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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

Message added by Mod-LunarJester,

Culture Check: How can the tropes and stereotypes we apply to TV personalities impact our fellow posters, and how do we remain mindful of these effects while discussing them? Please review for more on stereotypes and tropes.


Culture Check: How can we express our opinions and consider the effect our assumptions may have on the people around us? What impact might speculation have on others, especially when we speculate about children or complex issues like neurodiversity?

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My daughter wanted no visitors when they had their baby a few weeks ago. I was a little hurt at first, because I was there when her other son was born. But, even though he was 9 lbs 11 oz. he was in NICU for 3 days, we all respected their wishes and I decided that it was set in place ahead of time for no visiting. Their time with little bitty was limited so it would have been unfair for us to take any of that time. 

I'm glad Matt and Amy rushed out of there before Z & T got home. Showed they cared more for the kids than taking credit. It was sweet of Matt to want to pass down a tradition. Maybe they'll repaint the stork for each subsequent child. But, best if Zach gets a stork, Jer gets one, etc. that way they can pass it down to their kids. My aunt's ex bought her flowers in a ceramic bootie when she had her child. She saved it and he gives the mother of his children flowers in it each time she has a child. The bootie belongs to him, not her, and I'm sure  he'll let his kids use it.  He has 2 sons and a daughter. I got a balloon with flowers in it that popped when we left the hospital. 

I loved all the old toys Karyn found for the room at Matt's. I am not a Matt or Karyn fan, but, that room was sweet and I'm glad she was on hand to remind him of safety. Matt can't wait for them kids to grow up and be able to do something, anything!



I think baby Jackson is so damn cute!  Oooh, that widdle face!  I was squeeeing away with all his scenes, and I am not a sentimental sap.  Question about the little mitts Jackson had on in almost every scene...  I know they have mittens for infants so they don't scratch their faces with their nails.  But I never saw that done to newborns before.  Is that something new to help keep their hands warm?  Or just to prevent scratching?  How long are his nails anyway?  Couldn't the hospital just trim them?  I remember my daughter's nails at that stage were so soft and pliable, it was supper easy to trim them, even without a clipper (I was petrified that I'd cut her with the nail clips!).  Anyway...ooh sooo cuuute!!  Congrats again to Tori & Zach.

Newborns are notorious for scratching their face. The nurses do not trim their nails.  It was sweet watching Zach do all the diapers. I'm happy TLC blurred the privates.

Edited by Mom2twoNonna2one
Forgot about quoted post I wanted to refer to.
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13 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

I bet the nights that these episodes air is cringe-worthy for Jer and Auj when they open mouth and insert foot.  

I don't think Jer and Auj realize that what they say is offensive. They live in a tiny narcissistic bubble. 

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I'm not a fan of everyone and their brother being at the hospital when babies are born.  With all 3 of mine, it was just me and my husband.  What difference does it make if people wait at home or in a hospital waiting room?  

My 3rd child was late and had pretty long fingernails when he was born. In fact, he scratched his face during the birthing process.  Was also born with a black eye (he was a very big baby).  Made for interesting newborn pics!

I would love to see Amy set some boundaries for Jer and Auj!

Edited by camom
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1 hour ago, DkNNy79 said:

This is the first time I've heard of a grandma shower.  But did Amy throw it for herself?  Which is super tacky.  Or did her friends throw it for, which is the standard for showers right?  If her friends threw it for her, she could've declined but I won't give her that much grief over it.  I'm sure the first grandchild in a family is a big deal.

I saw a video where Amy talked about it . . . she had "heard" of someone doing it, so she suggested to her friends that they do it for her.  Still sounds like trying to get people to give you gifts . . . which is tacky when you can afford to buy things for yourself.  Kind of like a "gofundme" for grandmas.

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Is it true that they take the mother's intestines out during a C-section??  Why have I never heard this?   *runs away screaming*

I've only seen one C-section, in nursing school and if I remember correctly the physician lifted the uterus up and out and gently massaged it looking for blood clots and/or other abnormalities.  I did not see the intestines being pulled out, that seems weird and unnecessary.  But maybe this is something new, I've been out of nursing school for a long time.

