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Season 5 Discussion


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4 hours ago, Real Eyes said:

Depends on the man's age.

My husband lived in both then Leningrad and Kyiv.  He grew up in Kyiv and said when he was a child, one never saw women at football (soccer) games, this in a stadium of over 60,000 people.  He said it was expected women would be home with their children, and if there was a woman there, men literally gasped.

Maybe back then it was, who knows. From your earlier post, I guess it was around late 1950s-early 1960? At that time it was common in America to call a woman "toots" ☺

  • Love 3
40 minutes ago, Ivanova said:

Maybe back then it was, who knows. From your earlier post, I guess it was around late 1950s-early 1960? At that time it was common in America to call a woman "toots" ☺

1970’s until he left, which was 2  1/2 months after the collapse. 

He was a child in the 1960’s, and remembers that divorces were published in the local paper and they were deemed scandalous. 

In 1991, he was doing some work in a restaurant (he worked for the city and they had contracts with different businesses). A woman alone asked for something minor, he doesn’t even remember what. The man she asked told her to f  off. She said “How dare you speak to a woman in such a manner.”  The man responded “You’re not a woman. Women are at home, cooking dinner for their families. You’re just a common slut.”  And pretty much everyone around nodded in approval. 

My husband told me this was such a common scene he barely paid attention. It was one of the reasons he rarely went to restaurants - that and the risk of food poisoning. 

Edited by Real Eyes
  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Pachengala said:

I actually really enjoy watching Azan with May--he seems natural and affectionate and sweet with her in a way her own mother does not--but think his changing her diapers is inappropriate. No one changes my 2yo's diapers except me, my husband, or her grandmother, period. I can't even imagine letting a new acquaintance (to May) perform such a private act. 






I totally agree. I wouldn't let a man other than the child's father change her diaper.  Azan is really good with May, I agree.  Nicole needs to get off her lazy ass and do it..

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, Ivanova said:
13 hours ago, Porkchop said:

I read recently that in Russia, there are 450 professions that women cannot participate in.

What are they?

I Googled it and you can find the industries/professions...but the list is WAY TOO LONG to incorporate here.   Also, Google had to translate the Russian page for me.

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, brillia79 said:

Because rape and diapparanty srespect of women is limited to clubs. 

Every issue I have mentioned has come up on these threads. Even how omen dress in clubs and why it's a problem. You see, your problem with me is that I do read.

So like I expressed previously, you'll have to stay home from a lot more places to avoid rape. Oh, wait, women get sexually assaulted in their homes by people they know. Sometimes by, gasp, abusive husbands.

Paternalism fails yet again.


I think this is just a matter of, nobody is right, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion of what their personal boundaries would be in this situation. Not everyone has to be as open-minded or conservative as their neighbor.

Andrei comes from a culture where it is highly unusual for married women to go to clubs as a "girls' night" without husbands, and Elizabeth  apparantly is unwilling to compromise by going to restaurants rather than clubs. At this point she is definitely free to make up her mind if she wants to be with  Andrei at all. I believe the situation is not about avoiding dangerous situations, but avoiding temptations. I honestly do not think that Elizabeth would want Andrei going to a nightclub with a bunch of guy friends, because clubs are very "meat market" and typically guys do not keep to themselves at clubs. 

Ths is beside hthete point that unless her father will pay for those things a s well, ELizabeth should probably not be spending her part-time income on going out.  

To sum it up, not everyone in the world has exactly American cultural values, and they shouldnt have to conform to them if they do not wish to. If I recall correctly, I believe Andrei mentioned he also would not be going to clubs without ELizabeth. So that wouldnt even be an issues having to do with women's lib. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Matias130 said:

To sum it up, not everyone in the world has exactly American cultural values, and they shouldnt have to conform to them if they do not wish to. If I recall correctly, I believe Andrei mentioned he also would not be going to clubs without ELizabeth. So that wouldnt even be an issues having to do with women's lib. 

 Nor should Americans have ro conform to Moldovan values. Especially when living in America. I'm not a "Rah Rah USA" type, but I never understand why people clamoring to trash Americans will downplay or ignore questionable behavior from other cultures. Like a woman being called a slut who should be home cooking for her husband for the crime of going to a restaurant.

