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Season 5 Discussion


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13 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I'm seeing formula in all these shows now.

1. One fiance/e is served a local food, which is ew! gross! to Americans!

2. One fiance/e is either encouraged to be a model (Alexei, Aika) or came to the US to be a model (Anfisa, Pao). Hilarity ensues! Lets look at Sexy Alexei in his boxer briefs or Anfisa in her lingerie!

3. The couples realize that they will have to actually spend MONEY to get married! They will bicker and fight! There will be tears and crying! Will they or won't they?? (fun fact, they will).

4. One fiance/e will want to go out with his/her friends sometimes. and demur on the part of her partner will be greeted by pearl clutching, tears, and huffing by the women of the pair that they are Modern Women who will brook no opposition to what they want to do! Language barriers, cultural differences, wacky misunderstandings! Will they or won't they? (fun fact, they will!)

5. All families will be suspicious and at least one friend or family member will be astonishingly rude, asking straight out if the fiance/e is here "just for the green card"! Host fiance/e will stand to one side, abashed, and not stick up for his or her partner, just look at the floor or shrug and smile sheepishly.

I wish everyone on the production staff of this show would get fired so maybe some new ideas could come into the mix. This staged shit is dullsville and so insulting to the viewers, not to mention the hapless schmoes they cast on this thing. 


I love Aika too. I've known women like her, who love to dress sexy, are always made up, manicured to a fare thee well, always a little on the raffish side, but are warm, kind, capable people. I think she's one. She has a nice warm way about her and she's a good people person--good handshake, repeating people's names as she meets them. She'd do well in sales or in the hospitality business. She needs to run as far from sleazeball Josh as fast as her stilettos will carry her.

Right? A black tux! How original!  And am I the only one who thinks "planning this my whole life" consists of doodling "Mr. and Mrs" endlessly and watching Say Yes to the Dress? She seems to know nothing about actually planning a wedding.

Hahahahahahaha, Mamadrama, and we are here, waiting for you with open arms. Come back, all is forgiven!

I agree with this 100%. If it was a guy saying he wanted to go out and hit the club with his buddies there would be plenty of tsk tsking (I'd certainly be tsk-ing with the best of them) Elizabeth's insistence on going out to a club with her friends seemed off base. She's 27 and getting married. Clubbing shouldn't be looming so large. Unless, as Andrei clearly said, they went together. I smell producer meddling.


Dear god, between David Poor's daughter asking Annie if she "did nails" (WTF!!) and the hag at the model agency saying to Aika that they would definitely promote her ethnicity, yikes.  The two girls sitting on the couch, not saying anything, were just there since it would be their golden opportunity to be seen on TV, I guess? Jesus, if you googled "sleazy model agency" this place would be the first hit.

He's a disgusting pervert scumbag who wants to see people leer at his (nearly) naked wife. He's gross.

I feel like you are reading my mind right now. Only thing I sorta disagree on is the ethnicity comment at the modeling agency. While it seems abhorrent, modeling agencies and marketing departments absolutely cast people with an "image" in mind, and ethnicity, age, etc. are all part of the process. They think her ethnicity will appeal to certain demographics. 

I feel like there used to be at least 1 or 2 somewhat sincere couples per season, but now it all seems choreographed. 

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, Lemons said:

luis might be trying too hard for the cameras and it was gross and inappropriate but Olivia is considered an adult in many aspects according to the law.  Did anyone watch the teen pregnancy program after?  To pretend she's a child and and not having sex is naive and dangerous. Many girls are on the Pill or other long acting birth control by 16  years.  

Hopefully Olivia has been to the doctor. 

Agree that Olivia is not a "child" for the most part (probably only a few months younger than Evelyn and about the same age difference between her and Luis as Evelyn and David). The main problem is the dynamic and context of the situation. Evelyn was (we assume) 18 when she met David and he pursued her as a girlfriend. She liked him, he liked her, everyone is legal, fine. Luis has been moved into Olivia's house as her mom's fiance, which she had no say in. Because of the bizarre 'stepfather' dynamic, he might feel he holds power over her. Totally different situation than her having a boyfriend of the same age. I really hope she gets out of that house as soon as possible. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, lilsadone said:

I can't for the life of me understand how people turn their nose up at something an elderly person spent hours making, or making in their honor - simply because it's unusual.


If you eat meat, you should not have any issues eating sheep head.


If you eat gummy bears or anything else with gelatin you have eaten every disgusting part of every animal you can imagine - including boiled skin, hooves and horns. Same with sausage. 


Grow the F up. 

