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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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3 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

What really bugged me was when Amy was showing Matt the baby clothes she had squirreled away over the years and Matt groused "that's it?  so you go rid of them all ..." sneer scowl like it was some kind of failing on her part.  Then the punk ass had the nerve to ask Amy to GIVE HIM HALF THE CLOTHES!

First of all, baby and kid's clothes wear out.  They get torn and stained and just worn the hell out.  Especially if more than one kid has used them (which is probably why Amy seemed to have more of Mollie's dresses around, they were "fancy clothes," not play clothes and she was the only girl who wore them).  And there is no point in saving an outfit for years in less it is in extremely good condition ... nobody is going to want it if it's not. It also takes a lot of room to save clothes - they need prime storage space that is airy, dry, out of the light and safe from varmints.  Basements, attics and barns are not great places to keep them.  So what happens is you end up with old clothes taking up the space where you want to keep your current clothes and eventually things tend to get tossed.  It's not laziness on Amy's part that she didn't save more.  And often friends and family can use what you have so you end up giving stuff away because it's cute to see you niece or best friend's daughter wearing the pink Osh-Kosh  bibbed overalls your own daughter wore.  So that's why most people don't save every garment their kid ever wore, Matt! 

Also, it was Amy who took the time and trouble to save those clothes.  Not Matt.  There was nothing on earth preventing his dog ass from realizing that little Mollie had outgrown that adorable flowered sundress she looked so cute in last summer and putting it away for safe keeping himself.  He was just as capable of stashing away Jeremy's argyle sweater or Zach's sports jersey so that he could bestow them on his future grandchild.  Where the hell does he get off asking for half of what Amy put away as if he is as entitled to it like it was something bartered for in their divorce?  They were precious keepsakes from her children's youth that she took the time to preserve because she had the foresight to realize they might be wonderful to have around for grandkids one day.  That's actually half of what makes giving the next generation items from their parent's own childhood so special ... it shows that someone realized that one day, a new generation would come along and decades before it happened, they were excited about that and thoughtful enough to put this stuff aside for them.  And the person who bothered to DO THAT was Amy.  Not Matt. 

His entitled attitude about the whole things just bugged the hell out of me.  He has been a selfish, self-absorbed asshole the whole time they were married and now he just wants to swoop in and claim half the credit for Amy's thoughtfulness and play Super Grandpa who LOOK! has Zach's first soccer jersey (after all these years, how wonderful of him!) to present to Jax on his 5th birthday.  Well, forget it Matt.  That honor is going to go to Amy, who realized the world did not revolve around her and that one day someone might appreciate their Dad's old jersey or their mom's old party dress.  You should have taken time away from your precious farm projects and put a little more thought into being a dad.  Realized one day you were going to be a grandfather.  And then put away your own box of keepsakes to give to the grandkids!  Jerk.

He was only trying to make Amy look bad, like he always does.  He's such an asshole.

  • Love 7
44 minutes ago, Honey said:

The thing I thought that showed Matt was just trying to be an asshole, is that he wanted his precious belongings back, this very minute, but couldn't even remember what those possessions were. He was actually surprised by some of the things while looking through them.

You say that Amy stomped off home to pack up the stuff, but I thought they were in Amy's house when he demanded his stuff.

I thought they were in Matt's office when they had this conversation.   And that he wanted the family photos scanned. (This is the second time he's asked for the photos to be scanned. She keeps saying it's not going to happen by the date she agreed to. No reason why.  Maybe, her scanner is broken.)   And for her to remove her name from the designated bank accounts.  BOTH things were agreed to in writing in their agreement.  I don't think it's being an A hole to insist that someone honor their word and their contractual obligation. To me, Amy does just fine looking petty all by herself.  It was not Matt's fault that she refuses to honor the contract.   It seemed that Amy was the one who switched it over to clothing.  That was her way to avoid the photo issue., imo. 

  • Love 5

Actually she said that all of her names were already removed from the accounts and she didn't understand why Matt was bringing it up. Matt then insisted she was wrong.

