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If what we are learning about the financial responsibility of the Sponsor is correct, then, I find it very difficult to believe that Nicole's father would sponsor Azan.  I mean, really?  i now suspect that Nicole is lying about that too. 

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12 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

If what we are learning about the financial responsibility of the Sponsor is correct, then, I find it very difficult to believe that Nicole's father would sponsor Azan.  I mean, really?  i now suspect that Nicole is lying about that too. 

I am pretty sure he agreed on camera. 

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12 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

If what we are learning about the financial responsibility of the Sponsor is correct, then, I find it very difficult to believe that Nicole's father would sponsor Azan.  I mean, really?  i now suspect that Nicole is lying about that too. 

Didn't we see that "sponsorship" discussion on the show?  She met with her father and ??? his wife?

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5 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I am pretty sure he agreed on camera. 

Really?  Oh well.  That's amazing.  I mean, to really take that kind of risk for such a long time?  That's a huge deal.  So, what does Azan have to lose by going and marrying Azan?  Nicole's dad would have to support him, right? I mean, he'd have to deal with Nicole for a longer period, but, some would argue that was doable. They could later divorce.

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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3 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Really?  Oh well.  That's amazing.  I mean, to really take that kind of risk for such a long time?  That's a huge deal.  So, what does Azan have to lose by going and marrying Azan?  Nicole's dad would have to support him, right? 

Not really as a childless male there are very few government assistance that Azan would actual qualify for that would need to be reimbursed, at most he would probably be out a the price of a plane ticket.

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1 minute ago, biakbiak said:

Not really as a chikdless male there are very few government assistance that Azan woykd actual qualify for thatbwould need to be reimbursed, at nosr he would probably be out a the price of a plane ticket.

Right, but, if he needed support, the sponsor would be required to do it. 

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Just now, SunnyBeBe said:

Right, but, if he needed support, the sponsor would be required to do it. 

No, the sponsor is only required to repay the goverment if he applies for government assistance, they are notbrequired to financially support him.

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"The sponsor is usually the petitioner of an immigrant petition for a family member. An affidavit of support is legally enforceable; the sponsor's responsibility usually lasts until the family member or other individual either becomes a U.S. citizen, or can be credited with 40 quarters of work (usually 10 years)."

Affidavit of Support for K-1 Fiancé Visa. The Affidavit of Support is a legal contract between you (the petitioner for an immigrant visa applicant) and the US Government. It ensures that the visa applicant has adequate means of financial support and is unlikely to become a public charge after entering the US.

Edited by Former Nun
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4 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

It ensures that the visa applicant has adequate means of financial support and is unlikely to become a public charge after entering the US.

Yes but what they actually are responsible for is paying back the government if they become a "public charge" which consists of a very narrow group of programs, most of which Azan would not qualify for.

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13 hours ago, Former Nun said:

I think I read that David Pour/Poor had a stroke. Maybe that caused some mental changes that they don't even recognize.

Not that I want to give David Pour any benefit of the doubt, I can confirm this to be so (maybe not in all cases). I started having some weird behavioral changes, not just limited to my memory but in a variety of ways, and it was not until I had brain scans for another condition (where they wanted to RULE OUT a stroke) that my neurologist, while confirming what the new episode were (NOT strokes, something different that is specifically memory-related), also pointed out "that stroke you had a few years ago."

I was like "that WHAT I had WHEN?" Nope. Never knew. Classic "silent stroke." Explained a lot though. 

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1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

Not really as a childless male there are very few government assistance that Azan would actual qualify for that would need to be reimbursed, at most he would probably be out a the price of a plane ticket.

Very very few programs. 

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5 hours ago, sasha206 said:

I think Nicole, if she lost a tremendous amount of weight, could be very pretty if she was also fixed up.

If you look at her sister, you can get an idea of what she'd look like if she lost weight. 

Edited to add: Maybe Nicole's father agreed to sponsor Azan without really understanding what the commitment entailed and I still agree with many posters who think he did so because he was afraid that Nicole would move to Morocco with May permanently if Azan couldn't come to America. 

Edited by magemaud
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1 hour ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

I was like "that WHAT I had WHEN?" Nope. Never knew. Classic "silent stroke." Explained a lot though. 

