Claremont where she could hone her skills while learning about other ways of sharing her music with others that would pay the rent. She could still "gig" on the side. There are probably millions of highly talented and trained professional musicians who can't make a living as performers, so Evelyn is being extremely unrealistic. Then again, she might be the type that doesn't think she needs education (that wouldn't surprise me in the least)...

Who needs education or talent when you have God on your side? He will provide for and protect that special little snowflake that is Evelyn. 

I truly believe that is her plan for life. She and her whole family seem to think that good things will just fall into her charmed lap. 


24 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I'm starting to think they have a lottery every year, if you know what I mean.

Ha! Brilliant reference. And this may just be the reason that Evelyn is just so certain that God will provide...and why she must not leave Claremont ever, ever, ever. ;-) 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Bryce Lynch said:

As has been discussed, there are good reasons other than racism that NH and the rest of that region would have low black populations.  The fact that colonial and early American NH residents were LESS racist than Southerners and for the most part did NOT have slaves, caused the baseline black population to be very small.   After slavery ended, there wasn't a whole lot of reason for blacks to move there.  It is cold, there were few if any large cities with jobs, and they could find better opportunities for farming type jobs hundreds of miles closer. 

You keep bringing up these points but they haven't actually been discussed.  I'm curious about them because they seem logical, but aren't borne out by research. Slavery has a LONG history in New England, including the buying, selling and breeding of African, West Indies and Native American slaves. At various points during the colonial period areas of New England's population was anywhere from 2% to 30% slave - Rhode Island had a heavy population that almost mirrored southern plantation life, in point of fact. Once of the largest black Baptist churches in the US in the 19th century was in Boston and New Haven was a mecca for African Americans in the northeast - both largely do their status as port cities. The  While many New England states generally emancipated around the time of the Revolution, they also enacted codified systems of behavior that were basically the same as the Jim Crow south long before the Jim Crow south existed. These included ability (or lack thereof) to vote (although NH AA's did have the right to vote by 1860) or own property, miscegenation laws, and segregation. The two great migrations of African Americans in the late 19th and early 20th century didn't flock specifically to New England, but not necessarily because it was cold, because the factory type jobs that pushed them towards cities in Ohio and Michigan, etc., were already taken (when present) by lower income white immigrants. Because, again, New England included the port cities where immigrant arrival was common.

  • Love 9
12 hours ago, hisbunkie said:

Didn’t he say he lost several hundred pounds?  I wonder if he had weight loss surgery?  He has a weird shaped body and a strange gait when he walks. Wonder if he lost all that weight @nd is experiencing binge drinking episodes. 

Yes he lost a couple hundred and yes he had bariatric surgery. But by the taping of 90 Day, he has already gained a shit ton of it back (as compared to the Tobo video). Yes, a lot of ppl w/ "failed" bariatric surgery get that exaggerated pear shape which looks awful but I guess is still healthier than an apple. And the surest fire way to gain your weight back after bariatric surgery is to binge drink alcohol bc it's absorbed so fast into the bloodstream, you don't have to pace yourself within the limits of your tiny stomach.

  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, balisticnikki said:

And the surest fire way to gain your weight back after bariatric surgery is to binge drink alcohol bc it's absorbed so fast into the bloodstream, you don't have to pace yourself within the limits of your tiny stomach.

Also, alcoholic beverages are calorie dense with no nutritional value. Maybe Guinness Stout has some iron and some B vitamins, but that’s about it.  It’s a way for David Poor and others to take in extra calories without filling up.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

As has been discussed, there are good reasons other than racism that NH and the rest of that region would have low black populations.  The fact that colonial and early American NH residents were LESS racist than Southerners and for the most part did NOT have slaves, caused the baseline black population to be very small.   After slavery ended, there wasn't a whole lot of reason for blacks to move there.  It is cold, there were few if any large cities with jobs, and they could find better opportunities for farming type jobs hundreds of miles closer.  Freed slaves and there descendants likely avoided NH for a lot of the same reasons David doesn't want to live there...cold and no jobs.