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I love the scenes of Tori& Zach in the house talking about what's on their minds.  I hope it continues now Jackson has joined the family.  That drive to the hospital cracked me up.  I would be just like Zach- I'm always on time, if not early, & him saying the baby will be doomed for life & will always be late was so funny.  " oh no, we're going to be the late family from now on."  

Tori & Zach cracked me up with all the stuff they were packing in the car on the way to the hospital.  They looked like they were going on vacation. Lol.  Like many have posted (myself included) Tori missed the boat on what to bring and/or what to expect at the hospital.  Back when my son was born 27 years ago I just had booklets from my OB to read but I had those things memorized.  I even remember when they put the oxygen mask on me during labor, I was thinking No, can't do this (because it wasn't mentioned in my books or shown in the baby movies we watched.) 

I give kudos for Zach changing Jackson by himself in the hospital with Tori cheering him on from her bed..  IIRC, those first bowel movements are doozies.   Can't see Auj & Jer being as calm about it as Zach or them even attempting to do it.  

I'm not a Matt lover at all, but loved when he just mentioned Jackson when talking about  his baby room.  He may have said grandkids, but the emphasis was on his new GRANDSON.  Take that Jer & Auj - let someone else be in the spotlight for once. BTW, how many times did we have to hear Jer & Auj say Baby Girl (can't stand that either) was a surprise?  No, we think differently.

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15 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I saw a video where Amy talked about it . . . she had "heard" of someone doing it, so she suggested to her friends that they do it for her.  Still sounds like trying to get people to give you gifts . . . which is tacky when you can afford to buy things for yourself.  Kind of like a "gofundme" for grandmas.

Agree - that's tacky IMO.

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 I just loved seeing the preparation and welcoming of baby Jackson.  What a cute kid and I'm not easily impressed.  Amy even told Zach that he was more perfect that he was as a baby.  

I also loved Chris and Matt having a proper meeting.  They seem cordial to me.  Maybe, more than cordial.   I bet Matt is relieved that Amy is happy.  lol  I also thought that Caryn's words were appropriate.  She seems pretty down to earth, from what I've seen and not prone to drama.  That should help with Matt. lol  HIs emotion over Jackson was palpable.

I liked the way that Tori kept complimenting Zach on how attractive he was as dad.  That's important.  She's a smart lady.  When she was walking down the street on that incline....when she said she could feel the pressure in her incision.  I yelled, TURN AROUND.  

I was surprised that Jer has a hernia. I thought they were for older people.   I know they can cause a lot of pain.  My mom has had a series of them and they hurt like hell.  I wonder if the pain caused him to be a little down.  Or, it could  be something else.  Depression can be a chemical thing and it doesn't mean that the person has has a horrible life.  Since, deciding to move from Bend, they seem pretty normal to me.  Appropriately kind, shoe love and appreciation for their family.  I think a lot of twenty-somethings have overly eager parents.  Nothing wrong with boundaries, imo.  

I do wonder what kind of doctor they have.  He tells Zach, he's fine and nothing really wrong with him physically.  (Even though he has severe symptoms.)  Then, he tells Jer it's okay to keep lifting things with a hernia.  Hmmm......I've never heard of that.  That's not what they have told my mom.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Love Tori and Zach, and think they will be great parents.  I agree, though, that Tori really seemed unprepared for delivery.  She hated the epidural, and said "Never again!"  Try labor without one--I'm betting you'll change your mind.  The C-section recovery was awful--try recovering from an episiotomy.  I have delivered both ways, (um, intestines stay where God put them,) and have labored with and without meds.  Believe me--there IS NO easy way.  So worth it, though.  Jackson?? ADORABLE! 

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I give kudos for Zach changing Jackson by himself in the hospital with Tori cheering him on from her bed..  IIRC, those first bowel movements are doozies.   Can't see Auj & Jer being as calm about it as Zach or them even attempting to do it.  



Audrey will hit the call bell, I have no doubts about that.