Sorry for you, PamelaMaeSnap.   There are instances when a person's substance "use" is blamed for slight personality changes where those little TIA's (look it up) were probably to blame.

Edited by Former Nun
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On 12/3/2017 at 11:00 PM, Splithair said:

A lot of people do have misconceptions about the US, but it's pretty clear that David and Annie's relationship in Thailand was financed 100% by Chris and Nikki. I'm not that surprised she feels let down.

I know a lot of people thought Nikki's reveal about baht-man's bahts was cruel, but I think she wanted Annie to know the whole of what she was getting into before she said I Do. As to whether Annie's reaction was out of spite, well, she's probably experienced quite a bit of cruel treatment during her short life and could have assumed Nikki's was more of the same.

Annie's reaction could also have been about cultural misunderstandings. Seeing how she was dressed that evening, she was basically Little Nikki, which was sweet to see. The makeup and new clothing suited her so well! I think she was copying Nikki's straightforward demeanor and approach to life as well as is evidenced in her response. This type of behavior is not at all typical of Asian culture so it's easy to see why she might have missed the mark. And of course she spoke with a smile because smiling is an essential cultural pleasantry over there. Throw in the language barrier and some shrewd editing and you have the perfect storm for misunderstanding Annie's intentions!

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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27 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

Sorry for you, PamelaMaeSnap.   There are instances when a person's substance "use" is blamed for slight personality changes where those little TIA's (look it up) were probably to blame.

Thank you and TOTALLY know what you mean! The irony is I smoked like a chimney (legal and illegal LOL) back in the day and had my share of fun in teens and early 20s but quit everything cold turkey (except occasional wine and cocktails) when I turned 30 so that I could rehab my system before we set about trying to have a baby. I don't think I could have quit smoking for three hours had I not had the mantra "once I have a baby I can start again if I want to" ... and yet I haven't even had a puff (drag? what is the lingo now?) in 28 years, one month and three weeks (nice having an easy date to remember LOL).

What I DID experience, though, were two episodes of Transient Global Amnesia, the first in November 2015 and the second in June 2017. A) "Experts" say it's very rare to have more than one and "experts" also say B) that generally once you "come out" of the fugue you're absolutely fine with no after-effects. So I'm going out to buy lottery tickets because I am such a lucky so-and-so ... not only have I had two, but I've never really been the same since. I have very minimal short-term memory retention, can't learn new things, am surrounded by note cards all the time to walk me through anything technical (I haven't seen the film "Memento" but am told it has a similar plotline). My really long-term memory (childhood memories, etc.) is starting to come back a bit though, so that's something ... I can still be a boring old lady who talks about the good old days and not mean five minutes ago.

I'm getting to fake it better but I always feel a little loopy and dazed and confused (smile) ... I've completely lost my confidence in anything work related because, ironically, I had a REALLY amazing memory (almost photographic) before this and it allowed me to BS my way through a lot of stuff in the sense that I KNEW a lot of things just because I remembered them, not because I was especially insightful or intelligent or anything LOL. So though there have not been studies done on whether having had a TGA (or several) AND a TIA amplify the length or degree of the aftereffects of the former, I suspect it might be the case.

But hey, I can also rebingewatch Grey's Anatomy over and over again because I enjoy it just as much as the first time because ... well, it sort of always feels like the first time!

Sorry for the tangent ... apologies for off-subject but to veer back on, I'm willing to give David Pour a pass for his awkwardness in social situations as a possible result of his stroke, but I also do wonder if his was a full-on or in fact something of a "silent stroke" because unless more unusual aftereffects are being shaped like an egg and just being a total weenie, he seems to look pretty okay overall (no one would ever know I'd had one by looking at me or any other visual clues).

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4 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Yes but what they actually are responsible for is paying back the government if they become a "public charge" which consists of a very narrow group of programs, most of which Azan would not qualify for.

Unless something has changed recently, that is incorrect.    If Azan is homeless and his sponsor is not providing support, he can go to Immigration with his documentation and his sponsor(s) will be contacted.

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6 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I agree with Evelyn being "gobsmacked" about being shutdown, and, that in and of itself was pretty funny. Clearly her parents should have employed timeouts more constructively in her toddlerhood and reinforced this as she was growing up, but they let baby have her way. What prevents me from enjoying it is what I see as David's cruelty wrapped up with his religious sanctimony. To quote him. "It's not right."

