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S12.E11: Breast Intentions

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11 hours ago, oakville said:

I think that Vicky should step down from housewives. The editors hate her. They routinely bring up her past lies. No one wants to film with her.

I doubt anyone would buy insurance from her after the cancer scam. 

She needs a break & so do the viewers.


11 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

Vicki will never leave on her own; as she has screamed before to Shannon (I think?) at one of the reunions 'Get off my show!!!'  No she will have to be dragged off kicking and screaming and when that (hopefully) happens     it will be awesome.  Heck as much as Kelly frightens me I'd much rather keep her around to be the 'villain' 

I think from a production standpoint, as long as the ratings are okay they aren't going to make any huge changes. Unfortunately, the ratings seemed to have been pretty steady (although I haven't looked at them in the last few weeks).

I think Brianna's younger son looks like Uncle Billy.

  • Love 4
32 minutes ago, ITALIA said:

So what? Her degrees have NOTHING to do with opening a restaurant. She's delusional and grasping at straws, thinking she has something to offer. She has NO business experience, no restaurant experience, and has NO clue on how to manage or run a business or a restaurant.

Shannon has a well know, successful partner, someone that knows the restaurant business. So, I don't think she is going into this blind or on a whim, she has thought this through.

  • Love 17
7 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:


I think from a production standpoint, as long as the ratings are okay they aren't going to make any huge changes. Unfortunately, the ratings seemed to have been pretty steady (although I haven't looked at them in the last few weeks).

I think Brianna's younger son looks like Uncle Billy.

Hahahaha!!!!! Now THAT'S a storyline! You're killing it Lila! Lol

  • Love 3

Yeah, when you're enjoying the pets more than most of the show....  Archie has the it factor.  Almost as much as my favorite, Bambi. I wonder if Archie would steal a potato.  They could be partners in crime. Throw in River.  And then there's the best cat on reality tv - Gizmo.  Now that's a reality show I'd watch.  Gizmo would be the narrator.  The rest of the housewives pets I'm just kind of meh on especially Giggy and the nipper, Cookie.

  • Love 7
39 minutes ago, ITALIA said:

So what? Her degrees have NOTHING to do with opening a restaurant. She's delusional and grasping at straws, thinking she has something to offer. She has NO business experience, no restaurant experience, and has NO clue on how to manage or run a business or a restaurant.

More importantly,  Shannon has no psychological or emotional stability at this point in her life to attempt such a huge challenge like opening and running a restaurant. Orange county has plenty of restaurants that serve healthy food, vegan food, low cal food. It's not like Shannon just had a brainstorm of an idea. She is so lost. Maybe she's never had to find herself or who she really is. 

  • Love 8
39 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Isn't Shannon the one with money?  I thought she came from a very wealthy family.  If she wants to throw it away on a restaurant, so be it.  I don't think she has the emotional strength or stability for it, but, it's not my money.  And, I don't think it's David's either. 

David runs a successful construction company, Shannon grew up upper middle class but there is no indication she comes from serious wealth.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, LilaFowler said:


I think from a production standpoint, as long as the ratings are okay they aren't going to make any huge changes. Unfortunately, the ratings seemed to have been pretty steady (although I haven't looked at them in the last few weeks).

I think Brianna's younger son looks like Uncle Billy.

The ratings are down about 10% on average over last year according to allthingsrh.com. And they seem to be trending down for the season although that could change.

It's bizarre when Kelly is the most normal hw or at least the one not constantly on the verge of a psychotic break. These women have A LOT of issues which is fine but they really don't like each other at all and that makes for a show that's not enjoyable for the most part. As far as Vicki goes, either move on from two seasons ago or fire her. Constantly bringing up the cancer stuff is a bore and new viewers won't understand or appreciate the animosity. It's a drag.

Speaking of bullshit, looks like Shannon didn't open a restaurant. Probably for the best.

  • Love 3
42 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

David runs a successful construction company, Shannon grew up upper middle class but there is no indication she comes from serious wealth.

I'm vaguely remembering that in one of Shannon's first appearances on the show, she mentioned that she had gone to La Jolla Country Day School. I looked and tuition these days is a little over $30,000 a year.   She also mentioned something about riding her horse to the store.  That's why I also had the impression she had family money. Plus she went to USC.

  • Love 9
7 minutes ago, TippyStClaire said:

I'm vaguely remembering that in one of Shannon's first appearances on the show, she mentioned that she had gone to La Jolla Country Day School. I looked and tuition these days is a little over $30,000 a year.   She also mentioned something about riding her horse to the store.  That's why I also had the impression she had family money. Plus she went to USC.

As I said upper middle class versus super wealthy. Her grandfather ran I. Magnin but that got conflated with them owning it. 

  • Love 3

Diko cracks me up. Peggy has no idea how to negotiate the HW game. He knows she's flailing so he keeps kicking her back onto the field of play. Her attempt at a late period score was the feeble 'you're something else'. Immediately intercepted by Kelly's boobs. And Shannon's neediness. Better up your game, b/w cookie.

  • Love 5

I don’t watch episodes twice, but I am trying to buy a house, am brain dead and tired. So tonight, I watched this episode for a second time, mostly on mute, reading closed caption, playing spider solitaire. The never-ending yelling and screaming hurts my ears and is detrimental to my spirit.