Andrei deciding for himself that he doesn't want to go to clubs is fine. If I were a bouncer and the club was my workplace, I'd be over it too. Him deciding that his wife can't go is not (she still wants to go or she wouldn't bring it up). That is not mutual respect. That's like a parent/child relationship. Elizabeth may go along with that in order to get that ring. But if it didn't bother her, we wouldn't have heard about it.

I think she won't have the energy to go clubbing often if she's working a full time job for someone other than her father. That's what did clubbing in for me. That 9-6 plus commute zapped all my spare energy. I also refuse to go anywhere where I'll be standing in heels in pain. Clubs only provide seats for people who pay $$$ for bottle service.

The temptation issue goes right back to trust. If you can't even trust your partner in a relationship where you're still in the mad love glowy phase, then you probably don't know them well enough to get married. Doing so under 90 day government duress is a bad idea.

Edited by brillia79
  • Love 2
9 hours ago, balisticnikki said:

Permanently? Do you think she'd have the nerve to leave kensley permanently & run off w him?

Honestly, I don't think she would.

I would hope not but she is so desperate for a man. There are some women who will sacrifice their kids in some way shape or form for the sake of their boyfriend( pawning them off to relatives) I read extreme situations in the paper everyday. Molly would never harm her kids though. She is a mama bear.

She was supposed to take Olivia to NY but instead she went to DR to see Luis. That to me is a slap in the face. Some may consider that not a big deal but I would.  It’s very tellling.

Kensley will get the brunt of it since Olivia is older.  

  • Love 5
On 11/20/2017 at 9:47 AM, Pepper Mostly said:

Right there with you, @Chickabiddy. Andrei handled himself with grace and style. Elizabeth looked like a teenager next to him, with her pouting and puffing. Andrei stood when Libby's gleefully ignorant father and brother entered, shook hands (with a firm and manly grip, I bet), listened respectfully when they spoke, answered their quesitons plainly, bore their denigration of his homeland without smacking their ignorant faces, and all in all behaved like an adult with good intentions. Elizabeth's dad and bro acted like knuckle dragging cretins, mocked Andrei and his country openly, spoke to Elizabeth like she was a child, and of course pulled the old "how do I know you're not just in this for that holy of holies, a green card"? And while we're on that subject, fun fact, Father Elizabeth--you don't get to hate on your daughter's intended for being both a lazy moocher who is only pretending to love your silly daughter so he can get his mitts on a green card, AND an evil furriner who is going to whisk your more precious than rubies little princess off to some benighted foreign land. Pick a side. But mostly, take a seat. You are ridiculous.


Here, here!

Pepper Mostly, I would stand up and applaud, except, I'm curled up under a Snuggie right now and I don't want to move the dogs.

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, liammaam said:

I would hazard a guess that most of us who are stating that we are very uncomfortable with Luis' interactions with the kids, have been molested ourselves as children.  We tend to know one when we see one, you know?   At the very least, he's a lech, because the way he switched on the porn moves during that dinner just to piss off Olivia was incredibly disturbing.

Honestly, though?  This falls on Molly for not protecting her daughters from even the *possibility* of this happening. 

I also am quite disgusted with Nicole for letting Azan change Mae's diapers, FWIW.   No one, other than IMMEDIATE family and known, trusted caregivers, gets to do that with my daughter.  I am hyper vigilant, and even that won't always protect my kids from the evils out there... but dammit,  I am not going to make it *easy* for the predators.   

Some people expect pedophiles to be snaggletoothed monsters dragging a trail of slime behind them, but these guys look downright innocuous sometimes. I think being a victim of it makes you more sensitive to it, but you don't have to be in order to be aware of this as well as the stats. Statistically speaking, when you move a man into the house who is not the biological father, the chances of a child being molested go way, way up. And the fact that these women are putting their children in the hands of strangers is disturbing. I don't get the same creepy vibe from Azan as I do from Luis, nothing close to it. But, still, Azan is an unknown and he shouldn't be doing that! Besides, by the time he gets to the states, Mae will be long out of diapers.

Luis has done things that pedophiles do. He has shown a disrespect for boundaries, emotional and sexual. That doesn't mean he is one. It just means he's a creep. And he does know better! Molly is just taking a horrible risk.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 13
On 11/22/2017 at 7:43 AM, Neurochick said:

I agree, Kensley is a brat, but Luis doesn't like children.  

