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S14.E03: Go Big or Go Home

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On 10/5/2017 at 9:10 PM, Chas411 said:

Ugh any episodes where Amelia takes centre stage is a turn off for me. The character alone is awfully written but Scorscones portrayal makes it worse.

Just curious because I've always had a hard time liking Amelia (even on PP) and always thought it might have something to do with the actress but I couldn't quite put my finger on it, why do you not like Caterina's portrayal of Amelia? I always see people raving about how great an actress she is and I just...don't see it?

And I totally agree that any episode that is Amelia-centric for me is a definite no. Part of the reason I'm kinda glad they are rushing through this tumor so we don't have an entire half a season focused on her!

On 10/5/2017 at 9:38 PM, DearEvette said:

Are they setting up Riggs & Megan to be a thing?  And possibly Henderson leaving the show?  Granted I never thought Meredith and Riggs had any real chemistry, but their conversation made it sound like they were giving the death knell to their relationship but didn't feel too torn up about it.  Or is Megan staying?  I know the actress is also on Timeless, but then that got cancelled and then uncancelled.  IIRC.

I am actually liking Amelia.  And Owen.  Apart. He has a great rapport with his sister and their scenes feel like they could be siblings.  Goes to show how bad romantic chemistry can affect characters.

Really don't care about Jo and Alex one way or the other.  But glad for their fans that they are getting some traction.

Not quite sold on Amelia yet, but I agree 100%. Both characters are so much more likable when they aren't together. They really bring out the worst in each other. If this cop-out tumor storyline gives us one thing I hope its an Owen/Amelia breakup.


17 hours ago, deaja said:

When Derek was sued in Season 5, we know his mortality rate was much higher than that, but they said it was because he did so many high-risk operations.  But by all means, show, let's retcon the past so we can make Amelia the BESTEST NEUROSURGEON EVER! Practically a superhero to the point where she even poses like one before surgery.

I always thought that "superhero pose" thing Amelia does is super cringey and OTT. And of course they are incorporating it into next episode via the promo...

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, only1shoe said:

I always thought that "superhero pose" thing Amelia does is super cringey and OTT. And of course they are incorporating it into next episode via the promo...

I’m glad I’m not the only one. I get such second hand embarrassment watching it. I know there’s actual articles about how the pose helps confidence and performance but it’s one of those things that’s useful but dumb to watch others do. It’s like when this show decided to be meta and had Calle scream out “team merder!” It’s said all the time online but to hear it out loud is cringeworthy as hell.

  • Love 6
12 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Well, luckily, they don't actually have to blame the initial drug use on the tumor, only the drug relapse. She did drugs as a teenager and then got sober for years before she made her first appearance on Private Practice. And, if I did the math correctly, she would have gotten her tumor about two years before that. 

I worked it out to be the same. She came to PP 8years ago so she’s always had it growing. I was thinking maybe breaking up with James when she came to Greys from the beginning but I guess not. I’m not sure how I feel about her always having it. But then she always been impulsive, obsessive, filterless.  No one could notice it as it’s been there for as long as they and us have known her. To them (and us) she always been like this. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, moonorchid said:

I’m glad I’m not the only one. I get such second hand embarrassment watching it. I know there’s actual articles about how the pose helps confidence and performance but it’s one of those things that’s useful but dumb to watch others do. It’s like when this show decided to be meta and had Calle scream out “team merder!” It’s said all the time online but to hear it out loud is cringeworthy as hell.

That is so descriptive, you should patent it!   Thanks for the first great laugh of the day.

Rewatched the episode late last night, it's good to see Meredith finally be a grown-up.  In direct contrast to Maggie, whose behavior seems to be regressing to that of a 10 year old.  Oh, but I missed it the first time, after Amelia tells her about the tumor, Maggie runs into Deluca in the hall, and she looks at him and says "Oh"....so it finally dawned on her WHAT that silly apology was all about.

Edited by Blonde Gator
need more coffee!
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Re the conversation between Webber and Amelia about her responsibility (and her kill rate).  I'm sort of the mind that Richard was, for lack of a better word, lying.  He saw that someone who is sick was working themselves into a tizzy (a tizzy that would be exponentially worse due to the nature of their condition) and stepped in.  He went through the motions of looking over Amelia's work and then reassured her that she did the right things in the past.  Honestly, I am okay with this--at least from the viewpoint that Webber was trying to do what he needed to do to make sure that Amelia got the treatment she needed.  Obviously, if he was lying, there is the little issue of Amelia's medical malpractice.  But, I actually saw that scene as Richard trying to calm Amelia down more than anything. (ETA: Sort of like what he did with Shane when Shane lost it operating on Alex's dad)


1 hour ago, Court said:

Sorry, I do not buy the tumor as an excuse for Amelia's shitty personality this entire time. Sure some of it and I'm positive it exacerbated her impulsviness and other annoying qualities.