I’m thinking, why am I watching this?

I think what has kept me watching this stuff is:

a. been here from the get-go. I remember my surprise seeing Jeana’s introduction on episode 1, including kids and husband, Matt, who is/was a friend of my husband (now ex). He (ex) was at a game and I immediately called him to tell him his bud is on a reality show. I'm hooked. 

b. I must be drawn to this stuff. I was mesmerized by the 70’s PBS series An American Family, about the Loud family. This morphed into an ongoing, long-term relationship with Young and the Restless and General Hospital.

My takeaway from tonight is:

a. They must pay really good for these people to humiliate themselves, and their families and friends on film, for us in TV Land.

b. I can’t remember if it was always this bad from the beginning or have I changed. I have a very low bar for crap TV.

c. I may need to go back to the far superior writing and acting of GH and YR to get my fix.

d. It’s better on mute.

  • Love 16
17 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

Side note: I only get rescues as well and have been on Petfinder recently looking for a new dog for the first time since 2008 - it's astounding how many more choices are out there now! All ages (even puppies) and breeds (though mostly mixes, but have breed-specific rescue groups as well).  So many choices- even more so now that a lot of dogs from hurricane-effected areas are being shipped up north...

i do love Goldens and Golden mixes- I'd love a dog just like Archie but he looks purebred.  BTW he seems to have a great effect on Shannon!  She's surprisingly not as neurotic when tending to him, seems more relaxed and happy.  

and now my post is more Dogs than RHOC.

Vicki sucks.  There we go :-)

My last dog was purebred, and I adopted her via Petfinder.

  • Love 4
14 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

David runs a successful construction company, Shannon grew up upper middle class but there is no indication she comes from serious wealth.

Although not Rockefeller money I do believe Shannon grew up with the finer things in life.  Shannon's mother and step father had a very successful real estate company in Rancho Santa Fe.  She grew up in a very toney neighborhood.  Her grandfather was a very successful executive.   http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Robert-Shannon-2901590.php  We saw Shannon wearing some of her grandmother's haute couture that was especially designed for her.  Good and expensive private schools from elementary on up.  The difference is she worked as a teenager and as an adult until she had her oldest daughter. So she certainly had some work values instilled from a young age.   David's father had a construction company and David eventually broke away, while married to Shannon and started his own.  It might not be the same wealth Lydia grew up with (and still continues to draw from) but generationally Shannon's family has certainly been successful.  I just always remember when her elderly grandparents got kidnapped and robbed https://www.upi.com/Archives/1983/12/28/Retired-I-Magnin-president-describes-abduction/5401441435600/  Shannon's grandfather died the year she got married.  

I always got the impression that perhaps Shannon through her station in life growing up was maybe a little spoiled with material things in life and as a result put a strain on the marriage.

1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Shannon has a well know, successful partner, someone that knows the restaurant business. So, I don't think she is going into this blind or on a whim, she has thought this through.

Chris Bright and his partner bought z Pizza when it had four stores and now has 100.  He is a consultant for establishing new restaurants.  My gut feeling is Shannon may be really involved in the concept but through her education and life experience knows that she (and the restaurant) would be better off) if she was more of a figurehead than managed a casual, budget conscience family restaurant.  Compared to Vicki and her multiple attempts to get her insurance agency to grow and various products that all fizzled and some that ended in litigation.  I find Shannon to be pretty tenacious and loyal and although she is terribly high strung, my guess is she knows when to shut up and listen to the person with more expertise.

  • Love 20
On ‎9‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 3:44 PM, esco1822 said:

From Peggy's blog:

" It’s never about Shannon, but it seems to always end with her. While we were sitting on the table, both Lydia and I noticed Shannon squeezing Kelly’s leg in disapproval. Lydia thought it was about her, but it was actually about me. I chose not to demean her as I don't know her well enough, but as she seems to be dragging me into her conflicts. As I said before, it’s like being with children who whisper at the table. It is fairly rude of Kelly to invite me into her home, be sitting at the table with me, and as Shannon admitted, talk about me. She had better realize that she is messing with the wrong person. Her pointing of the finger is going to get her in trouble."

Oh Peggy, you did demean her. Also, aggressive much? 

I'm beginning to think that Peggy is just intellectually challenged.  In the country for all but the first year, but can't distinguish between sitting AT the table with sitting ON the table?

And "messing with the wrong person"?  Seriously?  What are you going to do, Peggy.  Launch a thousand malapropisms? Drive by Shannon's home in your ridiculous Cruella de Vil cars and honk the horn?  Please just go back to being a dimwitted trophy wife.  You're the worst RH in history, and that's saying a lot.

  • Love 18
2 hours ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

My rescue is a Golden Retriever mixed with Corgi, so he's like a Golden with little legs. He is so sweet but has the sass of a Corgi! I of course have a total soft spot for Goldens now :)

Two dogs ago I had a Golden/Cocker Spaniel mix.  Sweet as anything, but her shedding cured me off Goldens in the future.  I had three cats and never saw a cat hair - the shedding was that bad.  And the red hair shows on everything - white, black, and everything in between.  But what a sweet disposition! 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, zulualpha said:

The ratings are down about 10% on average over last year according to allthingsrh.com. And they seem to be trending down for the season although that could change.