Having less slaves doesn't make you less racist. 1 in 7 new Yorkers was enslaved in 1776. Colonial populations of cities in New England in the 1600's often had more slaves than free people. The difference between the North and South was that the North was a society with slaves while the south was a slave society. It has nothing to do with levels of racism. The lovely Brown family of Brown University were slave traders and the number one financial activity" for Rhode Island from 1720 to 1807 was the slave trade. NH moved backwards and forwards regarding anti-slavery legislation and didn't officially ban it until 1857. Was the situation as bad as the south? No, It wasn't. But NH and NE in general isn't exactly a bastion of racial harmony.

38 minutes ago, shockermolar said:

You keep bringing up these points but they haven't actually been discussed.  I'm curious about them because they seem logical, but aren't borne out by research. Slavery has a LONG history in New England, including the buying, selling and breeding of African, West Indies and Native American slaves. At various points during the colonial period areas of New England's population was anywhere from 2% to 30% slave - Rhode Island had a heavy population that almost mirrored southern plantation life, in point of fact. Once of the largest black Baptist churches in the US in the 19th century was in Boston and New Haven was a mecca for African Americans in the northeast - both largely do their status as port cities. The  While many New England states generally emancipated around the time of the Revolution, they also enacted codified systems of behavior that were basically the same as the Jim Crow south long before the Jim Crow south existed. These included ability (or lack thereof) to vote (although NH AA's did have the right to vote by 1860) or own property, miscegenation laws, and segregation. The two great migrations of African Americans in the late 19th and early 20th century didn't flock specifically to New England, but not necessarily because it was cold, because the factory type jobs that pushed them towards cities in Ohio and Michigan, etc., were already taken (when present) by lower income white immigrants. Because, again, New England included the port cities where immigrant arrival was common.

I think we were posting at the same time.  I'm actually writing a paper right now on Abolition  in the Caribbean and Latin America. I study Atlantic History which covers the slave trade A LOT.

  • Love 11

I'm married to a Latino so I'm picky about Mexican food. I live in a small town, in which we have 4 Mexican restaurants alone in the county, all within 10 miles of each other. Only one is a true Mexican taqueria, the man who owns it is Mexican and migrated here. Worked a mill job and cooked plates on the side until he built up a clientele enough to open an actual restaurant. The other 3 are American-Mexican and serve normal chain type food, burrito plates etc. I only eat at the Taqueria one because the food is awesome there and I like to support small businesses over chains. Plus their food doesn't appeal to me.

In my opinion, which no one whatsoever has asked for (lol), if a Mexican restaurant doesn't serve Horchata and Tortas, it's not a true Mexican restaurant.

I'm from Georgia and we have an abundance of American-Mexican restaurants. 

Back on topic to the show, I don't like very many of the participants, except for Annie, Aika, and May.

  • Love 3
35 minutes ago, shockermolar said:

You keep bringing up these points but they haven't actually been discussed.  I'm curious about them because they seem logical, but aren't borne out by research. Slavery has a LONG history in New England, including the buying, selling and breeding of African, West Indies and Native American slaves. At various points during the colonial period areas of New England's population was anywhere from 2% to 30% slave - Rhode Island had a heavy population that almost mirrored southern plantation life, in point of fact. Once of the largest black Baptist churches in the US in the 19th century was in Boston and New Haven was a mecca for African Americans in the northeast - both largely do their status as port cities. The  While many New England states generally emancipated around the time of the Revolution, they also enacted codified systems of behavior that were basically the same as the Jim Crow south long before the Jim Crow south existed. These included ability (or lack thereof) to vote (although NH AA's did have the right to vote by 1860) or own property, miscegenation laws, and segregation. The two great migrations of African Americans in the late 19th and early 20th century didn't flock specifically to New England, but not necessarily because it was cold, because the factory type jobs that pushed them towards cities in Ohio and Michigan, etc., were already taken (when present) by lower income white immigrants. Because, again, New England included the port cities where immigrant arrival was common.

How about probably the top reasons those states have low black populations is because it's cold as fuck, rural as hell and lacking the job opportunities one would find elsewhere. There are plenty of suburbs in Massachusetts and Connecticut if one wants to have more land and not be too far from a real city. People can work in NYC and live in a Connecticut suburb. I say this as a black person who grew up in Boston and went to summer camp for years in Maine, has skied in Vermont, etc. I don't know anyone--black or white--who would want to live in Claremont. This couple is idiotic or very scripted because it doesn't make any sense that they would not have discussed this issue a long time ago. David should have done some research.