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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I was surprised that Jer has a hernia. I thought they were for older people.   I know they can cause a lot of pain.  My mom has had a series of them and they hurt like hell.  I wonder if the pain caused him to be a little down.  Or, it could  be something else.  Depression can be a chemical thing and it doesn't mean that the person has has a horrible life.  Since, deciding to move from Bend, they seem pretty normal to me.  Appropriately kind, shoe love and appreciation for their family.  I think a lot of twenty-somethings have overly eager parents.  Nothing wrong with boundaries, imo.  

I do wonder what kind of doctor they have.  He tells Zach, he's fine and nothing really wrong with him physically.  (Even though he has severe symptoms.)  Then, he tells Jer it's okay to keep lifting things with a hernia.  Hmmm......I've never heard of that.  That's not what they have told my mom.  

I had a hernia that developed last summer. After an evaluation by my doctors, I was told we'd just watch it until it was necessary. When asked what that meant, I was told "you'll know." Aside from discomfort and nausea if I poked it, it wasn't that much of a problem. I could shove on it and it'd go back in but it would come back. All of a sudden one evening, while out on a date, I got terrible nausea and a hot, hard knot appeared where the hernia had previously been poking out. I ended up in the ER the next morning (priorities!) and had emergency surgery to repair the hernia after it had incarcerated. Until I had surgery, I was never told to avoid lifting anything. It was only after surgery that I couldn't lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk for a month.

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5 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:


I was surprised that Jer has a hernia. I thought they were for older people.   I know they can cause a lot of pain.  My mom has had a series of them and they hurt like hell.  I wonder if the pain caused him to be a little down.  Or, it could  be something else.  Depression can be a chemical thing and it doesn't mean that the person has has a horrible life.  Since, deciding to move from Bend, they seem pretty normal to me.  Appropriately kind, shoe love and appreciation for their family.  I think a lot of twenty-somethings have overly eager parents.  Nothing wrong with boundaries, imo.  


Hernias can happen at any age. My 10 year old neighbor had one recently as well as my favorite ups driver( who isn't over 30). I was surprised that Jer didn't have it fixed. It is usually a very easy day surgery.  In fact my ex was a surgeon and on his first day of training they had him do hernias because they are so simple to fix. Maybe Jer doesn't have insurance or want to spend the money? I would rather have a 30 minute surgery and be done with it , then be in pain especially with moving and a baby coming. 


Jer complaining just just got to me last night. It is not like he is going to be homeless. He is saying his wife is signing the papers and he is packing and worried. Worse case is the loan isn't ready and he spends a few weeks with his mom ? Or in an airbnb. It could be a lot worse Jer. Right after my first baby That came early, had to have emergency surgery and then moved cross county. We had 36 hours to drive 2200 miles because Myself and my baby were not allowed to fly. My husbands job was not flexible and our house wasn't ready for 6 days. The town we moved to was a in high tourist season so my husbands employer found us a 10x10 bedroom in someone's house to stay in and they complained non stop about the baby crying. All my stuff was stuck on a upack and move truck. Jer should be greatful that there are plenty of short term rentals where he is or he has a mom with many huge bedrooms in the upstairs wing he could stay in for free. It is so upsetting to hear him talk about distancing himself from his mom due to the divorce stigma but still wants the freebies or farm money. 


Also did anyone else think Jer's family picture was odd? It had Zach in between his parents in the front. Jer and Aud snuggling together on the back left and Tori all alone with the baby on the right? I'm not a professional photographer but wasn't the photo about the new baby? At least Jackson should have been front and center, Either having Matt and Amy holding him or zach and Tori holding him. 

Edited by silverspoons
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Jerm seems pissed that his plan are not going as he planned. He thought he would get the big house and he would be able to play on the farm like when he was a kid....it's no fun to be a grown up and have responsibilities. 

Totally agree!

They are not having the first grandbaby and all the attention is on Zack and Tori.

Amy and Matt are grandparents are supposed to fawn and spoil. If they did not know boundaries they would have stuck around for the birth and after the garden.They are both A-holes!