It's bizarre when Kelly is the most normal hw or at least the one not constantly on the verge of a psychotic break. These women have A LOT of issues which is fine but they really don't like each other at all and that makes for a show that's not enjoyable for the most part. As far as Vicki goes, either move on from two seasons ago or fire her. Constantly bringing up the cancer stuff is a bore and new viewers won't understand or appreciate the animosity. It's a drag.

Speaking of bullshit, looks like Shannon didn't open a restaurant. Probably for the best.

What I find aggravating is one minute it is all about "it is okay not to like someone"  thank you Peggy for your insight and Lydia as well. The next moment the two chuckleheads are balls to the wall about Vicki and Tamra making up.  There is no logic.  It doesn't take much to listen to Shannon and Tamra repeatedly stating that Vicki has routinely insulted their husbands.  When the cameras are off they have to go home and be with their family.  Eddie long ago has expressed nothing but dislike for Vicki, and David told Vicki right to her face what he thought of her.  Jim has no use for Vicki It really isn't a mystery why these women do not want a relationship with Vicki..  

I was surprised at Peggy repeatedly grabbing Shannon.  Usually that doesn't go over to well.  Lydia is so inner directed at fixing Vicki and Tamra, for self adulation, she can't see the forest for the trees.  The relationship is not coming back.  At this point there is zero reason to have Vicki and Tamra and Shannon on the show.  Vicki is the odd man out and it is time for her to bow out.  All VIcki wanted to do is yell at Tamra to make her be her friend.  Chuckleheads Peggy and Lydia at some point have to register the fact Tamra and Vicki will never be friends again.  For someone who keeps saying that Shannon makes it all about her-maybe Lydia needs to take a look at how invested she is in a someone else's relationship based on apparently the biggest night of her life and sneaking out and going to Andele's and getting drunk with Vicki and Tamra.  Her self appointed friend whisperer and calling Shannon crazy and dime store psychology of claiming Shannon will be the odd man out is infantile.  The woman can't express herself without being vitriol.  Even with Kelly and Meghan she had zero concept of what Kelly said to Meghan was pretty much a friendship breaker.   Instead Lydia took Kelly's side.  Zero awareness.  

While I agree new viewers may not have any awareness, the producers have tried to weave certain pertinent moments causing the stir.  It was Vicki who kept the cancer scam story alive last season with her Kill All Cancer scam.  Brianna dismissing the turmoil as a year ago is another inane moment.  They filmed the Reunion six months before the season began filming and the battles between Vicki, Heather, Tamra and Shannon continued long after the Reunion aired.  I do believe Vicki screaming probably brings viewers up to date as to why the other women can no longer stand her.  Pretty much telling Shannon her husband was a bad guy and she had proof of the beatings (which of course is just not true) and Vicki has allegedly deleted the "evidence".  Lying about not being the ne to invite Ricky to her party is just further evidence she is a liar.  

Another one weighing in as in the running for Village Idiot is Steve.  The gangster comment was so incredibly stupid.  The not everyone has to like you comment was appropriate.  His payback is having to hang with Doug, Diko and Kelly's husband.

Shannon's restaurant is still in the development stage.  Not surprising as she is using a consultant and idea to opening will most likely take a year.  I predict it will probably be a part of next year's show.  I don't see the rush as she does have a job.   Bravo posted a story about the nine lemons logo the restaurant will be using.  

As to the ratings, Bravo seems to turn a blind eye.  The RHs shows are their backbone and Andy doesn't get that some of his "stars" have run their course.

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:


I was surprised at Peggy repeatedly grabbing Shannon.  Usually that doesn't go over to well.  Lydia is so inner directed at fixing Vicki and Tamra, for self adulation, she can't see the forest for the trees.  The relationship is not coming back.  At this point there is zero reason to have Vicki and Tamra and Shannon on the show.  Vicki is the odd man out and it is time for her to bow out.  All VIcki wanted to do is yell at Tamra to make her be her friend.  Chuckleheads Peggy and Lydia at some point have to register the fact Tamra and Vicki will never be friends again.  For someone who keeps saying that Shannon makes it all about her-maybe Lydia needs to take a look at how invested she is in a someone else's relationship based on apparently the biggest night of her life and sneaking out and going to Andele's and getting drunk with Vicki and Tamra.  Her self appointed friend whisperer and calling Shannon crazy and dime store psychology of claiming Shannon will be the odd man out is infantile.  The woman can't express herself without being vitriol.  Even with Kelly and Meghan she had zero concept of what Kelly said to Meghan was pretty much a friendship breaker.   Instead Lydia took Kelly's side.  Zero awareness.  



Don't forget that Peggy went and physically squeezed Megan's lips shut.  That shit might fly in "Peggy Armenian land" but I would have slapped her both times.


I wonder how stupid Lydia has to be to keep on with this goal of getting Vicki and Tamra to be friends again.  Or maybe her paycheck has a clause in it: no payment unless V & T are bosom buddies.  She figured that since there was a boob party that's when the friendship was going to fester.  Flourish, I mean flourish!

