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6 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I saw this video of her and it is pretty good

Oh dear sweet fuck, she is a train wreck in this.  She wanders through the woods, howling incoherently and breaking branches over and over.  We get endless closeups of her filthy bare feet.  This is not a video.  It's a cry for help.  


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2 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

I have always gone to bars with live bands, because I love music and want to see that band. Not to hook up. I also like to dance on occasion. I don't do well with anyone telling me where I can go or how late I can stay out. You either truest me or you don't.

There is a religious component as well. It's unseemly for marrieds to be out galavanting & suggesting the possibility of impropriety. Plus, there are safety concerns when ppl are out drinking among strangers. And Andrei doesn't know her crew or how she is with them or what kind of influence they have over her; he's never met any of them.


(Elizabeth is Christian....assuming Andrei is some type of Eastern Orthdox Christian, too.)

Edited by balisticnikki
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8 minutes ago, Gigglepuff said:

What is with that....wail/moan/yowling sound she makes? 

It's like a form of caterwauling. I can't describe it, really.  

I listened to the yowling about a dozen times because I was pretttttttttty certain it was an actual word and sometimes when I'm stubborn I have to see things thru until I come to a conclusion.  

Conclusion:  I don't have enough alcohol in my house to listen to this anymore.  

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8 minutes ago, Gigglepuff said:

It's like a form of caterwauling. I can't describe it, really.  

I've been doing some research, and it seems likely her voice will deepen and change significantly once she takes the old hot meat injection.  When she becomes a woman, you know.  If David does his job right (he won't) she could be a baritone by Christmas.  

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17 hours ago, Kangatush said:

I have to say a slight nay to this one.  I adore meat.  But generally of the muscle variety, like a steak, not brain.  And I've made plenty of sausage.  Basically muscle and fat.  Industrial hot dogs are a different story.  I've even had my share of offal (the innards), and I simply don't like the taste.  I'd have an issue with a whole head being presented to me.  Now I'm an adult, so I'd keep my freak out purely internal and eat the head, but I wouldn't just dive in, no hesitation.

I'm also not buying that this meal was served in her honor, as was the case with Larry and the pig. I think it was payback for Nicole rejecting vegetables and getting all squeamish about the live chickens. Azan was like "oh yeah, take this!" Aunt Azan seems like a playful, good-natured person. I doubt she thought Nicole would eat it and I equally doubt she was offended when she didn't. 

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21 hours ago, Nowhere said:

<snip> People go to clubs to hook up. That's why I go to gay clubs or bars if it's truly necessary. The men hit on each other and we can dance or sit and talk without being bothered.<snip>

Many moons ago, I went to a gay dance club in Dallas one night with a gay friend of mine, and when I woke up (in my own bed - alone) the next morning, I discovered a guy's name and phone number scribbled on my chest with a Sharpie. Upside-down, from my perspective....

Oh, those were the days!

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 I don't have enough alcohol in my house to listen to this anymore.  

My ex was in the beverage alcohol business.  He used to say "I have access to $100,000 worth of alcohol inventory, and it's not enough for me to ..... [insert unpleasant thing here]."

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5 hours ago, Lesia said:

I am loving how, during the talking heads, they seem to keep the cameras on for just an extra second or two, after they stop talking, so we can see the discomfort and awkwardness in the participants.

Yes! Evelyn and David's was particularly awkward. 

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1 minute ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

She never seems to lose that rictus grin with her head back and eyes closed like she’s Mr Magoo. Is that Resting Bitch Face.

It's simple physics. She can't let that heroic honker project too far forward because there's no ass for a counterweight.

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3 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

She never seems to lose that rictus grin with her head back and eyes closed like she’s Mr Magoo. Is that Resting Bitch Face.

So I had to look up rictus grin. I know what my nightmares will consist of tonight.

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On 11/13/2017 at 8:10 PM, Forum member said:
On 11/13/2017 at 7:26 PM, magemaud said:

but she might as well be because on the last trip (and so far on this one,) she has done nothing to try educate herself and embrace the Moroccan or Muslim culture. 

Now now... didn't she point at the mosque and tell May it was big? How much embracing are you after?

I'm surprised she didn't tell May something like, "That's where Aladdin and Jasmine live!" 