Why is Auj not helping at the new house? She could unscrew stuff or paint.

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10 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

Is it customary now days to go home and wait for the call that your first born grandchild has arrived? I mean you're at the hospital, they wheel your DIL in for surgery and you leave, labor is one thing it could go on for hours, but the baby will be here in a matter of less than an hour after they take you back. Just weird to me. 

I feel so lucky that I was able to be my daughter's coach, and even got to cut my new Grand-Daughter's cord.

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I haven't watched this one yet. Tori had an appointment to give birth. Amy went to the hospital because of that, correct? She didn't just happen to be there, but didn't stay. Did she say why? 

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7 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

I haven't watched this one yet. Tori had an appointment to give birth. Amy went to the hospital because of that, correct? She didn't just happen to be there, but didn't stay. Did she say why? 

When my Daughter had my Grand-Daughter there was a mandatory 1 hour-no visitors rule, where it was just her, me and the new baby (Father is not in the picture) in the room.  It's called family bonding time.  Maybe Amy thought she could just come back later when visitors are allowed. 

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1 minute ago, Honey said:

When my Daughter had my Grand-Daughter there was a mandatory 1 hour-no visitors rule, where it was just her, me and the new baby (Father is not in the picture) in the room.  It's called family bonding time.  Maybe Amy thought she could just come back later when visitors are allowed. 

Perhaps, but why go in the first place? 

Guess I better watch, lol!

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I found the whole show so repetitive. How many times did we need to see a close up of Zach changing a diaper? How many times did Tori need to go on about how nervous she was about the birth, the epidural etc. We get it - you're nervous. How many times did Jer and Auj need to repeat how they MUST have the house done bc [gasp] Auj is 6 months pregnant. They were all acting like the first people ever to have a baby; buy a house; or move - and I say this as someone who genuinely likes Z&T as they seem "real" to me.

I thought it was sweet that Amy went at 5 am. I imagine you're allowed to see the mom/couple but are then probably told to leave as they are in a holding area to go back for surgery. So it's possible she could hang with them from 5-6 am but they already knew they'd have a baby around 9 am -- meaning she wouldn't have been allowed to see them again until 10-11 at the earliest as hospitals have rules re recovery times for the mom etc. If she lives close (which I think she does), I think it makes sense to go home since you have 5 hrs to kill rather than sitting on your hands in the waiting room. Plus I think she and Matt were being considerate of Zach and Tori generally, so they probably thought it was better if Z&T had the baby, had the recovery time, got a room, maybe even spent 1-2 hrs just the 3 of them and THEN the family shows up around 1-2 pm. These aren't the Duggars who pull up in their bus with 19 family members 45 min after the mom has given birth and she's expected to be dressed, sitting up and ready to entertain.

Kind of disappointing to watch the scenes with Mueller. They were childhood besties that spent every moment together and yet to see the twins with him with him just speaking platitudes about how they'll love their kids like nothing else and they'll grow up in the blink of an eye -- seemed like advice you give a friendly acquaintance, not the way you hang out with a best friend you see once every few yrs. There was no laughing, joking etc. Don't know what Mueller's deal is or where he lives now -- though I guess he married and settled fairly "young" as he has 2 kids already and one is a toddler. Seems like they don't have much in common anymore.

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So now we know that Matt was part of the giant hoarder mess problem at the house. And we know why Jer and Auj never ever asked to stay with Matt in his extra bedroom rather than be near evil Amy. It's because Matt junked up that extra room to where it couldn't be used.

I no longer have patience with how poor Matt is just as tidy as can be when he's not near the bitch wife. He had a fucking hoard. And he didn't get rid of the hoard, he just moved it to a different hoard.

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1 hour ago, booboopbedoo said:

They are not having the first grandbaby and all the attention is on Zack and Tori.

That is exactly it! And although I know they will love "baby girl", I think Jer is very disappointed it's not a boy. 