On 9/20/2017 at 1:13 AM, Jextella said:


I'm all about rescue dogs but I met a woman walking a puppy that was a mix of poodle and golden retriever.  That dog had the best disposition I've ever seen from a dog.  So friendly and loving - and just the right amount of playful.  What a great dog.

The guy who publicized the mix has deep regret for doing so.  It was a breeder from an Australian Guide Dog group.  The dogs not have a reduction in allergies by those who needed that, as only about 1/4 of the puppies born had the no shed coat.  Their personalities are not good for being Guide Dogs, though both labs and poodles work well as Guide Dogs.  My friend's Guide Dog group, her labradoodle was their last litter that they had of them.  They had a high fail rate during initial training and they often had to return to the center for retraining, and many "retired" far younger than they would have if they had been a purebred.  That said, the labradoodle craze oozed into goldendoodle craze and other big dogs mixed with poodle.  You have people who intentionally breed them, and never bother to do health checks so the dogs are as unhealthy as the purebred parents. 

  • Love 7

I was really bored so I watched another installment of this dreadful season. 

  • I should not be surprised anymore, but ONCE AGAIN, Vicki the CANCER SCAMMER whined and bitched about being victimized by people who are calling her a conwoman. Leave it to this narcistic cu^H^Hbitch to make herself the victim! I think them showing a clip of her admitting at the reunion her involvement with the scam to get casseroles indicates TPTB hate her now.
  • Kelly had a boob reduction party? I never noticed her tits, TBH.
  • Doug's Bible verse justification for a vasectomy was beyond pathetic.
  • Lydia is what one would call a "Pharisee". Shut up, already, and quit trying to force everyone to make peace with Vicki the Cancer Scammer.
Edited by Ubiquitous
Added bullet items for readability.
  • Love 9
On 9/18/2017 at 9:44 PM, Emmeline said:

Lordy this show is a boring.  How many parties and fights do they think we want to see?  Rehashing the same old stuff.  Enough Already!

I stopped watching a few weeks ago out of sheer boredom and see I have missed nothing. and I've been watching since day one.  Recast everyone!

  • Love 3
On ‎9‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 9:20 AM, esco1822 said:

 I actually appreciated that Shannon told the truth about why she was squeezing legs under the table. Everyone on these shows always complain about people talking behind their backs and Shannon put it all out front and center. Don't get me wrong, she is A LOT to handle but I think she's working really hard on addressing everyone's issues with her rather than stomping away in tears.  She genuinely thought Lydia was upset with her and tried to clear it up immediately.

ok, that's what got me so super confused and annoyed with Lydia.  AFTER Shannon explained herself, why the fuck was Lydia still mad?  Was it manufactured drama? I kind of can't stand when they over-react for the cameras, it feels too fake.

I explained that to my friend once (it was a dinner party at Lizzie's or something), that they were freaking the F out for six weeks but in real life you'd just go, "oh shit, sorry, that came out wrong" and the other person would go, "k.  cheers." *clinks glasses*


yet I still enjoy watching...yeah, I'm weird!

On ‎9‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 0:06 PM, sasha206 said:

I don't like Kelly but she is actually good for this show.  You never know how low she will go even though she was good this episode!

Agreed. I don't like her at all, but her lack of self-awareness makes her super entertaining, and the fact that she thinks she's cool and stylish just takes it to a whole 'nother level!!!

  • Love 4
On ‎9‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 3:27 AM, Shellbell59 said:


Oh but Peggy.Peggy.Peggy....when you finally DID get in the mix...bless yer hart...you couldn't hold yer own...with non sequiturs....and Peggy...even when you DID come up with a cohesive sentence....it was NOT congruent with the "Housewife play book"!


I hate them also, but their girls seem like nice, normal people so I think they're putting on a show for us.

I also feel like her "I hate drama, so boring..." is just a take on the Cool Girl trope and is kind of for attention.

(I'm also realizing that I start a lot of sentences by saying "I feel like" which is mainly to put all of the onus for the opinion on myself, but now I "feel like" I sound like Lydia & I  may want to re-think that!!!)

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, ITALIA said:

Shannon opening a restaurant is a joke! She has NO clue on how to run a business. You don't just wake up one day and say, "I'm going to open up a restaurant." If she has done any research, she'll find that MOST independently- run restaurants have a high rate of failure. There's also way too much competition in Southern California. Shannon is also WAY too emotional and WAY too unstable to own and run a restaurant.

I agree she probably knows jack about the food industry but I do like the fact she hired professionals to make it work rather than her thinking how hard could it be?  That is a no joke industry and maybe it will get her more focused.  I think a lot of her freak outs and personal pity parties are because she has too much gd time on her hands.  Not sure how successful it will e but she will at least give some people jobs for awhile.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, teapot said:

Agreed. I don't like her at all, but her lack of self-awareness makes her super entertaining, and the fact that she thinks she's cool and stylish just takes it to a whole 'nother level!!!

Confession time: I do kinda like Kelly's style.  Not her clothes (god no) but her makeup.  Most of the time when she keeps it simple but with a bold lipcolor, I think she looks nice from the neck up - until she opens her mouth LOL

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, Kiki777 said:

Confession time: I do kinda like Kelly's style.  Not her clothes (god no) but her makeup.  Most of the time when she keeps it simple but with a bold lipcolor, I think she looks nice from the neck up - until she opens her mouth LOL

she's definitely pretty! She should thank her lucky stars for at least *that*;  I  don't think she'd benefit much from that level of obnoxious if she weren't!