I have to say a slight nay to this one.  I adore meat.  But generally of the muscle variety, like a steak, not brain.  And I've made plenty of sausage.  Basically muscle and fat.  Industrial hot dogs are a different story.  I've even had my share of offal (the innards), and I simply don't like the taste.  I'd have an issue with a whole head being presented to me.  Now I'm an adult, so I'd keep my freak out purely internal and eat the head, but I wouldn't just dive in, no hesitation.

  • Love 8
On 11/12/2017 at 4:25 PM, mamadrama said:

I kinda dig Aika. I just wish they'd get the camera out of her ass.

Me too. And even if she was looking for American men, I can't believe she settled on this bozo; especially since she speaks Tonga and is also Vietnamese. Let's be honest; she is way out of his league. They called her......fiance??  in to consult in selling her ethnicity? She can be ethnic, but not pregnant? Welcome to America, Aika!

Evelyn and David are so contemptuous that it makes me uncomfortable.

Poor poor David has no real relationships. Even his daughter was rolling her eyes.

If Luis doesn't actually love Molly, I'll eat my hat. Not that I condone it, but I understand the blurred lines with Luis and her daughters. Jesus Christ, have a little perception at 42 years old, Molly! Especially since you have a live in indentured servant now.

Wasn't initially a fan of neanderthal Andrrrrei, but I actually believe that in this episode (only) he was saying the Tarzan version of, "I'm hoping that when we are married you won't be wearing crop tops, going to bars to meet your girlfriends to drink Fireball and say, "WOOOOO!!" 

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Sprockets said:

I think Andrei has the body, mind and soul of a bouncer, and that is why he got the job as a bouncer.  He oozes menace, and while I do think Elizabeth likes to make hersefl moist by irritating him, he is basically just a thug all the way through.  She is playing with fire.  

I don't think he oozes menace, nor do I think he is a thug.  He is very direct, which is very characteristic of the region he is from, as are his attitudes.  He is working in a foreign country where he is not living in his native tongue, and has come from what was, until recently, the poorest country in Europe.  He probably hasn't had many opportunities.

  • Love 12
11 hours ago, Nowhere said:

To be fair, he only said that he would be sleeping in there now. I don't think Kensly knows what will be going on before sleep actually occurs. Anyway, she should have been told she can't sleep in bed with Molly anymore, but it wasn't Luis' place to tell her. He needs to slow down and let Molly talk about this stuff with her kids. He has a very weird habit of saying everything he thinks. It will only get worse. 

I agree it will only get worse. Luis has a weird habit of saying what he's thinking... when he can turn it around to sex.  Even his comment about spanking a 17-year-old girl seems a little creepy now in light of all we've heard.

And, the fact that not only will he not stop when asked, he gets off on it! There is a Weinsteinesque quality to the bullying that he does. He's observed plenty of desperate women in his line of work and he knows Molly will put up with anything. This is his house now, and he's taking over. If it comes down to Uncle Corn Hole or him, she'll tearfully choose him.

Yes, the girls were talking about dating and boyfriends over pool, but Luis took a sharp turn into the darkness. And, no doubt when Molly brings it up, he'll blame them. Just like he'll blame her daughter for seducing him.

Again, to me the most salient aspect in all of this is that he doesn't stop when asked. He gets off on not stopping. And he will pretend to be a victim of cultural misunderstanding. He will feign a lot of things. He's been doing this stuff his entire life!

1 hour ago, Quof said:

Nope. They started "talking" when she was 15.  On Judge Judy, "just talking" is how one gets babies. 

There's a good chance that she was seventeen when she first went to visit him. He does get credit for not laying a hand on her (other than kisses and hugs). And, he was in it for the long haul, marriage. Still... 15? Eeeww....

1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Duck Dynasty is just waiting his turn. He gives me the creeps. 

I hope that Duck Dynasty is waiting his turn to confront him off camera, preferably still with pool stick in hand. Still, the fact that he didn't instantaneously confront him is disturbing!

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Real Eyes said:

I don't think he oozes menace, nor do I think he is a thug.  He is very direct, which is very characteristic of the region he is from, as are his attitudes.  He is working in a foreign country where he is not living in his native tongue, and has come from what was, until recently, the poorest country in Europe.  He probably hasn't had many opportunities.

I hope so. At this point I would say that Andrei is still a bit of an unknown. I want to think that his temper would never be directed at Libby. I also want to think that he will encourage her to stand up to her family. In a subtle way, I think she has enlisted him to be her own private terminator, fighting daddy where she couldn't.

He's also obviously fine with girls' night. And when he sees how innocent some of the clubs are here and that he won't need to 'protect' her, hopefully he will give her more freedom.

His opinion of women is disturbing, but it's all he knows. Hopefully, he can change. He is likable. And, he really loves her.

Will she get him to march with a bunch of women dressed as vaginas? Probably never. Will she get him to change a bit before they have a daughter? Fingers crossed.