I absolutely think there's blame on both sides here but here's how Matt best solves this problem. If he *genuinely* has a concern with bank accounts still having Amy listed, then instead of raising the topic on a reality tv and offering NO ACTUAL FACTS - ie, he didn't mention any specific accounts, then he needs to spend some time writing up a letter to Amy with the specific accounts listed and how he needs Amy's name off them. Then he needs to send it thru his lawyer. Yes, this costs money. Guess what? Divorce isn't cheap. If he really wants the problem solved, Matt has proven time and again, he understands how to use a lawyer to get his way. And he's not poor, and he has several lawyers, trust me on that.

Now, personally, I generally accept that most of the words coming out of Matt's mouth are lies so I really have no problem believing that Amy has removed herself from his accounts AS SHE HAS SAID ON NATIONAL TELEVISION but if she really hasn't, then she's violating a court order and Matt can contact a lawyer and force her.

Or he can passive aggressively whine about it and in fact, actually do nothing BUT whine for sympathy.

Likewise with the photos - if it's that big a deal, he can get the authorities involved and press charges  as she's essentially denying him access to something she agreed to let him access. Please don't tell me that rich Matt "I own a million dollar property" Roloff doesn't have money for a lawyer to get his ex wife into trouble if he genuinely feels wronged.

Amy should just get the photos scanned but I will say, judging by the number of photos everywhere and the multiple photo alblums, its a big job.

This is just a passive aggressive whine  - and in the confessional, he clearly referenced wanting "stuff" from the house and how it was Amy's job to give him his stuff which makes me despise his whining over it all the more. He's the one raising the issue of his stuff still being in the house and he *wants it*. But like the bank accounts and the photos, if Matt really wanted the problem solved, he has the means to achieve it. He's just more into being sad widdle pitiful Matt being denied by Amy than he is with actually getting the stuff done.

If Amy was smart, she'd scan the photos, and rent the house to strangers for income and let Matt see how dealing with people who don't put up with his shit.

Celia - he did complain about the baby clothes and he did ask for half. Honestly, the best part will be seeing Audrey's horrified look at the idea lil Roloff #2 is wearing a handme down and not an expensive name brand.

Edited by ZoloftBlob
  • Love 10

In that vein...Flash forward one year...Matt asking why isn't Bellissima  Jerhighness  MagicalMysteryTour Rolloff  wearing the barf stained polyester dress he saved for his granddaughter when he hands them their monthly allowance check...and holding on to the check a few seconds longer than necessary to send a subtle message.

Jer's having a sh!t sandwich for dinner because Odj will be ranting...

I'd watch that....

Edited by humbleopinion
  • Love 11
2 hours ago, ZoloftBlob said:

If Amy was smart, she'd scan the photos, and rent the house to strangers for income and let Matt see how dealing with people who don't put up with his shit.

Wow. Great idea. Rent out that place that in reality is too big for just her. She'd grab an income that he can't touch and she wouldn't have to deal with his presence (or her having to live with Caryn within close proximity) in their daily lives! Great solution Zoloftblob. 

  • Love 4

Well, that episode was depressing.  Poor Zack and Tori were hit with a lot to deal with in a short period of time.  Could Jer have seemed any more appalled at the thought of the baby being a LP?   I missed the episode when Jer became Amish.

Also, the family dinner was sandwiches?  And, Jer - take a shower, cut your idiot hair and take off your hat at the dinner table.

  • Love 17
12 minutes ago, zenme said:

It seemed that Audrey was almost happy when it was revealed Baby Jackson would be an LP.

ETA: dougie, Posting together! Same thought! Yeah, she definitely smirked!

I saw it too! A hateful combination of smugness and relief. Zack has grown into a kind, responsible man. What a contrast to his pseudo hipster brother.

  • Love 17

I went and look. It appears that the area Jer and Auj want to live in as their next hipster nest is a newer, expensive area of the Portland suburbs. The homes were built in the 70s, 80s, and 90s and there are small "estates." It's overwhelmingly white and wealthy. Perfect for the special snowflakes.


1 hour ago, Bronzedog said:

Also, the family dinner was sandwiches?  And, Jer - take a shower, cut your idiot hair and take off your hat at the dinner table.

They appeared to be soft tacos. The way they all eat, hunched over and guarding their plates, it did look like sandwiches at first. Especially in Matt's fist.

