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5 hours ago, millennium said:

She's more than pushing it.  She's like a jailer taunting a new inmate.  Better get used to it, because this is as good as it gets.   No more days off, no more breaks.  Your ass is mine now.

Of the many despicable characters paraded before us this season, I think I hate Molly the most (although David Spain is running a close second).   Why would anyone want to be married to that loud, braying shrew?   

She does bray. She brayed when she put on her wedding gown. It was awful!

And Luis does not like her kids, especially the little one. He has made it perfectly clear. She's making it worse by continuing to force it. She'd do better to cut back on her hair and nail maintenance budget and invest in a proper babysitter so that Luis can do what he does best: sit on his ass.

He's marrying her for her money and a green card. And, she's marrying him for his penis. (I've used that word quite a bit in the past 24 hours.)

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Andre and Libby are the least messed up couple this season. Which says a lot for how messed up the other couples are. Andre is starting to grow on me. I like that he is practical and wants to be able to financially contribute as soon as possible. I don't think he's in it just for the green card, although I still question the long-term potential of this couple. He could turn very controlling in the future, or he could be the right person to help Libby grow the hell up and be independent from her family. He doesn't sound like the kind of guy who will jump to take cash handouts from Daddy once they're married. I think Libby's family dislikes that Andre isn't intimidated by them.

And Libby is actually pretty when she's not wearing that horrible red lipstick.

I fear for Molly's children and for Annie. The situations are just so awful. Annie can make a judgment for herself, but Molly's kids are totally helpless in this situation. Where are those children's fathers in all this??

Edited by Kellyee
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Someone mentioned that maybe David is from a traditional Catholic family and thus can't discuss sex.  I had a Catholic upbringing, and I got married in the church.  The Catholic Church requires all engaged couples getting married to attend pre-marriage counseling, and that includes a session on sex and 'natural family planning.'  We had a pretty open discussion about it in my session.  Most of the couples had already engaged in sex, anyway!

I just can't imagine that a 27 year old living in Spain never talked about sex with his friends.

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8 hours ago, Desert Rat said:


Andrei speaks English like he like learned to speak English like in the valley or while like watching the Kardashians like on TV


I noticed Nicole inserts “like” into just about every sentence at least once. 

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36 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

I agree. To me, his reaction was less "I don't want to be embarrassed on television" and more of a "sex is icky and I won't think of it." I also agree that it seems like he was looking for someone who might share the same kind of sentiments, perhaps raised to believe that sex is shameful and only for procreational purposes, and had a wrench thrown into his plans when he discovered that abstinence before marriage didn't equal revulsion in general for Evelyn. While I don't think that you necessarily have to have a detailed talk about sex before you have it, when you're looking at a situation like this (where both people are inexperienced for a specific reason), discussing feelings and thoughts before the act is probably a good idea. I can understand him not wanting to do it on TV and if that had been the ONLY weird thing about this episode then I might give him a pass. However, not only was he childish about his reaction but he'd also told Evelyn not to talk about it with her mom. 

I see more red flags with David Spain than with Luis. I think Luis is just an asshole that needs to go home. I don't think he has a hidden agenda at all-what you see is pretty much what you get. He's a jerk. David Spain, however, seems to have some issues that might run deep. 

Agreed, and if Evelyn's parents had any sense they would put a stop to all of this! 

If it were really a case of "let's not discuss this on camera" then David Spain would have finessed his way out of it instead of freaking out. He could have schmoozed it over by saying, "We both love and care about each other, blah, blah, blah, this isn't exactly a private conversation, Evelyn." Instead, he flipped his lid!

He's about to unload all of his baggage onto Evelyn, on their wedding night. I feel sorry for her.

David Poor "apologized" per se, but he then said, "Everybody was drunk. Everybody said things." 

In his pickled brain, he really doesn't think he said anything that bad. He thinks everyone overreacted.

And, he's in someone else's house on someone else's dime.  He can't act any old way he wants.

Antonio had been drinking himself, but he was still aware of the feelings and perceptions of others. David Pour was in a stupor.

