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Social Media & Spoilery Speculation

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Thanks for pointing this out..,this is one thing I'm always reading about his lack of PDA...I do believe this is a fake marriage however being married to a middle eastern it's something that I had to get used too..,especially when I visited his home in Jordan...talk about a culture shock.,.but super thankful my in laws totally get me

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Thanks for pointing this out..,this is one thing I'm always reading about his lack of PDA...I do believe this is a fake marriage however being married to a middle eastern it's something that I had to get used too..,especially when I visited his home in Jordan...talk about a culture shock.,.but super thankful my in laws totally get me

Same here, Jenica. I am Arab( Tunisian actually lol) but I was born and raised in NYC. My husband is from Morocco and PDA is a strict no no. What were your thoughts on Mohamed tonight? Do you think he's getting cold feet? Perhaps we've all judged him wrong. Regardless of it starting "allegedly" as a fake marriage, maybe he did develop feelings? Thoughts on this?

I vote to leave her alone. She has enough problems.

To me, above all else, I think of her minor children. Pre-teens and teens can be difficult, tumultuous years, under the BEST of circumstances. When the kids have a mom who is focused on herself, then involved in a risky, volatile situation, the kids are the true losers.

I vote to leave her alone and to let kindness and sanity rule. Danielle is an object of pity for me -- not a punchline. JMO.

I definitely feel for her children.  They don't deserve any of this.   Danielle --- eh, not so much.  The past 2 episodes, I caught glimpses of fakeness, her playing damsel in distress, acting like an overgrown child.  While I don't doubt there's some deficiencies there, I feel she's playing Mo just like she plays probably everyone in her life. Mo is going to earn this green card. 

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Anyone watching the show? Very interesting tonight. I wasn't aware of that law about taking on your spouses credit issues. Anyone have any interesting thoughts about tonight! Great show - we are getting close to the nuptials and that's very exciting!


FarahYoussef77, find talk about last nights episode here (each week there is a new episode thread started for that episode).  Small talk, here. This thread is for media/social media links and spoilers only, not really a catch all topic zone.

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Now that I have heard Dani's REAL voice, I think I get it.   SHE'S THE SCAMMER! Rumor has it she got paid a good sum of money to get married to Mo so that he can get a green card. And that money has been spent long ago, so actually she could give two craps if he marries her or not. All of the crying and acting mentally slow are just a cover so if the INS catches on she can be the play the part of the poor duped victim  who was so in love, so that she doesn't go to jail.  Poor Mo. His family apparently spent all that money to get him over here and now he is stuck with this mess. In all likelihood she won't have enough money to truly sponsor him, and he will get sent back with no green card and out thousands of dollars. Winner - Dani! 

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Here's an article that helps explain some people's motivation for marrying such losers.


I noticed Daya made the comment last night that it was nice the apartment had a dishwasher and a dryer. She said hardly anyone had them back home.

I think we some times forget how fortunate we are in this country. Even our poorest live better than much of the rest of the world.

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Here's an article that helps explain some people's motivation for marrying such losers.


I noticed Daya made the comment last night that it was nice the apartment had a dishwasher and a dryer. She said hardly anyone had them back home.

I think we some times forget how fortunate we are in this country. Even our poorest live better than much of the rest of the world.

Dishwashers and dryers aren't common in many places, such as Europe. It doesn't indicate much of anything in Daya's case; it's cultural. That article is strange, since it doesn't say which indicators they're using. The example they give of Russia makes me think of John Steinbeck's quote about America being a country of temporarily embarrassed millionaires. Much of that survey has to do with self-perception, and I could see where American optimism would push America's bottom ten in front of Russia's top ten--although having lived in both places, I can assure you that the top ten percent in Russia is doing much better than America's bottom ten. The world is much larger than America and American culture, and plenty of people are living just fine outside of its borders.


I would watch a Dani and Mo show, cringing the whole way through. I don't think she's smart, but she's a schemer/scammer for sure.

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Okay so on Mohamed's FB page where he is a self-proclaimed "Movie Character" yesterday's status update was "traveling to New York." Then some commenters were saying "have fun Danielle and Mohamed" and like that.  First of all it did not say WE are traveling to New York so I'm not so sure it is a joint trip (unless maybe that's where TLC is and they are due to collect their checks). Second they are in mid-eviction with a move-out date of December 10th -- not the optimal time for a vacation.  Any idea what's going on?   Whoever may be in NYC keep your eyes peeled ....  

