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Season 5 Discussion


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As the series goes on I wish that the real Adam had either made the series less biographical or cast the kids much younger to begin with. Adam was 6 years old when ET was released and Atari tanked. Like me he was a child of the 80s and a teen of the 90s. And the 80s setting is less and less authentic.

Tbf, I'm not a huge fan of the 198something gimmick as it is. But when earlier seasons had events like the gates of the Berlin Wall opening and the release of Ghostbusters 2 when Giambrone was about the age Adam would have been, watching an older Giambrone reenact events Adam would have been a small child for throws me out of the episode completely.

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I loved seeing them call Erica out on her bad attitude. I love that Barry is the life of the party in college, which I can totally see happening. Barry is goofy and fun, and now that he isn't quite as much of an asshole as he has been previously, I can see how that would serve him well in college. 

Pops and Adam plots always make me happy. They really should just leave the parenting to Pops sometimes. 

  • Love 7

Ever since Lainie left, Erica's character became so unbearable as of now.  It's like the writers don't know what do with Erica at college, so they went the easy route. Always the poor me routine and why is college hard shtick is not what I call good writing. Barry use to be the annoying one, but Erica became another Barry. The writers needs to stop making Erica so unlikeable because it is giving me a headache with these constant moody episodes focused on her. They could have made her grow up and mature, but instead they just made her a whiner all of a sudden. 

Edited by Robert Lynch
  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Robert Lynch said:

Ever since Lainey left, Erica's character became so unbearable as of now. 

*Shrugs*  I don't find her that way.  She's still the same to me.  I also don't mind Hayley Orrantia singing, because her voice is that good.

So I overall enjoyed the episode, and it was good to see Barry actually being loved and accepted somewhere.  To think that his behavior was actually liked a lot by the college students was a real shocker.

Loved the Adam/Pops/Murray/Beverly storyline.  Loved Adam being nervous about driving because of Beverly's "exaggerations," and I also loved Murray's scream when his car door got blown off.  I also enjoyed Murray and Beverly's faces when Pops revealed that he still drives despite losing his license.

Wonder where Geoff was this week?

No RLS this week?  I'm sad.  I really wanted to see her, and there were multiple times to put her in scenes.

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I think Hayley Orrantia is cute, but the Erica character can be a wee bit annoying at times.  Yes, we get it, she can sing.  Don't need to shove it down our throats every season, especially twice in the same episode.

I noticed Barry mentioned drinking Erica's Five Alive.  It must have been a regional drink because I never recalled seeing it on store shelves.

Ah, Burger Time!  I remember that game.  I think the whole purpose was to get the meats and buns down to the bottom of the screen.  You would throw salt and pepper at the condiments in order to stun them.

Gotta love those outdoor driving scenes.  You can clearly see modern-day vehicles parked out on the street, LOL!

  • Love 2

I didn't mind Erica's struggling in college storyline because college is a lot different then high school and she now had to actually work at being popular rather than just strolling the halls looking pretty. But I rolled my eyes at the thought that she would sing Amazing Grace (or whatever song that was, I think that's what it was but it's already left my memory for more important things like thinking about what I want for lunch) at the toga party. She's just not that stupid. 

The driving storyline was good. As someone who wasn't excited to get her license, and didn't until I was like 30, I liked that Adam wasn't all "I'm 16, where's my car?" I will admit I did not see Adam ramming into the cop car coming so that got a big OMG from me. 

  • Love 4
19 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

I didn't mind Erica's struggling in college storyline because college is a lot different then high school and she now had to actually work at being popular rather than just strolling the halls looking pretty. But I rolled my eyes at the thought that she would sing Amazing Grace (or whatever song that was, I think that's what it was but it's already left my memory for more important things like thinking about what I want for lunch) at the toga party. She's just not that stupid. 

The driving storyline was good. As someone who wasn't excited to get her license, and didn't until I was like 30, I liked that Adam wasn't all "I'm 16, where's my car?" I will admit I did not see Adam ramming into the cop car coming so that got a big OMG from me. 