He's pretty useless. And, he's brought Annie into their lives in a financially intimate way. Annie has full intentions of using them for all they're worth for the next ten years.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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7 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

I really liked that part of the episode. Evelyn was blushing to the roots of her hair, and was all shocked virginal modesty having “the talk” with her Mom. I thought Mother Evelyn was provincial and had a stick up her ass, but she had a healthy attitude towards sex, which I found encouraging.

Mother Evelyn is married to fundie Dave Grohl, is it weird that I think fundie Dave Grohl is HOT?

The more David Spain and Evelyn hang out, I think they more they dislike each other. David Spain was not expecting his child bride to tell him where they were going to live, didn't expect her to be planning the royal wedding, and didn't expect that the entire family would be upset with him about possibly breaking up the "band". Evelyn thought that David would happily live in Claremont forever, do whatever it takes to make her singing career happen, and not complain about anything (especially the BEST apples). They are not compatible in real life. 

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1 hour ago, Granny58 said:

OK, this is weird, but I actually liked the idea of living on the top floor of the fire house.   Because I like the idea of a nontraditional space that is a blank slate.  Did you catch the look on Annie's face though in the beginning of the show when David Poor was saying they had a great day?  Her face was just dead.  

That's because the person she chose to come to the US with might be the biggest sad sack of shit, lifesuck , waste of oxygen ever.  

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Annie was so smug to Nikki on their girls' night out, basically, "Chris pay for me for ten years. He's my new John. Get used to it, bitch."

Then she smiled and told the cameras, "Chris pays for me. I don't feel bad. I don't care."

With friends like David Pour, who needs enemies?

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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22 minutes ago, lucy711 said:

Someone mentioned that maybe David is from a traditional Catholic family and thus can't discuss sex.  I had a Catholic upbringing, and I got married in the church.  The Catholic Church requires all engaged couples getting married to attend pre-marriage counseling, and that includes a session on sex and 'natural family planning.'  We had a pretty open discussion about it in my session.  Most of the couples had already engaged in sex, anyway!

I just can't imagine that a 27 year old living in Spain never talked about sex with his friends.

I was one of the ones upthread who mentioned this. I am a practicing Catholic and did all the prep you did to get married in the church...dragging my poor Lutheran husband behind me. I have mentioned that he is a great guy, right? 

My point was not that ALL Catholics can't discuss sex or ALL Catholics don't get down and do the nasty before marriage, but there are many flavors of Catholicism, just like there are of Protestantism. Hell, one diocese to the next can be very different. My husband and I were living in Maryland and did our Pre-Cana there before getting married in my home state. Someone in MD told me I was lucky my future husband and I weren't living in the Baltimore diocese because we were living together (in sin) and no way would they allow us to participate in Pre Cana there given that.   We dodged a bullet on that one.:-)Plus think of all the conservative splinter groups like Opus Dei or that group/cult Mel Gibson's dad belongs too. My only point was that if he is that flavor of Catholic, his views on sex are going to be pretty medieval. 

On a side note, it is totally possible to plan a formal wedding in 3 months. We did it and had 150 guests. The secret is getting married on a Friday night. No one does that or did that 20 years ago. Everyone was free...photog, country club, florists. etc. 

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12 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Luis REALLY does not like that little girl!!!

Luis wants out of that circus and figured out that the best and quickest way to accomplish an exit is by being an inconsiderate prick to the daughters and a complete a-hole to Molly.   A real adult sits down and says "this isn't working for either of us, let's just part as friends".  But neither of them is more mature that the youngest of the two daughters.

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9 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Well Elizabeth's dream wedding is to get married at the top of a mountain, in the snow, while it's snowing...yes...WHILE it's snowing....and then to arrive by horse and carriage.

she lives in Tampa.

Snow always looks good in the movies. Being pelted with sleet and a 40mph wind changes the viewpoint. 

That said, I think these two are the most realistic about everything. Daddy says no, sisters are the bitch patrol? Fine, do it yourself. I admit I’ve done a 180 on Andrei. Libby still bugs. 