If Andrei had been in the room when Luis had started making his disgusting remarks, I think Luis would have found himself staring up at the ceiling.

6 hours ago, lilsadone said:

I can't for the life of me understand how people turn their nose up at something an elderly person spent hours making, or making in their honor - simply because it's unusual.


If you eat meat, you should not have any issues eating sheep head.


If you eat gummy bears or anything else with gelatin you have eaten every disgusting part of every animal you can imagine - including boiled skin, hooves and horns. Same with sausage. 


Grow the F up. 

I agree. She could have at least eaten some of the meat from the face. 

Azan's dry humor about how he couldn't believe that for once she wasn't hungry.... oh, how he loathes this woman.

Spitting wasn't such a hot move either. It was more of a total Barbarian mood.

Way to represent, Nicole.

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, brillia79 said:

Take on another mouth to feed? Ha! It seems Annie will be the one working to support David, one way or another. She's already expected to cook meals, give Thai massages to his friends and do nails to earn her keep (since David has no job and no money).

Annie is pretty much fucked if she has gone through with this marriage.

Also, I can't believe we've gone this many episodes and no one has called David Poor, "BhatMan."

Da na na na na na na na BhatMan!!!!!!!    


  • Love 3
8 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Some people do but that is not why everyone does. I get felt up more in gay clubs than I do at clubs that skew straight. I have never had a partner who objected to me going out to clubs with my friends because they trust me.

Some men are more possessive than others, and that is definitely a cultural thing. Not necessarily a bad thing - a lot of women like a man to be possessive of her, to hate the idea of other men trying to get with her, because that is likely what may happen in a club. 

I personally think that a grown-up girls' night does not need to take place at a nightclub. In some cultures it is not considered appropriate for married women to go to clubs. In many countries outside the US, the average age of club-goers is 18-23, (excluding clubs catering to tourists), so its considered a place for "kids". 

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Splithair said:

Agree that Olivia is not a "child" for the most part (probably only a few months younger than Evelyn and about the same age difference between her and Luis as Evelyn and David). The main problem is the dynamic and context of the situation. Evelyn was (we assume) 18 when she met David and he pursued her as a girlfriend. She liked him, he liked her, everyone is legal, fine. Luis has been moved into Olivia's house as her mom's fiance, which she had no say in. Because of the bizarre 'stepfather' dynamic, he might feel he holds power over her. Totally different situation than her having a boyfriend of the same age. I really hope she gets out of that house as soon as possible. 

I may have some bias here, but perhaps not. Many years ago, there was this guy I went to school with who had that same way about him. He'd say stuff and gross girls out and make them uncomfortable, always with that same jokey way about it, but he'd steer the conversation into this dark, sleaziness that nobody wanted, and when we'd tell him that, in retrospect, I realize that was what got him off most because he would just press and press, and get more and more lewd. We were too young and naive to realize that it was just time to get up and leave the lunch table although then we did, but we should have left immediately. 

He knew exactly what he was doing and that it was wrong, and that it was violating and invasive talk. Unwanted and inappropriate. Feigning ignorance was part of the fun for him. Raised eyebrows, all, "What did I do?" Most likely he learned these dark skills from another predator but who knows he should still be punished becauseI found out later, that he had forced himself on a couple of girls from my school, getting them in compromising situations, pushing them further than they wanted to go. These were rapes that were very hard to prove, and the women were ashamed and didn't speak up about them until years later. But when I observed Luis and his M/O he was exactly, exactly like that dirtbag I knew from school! Does that make me overly biased or insightful? Not sure but I don't like Luis one bit.

  • Love 7
10 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

Okay, quick walk down memory lane with the husband and me.  We were married in May of 1996.

We had three large sheet cakes at our wedding.  Each sheet corresponded with a layer on our cake: one carrot, one chocolate, and one white.  The sheet cakes were identical to the tiered cake as to goodies and frosting and such.  Our reason for doing this was access, plain and simple.  There were plenty of people who got a piece from our bottom and middle tiers.  However, we had a LOT of people at our wedding (250+).  It was a matter of logistics, because let's face it, everyone wants at least ONE piece of delicious cake!  This way, our caterer could get it served much faster.  It's also a nice memory, because I asked my Grandma, who passed away last year, to help the caterer by passing out the slices of cake.  Grandma was thrilled and we have a great photo of her smiling in her fancy dress with her corsage, surrounded by yummy cake.

It was also much, much easier to box up for those who wanted to take a treat or two home with them.

Fun fact: you are never, ever supposed to give yourself better than what you give your guests.  If anything, you give better to your guests and you do without.

Didn't Jesus teach her anything?

