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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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18 hours ago, Shauna said:

Nope, you're definitely not sensitive.  I thought the same thing when Amy saw the house and made that comment.  It's nice, would have been a better thing to say.  Or I like the color of this or that. 

Yeah. It seemed Amy definitely threw some shade there. But, to be fair, Amy is not the most eloquent of speakers. I’m gonna give her the benefit of the doubt on this one, but yeah, that could’ve been interpreting as shade!

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10 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

I mean how much can we watch Zach and Tori eww and ahh over Jackson? And how many sit downs with Caryn and Matt can we watch where she’s gushing over what a great and lovable guy he is and Matt is

Add to that list, "my man" trying to placate Amy  when she gets angry by speaking to her like she is child and saying he is only kidding, followed by the obligatory squeezing, rubbing and pawing.  Seriously, what is up with that, I hope Amy doesn't sit on a perch at home.  

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I remain vaguely disturbed by her remark about climbing a stepladder to slap Chris around.  Is there a DominAmytrix situation going on here?  On the other hand, you have to admire any couple in their late 50s who are seemingly still so rooty-tooty!  

As for the future of the show, I think Tori thinks she can turn this into a sort of "19 Kids and Counting" or at least "Little People: Next Generation" if she just pops out enough children.  So far, that strategy doesn't seem to be working...

Finally, somewhat off-topic, I agree that Jeremy seems way too distracted to safely pilot a plane.  Is he a stoner?

Edited by all4mom2
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You're off on the ages. Zach, Jeremy and Mueller were all 17, not 15. Molly would have been 14. Jacob would have been 11, the only one I'd cite as not old enough to be responsible to check the time. I certainly agree the older, 17 year olds were rude to not be on time, but really, I don't think 17 is too young to be allowed to be alone in a new place for a few hours and its also old enough to watch younger siblings. 

This level of freedom used to be a lot more common place.

26 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

You're off on the ages. Zach, Jeremy and Mueller were all 17, not 15. Molly would have been 14. Jacob would have been 11, the only one I'd cite as not old enough to be responsible to check the time. I certainly agree the older, 17 year olds were rude to not be on time, but really, I don't think 17 is too young to be allowed to be alone in a new place for a few hours and its also old enough to watch younger siblings. 

This level of freedom used to be a lot more common place.

I didn't take the time to check birth certificates, which is why I said, "The kids appeared to be about 8-15 in age range."

Being alone in a new place at that age is one thing.  Being alone in a new place where the transportation is leaving at a specific time is another.  I couldn't believe that Amy (who thought this would be a good chance to test whether they were responsible) didn't say, "My kids are not on the boat, so I'm getting off so I can safely get them to the next stop."  

ETA:  Just out of curiosity, I googled the episode.  Let's assume Amy wasn't too concerned because there was a production crew with the kids.


And who was one of the producers?  Chris Cardamone.  Yeah, they guy that was molesting Jacob.

Edited by AZChristian
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1) There's a big difference between 15 and 17 in 'can they be expected to act mature expectations 

2) I don't recall Matt disagreeing with any plans concerning his children.

3) because of filming I had no concern that the children were without adult supervision or would be left behind. 

Edited by EllaWycliffe
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24 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

1) There's a big difference between 15 and 17 in 'can they be expected to act mature expectations 

I agree.  17 years olds had better be able to navigate a new city, meet a schedule, and be reasonably responsible.  ALL of my kids went off to college at 17.  No way I would have allowed that at 15.  The whole thing may have been a production set up for drama anyway.  It was filmed and aired.  On Toddlers and Tiaras how many times did we see the faked drama of someone late for their stage time?  

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5 hours ago, LucyEth said:

Add to that list, "my man" trying to placate Amy  when she gets angry by speaking to her like she is child and saying he is only kidding, followed by the obligatory squeezing, rubbing and pawing.  Seriously, what is up with that, I hope Amy doesn't sit on a perch at home.  

Yeah...all that too! Chris is very passive aggressive. 

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17 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

I think they have the "Amy's Wedding" season and the "Matt Builds His House" season. If Jackson and Lilah don't develop personalities that'll do it. 

Please correct me if I'm wrong but won't the next block of shows focus around Tori's miscarriage and it's devastating effects on her and the entire family? 

I wasn't sure about the timeline between the actual event and the filming season but admit I was quite surprised that her pregnancy announcement (on the show) came merely six weeks after testing positive that she was indeed pregnant??