My UO is I feel uncomfortable about this belief that he's a molester/abuser/rapist in training.  It feels a lot like "everybody's picking on the brown guy" to me, especially with Olivia's nasty xenophobic comment.  Girlfriend needs to shut it because she doesn't look 100% white to me at all.

I think the problem is Molly.

I get that there are xenophobes walking around and I'm not thrilled with that. There are full-blown racists right in Molly's family.

However, I get the impression that people here are uncomfortable with Luis because of his behavior. He's made some pretty crude comments to an underaged girl, and he continued to make them after being asked not to do so. The fact that refuses to comply is disturbing. It doesn't mean that he's a pedophile of course, but it is a very bad sign. And, the fact that she's leaving her kids a complete unknown makes it worse. 

His taunting behavior with a small child was also very disturbing even though it wasn't sexual. She already has a father. He was blowing her small world apart, and he became offended, a grown man.

I hate the stuff that Molly's family is spouting. I hate it! But I don't want to side-step around these red flags because of Luis's race, either.

It is devastating to hear that commentary coming from Olivia because you know that she's probably heard granddad say some vile things that have really bashed her self-esteem about her own ethnicity. Sad, sad, sad.

Molly is a big idiot for allowing a stranger in, and she's NOT putting her kids first! I wish she would quit squawking that. 

Edited by CoachWristletJen
adding something about Olivia
  • Love 10
On 11/21/2017 at 0:16 PM, AZChristian said:

I have tried really hard to NOT accuse Luis of improper behavior (other than being clueless).  

HOWEVER, anyone who is 24 and has nieces and nephews - anywhere in the world - should know better than to make inappropriate comments to a minor, and ESPECIALLY should know not to touch (or even appear to touch) a little girl's private areas.  I don't have the episode on DVD so I can't check it, but I did not see him just put her into the swing and inadvertently touch that area.  He appeared TO ME to be returning to that spot more than once when pushing the swing.  WHO PUSHES A SWING FROM THE FRONT?  Surely they had swings in the DR, and everyone knows that the best way to push is from the back.  

I cannot be objective.  I was molested for 12 years as a child.  Molesters love to be sneaky and get away with as much as they can.  My molester loved to press his knee up against me under the dining room table; if I moved my leg, he would stretch farther to continue.  Luis may have been totally innocent, but it made the hair on the back of my neck go up to watch him with Olivia in the swing.  If he doesn't know how to interact appropriately with minors better, someone needs to teach him.  Right now.

I'm so sorry that happened to you.

I hope narcissistic Molly reads every word written about herself, and I hope she sees this and it makes her think.

I noticed that Luis seemed a little handsey on the swings as well. And, it's NOT a cultural thing. 

I wouldn't have noticed it save his other inappropriate behaviors piled on top of each other. He's a social worker's nightmare!

What Luis does know: He can get away with anything and Molly will tolerate it. She may screech and bluster a bit but in the end all he has to do is threaten to go home and he will get his way because he knows she is desperate. He will rule the roost before long which means kicking out brother Chaw Tobacco before it's all over.

I hope nothing ever happens to those girls because Molly would be sitting on a couch with her velociraptor wails, "HOW COULD I KNOW? HOW COULD I POSSIBLY KNOW?"

You don't know, Molly. That's why you don't trust your kids with strangers. She was looking into her phone while all of this was going on [the swing]. Had to check those Facebook stats.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 6
12 hours ago, liammaam said:

I would hazard a guess that most of us who are stating that we are very uncomfortable with Luis' interactions with the kids, have been molested ourselves as children.  We tend to know one when we see one, you know?   At the very least, he's a lech, because the way he switched on the porn moves during that dinner just to piss off Olivia was incredibly disturbing.

Honestly, though?  This falls on Molly for not protecting her daughters from even the *possibility* of this happening. 

I also am quite disgusted with Nicole for letting Azan change Mae's diapers, FWIW.   No one, other than IMMEDIATE family and known, trusted caregivers, gets to do that with my daughter.  I am hyper vigilant, and even that won't always protect my kids from the evils out there... but dammit,  I am not going to make it *easy* for the predators.   

No, just common sense and decency having been respected as a child. Not only professional training but parents who were advocates for child health and welfare. 

  • Love 4
21 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Well said.  

My issue with Luis and Molly's daughters doesn't have to do with molestation, but how Molly seems to have forced him on them.  I compare Molly and Luis to Melanie and Devar from last season.  For one, Melanie and Devar had more in common than sex and Melanie's son welcomed Devar more as a pal than a father, since he already had a father.  I think Molly should have brought her daughters to DR to meet Luis and his family, instead of forcing him onto them.  