He should be thanking god every day that he can afford to buy a $400,000 house. TLC has been good to him, he hasn't done a damn thing to earn it. When I think back to young Jeremy I realize he always had a shitty personality. He's not warm, loving or caring about anybody. I will say one nice thing about him, though. I thought it was adorable when the cat was sitting in his lap as he was driving away from the old house, and Jer was talking to it. A nice moment. So yeah, I guess he cares about the cat. 

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Did anyone else think it was bizarre when Audj kept posing for pics with Tori.   When a baby comes, I want pics of the baby, I could care less if I'm in the pictures.  One pic is enough of me in it.     Clearly Audj's priority is getting in as many pictures as possible.

Edited by winnter
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1 hour ago, winnter said:

Did anyone else think it was bizarre when Audj kept posing for pics with Tori.   One pic is enough.   I take pics of the baby, I could care less if I'm in the pictures. Clearly Audj's priority is getting in as many pictures as possible.

I used to have a dog that did that. Bring out a camera and that dog was in the front of every shot.

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16 hours ago, MegD said:

I had a hernia that developed last summer. After an evaluation by my doctors, I was told we'd just watch it until it was necessary. When asked what that meant, I was told "you'll know." Aside from discomfort and nausea if I poked it, it wasn't that much of a problem. I could shove on it and it'd go back in but it would come back. All of a sudden one evening, while out on a date, I got terrible nausea and a hot, hard knot appeared where the hernia had previously been poking out. I ended up in the ER the next morning (priorities!) and had emergency surgery to repair the hernia after it had incarcerated. Until I had surgery, I was never told to avoid lifting anything. It was only after surgery that I couldn't lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk for a month.

OMG, MEGD, that kind of emergency could be fatal.  Glad you got to the ER.  They have warned my mom that it could happen to her.  I hope yours is fixed and no others appear.  It appears that some people are just more prone than others.  

All of the over control things by Amy that Zach was describing and the flashbacks they showed was funny.  Some mom's can't help themselves from doing  the kids' school projects, taking over their chores, etc.  That cooking scene in the kitchen seemed a little staged though.  I think that she would actually allow Zach to slice a tomato by himself.  lol 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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13 hours ago, ZoloftBlob said:

evil Amy

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm finding Jeremy and Audrey's blatant disdain of Amy increasingly difficult to watch.

The divorce was not her choice. What was she supposed to do ... pine for Matt? Stay single until such time he chose to give her the time of day again? My suspicion: Matt was just fine living in disharmony with Amy until he realized an average-size person might be willing to fuck him. (To that, I say, GROSS, and not because he's a little person, but because he's a narcissistic, disingenuous prick.)

Why isn't Amy given credit by J and A for having tried to save her marriage, and why isn't Daddy Matt vilified for cheating and for ending his "covenant union," as the Holy Couple describes it?

And even if the divorce had been Amy's choice (and there was ample justification for it to be, IMO), what then? Would that have given J and A reason to belittle and disrespect her?

What I wouldn't give for Amy to confront them, and to tell them that until they're able to treat her with the respect she deserves, they're not welcome in her home. Enough is enough.

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How in the world could Matt be so clueless about what babies need?  Juice boxes and Tonka trucks for a newborn?  The man's an idiot.  At least Caryn seems to add a voice of reason (and he seems to actually listen).

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12 hours ago, winnter said:

Did anyone else think it was bizarre when Audj kept posing for pics with Tori.   When a baby comes, I want pics of the baby, I could care less if I'm in the pictures.  One pic is enough of me in it.     Clearly Audj's priority is getting in as many pictures as possible.

Yes, I noticed too.  It was like everyone else was moving away from the bed starting to do something else & Auj was still hovering over Tori with a big smile on her face waiting for another picture to be taken.

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It appeared to me that Zach and Tori had asked both Grandmothers to be there. Tori was so nervous about the c-section that she was worried about being alone for the short amount of time that Zach would be out of the room getting ready himself.  When they saw Amy waiting, she commented that she was on time for once. 

I love how Zach politely told Matt that he and Tori may not allow babysitting for 3 months.  He politely refered to research they'd done, admitting they might change their minds. Rather than make nasty comments about boundaries and interference the way Jer and Auj do.  