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20 minutes ago, pdlinda said:

Please correct me if I'm wrong but won't the next block of shows focus around Tori's miscarriage and it's devastating effects on her and the entire family? 

I wasn't sure about the timeline between the actual event and the filming season but admit I was quite surprised that her pregnancy announcement (on the show) came merely six weeks after testing positive that she was indeed pregnant??

No idea when or if they started filming again. On June 16th, Caryn posted this:


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1 hour ago, Joan of Argh said:

It still surprises me that these pedophiles always find ways to have enough privacy with a child to abuse them sexually.

In this case we have older siblings, Matt, Amy, farm employees and other crew members yet this creep was able to abuse Jacob… I’d really like to know how he went about it… where did it happen?

Forget it.

Edited by AZChristian
1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

No idea when or if they started filming again. On June 16th, Caryn posted this:


I've lived in Arizona for 30 years and this is the FIRST TIME I have ever heard anybody say AZ was "calling them" in JUNE!!😄

Typical temps hover around 110-15 except for when we get the monsoon rains (like today) when it's storming and we dropped to 90.  

I'm confused by Caryn's comment.

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2 minutes ago, pdlinda said:

I've lived in Arizona for 30 years and this is the FIRST TIME I have ever heard anybody say AZ was "calling them" in JUNE!!😄

Typical temps hover around 110-15 except for when we get the monsoon rains (like today) when it's storming and we dropped to 90.  

Yeah, I don't care how much you say you like the heat, summer in Surprise Az is HOT and not a great time to visit - even the pools are warm. 

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30 minutes ago, pdlinda said:

I've lived in Arizona for 30 years and this is the FIRST TIME I have ever heard anybody say AZ was "calling them" in JUNE!!😄

Typical temps hover around 110-15 except for when we get the monsoon rains (like today) when it's storming and we dropped to 90.  

I'm confused by Caryn's comment.


5 minutes ago, all4mom2 said:

Maybe she's looking forward to time alone with Matt uninterrupted by farm business, wedding planning, and endless babysitting.  I suspect their community also has an indoor pool and hot tub.

I agree with All4Mom2, she probably just wants a break and some alone time with Matt.  Plus don’t her parents live in AZ, she might want to spend time with them as well.

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17 minutes ago, all4mom2 said:

I suspect their community also has an indoor pool and hot tub.

Sun City Grand does have a fitness center with an indoor poor but its pretty much exclusively used for lap swimming and "aqua" class. Lanes have to be reserved ahead of time. 


15 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

I agree with All4Mom2, she probably just wants a break and some alone time with Matt.  Plus don’t her parents live in AZ, she might want to spend time with them as well.

Very reasonable, its just the worst time to come, weather wise. 


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I tried watching this show in the early seasons but Amy's allergy to cleanliness turned me right off. So, I've only watched the past say 3 - 4 seasons. And I'm thinking that's it for me. It's getting extremely boring, it's the same old stuff every week. I'm sick of Amy's butchering of the English language, her crappy attitude, her crappy cooking and finger licking (just eeeww) and her arm flapping with her giant man hands. 

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1 hour ago, all4mom2 said:

Maybe she's looking forward to time alone with Matt uninterrupted by farm business, wedding planning, and endless babysitting.  I suspect their community also has an indoor pool and hot tub.

I agree… plus they’ve had the place in Arizona for a while now and they’ve spent plenty of time there so I’m sure Caryn is aware of the temperature.

Caryn often posts pictures of them in the outdoor pool and she usually goes on about how they’re loving the heat and sun… it’s not like they’ve never been there and don’t have a clue how hot it is.

I have friends who love the heat and spend the summer at a resort property in Arizona… different strokes for different folks 🤷‍♀️ 

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I picked an episode at random to watch and went back to season 8. Warning very long post.  Things that happen during the episode:


  • Jeremy “thinks” he wakes himself up everyday to get ready for school.  Amy says she wakes him up, and it’s preposterous that he would think he wakes up on his own.  Jeremy says he knows, but he “thinks” he wakes himself up.  I guess maybe in some parallel world he is doing this because none of this makes sense.  I’m guessing he’s joking, and it’s just not funny.  (FWIW if this conversation were real with no evidence, I would absolutely believe Amy has to practically roll these 2 out of bed every morning)


  • With a few weeks until graduation, Matt is questioning if the twins,19, are going college.  Wouldn’t he know that by now? Why doesn’t he know? So, I expected Amy to blow her top for Matt being checked out, but she seemed equally confused as to if they were going. Now I could see not knowing your major or maybe you want to take a year off or maybe you want to go to a trade school, but it’s literally like nobody knows what’s going on.  Suddenly, Amy blurts out that Zach is failing and again everyone seems confused. Did everyone just find this out 30 seconds ago?