Bethster2000, come sit with me - we did the same thing in April of 1994 - small tiered cake plus sheet cakes to supplement to save money and time.  Bolding mine on the quote:  Yes the teachings of Jesus (not trying to start anything) are to help others and do without if needed.  Evelyn.....pay attention!

25 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

He knew exactly what he was doing and that it was wrong, and that it was violating and invasive talk. Unwanted and inappropriate. Feigning ignorance was part of the fun for him. Raised eyebrows, all, "What did I do?"

Sadly, I think we all have known and even worse, worked with a guy like this.

  • Love 2
29 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Does that make me overly biased or insightful? Not sure but I don't like Luis one bit.

I don't like him either.  There is a huge creepiness factor there.  He has consistently shown that "what did I do?" disgusting smirk, not just relating to sex.  He was inappropriate with Molly's youngest, and in all cases he is not hearing people when they tell him to stop.  At the very least he is a complete doofus asshat, and I would never want anything to do with him.  I'm just not seeing the child molester aspect of it yet.  The way he is acting gives good reason to be wary, but in my book there needs to be actual evidence for such a serious charge.  

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Andrei didn't bother me at all. Elizabeth & her over painted never shutting up mouth bothers me. If she's so intent on clubbing maybe she shouldn't get married. I think he's just concerned about where she is, if she's okay, & why she'd want to be somewhere that is often for hook ups, & he didn't keep to a double standard about it either. I think he was just very frustrated with her constantly interrupting (as was I just watching) while he was trying to express himself, so that came off as aggression to some. I like his self confidence & he seems to really care about her.

Luis deserves a one way ticket back to the DR, & he can take that useless uncle with him.

Luis and Brother Molly living in the DR, tending bar, shooting pool and picking up older women, etc., might make a good reality show. 

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, lilsadone said:

I can't for the life of me understand how people turn their nose up at something an elderly person spent hours making, or making in their honor - simply because it's unusual.


If you eat meat, you should not have any issues eating sheep head.


If you eat gummy bears or anything else with gelatin you have eaten every disgusting part of every animal you can imagine - including boiled skin, hooves and horns. Same with sausage. 


Grow the F up. 

I totally disagree.  The appearance of the sheep's head was disgusting.  Different types of meat and parts of animals are more or less appetizing to different people.  

Edited by Bryce Lynch
  • Love 13
16 hours ago, Sprockets said:

Luis didnt have to say "fuck," but I'm on Team Luis for his enlightened "she can do what she wants with her body" attitude.  Obviously Molly doesn't agree, even though she is doing what she wants with her body.  

A stepfather to be should not be making ANY comments about what his 17 year old stepdaughter does with her body.  Totally inappropriate at best, grooming her at worst.  

Besides that, 17 year old unmarried people having sex brings a lot of potential problems like STD's, unwanted pregnancies, deep emotional hurt, a cheapening of what sex is supposed to be, etc.   Other than a bit of fleeting pleasure, there is not a lot of upside to teenage sex.  

Edited by Bryce Lynch
  • Love 8
5 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

A stepfather to be should not be making ANY comments about what his 17 year old stepdaughter does with her body.  Totally inappropriate at best, grooming her at worst.  

Besides that, 17 year old unmarried people having sex brings a lot of potential problems like STD's, unwanted pregnancies, deep emotional hurt, a cheapening of what sex is supposed to be, etc.   Other than a bit of fleeting pleasure, their is not a lot of upside to teenage sex.  

All of this above plus the most important fact that no one seems to be focusing on - Olivia was not comfortable with it and made her discomfort known. She did not want him to continue, and Luis promptly disregarded that and kept going. He and Molly did the same thing while sucking face right in front of her at lunch. Luis and even Molly are telling her that her feelings and reactions don't matter one jot.

We can argue about the extent of  Luis' role as future stepfather, authority figure, mother's new husband ,etc., but the main point is that he is joining the family unit and should show some respect for Olivia's feelings.

It doesn't matter if she is more an adult than a child or if some 17-18 year olds are cool with it. It doesn't even matter what word Luis actually used or what his intentions were. If you are making someone visibly uncomfortable, and they essentially ask you to stop, and you keep doing it anyway, you are kind of an asshole. I don't want friends like that, and I certainly wouldn't want to be in a family unit with someone like that - particularly if the topic making me uncomfortable is as sensitive and personal as sex.

  • Love 19

I also believe the biggest issue with Luis is he doesn't stop. He knew Molly didn't want him speaking like that to Olivia yet he did anyway. Olivia didn't want him to continue yet he did. In the TH when told again by Molly how she felt about it, he still continued.

He's a guy with no respect for boundaries, & that is a dangerous thing.