Good point. I think Melanie and Devar seemed like a better match physically, too. There was mutual attraction there and similar age. And Devar was smarter than Luis, not that it would be difficult.

Also, I got the impression that Devar and Melanie's son had a fair amount of computer FaceTime chatting before they met in person to help facilitate their relationship. Completely different situation.

On 11/20/2017 at 10:20 PM, balisticnikki said:

It's horrible, isn't it?

He has afro hair & puts a relaxer in it to make it straight. The first season, the cut was just a regular high fade. This season he's trying to do that trendy style White yuppy guys wear now (think Fredric from New York Million Dollar Listing) but it doesn't work with Azan's hair.


Looks like he's wearing a Bump It. Remember those things Nancy Grace looked like she had on her head all the time?

  • Love 3
On 11/23/2017 at 7:24 AM, CoachWristletJen said:

Statistically speaking, when you move a man into the house who is not the biological father, the chances of a child being molested go way, way up.

I agree with others here and don't think Luis is a pedophile.  Statistics also show "boyfriends in the house" are to blame for many children's injuries and deaths...especially when the mother is out working and she expects said unemployed boyfriend to take care of the child/children.  I see more potential for Luis to lose his temper and hit "disrespectful" Kensley rather than do anything sexually.

Edited by Former Nun
changed "beat" to "hit" (which is more what I mean)
  • Love 10
15 hours ago, liammaam said:

I would hazard a guess that most of us who are stating that we are very uncomfortable with Luis' interactions with the kids, have been molested ourselves as children. 

 Or if not ourselves, someone very close to us was.

After seeing how they suffered, I swore I would never have my kids in a situation where it could happen, if I could possibly prevent it.

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, Former Nun said:

I agree with others here and don't think Luis is a pedophile.  Statistics also show "boyfriends in the house" are to blame for many children's injuries and deaths...especially when the mother is out working and she expects said unemployed boyfriend to take care of the child/children.  I see more potential for Luis to lose his temper and beat "disrespectful" Kensley rather than do anything sexually.

True. We've already seen him be mean. And, he doesn't like kids. Not her kids, anyway. He seems to enjoy causing them problems. No doubt he resents the hell out of having to babysit. I shudder at the thought of his long days alone with that little girl. How else will he taunt her? Denying her food? Delaying her lunch by an hour or three? He's mean.

I'm not saying he will do these things. I'm saying any mother is a fool for leaving her kids alone with a man who doesn't like them.

I'm NOT saying Luis is a pedophile or someone who beats children. I'm saying he's an unknown. And, he gives off a creepy vibe...because of several of his actions.

  • Love 11
8 minutes ago, Cbean Girl said:

She didn't mention her but I think she's trying to sound like her or something close

That is just a really popular sound at the moment. My friend is a vocal coach in LA and he said more thsn 75% of the young women he gets these days has that same Evelyn sound. The rest are trying to be Jennifer Hudson and, instead, come off as screeching witches.

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, brillia79 said:

 Nor should Americans have ro conform to Moldovan values. Especially when living in America. I'm not a "Rah Rah USA" type, but I never understand why people clamoring to trash Americans will downplay or ignore questionable behavior from other cultures. Like a woman being called a slut who should be home cooking for her husband for the crime of going to a restaurant.

Andrei deciding for himself that he doesn't want to go to clubs is fine. If I were a bouncer and the club was my workplace, I'd be over it too. Him deciding that his wife can't go is not (she still wants to go or she wouldn't bring it up). That is not mutual respect. That's like a parent/child relationship. Elizabeth may go along with that in order to get that ring. But if it didn't bother her, we wouldn't have heard about it.

I think she won't have the energy to go clubbing often if she's working a full time job for someone other than her father. That's what did clubbing in for me. That 9-6 plus commute zapped all my spare energy. I also refuse to go anywhere where I'll be standing in heels in pain. Clubs only provide seats for people who pay $$$ for bottle service.

The temptation issue goes right back to trust. If you can't even trust your partner in a relationship where you're still in the mad love glowy phase, then you probably don't know them well enough to get married. Doing so under 90 day government duress is a bad idea.

Still disagreeing, but everyone's entitled to their own opinion!