  • Love 3

This episode broke my heart...seeing Zach in the kitchen talk about losing Sully and then if his son is an LP, all the emotional issues such as not being able to keep up with the other boys. Wow..very sad. 

I purposely watched Audrey's face this episode. She is almost completely devoid of any emotion on her face most of the time. Like completely blank, no expression. It's weird. But she does do a smirk, and she most definitely does it at the idea that Zach's baby could be little. And Jeremy's reaction was just weird. Like it was an  excited joyous "Are you kidding me?" reaction. It seemed inappropriate. 

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Well, that episode was depressing.  Poor Zack and Tori were hit with a lot to deal with in a short period of time.  Could Jer have seemed any more appalled at the thought of the baby being a LP?   I missed the episode when Jer became Amish.


Thank you!  How can anyone one of them be surprised?  I could swear, years ago, they were talking about all the Roloff kids carrying the gene(s) with all the kids having a possibility of having a LP.  All the grandparents are normal size.  Why am I thinking that normal size is the wrong phrase???????????

I am really liking Zach.  He has really grown as a person and settled nicely into adulthood. 

ETA:  Average sized!

Edited by jumper sage
  • Love 11

I posted a link upthread that explains the genetics of how two parents may have a dwarf baby and the odds. It's pretty interesting. I guess I need to study it some more.   What I don't understand is how Matt's parents, who are both normal height, had two dwarf children and Matt and Amy, both dwarfs, had three average height children and only one dwarf.  Amy's parents are both average height too.  So, how did they get the gene.  

Amy and Zach eating with their mouths open used to bother me, but, I must have gotten used to it. and it doesn't bother me anymore. I suspect that they have an issue with closing the mouth due to their jaw bone structure and crowded teeth.  I've seen some other dwarfs do it too. 

Sully's death brought back a lot of pain for me. I recall when my dog baby had to be put down. OMG.  I was hysterical for days.  It's such a devastating loss.

So, what kind of business endeavor will Amy and Debbs get themselves into?  It must be nice to have the option of searching for just the right thing.  I noticed Amy's comment about needing to find employment......I cannot believe that her attorney did not work out an Agreement that afforded her a comfortable life for the rest of her days.  There's no way her attorney would have let that go, imo.  I suppose it's scripted to give Amy something amusing to do.  That makes sense.

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 3

Sunnybebe  - Amy and Zach's form of dwarfism is achondroplasia. It's a dominant gene so Amy and Zach have a 50 percent chance, every time they have a child, of having a dwarf child. Amy beat the odds with three out of four kids coming out average height.

Matt's type of dwarfism is dyastrophic. It's recessive so both Pop and Honey must have the gene and that's why they had more than one kid with it. All of the Roloff kids are probably carriers for dyastrophic dwarfism but in Jeremy's case, it's unlikely Audrey has the gene as well. Personally as much as I don't like the pretentious couple, I *really* hope they're right about Audrey not being a carrier because the dyastrophic dwarfism is a heavy health burden.


 I noticed Amy's comment about needing to find employment......I cannot believe that her attorney did not work out an Agreement that afforded her a comfortable life for the rest of her days.  

I think much like how we're supposed to ignore how Jer has no job yet is house hunting, we're supposed to ignore how Amy does indeed get a paycheck for doing this show. That said, per the divorce agreement, Matt and Amy split the business side of the farm down the middle so she gets a share of the pumpkin money. She also gets the house, which I suspect she could sell for a nice amount if she needed to. However there was no spousal support in their divorce.

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, MoodyGirl said:

This episode broke my heart...seeing Zach in the kitchen talk about losing Sully and then if his son is an LP, all the emotional issues such as not being able to keep up with the other boys. Wow..very sad. 

I purposely watched Audrey's face this episode. She is almost completely devoid of any emotion on her face most of the time. Like completely blank, no expression. It's weird. But she does do a smirk, and she most definitely does it at the idea that Zach's baby could be little. And Jeremy's reaction was just weird. Like it was an  excited joyous "Are you kidding me?" reaction. It seemed inappropriate. 