But I dislike that the tumor is the reason for all her crappiness. 

I see the tumor as an excuse, honestly, and that's it.  They've messed up Amelia's character and this is the only way they can change it.  Personality transplants are one of my biggest pet peeves on TV shows and I'm actually a bit amazed that Grey's is stooping to doing this.  That said, at least a tumor makes more sense than the "flip the switch" personality transplants I've seen too many times.

But, yeah, not a fan.  I probably would have had no problem with this had they not made a big deal about the tumor affecting her personality and choices.

Edited by Morksmate
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Court said:

Sorry, I do not buy the tumor as an excuse for Amelia's shitty personality this entire time. Sure some of it and I'm positive it exacerbated her impulsviness and other annoying qualities.

But I dislike that the tumor is the reason for all her crappiness. 

They're basically giving her a lobotomy with this tumor. Except, am I the only one that thinks this attempt at character retcon is too little too late? Whether a viewer has been with Amelia since PP or just the past few years on Grey's, whether some love or hate her character, the impression and perception is there. While the handling of this tumor storyline hasn't been bad thus far seeing as they aren't dragging it out and people are actually communicating, I think the idea of the tumor being to blame for who the character has been all this time is a lazy and lame cop-out. It just really bothers me, and I don't even care about Amelia! 

Edited by funnygirl
  • Love 5

I am hoping they don't use the tumor as some way to completely retcon the character.

I hope that the "this has been growing for ten years" explanation is just a way to explain why a tumor that big is in her head.  I know nothing about tumors, but I imagine something that size doesn't just appear *poof*.  So the 10 years thing becomes medically plausible, especially for a benign tumor.

So I think a more logical (hopefully) explanation they are working toward is that it eventually got to a size where is was actually affecting her decision making, but that that development was fairly recent.  It would neatly explain away all of her terrible treatment of Owen last two years.  But it would leave intact all of her real shitty decisions previously.  Her reaction to losing her baby, her drug use, her tendency to compare herself to Derek, and her prickly relationship with Meredith don't need a retcon.  They work for her character.  But as much as I've disliked Amelia from the jump, I have to say that from Season 12 on they really wrote her so badly that she became somewhat irredemable to me.  Hands down the worst character on the show for the last two seasons. 

And with just these last two episodes and seeing some positive character development from characters like April, Maggie and Bailey, I am hopeful that the new EP is addressing a lot of the bad character developments that seem to plague so many of the characters.  I am wondering if S13 was so bad because it wasn't just the stories it was so hard to enjoy, but the characters themselves.  They felt less like people with flaws and more like caricatures with tics that existed only to further plot.

Edited by DearEvette
  • Love 8

Was it previously established that Harper Avery is a sexist asshole or it's just something they made up on a whim and for the lulz? Anyway, I think they killed him off so that they wouldn't have to bother with all the 1883 versions of Katherine's and Jackson's backstory. 

Amelia having a brain tumor (of a kind that affects decision making and judgement, no less!) for her entire duration on the show is all kinds of awesome. I guess we're in a for a face transplant some time in the future? An actress wants to leave, so her character has a horrific accident, Jackson performs some kind of a miraculous surgery, and voila, the characters stays on the show, just played by a different person. Why not.

Honestly, I think the only reason I'm still watching is that DeLuca is so beautiful. And sweet. And they're giving him more screen time. Keep it up!

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, only1shoe said:

tress but I couldn't quite put my finger on it, why do you not like Caterina's portrayal of Amelia?

To be fair to the actress her dialogue is awful (the superhero posing and obnoxious monologues during the Geena Davis tumor storyline were mortifying to watch) but it's the way she plays her as so smug. Whatever way she delivers her lines she comes off to me as smuggy mc smuggerson and that makes her even more unlikeable. 

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, Blonde Gator said:

Oh, but I missed it the first time, after Amelia tells her about the tumor, Maggie runs into Deluca in the hall, and she looks at him and says "Oh"....so it finally dawned on her WHAT that silly apology was all about.

That part actually made me laugh out loud. And then be grateful that it didn't immediately pivot to "So you weren't actually apologizing at all, and you still owe me an apology."

  • Love 5
On 10/6/2017 at 0:56 AM, moonorchid said:

I didn’t get why jo and Alex are ragging on April just for existing. Like either of those a-holes are in any position to judge her. So what if she had a boring nice prom date. Literally...so what? 

I didn't take it as them teasing her in a malicious or judgmental way, more like reinforcing just how different their life experiences were to April's.  April had the perfect dress, gave her date a corsage (I can't spell the male version of that LOL), and the night ended up completely wholesome, a scenario that is completely foreign to both Alex and Jo for many reasons.  I'm sure that they think that they are a lot "cooler" than April, but I didn't think that they were being mean.  Alex is always, always going to needle April (and I would love to see her give it back completely), and anything that Jo can say while smiling and doesn't include the words "I lived in my car" is like Shakespeare to me.  I also thought that Alex was giving Jo a bit of a dig with his "don't propose to someone unless you know what the answer is gonna be" or whatever he said. 