A perfect ending for this British granny, victim of the bezness!  Her "husband" was denied a visa after the marriage, now he's back in Tunisia syphoning her income and assets!  See for yourselves:



Here is another "couple" hoping to be on the dole in the UK:



It's a real epidemic:



This idiot did it twice:



They all one some things in common in Danielle:  Unattractive much older women with younger men, the younger men being underemployed if employed at all, and the older women, it turns out, not financially stable.

Lord have mercy

I'd sooner watch Cassia and that loser Jason than Danielle and Mohamed because at least there is a bit of humor to be found, and they are mentally adults.  Danielle is, in my opinion, a despicable sociopath and I am looking forward to never seeing her face again after this show.  She should be left the same way she was found, making the usual bad decisions in privacy.  Mo ditching her is a certainty like tomorrow's sun rise. Who wants to see this tragedy befalling such a weak, diseased mind?  It's not like she'll develop any insight or improve herself from the experience.

  • Love 3

There were some questions regarding the time Jason spends online and Cassia's displeasure, but I thought it would be better addressed here.

Jason has about 450-500 auctions going at once, from what I have seen. That is a shitload of paperwork, phone messages that you have bids, and things to package and have the postal carrier pick up. We've not seen a lot of how he actually runs his business from home yet on the show, probably because we'd be bored and Cassia is most likley helping him by now.

I cannot manage more than 50-100 at one time, due to the fact I don't have any help and I'd probably lose my mind. But, the fact he sells small potatoes and isn't making a lot of money in the process tells me he's got a long way to go if he plans on making a decent living to support a wife and possible children. This is just my personal perspective from selling on eBay and knowing what is involved.

If I weren't clearing $100 per item, I'd not bother. I'd open a stall at a local flea market or swap meet.

  • Love 4

Okay so on Mohamed's FB page where he is a self-proclaimed "Movie Character" yesterday's status update was "traveling to New York." Then some commenters were saying "have fun Danielle and Mohamed" and like that.  First of all it did not say WE are traveling to New York so I'm not so sure it is a joint trip (unless maybe that's where TLC is and they are due to collect their checks). Second they are in mid-eviction with a move-out date of December 10th -- not the optimal time for a vacation.  Any idea what's going on?   Whoever may be in NYC keep your eyes peeled ....  


Then an hour later he posts sitting at a bar. "Fish tacos and house omlet"  Meals for 2?

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I think what shocked me the most last night was Dani & Mo's time on the show. Dani's voice once the door was shut & Mo telling someone back home that he did NOT want to come to America.

So, maybe some one does have a little background on their relationship.


I assumed TLC would have kept both on the cutting floor when they did their editing.

  • Love 4

Okay so on Mohamed's FB page where he is a self-proclaimed "Movie Character" yesterday's status update was "traveling to New York." Then some commenters were saying "have fun Danielle and Mohamed" and like that.  First of all it did not say WE are traveling to New York so I'm not so sure it is a joint trip (unless maybe that's where TLC is and they are due to collect their checks). Second they are in mid-eviction with a move-out date of December 10th -- not the optimal time for a vacation.  Any idea what's going on?   Whoever may be in NYC keep your eyes peeled ....  



I believe "THEY" are going to NY for taping.  There was a tweet made by Jason "Just landed and gosh my arms are tired."

  • Love 3

I noticed Jason's auctions photographs have Cassia's hands in them.


He may have 450-500 listings, but I added last month's sales to a paltry $500 for roughly 20 sales (IIRC), and that's not including what he paid for that crap.  It's probably negligible, though.  He can barely keep himself in sliced bread and baloney.

Then an hour later he posts sitting at a bar. "Fish tacos and house omlet"  Meals for 2?


Hmmm.  Looks like in his latest picture(s) he's eating a meal with someone.  Just very vague about who is might be.  One would assume if it were Dani, she would be tagged in the picture or at least comment on it.


Curious.  Maybe they just want to keep people guessing to build up ratings for the reunion/after show?  



