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S12.E23: Live Show Finale


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Evie sounded awful, but she isn't that talented. Angelica is, but I still don't want her to win. And I still don't get the love for Chase, at all. 

But I tend to not like singers winning on these shows, anyway.  I just don't think there's any way to compare what a singer does with what a group like Diavolo or Just Jerk (yes, still bitter) or a performer like Bello do. 

Yeah, it's probably Darcie's to lose, and she deserves it. She is incredibly talented!  My votes went to Sara  & Hero, Diavolo and Preacher Lawson (he had a bad night tonight but I have found him appealing). 

Edited by Marsupial

Darci, Diavolo, and Light Balance were the winners of the night, for me. I really enjoyed all of their performances.

I would have no idea about Preacher Lawson. Comcast here had some weird glitch during his performance- there was just a still of a medieval family sitting around a table on the screen for the whole bit. I wondered if it was just me, but went on Twitter and saw others had the same.

  • Love 6

We thought most of the acts did a great job tonight.  Exceptions were Evie--we really hated that rendition of the song and it did her voice no favors--and Preacher, who we just wanted to get the heck off our screens asap.  He is just so not funny.

I love Darci and am pulling for her to win.  Hubs wants Mandy Harvey to win, although he likes Darci too.  We also thought Diavolo, Light Balance, and Sara and Hero were great (even with some flubs), and we gave a few votes to all of them.

We liked Chase the best we have so far tonight, with the exception of the 'rapping' part - he was so fast I have no idea what he was saying.  But other than that we kind of liked the song.

Anyway, we thought it was a good show, and there are several that we wouldn't mind seeing win.  Looking forward to tomorrow!

  • Love 2

Sara and Hero made me laugh, even though they missed some bits. Good camera work going off of Loki when he got caught in the jump rope. I wish Sarah would hop like Hero when he's jumping along on his hind legs. Now THAT would be funny. I still think it's Darci's to lose because, well, little girl. America loves kids.(And she's good.) I was one who was telling Preacher to JUST.STOP.IT when he was doing his bit. I rated him last, even lower than the so-so singers. Although the little girl singer who opened the show, I liked her. (Haven't bothered to learn her name.) I still like Kechi because of her story. But I gotta go Darci For The Win.

  • Love 4

  Angelica is fine and Kechi has a lovely voice, but  they don't move like Mandy did and I don't think Mandy did enough to win.  I think the song from last week should have been done tonight.

Preacher was ok to begin with, then he went into that screeching phase for a full 90 seconds.  Didn't get it, don't care to. 


Light Balance was pretty damn slick and they are a Vegas act in the future.  However, I think Darci pulling the double dummies, able to change voices (both singing and talking) without missing a beat and keeping the nerves in check makes her the winner.  

Edited by mtlchick
  • Love 7

Last rankings for the season. Yes, I know all of these people are far more talented than I. Yes, I feel a ton of sympathy for Evie. Realizing that I probably have no idea what I'm talking about, and that I'm trying to be as dispassionate as possible:

10. Diavolo. Again, maybe it's just me "not getting it", that's very likely. I did like that they brought back the big ship, their whole wow factor from their audition. And I'm sure it looks much cooler in person than on TV.
9. Evie Clair. Played it very safe, something I think we'd all do after losing our father. But she still doesn't enunciate fully, and this was a very simple song vocally. She also still needs a million hugs.
8. Kechi. Normally I'm behind her 100%, but I think she's a better balladeer. This song was...okay, not great. Showed some diversity in her vocals but I liked her others better.
7. Angelica Hale. Great opener, but I still think it should have been Celine over her. She's really adorable but, to me, just not fundamentally sound when she sings.
6. Sara and Hero (and Loki AND Marvel I think?). Stepped it up with the dock jump, but also got Loki tangled in the jump rope, and there were a few more "oops!" moments. But overall they're charming and fun.
5. Preacher Lawson. Love him, but that bit did carry on a bit past what it needed to. And I dunno, his timing and delivery weren't as great as normal. Needs to have a TV show.