I have been so impressed with Zach. Since marrying, he has shown himself to be to be a good man with a mature sense of responsibility and dedication to his family. Both he and Tori are genuine and likeable, and certainly don't seem interested in presenting a glossy image. Zach's concerns about having an LP baby are based on the difficulties he experienced as a child, and Amy's immediate understanding of that was touching. It was a sweet, authentic moment that showed a special bond between mother and son. Contrast that with Jeremy's superficial "Are you kidding me!" reaction. He really is his father's son.

  • Love 12

I wonder how much it would cost to set up a modular or mobile home like Matt's on farm property?  You can get a nice 3 bedroom for under $150,000.00.  It might not be exactly what Jer and Auj wanted, but, if it meets the budget......just saying. It would be new and you pick the layout. 

Here's something I ran across:


They have lots of styles. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 1

Does anyone else think Jerk & Odd are actually using this show as an audition reel for a zombie themed show?  The two of them are so dead in the eyes and have no emotion or expression. And what is it with Odd gazing at Jerk in every single TH? He isn't saying anything profound or interesting or amusing.  Is that part of her submissive Christian wifely duty? "And the Lord sayeth 'If thou marries a dolt, cleave unto him.  For though he mayeth be an unskilled donkey, he hath been blessed with the God given appendage woman doth not have'.  For the penis is the Power & the Glory! Amen." 

I was really impressed with Zach and Amy's conversations.  She really is supportive and it's good Amy has been Zach's cheerleader.  She did a good job.

Amy's friend Lisa needs to cut her hair.  Much too long and unflattering color IMO.  I hope they didn't have to pay the restaurant advisor a big fee to crash their pipe dream.  Any quick Google search or conversation with any local cafe owner would have told them the same thing...50% + new restaurants fail in the first year. Huge money upfront with very little profit.  Don't go into this business just because you like to cook (and really, after seeing some of Amy's cooking skills, I question her abilities). Maybe I heard her wrong, but before she met with the advisor, did Amy say her idea for her dream restaurant was "home cooked meals, already prepared"??? WTF? If I want food that has already been prepared, and set out under heat lamps, I can go to McDonalds or Olive Garden.  If she really wants to express herself via food and make money, I have a better idea than an expensive storefront restaurant.  Maybe Amy could partner with a local grocery store or coffee shop (or the farm she already owns) and create some prepared meals/desserts.  I know there are plenty of places I go to that have a small freezer/ refrigerated section with home made soups, sandwiches, breads, cakes, casseroles for customers to take home.  In fact, whenever my family goes apple picking, the farm we go to has amazing produce and prepared food in the "barn".  We pick our apples, then buy veggies and one of their awesome chicken pot pies to take home.  While we make our apple pies, we cook the chicken pie and make a big pie -themed Sunday dinner. 

  • Love 13

When Amy said pre-made homemade food, I thought she was talking about those companies that make home deliveries of homemade dishes.  I know a couple of people who use them.  For an example see link below. I'm in no way connected to one of those type of businesses.  It still requires a lot of time though.  I can't see Amy doing all the cooking.  


  • Love 1

I'm not too much of a dog person but was in tears when they were burying Sully.  How nice of the farm workers/friends to get everything ready for them. 

I'm hoping Hipster does something with his hair before Precious is born.  He looked like a hot mess at the beginning & would scare any little one with that mop. 

Why do the people on these reality shows have to wait to the last minute to do anything? Suspense factor? I'm talking about Amy trying to get the easel together & then it collapsing when the consultant walked in. 

For all the hoopla about the family dinner, I was expecting more than fajitas.  It didn't even look like there were any sides like a salad or rice. I guess Amy must have been tired out from cooking for Chris. 

I agree about how much Zach has matured.  I really felt for him telling Amy all his news - they really seem to have a good relationship. I liked him holding the LP baby at the photo shoot.  Him & Tori will be great parents. 

  • Love 4

First let me apologize for this next comment. It is not nice. 

I was wondering why Chris looked so glum at the beginning at the dinner. That is, until I was watching Amy eat and talk. With her mouth full of food. This may mean nothing to a lot of people but where I come from it could get you banned from the table and hungry. I don't think that she needs to have her mouth open while eating (as in she would have difficulty breathing or her musculature won't allow closure). Zach I'm a bit more forgiving on due to the latter. Perhaps Chris doesn't find watching the food in her mouth like a cement mixer sexy. More like he's putting up with it to stay on the show...hence why there's been no fights in their six months together. 