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, mamadrama said:

That is just a really popular sound at the moment. My friend is a vocal coach in LA and he said more thsn 75% of the young women he gets these days has that same Evelyn sound. The rest are trying to be Jennifer Hudson and, instead, come off as screeching witches.

Those seem to be the two popular vocal types on the last few seasons of The Voice, too. I had to stop watching because all the judges kept praising that breathy warbling with the affected pseudo-Irish accent. Just not appealing to me at all, but Evelyn is definitely "on trend" in that sense. 

  • Love 3
On 11/22/2017 at 9:59 AM, calpurnia99 said:

I don't think Molly and Luis have anything in common except fucking. Can Molly talk to Luis about anything important to her? I once dated a Latino guy who was a few years younger. Sex was great but after about 6 weeks I realized the guy had no brains at all. He was just plain dumb. I see Molly eventually realizing that Luis shares none of her opinions or can even follow her train of thought or interests. I don't think she is an intellectual, however she did start a business so she has some smarts. Her dumb girl accent and voice makes you think she is dumb she is not.  I think Luis has no smarts at all,  so they really will have nothing to talk about. Part of this is the age difference. But also they are just not compatible intelligence-wise.

Once the thrill of fucking wears off she is going to realize she married a total fool and she has nothing in common with him. I don't think Luis is an abuser, I think he is just STUPID. Has no idea that you don't talk like that to a 17 year old. Even after being told he insists it is perfectly fine. He has no common sense. This is going to really wear on Molly when it happens over and over again concerning various subjects a married couple will run into.

Molly is one horney old broad.  She has never been able to get any guy to marry her.

I wonder how she even got set up in the lingerie business..maybe daddy?

Leaving her boy toy home with her underage girls is surely a recipe for disaster.

Idol hands being the devil's workshop for sure.

I wish they would show and tell us more about her business

I've always had a bad feeling about what she's doing 'working' all those long hours in lingerie!

On 11/23/2017 at 6:17 AM, Matias130 said:

I think this is just a matter of, nobody is right, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion of what their personal boundaries would be in this situation. Not everyone has to be as open-minded or conservative as their neighbor.

Andrei comes from a culture where it is highly unusual for married women to go to clubs as a "girls' night" without husbands, and Elizabeth  apparantly is unwilling to compromise by going to restaurants rather than clubs. At this point she is definitely free to make up her mind if she wants to be with  Andrei at all. I believe the situation is not about avoiding dangerous situations, but avoiding temptations. I honestly do not think that Elizabeth would want Andrei going to a nightclub with a bunch of guy friends, because clubs are very "meat market" and typically guys do not keep to themselves at clubs. 

Ths is beside hthete point that unless her father will pay for those things a s well, ELizabeth should probably not be spending her part-time income on going out.  

To sum it up, not everyone in the world has exactly American cultural values, and they shouldnt have to conform to them if they do not wish to. If I recall correctly, I believe Andrei mentioned he also would not be going to clubs without ELizabeth. So that wouldnt even be an issues having to do with women's lib. 

See, I think Elizabeth is embellishing and acting.  Because when they are together, I see a vibe of a good relationship.  

  • Love 7

Molly had a show on tv with her business partner where they would make custom bras for people who couldn't buy off the shelf. Was strange but she' quirky. 

I just thinkthat the age gap will cause problems. And the way he' telling her daughter to have sex lol. It' boring when all their scenes have her being a mommy to him and disciplining him telling him he can' say this and that. And leaving him alone for endless hours with the kids. 

I guess he' funding out that work will always come 1st. Her kids 2nd. Her family 3rd and on.......he will always be last unless she' horny. 

  • Love 2

Someone said David Poor looks like he’s packing on the pounds( I think manboobs was mentioned)

I would guess the alcohol is the main culprit. I’ve read that many people who have had the operation become alcoholics.  They give up one vice for another. It’s easier to drink the calories than eat. They can drink small amounts 

and get drunk.

  • Love 5
On 11/12/2017 at 7:57 PM, Granny58 said:

Hi all.  We're considering scaling back our cable and getting some sort of streaming service (Hulu, Sling, whatever).  Does anybody here do this and what service do you use?  I don't want to give up 90 DF.  Thanks.

We have Directv Now. $30 a month,no contract, and I watch 90DF live.