THIS! As much as her smug self needed to be shut down on many occasions,  I had REAL heartburn with this as well. Religious sanctimony often comes along with cruelty (and we see enough examples of that in our country’s political environment without having to go into specifics).  

Evelyn is still a very young and immature kidult, who still might have had opportunities for growth and open mindedness. David Spain is an uptight sanctimonious prick who has drunk the Koolaid of his particular religious environment for nearly 10 years longer than Evelyn.  Critical thinking may not have been alllowed or encouraged, since he probably lived at home, despite a university education. We don’t know how he was treated at home or what limiting or strict beliefs he was raised with.  He may never unlearn it, and he may choose not to.

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5 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Very very few programs. 

That's what I was trying to say earlier. The "repayment" is only for certain government programs-most of which the immigrants, especially the men, wouldn't qualify for to begin with. 

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4 hours ago, magemaud said:

If you look at her sister, you can get an idea of what she'd look like if she lost weight. 

Edited to add: Maybe Nicole's father agreed to sponsor Azan without really understanding what the commitment entailed and I still agree with many posters who think he did so because he was afraid that Nicole would move to Morocco with May permanently if Azan couldn't come to America. 

He understands fully the commitment. It was in one of the episodes.  When he and her stepmother told Nicole they would sponsor azan they discussed the ramifications. They know all about the 10 year stipulation. Her step mother was trying to drive it into her small pea brain the sacrifice they were making for her.

They specifically told her said they would do it because they don’t want her living in Morocco.

Nicole played them big time. She knew if she dangled May in front of them they would cave in. 

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Initial reaction to the firehouse:  They can't afford to furnish  it.  :/

I don't think Evelyn's father is hot.  He kind of reminds me of James Brolin in The Amityville Horror.  

I wouldn't call Andrei hot either but he does have a way about him that's attractive, imho.  Her spiteful father and ish-starting sisters/sister-in-law haven't invented a scenario that didn't roll off of him with grace and a smile.  He doesn't pout. He moves on.  He doesn't complain. He comes up with a plan.  She's at times conflicted but I like that she's been taking his side.  Those two may last longer than the relationships her opinionated sisters have.  I hope they do.  

I also think she looks nice without the silver eyeshadow and the lips that can be seen from space.  

Things are getting bad when Luis lumped Moley in the same category as her not always so charming kids.  His attitude and behavior suck, basically.  A poster wrote something like "your ass is mine", and the warden at Shawshank came to mind.  That's not too far off.  

I don't hate Nikki because unlike certain others this season, she seems capable of recognizing reality.  Thinking Chris gets told what's up long before she gets to David.  

Maybe they could lock David Spain up in a room with Nicole for a week. If he survives, it might cure his need for further adventure and any possible issues about sex.

For the long term, Nicole and Poor David Pour would be fascinating - two people parked on a sturdy couch, one drinking vodka, one eating fries.  He's already a father so she wouldn't have to be concerned about the learning curve.  There doesn't seem to be one redeeming quality between the two of them, personality-wise.  

Run, Azan. Run, Aika.  Run, Annie.  All the A's need to run for their lives.  Would like to see smug Evelyn get over her self-absorbed self, too. 

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Nikki is beautiful and smart but I don't believe for a second she's not on in on Chris' scam. They commit to sponsor a woman who they both know David Masco is not capable of supporting. They have this "Thailand Fantasy" business. A stranded, somewhat-Americanized yet still very exotic Annie is a potential commodity to them. They aren't worried about David Mascot at all. They want to keep Annie around but in check so if when David is in a long-term rehab facility or dead she will be in debt to them.

Aiko can (and should) RUN. That conversation about his vasectomy was insane. He has no plan or resources to try to reverse it. She's 34. She needs to go back on the hunt and she'll find someone else soon. She's gorgeous and well spoken. She doesn't need that con artist leading her down a trail of disappointment. 

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3 hours ago, Lambie said:

Nikki is beautiful and smart but I don't believe for a second she's not on in on Chris' scam. They commit to sponsor a woman who they both know David Masco is not capable of supporting. They have this "Thailand Fantasy" business. A stranded, somewhat-Americanized yet still very exotic Annie is a potential commodity to them. They aren't worried about David Mascot at all. They want to keep Annie around but in check so if when David is in a long-term rehab facility or dead she will be in debt to them.