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53 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

Andre and Libby are the least messed up couple this season. Which says a lot for how messed up the other couples are. Andre is starting to grow on me. I like that he is practical and wants to be able to financially contribute as soon as possible. I don't think he's in it just for the green card, although I still question the long-term potential of this couple. He could turn very controlling in the future, or he could be the right person to help Libby grow the hell up and be independent from her family. He doesn't sound like the kind of guy who will jump to take cash handouts from Daddy once they're married. I think Libby's family dislikes that Andre isn't intimidated by them.

And Libby is actually pretty when she's not wearing that horrible red lipstick.

I fear for Molly's children and for Annie. The situations are just so awful. Annie can make a judgment for herself, but Molly's kids are totally helpless in this situation. Where are those children's fathers in all this??

+1 on both points.  Andrei seems like a guy who wants to do the right thing.  He brought savings and talks about getting blue collar jobs.  He is a realist.  Men who like to work get automatic points in my book.   Nothing to do with money, but more the recognition of the importance of work.    Libby is almost normal but still comes up with Primadonna shit such as "let's have a small wedding now and then have a fairy tale 2 years later".   I blame the parents.    Libby is going to run into rude awakenings when Andrei tells her, we are not buying a Lexus, we are buying a 10 year old Toyota.   Libby is spoiled little brat, but I think she has a few good values in her.

Libby's father is either about to have a heart attack or has already started drinking heavily.   I could see that man drinking by himself late at night, either in the kitchen by himself or in his basement man-cave, wondering how did this immigrant thief, this bad hombre, stole his little girl.   He needs to man up and realize that you raise kids as best as you can and then at some point, you let them be.   He thinks he can craddle Libby all the way through adulthood, NOT realizing the ongoing damage he is causing.  Just let them be please.

And to Libby's sisters, I could think of words I want to call them, but I just can't.   They are just mean and controlling.   I bet Libby's father grew up poor and then made a couple of bucks working hard buying home after home and fixing it himself.   He created an upper middle class life for his family and now wants to protect that at all costs.   But as I said before, as a parent, you can only do that knowing full well that at some point, you must let the kids be out in the world doing their thing.

9 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Well Elizabeth's dream wedding is to get married at the top of a mountain, in the snow, while it's snowing...yes...WHILE it's snowing....and then to arrive by horse and carriage.

she lives in Tampa.

When I heard that I thought "destination wedding".   Libby is the kind of friend who makes you spend $2,000 in airfare and hotel, add the gift to that just so she can have her "dream" hour.  Fcuk your budget, Fcuk your life, Fcuck your credit....it's all about her and she's fully justified and laughing about it........

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I guess the only comfort I can muster for Evelyn is that she's young and a virgin so unless she starts hanging out with some different, more worldly friends, she'll never know what she's missing out on re amazing sex with your spouse.  It makes me almost want to cry at the thought of her wedding night and the possibility that she may just accept that it doesn't get any better than that. 

3 minutes ago, AmyBre said:

+1 on both points.  Andrei seems like a guy who wants to do the right thing.  He brought savings and talks about getting blue collar jobs.  He is a realist.  Men who like to work get automatic points in my book.   Nothing to do with money, but more the recognition of the importance of work.    Libby is almost normal but still comes up with Primadonna shit such as "let's have a small wedding now and then have a fairy tale 2 years later".   I blame the parents.    Libby is going to run into rude awakenings when Andrei tells her, we are not buying a Lexus, we are buying a 10 year old Toyota.   Libby is spoiled little brat, but I think she has a few good values in her.

Libby's father is either about to have a heart attack or has already started drinking heavily.   I could see that man drinking by himself late at night, either in the kitchen by himself or in his basement man-cave, wondering how did this immigrant thief, this bad hombre, stole his little girl.   He needs to man up and realize that you raise kids as best as you can and then at some point, you let them be.   He thinks he can craddle Libby all the way through adulthood, NOT realizing the ongoing damage he is causing.  Just let them be please.