Me too! I have to look away because it grosses me out. Could NOT kiss that mouth!

  • Love 1
35 minutes ago, Barb23 said:

Why do the people on these reality shows have to wait to the last minute to do anything? Suspense factor? I'm talking about Amy trying to get the easel together & then it collapsing when the consultant walked in. 

It's a plan to create "drama" by production.  Even if the planning and work isn't done last minute, it gets edited to look like that.  I don't know why TLC hasn't given up the concept but it's repeated over and over and over.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, ZoloftBlob said:

I think much like how we're supposed to ignore how Jer has no job yet is house hunting,

Thank you!

1 hour ago, BusyOctober said:

"And the Lord sayeth 'If thou marries a dolt, cleave unto him.  For though he mayeth be an unskilled donkey, he hath been blessed with the God given appendage woman doth not have'.  For the penis is the Power & the Glory! Amen." 

@Swim mom beat me to it but I love you for this @BusyOctober

1 hour ago, PradaKitty said:

Jeremy is beginning to look a lot like Sideshow Bob.

Squeegee, squeegee......You owe me one mouth full of Propel water.

  • Love 2

I noticed the "family dinner" remark also but for another reason. I don't like Matt but he was correct. If she wanted a "family dinner" and it was to include him, it should have been planned as "to talk business". Maybe some family chit-chat but planned for business. This is not an intact family anymore. They have boyfriends and girlfriends and the kids are still having trouble with that.

Then when Jeremy announced their plans to move back, Amy was all, "family dinners every Sunday". Clearly, these people are just not thinking. It ain't gonna work. Amy needs to think a little.

Yes, it's true. Some people can be very amicable as time goes on. But the resentment in these two is simmering just below the surface and ready to blow.

  • Love 2

Zach and Tori get a snark pass from me this week.  I've lost a beloved pet/full-fledged member of the family and it's absolutely brutal.  My 10-year-old cat has her own hand-sewn Christmas stocking, so that tells you everything you need to know about my feelings toward animals. 

Jer(emy), on the other hand, is starting to work one of my few remaining nerves.  He makes sure to slip a line into every single episode about the "tension on the farm" and how that will definitely play a part in his decision of whether or not to move back.  The sanctimony from those two is increasing by the week.  TLC is doing a masterful job of showing the dichotomy between his and Auj(drey)'s visits to Amy and those with Matt.  Amy gets tense, terse, clipped Jer(emy) and disconnected, obviously bored Auj(drey), while Matt gets completely engaged, fully present Jer(emy) and slightly less bored Auj(drey).  Their time spent in the house has the tone of something done out of a sense of reluctant duty.  Their time in the double-wide or standing alongside Matt's glorified golf cart is much more enthusiastic.  Most mothers of adult children who are treated like this would invite their child to see their way out if it bothers them so much.  Her idea of family dinners every Sunday is admirable, but not viable long-term, in my opinion.  It will be just another opportunity for Matt to be an asshole and Jer(emy) and Auj(drey) to sigh discontentedly and stare off into the distance (to be discussed later at the Navigator's Council meeting, no doubt).

I suspect that much of Jer(emy)'s derision comes from the fact that Amy has a boyfriend.  Chris may be an emotionally distant, game-playing douchebag, but he's Amy's boyfriend and she's allowed to have one, just as Matt is allowed to move on.  At least Amy's relationship began post-marriage.  I'd stake everything I own on the fact that Matt was fertilizing Caryn's pumpkin patch long before the separation and divorce, but I digress.

Edited by SuzyLee
  • Love 11

I don't disagree with you Ina, but I think the problem is in calling it "family dinner". If Matt wants to have business meeting where they clear the air about who is doing what per each business, that's awesome. But don't call it family dinner. Family dinner is exactly what Amy described, a get together where people talk about what they've been doing. Calling it a family dinner and whipping out the power points for your project plans is an ambush.

  • Love 12

Zack was upset about what his son will have to go though. He should have thought of that before getting pregnant. The odds were not in their favor to have a non dwarf child. They could have used different sperm, or didn't the little couple use sperm that was genetically free of the dwarfism? Maybe I have that wrong.