And to the ones I think could really win:
4. Chase Goehring. He saved the longest "rap" for the finale, smart move. But this was a pretty typical "Chase" song. I dunno, I keep wishing for a little more than "guy writes an Ed Sheeran song about people (usually girls he knows) not looking in the right place for love".
3. Darci Lynne. She could still very well win, I have no doubt. But for me, this wasn't as challenging vocally, and the switching between voices meant neither got fully utilized, in my opinion. She did do well with calming nerves and switching though. She could be a showman (showwoman?) for sure.
2. Mandy Harvey. Girl can write, girl can sing. Liked that her package was one long take, no cuts. But also agree that maybe last week's song and this one should have been switched. (@mtlchick and I are on the same wavelength tonight!) That one felt much more "finale" like. This felt a little bit like an open mic night song. I also feel like...in her audition, it was much more obvious when she spoke (and sang even) that she had lost her hearing. Perhaps she got coached up a bit before the live shows? Not sure.
1. Light Balance. They keep stepping it up! More moves, more interaction with the screen, just amazing! I imagine it must be phenomenal in person. Needs to have an act SOMEWHERE.


Now, do I think America will vote for a dance act over a singer to win? I doubt it. 3/4 of my top ones that I think could win are singers, so odds are good. And very likely a Golden Buzzer of some sort gets it (all of my top 4 plus Angelica, who *cough* I still don't think deserved one *cough*). I'd say Darci has the inside track, but wouldn't be too surprised by Chase or Mandy.

LOL that is funny (the Comcast glitch blocking out Preacher) even though I like him...but I have Comcast and I didn't get the medieval family! 

Still wish they had kept that first magician Tim London (he was much better than Eric IMO), Bello and Just Jerk,.I'd much rather have had all of them instead of the endless parade of child singers. 

Edited by Marsupial
  • Love 2

Preacher was terrible. I have no idea how he got this far.  It had to really suck being the act coming out after Evie Clair. 

Darci is amazing. She's funny and she has a pretty quick wit - not just for a 12 year old - for anyone. She has a long career ahead of her if she wants it. Whether she wins or not. I think she's the most gifted person on the stage tonight. 

  • Love 8
7 minutes ago, Mnemosyne said:

The glitch during Preacher Lawson's performance looks like it was just for Atlanta area Comcast subscribers. I wish I knew how to bring over Tweets, the medieval family still was kinda comical. 

Thanks for letting us know this. I was about to call Comcast and complain. I got stuck watching Preacher. I would much rather have seen the medieval family!

  • Love 12
9 minutes ago, LadyMustang65 said:

Exceptions were Evie--we really hated that rendition of the song and it did her voice no favors--and Preacher, who we just wanted to get the heck off our screens asap.  He is just so not funny.

What a Wonderful World can lend itself to a mix of emotions but with her grief and already haunting voice, this unintentionally became a dark dirge that wouldn't be out of place on a soundtrack for a war movie. In a different context I'd be okay with her voice but because Evie doesn't enunciate, even iconic song lyrics become indecipherable.

I agree that Mandy didn't do enough to beat Darci but hopefully AGT viewers will support her fantastic jazz work going forward. The genre could use more name stars. Weirdly, I think she would have done better covering Grace's single.

The producers did give Light Balance the marquee spot so a Darci win might not be inevitable. I do love how polished she is for just a few years of performing. And yes, she's got great wit.

Simon, Chase is not going to become an Ed Sheeran lite clone - he gives off a creepy, emotionally stunted vibe that prevents people from flocking to him like they have with WGWAGs on Idol. Plus Chase is vocally more like Jason Mraz, who "talk sings" much more effectively.

I do still love The Super Collies. If they weren't going to go with a superhero storyline to acknowledge the names of the three dogs, I kind of wish the producers would have encouraged Sara to do a freestyle dance with minimal production. I saw a clip of just Sara and Hero doing that and it was utterly charming. Great rhythm, interaction and the transition between moves was natural, unforced. 

I found the screenshot that someone in Atlanta posted to complain about missing Preacher's set.

  • Love 3

Of all the top 10, I think Light Balance was the only one I didn't want to fast forward through. I usually like Preacher, but this was not a good night for him.

I feel like the singers all have a "story" to make you sympathize for them. Take that away and they're just good (not great) singers doing cover songs. I do like the Ed Sheeran kid because he at least does originals.