Yes that bugged me too.  SHe would know better than to sing that song at a toga party.  especially when she obviously knows other songs. 

Plus you would think if she was struggling at college and needed a way to finally fit in a Karaoke party would be perfect for her, since she sings, and she would not have been so dismissive of it from the beginning

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, msrachelj said:

i'm sad to say i'm getting tired of this show. i used to love beverly. but  knowing that she is a real person, i can't imagine having her for a mom. good grief! just not happy fun anymore. it might be me. who knows. just doesn't seem the same to me. 

It’s ABComedy Syndrome. They have a 4-5 season shelf life for funny.

  • Love 3
On 12/4/2017 at 7:21 AM, msrachelj said:

i'm sad to say i'm getting tired of this show. i used to love beverly. but  knowing that she is a real person, i can't imagine having her for a mom. good grief! just not happy fun anymore. it might be me. who knows. just doesn't seem the same to me. 

I feel the same.  Plus, not to be mean, but from those home videos they show at the end, Adam seemed like he was one annoying ass kid.

  • Love 3

That's one of the reason I love those home videos segments  because it reminds me of my youth in the late 80s- early 90s. Pre-cell phone days. Let's face it: we all had one annoying relative that was the center of attention in most of our videos. Usually, in most of my videos, my mother was always annoyed with my father's brother. True story. Kind of makes me laugh thinking about it. Takes me back to those days. 

Edited by Robert Lynch
  • Love 5

I was so glad to see a genuine replica of 80's hair on Erica's roommate. I get mildly annoyed by Erica's modern-day hair, because I can tell you from firsthand experience that girls in the Philadelphia area sported hair that was very poufed and sprayed...and poufed some more...and sometimes crimped.

I was impressed by Barry and Adam's raps and videos.

Can Beverly stop it with the toileting talk?! 

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, CoolWhipLite said:

I was impressed by Barry and Adam's raps and videos.

Naked Rob, Andy, and Matt all being unimpressed by their first rap was even better.

Small RLS!  Right at the beginning with Adam and Barry.

I'm pretty sure that Fresh Prince of Bel-Air didn't come out till the '90s.  That music video was very reminiscent of the theme song.

Looks like Erica is getting along with the other Erica now.  When she brought up the "Girls Just Wanna Drink Rum" dance, the other Erica actually brightened and loved the idea.

Isn't Geoff part of the JTP?  Why wasn't he with them in this episode?  Did Sam Lerner being bumped up to regular status suddenly take him out of it?  Also, is this the first reveal of him playing the cello?

Adam and Barry's first rap was funny, as was their second one, though I cringed at the latter, because you just knew where that was going.

On the whole, funny episode.

1 hour ago, Skyfall said:

I’m done with this show, The heart is gone.

If you say so.  I saw plenty of heart at the end.

  • Love 8

Goldbergs, I've been a big fan for a long time, and I'm stoked you made it to 100 episodes. But I think it may be time to consider wrapping up the series. Erica feels like Bev is overbearing before realizing she appreciates he caring. Murray gets upset that the kids don't appreciate him, and they realize how much he does for them, and Barry and Adam copy some of their musical influences. These are all stories that have been done before. In some cases... a lot. 

One thing I did appreciate was that with the lack of Pops the JTP provided the honest moral compass. Their reactions watching the video, and the confrontation with Barry in the hallway at school were great. But that was a relatively small bright spot in an otherwise listless episode. 

  • Love 6
42 minutes ago, Star Aristille said:

Adam and Barry's first rap was funny, as was their second one, though I cringed at the latter, because you just knew where that was going.

It's true, since JTP had already proclaimed that making an apology rap was a bad idea, it was apparent what was going to happen from the first line.

I liked the episode, but the most interesting thing to me was the Goldberg Mixtape they were advertising at the end.  I looked up the track list, and every other track is a song by Hayley.  I know a lot of posters here dislike the show pushing her singing, so I couldn't help but think of this forum when I saw it.