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On 11/13/2017 at 3:13 PM, Kangatush said:

I never thought I'd be doing this, but I'm going to defend Luis.  He's not a pervert, he's not a skeevy stepdad, he's a bartender. He's talking to Olivia like she's a normal, late teenage girl.  Exactly how peers would speak to each other, and he and Olivia pretty much are peers.  Molly might be trying to make him insta-dad, but he's not.  She can't have it both ways.

I was thinking close to the same thing, along a different line:

Didn't MamaMolly meet Luis in a nightclub in the DR, where he was a bartender or bar back? I believe the legal drinking age in DR is 18. These bartenders know the more they flirt, the better tips.  I believe they'll even use the line "I'm in love with you, do you want to get married?" . Some women, like MamaMolly, believe them, next thing you know, Luis is knocking at your door!

I'm sure he's use to girls the daughter's age flirting with  him while he's at work...the way he talked with her is probably a normal conversation for him. 

I personally do not find him attractive. 

I think that "modeling" agency was created for the show. 

Need to change David Poor's name to Pathetic David Poor. It sure looks like he's gained back close to all of the weight he lost. 

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8 hours ago, shockermolar said:

I rewatched last night with my teenage sons who had this nugget of wisdom to impart, "Clubs? She's OLD. Is she thinking someone will hit on her at a club, cause that's a no right there."

Clubs that Andre is thinking about are made up mostly under 21 year olds thinking the clubs are the most awesome thing ever. And of course men looking to get with the young girls.  Once everyone reaches the age of 21, it's like no, I'm over it.  (I'm exaggerating a little and talking about big city clubs). 

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9 minutes ago, Splithair said:

So I had to look up rictus grin. I know what my nightmares will consist of tonight.

I would have suggested Rictus Grin as a name for Evelyn's band, but to my surprise, it's already been taken! 

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7 hours ago, Granny58 said:

That said, in Azan's TH he said that Nicole disrespected his culture when she did not want to eat the sheeps head, really Azan?  Any little thing that Nicole does that he does not like automatically goes against his culture like not wanting to eating something that would make you ill is disrespecting your culture?

Then Azan should rethink his dating outside his culture if it is gonna be such a struggle for him.  I am sure there are plenty of pretty, fit and faithful girls in Morocco.  But they can't bring you to America, no?

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7 hours ago, shockermolar said:

Yikes! As the parent of teenagers I really have to point out that this attitude is exactly the thing that generally creates a teenager who has unprotected sex that leads to STDs and unwanted pregnancies. As to the deep emotional hurt, I can also categorically say that that is going to happen with teenagers whether or not they actually are having sex with their boyfriend or girlfriend. And in regards to "cheapening" what sex is supposed to be, that's a moralistic statement that I cannot agree with. Sex is supposed to be sex - it doesn't need to be tied down to excessive emotion or commitment. I would far rather my teenagers have safe, protected sex without turning it all into some ridiculous idea of high romance and happy ever after when they haven't made it to functioning adult status yet (i.e. - out of the house with a paying job that can support themselves).  I was actually really happy with Olivia being flabbergasted at the idea that she's ready to marry or remain with her current boyfriend. She's 17. There will be a lot more boyfriends before she gets to that point I hope.

I think most people, including teenagers, and more likely to do (or not do) something if it's a decision they've made for themselves, as opposed to something someone else is trying to impose on them.. That's just human nature, IMO.


With my daughter, I never told her not to have sex until she was married, or until she was a certain age, or whatever. Instead, we talked a lot about the possible consequences of sexual activity (and we never had "The Talk" - this was an ongoing discussion because I always answered all of her questions about sex - in an age appropriate manner - whenever she asked). I explained I believed sex was considered an "adult activity," like driving, drinking, voting, etc., simply because most "adult activities" have consequences young people either aren't mature enough to successfully avoid or have the resources to deal with if they occur.


I made sure she knew about all the different types of STD's and how to identify them (those that CAN be identified). We talked about birth control, and the actual effectiveness of each method. We also discussed many of the myths about sex and pregnancy many teenagers believe, such as "You can't get pregnant the first time you have sex," and "You can't get pregnant of you have sex standing up," etc. We talked a lot about the difference between love and sexual attraction, and how hard it can be to distinguish between the two when you're young and being overtaken by powerful hormones.