They're basically giving her a lobotomy with this tumor. Except, am I the only one that thinks this attempt at character retcon is too little too late? Whether a viewer has been with Amelia since PP or just the past few years on Grey's, whether some love or hate her character, the impression and perception is there. While the handling of this tumor storyline hasn't been bad thus far seeing as they aren't dragging it out and people are actually communicating, I think the idea of the tumor being to blame for who the character has been all this time is a lazy and lame cop-out. It just really bothers me, and I don't even care about Amelia! 

It is a cop-out and what bothers me is Amelia isn't the only one to act out of character in the last few seasons.  Is Meredith going to get a tumor?  Alex, April, Jo, Bailey?  Or is it that Amelia continues to be a favorite of the writers and therefore the flaws just aren't acceptable?  I never watched PP and have no plans to, so the only Amelia that I know is the obnoxious tween that has been on my screen for the last however many seasons.  I just hope that the writers under KV plan to rehabilitate every character that got thrown under the Derek/Sisters/Shiny New Toy bus with the same thought, consideration and screentime that Amelia apparently is going to get. 

Also, I am really going to miss Ben when he becomes a fireman.  Is there any chance that he will do both series?

  • Love 6
On 10/6/2017 at 1:04 PM, Daisy said:

i missed this scene (I have to go back and watch it), but i am going to imagine that Harper Avery didn't take Katherine and Jackson in solely by the goodness of his heart.  or that she was treated like his own daughter (but again i might have missed something).  Katherine has stated that she worked hard to get where she was. 

I think that anyone who had to work with Harper Avery worked very hard - including not to murder him.  But she may have worked hard to get into medical school in the first place and meed Jackson's father depending on her background.

An off note was when Harper died and Katherine was all fluttering as if she didn't know what to do.  If she's such a great doctor as the show has put her to be, she should have been more competent.

On 10/6/2017 at 4:37 AM, funnygirl said:

The thing about Derek's mortality rate vs. Amelia's is measured on an unfair bar seeing as Derek spent more time at SGH/GSM than Amelia has. She's only been there a few years, and Richard specifically said "since you've been at this hospital".

Richard did say since she's been at the hospital because he wouldn't have had access to her stats from before.  The figures he gave were at the rate of mortality to operations (i.e. how many people died divided by the number of operations they did) so it would control for time at SGH.

They did rather a clever thing in terms of where they placed the tumor, which is the part of the brain that handles judgement. For example, the Hopkins guy talked about wondering who did the Hermann surgery last year, implying that a careful surgeon wouldn't have done it.   It also relates to the jaw surgery last episode because Jackson thought it would fail but Amelia pushed for it.  It's also the part of the brain that makes judgements about drugs and alcohol.

I liked it that they had Amelia worried that because she had been operating with the tumor, she had hurt her patients by doing risky things in surgery that she shouldn't have, and desperate to go over the charts to see if she did.  That's why Richard went over her stats to see if it was true.

On 10/6/2017 at 9:36 AM, Biggie B said:

 I did chuckle at DeLuca's attempt to "tell" Maggie about it, though - using the words "ameliorate" and "shepherd" while gesturing wildly to the displayed images of Amelia's brain was lame but funny.

That was well played by writers and actor.

On 10/6/2017 at 10:05 AM, AriAu said:

I have been marveling at that for the last year or so. It is like they have completely forgotten it. Shouldn't the actress say something like ".... hey, you know I am supposed to have lost a leg and in fact it was a major plot point that tore apart my marriage since my wife cut it off, so maybe we could lose the high heels..."

I hope JC is competent enough to remind the writers but if she did, it's clear they don't care. At least don't put her in walking shots with shoes that make it so obvious.

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I think that anyone who had to work with Harper Avery worked very hard - including not to murder him.  But she may have worked hard to get into medical school in the first place and meed Jackson's father depending on her background.

An off note was when Harper died and Katherine was all fluttering as if she didn't know what to do.  If she's such a great doctor as the show has put her to be, she should have been more competent.

My guess was that she thought of Harper as someone who was almost immortal who she figured would never die, or that she couldn't imagine ever dying. Then he pretty much drops dead after his encounter with Katherine and Bailey, so the shock might have left her flustered. 

  • Love 2
22 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Also my favorite take away from last night was that everything we as viewed know about Amelia and all the things we have seen as viewers is Her with a tumor. So.. I’m curious to what the character will be like tumorless. Will I like her? 

Will she still love Owen afterwards?  And they have to give her at least a temporary impairment (like Derek's hand as another poster has pointed out).  Will her hand shake?  Will she forget how to do surgery?  Will she forget the last 10 years?  Surely something will happen because she's already being prepped for surgery and the show still has around 19 episodes left for the season.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, Joana said:

Was it previously established that Harper Avery is a sexist asshole or it's just something they made up on a whim and for the lulz?