  • Love 1

I do believe that it would be possible to do IVF and have them tested for the LP gene, but apparently Zach and Tori decided to take their chances.  I kind of see why -- it would be hard to say that a child isn't worth having if it has the same disability that you have.  Whatever, I think Zach and Tori are going to be great parents.  Zach smiling at that little baby girl was adorable.

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, winsomeone said:

Zack was upset about what his son will have to go though. He should have thought of that before getting pregnant. The odds were not in their favor to have a non dwarf child. They could have used different sperm, or didn't the little couple use sperm that was genetically free of the dwarfism? Maybe I have that wrong.

The Little Couple adopted two dwarf children from China and India.

I am sure Zach thought about it but he is a LP, so is his mom...it is not as scary to him as it would be to us.  But I think he realized he wanted his son to be average size...

Edited by Jellybeans
fix a word
  • Love 2
55 minutes ago, SuzyLee said:

TLC is doing a masterful job of showing the dichotomy between his and Auj(drey)'s visits to Amy and those wAmy gets tense, terse, clipped Jer(emy) and disconnected, obviously bored Auj(drey), while Matt gets completely engaged, fully present Jer(emy) and slightly less bored Auj(drey).  Their time spent in the house has the tone of something done out of a sense of reluctant duty.  Their time in the double-wide or standing alongside Matt's glorified golf cart is much more enthusiastic.  asshole and Jer(emy) and Auj(drey) to sigh discontentedly and stare off into the distance (to be discussed later at the Navigator's Council meeting, no doubt).


Yes I noticed this right away. If you go back and watch Audrey with Amy--she looks bored, annoyed, like she can't stand Amy and wants out of her house. Then when they were with Matt by his golf cart she actually cracked a few smiles. And at dinner when the camera was on Audrey she was scowling most of the time and then it was on Tori and Tori was smiling. You know Amy must feel the negativity coming off Audrey. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, camom said:

I find myself surprised that Zach is now my favorite Roloff.  He broke my heart last night.  He's dealing with a lot, but is doing it with a maturity that I'm afraid Jeremy will never have.

No kidding. I always thought of Zach as the kid mostly likely to end up a side show on Howard Stern. But he's definitely surprising me. 

  • Love 2

Damn you TLC.  I was bawling through half the episode, since It brought back so many memories of losing my beloved dog Ian.  I think it's harder to lose a pet than a human member of the family, because people just cannot understand the depth of grief you suffer.  It's expected with a human loss, but people think you can just easily "get over" the loss of a pet, and you can't.

  • Love 9

I do notice the odd behavior and comments from Jer and Auj, but, if I may add something that came from Molly, a good while ago.  You may recall that Molly has commented on multiple occasions that she and her mom have a strained relationship.  She's tried to be careful with her wording, but, she's always been honest about how she and Amy don't get along that well. AND she made it clear that she chose to get away from Portland for a reason.  So, ......I hesitate to say that Jer and Auj are completely off base with some of their misgivings. Maybe, there are things we don't see.  HOWEVER, I cannot imagine that things on the farm are worse now, than when Matt and Amy were married, living together and going at it verbally, as we have seen over the years.  To me, a separation would be a RELIEF for the adult kids.  Matt and Amy seem happier than they ever appeared on the show as a couple. 

After reading Jer and Auj's website, I wonder if Jer and Auj find the home environment distasteful, due to some fornicating.....they may have have issues with both Matt and Amy on that one and just don't come out with it.  Plus, they could think that Matt and Amy are favoring Zack and Tori.  I've seen that too.  You never know. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 2

Sunnybebe - I disagree with you on how all the kids are cowering in terror over Amy's attitude, particularly Jeremy who isn't too terrified of Amy to 'mansplain her how she best get her dumb little ass back to daddy Matt cause Jer is tired of the boyfriend!. That said, Here's how Jeremy solves that problem. Instead of moving home and exposing himself, Jeremy *could* you know, be a man and provide his family with their own hom with his own work. That would remove Amy, and the "messy" and "ugly dynamic" from the equation. Having to deal with Amy is the price Jeremy is apparently considering paying. Which makes me think he's not pissing himself in terror at her every mood change.