I NEVER told her I disapproved of sex or in any way indicated I think sex is "bad" - but something that can be absolutely wonderful IF you're prepared, have protected yourself against any unwanted consequences, and aren't lying to yourself about what having sex with a particular individual means.  I made absolutely certain everything I told her was the objective truth, because teenagers are now just one click away from all the facts about sex, birth control, etc., and if they find out their parent(s) have lied to them about any of it, they'll never trust you to tell the truth again - and that's dangerous. Anyway, my daughter decided FOR HERSELF that engaging in sex as a teenager was not a good idea for a lot of reasons - and she stuck to that decision. She's now 21.

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On 11/13/2017 at 3:53 PM, shockermolar said:

He also used another word in Spanish that I didn't quite catch, so I rewound and put on CC and it was something that translated "to grab." I think we tend to forget that being able to speak a 2nd language can be hard, forget idioms and the like, and translating isn't always the best. I really think he was trying to put her at ease that he wouldn't "tattle tale" on her about having sex because he doesn't see it as secretive or dirty and that if she wants to grab at it while she's young that's fine. I don't even think fuck is a particularly vulgar word, and he was using it in it's most literal sense. Again, in a language that is not his primary one.

Spanish speakers use the word "coger" (which in literal meaning is to stick) as the word f*ck. So he was 100% saying it's okay for her to f*ck. 

Also being married to a latino, someone else pointed out they may not understand he word "f*ck" as being bad because it's used widely in movies etc, yes they absolutely know that word is a bad word and it's actually one of the first curse words probably 8/10 of them learn!

He knew he was saying it in a vulgar way, there are more appropriate ways of discussing sex in spanish, just as in English. Luis is just a perv, hands down .

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8 hours ago, shockermolar said:

Yikes! As the parent of teenagers I really have to point out that this attitude is exactly the thing that generally creates a teenager who has unprotected sex that leads to STDs and unwanted pregnancies. As to the deep emotional hurt, I can also categorically say that that is going to happen with teenagers whether or not they actually are having sex with their boyfriend or girlfriend. And in regards to "cheapening" what sex is supposed to be, that's a moralistic statement that I cannot agree with. Sex is supposed to be sex - it doesn't need to be tied down to excessive emotion or commitment. I would far rather my teenagers have safe, protected sex without turning it all into some ridiculous idea of high romance and happy ever after when they haven't made it to functioning adult status yet (i.e. - out of the house with a paying job that can support themselves).  I was actually really happy with Olivia being flabbergasted at the idea that she's ready to marry or remain with her current boyfriend. She's 17. There will be a lot more boyfriends before she gets to that point I hope.

What you say is right on in several points. However, are you a mother of teenage boys, or teenage girls ? Un fortunately most parents of teenage boys are far more lax about their sons' sexual activity than daughters. Honestly it sucks but the double standard doesnt exist just from parents, but also peers. I remember in high school (only a few years ago), when the boys finally had sex with their girlfriend or any girl, news would spread fast, and oftentimes the girl would be deeply embarrassed. Also, parents of daughters have to deal with consequences that are more "real" than parents of sons: I had several classmates that had abortions in high school, had contracted STDs from oral sex, etc. Nearly all the girls I knew who had sex in HS claimed that it was "not good" and "a mistake." This was with the Sex Ed course all high schoolers were required to take as well. I think that sex should be taught as something special, not meaningless. 

From a female perspective, I had my heart broken in high school, but I didnt have sex that young, and that was something I felt proud about, that I hadn't let some thoughtless teenage boy use my body, because honestly many teenage boys simply want sex and are ready to move onto the next girl after she's given up the goods. 

The problem with Olivia is that it's already too late to teach her to wait for sex until she's a little older. She has seen her mother with various boyfriends, and who had a second child out of wedlock, so there is obviously some sort of acceptance on her mother's part for Olivia to partake in sex with her bf at 17, probably under the same roof. 

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4 hours ago, Former Nun said:

And in my state we've had too many who KILLED children!

And in my state, too many of these babysitting boyfriends beat the snot out of or burn little children who have the audacity to soil a diaper, spill a cup of milk, or cry because they are hungry or tired.  

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20 minutes ago, Deafening Roar said:

Spanish speakers use the word "coger" (which in literal meaning is to stick) as the word f*ck. So he was 100% saying it's okay for her to f*ck. 

Also being married to a latino, someone else pointed out they may not understand he word "f*ck" as being bad because it's used widely in movies etc, yes they absolutely know that word is a bad word and it's actually one of the first curse words probably 8/10 of them learn!