He was a nice low-key guy when we saw him before. He was very accommodating and somewhat embarrassed by all of the attention from residents and interns, some of whom posed for pics with him.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, Joana said:

Was it previously established that Harper Avery is a sexist asshole or it's just something they made up on a whim and for the lulz? Anyway, I think they killed him off so that they wouldn't have to bother with all the 1883 versions of Katherine's and Jackson's backstory. 

He was only in one other episode when the Mercy West people merged with Seattle Grace.   He came in for a surgery and insisted on having Ellis operate.  When he learned she was dead he then insisted only on Richard.  And then he tried to dictate how the surgery should go, insisting he be awake during it.  So he was portrayed as arrogant and a little ass-holey, but he wasn't so blatantly sexist. 

Even last season when Jackson met his father and his dad was telling Jackson about Catherine, he points out that she had the sort of ambition and drive his father liked and that is why she is in the position she is in with the foundation while he was such a disappointment to Harper.   This is why his blatant sexism and misogyny stood out so starkly in this episode,

  • Love 7
45 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

Will she still love Owen afterwards?  And they have to give her at least a temporary impairment (like Derek's hand as another poster has pointed out).  Will her hand shake?  Will she forget how to do surgery?  Will she forget the last 10 years?  Surely something will happen because she's already being prepped for surgery and the show still has around 19 episodes left for the season.

Right? This seems like either they decide to go headlong into dramatics for dramatics (“you’ve been performing with a tumor and endangering all your patients for years with your reckless behavior!”) that will end up being nothing? Or they plan on changing her whole character. I’m going to go with the former. I just.. feel like I’ll probably Amelia still.

31 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

He was only in one other episode when the Mercy West people merged with Seattle Grace.   He came in for a surgery and insisted on having Ellis operate.  When he learned she was dead he then insisted only on Richard.  And then he tried to dictate how the surgery should go, insisting he be awake during it.  So he was portrayed as arrogant and a little ass-holey, but he wasn't so blatantly sexist. 

Even last season when Jackson met his father and his dad was telling Jackson about Catherine, he points out that she had the sort of ambition and drive his father liked and that is why she is in the position she is in with the foundation while he was such a disappointment to Harper.   This is why his blatant sexism and misogyny stood out so starkly in this episode,

Maybe he had a tumour, too.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Deanie87 said:

It is a cop-out and what bothers me is Amelia isn't the only one to act out of character in the last few seasons.  Is Meredith going to get a tumor?  Alex, April, Jo, Bailey?  Or is it that Amelia continues to be a favorite of the writers and therefore the flaws just aren't acceptable?  I never watched PP and have no plans to, so the only Amelia that I know is the obnoxious tween that has been on my screen for the last however many seasons.  I just hope that the writers under KV plan to rehabilitate every character that got thrown under the Derek/Sisters/Shiny New Toy bus with the same thought, consideration and screentime that Amelia apparently is going to get. 

Also, I am really going to miss Ben when he becomes a fireman.  Is there any chance that he will do both series?

I feel like april, jo, bailey and even Meredith are getting some retcon/better writing already to make up for the crap they’ve been given for like three seasons now. 

April was as clear and concise as she’s ever been when she told Jackson how much what they were doing was hurting her and she did it without going on about Jesus or blaming him for it, bailey seems like old bailey, jo isn’t being as whiny about her situation, and Meredith feels like authentic Meredith again.

amelias behavior was just written THAT bad that they needed something explain it and something to get people to sympathize with her again after she’s been so so shitty to Owen.

on the ben note, I feel like Andrew is gonna take his place as the easy going guy on the show.

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On ‎10‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 2:00 PM, Chas411 said:

In wondering if by getting Jolex back together so soon and with so much maturity they plan to end them again later on in the season. Or if the husband arrival will be their big storyline.

If Alex ends up single again it would be heart breaking but if it happens I would like to see him marry Meredith, they are already best friends and would be a good husband and wife imo, she cares for him more than any other from what ive seen

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On ‎10‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 3:04 PM, Morksmate said:

I didn't like: Karina.  The character just doesn't work for me on any level and her relationship with Arizona (like all of Arizona's relationships except Callie) just seems contrived.  I really don't like her "style" shall we say.  She's not wrong about, ahem, stimulation during labor (and why did Arizona--or any of the other doctors--not know this?  It was mentioned in every single pregnancy book I read....), but everything she says and does is sort of dripping with suggestion which is a) not appropriate b) not realistic c) not palatable.   I kept thinking that if a man were behaving in the same way she was behaving towards Arizona, there would be an uproar from all corners.


On ‎10‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 8:30 PM, funnygirl said:

It was yet another case of Grey's "let's dumb down our doctors to prop the new character" with a dash of "orgasm talk is funny and sexy!!".  Fail. 