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, Eater of Worlds said:


Don't forget that Peggy went and physically squeezed Megan's lips shut.  That shit might fly in "Peggy Armenian land" but I would have slapped her both times.


I wonder how stupid Lydia has to be to keep on with this goal of getting Vicki and Tamra to be friends again.  Or maybe her paycheck has a clause in it: no payment unless V & T are bosom buddies.  She figured that since there was a boob party that's when the friendship was going to fester.  Flourish, I mean flourish!

The guy who publicized the mix has deep regret for doing so.  It was a breeder from an Australian Guide Dog group.  The dogs not have a reduction in allergies by those who needed that, as only about 1/4 of the puppies born had the no shed coat.  Their personalities are not good for being Guide Dogs, though both labs and poodles work well as Guide Dogs.  My friend's Guide Dog group, her labradoodle was their last litter that they had of them.  They had a high fail rate during initial training and they often had to return to the center for retraining, and many "retired" far younger than they would have if they had been a purebred.  That said, the labradoodle craze oozed into goldendoodle craze and other big dogs mixed with poodle.  You have people who intentionally breed them, and never bother to do health checks so the dogs are as unhealthy as the purebred parents. 


2 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

My current purebred cocker spaniel is a rescue.  There are a lot of breed specific rescues.

I hate the idea of animal breeding.  The only reason to do it is to sell the animals.  It's just an ugly practice to me.  You are right, Bronzedog.  There are a lot of breeders out there.  We got our border collie from a breeder.  He was the runt of the litter and nobody wanted him because he was very needy.  I felt that we rescued him indirectly and was ok with that decision.

  • Love 2

Shannon opening a restaurant is a joke! She has NO clue on how to run a business. You don't just wake up one day and say, "I'm going to open up a restaurant." If she has done any research, she'll find that MOST independently- run restaurants have a high rate of failure. There's also way too much competition in Southern California. Shannon is also WAY too emotional and WAY too unstable to own and run a restaurant.



I get the feeling Shannon plays dumb a lot. She is much smarter than she acts.

On 20/09/2017 at 11:19 AM, LVmom said:

Lydia is just coming off as a holier than thou asshole. Shannon is a little loopy, and Peggy is already over it. Vicki can't figure out why everyone doesn't lurve her, and Meghan is reasonable but isolated. I really liked that Meghan admitted she owed an apology for being a jerk to Kelly .

Fake Christian - taking BC pills and swearing. WWJD Lydia? Get fake boobs? I think not.

Holier than thou attitude and sticking her nose where it doesnt belong.

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

What I find aggravating is one minute it is all about "it is okay not to like someone"  thank you Peggy for your insight and Lydia as well. The next moment the two chuckleheads are balls to the wall about Vicki and Tamra making up.  There is no logic.  It doesn't take much to listen to Shannon and Tamra repeatedly stating that Vicki has routinely insulted their husbands.  When the cameras are off they have to go home and be with their family.  Eddie long ago has expressed nothing but dislike for Vicki, and David told Vicki right to her face what he thought of her.  Jim has no use for Vicki It really isn't a mystery why these women do not want a relationship with Vicki..  



Vicki didn't make stuff up about Tamra and Shannon, she repeated stuff they told her- in Tamra's case about both Simon and Ed. Shannon andTamra should quit whining about Vicky, acknowledge THEY gave her the ammo , shut their pie holes and do the jobs they were hired for. Or quit.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, sarivon said:


Vicki didn't make stuff up about Tamra and Shannon, she repeated stuff they told her- in Tamra's case about both Simon and Ed. Shannon andTamra should quit whining about Vicky, acknowledge THEY gave her the ammo , shut their pie holes and do the jobs they were hired for. Or quit.

Tamra did not tell her Eddie is gay, even Vicki says that she "read/heard" about from gossip sites. As for Shannon, Vicki claims Shannon told her David beat her, Shannon refutes saying that and as much as Vicki keeps saying she has "proof", she doesn't. People called her out on SM to release her "proof" and now she claims she no longer has it (and hasn't had it for 2 years) but could pay to have it retrieved but won't. Why won't she retrieve it just to show she isn't lying, why?, because she never had it to begin with IMO. There was a witness to the phone call between Shannon/Vicki (Vicki's friend) and that friend supports Shannon's story, not Vicki's story. LOL 

As far as Tamra/Shannon doing their jobs, they are. Neither have refused to film with Vicki, they just don't want to talk to her or be her friend. 

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 14
3 hours ago, Jextella said:


I hate the idea of animal breeding.  The only reason to do it is to sell the animals.  It's just an ugly practice to me.  You are right, Bronzedog.  There are a lot of breeders out there.  We got our border collie from a breeder.  He was the runt of the litter and nobody wanted him because he was very needy.  I felt that we rescued him indirectly and was ok with that decision.