I've never seen a ventriloquism act that didn't bore me out of my mind and Darci is no exception. That guy from a couple seasons ago came close.

I'm a dog person but that dog act is awful. Never should have made it out of auditions. I'm shocked every time I see Simon gush over that act. He probably just wants to date her.

Colin Cloud was better than any of this top 10.

  • Love 1

Darci Lynne was amazing tonight!  Two puppets and the way she introduced the song brought tears to my eyes.  I think it's so great that a young girl like that is into The Beatles.

Sara & Hero won my heart yet again, little glitches and all.

Evie Claire:  I think that un-enunciation of lyrics is part of that style of singing these young singers are doing.  I could be wrong though.  I did not enjoy her performance, sob story or not.

Preacher Was Painful and that frenetic bit went on way too long.  It went beyond time filler and was so annoying.  I thought the Whole Foods line was funny but that was the only thing that made me laugh.

The other singers were OK, Mandy Harvey being the best of them all in my opinion.  I do not like the child divas and Chase is lost on me.  Another style of singing I have no connection with nor do I want to get into it.  That fast talking stuff is too gimicky and every song sounds the same to me.

Wait!  I think Kechi was the best of the singers, then Mandy.

The groups were interesting and probably did their best acts tonight.  Diavolo seems to do the same moves with just different sets, costumes and music to me though.

  • Love 1

If Light Balance had their pimp slot switched with Darci, they'd have no chance.  But, TPTB put her in a bad spot (certainly not the worst one) and gave LB a very real chance to win.   Darci's patter was the weakest of her AGT appearances and it was not a good thing to have the band and chorus supporting her singing.  The point of that act is to marvel, in an intimate fashion, the ventriloquism.  Just as Ketchie was, Darci was overwhelmed by the background performers.  I think Ameriker will still give it to her, but it's not the slam dunk it ought to have been.

Diovolo was phenomenal again.  I would choose for them to win, despite the fact they are a professional act and decidedly not American.  I was floored at the self-staging/maneuvering of the apparatus, all the while the acrobats keep flying.  They truly do merit a Vegas show.  I also must give kudos to the AGT Director who called the shots.  Fantastic.   He was absolutely on it.

Not one singer had a great night.  None deserve this title.  It was quite remarkable that Evie shed not a single tear.  Please not this is in NO WAY a criticism of her!!!!!!  I simply am observing that she compartmentalized the heck out of the situation.  What maturity and professionalism.  I wish her every good thing, except winning AGT.  

It's robbery that not one magician performed.  Frigggin' singer quota.

If Preacher is a million dollar act, I am Cary Grant.

What is Armenian for RRRROWL?!!!!!  Mel B can be so ridiculously hawt.  Tonight was an all-time example.  

I loved Sara and the dogs!  I don't think they will win, but I have really enjoyed watching them this season. All of the singers were just ok, with Mandy Harvey being the amazing one, simply because she is deaf and can still sing on pitch. I'm not a big ventriloquist fan myself, but Darcie Lynn will probably win it hands down. Diavolo and Light Balance were very enjoyable to watch. I felt really bad for Evie Claire....

  • Love 4

TPTB already know Darci is pretty much a slam dunk to win. They gave Light Balance the pimp spot in the hopes of making it interesting but unless Darci had laryngitis or started speaking in tongues she's going to win. Preacher sucked all season so no surprises there. Evie was easily the worst she's been all season but that's understandable. Sarah and Hero are busy servicing Simon which is the only explanation for how they made it past auditions. Without the back story Kechi is just okay and not to sound rude but do you think the producers tell her to wear sleeveless dresses every performance? I get it, she's a burn victim I don't need to have it etched into my brain every time. Diavolo is great. They should be they're seasoned professionals. Mandy is a lovely story and a great performer. I say she wins most seasons just has the misfortune to be up against a dynamo in Darci. Angelica didn't deserve to be here either. Better singers (Mike Yung,Puddles) were at home while she was in the finals. She's cute but not ready for prime time. 


It's been a pretty exciting season of AGT. I must admit that I'm going to miss Tuesday nights acts. 