Uh-oh.  Seriously minority opinion here:  I like Karina.  She could stop leaving traces of saliva all over Arizona at work, but I like that her research concerns female sexuality and that she's so relaxed and pragmatic about it. 

I guess they're sexualizing her character TOO much to contrast with the rest of the staff reacting like middle-school boys with Dad's Playboy.

I loved the rainbow orgasmic brain scans--let's get that information out there--and rolled my eyes at the curious doctors peeking around the door, blushing and giggling.  But the delayed labor situation was infuriating.  The idea of a woman being sliced open with a scalpel for a C-Section because her doctors find it too embarrassing to talk about "naughty" stuff?  Outrageous.

(With the big emphasis on natural delivery, you'd think there'd be more orgasms involved, fewer injections.)


On ‎10‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 1:51 AM, only1shoe said:

I always thought that "superhero pose" thing Amelia does is super cringey and OTT. And of course they are incorporating it into next episode via the promo...


On ‎10‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 8:11 AM, moonorchid said:

I’m glad I’m not the only one. I get such second hand embarrassment watching it. I know there’s actual articles about how the pose helps confidence and performance but it’s one of those things that’s useful but dumb to watch others do. It’s like when this show decided to be meta and had Calle scream out “team merder!” It’s said all the time online but to hear it out loud is cringeworthy as hell.

VP Pence held this pose the whole time he was listening to the President's post-Irma speech in Florida.  Chin up, chest out, feet apart, hands on hips, (leather bomber jacket.)

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, candall said:

Uh-oh.  Seriously minority opinion here:  I like Karina.  She could stop leaving traces of saliva all over Arizona at work, but I like that her research concerns female sexuality and that she's so relaxed and pragmatic about it. 

My problem with her isn't about her research, it's about her inappropriate behavior on the job.  Arizona needs to have a talk with her.

  • Love 8
27 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

My problem with her isn't about her research, it's about her inappropriate behavior on the job.  Arizona needs to have a talk with her.

Exactly. it had zilch to do with her research. Was like when Callie wanted to bring up Maggie being a screamer with sex in the middle of surgery and Richard pretty, much told her: "We are in surgery here, so either be a doctor or get out!" While no one knew that Maggie was Richard's biological daughter, wasn't the first time when "high school sex talk" came up during surgery. There is small talk in the OR and then there is blantely doing something that has no place in an area like that. Speaking of which, much like Amelia's tumor, how many doctors who had tumors and "inoperable" were still practicing and cutting people open and yet everyone who knew about it was: "Oh hum, let them work, their methods need to be learn, because they will leave and go die somewhere and we can't have that. Better they endager killing a patient than telling them: "You are off duty until you get this taken care of." 

  • Love 2
13 minutes ago, readster said:

Exactly. it had zilch to do with her research. Was like when Callie wanted to bring up Maggie being a screamer with sex in the middle of surgery and Richard pretty, much told her: "We are in surgery here, so either be a doctor or get out!" While no one knew that Maggie was Richard's biological daughter, wasn't the first time when "high school sex talk" came up during surgery. There is small talk in the OR and then there is blantely doing something that has no place in an area like that. Speaking of which, much like Amelia's tumor, how many doctors who had tumors and "inoperable" were still practicing and cutting people open and yet everyone who knew about it was: "Oh hum, let them work, their methods need to be learn, because they will leave and go die somewhere and we can't have that. Better they endager killing a patient than telling them: "You are off duty until you get this taken care of." 

Are you referring to the Nicole Herman character, played by Gina Davis?    Because that seemed to have been presented as a different tumor, affecting a different area of the brain.  And, IIRC, Dr. Herman was under very strict and frequent medical supervision....until Amelia sussed out her problem.  Dr. Herman ultimately decided that she had x amount of time before she had to quit practicing, but she didn't actually DO any surgery after discussing her situation with Arizona.  She had Arizona and her other resident do the surgeries, while she supervised.  She had that stack of color coded index cards pinned to the bulletin board, her "must teach" surgeries for Arizona to learn. 

The other "thing" about Amelia's tumor.  Supposedly she's a "brilliant" neurosurgeon, but apparently only because she has this tumor to short circuit her logical thinking....therefore she's not so much brilliant as bold and very, very lucky.  When compared to her ever-present rival, Derek, that makes her a weak copy of his brilliance (because that's the way he was written.....I'd love to see them keep the apparently brilliant Gregg Germann as the brilliantly brilliant neurosurgeon).  And perhaps after her surgery, Amelia will figure this out for herself, and go into a depression and leave (yay!). 

BTW....I'm kind of over all of the "brilliant" surgeons.  We've only had a couple of those on this show (Burke, Christina, and maybe Ellis, back in her day).....and everyone else striving to keep up with the very best, but being written as "brilliant'.  For example, Maggie Pierce.  What ground-breaking surgery has she performed/proposed?  She's a prodigy, I get that, but isn't it time for her to start doing research and so forth?  The vacuum surgery of Mer's psychiatrist's 24" arterial blockage was published by her subordinate, Nathan.  So, time for the writers to have Maggie prove her surgical acumen....let her character grow up and actually BE brilliant (and an adult would help too).