  • Love 6
45 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

I was really annoyed at David pissing all over All Things Claremont. I get that once you’ve seen the Alps or the Rockies or the Andes that the mountains of New Hampshire might be unimpressive, but appreciate the beauty and live in the moment, FFS! Going to an apple orchard in the foothills  of the mountains of New Hampshire would have been my idea of a nice way to spend the day. And yes, I’ve been to the Alps and the Rockies, but I would live in the moment and just enjoy it for what it is.  Beauty is everywhere you look. 

Maybe, I have maturity on my side, or maybe my health has made me realize that you can’t take anything for granted and simple pleasures make for some of the best experiences.  Unless this was scripted (which it probably was) to make David Spain the contrarian, joyless, stick up his butt foil for Evelyn’s Claremont cheerleading, all I see is these two engaged in a power struggle that’s nasty and toxic and won’t end well. 

I agree with what you said but have a different take on it as well.

On a trip to Finland my seat-mate was a lovely young Swedish woman who'd lived a few years in Australia. She was returning to Sweden to spend time with her mom and family. We kept in touch way past my trip and she visited me twice. Once with her boyfriend who she dumped when they returned because he turned out to have a myoptic view of her well-rounded cultural education. The other time she came with another young lady and they both stayed with me.

One evening I took them to Pt. Fermin and told her friend we were standing on the edge of California. She thought that was awesome. I then asked her what was the prettiest sunset she'd ever seen? She said "Hawaii". Right then I realized just how well-travelled they both were and how easily they immersed themselves into the places they'd been. It also told me I had more traveling to do because I'd never been anywhere that had a beautiful sunset. A lot of exciting places but not one that had awesome sunsets.

I don't think David was being elitist at all.  I think the Family Evelyn needs to expand.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Kellyee said:

Molly and Luis are proof that you should never marry the stranger you had sex with while on vacation. And Luis can't work legally until they get married and he gets his green card. That's why none of the fiancés from overseas have jobs yet.

I don't mean work for pay, but more work for being active and not sitting on your butt all day.  I frankly couldn't stand to be idle for 90 days and do not trust those who do, unless they are retired or sick.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:
2 hours ago, magemaud said:
2 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

Evelyn: GO TO COLLEGE!!! why no college for her?

At least get a degree in Music Education to fall back on in case your singing career doesn't pan out. I get the impression she's pretty much "self-taught" and thus doesn't have the necessary musical training (and TALENT!) to get accepted into a competitive college music program, but there must be plenty of colleges within a couple of hours of Claremont where she could hone her skills while learning about other ways of sharing her music with others that would pay the rent. She could still "gig" on the side. There are probably millions of highly talented and trained professional musicians who can't make a living as performers, so Evelyn is being extremely unrealistic. Then again, she might be the type that doesn't think she needs education (that wouldn't surprise me in the least)...

Who needs education or talent when you have God on your side? He will provide for and protect that special little snowflake that is Evelyn. 

I truly believe that is her plan for life. She and her whole family seem to think that good things will just fall into her charmed lap. 

You're absolutely right. I was going to put in her "all things are possible through Jesus" philosophy but I always find it hard to believe people just sit back and pray for things to happen without doing anything to help themselves achieve a goal (apart from going on a reality TV show). Personally, I feel that God has many more important prayers to answer than Evelyn's dream of becoming famous.  Edited to add: I'm a firm believer in the old adage "God helps those who help themselves." 

Edited by magemaud
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, brillia79 said:

You should ask the person I quoted in my comment. They implied that since David is white and European, he probably doesn't care about a lynching.

What kind of horseplay ends with a half black child having rope lacerations and bruising around their neck? The kind where a white parent is lying to protect their racist kid... and cover up what they learned at home... of from their sleepy little town.

I don't really want to litigate the case, since we don't know all the facts.  It seems like both sides say all the kids put their head through the noose.  The victim's family say the boys tricked him and then intentionally pushed him off the table with the noose around his neck.  The other boy seems to be claiming he came back and pushed the boy later, not realizing his neck was in the noose.  I lean towards believing the victim's side, though since it is a juvenile case not too many details have been released, which is frustrating.  Let's assume it was intentional.  That means the 13 year old and probably his parents are vile.  Assuming the whole community is like them is not fair, though, IMO.  If someone who lives around the block from you shoots someone in the head, is that a reflection on you? 

  • Love 6

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