  • Love 6
On 10/29/2017 at 0:26 PM, msrachelj said:


On 10/28/2017 at 3:25 PM, Skyfall said:

Oh you special snowflake! I would say if you wear pants in your own home when not expecting any visitors than you’re in the minority.

a special snowflake i am not by any means. i don't think the majority of people walk around their  homes in their underwear. i do wear pants in my own home and i don't know of anyone who does not. changing into comfy clothes even pjs is one thing. walking around like you live in a trailer in the woods is another . class. 


Ahem. Mr. Elderprice always shucks his pants right after dinner unless someone is expected and watches TV in his undies. We laugh when Murray does it because it's so realistic. And we do not live in a trailer. 

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Star Aristille said:

Naked Rob, Andy, and Matt all being unimpressed by their first rap was even better.

Small RLS!  Right at the beginning with Adam and Barry.

I'm pretty sure that Fresh Prince of Bel-Air didn't come out till the '90s.  That music video was very reminiscent of the theme song.

Looks like Erica is getting along with the other Erica now.  When she brought up the "Girls Just Wanna Drink Rum" dance, the other Erica actually brightened and loved the idea.

Isn't Geoff part of the JTP?  Why wasn't he with them in this episode?  Did Sam Lerner being bumped up to regular status suddenly take him out of it?  Also, is this the first reveal of him playing the cello?

Adam and Barry's first rap was funny, as was their second one, though I cringed at the latter, because you just knew where that was going.

On the whole, funny episode.

If you say so.  I saw plenty of heart at the end.

Not heartfelt moments, the heart of the show. The thing that brought you into the series to begin with. This season has brought few laughs and last season was a bit uneasy as is.

  • Love 3

This show is not the same without AJ Michalka. She was the bread and butter of The Goldbergs. I know the character was not real, but Erica's drastic attitude  change without her was so apparent and dropped the quality of the show. Now this show is repeating everything they did in the previous seasons  and this episode was no exception. It was the same episode. Just a different title. And Adam needs to mature already. The kid is no longer fooling us with his voice. He is already as tall as Barry. 

  • Love 1

I just love the fact that Adam and Barry's rap about Murray sends the JTP into a paternal existential crisis, and apparently led to several very emotional moments around town. That alone makes this whole episode worth it. 

"Girls just wanna have rum" isn't a bad name for an 80s themed party, actually. Thanks Goldbergs! Isn't this the 297 times that Beverly has been super overbearing, and then Erica learns that her mom is actually awesome and she should appreciate her? Can we get something else, please?

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Love 12

murray and his walking around his home in tight whiteys in front of his family. you don't live alone. you are sharing a house and furniture with others. including your daughter who is probably mortified to have to see your dad parts in your damn underwear.

 pj bottoms, sweatpants, comfy fleece bottoms, cotton, anything but underwear in the presence of other people , even your family. i'm surprised people think this is common. dear god, i hope not. just yuk.

i'm falling out of love with this show, regardless. 

12 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I just love the fact that Adam and Barry's rap about Murray sends the JTP into a paternal existential crisis, and apparently led to several very emotional moments around town. That alone makes this whole episode worth it. 

That was my favorite part of the ep. And when Barry made them beatbox and they were so not into it. lol And the sad little JTP chant. Barry's song was actually pretty good but yeah, I could see how it would cause JTP to spiral into despair. lol

The only think I liked about Erica's storyline was the whisper convo between her, other Erica and the RA in the hall. Other than that, yeah, been there, done that. I think that, since Erica doesn't actually exist in AG's real life, he struggles to write stories for her. They should have left it as three boys or just had Barry and Adam. (I do wonder how Eric feels about his little TV sex change lol) I  like the actress, but the character seems to be circling the drain.

  • Love 8

I reiterate by dislike of where they are going with Erica. 

Its like she went from teenager to 40 year old mom in a year. 

I mean yes the party got out of hand, but it happens in college.  She still acts like she just skipped right over her college years phase. 

I actually liked the first rap video.  thought it was probably the best musical item Barry has done.  Most of the time the end product is underwhelming in comparison to his view of his skills, but this one turned out well. 