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I love how Zach politely told Matt that he and Tori may not allow babysitting for 3 months.  He politely refered to research they'd done, admitting they might change their minds. Rather than make nasty comments about boundaries and interference the way Jer and Auj do. 

I liked that, too.  It's not like he was saying Matt wouldn't get to see the baby, just that he wouldn't have him all to himself for a while.  Matt looked hurt, which is ridiculous.  

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On 28/06/2017 at 9:32 AM, MargeGunderson said:

I don't think Jer and Auj realize that what they say is offensive. They live in a tiny narcissistic bubble. 

Me neither. They are so ignorant that they wont know what aholes they sound like. 

Be nice to your Mom Jer! You may need her one day.

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I guess every hospital has different rules regarding visitors. After many hours of labor, I had a last minute c-section. My in-laws came immediately and were in my room waiting for us the second I returned from the operating room. I'm glad Amy was there bright and early to show her support, even though there wasn't much for her to do yet. She's gonna be a great grandma. 

Also, Tori needs a better anesthesiologist. I didn't feel a single thing during the placement of my epidural. It was awesome!

Edited by Shmoopaloop
The thoughts...they pop into my mind...
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1 hour ago, Shmoopaloop said:

Also, Tori needs a better anesthesiologist. I didn't feel a single thing during the placement of my epidural. It was awesome!

I don't know... Tori was hyper-alert and hyper-worried.  I think if the Dr had rubbed his finger across her back it would have registered as pain.  She was ver, very nervous.  I felt for her.  I hope next time she is less frightened.  They do not plop the intestines out lol...too much risk for infection.  I am surprised she did not have more information.  It is possible she had a different type of c-section...I am not an expert at all!

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2 hours ago, Shmoopaloop said:

I guess every hospital has different rules regarding visitors. After many hours of labor, I had a last minute c-section. My in-laws came immediately and were in my room waiting for us the second I returned from the operating room. I'm glad Amy was there bright and early to show her support, even though there wasn't much for her to do yet. She's gonna be a great grandma. 

Also, Tori needs a better anesthesiologist. I didn't feel a single thing during the placement of my epidural. It was awesome!

Yeah, I was in nursing school in Florida and watched a c-section and when we all went back to the room with mom/baby the family was all there and had been there through the delivery... there was time for mom to recover, but I have no concept of how long it was, I was running around with the nurse caring for the baby (nothing was wrong but a lot happens in that first couple hours) so it may have been a couple hours but I honestly felt pretty fast. 

Also everyone is different, my best friend had a baby last year and I had her older 2 kids (5 yrs and 3yrs) and after being in labor just under 12 hours I figured she might just want to wait and have me bring the kids to the hospital the next morning, but she wanted them to come that night. I kinda thought after being exhausted from all that and it getting close to the witching hour of between dinner/bed it might just be better to start fresh in the morning... but obviously she wanted them and I didn't question what she said. So I guess my point is that whatever plan zach and tori had in place seemed to work for them and I think it seemed pretty clear and concise.

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8 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

OMG, MEGD, that kind of emergency could be fatal.  Glad you got to the ER.  They have warned my mom that it could happen to her.  I hope yours is fixed and no others appear.  It appears that some people are just more prone than others.  

Yeah, my good friend is a pediatrician and I had asked her about it during the date. She pointed out that she could feel the heat of the hernia through my ballgown and that I probably needed to go in right that moment or at least call my gastroenterologist. We finally agreed that so long as I swore I'd be at the ER in the AM, she wouldn't tell the cute date that I had to go home. She would have done it too! I spent all night after I got home trying not to die or throw up. I checked into the ER at 10 (had to talk to GI first and he sent orders to the ER), was back by 11 getting a CT with contrast per GI, by 12 I was headed to a room and was scheduled for surgery. I had surgery around 2 and was back by 4. I had a complete bowel obstruction and was apparently only a couple of hours, if that, from resection and bad things time. I learned my lesson. I had started the evening thinking that my Spanx were just too tight. Oh how wrong I was. I had tried rolling them down below the bulge before I went to find my friend.