He knew he was saying it in a vulgar way, there are more appropriate ways of discussing sex in spanish, just as in English. Luis is just a perv, hands down .

He also hears Molly scream fuck me harder several times a day. 

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4 hours ago, Former Nun said:

NO!   Many on this board are surmising that Luis will molest the "sassy" little girl (I've forgotten her name).  I say "sassy" because all she was doing was contradicting him when he said he would be her daddy.   I think Luis wanted a chance to come to the USA and now he's stuck at home babysitting (with NO ill intent). No molestar pasando.

No one is saying Luis is a molester, per se. What we are suggesting is that mothers such as Molly and Nicole need to exercise more discretion before bringing men into their home who are not biologically related to their children. Statistically, a man in a home who is not biologically related to the children is more likely to cause harm to the children, abuse, neglect, or molestation. Not all boyfriends are abusers, of course not. But non-bio boyfriends are generally not going to be as tolerant and often resent a child who is not theirs. Children left alone with these kinds men are at great risk. 

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1 hour ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

She never seems to lose that rictus grin with her head back and eyes closed like she’s Mr Magoo. Is that Resting Bitch Face.

"Rictus as that of a ballet dancer!"

Such a funny post! Rictus, Mr. Magoo, Resting B Face.

Maybe she, too, is perpetually aroused, like Luis.

1 hour ago, Forum member said:

It's simple physics. She can't let that heroic honker project too far forward because there's no ass for a counterweight.

Yep, i was thinking striking that pose minimizes the appearance of her nose. (That's not shade, btw. I think she's pretty. And a girl's gotta know her good side.)

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27 minutes ago, Matias130 said:

Un fortunately most parents of teenage boys are far more lax about their sons' sexual activity than daughters. Honestly it sucks but the double standard doesnt exist just from parents, but also peers.

I can only speak for me, but as a the mom of two young men ages 18 and 20, we held them to pretty high standards.  But yes peer pressure is huge!  It also helped that my older son would still rather light his hair on fire than ask a girl out. 


1 hour ago, alegtostandon said:

I personally do not find him attractive. 

Luis?  Me neither  - even he was somewhat good looking, the skeevy behavior is a no no.  Ugh.

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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6 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Having as little as possible Evelyn's "awesome talent" shown on the air is a blessing for the The Band.   BTW, does The Band have a name?

How about "That's So Evelyn" for the tv show name?  (like in "That's So Raven")

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Can I yack you?

Azan:  Faust on a camel.

Devil-lyn, if a couple has limited funds, you make a budget, manage your expectations, and be creative. BTW, I went to a big retirement party last week for a highly placed person in Washington, DC, and the cake was delicious and lovely. It was from Sam’s Club.

Daughter David Pour: “Can you do nails?” What an a-hole. Runs in the family, I guess. Because Asian women are all masseuses; "working girls;" nail techs; trophies; or nurse's aides to sick old men. 

I wouldn’t have pegged David Pour as a juicehead, but if so it might explain some things. The man is clearly ill and should have come back to the U.S. ages ago to get medical treatment and rehabilitation counseling, rather than he and his enablers thinking getting a foreign wife would fix him. Maybe Annie expects he’ll croak sooner rather than later. Girl, don't be crying over his drunk dancing, sign him up for Zumba, Spinning, triathlon training, aerobic basket weaving, whatever you can find, while stuffing him nonstop with booze and greasy food.   

Josh’s friend Joe pings my gaydar. I think he wants Josh for himself and that he's the NA sponsor. Ninety days is long enough for Aika to find herself a new dumb American who will have his own place to live, whose kids and family see him, and who doesn’t look like 40 miles of bad road. Does Josh even have upper teeth? Meth for example rots out teeth. 

I don't care if Moolie took Luis to the beetch and he sealed the deal, he is a PERV. Moolie should have thrown him out the second the two girls told her what he said. But what did she expect, bringing him there to live with that foxy young girl? As usual for these dopes, it's all wedding blinders rather than common sense. If he weren't coming on to her daughter (how long did it take, a week?) it would be to somebody else no matter how much she tries to shut him up in the house in Woodstock, GA. 

Andrei started getting obnoxious the second he began drinking in the bar. Wouldn’t surprise me if he’s a classic alcoholic Jekyll/Hyde. 