  • Love 4

There are at least three elements to being a great surgeon:  the physical skills; the medical knowledge and reasoning; and the willingness to take the chance.  Even if the tumor were responsible for the third, Amelia would still have had to have the other two pre-tumor.  Also her old advisor didn't seem surprised that she was a good surgeon, only that she was willing to try such risky operations not that she was successful at them.  And he would have known her pre-tumor.

5 hours ago, candall said:

Uh-oh.  Seriously minority opinion here:  I like Karina.  She could stop leaving traces of saliva all over Arizona at work, but I like that her research concerns female sexuality and that she's so relaxed and pragmatic about it. 

I guess they're sexualizing her character TOO much to contrast with the rest of the staff reacting like middle-school boys with Dad's Playboy.

I loved the rainbow orgasmic brain scans--let's get that information out there--and rolled my eyes at the curious doctors peeking around the door, blushing and giggling.  But the delayed labor situation was infuriating.  The idea of a woman being sliced open with a scalpel for a C-Section because her doctors find it too embarrassing to talk about "naughty" stuff?  Outrageous.

(With the big emphasis on natural delivery, you'd think there'd be more orgasms involved, fewer injections.)


VP Pence held this pose the whole time he was listening to the President's post-Irma speech in Florida.  Chin up, chest out, feet apart, hands on hips, (leather bomber jacket.)

I agree with all of this.  I like Carina, she's fun, although I wish they would tone her down in the workplace, but even worse than her is that adolescent boy reaction everyone else has to her.  If an orgasm gives a woman a vaginal birth over the complications of a C-section, I say go for it.  And so would their insurance company most likely.

The latest research findings are that there is nothing to that standing pose other than what others see in it. But I don't think Pence reads a lot of scientific research.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 3
On 10/7/2017 at 0:44 PM, funnygirl said:

They're basically giving her a lobotomy with this tumor. Except, am I the only one that thinks this attempt at character retcon is too little too late? Whether a viewer has been with Amelia since PP or just the past few years on Grey's, whether some love or hate her character, the impression and perception is there. While the handling of this tumor storyline hasn't been bad thus far seeing as they aren't dragging it out and people are actually communicating, I think the idea of the tumor being to blame for who the character has been all this time is a lazy and lame cop-out. It just really bothers me, and I don't even care about Amelia! 

Yes I totally agree that it is way past too late for redemption for Amelia's character (at least for me personally, and probably for most people that haven't seen PP). The writers can try and re=write the character all they want, but they can't erase my memories of her horrid behaviour these last few seasons...

On 10/7/2017 at 2:51 PM, Chas411 said:

To be fair to the actress her dialogue is awful (the superhero posing and obnoxious monologues during the Geena Davis tumor storyline were mortifying to watch) but it's the way she plays her as so smug. Whatever way she delivers her lines she comes off to me as smuggy mc smuggerson and that makes her even more unlikeable. 

Huh I never thought about the writing. I don't think she's necessarily given any worse writing than others on this show (other than the whole running away plot which was just stupid). As far as monologues go, I think everyone has gotten long monologues since the beginning of this show, but you're totally right that her superhero crap was super obnoxious. I think her character is written to be overly obnoxious, even in PP, but maybe that's the problem is that the actress's smug portrayal makes Amelia even more unlikeable. I just find she overacts in a lot of her emotional scenes. Like every time she shows extreme emotion, whether she is crying or yelling at someone it's always so OTT. It's really grating to watch.

13 hours ago, Blonde Gator said:

The other "thing" about Amelia's tumor.  Supposedly she's a "brilliant" neurosurgeon, but apparently only because she has this tumor to short circuit her logical thinking....therefore she's not so much brilliant as bold and very, very lucky.  When compared to her ever-present rival, Derek, that makes her a weak copy of his brilliance (because that's the way he was written.....I'd love to see them keep the apparently brilliant Gregg Germann as the brilliantly brilliant neurosurgeon).  And perhaps after her surgery, Amelia will figure this out for herself, and go into a depression and leave (yay!). 

BTW....I'm kind of over all of the "brilliant" surgeons.  We've only had a couple of those on this show (Burke, Christina, and maybe Ellis, back in her day).....and everyone else striving to keep up with the very best, but being written as "brilliant'.  For example, Maggie Pierce.  What ground-breaking surgery has she performed/proposed?  She's a prodigy, I get that, but isn't it time for her to start doing research and so forth?  The vacuum surgery of Mer's psychiatrist's 24" arterial blockage was published by her subordinate, Nathan.  So, time for the writers to have Maggie prove her surgical acumen....let her character grow up and actually BE brilliant (and an adult would help too).