And to Libby's sisters, I could think of words I want to call them, but I just can't.   They are just mean and controlling.   I bet Libby's father grew up poor and then made a couple of bucks working hard buying home after home and fixing it himself.   He created an upper middle class life for his family and now wants to protect that at all costs.   But as I said before, as a parent, you can only do that knowing full well that at some point, you must let the kids be out in the world doing their thing.

When I heard that I thought "destination wedding".   Libby is the kind of friend who makes you spend $2,000 in airfare and hotel, add the gift to that just so she can have her "dream" hour.  Fcuk your budget, Fcuk your life, Fcuck your credit....it's all about her and she's fully justified and laughing about it........

Libby's sisters making the proclamation that she always gets what she wants, is hard headed...made me yell at the tv that I'm sure they don't put up with shit either and sure seem to enjoy the finer things in life. Also pushy about HER bachelorette party and getting their way. I can't stand her family, except the mom seems nice. 

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11 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

Sexual dysfunction much, David Spain? I think we now know why Daivd Spain chose an 18 year old fundie virgin. He was hoping to buy some time in avoiding sex for a few years.

I just love how Evelyn has no education, not skills, no life experience and wants to be a home maker - a home maker who can't cook at all and pouts on her bed when her mom asks her to fold laundry with her. That girl brings absolutely nothing to the table. Loretta Lynn was the same way when she got married, but she was 13 and she could sing and write songs. Evelyn has nothing to recommend her.

The dysfunction of that wedding night is going to come when they realize that they forgot to build a relationship before getting married.   In all the wedding planning and in all the apartment seeking and lingerie shopping, they forgot to spend some time together creating intimacy.  Fundie Virgin doesn't know how to fry an egg.  She's been getting away with murder with that big toothy smile and the grace of her parents. 

I'll give them 6 months to a year.   

I avoided Reality TV for a long time but there's one good thing about this shitshow.   You can see things clear and now verbalize it better next time you see it happening in real life.

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They're all dumpster fires except for Andrei/Libby.  Molly was completely delusional from the beginning?  She could go down to a homeless shelter and find a more suitable stepfather.  The virgin twins don't like each other and have nothing in common besides their virginity and their love of arguing?  Josh is broke (and sterile) and knew she wanted a kid?  David is the biggest disaster of them all, but he must've been a great friend for Chris?  That guy is putting his marriage on the line for him.  Divorce in LA w/kids?  That would sting!

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Have only read half the comments here and just now watching. I apologize if this has been discussed-

What was mother Elvilyn doing with her hand on Evilyns leg and pants scrunched slighly up doing the sitting on bed sex talk? 

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11 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Libby has a chance at a satisfying, real and proper relationship. Andrei seems to respect her and wants her to be better - and to get a backbone to deal with her family. He may very well be the best thing that ever happened to her.

Libby chose well because Andrei is the type of guy who will NOT take hand outs from Libby's dad, both short and long term.   He is right in doing so and Libby's father is a jerk for trying to manipulate his family through money.

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My opinion of Annie has dropped.  She came across as entitled.  Can she not work, then?  She has more chance of finding employment than that fat unhealthy  lump she's with. The Chris/David friendship is odd and a tad suspicious, but Annie should be grateful for the free home.  

The girl with lipstick - do they ever kiss?  How can they kiss with all that lipstick?  Layers and layers of goo, and not even applied in the shape of her mouth.  But she's snagged the best guy in the whole bunch.  Hope her makeup is professionally done for the wedding.

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12 hours ago, EarlGreyTea said:

I'm a runner, and Andrei has the oddest form I've ever seen

As I may have mentioned a few times, I watch 90DF with my teenage sons. My 19 yo said the same thing - and added, "it's like he has enormous, manspreading-level, testicles or something."

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7 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Why does Chris own an abandoned fire house? That isn' even a quaint one that could be refurbished into a home. That place was bleak.


There is info on David's faith in their thread.

A Catholic priest will tell you that you need to talk about sex with your future wife!

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7 hours ago, millennium said:

She's like a jailer taunting a new inmate.  Better get used to it, because this is as good as it gets.   No more days off, no more breaks.  Your ass is mine now.