  •  Matt tries to bribe encourage the twins with a bachelor pad to get out on their own and into college.  Amy is telling them they need to apply and get out there.  Zach and Jeremy look like they’d rather be anywhere else.  Again, everyone seems confused EXCEPT Molly, who basically said in her talking head, she didn’t think her brothers were capable of functioning on their own because they’ve been babied too much. Good call, Molly, good call!


  • Later scene, Amy has to yell and go to the twins’ room and wake them up.   I guess parallel Jeremy slept in that day.  BTW the twins are 19, why does she have to wake them up everyday, do they not have alarm clocks?  Random nonsense, Jeremy’s bed had a sheet, I’m not sure if Zach’s did.


  • Amy is giving a graduation party although they don’t know if Zach is actually graduating.  I get they would need to give Jeremy a party anyway, but there doesn’t seem to be much urgency in finding out about Zach’s grades or talking to him about it(i.e. Sit his little ass down and figure out what is going on.  Yes, I know they might have done that off screen, but they could have had a throw away scene of both parents investigating what’s going on....unless I fast forwarded that part.) Why I fast forwarded a lot of the episode is in the next section.


  • Amy, the twins, and Molly take a tour of the local community college and the twins attempt to fill out an application for something.  I’d guess registration, but I have no idea because is Zach even graduating?  Also, I had to fast forward a lot of the scene after the twins did not bring their licenses despite Amy telling them they needed ID, Jeremy needing Amy to tell him if he needs to cross stuff out on the form and what various words meant, and Molly having to tell Zach how to spell Oregon. (I know a lot of them mispronounce words, but did anybody ever question why Zach doesn’t know how to spell the state he lives in?  I can’t believe at 19 that’s the first time he would have asked that question.  I’m not diagnosing anybody, but was it ever addressed on the show if any of these people were tested for learning disabilities?)


  • The advisor asks them what their plans are and the twins basically say we waited too long to apply anywhere else.  Good answer! 🙄 The tour guide tells them about the campus and classes.  Amy pipes up maybe she will take a photography class.  If she didn’t, she should.  If she did, she should ask for a refund because of those SELFIES!!!! 


  • Amy’s talking to a LP friend and they asked Molly her plans and she has her next 3 years of classes in high school planned out.  (Man, Amy and Matt got lucky with this child.)


  • FAST FORWARDED PRETTY MUCH THE REST OF THE EPISODE BECAUSE MY BRAIN HURTS. (Speeding through Matt’s getting stuff ready for the party outside, Amy parents are there visiting, I’m guessing Matt’s were there and I just didn’t see them, some soccer players come over for a game with the twins)


  • Amy hovers over the school secretary/counselor/random person in the school office to inquire if Zach is failing because graduation is in a few days. She probably should have been checking on these weekly progress reports a while ago. Zach got one F, but both twins graduate!  


  • This was a Zach, Jeremy, and Amy heavy episode so there’s not a lot to comment on about Matt,Jacob, and to a lesser extent Molly. In the end everyone was probably still confused except for Molly.  

I think I will stick to the cooking videos, although they are equally confusing, they’re a lot funnier.  FWIW, it was nice not seeing Matt and Amy bicker.  I’m not sure what year their marriage really fell apart.  Also, I think Amy’s hair looked pretty nice.  It was shorter and blonder and she didn’t have those really long bangs.  Her teeth looked really white too, I’m not sure if it was the lighting or because she was more tan.  She is golfing in the opening credits, so she was probably outside a lot.  This family* ESPECIALLY the twins should thank God everyday they got this show; otherwise, I think Zach and Jeremy would still be living in one of their parent’s homes.  YMMV, of course!


*I, of course, am sad about what happened to Jacob, but I’m speaking in general terms of the show.

Edited by Irate Panda
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11 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

I’m not sure what year their marriage really fell apart.