Yes! He was my favourite character in this episode! He was all business and not afraid to tell Amelia what she needed to hear. I wish we could keep him, he reminded me of House a bit!

As for the "brilliant surgeons" thing, this is something that has bugged me for quite a while and [art of the reason I've had trouble warming up to many of these new characters. When people like Maggie and Amelia were introduced, there was a lot of time dedicated to telling us how brilliant these surgeons were, but because this show doesn't seem to focus on medicine as much anymore, they really haven't shown us that these characters are brilliant doctors. At the beginning of the show, the attendings were still known as brilliant surgeons, but we were constantly being shown why they were so brilliant. Characters like Derek, Addison, Burke and Mark were constantly doing risky, cutting edge surgeries so it was believable that they were top notch, sought-after doctors. And we got to watch the original interns (Mer, Alex, Cristina etc) grow into amazing surgeons as well, so we believe that they are good doctors as well. Obviously there must be a reason Grey-Sloan attracts amazing doctors, but the problem is that we are only being told that these new characters are "brilliant" rather than shown, which makes it harder to believe.

  • Love 4

Thinking about Amelia’s impulse with surgeries.  When she was first introduced in PP which was the first ever time. She came as a fellow with an amazing nurosurgon and when she said she unable to fix it. Addison even got Dereks opinion and he’s recommendation was the same but  Amelia said shr could. Do what best in the country couldn’t? 

Grey's need to end soon.

Watching it has become tedious.

Amelia is not a good character.  I mean...yes she is annoying and yes she is difficult but I mostly just find her not compelling.  I am never interested in anything going on with her.  I don't know if it's the character or the actress.  So when we found out that she was put in a major...story...I was concerned.  First I knew right off the bat...since this is Grey's it would be one of those deals where she keeps being ill a secret....has Grey's ever had one person on this show become ill and immediately tell everyone...know...it's always a secret and then there is the drama of people finding out.  So it went basically the way I thought it would go...the only scene that resonated with me was her telling Maggie...that scene was well done.

Meredith and Riggs...I just don't get it...THERE IS NO CHEMISTRY THERE...why pursue this plot when it's not working?  I just don't get it...but yeah not interested.

Alex/Jo-  I hate Jo.  Like there isn't a single scene she does that doesn't annoy me.  It annoyed me when she slept with glasses, it annoyed me when she stole his surgery...and now she is still annoying me ragging on April...first Jo even people who lived in their car...know the deal on prom...it's the plot of tons of movies...Also...are we skipping over all of her Alex's problems from last season and pretending they didn't happen...I mean not that I care...but weird...

Catherine/Bailey...could Grey's stop with plots we know won't happen-like Miranda being fired...when we all know she isn't going anywhere...

And No Catherine was not being racist...annoying and rude but not racist...the definition of racism doesn't involved referring to someone by their actual race. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, dmc said:

Alex/Jo-  I hate Jo.  Like there isn't a single scene she does that doesn't annoy me.  It annoyed me when she slept with glasses, it annoyed me when she stole his surgery...and now she is still annoying me ragging on April...first Jo even people who lived in their car...know the deal on prom...it's the plot of tons of movies...Also...are we skipping over all of her Alex's problems from last season and pretending they didn't happen...I mean not that I care...but weird...

Finally! Finally... someone who hates Jo as much as I do.  To be fair I don't like any of the 'new' interns from season 9.. but she's the worst. The actress is annoying... the character is annoying.. why wouldn't she just go away.. pls

  • Love 8
16 minutes ago, lorbeer said:

Finally! Finally... someone who hates Jo as much as I do.

You're kidding yes? Until the last two episodes where she was given something light hearted she's possibly been the most hated on character on the show. Seriously go back to any episode thread where she had a few lines, I think there was even one where she was apparently eating crisps the wrong way and you'll find so many people who hate her as much as you do.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Blonde Gator said:

I miss Stephanie. 

She was fun, and nice, and super smart, snarky, a good friend and student, etc.  I hope the new gig works out well for the actress.....she was one of my favorite parts of Grey's these last few years.

Me too! Even though I hated the new interns in season 9 (other than Brooks, gone too soon!) she was the only one I grew to actually like after the whole BS storyline with Jackson. She was actually a decent character that was driven to learn and not always caught up in stupid drama. If the writers had actually given her more to do, she could've been a really great character, plus Jerika Hinton was an awesome actress. Her final episode showed the actress's and character's potential.

  • Love 7
20 hours ago, Chas411 said:

You're kidding yes? Until the last two episodes where she was given something light hearted she's possibly been the most hated on character on the show. Seriously go back to any episode thread where she had a few lines, I think there was even one where she was apparently eating crisps the wrong way and you'll find so many people who hate her as much as you do.