7 hours ago, halopub said:

What a Wonderful World can lend itself to a mix of emotions but with her grief and already haunting voice, this unintentionally became a dark dirge that wouldn't be out of place on a soundtrack for a war movie. In a different context I'd be okay with her voice but because Evie doesn't enunciate, even iconic song lyrics become indecipherable.


That's exactly it.  My husband made the comment that it sounded like a dirge, and we were thinking more like the end of a post-apocalyptic type film with the vocal over panning over devastated wasteland or something.  *If* she enunciated her words, that might be perfect.  But even though I know they lyrics cold, I couldn't understand half of what she was singing, and because it was the finale of AGT and not the closing scenes of a movie, it just seemed out of place in that setting.  Not the song itself, but that particular type of cover.  I do give her props for keeping it together with that song right after her father passed.  I don't think I could have done it, and I'm several times her age.  But it just fell flat for us, and it seemed like some of the notes were off as well, which didn't help.  She's got a lifetime ahead of her, and I wish her well.

7 hours ago, halopub said:

I found the screenshot that someone in Atlanta posted to complain about missing Preacher's set.

Is that from the commercial for whatever company it is that allows you to "pause" devices in the house?

  • Love 1

After countless auditions, poor decisions and many many hair extensions we have finally arrived at this sad point in time we end up at each year. Yes, Howie Mandel is about to be unemployed for 8 months starting tomorrow. But let's not dwell on the sad parts, it's time to see how our acts did:


10. Evie Clair - I'll admit, her intro was handled with a lot more subtlety than I would have guessed, but that of course went out the window once it was time for the judges to speak up. Still, it was pretty nice until then, wasn't it? If we are to have a shocker in tonights results show, I think Evie is the one to do it. PREDICTION: Bottom 5, but ready for a shocking 5th place result.


9. Kechi - Maybe the reason Preacher had a seizure on stage earlier was due to him suddenly remembering Kechi's dress rehearsal? SPARKLES, SPARKLES EVERYWHERE. Also someone in the sound booth pressed the "Danell and Greater Works" button by accident, pretty much drowning out any hope of actually hearing Kechi. I did enjoy the song this time around though and while Kechi isn't the greatest singer we have on the show I still think she's earned her place here. PREDICTION: Bottom 5


8. Chase Goehring - Chase was Chase. I kept waiting for his friend to jump out and start tapping that box again, but no suck luck. If this whole singing thing doesn't work out for him, he could make a living reading out all those warning labels in various medication ads. PREDICTION: Bottom 5


7. Angelica Hale - I was half expecting Celine to be on stage wearing a badly made "ANGELICA HALE" nametag. BUT HEY! A SONG I LIKE! Now slowed down to crawling halt. YAY! I thought she did just fine, as usual. Her fanbase is huge enough that she's rivaling Darci in youtube views, but hopefully that wont be true in the voting. Not that I would mind her being high up, I'm just not ready for a shocker where she actually ends up winning. PREDICTION: 4th


6. Sara and Hero - A bit sloppy here and there, but I think it's still impressive just how well she's trained these dogs and yet managed to make the whole routine feel like it's just playtime for them. It was missing a few more BIG tricks like the one Hero did in the end, but they did good. I still think there's a SLIGHT chance they might make it to the top 5, but as of right now I see Evie being a likelier dark horse. PREDICTION: Bottom 5


5. Preacher Lawson - Him saying that some people would be crying with laughter, while others would be wondering when it all ends wasn't a joke, the reaction to this was VERY mixed. I actually found myself laughing out loud a few times, which I haven't done much before with him so I guess I'm one of the insane ones. I think going for a cohesive story as his last routine was a good idea, but the jokes STILL didn't live up to his delivery and by the end I was wondering if the rewind button on my remote had jammed. Comedy is as subjective as it gets, but based on the reaction I've seen online I don't think Preacher will part of the cursed "runner up comedians" club after all. PREDICTION: 5th


4. Diavolo - I kinda wish instead of music we just got Jacques narrating the whole act, he would have made it seem like the most exciting thing happening on the planet. Not that I'm trying to say this WASNT exciting, they were quality as always, but the lack of time they had to prepare may have forced them to bring back their audition prop, rather than show us something completely new. They will likely be underappreciated by the voters yet again, but I'm VERY glad they made it this far as in some way they epitomise what this show is all about in the best of times. PREDICTION: Bottom 5