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 12

Remember Molly talking about her first meeting with Luis when he was tending bar in the DR? She walked up and he said to her something like, "I'm going to marry you!" How do we know he didn't say that to women of all ages, shapes and sizes all the time as his opening "line" (and to ensure a big tip) but desperate Molly actually believed it was love at first sight? 

edited to add: Suggested pickup line from the "Hanky Sanky Guidebook to Getting a Green Card" (oops, I mean Sanky Panky!) 

Edited by magemaud
  • Love 15

I'm super puzzled by the whole conversation with Luis, Olivia and company.

1. Luis and Uncle Cracker were playing pool.

2. Olivia and friend came downstairs to join the game (aka TLC set up as let's get these guys together and see what happens)

3. Uncle Cracker states that he will tell Molly when Olivia's BF will be coming over.

4. Olivia says Luis wouldn't tell. Looks at Luis pleading to get on her side.

5. Luis seizes the opportunity to get Olivia on his side by saying I won't tell on ya if you want to bring BF over and do the wild thing.

6. Olivia then gets disgusted because Luis took it a step too far.

Who's to blame?  Hmmmmm?  Luis yes. Uncle Cracker yes. TLC - as Devar would say, MOST DEFINANTLY . Molly? - Yep for bringing creepy Luis in the house in the first place.

Olivia played a stupid teenager move on getting the potential step parent on her side by playing the upper hand of him trying to get in on the family and it backfired on her.

What do you say folks? Did I get it wrong?

  • Love 4
17 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

Even a benign guy like Brett brought Daya over and expected her to babysit his daughter. all these parents who bring strangers into their homes with minor children are crazy!!!! As a parent, I rarely do the right thing, lol, but I do know that having brought children into the world whether i like it or not when I become a parent, they become my priority--not my dating life. Too risky and really unfair to the kids. JMHO.

Thank you and thank you for putting your children first.    Every time I read of a mom's boyfriend molesting a little child he is 'babysitting' while said mom is working I die a little inside!

  • Love 3
On 11/12/2017 at 11:55 PM, JocelynCavanaugh said:

I couldn't believe Luis doubled down on the lewd comments even after Olivia and Molly both told him it was unacceptable. That might have been the biggest red flag of all. He tried to excuse it as a cultural difference, but I'm sorry, if that is your culture (which I don't necessarily believe), then your culture is objectively wrong. 

I hope that sheep's head will be the last of the local delicacy trolling. First Mother Pedro's chicken feet, then the Roasted Whole Pig with Face Still Attached Incident, and now this. We get it: most Americans are happily oblivious about the reality of meat. I consider that a benefit of industrialized society, TBH. Let the trained meat professionals handle the humane butchering and sanitation stuff and hand me a faceless cutlet, thanks. Maybe none of the Americans on this show handled it well but I can't blame them for being grossed out.

I like to think I'm a little more polite and open to other cultures than Nicole is, but I'm almost positive I would've ended up crying when they broke that skull open and started clawing at the brain tissue. That went waaaayyy beyond "we use slightly different spices in our stew here."

If any Americans actually went to a pork processing plant and saw how they make the ham cutlets wrapped in Saran Wrap you would really want to hurl. Do you know where all the pigs piss and shit winds up? What about the parts they don't use? It is way more disgusting than a guy chopping your chicken for dinner's head off. 

It's all cultural, if we were brought up being shown fried donkey balls as a once a year special dinner treat and all the adults were oohing and ahing about how delicious, what a treat etc etc, then we would love it too. Azan was told since babyhood that this sheepshead and brain was delicious. It's normal for him. For us it is gross but just go visit your local Hillshire Farms if you want to see nasty- and we all eat that!

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, calpurnia99 said:

If any Americans actually went to a pork processing plant and saw how they make the ham cutlets wrapped in Saran Wrap you would really want to hurl. Do you know where all the pigs piss and shit winds up? What about the parts they don't use? It is way more disgusting than a guy chopping your chicken for dinner's head off. 

It's all cultural, if we were brought up being shown fried donkey balls as a once a year special dinner treat and all the adults were oohing and ahing about how delicious, what a treat etc etc, then we would love it too. Azan was told since babyhood that this sheepshead and brain was delicious. It's normal for him. For us it is gross but just go visit your local Hillshire Farms if you want to see nasty- and we all eat that!

I've been to several meat processing plants and slaughterhouses. It was part of my upbringing. Some of your statements are hyperbolic and verge on implying things that aren't actually true. 

  • Love 3
32 minutes ago, greekmom said:

I'm super puzzled by the whole conversation with Luis, Olivia and company.

1. Luis and Uncle Cracker were playing pool.

2. Olivia and friend came downstairs to join the game (aka TLC set up as let's get these guys together and see what happens)

3. Uncle Cracker states that he will tell Molly when Olivia's BF will be coming over.

4. Olivia says Luis wouldn't tell. Looks at Luis pleading to get on her side.

5. Luis seizes the opportunity to get Olivia on his side by saying I won't tell on ya if you want to bring BF over and do the wild thing.