Mine was caused, we think, by a prescription interaction. GI took me off a med because we thought it wasn't doing anything. I promptly gained about 30 lbs in water weight and looked a bit like Violet Beauregarde, but for the color. During that time, the intestinal loop managed to sneak out. After we fixed the med issue, the area was left weakened and let the loop scoot in and out. Fun times with the bizarre bulge! If it was really bugging Jer all that much, he really should have it looked at. My biggest complaint until it pinched itself off was that it ruined the look of all my dresses because it managed to poke out even through Spanx.

The mean side of me wonders if his hernia is just trying to copy his man bun. Perhaps if he cut that thing off, his hernia would cooperate.

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So rather than be theoretical about it, I checked the hospital website for newborn bonding info.  They don't mention a set aside time, but do only allow one person to go back with the c-section.  So from the time of leaving the room, time for doing the c-section and stitching, then a minimum of one hour in recovery, it's not a big surprise that Amy and probably Torie's mom went home.  Zach and Torie may well have wanted another hour or two to themselves before such a large group visit and photos. 

As far as what to take to the hospital, perhaps that was production driven.  I hope it was since the hospital offer classes for expectant parents and has info on what to bring to the hospital on their website. 

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People really pack that much for the baby?  For my Grand-Daughter we had a diaper for the ride home, a muslin blanket, and an outfit.  The hospital provided a couple of packages of diapers, a 6 pack of bottles of pre-mixed formula, binkies, hats, receiving blankets.  For my Daughter, I brought her pillow, a couple of pairs of pajamas, and undies.

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The divorce was not her choice. What was she supposed to do ... pine for Matt? Stay single until such time he chose to give her the time of day again? My suspicion: Matt was just fine living in disharmony with Amy until he realized an average-size person might be willing to fuck him.

Basically yes. That's what Jeremy and Auj want and expect. Amy needs to live alone and not socialize with men because even though she's divorced, she's still married under Christ.

Matt, I think, played one of his games and didn't realize Amy wasn't going to bend. My theory? His little walk out to the double wide was never meant to be permanent. I think "I could leave you, you know" has been a threat in this marriage for a long time. I think he threw that card down and moved out. And Amy didn't beg him to come back and in fact kinda turned it around on him by telling the kids Matt would need to decide on his own to move back in. To do that, Matt would be admitting defeat, and that his threat was empty.

I'm pretty suspicious of Matt having affairs anyway so I don't know that he had no idea women would fuck him.


Why isn't Amy given credit by J and A for having tried to save her marriage, and why isn't Daddy Matt vilified for cheating and for ending his "covenant union," as the Holy Couple describes it?

a) I think Jeremy and Auj really do believe Matt left Amy because Amy wasn't a good wife, buckling under her man's wishes - if Amy wanted to save her marriage then she should have pleased her man. I hope Audrey is taking notes because this is how Jeremy will get rid of her.

b) I also think Jeremy is dim as fuck but he knows that he is daddy's favorite and that getting into Matt's face over anything usually ends with Matt punishing you in some way. I also think Jer is smart enough to realize his dad doesn't take the religious thing seriously.

I also think it's telling that Jer and Auj are living with Auj's parents during their remodel. As it happens, I don't think Auj would have married Jeremy if he wasn't on the tv show, but if you notice, Auj has really made sure that Jer is separated from his family. They marry and immediately move to a different state. Then they move back  but to Bend because Audrey wants to live there, still keeping him away from his family and childhood friends. The fire pit scene with Mueller and Jeremy was painfully awkward. She's very controlling and at some point, I wonder when it will blow up.

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Jackson really is a cutie.

re: baby nails   31.5 years ago when my son was born, we were told to bite them! No chance of cutting him with the clippers. I don't recall whether I ever did or not.

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Both my boys had hernias and surgeries as toddlers. My son just had his leg go out from under  him and would fall. After brining him to the doctor who pushed it back and was going to schedule surgery later in the week then he wound up doing it that day or evening. My other son had one on each side. Both were preemies and I believe they told me that can be the weakness.  The surgery was uneventful but scary for parents to see a baby who had had issues being pushed into the OR again. I know it's harder for adults to recoup. 