It was getting there about this time - they were at each other but still maintaining the "we'll never consider divorce" attitude that they wrote about in Little People Big Values. 

It is nice to see them not so hostile. 

Honestly tho, this is one of those episodes where I just wanted to set fire to both of the twins. I will say Amy *tried* to interest them in college - she went on several college tours with them in various other episodes. It clearly didn't take.  Watching both of them - theoretically almost graduated from high school - clearly struggle with filling out a pretty basic application (it was for community college, which btw neither ever graduated from) was just sad. 

I've always been pretty certain Zach was passed because the school didn't want to deal with the backlash of holding him back. I also thought the excessive parties for their meager accomplishments was rewarding poor behavior. There's so many episodes where the Portland Timbers were apparently on the payroll to make an event for the twins special. 

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3 hours ago, all4mom2 said:

I had forgotten about Caryn's elderly parents, who may not be in the best of health; at any rate, tomorrow isn't promised to anyone.  Maybe she'd rather not wait for the optimal temperature to see her parents again when time is finite.

I would have said that it would be more usual for Caryn's folks to visit HER in Oregon for the summer months; HOWEVER, I completely understand their reluctance to travel at this time and commend her for sacrificing better weather to spend time with her parents regardless of the blistering heat.


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Why didn't they just get the twins jobs on a demolition crew with a construction company.  They were pretty good at it in their own home, honing their skills all the years they were allowed to run wild and wreck the family home along with various knuckleheads that were allowed to join them.  Molly and Jacob joined in too, so not letting them off the hook.  Maybe too much fun, trips and soccer and not enough hitting the books.  I wonder if they feel embarrassed watching these old episodes and seeing how they behaved and how dumb they came off?

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When any 19-year-old ADULT has to be awoken every morning by his mother (I can remember Amy entering the kids' rooms banging on a pan or ringing a bell or some such ridiculous thing), that's entirely on the mother.  Amy "needed to be needed" -- or, rather, given that it's Amy, in control -- and so failed to instill self-sufficiency and independence in her children.  Molly was just a quirk of nature.

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Honestly when its a 19 year old adult we're talking about, its entirely on the 19 year old ADULT, imo. 

Jeremy and Zach had two parents. Amy was too quick to do things for them, in my opinion, and Matt really never bothered to parent at all.

And spare me the "Amy 'hollered and Matt was a trembling terrified little bitch too terrified of his wife to even try" narrative. Matt's pretty darn proud to let us all know that if he wants something he'll go after it. Parenting was not something he wanted to bother with and it shows.

Important to note: I am putting blame on both parents here, not just Matt. Amy and Matt both failed those kids in different ways. And regardless of the parental fail, 19 year old adults should know how to get up on time.

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19 hours ago, all4mom2 said:

Maybe she's looking forward to time alone with Matt uninterrupted by farm business, wedding planning, and endless babysitting.  I suspect their community also has an indoor pool and hot tub.

Maybe she has her eye on another paycheck, er, I mean man in Arizona.   I'm sure there are some widowers down there that are ripe for the picking...lol

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6 hours ago, all4mom2 said:

Molly was just a quirk of nature.

I think she turned out that way from passive-negligence. Amy was so busy waking the boys and getting their butts moving that she didn’t have time to focus on Molly. Molly probably taught herself how to wake up, do her hair, get dressed, eat and go to school in time. She also knew unless she studied and found a vocation that she would be doomed to live under her brothers’ rainy cloud forever. 

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New episode! 

At the farm, Zach is zipping around on a ATV. He's working on the "forest project" which is basically him clearing the poison oak. He finds the original campfire site that his parents first did fires. There's photos displayed. He's basically clearing the land, and notes that there's a lot of places on the farm that haven't been tended in years. He wants to do maintenance on the farm and make it nice for Jackson. 

Amy and Chris's! Amy has two types of rocks to paint. She's really into it, Chris is clearly not into it. She explains her love of finding hand painted rocks extensively.  Chris thinks it will take forever, Amy thinks two weeks. I think this is a terrible idea all around. So does Chris. Even Felix seems off put by it. 

Back at Matt's. Matt seems less than thrilled by Caryn's redo of the double wide. I mean he's all blah about how he likes it and mostly goes on about how he likes his special chair. He says its "very very awesome" is a deadpan way. 