3. Mandy Harvey - I found this song to be slightly weaker than her last 2, which means I'm agreeing with Mel B. Yes, I'm horrified by that thought as well. I've praised her enough as it is at this point, all I have left to say is that I wish her good luck in whatever she does in the future and hopefully the slightly lukewarm comments wont hurt her in the results tonight. PREDICTION: 2nd


2. Darci Lynne - I thought she would do her yodeling routine, but she probably chose to do this instead to show off more technical mastery as controlling 2 dolls and switching between 2 different voices is no easy task. The problem is neither of her voices were quite distinctive enough to impress us as much as they should have. I still enjoyed every last moment of her act, the girl is funny, charming and incredibly talented, similarly to most other acts her best performance was just seen in the semis. PREDICTION: WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER!


1. Light Balance -Sorry, Darci, today they had you beat. I have never done acid, but I imagine it would feel a bit like looking at these guys. They gave it their ALL this time around and it was a great throwback to all the previous rounds that actually worked. I think they pretty much secured their spot in the top 5, where exactly though? Not sure yet. But I want to rent them to act as my halloween decorations for the entirety of October, SO GUYS IF YOU NEED WORK AFTER THIS...YOU KNOW WHERE TO FIND ME. PREDICTION: 3rd


I'd say this was a very "safe" final, with most acts incorporating their audition into the routine as a neat throwback. Light Balance were probably the only ones to really step it up, everyone else remained the exact level they were before, which resulted in a BIIIT of a disappointing show if one was expecting to be blown away, but I was entertained. The initial prediction of a Darci, Angelica, Mandy, Preacher and Light Balance still seems like a safe bet with Evie and Sara as the possible dark horses to steal a spot. In what order these acts will end up in is anyone's guess, Angelica seems like the obvious runner up choice thanks to her fanbase, but its TOO obvious. I really have a feeling Evie will make it all the way to 5th place, but I can't really think of who to get rid of and a top 5 with 4 female acts sounds impossible. I'll just stop setting my brain on fire and sum up the prediction I made above in a nice list format:


10. Diavolo
9. Kechi
8. Chase Goehring
7. Sara and Hero
6. Evie Clair
5. Preacher Lawson
4. Angelica Hale
3. Light Balance
2. Mandy Harvey
1. Darci Lynne


I hope you all are as excited to see the producers desperately try to figure out how to fit 15 seconds of Diavolo between 25 stand-by singers as I am tonight.

9 hours ago, Drogo said:

Light Balance couldn't perform in the semis due to technical difficulties... imagine going to a Vegas show and the announcers are like "Hey folks, we're not going to be able to have a live show tonight, but please... enjoy this YouTube playlist."

Darci or Diavolo FTW.

I get what you're saying, but I feel like the technical difficulties were not Light Balances fault though, but AGT's.  I'd think that, with their own show and their own crew, that they'd not have these types of problems.

6 hours ago, suebee12 said:

No, the best singers were Oscar and Petunia with a little help from Darci! I have a 7 year old grandson who loves the Beatles so I can't wait for him to see this!

To me, that seemed more like the version that was sung by Joe Cocker, which is the ONLY Beatles cover I like better than the original version. 

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, HowdyTV said:

Underwhelmed so far. Even the dog act, which I usually enjoy, seemed disorganized too much.  Acrobatic group were good. I must not get Preacher's humor.

I might get his humor if he didn't talk so fast.  I find it hard to understand him.  

8 hours ago, CatfishMan said:

I feel like the singers all have a "story" to make you sympathize for them. Take that away and they're just good (not great) singers doing cover songs. I do like the Ed Sheeran kid because he at least does originals.

Totally agree.  There are many who sing well, including friends of mine and a bagger at Safeway.  

9 hours ago, halopub said:

What a Wonderful World can lend itself to a mix of emotions but with her grief and already haunting voice, this unintentionally became a dark dirge that wouldn't be out of place on a soundtrack for a war movie.

She ruined one of the most uplifting and joyful songs ever written.  

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, CelticBlackCat said:

Darci Lynne was amazing tonight!  