I just love Zach and Tori, adorable. It was so sweet when she watered  up and said " your parents" when seeing the surprises.  That other twin can stay in the background  

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So was that a hoard in Matt's second bedroom or all his stuff from the big house?  I wonder what Caryn did with it all... she seems to get things done for him.

I don't know if it was edited that way or not but Auj was kickin' back quite a bit even though they were moving, & it doesn't seem like she's under doctor's orders not to lift a finger.

I'm glad they had Jackson's birth episode, finally, just to stop hearing Tori complain so much. I can't see her wanting anymore kids after what seemed like such a miserable pregnancy & birth experience for her.

The baby is a cutie. Zach seems wonderful with him.

I was impressed with Matt & Amy giving them space; not everyone knows enough to do this & some family members can be quite intrusive. I think they've both got enough going on in their own lives so as not to do that.

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On 6/28/2017 at 11:29 AM, mamapajama said:

Love Tori and Zach, and think they will be great parents.  I agree, though, that Tori really seemed unprepared for delivery.  She hated the epidural, and said "Never again!"  Try labor without one--I'm betting you'll change your mind.  The C-section recovery was awful--try recovering from an episiotomy.  I have delivered both ways, (um, intestines stay where God put them,) and have labored with and without meds.  Believe me--there IS NO easy way.  So worth it, though.  Jackson?? ADORABLE! 

I also thought Tori seemed seriously uneducated on how difficult vaginal births can be, and how the recovery can sometimes be worse or at least equivalent to a c-section. 

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4 hours ago, ilovetrashtv said:

I also thought Tori seemed seriously uneducated on how difficult vaginal births can be, and how the recovery can sometimes be worse or at least equivalent to a c-section. 

I agree.  I had an emergency Csection & recuperated just fine.   On the other hand, my sister had vaginal births & had to carry around her little swim ring type cushion to sit on for weeks. I wonder how Tori would have made it thru labor, esp since she wasn't fond of the epidural placement.  For those of us who went thru labor & wanted an epidural, you can't wait for the anesthesiologist to appear.  My sister said that's the one Dr bill she didn't mind paying - it was worth every penny. 

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On 6/28/2017 at 7:36 AM, LekoBoy said:

Tori's father, Molly, Jacob conspicuously absent.  Not even a mention that I recall.

Molly was mentioned - when Amy was back home making breakfast she said she said she was texting molly with updates. 

On 6/28/2017 at 6:01 PM, silverspoons said:

Jer complaining just just got to me last night. It is not like he is going to be homeless. He is saying his wife is signing the papers and he is packing and worried. Worse case is the loan isn't ready and he spends a few weeks with his mom ? Or in an airbnb. It could be a lot worse Jer.

I think it was more that they had a full Uhaul plus trailer that needed to be unloaded or it would cost more money.  They were already planning to stay at Auj's parents' house while they remodeled so they weren't worried about being able to stay there. They just wanted to get the stuff unloaded.  And not have to unload it somewhere else in the meantime.  Honestly I would probably be worried about that too if I was suppose to get keys to my house on a certain day and it might not be happening. 

On 6/28/2017 at 7:39 PM, ginger90 said:

Perhaps, but why go in the first place? 

Guess I better watch, lol!

Sounds like they wanted their moms to be there to help them get settled in.   Amy knew it would be a couple hours before they could see them and it sounds like they live fairly close so she probably figured that she might as well and go home to keep herself busy. Matt was probably pissed he wasn't invited too!

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I agree with everyone talking about Tori's lack of knowledge about pregnancy/birth. It baffled me how she didn't know her own birth story, what placenta previa was (especially since her own mom had it), plus c section basics, etc. I know as soon as I knew I was pregnant I was reading up on pregnancy. The things she didn't know were quite basic. In fact, she really didn't seem to enjoy pregnancy at all--and that's ok--so I wonder if she will have more. I'm thinking they will try to have at least one more. 

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