Well, people need dogs to do specific jobs.  You can't get that without breeding.  You also have people who want specific personalities.  There's nothing wrong with breeding if it's done right.  No puppy mills, no backyard breeders, no high volume breeders that aren't millers.  Without breeders you wouldn't get Guide Dogs or Seeing Eye Dogs.  People who want a purebred wouldn't get a dog from a shelter anyway for the most part.  If anyone wants dogs in the future, banning all breeding isn't the way to go.  People will just go underground and you'll have shittier bred dogs and people scrambling to get whatever dogs the can, prices will go through the roof, there will be crime around dogs and people stealing dogs.  I'm serious, we can just look at prohibition for alcohol and see how well that worked.  Banning puppy mills and banning the sale of dogs from mills will go a long way to reducing unwanted animals.  Cats, too, but cats easily survive out in the wild compared to dogs so they have different issues.  This is all US centric, of course.

  • Love 11

Actually, my post wasn't about dog breeding.  What I mean is that there are plenty of rescues that are geared towards rescuing a specific breed.  My rescue cocker spaniel came from a rescue whose dogs are mostly cockers. The name of the rescue includes "cocker spaniel".  The rescue featured on the show Pitbulls and Parolees have mostly rescued pit bulls.  If you want to adopt a specific breed, there's probably a rescue whose primary purpose is to rescue the breed you're looking for.  Sorry for the confusion.  Also sorry this is so OT.

Edited by Bronzedog
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Tamra did not tell her Eddie is gay, even Vicki says that she "read/heard" about from gossip sites. As for Shannon, Vicki claims Shannon told her David beat her, Shannon refutes saying that and as much as Vicki keeps saying she has "proof", she doesn't. People called her out on SM to release her "proof" and now she claims she no longer has it (and hasn't had it for 2 years) but could pay to have it retrieved but won't. Why won't she retrieve it just to show she isn't lying, why?, because she never had it to begin with IMO. There was a witness to the phone call between Shannon/Vicki (Vicki's friend) and that friend supports Shannon's story, not Vicki's story. LOL 

As far as Tamra/Shannon doing their jobs, they are. Neither have refused to film with Vicki, they just don't want to talk to her or be her friend. 

Being willing to film in the same location with Vicki but not willing to interact with her is a distinction without a difference imo. It's fine when they play volleyball but being  in a small group like Kelly's party and not talking to each other is just weird and gross. At one point Shannon was over by the bar getting a drink and talking to herself! Not exactly riveting. These women need to get over themselves. None of them is interesting enough by themselves to carry the show. They all need each other. 

I bet Shannon is just going to be an investor in the restaurant and won't have any real part in running it day to day. If it gets going at all. From what I've seen of her she has no management skills. In this episode she admitted she has no tech skills; she struggled to download her email! And her people skills are shall I say, weak. Also the work ethic is not there. She likes to vacation and party.

I'll take Kelly over Megan any day.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, nexxie said:

I'd eat at Shannon's restaurant.

Same here. Plus Shannon will benefit from the celebrity factor. Many people go to Villa Blanca to meet Lisa or Ken, and while they are experienced restaurateur, their business boomed since they appeared on RHOBH.

while it might be a difficult business to get into, why not?

she is obsessive and has plenty of money. In addition, she associated with an experienced partner.

Speaking of dogs, I got one of those designer hybrid breed and I am very happy. Nobody wanted him as he got too big for the market he was breeded for. 

we needed a hypoallergenic dog. Best dog ever!

gretchen was on one of those show this morning on E, she pointed out that Tamra is the biggest hypocrite ever as she is forever talking about everybody else partner/husband.

She also alluded to the fact that Tamra is the one keeping the Eddie is gay story line alive.

Apparently, she and Vicky got close since Vickie's mother died.

i suspect that she is dying to come back on the show.

  • Love 6
36 minutes ago, zulualpha said:

Being willing to film in the same location with Vicki but not willing to interact with her is a distinction without a difference imo. It's fine when they play volleyball but being  in a small group like Kelly's party and not talking to each other is just weird and gross. At one point Shannon was over by the bar getting a drink and talking to herself! Not exactly riveting. These women need to get over themselves. None of them is interesting enough by themselves to carry the show. They all need each other. 

I largely don't have a problem with ho'wives filming in the same location without interacting. It's a pretty common occurrence across the franchises. Phaedra had filmed with Kenya off and on avoiding each other for years. This season Kandi filmed with Phaedra while largely avoiding each other and not interacting. Bethenny and Jill did it with each other. Bethenny has done it with Lu, Jules, Sonja, and Ramona. Teresa has done it with Jacqueline, Melissa, Caroline, Kathy, and Danielle. Lea has done it with Marysol. Freaking Gizelle has done it with everyone.

It usually doesn't last nearly as long as what's been happening on OC, but that's a testament to how egregious Vicki's behavior is. Had Phaedra not gotten herself fired by saying production told her about the rape lie, we would have seen something similar on Atlanta. Phaedra is now begging at the margins to film because she's broke. Jersey was going the same way as OC, but then they upended the cast to make it less anti-Teresa and the ratings cratered. My belief is that season 6 of Jersey is the schadenfreude season. The ratings are artificially high because viewers couldn't wait to see Teresa get her comeuppance. Even then, the ratings are noticeably softer than season 5. The ratings fall off a cliff in season 7.