  • Love 10

Jeremy and Odd are cool to Amy because she is not relinquishing the family home to them, which is what they expected would happen. Because Jer is the Golden Child, and Odd the Golden Child Bride. If Amy came to her senses and realized they should be the rightful owners of Casa Roloff, not Amy, they would be just fine with her. 

So sad that Sully is gone, and I just had to watch the episode to say my own goodbye to that beautiful pup. I am so glad they showed some footage of Sully running and playing. And loved it when Tori said that she was Sully's person. I am so sad for both Sully and Tori (and of course Zach) that she was only Sully's person for 3 years. Only the good die young, as they say. 

  • Love 4

On relinquishing the home: The part that is really killing me is just how totally entitled and rude Jeremy and Auj are to Amy. Look, Amy's no gentle rose, but at the end of the day, she's the one who owns the damn house. If you can't be bothered to even pay lip service to kissing her ass, then you really need to cross moving to the farm off the list. Seriously, lil hipsters, you're the ones with your hands out, wanting the farm and not having the money to buy it. I seriously would love to see what the real opinions of Audrey are. As in, if Amy, Zach and Tory didn't catch it live, I really hope they caught the new ep where Audrey was pleased and smiling to hear their child would likely have life long health difficulties.

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I do notice the odd behavior and comments from Jer and Auj, but, if I may add something that came from Molly, a good while ago.  You may recall that Molly has commented on multiple occasions that she and her mom have a strained relationship.  She's tried to be careful with her wording, but, she's always been honest about how she and Amy don't get along that well. AND she made it clear that she chose to get away from Portland for a reason.  So, ......I hesitate to say that Jer and Auj are completely off base with some of their misgivings. Maybe, there are things we don't see.  HOWEVER, I cannot imagine that things on the farm are worse now, than when Matt and Amy were married, living together and going at it verbally, as we have seen over the years.  To me, a separation would be a RELIEF for the adult kids.  Matt and Amy seem happier than they ever appeared on the show as a couple. 

After reading Jer and Auj's website, I wonder if Jer and Auj find the home environment distasteful, due to some fornicating.....they may have have issues with both Matt and Amy on that one and just don't come out with it.  Plus, they could think that Matt and Amy are favoring Zack and Tori.  I've seen that too.  You never know. 

Wait, really? Molly said all that? I missed some episodes around the weddings, but I wasn't aware Amy's the reason she high-tailed it for Spokane. I've never seen anything but positive relationships between Molly and each parent. Elaborate if you can, please.

And I do think Jeremy's horribly off-base with his misgivings, in large part because he's a douche of a human being. I downloaded some episodes to watch on a plane last week, and I caught one that was filmed right after Zach's wedding. Matt was working with an architect to plan houses on the compound, and he said to Jeremy, "As usual, there's only one problem, and her name is Amy." And Jeremy proceeded to laugh hysterically. Fuck you, Jeremy. That's your mother, you ass. 

And again, everyone, please tell me if you're watching an entirely different show, because Matt wanted the divorce, Amy didn't, and what the hell was she supposed to do? Pine after him for the rest of her life? Jeremy and Audrey's criticism is so unfair and one-sided that I can't believe no one else in the family is calling them on it.

Edited by Literata
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2 hours ago, MoodyGirl said:

The funny thing is that it's custom made for a little person. They would have to remodel the whole kitchen since everything is so low--ha!

which would make perfect sense for Zach and his new family to one day inherit the family home ;) I know he has said he doesn't want the farm but I wonder if he's getting out of the way for Jer & Oddj?

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Molly has stated that she and her mom don't always get along. She never said more than that and I took it to mean they had a typical mom/daughter not always seeing eye to eye thing. She did NOT ever say she was hightailing it out of there because of Amy. She has, and the family has been vocal that she does not like being filmed or being on camera. Yes, Jeremy laughing with Matt over the obstacle that is his mother is right up there with Jeremy smirking and keeping his little bitch mouth closed as Matt openly stated his intent to lie to Amy over money. My serious reply to why no one calls Matt on his shit? Matt makes your life a living hell. The one the kids walk on eggshells around is Matt.

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