  • Love 2
On 11/19/2017 at 2:14 PM, Natalie68 said:

Not a fan but I am also not her audience.  I am hopeful she never makes it enough to do a college tour cause I am NOT listening to this for a full concert!

She needs to sing with Closed Captions because she cannot enunciate to save her life! I listened to 30 seconds and had no idea if the water was ruuuuuuunning or raaaaaaaaaaaining or roooooooooooaming. 

Performance Skills 101. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Bridget said:

She needs to sing with Closed Captions because she cannot enunciate to save her life! I listened to 30 seconds and had no idea if the water was ruuuuuuunning or raaaaaaaaaaaining or roooooooooooaming. 

Performance Skills 101. 

Like I said.  She’s a big fish in a small pond and was probably heaped upon with praise and adulation every time she pooped in the toilet.  Everyone tells her how good her singing is, how sweet and pretty and pure she is....no one criticizes Snowflake, EVER. She’s a mere babe in the woods, and so sheltered that she’s no idea just how “real” real life is about to get for her.

The preview notes on Comcast says that David will reveal his true nature.  Probably will be nothing, but maybe we will find out he’s really not so nice.  He’s definitely got a stick up his ass.

  • Love 2
19 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Like I said.  She’s a big fish in a small pond and was probably heaped upon with praise and adulation every time she pooped in the toilet.  Everyone tells her how good her singing is, how sweet and pretty and pure she is....no one criticizes Snowflake, EVER. She’s a mere babe in the woods, and so sheltered that she’s no idea just how “real” real life is about to get for her.

The preview notes on Comcast says that David will reveal his true nature.  Probably will be nothing, but maybe we will find out he’s really not so nice.  He’s definitely got a stick up his ass.

I used to live in Boston and had lots of friends who went to Berklee & NE Conservatory. I wish I could be a fly on the wall if she ever walked down the street where either campus is located! The talent literally oozes out of the dorms. Everyone is jamming, all day, every day. Surely she MUST know about the "real talent" in the city, hence her big fish/small pond attitude.

I find her especially obnoxious because the delusions that she has about her "talent" is ridiculous. FamilyEvelyn has totally brainwashed her about her actual ability, along with WallpaperBorderProducer. They have done her zero favors.

Sheltered or not, homegirl also has zero common sense, and that is one of my pet peeves. It makes me want to send her a ton of CDs of people with actual talent! I know I can label the box as follows & she'd receive it!

The Band aka Evelyn

Claremont, NH

  • Love 4
17 minutes ago, Bridget said:


I find her especially obnoxious because the delusions that she has about her "talent" is ridiculous. FamilyEvelyn has totally brainwashed her about her actual ability, along with WallpaperBorderProducer. They have done her zero favors.

This is whatI mean.  Even among her own family, there was probably no constructive criticism, other than let’s just do it over or keep practicing.  Nothing like, your tone is flat, or you’ve scared the cat, or the neighborhood dogs are howling.  All professionals have their less than shining moments as well.  Nobody is  “on” all the time, and some people can only sing in certain keys. Evelyn needs to find the keys and range she can actually hit and not fry her vocal cords.

 I agree her family has done her a great disservice in more ways than one. Now, she’s got an overinflated idea of how “talented” she is. They created a monster, albeit a relatively harmless one.

  • Love 3
19 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

This is whatI mean.  Even among her own family, there was probably no constructive criticism, other than let’s just do it over or keep practicing.  Nothing like, your tone is flat, or you’ve scared the cat, or the neighborhood dogs are howling.  All professionals have their less than shining moments as well.  Nobody is  “on” all the time, and some people can only sing in certain keys. Evelyn needs to find the keys and range she can actually hit and not fry her vocal cords.

 I agree her family has done her a great disservice in more ways than one. Now, she’s got an overinflated idea of how “talented” she is. They created a monster, albeit a relatively harmless one.

You're a poet - did you know it? :)

True to everything - all professionals (not just musicians) make mistakes throughout the course of the day. We recover from them, learn how not to repeat them and try to do better next time. 

For performers, the sound mixers at the venue can be awful and your in-ear monitor can go out. It's all stuff one learns "on the go", with real experience. The more one performs and runs into certain "honest mistakes", the better they are at anticipating and THEN preventing a flat note or being pitchy. 