Edited by Tuneful
It's perfect, you'll see.
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17 minutes ago, Desert Rat said:

No one is saying Luis is a molester, per se

"Per se" is your qualifier...but there have been several unfavorable opinions about him by name--not just random boyfriends--on this forum.  I find myself taking it personally.

31 minutes ago, Desert Rat said:

And in my state, too many of these babysitting boyfriends beat the snot out of or burn little children who have the audacity to soil a diaper, spill a cup of milk, or cry because they are hungry or tired.

Your state IS my state since 1940 (Phoenix and now Tempe).  

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On 11/13/2017 at 0:26 AM, Caseysgirl said:

I actually think that Libby is trying to make Andrei into a villain before we can even get to know him. She's the one who keeps pushing the "girls night"" as if every woman in America is out partying all night long. By the time you are her age and in a serious relationship, going out for dinner and a few drinks is with your friends is about all you your "girls night" is and he wasn't objecting to that. He also did not seem to be having any problem with the interview even though she acted as if he would be throwing a huge temper tantrum and blow the interview. Maybe TLC is encouraging her to catastrophise.

"Girl's night out" strikes me as a sexist concept that many women cluelessly perpetuate.   I think they believe it's empowering to announce "I'm taking a special night to go out with my friends" but if you look at it conversely, it becomes "I am not permitted to go out with my friends any old time I like."   Worse, it seems some women passively-aggressively seek permission from their husbands/boyfriends before going, needing their approval so they can drink or dance with a clear conscience.   From that perspective, "girls' night out" only confirms that the men in their lives have an unnatural stranglehold on their time and self-expression.

Edited by millennium
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48 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

"Per se" is your qualifier...but there have been several unfavorable opinions about him by name--not just random boyfriends--on this forum.  I find myself taking it personally.

Your state IS my state since 1940 (Phoenix and now Tempe).  

I'm in Phoenix. Have you noticed that these horrible stories of child killing and abuse usually come from the same general sections of the metro area?  Same thing with the teacher child molest cases.  

About Luis. No one should suggest he is a child molester, and I didn't read any post that said that, but maybe I missed it.  I don't know Luis, so my concern is just about the situation in general.  I'm actually more concerned for May, not because I think Azan is a bad guy, I don't, but because May is more vulnerable because of her young age and Nicole is less attentive.  

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17 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

His opinion of women is disturbing, but it's all he knows. Hopefully, he can change. He is likable. And, he really loves her.

Hmm, I don't think his opinion is disturbing, it's very much an Eastern European view of the roles of men and women.

I agree that he loves her, or at least, they're in lust. :)

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Some thoughts...

I don't know about Andrei yet. Reminds me of the Jessica Rabbit thing...he's not bad, it's just how he's drawn. I DO think a lot of his stuff is kind of a lost-in-translation thing. And she seems to provoke him. I don't mean that in a "she deserves it" kind of way but she seems to be making an issue of things that aren't really an issue right now. It's good to have some stuff sorted before you get married but she seems to keep bringing up worst-case scenarios to him, just to see how he reacts. 

I was #TeamLuis up until this episode. He made ME uncomfortable with his talk to Olivia, though. I do think that he views her as a peer, and not as a sort of stepdaughter, and I think there are some cultural differences there. However, he IS human and he does speak English. When he was told that it was inappropriate, that should have been the end of it. My mom's first husband came back into her life 20 years after the fact. They became friends and he started emailing me in college. At one point he asked how tall I was and when I told him 4'10", he replied, "I love tiny, petite girls. They're just like little flowers, ready to open and be plucked." That was kind of the end of our correspondence. My mom didn't think it was strange at all but it made ME uncomfortable and that's all that mattered. Listen to those warning bells. 


Evelyn and David. Jesus take the wheel...I hope most of this is made up drama for the show. Nobody in real life could be so awful, right?


Aika and Josh: I am #TeamAika all the way. He is treating her like an object, like a prize, and that just pisses me off. And I don't even know these people. 


Bahtman and Annie: Girl, run. Run far and wide. I am sure that you can do better. 

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4 hours ago, alegtostandon said:


I think that "modeling" agency was created for the show. 

Actually, the agency and owner have been in the talent business in the Phoenix area for a long time. I don't know why they agreed to be in this show.

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2 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

Actually, the agency and owner have been in the talent business in the Phoenix area for a long time. I don't know why they agreed to be in this show

Yes.  And frankly, I am surprised that they would be a part of something like this.  It's beneath them, I think.  Or, rather, I thought.

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