So I must've missed all those comments.. Too bad... Thanks for sharing ;) Yes, I'm aware I sound really mean right now.. ;)

I love how we have watched thirteen seasons of nonstop HIPAA violations and patients yammering away in the MRI, and now suddenly in this episode we have Amelia invoking HIPAA to keep Deluca from telling Maggie, Meredith, or Owen about her tumor and Richard Fish telling Amelia to quit talking so they can get a clear scan. I guess Grey's Anatomy no longer takes places in an alternate dimension where you can get a clear MRI while someone is chatting away (heh, or masturbating) and HIPAA is a mere suggestion.


On 10/5/2017 at 8:28 PM, LexieLily said:

I'm old or out of touch, because I kept getting annoyed by the teenage boy and all these adults calling it a "HoCoPro". I hate the word prom-posal, too, but why can't they just call it that? April did

I hate all these stupid abbreviations and portmanteaux too, but to answer your question, HoCoPro is for homecoming (in the fall) while prom-posals are for prom (in the spring). I know it varies from school to school, but at my high school, prom was more, I don't know, special? Prestigious? Only juniors and seniors could attend prom while homecoming was open to everyone. For homecoming, people still dressed up and went to dinner, but prom was a much bigger deal with limos and fancier dinners, etc.

On 10/6/2017 at 3:37 AM, funnygirl said:

The thing about Derek's mortality rate vs. Amelia's is measured on an unfair bar seeing as Derek spent more time at SGH/GSM than Amelia has. She's only been there a few years, and Richard specifically said "since you've been at this hospital". 

He also had that trial where he lost a lot of patients.

42 minutes ago, marykat71702 said:

He also had that trial where he lost a lot of patients.

Trials aren't normally included in overall mortality statistics because they're under different conditions and rules.  But then, this is Grey's.

The numbers Richard used are the ratio of total surgeries divided by number of patients who died so Amelia being at the hospital for fewer years than Derek wouldn't give her an advantage.

On 10/5/2017 at 11:21 PM, RogerDodger said:

The thing that bugs me about DeLuca and his sister is that they are not that far apart in age and they presumably grew up in the same household, the same neighborhood, listening to the same people talk  -- yet, she has such a stronger accent than he does that it is distracting.  I presume that is the actress' real accent, but seems like some kind of effort would be made to make them sound somewhat similar.

I knew a brother and sister in high school that was like DeLuca and his sister. The girl had a heavy British accent rand and the boy spoke English with zero accent. At first I had no idea they were related. 

I don't have any desire to see Maggie date anyone until she's a little more emotionally mature. I mean, I know that hasn't stopped the other characters from dating but still. I don't want to see her hyperventilating and drama queening every five minutes like a high school freshman ("He looked at me in the hallway. That means something, right?"). I like Deluca so I'd rather see him with someone more grounded. 

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I don't have any desire to see Maggie date anyone until she's a little more emotionally mature. I mean, I know that hasn't stopped the other characters from dating but still. I don't want to see her hyperventilating and drama queening every five minutes like a high school freshman ("He looked at me in the hallway. That means something, right?"). I like Deluca so I'd rather see him with someone more grounded. 

Exactly.  Plus, I'd rather see DeLuca dating someone not employed at Grey Mercy Death Sloan or whatever it's called.   He deserves better.

  • Love 2
On 07/10/2017 at 2:17 AM, Lyndy said:

I wondered this too. Has the show finally realized Amelia is horrible and they need a convenient excuse for a personality transplant? This tumor's gotta be olllldd then because she was equally terrible on Private Practice. Also, Greg Germann can stay. I forgot how much I love that guy. I especially love how easily he shuts her down. 

Yes, I want to keep GG too.  Was it only me who was wishing he'd say "Bygones!" at some stage?

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, katisha said:

Yes, I want to keep GG too.  Was it only me who was wishing he'd say "Bygones!" at some stage?

I did too, and to be honest it bothered me. I like GG a lot and his character was refreshing, but on the other hand it was so similar in many aspects to his character on Ally Mc Beal that I started to wonder if Greg Germann was only a one-note actor.  I'm pretty sure he's not, so I wish he would have been given a more different character to play.

  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, Sarnia said:

I did too, and to be honest it bothered me. I like GG a lot and his character was refreshing, but on the other hand it was so similar in many aspects to his character on Ally Mc Beal that I started to wonder if Greg Germann was only a one-note actor.  I'm pretty sure he's not, so I wish he would have been given a more different character to play.

Greg Germann plays a character with a different personality that his McBeal character in Friends from College.  I think he does have a range.

1 minute ago, Scatterbrained said:

Greg Germann plays a character with a different personality that his McBeal character in Friends from College.  I think he does have a range.

Oh, I'm sure he does. I just wish the writer would have had a little more imagination with his character. I mainly know him from Ally McBeal so it was a bit bothering for me.
Or maybe they casted him because he fitted with that character, which also shows a lack of imagination.

But for sure putting this aside, the character is a welcome addition.

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