Evie Claire:  I think that un-enunciation of lyrics is part of that style of singing these young singers are doing.  I could be wrong though.  I did not enjoy her performance, sob story or not.

Preacher Was Painful and that frenetic bit went on way too long.  It went beyond time filler and was so annoying.  I thought the Whole Foods line was funny but that was the only thing that made me laugh.

Chase is lost on me.  Another style of singing I have no connection with nor do I want to get into it.  That fast talking stuff is too gimicky and every song sounds the same to me.

Yes to all the above.

Darci Lynne has actual talent, it will be interesting to see where life takes her.

Evie Claire can NOT sing. Your description is perfect, I never know how to describe this horrible trend. Un-enunciation. Exactly. I also call it talk-singing. No matter what it's called, I hate hate hate it and hope people actually start singing again.

Preacher. I think he has potential! I could see him being good, but sadly, he has not been good lately and last night was indeed painful. It seemed to me he was phoning it in, taking up a great deal of time with the stupid facial/jerky movements rather than actual comedy. Like he couldn't be bothered to write (much) new material. I don't get how Howie and the others fawned all over him, comparing him to some comedic greats. For real??

Chase was good the first couple of times but agree they all sound alike. The fast talking I can live without.

I just need to say this. We've seen the SAME sob stories now for weeks. I'd rather have a 1 hour show just showing the (in some cases alleged) talent than a 2 hour show just for the sake of reiterating these same stories. Again. 

How about we just call it America's Got Sob Stories? The talent would be no less secondary than it is now. I feel for these people, honestly I do! I am so sorry Evie lost her dad this week. But there's a place for this kind of thing and repeating it ad nauseam on a TALENT show isn't it.

One more thing. Mel B. Really????? Tyra. Seriously??? It wouldn't hurt my feelings if we had a new host and at least a couple new judges next year.

If it's like this going forward, I'm out.

Well. I needed that rant and now I feel better :)

Darci for the win.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, Drogo said:

Light Balance couldn't perform in the semis due to technical difficulties... imagine going to a Vegas show and the announcers are like "Hey folks, we're not going to be able to have a live show tonight, but please... enjoy this YouTube playlist."

Darci or Diavolo FTW.

That's a weird thing to get caught up on, things can ALWAYS go wrong. A singer could lose his/her voice, the mic could short circuit, a magicians props could fall apart, a wire could come loose during a circus act etc etc. Performances are cancelled and things go wrong all the time, even for professionals. Light balance have shown us nothing but quality and precision and nothing else has led us to believe their act is unreliable. As far as we know the show was to blame for the technical difficulties. 

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Commando Cody said:

Preacher was terrible. I have no idea how he got this far.  It had to really suck being the act coming out after Evie Clair. 

Darci is amazing. She's funny and she has a pretty quick wit - not just for a 12 year old - for anyone. She has a long career ahead of her if she wants it. Whether she wins or not. I think she's the most gifted person on the stage tonight. 

As someone who lives in a city that has a population of mentally disturbed street people in need of help, I found his "routine" appallingly unfunny and borderline in bad taste. And for Howie to then compare him to true comic geniuses like Richard Pryor and Charlie Chaplin (??) made me want to barf. I get that he's always pimping the comics, but please Howie, have some dignity.

Agree on Darci. This was the first time I saw some evidence of nerves, during the talking segment of her act, but the singing was impeccable as always. I never thought I'd want a kid to win again, but to me she's head and shoulders above everyone else. I do think that Mandy is talented, but were it not for her back story, she would be kind of a middle of the pack singer on The Voice.

I noticed that the judges have stopped saying "is this a Vegas act?," because there's no way that a bunch of people out for a night of partying in Vegas could sit for 2 minutes listening to Evie's depressing dirges. Or Chase's pretentious sensitive tweener bit.

Judge talking to variety act/magician: "You're what this show is all about. You can't see this kind of act on any other show. You're what makes AGT great."

Judge when choosing who to save: "I have to go with my gut and pick the singer."

This is the first season I can remember without a magician or mentalist in the top 10. Half of the top ten are singers, 60% if you include Dari. My ideal balance would be not more than 2 singers out of 10 finalists. This show is fast becoming The Voice with an occasional dog act thrown in.