Edited by Persnickety1

Hmmm.  Looks like in his latest picture(s) he's eating a meal with someone.  Just very vague about who is might be.  One would assume if it were Dani, she would be tagged in the picture or at least comment on it.

If Dani were with him, she would have been right next to him in the picture, kissing him and with her sausage fingers holding his face.

  • Love 6

Now that I have heard Dani's REAL voice, I think I get it.   SHE'S THE SCAMMER! Rumor has it she got paid a good sum of money to get married to Mo so that he can get a green card. And that money has been spent long ago, so actually she could give two craps if he marries her or not. All of the crying and acting mentally slow are just a cover so if the INS catches on she can be the play the part of the poor duped victim  who was so in love, so that she doesn't go to jail.  Poor Mo. His family apparently spent all that money to get him over here and now he is stuck with this mess. In all likelihood she won't have enough money to truly sponsor him, and he will get sent back with no green card and out thousands of dollars. Winner - Dani!

If it's true that Dani is putting on an act, then she missed her calling, because she's one of the best actresses I've ever seen. I know it's hard to get a real true handle on everything because TLC wants us to see these stories in a certain light and they use selective editing to make that happen, but I have a hard time believing that Dani is very different from the way she appears.

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Who else could have taken it?


Dani could have fixed her settings and blocked all tagging of her name.  Would she think of that? Who knows.


I've seen people ask the wait staff or other nearby diners to take a picture of themselves at the table.  People for the most part aren't shy when they feel they need a picture.  


Neither here nor there, though.  I think it's obvious he has someone at the table dining with him, presumably Dani, but I just wonder why, if his dining companion is Dani, she didn't also post the picture to her page or comment on his photo of their meal.  Particularly when the a couple of the other participating couples are posting up pictures of them together and arriving in NYC.  


I just find it curious.  But then everything involving them is somewhat curious.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 2

Dishwashers and dryers aren't common in many places, such as Europe. It doesn't indicate much of anything in Daya's case; it's cultural. That article is strange, since it doesn't say which indicators they're using. The example they give of Russia makes me think of John Steinbeck's quote about America being a country of temporarily embarrassed millionaires. Much of that survey has to do with self-perception, and I could see where American optimism would push America's bottom ten in front of Russia's top ten--although having lived in both places, I can assure you that the top ten percent in Russia is doing much better than America's bottom ten. The world is much larger than America and American culture, and plenty of people are living just fine outside of its borders.

I would watch a Dani and Mo show, cringing the whole way through. I don't think she's smart, but she's a schemer/scammer for sure.

Although the article does a poor job making the point it's still true the average American lives better than much of the rest of the world. I think it's obvious that is a main factor in several of these relationships. Edited by Katjoy26
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Hmmm.  Looks like in his latest picture(s) he's eating a meal with someone.  Just very vague about who is might be.  One would assume if it were Dani, she would be tagged in the picture or at least comment on it.


Curious.  Maybe they just want to keep people guessing to build up ratings for the reunion/after show?  




Here you go :)



  • Love 1

If it's true that Dani is putting on an act, then she missed her calling, because she's one of the best actresses I've ever seen. I know it's hard to get a real true handle on everything because TLC wants us to see these stories in a certain light and they use selective editing to make that happen, but I have a hard time believing that Dani is very different from the way she appears.

As for her being a good actress TOTALLY agree on you there. I 100% believe that she has true and deep feelings for him. What I can say ( from experience with MANY fake or "pre-arranged" marriages) is that often times, even if the marriage is fake or done for monetary gain, the bride ( or groom) in this case dani, do develop feelings for the other. It's actually more common with vulnerable women similar to her, and they end up getting heartbroken ( terrible ). I absolutely believe she is 100 percent sincere, and that Mo very well may have led her on ( probably did) in the romantic dept. However, I think her begging for his answer and acting desperate was very sad and I feel for her, as her was so cold and keeping her in suspense on the wedding day of all days. Very cruel, whether it is a green card marriage or not.

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Although the article does a poor job making the point it's still true the average American lives better than much of the rest of the world. I think it's obvious that is a main factor in several of these relationships.

In some ways, but not the way that article presented it! And there is still definitely the perception of American as the land of milk and honey, and then of course these people move to the US and end up in Geriatic Gator Land (Jason and Cassia) or that scary dive bar (Dani and Mo).

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