I wonder what Luis's living situation was (an apt? roommates? family?) and where he can land when he goes back to DR.

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I just want to clear something up - Annie might have said "he has to support me for 10 years" but the Financial Affidavit is only if the person would be on government assistance otherwise.    In other words, if Annie can get off her ass and get a job, Chris doesn't have to give her one thin dime.   

That said, Annie needs to accept reality.   Get that work permit ASAP and go hustle even if its at McDonald's.   Get something going.   She might not realize she can earn money in the US in other ways that she is used to.   But hopefully someone will clue her in.   She can work and support herself and dump David Poor the second the conditions are removed from her green card.   

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Los Angeles is a city in California, which is one of nine "community property" states.   Nikki is fighting for her money.   Chris might have been the one with the money, but maybe she was the brains behind it.   Or maybe she's the one with the wealth, and Chris is the one out there buying properties with her money and multiplying it.    Either way, it's 50% Nikki's money and she's right for fighting for it.   Nikki sees the writing on the wall with David Poor and Annie and she knows how it's going to end.   

I also think that Chris owes David a big favor and he's paying for it, over and over.   David is milking that for all he can and Nikki is tired of it.   Annie saw the money train and hopped on it.   

There's no romance with no finance....from the movie Flawless and Deniro and Phillip Seymour Hoffman

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12 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Maybe David Spain felt uncomfortable talking about sex on camera.

I thought this might be the case too, especially when all the camera angles went low and he kept asking for a break. But dude agreed to be on a show about marriage - sex was bound to come up at some point given that the "draw" of their story is their purity.

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9 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Annie and Bahtless are perfect for each other.  Bahtless said he expected to stay with Chris and Nikki for a "few weeks."  Who thinks this is a good idea?  He's a grifting jerk.  Nothing like putting people out and not thinking anything about it.

Annie said she didn't want to leave LA because Chris and Nikki were her friends and she didn't know anyone in Kentucky.  LOL. She is already on the Chris GIMME$$ Money Train.  Chris is not her friend....Nikki is certainly not her friend.  She has no friends.  She thinks it's ok to live the high life with them in LA as well.  Nice girl.

She also whined that the reason they got kicked out early was because Bahtless got in a fight with Nikki.  Well certainly her part in Girls Night Out and gleefully telling Nikki that Chris signed her cosponsorship papers for 10 years was not something that made Nikki feel comfortable.  Her smuggy oh well attitude contributed to them getting shown the door....she needs to take ownership of her shitty behavior as well.

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Dear me, where to begin? I'm glad we did not have a "drink every time you hear the word 'lingerie'" game last night, because we'd all be suffering with crippling hangovers, or dead of alcohol poisoning.


13 hours ago, Emmeline said:

Maybe if Nicole wasn’t in bed with Mae until 3:00 in the afternoon, the child would sleep 8 hours through the night.  I realize Mae’s all out of wack because of the time change and she’s in a strange place, but why is she waking up screaming multiple times at night at the age of 3?

What is up with little May? Why is she waking screaming in the middle of the night? That's not normal. That is concerning.

12 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

Elizabeth's dad looks like a barrel on top of two toothpicks, and he sounds like a petulant bratty barrel at that. "You didn't ask me or follow my tradition of asking my permission to marry my 27 year old adult daughter, so I am not going to help pay for her wedding." Talk about taking your toys and going home. I have to say that Andrei handled the barrel like a boss. Father Elizabeth was expecting some kind of heated confrontation and Andrei resolutely refused to feed the troll.  I just love how he is speeding up the timetable to get married quicker so he can work. Ha. Flip the script on Libby's dad, much? Whisk her out of daddy's orbit even sooner. Her dad also seems to have an over inflated sense of his little girl's value on the marriage market. She is a cute girl, but she is hardly an oil painting. She doesn't appear to have much education or a great career. Hate to break it to you, Father Libby, but Andrei is a fine catch for your youngest issue. Seems like the gene pool was shallowing out by your last spawn. I do like Libby, but Andrei is a fine catch for her. And they are really cute together. Loved how he complimented her after their run. 