The problem with Shannon and Tamra refusing to interact with Vicki is that Andy and the producers are too blind to realize that they have to cut Vicki or at best reduce her to a guest role like Jeana, Irrelevant Lizzie, or Thirsty Gretchen. Limit Vicki to 4 episodes a year. Camille usually films that many. Maloof has been known to have one of her big parties featured. That could be Vicki and actually she (and all of them) needs to be reminded that they aren't too big to fail/be cut. Vicki as much as anyone is deserving of a smack down from production.

  • Love 8
19 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Although not Rockefeller money I do believe Shannon grew up with the finer things in life.  Shannon's mother and step father had a very successful real estate company in Rancho Santa Fe.  She grew up in a very toney neighborhood.  Her grandfather was a very successful executive.   http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Robert-Shannon-2901590.php  We saw Shannon wearing some of her grandmother's haute couture that was especially designed for her.  Good and expensive private schools from elementary on up.  The difference is she worked as a teenager and as an adult until she had her oldest daughter. So she certainly had some work values instilled from a young age.   David's father had a construction company and David eventually broke away, while married to Shannon and started his own.  It might not be the same wealth Lydia grew up with (and still continues to draw from) but generationally Shannon's family has certainly been successful.  I just always remember when her elderly grandparents got kidnapped and robbed https://www.upi.com/Archives/1983/12/28/Retired-I-Magnin-president-describes-abduction/5401441435600/  Shannon's grandfather died the year she got married.  

I always got the impression that perhaps Shannon through her station in life growing up was maybe a little spoiled with material things in life and as a result put a strain on the marriage.

Chris Bright and his partner bought z Pizza when it had four stores and now has 100.  He is a consultant for establishing new restaurants.  My gut feeling is Shannon may be really involved in the concept but through her education and life experience knows that she (and the restaurant) would be better off) if she was more of a figurehead than managed a casual, budget conscience family restaurant.  Compared to Vicki and her multiple attempts to get her insurance agency to grow and various products that all fizzled and some that ended in litigation.  I find Shannon to be pretty tenacious and loyal and although she is terribly high strung, my guess is she knows when to shut up and listen to the person with more expertise.

Thanks for those links Zoeysmom. Very interesting article about Grandpa Shannon being robbed and stuffed in his car trunk with his wife. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, zulualpha said:

Being willing to film in the same location with Vicki but not willing to interact with her is a distinction without a difference imo. It's fine when they play volleyball but being  in a small group like Kelly's party and not talking to each other is just weird and gross. At one point Shannon was over by the bar getting a drink and talking to herself! Not exactly riveting. These women need to get over themselves. None of them is interesting enough by themselves to carry the show. They all need each other. 

I bet Shannon is just going to be an investor in the restaurant and won't have any real part in running it day to day. If it gets going at all. From what I've seen of her she has no management skills. In this episode she admitted she has no tech skills; she struggled to download her email! And her people skills are shall I say, weak. Also the work ethic is not there. She likes to vacation and party.

I'll take Kelly over Megan any day.

IMO, the show would not only survive Vicki getting canned but actually thrive. She has taken the show to such disgusting lows with her/Brooks cancer scam and then her cancer charity for insurance sales leads and now her need to "punish" Tamra/Shannon because they don't want to be "friends" with her. She needs to be gone IMO. 

I don't mind Meghan and I think that Kelly could have an interesting redemption story arch without Vicki. Keep Kelly but fire Vicki. 

1 hour ago, LIMOM said:

Same here. Plus Shannon will benefit from the celebrity factor. Many people go to Villa Blanca to meet Lisa or Ken, and while they are experienced restaurateur, their business boomed since they appeared on RHOBH.

while it might be a difficult business to get into, why not?

she is obsessive and has plenty of money. In addition, she associated with an experienced partner.

Speaking of dogs, I got one of those designer hybrid breed and I am very happy. Nobody wanted him as he got too big for the market he was breeded for. 

we needed a hypoallergenic dog. Best dog ever!

gretchen was on one of those show this morning on E, she pointed out that Tamra is the biggest hypocrite ever as she is forever talking about everybody else partner/husband.

She also alluded to the fact that Tamra is the one keeping the Eddie is gay story line alive.

Apparently, she and Vicky got close since Vickie's mother died.

i suspect that she is dying to come back on the show.

Gretchen got close to Vicki when Tamra, Shannon and Heather shut her out after they found out that Vicki/Brooks were lying about him/cancer. Which, BTW, was the same season Vicki's mom died. And, YES, IMO, Gretchen got close to Vicki in hopes that production would bring her back.

  • Love 15

I'm so glad, to be honest, that I'm watching this show for research on narcissistic, ugly behaviour. A combination of Lydia, Peggy, and a smattering of Tamra "starred" in my latest short story.  Just when I think these women have touched the very bottom of the "outrageously bad behaviour" tank, Lydia thinks it's a good idea to flail herself all over the staircase. Wow.

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, WordsWordsWords said:

I'm so glad, to be honest, that I'm watching this show for research on narcissistic, ugly behaviour. A combination of Lydia, Peggy, and a smattering of Tamra "starred" in my latest short story.  Just when I think these women have touched the very bottom of the "outrageously bad behaviour" tank, Lydia thinks it's a good idea to flail herself all over the staircase. Wow.