6. Olivia then gets disgusted because Luis took it a step too far.

Who's to blame?  Hmmmmm?  Luis yes. Uncle Cracker yes. TLC - as Devar would say, MOST DEFINANTLY . Molly? - Yep for bringing creepy Luis in the house in the first place.

Olivia played a stupid teenager move on getting the potential step parent on her side by playing the upper hand of him trying to get in on the family and it backfired on her.

What do you say folks? Did I get it wrong?

Yes, you missed a few steps. Btwn 5 and 6 Luis asked Olivia if she was going to marry him. Then asked if she was in love with him. Then asked if she just keeps him around to sleep with. Then asks if they are fucking.

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, balisticnikki said:

Resting orgasm face lol

That would be "orgasmic resting face", as it's "bitchy resting face" and not "resting bitch face". Though, I suppose if you consider the person to be a bitch, then "resting bitch face" might be more appropriate...

11 hours ago, balisticnikki said:

He said drinks & dinner is fine. But no to the meat market type places.

Meh. My wife likes to go dancing and those are always meat market type places. I don't sweat it for at least two reasons. First, I trust that she's not stepping out on me. Second, I know she can take care of herself. As a bonus third reason, she's been told (to her face) by guys that she isn't getting hit on because she "gives off a bitch vibe". If you trust your husband or wife, then their going to these types of places isn't an issue. Of course, it means they can't get stupid drunk where they lose the wits and the capacity to protect themselves, in addition to the usual ways in which you have to trust them.

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, lilsadone said:

I can't for the life of me understand how people turn their nose up at something an elderly person spent hours making, or making in their honor - simply because it's unusual.


If you eat meat, you should not have any issues eating sheep head.


If you eat gummy bears or anything else with gelatin you have eaten every disgusting part of every animal you can imagine - including boiled skin, hooves and horns. Same with sausage. 


Grow the F up. 

I love unusual foods...that appeal to me. That did not. And since when is it proper form for a host to push, coerce, nag, guilt and force a GUEST to eat something the guest doesn't want?? That's absurd. As host, you cook what you want to cook. And if our guests don't want it or don't like it, c'est la vie. You don't force feed anyone or bully them to t he point of vomiting! Age has nothing to do w/ it. Yes, I know it was a production stunt.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, MrSmith said:

That would be "orgasmic resting face", as it's "bitchy resting face" and not "resting bitch face". Though, I suppose if you consider the person to be a bitch, then "resting bitch face" might be more appropriate...

Meh. My wife likes to go dancing and those are always meat market type places. I don't sweat it for at least two reasons. First, I trust that she's not stepping out on me. Second, I know she can take care of herself. As a bonus third reason, she's been told (to her face) by guys that she isn't getting hit on because she "gives off a bitch vibe". If you trust your husband or wife, then their going to these types of places isn't an issue. Of course, it means they can't get stupid drunk where they lose the wits and the capacity to protect themselves, in addition to the usual ways in which you have to trust them.

I believe the term is resting bitch face.

You and Andrei are both free to negotiate your relationships as you see fit. But there was no overwhelming douchebaggery in Andrei's POV. I've found myself in a few dangerous situations after drinking at a bar/club. Things happen to the best of us.

Edited by balisticnikki
  • Love 10
11 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

As gross as I felt the sheep head was it still wasn't as bad to me as the fried bull testicles they showed someone eating on Arranged - is that really a thing in TX?  (sorry, but, shudder)

ETA: They were served at a restaurant.

"Calf fries" aka "Rocky Mountain Oysters" are a thing here, but definitely not common. I think they're vile. (Texture issues! Doesn't mean I'm not allowed to eat steak or need to "grow the F up"!) I've only seen them at a few "look how Texan we are, y'all!" type restaurants, and my college's annual event dedicated to them, which was a fraternity fundraiser that usually got pretty great musical acts to headline. Maybe 1/3 of the people there would actually eat the nasty things. I was just there for Dwight Yoakam!

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, balisticnikki said:

Ok, someone needs to keep a running list of Molly' brother's nicknames. I know I'm forgetting some. Plz at to the list:

Uncle Jess

Uncle Cornpone

Uncle Useless

Brother Molly

Duck Dynasty 


Uncle Jughandle


Unemployed lout #2

One Who Stands There & Looks Like a Fool

Uncle Cracker

Uncle Corn hole

the unemployed uncle

Uncle Waste-of-Space

Edited by balisticnikki
  • Love 3
18 minutes ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

I've only seen them at a few "look how Texan we are, y'all!" type restaurants,

That's kind of the way the person eating them was, but her son wanted nothing to do with them & seemed grossed out just watching his mom eat it.