Libby's father is a complete dick. A complete dick who is apparently stuck in the 50's. The 1850's. He's offended that Andrei didn't ask for his daughter's hand?? And this whole Victorian notion that a gentleman should be "established", in a profession, have a steady, comfortable income (preferably from inheritance, I guess?), and be a solid 10 or 12 years older than his bride? I applaud Andrei for not shoving that golf club up Papa Libby's ample ass.

12 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Elizabeth’s sisters don’t act very loving towards Elizabeth.  

Bingo. They keep whining that Andrei is "controlling". But they're more controlling than he is, by far. They're the ones dictating how Libby should live her life and what exactly she should be doing, when, and how. And everyone acts like Libby is a young, naive, slightly mentally deficient creature. She's a grown woman of 27 who certainly seems capable of choosing her own path. 

12 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Okay, I totally believe that David Spain is a virgin. That pearl-clutching scene cinched it for me. Dude will probably make her stay covered the whole time and ask her to pray afterwards. 

The whole time will be under five minutes if I don't miss my guess. The praying and crying will take a lot longer.

12 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

I just love how Evelyn has no education, not skills, no life experience and wants to be a home maker - a home maker who can't cook at all and pouts on her bed when her mom asks her to fold laundry with her. That girl brings absolutely nothing to the table. Loretta Lynn was the same way when she got married, but she was 13 and she could sing and write songs. Evelyn has nothing to recommend her.

That made me sit up and take notice too! She wants to be a homemaker? And doesn't even have basic cooking skills? I didn't learn to cook properly until after I was married (at 33). But at 18 I could make quiche Lorraine, pancakes, an omelet, I could bake a cake or a creditable pie. I could chop an onion. I could make spaghetti and meatballs and put together a salad. I don't get how a young woman who aspires to be a homemaker has reached 18 and apparently not have achieved any homemaking skills. What is she waiting for?

But come on you guys. You know she made that fetching little number she was wearing. Or her mother did.


12 hours ago, jumper sage said:

I just want to fly to Kentucky and rescue Annie.  Me thinks that couple WILL have to support her unless she leaves.

I think Annie will work three jobs and do housecleaning on the side, squirrel away her money and flee as soon as possible. I think she's playing dumb and playing for time.

11 hours ago, PityFree said:

 Why is Elizabeth wasting any money at all with a formal wedding? she just go to the justice of the peace with Andrei and save money for a big wedding in a year.

I was sitting in my living room yelling "GO TO THE COURTHOUSE! Get a cute dress at ModCloth and GO!" I like Andrei but Libby is acting like a twit.

11 hours ago, sleekandchic said:


I absolutely, positively HATE, DETEST, ABHOR adults who get their kicks from mocking, teasing or ridiculing little children.  Luis is a real fuck.  If Molly goes through with this stupid fantasy, she is a disgraceful mother.

That was bad. Poor Kensley could not win, no matter what she said. Molly should have taken that situation in hand at once. Luis is a dick. Why Molly is pushing this "you have to step up as a dad" notion is baffling. Kensley has a dad, as she herself has pointed out. Molly is not a good or sensitive or caring mother. She cares more for her hot young dick than her kids.

Luis the day after the bachelor party, at 3 PM: "I'm so hungry, baby! Can you make me something?" complete with supplicating puppy dog eyes. Gag. There's your future, Molly. I can't believe she falls for it. "Oh baby, you so beautiful, I love you!" and she's instantly reduced to a giggling, bridling sap. I think I know how this is going to play out. He's going to ping pong between being a selfish prick, and her hot Latin loovair. She's going to ping pong between being a silly 16 year old with her first boyfriend and a termagant who holds her money and Luis' immigration status over his head to get what she wants. Its going to be very, very unpleasant for everyone.


10 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Well Elizabeth's dream wedding is to get married at the top of a mountain, in the snow, while it's snowing...yes...WHILE it's snowing....and then to arrive by horse and carriage.

she lives in Tampa.

I too wondered how she planned to get a horse and carriage to the top of a snowy mountain. Does she understand how snow works? How mountains work?