From following them all on social media (and being FB friends with David and Annie) I think they are ALL in on it. 

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15 hours ago, Kareem said:


Run, Azan. Run, Aika.  Run, Annie.  All the A's need to run for their lives.  Would like to see smug Evelyn get over her self-absorbed self, too. 

Evelyn will get smacked hard in the face with reality when the wedding is over.    She has the fantasy wedding stuck firmly in her tiny little mind.   Once that is over, she has to deal with the marriage.    And she has NO CLUE about that.   

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Do we really believe that Azan is sponsored by Nicole's dad? I truly believe that TLC foots the bill but pretends that these people are being sponsored but likes to add that drama of will they or won't they?

Edited by sasha206
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1 hour ago, merylinkid said:

Evelyn will get smacked hard in the face with reality when the wedding is over.    She has the fantasy wedding stuck firmly in her tiny little mind.   Once that is over, she has to deal with the marriage.    And she has NO CLUE about that.   

An 18 year-old should never be getting married.  You don't know who you actually are until you are probably 30.   I wish her parents would swoop in and not encourage this abomination of a relationship.  But then I'm sure that would only make her want to get married more.

Edited by sasha206
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17 hours ago, Kareem said:

I wouldn't call Andrei hot either but he does have a way about him that's attractive, imho.

I'm still not seeing an attractive side to Andei also I noticed he uses the word, "like" a zillion times in one sentence.  

There is a lid for every pot but the majority of these couples are miss matched lids and pots...I said it before but if you are having knock down drag out fights in the early stages of dating (to quote Jeff Foxworthy), "there's your sign," the couple should admit defeat and move on to the next victim.  

The other irksome issue I have is these women know the fiance will be arriving to start the 90 Day process so it is a given you will be getting married so why isn't there more wedding prep under way, why is it always a rush-rush panic?

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On 12/8/2017 at 0:19 PM, DangerousMinds said:

Everyone deserves love in a relationship. NOWHERE, I totally agree with your post above. Azan does not "deserve " a way into the US by conning a young woman with a child. He can find another way in, if he so desires. There are many refugees and others who have been waiting years, and deserve it more, IMO. He is sick for manipulating this woman with a young child.

Agreed. And in the same way, Annie and Aika are looking for shortcuts by dating nearly broke old men who think with their peckers.

There are many people far more deserving who have been waiting far longer to do things by legal and decent means.

Azan just needs to let Nicole go because we know she won't let go. She probably won't let go once he tells her to leave him alone for good. And, he's keeping her entire family in knots because they're too stupid to let go. In fairness, that's largely because of May. I think they smile when they see May coming and then look up and frown at Nicole.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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On 12/9/2017 at 10:55 AM, biakbiak said:

No, the sponsor is only required to repay the goverment if he applies for government assistance, they are notbrequired to financially support him.

What if (God forbid) Azan got hurt & went to the ER? Had multiple surgeries, ongoing problems & a long stay? No health insurance (not working). What if his bills totalled in the millions? Who would be on the line to pay? And what if he could never work due to his injuries?

On 12/7/2017 at 7:51 PM, Pepper Mostly said:

I agree. I think Nikki is just as much of an opportunist and gold digger as Annie is. She's in a nicer package. But Jesus, look at Chris. He is a sleaze ball. What would a woman like Nikki see in him? These creeps all deserve each other. 

He's good looking, still fertile & has money. 

On 12/8/2017 at 5:26 AM, Bubbles1967 said:

I told my boyfriend that if Nicole wasnt fat, he wouldn’t be treating her as badly as he is, if at all. He’s using the excuse of her cheating on him because was she really cheating?

Someone please refresh my memory. I can’t remember clearly.

I recall last season that she said she cheated but it wasnt it before they got together?

Did she really cheat this time too? Didnt she just go out with a friend?

Yeah, none of that was clear to me either. Did she just lie anout who she was with or did she smash the guy?

Edited by balisticnikki
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On 12/8/2017 at 11:41 AM, sasha206 said:

I'm wondering if David Spain suffered sexual molestation as a kid.  That reaction was off the charts odd.