Now we have Tory and Zach and kids on the atv heading to the campsite area. Apparently there's still poison oak and Tory is annoyed since she's wearing shorts and sandals. There's endless talk about how this was the original campsite.

Back to Amy and Chris's. Henry died :( He was apparently five. They now have a new fish. He's called King Henry the Fifth, aka Henry. They go on about how this is a big step, getting a pet together. Amy wants more pictures hanging up. Chris doesn't want pictures to just be displayed chaotically. Chris prefers quiet and is adjusting. Now they fuss over the rock cleaning - Chris wants to do it right before they get ready to paint, and Amy wants it ready to go. He basically doesn't want to have to do it, and then redo it again a month later.

Zach and Tori's - Jackson seems to like school. He also seems a little hyper and makes Lilah cry because he's jealous. Also Tory and Zach both find Jackson too amusing to discipline. Its endless, I don't like children enough to recap it.

Oh god, now they are shopping for more rocks. I've got a degree in geology and I never cared this much about rocks. Chris seems to be coming around on it although I sense a certain amount of sarcasm. They aren't even nice rocks... I've mapped glacial striations on road cuts that were more interesting.

And now the bad news - there's a black screen telling us Tory had a miscarriage. 

Matt and Caryn at the double wide - they're sad. Honestly I think Tory revealed the possibility a little too soon.  Matt seems pretty upset. Caryn is nicely understanding. There's a lot of talk of how to react and how life is fragile etc. Its sad. It also kinda drags. 

Amy is now walking Felix on the farm. She also goes on about how its sad and how can she help, what can she do. She does note that its more common than publically discussed which is helpful. There's a whole lotta talk about Tory needing space and this is just sad. 

Now Zach and Tory on a picnic. Zach concedes they announced early. Tory breaks down a little in the confessional. Zach goes on about how the ultrasound tech didn't tell them but they kinda knew. Tory seems to be handling it ok. The confessional is pretty painful. 

Next week - wedding stuff. 

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There's quite a lot of back-and-forth with Amy and My Man about the rocks and their respective wedding wishes being honored.  It's kind of like being out with that couple who is quietly and politely fighting in front of you.  Awkward!

How do you know Henry was five years old?  I don't remember hearing that, and that's extremely ancient for a Betta, especially one living in a flower vase.

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1 hour ago, ginger90 said:




Ugh… the problem with their method of disciplining and then laughing is they’re probably the only ones who think Jackson’s smart ass disobedience is funny.

and ya I’m well aware that their ass kissing fans on Instagram will be posting how cute, adorable and funny Jackson is when he’s naughty and how they wouldn’t be able to keep a straight face either… those people think Zach and Tori walk on water and are always right 🙄

I’m talking about people in general who won’t find it funny or cute.

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1 hour ago, all4mom2 said:

There's quite a lot of back-and-forth with Amy and My Man about the rocks and their respective wedding wishes being honored.  It's kind of like being out with that couple who is quietly and politely fighting in front of you.  Awkward!

How do you know Henry was five years old?  I don't remember hearing that, and that's extremely ancient for a Betta, especially one living in a flower vase.

Let’s hope they don’t lose more Henry’s and use the song… “I’m Henry the 8th I am… I got married to the widow next door and she’s been married 7 times before and every one was a Henry… she wouldn’t have a Willy or a Sam..I’m her 8th old man I’m Henry, Henry the 8th I am”

I really don’t understand Amy’s obsession with rock favours… I’m sure most people won’t want them or keep them… it’s a lot of work for nothing.

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16 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

Let’s hope they don’t lose more Henry’s and use the song… “I’m Henry the 8th I am… I got married to the widow next door and she’s been married 7 times before and every one was a Henry… she wouldn’t have a Willy or a Sam..I’m her 8th old man I’m Henry, Henry the 8th I am”

I really don’t understand Amy’s obsession with rock favours… I’m sure most people won’t want them or keep them… it’s a lot of work for nothing.

Because heart-shaped rocks mean something to HER, they should mean something to EVERYONE ELSE.  It's about what SHE likes; not what THEY might like.  Classic narcissist!

  • Love 12

Oh boy.

The bloom is off the rose here when it comes to Chris towards Amy.

You can see the look on his face with the rock thing. Even in the interview segment. Maybe even less pawing.

He is seeing what a bulldozer she is.

I'll be surprised if this wedding happens.


Re : Jackson misbehaving...



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