Maybe it's just me but as a host I'd try to make something my guests would actually like, & take into consideration any dietary restrictions (allergies, intolerances, etc- we're an allergy family so I'm sensitive to that). I'd prefer them fed, happy, & comfortable with visiting me, but I know that doesn't make for good TV.

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 4
24 minutes ago, balisticnikki said:

Yes, you missed a few steps. Btwn 5 and 6 Luis asked Olivia if she was going to marry him. Then asked if she was in love with him. Then asked if she just keeps him around to sleep with. Then asks if they are fucking.

Exactly. Also, Olivia is still the child. It's Luis's responsibility to be the adult. He can still be an immature adult without acting like a pervert!

Meanwhile Uncle Waste-of-Space had several opportunities to interject. He didn't have to break a pool stick over his head. Even a, "Slow down, Buddy" would have been helpful.

Where do they find these people?

Let's look at what Danielle, Molly, David Poor, all of them have in common.

It takes a certain mentality to be shallow enough to marry based mainly upon appearance. It also takes a certain sense of entitlement to then feel like you can marry someone waaay out of your league physically! It would be one thing if, say, Danielle were a physics professor and Mohamed had just dedicated his life to physics and the two of them had oh so much in common and were excited about being together as researchers, partners and friends, something like that. But noooo, Danielle wanted a young, "hot" man. She wanted to marry based upon appearance while not lifting a finger to change her own appearance. 

You have to be a flawed individual to pursue this kind of madness in the first place.

Obviously not all of the couples are that way. Some of them are genuine love matches. Devar loves Melanie. Loren loves Alexi. Pao loves Pao. People who actually have stuff in common and fell in real, true, love. They may have had zero experience living together, but at least the love/infatuation was mutual.

  • Love 13

Elizabeth's sisters must have gotten most of the attention growing up. All she's doing is showing out to get attention from everyone around her by starting conflict that will never be there except in her mind.

Her sisters must have gotten all the attention growing up and I get the feeling that her parents don't think Elizabeth is quite as mature as she thinks she is but they don't quite know what to do with her. At the family dinner when her dad and brother were saying that no one had even met him yet she just pouted like a child instead of having a mature conversation.

With her sisters having a drink, "Oh, we won't be able to do this anymore because I have to be submissive." No doll, you want to be submissive, it's how you believe men show love is be controlling you.

With Andre "Oh my family will never accept you because you are to controlling."  Way to twist his words to fit your agenda sweetheart.

She egged him on and wanted him to bad to say no, you can't go out to celebrate your engagement so she could turn around and cry to her family about how she can't do those things with them anymore because of Andre.

Do you get what I'm trying to say? She's playing her family against Andre because she wants to be the center of attention. Even negative attention is still attention from her family.  Poor Libby is just going about this all wrong and it's going to blow up in her face when they all meet and realize there is no conflict at all.


Evelyn makes me hate all of her eyelet dresses and that one she wears in her talking heads is really a pretty color. She's another one that's not so innocent.

  • Love 14
3 minutes ago, citychic said:

Do you get what I'm trying to say? She's playing her family against Andre because she wants to be the center of attention. Even negative attention is still attention from her family.

Negative attention from Andrei is also attention.  It seems that she gets a thrill from irritating others.  This is not good.  

  • Love 6
14 minutes ago, citychic said:

Elizabeth's sisters must have gotten most of the attention growing up. All she's doing is showing out to get attention from everyone around her by starting conflict that will never be there except in her mind.

Her sisters must have gotten all the attention growing up and I get the feeling that her parents don't think Elizabeth is quite as mature as she thinks she is but they don't quite know what to do with her. At the family dinner when her dad and brother were saying that no one had even met him yet she just pouted like a child instead of having a mature conversation.

With her sisters having a drink, "Oh, we won't be able to do this anymore because I have to be submissive." No doll, you want to be submissive, it's how you believe men show love is be controlling you.

With Andre "Oh my family will never accept you because you are to controlling."  Way to twist his words to fit your agenda sweetheart.

She egged him on and wanted him to bad to say no, you can't go out to celebrate your engagement so she could turn around and cry to her family about how she can't do those things with them anymore because of Andre.

Do you get what I'm trying to say? She's playing her family against Andre because she wants to be the center of attention. Even negative attention is still attention from her family.  Poor Libby is just going about this all wrong and it's going to blow up in her face when they all meet and realize there is no conflict at all.

This, this, and this.  I am visiting my mother in SC right now and we watched together (she is 84). We both totally called Elizabeth creating drama, and we both like Andrei.  

He is a bouncer so he probably sees all the drunk hookups all the time.   