  • Love 4

I have enjoyed watching the Goldbergs since season 2, but I didn't realize until recently that the real Adam Goldberg is only 41 years old, making him much younger during the years in which this series takes place. I'm 54 and this show is more in line with my growing up years since I graduated high school in 1981. They do a lot of going back and forth on the 1980s timeline but they do manage to make it work. Sometimes I notice that I'm a bit startled to see how much the weekly episode is actually drawn from real life. If the real Beverly was indeed half as annoying as the character portrayed, I think I'd had asked to be sent away to boarding school.

Nothing much to discuss other than The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was more of a '90s thing.  I know Will Smith was a rapper prior to acting in the 1980s, but it seems as though the writers have been treading into the next decade, especially with the Girl Talk episode.

This overbearing mom stuff with Beverly is getting a tad bit redundant.  When they decided to have Erica go to college, it's like nobody knew what to do with her character.  This seems to be a problem among other shows that tend to do the same.

I was a little disappointed that there was no Pops in this episode.  He's usually the one that has me rolling on the ground with laughter.

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, Utpe said:

Nothing much to discuss other than The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was more of a '90s thing.  I know Will Smith was a rapper prior to acting in the 1980s, but it seems as though the writers have been treading into the next decade, especially with the Girl Talk episode.

Per Adam F. Goldberg's Wikipedia page he was born in 1976 which means that while, yes, he lived his childhood through the eighties he spent his mid to late teen years in the 90s.  How old was Adam the character supposed to be when the show premiered?  10?  11?  And if his age is supposed to mirror that of creator Adam then it was already 1986-1987 in show world.  They're pretty vague about Adam's age (although the driving episode would lead us to believe he's 15 or 16 now) and have the whole 1980-something schtick probably for that very reason.  As Adam is based on Adam F as a child, as he matures, his interests would venture more into early 90s pop culture.  And a lot of the epiosdes have already had components of pop culture that are either very late 80s or may have technically originated in the 80s, but who's popularity/notoriety really bled more into the 90s.  (Nintendo Power Glove, the Batman movie, Double Dare, New Kids, Fresh Prince, American Gladiators, etc.)

Edited by kiddo82
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they really should just move the show into the 90s. It was March nineteen-ninty something is fine. most of us who grew up in the 80s also experienced the 90s. There's still nostalgia there, the early 90s weren't that different anyway. And it wouldn't feel as strange as pretending this 90s stuff happened in the 80s. It could also open up some new stories since it feels like they are recycling in an attempt to hang onto the 80s.

Exactly.  And it's not like as soon as the calendar turns all the old fads disappear and the new ones magically take over.  If that was the case we'd be drastically different every January first.  Erica doesn't have to all of a sudden start wearing flannel, drinking Starbucks, and listening to Nirvana.  With they way the show is trending the nostalgia will still be of the same era.  Just think about a ten year span.  It's a long time.  So it's silly to limit yourself to one specific time frame because you want events that just happened to fall in one calendar decade.  I think of it more as cultural shifts. The years 1988 and 1989 are going to more culturally similar to 1990 and 1991 than they will be to 1981 and 1982 even though '81 and '82 are technically the same decade as '88 and '89.  

Edited by kiddo82
  • Love 1
On 12/9/2017 at 1:56 AM, CarolMK said:

I have enjoyed watching the Goldbergs since season 2, but I didn't realize until recently that the real Adam Goldberg is only 41 years old, making him much younger during the years in which this series takes place. I'm 54 and this show is more in line with my growing up years since I graduated high school in 1981. They do a lot of going back and forth on the 1980s timeline but they do manage to make it work. Sometimes I notice that I'm a bit startled to see how much the weekly episode is actually drawn from real life. If the real Beverly was indeed half as annoying as the character portrayed, I think I'd had asked to be sent away to boarding school.

I have a sister that age (50s) and she would consider herself more a child of the 70s than 80s. I am the youngest and definitely consider myself an 80s child. So I think he is the perfect age for remembering all the 80s had to offer. From the aspect of a younger child and while growing up. 

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