All professionals have some sort of "official training"; it's what makes one a professional. I'm a teacher. I went to college and completed a post-grad year long Teacher Credential program, therefore I'm a professional educator. Doctors go to med school, lawyers go to law school. Beauticians have to go to classes, pass exams and get licensed too. Does't matter what profession one chooses, we all have one thing in common: we've been specifically trained for the task at hand and have had to pass exams. I'm not taking a jab at anyone here who hasn't attended college or isn't a "professional", but if Evelyn wants to be a "professional musician" in that it's how she hopes to contribute to her household, she needs official vocal lessons, a coach, and dare I say, a degree from one of the fabulous music schools only three hours from her hometown?

Although....they require auditions for all of their programs, even music management/business! Not sure Evelyn would get in....which makes the snarker in me happy to think about!

  • Love 2
On 11/13/2017 at 3:36 PM, Jeanne222 said:

EAndre and Elizabeth make me wonder.  Is he right or is he wrong.  If she wants to club why pick Andre?

She has very strange lips and when she puts that bright red lipstick on them and then outlines the top with a darker purple.  Uggg just ugg.  Her mouth looks deformed.  She looks so much better with no makeup on at all.

I wonder if he'll tell her that too!

yes every time I watch I only see her lips. I couldnt decide what it was -- if she just puts it on sloppy or her lips are deformed or what but yes talk about distracting!!

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6 hours ago, Bridget said:

Not sure Evelyn would get in....which makes the snarker in me happy to think about!

I'm a professional musician and music conservatory graduate (Juilliard School). The only Boston school that would train a pop singer is Berklee, and especially since it is unique in that way, it's *especially* competitive for pop musicians. To my knowledge, every other major conservatory in the US trains only classical and jazz musicians; in any case, she would need to be able to read music to even approach the audition -- and like people who can't be bothered taking 20 minutes to learn driving a stick shift, I can't imagine she'd deduct time from re-arranging her impressive closet of high fashion to do so. Fun fact: reading music is very easy and quick to learn, especially since she'd only need one octave (meow) of treble clef to clinch it. That should take a half hour, max.

Edited by BeachyWave
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3 minutes ago, BeachyWave said:

I'm a professional musician and music conservatory graduate (Juilliard School). The only Boston school that would train a pop singer is Berklee, and especially since it is unique in that way, it's *especially* competitive for pop musicians. To my knowledge, every other major conservatory in the US trains only classical and jazz musicians.

True - I just meant "plural schools" in case Evelyn attempted to learn an instrument to add to her skill set. Not that picking one up now would ever get her into NEC. 

 My friends at Berklee were all string students, mostly fiddle players, so I didn't meet a ton of vocalists, but I know it's got a solid reputation in all areas.


Small world re: Juilliard!  What year did you graduate? I have a good friend who went there. I've known her since we were kids. She's a cellist named Natalie Haas. She was there during the same time David Garrett was & told me all about that experience!

I also know Mike Block (cellist); he married my friend (a fiddler who went to Berklee) in 2014.

Might we have any mutual friends?

3 minutes ago, Bridget said:

 My friends at Berklee were all string students, mostly fiddle players, so I didn't meet a ton of vocalists, but I know it's got a solid reputation in all areas.

Berklee is AWESOME. I worked on Broadway in Wicked with its alums who went on to earn Tonys. They were very impressive. NEC would only train opera singers, to my knowledge. I'm older than your set. PM me.

15 hours ago, Ice Princess said:

show on tv with her business partner where they would make custom bras for people who couldn't buy off the shelf. Was strange but she' quirky. 

There's a possibility an unmentioned part of her unmentionables is making lingerie for gentlemen. There is a niche for that, and I would assume these clients need custom sizes.

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1 hour ago, BeachyWave said:

There's a possibility an unmentioned part of her unmentionables is making lingerie for gentlemen. There is a niche for that, and I would assume these clients need custom sizes.

My mom, who is overweight even after her GBS and has an awkward fit in bras, went to Molly's shop. She had an excellent experience. Mom hasn't had a decent fit in years; even lingerie stores don't carry the size and fit she needs. Breast cancer survivors are also popular clientele there.

  • Love 8
1 minute ago, mamadrama said:

mom, who is overweight even after her GBS and has an awkward fit in bras, went to Molly's shop. She had an excellent experience.

Please know I was not discounting this in the least -- I know this is true. I hope your Mom is doing well. I was just pointing out this might be an extra business as she knows how to customize garments.

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