And I was over “clubbing” by the time I was 23 or so.  If I go out with friends, unless it’s girls night (which is usually at a restaurant), hubby comes with. It’s just what we do, it’s what our friends do too. 

It will be interesting to see how this blows up. I think Andrei is pretty normal.  

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

And, no doubt when Molly brings it up, he'll blame them. Just like he'll blame her daughter for seducing him.

Yes, you can count on this.  And Molly will blame her, too.  Been there, lived it.  Not fun.


4 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

If Andrei had been in the room when Luis had started making his disgusting remarks, I think Luis would have found himself staring up at the ceiling.

Oh, I would pay good money to see that!!

  • Love 6
33 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

Maybe it's just me but as a host I'd try to make something my guests would actually like, & take into consideration any dietary restrictions (allergies, intolerances, etc- we're an allergy family so I'm sensitive to that). I'd prefer them fed, happy, & comfortable with visiting me, but I know that doesn't make for good TV.

Being a picky whiner isn't a legitimate dietary restriction.  And I think the actions of Auntie Azan were showing that Nicole hasn't been a gracious guest at all.  She's sick of her, and her asking to sleep with her nephew in her house in front of the whole family, ways.  I don't think it was producer driven at all, I think it was a family Azan jab.

  • Love 6
On 11/13/2017 at 1:12 AM, bethster2000 said:

Me: We need to go to Morocco.  Immediately.

Husband: Oh, HELL no.  We'd go to one of those beautiful marketplaces and I would never see you ever again.

Just tell him to wait for you at the kitchen/dining room table - nuff said.

On 11/13/2017 at 10:02 AM, CoachWristletJen said:

Agreed. David's family will fly 1000 miles, pay exorbitant amounts for hotel rooms, and not even get a decent piece of cake? 

It really pisses me off when I don't get cake.  I don't like candy or sweets but I like cake and only eat a tiny piece at bdays or weddings.  Our family weddings are pretty low key price wise but a lot of fun.  One person had this over the top wedding, far from everyone (even her) and blew like $30k.  We were all horrified.  The meal was excellent but she could have had that same caterer nearer to everyone's homes.  We all drove hours, the ceremony was at 4:30 on a Friday and there was no traffic light by the venue..................................we were all late because no one would let us turn...................we all missed most of the ceremony.  The "cocktail hour" had no chairs at all and the elderly people were dropping out.  They did not cut the cake until 11:00 p.m.  6 1/2 hours after the start.  Most of us left and never got any cake.  She was mad at us for not staying at the hotel.  GIRL I DROVE 2.5 HOURS AND PICKED UP YOUR AUNT AND MISSED MOST OF THE CEREMONY AND HAD TO HELP THE OLDSTERS TO FIND LEDGES TO SIT ON AND THEN NEVER GOT ANY CAKE.  NO MORE MONEY WILL BE SPENT ON YOU.  Worst wedding ever!  She thinks she is going down as having the best wedding ever in the family..............................it's been 5 years and we still talk about how horrible it was.

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, jumper sage said:

we still talk about how horrible it was.

Horrible for the guests, but was it the day the bride has been dreaming of since the beginning of time??  Have you learned nothing from Evelyn? Guests don't matter!!  Perception, people!!

I'll bet that wedding was the most weddingest wedding of all time.  It was a perfect dream!!  (JK :)

  • Love 7
14 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Elizabeth & her over painted never shutting up mouth bothers me. If she's so intent on clubbing maybe she shouldn't get married.

I rewatched last night with my teenage sons who had this nugget of wisdom to impart, "Clubs? She's OLD. Is she thinking someone will hit on her at a club, cause that's a no right there."

  • Love 5
14 hours ago, tincansailor981 said:
14 hours ago, balisticnikki said:

She dies have nice bouncy hair but i also think she is painfully thin. And flat as a board.

Ass so flat she has to lie down to take a dump 

Honestly I hadn't even noticed this until the previews for next week. She's wearing jeggings, bends over a window and instead of the spandex adhering to her butt they kind of gape like all the elasticity has gone out of them.  I immediately remembered some anthropology course I took about large buttocks being aesthetically pleasing in early cultures because it meant the woman had fat reserves and was unlikely to DIE OF STARVATION!

  • Love 4

I honestly don't see Elizabeth and andrrrei lasting very long. She tries way too hard to be a "rebel" and the black sheep in her family. The way she puts down andrei to her family before he even meets them is so shady. 

He looks disgusted by her in some scenes, especially the scene where she was talking about going to clubs. 

The way she twists his words and makes him into a villain is shitty.  She makes him out to be a brute, so everyone's first impression of him is the worst. 

I don't mind Andrei and think he seems like a nice guy. 

  • Love 11

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