Yep, I wondered the same upthread. Seems like there will lasting issues for him & any partner he ever has.

On 12/8/2017 at 2:02 PM, CoachWristletJen said:


Maybe David Pour is Chris's connection to Kentucky, his roots, his youth. But the drunken zombie in front of him isn't the same douchebag he used to run around with 20 years ago. 

Except they weren't boyhood friends & David Poor was born & raised in NewJersey. They were fully adult when they met.

I'm guessing they met in some ill-advised business scheme. 

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On 12/8/2017 at 3:10 PM, mamadrama said:

I agree about the kitchen but re: the warehouses and firehouses, people can do amazing things with plain, open spaces that start out looking ugly. I am a firm believer in using what you have and making the best of the situation. Put down some interesting flooring (or don't, leave it cement and lay down bamboo area pieces), leave it as a big open space and create "sections" of rooms or add partitions for privacy, paint the walls, get some good furniture, etc. I would probably go industrial. There are some awesome stores in Kentucky, like Cowgirl's Attic, that sell things that have been stripped from old houses and buildings that were about to be demolished. You can find doors, fireplace mantels, really cool light fixtures, etc. 

Except it's not theirs & only temporary. Would any self-respecting person actually stay there knowing what disharmony it was causing in their friends' marriage? I'd be out as soon as i deposited my 3rd paycheck. No way would i overstay my welcome any longer. I'd get save all of that ^^^ (which i love) for my own spot.

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13 minutes ago, balisticnikki said:

What if (God forbid) Azan got hurt & went to the ER? Had multiple surgeries, ongoing problems & a long stay? No health insurance (not working). What if his bills totalled in the millions? Who would be on the line to pay? And what if he could never work due to his injuries?

He's good looking, still fertile & has money. 

Yeah, none of that was clear to me either. Did she just lie anout who she eas with or did she smash the guy?

I think Nicole made it up hoping that Azan would be jealous, think she is desirable, and treat her better.   Backfired on her.  

Of course, I don't think he's really jealous at all.  He is happy to have something to keep her at arms length.

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On 12/7/2017 at 1:20 PM, Jennifersdc said:

Chris will just put her back on plane to Thailand if it ends up being a real dumpster fire. Good thing they live in a firehouse - this has dumpster ? written all over it.

Is that an option? I don't think the sponsor can ever just say, "you're costing me too much; I'm sending you back to your country."

I don't understand why chris won't just revoke his sponsorship...

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2 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

I can’t help but wonder if Chris and David Poor are involved with sex tourism. So many scummy men visit Thailand to have sex with children or women. 

Chris asking Annie for massages in return for room & board was pretty sketchy.

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2 hours ago, balisticnikki said:

Except it's not theirs & only temporary. Would any self-respecting person actually stay there knowing what disharmony it was causing in their friends' marriage? I'd be out as soon as i deposited my 3rd paycheck. No way would i overstay my welcome any longer. I'd get save all of that ^^^ (which i love) for my own spot.

Well, I honestly think the point is moot at this point because I strongly believe that it's just a plot point to begin with-something to get us all talking. I don't think they live there, nor have they ever lived there. 

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1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

I think she has facial symmetry that she could be cute if she lost a lot of weight.

Her sister looks so much like and she’s very pretty.  There was photo of her on one of the threads. She graduated college and is going to nursing school. 

Obviously different goals in life. 

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13 minutes ago, Godfrey said:

Nicole & Molly want to give Azan & Luis all the responsibility but none of the authority when it comes to being step-dads.

It seems with Molly is that she just wants a babysitter and a boy toy.  All she talks about is how he has to step up as a parent. It is getting really annoying. They soo don’t belong together. Actually, with exception of Lippy and Andreeeiiiii, I don’t think any of them belong together

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Been waiting for this forum to open up. First random thoughts. Who would think Evelyn is the voice of reason when talking about sex? Color Me surprised. Luis is absolutely right about the girls not accepting him as a stepparent yet. Molly must have the most amazing Spanx ever.

ETA- the Coven is absolutely ridiculous with the whole phone brewhaha. I don't think Andreeeei could care less if Elizabeth dances,  just stay away from too much drinking and random guys.

Edited by jacksgirl
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