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2 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Because the 90 days start ticking away the second the visa comes in, it makes it difficult to set an actual date.

Not true. I had my (unfortunate) marriage booked and planned in four hours. I used the hotel's vendors, made some phone calls for flowers/cake/invitations and we were done. I had bought the dress at a Monique L'Huillieur sample sale which did involve waiting in line for an hour. We wanted swing dancing, so I booked our favorite band in a five-minute exchange. I don't get "wedding planning."

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11 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

That made me sit up and take notice too! She wants to be a homemaker? And doesn't even have basic cooking skills? I didn't learn to cook properly until after I was married (at 33). But at 18 I could make quiche Lorraine, pancakes, an omelet, I could bake a cake or a creditable pie. I could chop an onion. I could make spaghetti and meatballs and put together a salad. I don't get how a young woman who aspires to be a homemaker has reached 18 and apparently not have achieved any homemaking skills. What is she waiting for?

It appears that Evelyn has a weird relationship with food. One minute she can barely force down one egg, and the next, she orders the Big Boy Pancake Platter. I have a feeling that Mother Evelyn has done most of the homemaking for her family, leaving Princess Evelyn to have free time for her "music".

Edited by EastCoast4Life
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2 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

My take on this is different. I think David went scouting for someone who he hoped would have the same aversion to sex that he has.

This is more common than you think. I couldn't care less about sex, but I love my friends and being around people. I'd love to find a guy who also isn't that into sex. I really hate cranberry juice.

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2 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

And Luis does not like her kids, especially the little one. He has made it perfectly clear. She's making it worse by continuing to force it. She'd do better to cut back on her hair and nail maintenance budget and invest in a proper babysitter so that Luis can do what he does best: sit on his ass.

He's marrying her for her money and a green card. And, she's marrying him for his penis. (I've used that word quite a bit in the past 24 hours.)

She'd do best to call off the wedding. He's not going to develop a love for her kids or the captive life of a kept husband. She makes marriage sound like a prison and he thinks there are days off for strippers and lap dances (that she will be paying for because who will watch the kids if he gets a job) in a marriage.

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2 hours ago, Kellyee said:

And Libby is actually pretty when she's not wearing that horrible red lipstick.

I agree! And the hair...she has great hair, but flat-ironing it is hideous. When I first got to LA, I went to Vidal Sassoon's right-hand man at the Beverly Hills salon...they do not allow blow-dry hairstyles, only flat irons. I love my slightly wavy hair, it's got great body and as a middleaged lady I looked awful with the oily-looking straight style. Yuck.

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This episode totally changed my mind about Annie. I liked her and was rooting for her but now I am not. 

The glee in her face when she told Nikki that Chris was financially responsible for her for ten years was too much. 

How different would it have been if Annie said to Nikki, "Look, you and I both know that David is broke and I can't thank you enough for having us on your house as your guests, you and Chris have gone above and beyond. Regarding the sponsorship, I can promise you, hand on my heart, that you will never have to worry about this. If my marriage with David doesn't work and we get divorce, I will be on a plane back to my country and you won't have to worry about it, if I do decide to stay, you better believe that I will work like a mad woman to never ever have to require any financial assistance from your husband." 

How different Nikki's reaction would have been to those words, Nikki might have been more inclined to help and protect Annie and keep her around just for the wild circumstances she find herself in, but the glee on her face when she mentioned that Chris was responsible for her raised all kind of red flags with me, I am sure it did with Nikki as well and that is why they had to leave sooner. 

Nikki now knows that Annie has no pride and she is very materialistic and is getting too attached to the LA lifestyle. Annie didn't have to go to a homeless shelter, she went to a firehouse place that doesn't look too well but it will be a roof over her head, instead of making the best of it, she is already giving it the side eye. All throughtout this season I have yet to hear from Annie the word "work", what does she intent to do, has she ever spoken about how would she earn money when the time comes? 