Edited by bluepiano
  • Love 4

I'll give Evie a lot of compassion for what she's going through.  

As someone who doesn't like kid acts usually, this was the strongest set of young performers I've seen in a long time.  The finals could have used one more variety act (maybe Colin Cloud), but I both liked Darci best and think she will win.

That said, there's not an outcome that would surprise me (some for their overall body of work, some because last night was as good as this show gets.)  As noted elsewhere, winning this show doesn't guarantee a successful life, but for everyone but the group acts, the prize money and fame will help for a while.  (If Diavolo or Light Balance wins, it still makes for a nice Christmas or can let them be a little more flexible about gigs.)

  • Love 2

This for me was the most entertaining group of finalists for any AGT season I have watched.  Even the sob stories were the best, even though there were plenty of them.  

I have never liked so many act even in the semi finals.  I came away respecting so many of these acts versus being kind of bored by now by most of them. And as they went along through the season I respected them, and enjoyed them,  more and more.   There is something about watching good people trying to achieve their dream that is really inspiring and that really came across this season. This was really a good AGT season. 

 In the end, Darci stood out to me the best.  She does have some "it" factor.  Look at all the people trying to be ventriloquists shown in her package. Most would never make you interested in watching them as say, a Vegas act.  But Darci can talk and sing as a ventriloquist, has great facial expressions and sharp wit, and her wit is only going to get better as she gets older when she is going to be able to get away with saying more things.  I am really interested to see what they cook up with Terry for the finale assuming she will get to do a skit with him.

  • Love 2

The winner of AGT will be decided by a vote by people who are motivated to vote, so it's more about popularity rather than strictly talent.  People here may not like to say it or think it, but when there is a very talented blonde haired white girl will she really be beaten by a little girl of color even if she is a great singer or a group of guys from another country which many would still associate as being Russian although they are not.  I see Mandy as the alternative to Darci.  If Evie really had talent that put her into the top 5 she would likely be a great favorite with the death of her father, but that's not the case.

So it will be Darci this season just like it was Grace last season.

4 hours ago, Frankenstein123 said:

After countless auditions, poor decisions and many many hair extensions we have finally arrived at this sad point in time we end up at each year. Yes, Howie Mandel is about to be unemployed for 8 months starting tomorrow. But let's not dwell on the sad parts, it's time to see how our acts did:



I think it will be Darci going away but I also think Mandy might be a close 2nd because a lot of people seem to vote for "the story".  Don't be surprised if Evie cracks the top 5 by that same reasoning.  

I am very forgiving with my views on comics but poor Preacher just crapped the bed last night.  I like all kinds of comedy but his shtick last night was anything but.  

I just hope they bring Tom London back next year, I miss him.  

Edited by MagnanimousRex
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This wasn't Sara and Hero's (and Loki and Marvel) best act, but I'm still pulling for them to at least crack the top five. They just make me smile and the genuine love between Sara and her dogs has been really enjoyable to watch.

Cool that Diavolo brought back the set piece from their audition. Don't think they'll make the top five but it was a nice callback and their performance couldn't have been stronger.

I hated the judges being all "we're not going to judge you tonight" with Evie. I get it, no one wants to be mean to the teenager whose dad just died, but she chose to stay in this competition and that's what this is, a competition. But then it was kind of weird, was she the only act that didn't get her number thrown up one more time after the judge's comments? Maybe they were behind on time but it was a really awkward transition from the judges comments to announcing that Preacher was up next.

Speaking of Preacher...I've found him mediocre all season but this was easily his worst outing and I think my prediction last week that even though he's never needed a Dunkin Save he'll still end up in the bottom five will be correct. I agree with everyone, it was clearly a time-filler because he, for whatever reason, didn't have enough material. Some comedians can get away with those drawn-out bits (Tig Notaro pushing a stool across a stage) but this really fell flat. Also agree with whoever last week said they couldn't stand comedians who laugh at their own jokes. Yes, we decide if you're funny or not, not you!

Unless there's a major upset, Darci's got this thing on lock. I thought this was her best performance. Switching between the puppets, doing some great humor...she's earned this season's win.