You could base an entire doctoral thesis on Vicki's deplorable behavior alone! LOL

  • Love 11
21 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Two dogs ago I had a Golden/Cocker Spaniel mix.  Sweet as anything, but her shedding cured me off Goldens in the future.  I had three cats and never saw a cat hair - the shedding was that bad.  And the red hair shows on everything - white, black, and everything in between.  But what a sweet disposition! 

The shedding struggle is real. Lint brushes and my housekeeper are my best friends.


1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

IMO, the show would not only survive Vicki getting canned but actually thrive. She has taken the show to such disgusting lows with her/Brooks cancer scam and then her cancer charity for insurance sales leads and now her need to "punish" Tamra/Shannon because they don't want to be "friends" with her. She needs to be gone IMO.

From a ratings perspective, the Brooks/cancer season was an all-time high for OC. Personally, I think Shannon is the one who needs to go. Her grudge against Vicki is what's dividing the cast and bringing the show down. Were it not for her, Vicki and Tamra would have already made up by now and the show would be on to new storylines.

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

The shedding struggle is real. Lint brushes and my housekeeper are my best friends.


From a ratings perspective, the Brooks/cancer season was an all-time high for OC. Personally, I think Shannon is the one who needs to go. Her grudge against Vicki is what's dividing the cast and bringing the show down. Were it not for her, Vicki and Tamra would have already made up by now and the show would be on to new storylines.

But do you think that folks for the most part care if Vicki and Tamra make up? I think that people want to see them interact. But do most care if they are friends or not? I just don't know anymore. I am no fan of Shannon's. Have never been. I do think that she is scared to death at the notion that Vicki and Tamra might get close again. I think they are really friends and that they really do care about each other. But I think they bonded to the extent they did over the Vicki situation.  I think that Shannon is afraid the dynamics of their relationship would change if Vicki were in the picture. And they would. No question about it. But I don't think that Shannon drags down the show, despite how sad and depressing she is. She isn't evil. She isn't out to destroy anyone save for her own family apparently (OK, maybe that is evil).  Bravo doesn't have to bring people in because she is a horrendous person and needs someone to film with. That is what Vicki has become. I honestly cannot figure it all out at this point, but it is not working. At all. 

  • Love 9
34 minutes ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

The shedding struggle is real. Lint brushes and my housekeeper are my best friends.


From a ratings perspective, the Brooks/cancer season was an all-time high for OC. Personally, I think Shannon is the one who needs to go. Her grudge against Vicki is what's dividing the cast and bringing the show down. Were it not for her, Vicki and Tamra would have already made up by now and the show would be on to new storylines.

Yes, the cancer scam season ratings were high but most viewers wanted Vicki fired afterwards. Andy said he believed showing Vicki on a redemption tour the following year (last season) would be fun but it wasn't, at all. Vicki, Tamra and Shannon all made up last season until Kelly spilled the beans on the bus ride to hell. And that doesn't include Vicki's cancer charity insurance scam, which added insult to injury for most viewers. 

As for this season, Tamra was ready to sit down with Vicki, talk things through (all with Shannon's blessing BTW) until she found out about Vicki's bd party.......Eddie/gay talk. At that point, she wanted nothing to do with Vicki. So, Shannon is not the problem, Vicki is the problem.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 19
1 hour ago, zulualpha said:

Being willing to film in the same location with Vicki but not willing to interact with her is a distinction without a difference imo. It's fine when they play volleyball but being  in a small group like Kelly's party and not talking to each other is just weird and gross. At one point Shannon was over by the bar getting a drink and talking to herself! Not exactly riveting. These women need to get over themselves. None of them is interesting enough by themselves to carry the show. They all need each other. 

I bet Shannon is just going to be an investor in the restaurant and won't have any real part in running it day to day. If it gets going at all. From what I've seen of her she has no management skills. In this episode she admitted she has no tech skills; she struggled to download her email! And her people skills are shall I say, weak. Also the work ethic is not there. She likes to vacation and party.

I'll take Kelly over Megan any day.

Although it appears Shannon is talking to herself there are camera crew and producers on the other side of the camera.  Although having Shannon talk to herself is kind of funny.

I think Tamra and Shannon not talking to Vicki is about as real as the show gets.  Vicki screaming at Tamra was too much.  I am so tired of hearing that Vicki hits back hard.  She should not hit in the first place.  I get she loved Brooks, pretty much unconditionally, but she did destroy her friendships with the other women in the process.  Vicki wanted Brooks and the rest of the cast didn't want his stench.

34 minutes ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

The shedding struggle is real. Lint brushes and my housekeeper are my best friends.


From a ratings perspective, the Brooks/cancer season was an all-time high for OC. Personally, I think Shannon is the one who needs to go. Her grudge against Vicki is what's dividing the cast and bringing the show down. Were it not for her, Vicki and Tamra would have already made up by now and the show would be on to new storylines.

Vicki and Tamra have never been close in the off season.  Eddie has always disliked Vicki.  The closest friend Vicki ever had was Shannon.    Shannon and Tamra are friends-bit I do question the almighty Tamra who complains about Shannon. Kind of sick that someone should remain on the show because they delivered a cancer scam and brought the ratings in.

  • Love 20

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