Annie has all the facts in front of her, she either goes back to Thailand and starts from scratch or she marries David right away, no fancy wedding, court house style because they don't have money for anything else and prays that her work permission arrives soon so she can start working and saving enough money for when she divorces David, which she will do as soon as the time allows it. She wanted a sugar daddy that would bring her to America, she found a frog that will never be a prince, she bet and she lost, deal with it like a grown up woman. 

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"My baby girl," apropos Elizabeth? Seriously? This is a grown woman, not a baby. Also there are three (I think?) other daughters, but this one is the "baby girl?" [Insert barf emoji] My sister in law insists on referring to my 20 y o nephew as "the baby" and it drives him and me batshit.

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David reacted to the sex talk like Evelyn asked him to watch a porn movie in church with his parents sitting right next to him.  If the thought of having the conversation creates this much distress what will happen on the wedding night?  I believe David is praying the key will be lost to the chastity belt so he won't have to consummate the marriage. 

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22 minutes ago, BeachyWave said:

This is more common than you think. I couldn't care less about sex, but I love my friends and being around people. I'd love to find a guy who also isn't that into sex. I really hate cranberry juice.

david may be free in a year.

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9 hours ago, millennium said:

It's the only hummer he's ever likely to experience.

Squeegy, squeegy.................................Mt. Dew meet laptop screen - HILARIOUS~

I tried to watch a later run of the show just to see David and Annie get kicked out of the house and fell asleep.  I think I zone out during the initial broadcast because I missed that.  Did the friend's wife end lady's night early too?

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9 minutes ago, BeachyWave said:

Also there are three (I think?) other daughters, but this one is the "baby girl?"

Of the three harpies we've seen, one is a sister-in-law, married to Libby's brother, but she's equally as opinionated

Edited by magemaud
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12 hours ago, Lemons said:

It’s been bugging me , that little girl looks so familiar, now I see it. I think Tracy Morgan is her father! 

That had to be a set up. The 6 year old spilled her ice cream in her crotch and the mother and sister look expectedly at Luis like, well?  You gonna clean that up?   Really!?!?

he ignores them, so they scream at him, something about being a father. What the?  

If he rushed to clean it there would be people,calling him all sorts of names. He can’t win. 

And I think in his beginner language he was trying to say something about in his country if a six year old spills something on herself, she would take the napkin in her hand and wipe herself off. 

I agree 100% 

What was wrong with Kinsley? she couldn't grab a napkin and attempt to clean herself? She is 6 years old. She is not a 2-3 year old child who can't help herself. 

What was wrong with Molly? that is her daughter right there, wouldn't she feel uncomfortable if Luis had put his hands on her crotch? How about the sister? can you give your mom a hand? 

I hate Luis and his obvious intentions of getting a green card so shamelessly but out of the four people in that place, he was not the one to clean that little girl. 

Molly has spoiled her daughter and she is the one who has to deal with it. Kensley has made very clear that she doesn't like, respect or sees Luis as anything else but the hired help. Olivia has also made that very clear. This all falls on Molly's lap. She is the only one responsible for this disaster. 

Molly is the mother of those girls, she is the one who should look after their welfare and what she does? She goes on a trip to the DR and finds herself a boy toy and make the decision to bring him to her house and basically without giving him anytime she goes back to work full time before helping to create a bond between Luis and her daughters. She entrusted him with the responsibility of taking care of Kinsley, what was going through her mind? How could you leave your daughter with a stranger for hours and hours. 

They all got to a very rough start and the gap will probably only get wider. Molly should have left Luis in DR and visit twice a year, have a great time and call it a day, but instead she messed up and she is now paying the price for it. You would think that looking at how bad it is going on that she would do the only sensible thing and accept her mistake and send him packing, but of course not. If she doesn't get married then Luis has to go back, plain and simple.

Molly is a 42 year old mother who is responsible for two girls, Luis is a 25 immature boy toy who got more than he bargained for, their match will never work and the only want that can call it off is Molly. 

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11 hours ago, Splithair said:

How does one plan such a thing in advance?

I guess you buy or rent a snow making machine to take to the top of the mountain, in the horse drawn carriage, in case mother nature does not cooperate and provide natural snow. :)

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