I agree with those who said that Mandy should have switched this week's and last week's songs. I originally had her pegged for fourth but I'm thinking she might slip down to fifth.

But yeah, with the pimp spot and giving their best performance all season, Light Balance might edge Darci out.

I'd be happy to see Sara and Hero, Darci, or Light Balance win. If they could all be the top three as well that would be even more amazing.

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As far as who is winning its not even close:




Non saves : Light Balance, Mandy, Darci, Preacher, Sara & Hero, Angelica

Saves : Kechi, Evie, Diavolo, Chase

Like I said previously other than Taylor who was a judges save before snapple/dunkin save existed no save has ever finished in the top 3 and I don't expect them to here either.

Edited by anthonyd46
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3 hours ago, helenamonster said:

This wasn't Sara and Hero's (and Loki and Marvel) best act, but I'm still pulling for them to at least crack the top five. They just make me smile and the genuine love between Sara and her dogs has been really enjoyable to watch.

I agree that Sarah and Hero/Loki have been the feel good act of the year. But it felt to me that after so many shows they'd run out of material. Since Sarah and her dogs are constantly on the road, they probably rarely perform in front of the same audience more than once. Last night, other than the final big jump, it was all the same moves from the original audition. Just with Sarah wearing a different outfit and different music. (Glad not to see the pirate outfit again. That really made it feel like a kid's party act). Still, they deserve a lot of credit for making it to the finals, when they only got past the audition because Simon begged Howie to change his vote.

I feel like Light Balance does the same routine every week, so I was bewildered by Simon talking about how much they'd stepped. It's really become a meaningless thing he says about every act in the finale. Like telling every act they should win.

4 hours ago, piequinn35 said:

Who I want to win: Light Balance

Who will win: Darci

I would love to see Light Balance or Diavolo take this, but I agree with you on who will. The good news is, those other acts are ready for anyone to swoop them up and turn them into a regular production if they want. Hope they have much future success! (Unlike some other boring, mediocre, incomprehensible, and/or repetitive singers who shall remain unnamed.)

There were some acts that took a step forward and some that went backwards, but I think there will be some surprises tomorrow night. For the last time, here are my ratings from last night:

10. Preacher Lawson - His little jibe went on too long. Preacher had been funny the past weeks, but last night it's like he decided he didn't want to win this competition anymore. Very painful to watch and very disappointing!

 9. Sara and Hero - Her dogs messed up.....again! Should her dogs be judged? Of course! They are part of the act and directly connects the training to Sara. I agree with a post earlier that Sara never should've made it past the audition stage. She might bring a smile  to some people's faces but if she wins AGT, I might throw a shoe at my tv!

 8. Evie Clair - Another contestant who should've been told "no" during the auditions. Very weak performance.

 7. Chase Goehring - I'm going to sound like a broken record but Chase never should've made it this far! A weak singer who uses his "talk singing" to separate himself from other singers (which is not a bad thing), but all his songs sound the same and seem to be about the same thing.

 6. Angelica Hale - She does sing very well but Celine Tam should've been in the finals instead of her. Maybe nip picking here but what turns me off is the "Mariah Carey hand" that goes up every time she goes for a high note. Angelica tries to sing like an adult and last week and last night her voice got away from her in my opinion.

 5. Mandy Harvey - She did well but if it wasn't for her hearing impairment, she would be just another singer probably gotten lost in the shuffle.

 4. Kechi - I thought this was her best performance to date. Maybe ballads is her strength but singing a more upbeat song was what I was waiting for. Good job!

 3. Diavolo - Another good performance but I think if there they've hit a wall in their performance. It seemed I had seen yesterday's performance before.

 2. Light Balance - Another fantastic performance and if weren't for a little 12 year old girl, LB would be a hands down favorite to win. I'll be looking for this act in Las Vegas next year for sure!

 1. Darci Lynne - First I have to say this wasn't her best but you have to figure she's only going to get better and an act that I truly would pay to see in Vegas. She should win AGT.


I have a couple of awards to give to some acts:

"What the hell was that" award goes to.....Preacher Lawson

"I'm throwing my shoe at my television if this act wins" award goes to....Sara and Hero


Something I wish the judges would stop doing is giving standing ovations. The judges should be objective. Let the audience give the standing O's.

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