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S12.E06: Media Training


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I chuckle while reading this article about tonight's show.   http://www.dallascowboys.com/news/2017/09/07/challenges-and-out-studio-dcc-making-team-episode-1204-preview?sf112348670=1

Comparing putting on the uniform to trying out wedding dresses and Superman Cape of professional cheerleading. Sorry, but I do not see the uniform to be that special. *lol* *rolling eyes*

Edited by bigskygirl
  On 9/7/2017 at 9:35 PM, bigskygirl said:

I chuckle while reading this article about tonight's show.   http://www.dallascowboys.com/news/2017/09/07/challenges-and-out-studio-dcc-making-team-episode-1204-preview?sf112348670=1

Comparing putting on the uniform to trying out wedding dresses and Superman Cape of professional cheerleading. Sorry, but I do not see the uniform to be that special. *lol* *rolling eyes*


Off topic, but I volunteer as tribute to be Sam's proofreader. The number of times she starts a sentence with 'As', for example. Holla at ya girl.

  • Love 5

Panicked because I missed the first two minutes, turned on the channel only to see Melissa. Relieved because I missed nothing. 

Brenan still makes weird facials.

Madeline, too tan.

"I'm not a hip hop dancer" - You better learn how to be. Honestly do these girls not watch the show for the team they're auditioning for?

Gina comes off as too harsh or something. 

Miranda...bless your heart. (I foresee saying this every episode)

  • Love 7

Well Brianna gets another week.  But, please, stop crying. ??  Miranda continues to look very nice. 

There's another brunette I saw for a split second who looked beautiful as well, during that last dance rehearsal, I wonder who she is. 

Holly had some sort of tape on her leg that made it look all messed up. 

That news lady was sort of mean.  I love Mickey and his football commentary. 

  • Love 2

I thought this was a much better episode than the last few weeks. I actually did not mind the media training section of the show, and I usually dislike the non-dancing sections. 

It was nice to see the Micelle Keys dance coming along, but why on earth did they use the Fireball music? There was nothing better? 

I like Brianna. I think she has potential in a year or two, but I am sick to death of seeing her cry.

  • Love 6

Brennan really bores me.   She always seems like she is about to cry - like ALWAYS.  She's also like too small and tiny or something.

Gina looks likes she's always squinting in the sun. Like gosh.

Rachel does look really thick, and I don't think she's that special looking.

Kalyssa just keeps getting prettier and prettier in comparison to the other girls - she's just gorgeous.   I loved it when she got called out for doing extra choreography to get attention though - I HATE when show off-type people do that (almost every dance team/group has an obnoxious one in the bunch that's always trying that crap) and it was so nice to hear them correct her.

That was funny how those two kept saying "definitely" - haha.  That blonde reporter asking them questions was really pretty - she definitely looks like could have been a DCC when she younger.

Lol at Kelli's shock at how that Alexis was in a car accident on the way to the interview and still showed up like nothing happened.   Yes, Kelli, this is the type of stress your training camp pressure cooker does to people...they don't even want to tell you about things like car accidents cause they are so paranoid that you might see it as a sign of weakness and a reason to cut them ;).

Ugh - I still hate that Bree lady over how she treated Angelia.   That hip hop guy seemed cool though.

Well, we didn't get to see how things went w/ Miranda and the uniform fitting - was really interested to see Kelli's reaction to her botched boob job.

  • Love 18
  On 9/8/2017 at 3:48 AM, MyFavShows said:

Brennan really bores me.   She always seems like she is about to cry - like ALWAYS.  She's also like too small and tiny or something.

Gina looks likes she's always squinting in the sun. Like gosh.

Rachel does look really thick, and I don't think she's that special looking.

Kalyssa just keeps getting prettier and prettier in comparison to the other girls - she's just gorgeous.   I loved it when she got called out for doing extra choreography to get attention though - I HATE when show off-type people do that (almost every dance team/group has an obnoxious one in the bunch that's always trying that crap) and it was so nice to hear them correct her.

That was funny how those two kept saying "definitely" - haha.  That blonde reporter asking them questions was really pretty - she definitely looks like could have been a DCC when she younger.

Lol at Kelli's shock at how that Alexis was in a car accident on the way to the interview and still showed up like nothing happened.   Yes, Kelli, this is the type of thing your training camp pressure cooker does to people...they don't even want to tell you about things like car accidents cause they are so paranoid that you might see it as a sign of weakness and a reason to cut them ;).

Ugh - I still hate that Bree lady over how she treated Angela.   That hip hop guy seemed cool though.

Well, we didn't get to see how things went w/ Miranda and the uniform fitting - was really interested to see Kelli's reaction to her botched boob job.

Edited by MyFavShows
  On 9/8/2017 at 3:48 AM, MyFavShows said:

Kalyssa just keeps getting prettier and prettier in comparison to the other girls - she's just gorgeous.   I loved it when she got called out for doing extra choreography to get attention though - I HATE when show off-type people do that (almost every dance team/group has an obnoxious one in the bunch that's always trying that crap) and it was so nice to hear them correct her.



She really is gorgeous. And much more likeable every episode. She seems like she doesnt take herself too seriously and is pretty genuine. I was glad too that they corrected her added hair flips. 

  • Love 7

I thought Michelle Keys looked super pretty and hot.  Brianna looks so withdrawn and has dark under eye circles or something... weird.  I thought it was mean when Kelli or Judy (I forget which one) said that watching Brennan's contemporary dance was painful.  I thought she took her critiques and really tried HARD to get noticed.  It's like she can't win.  You gotta feel bad for some of these girls.  

Kalyssa is so damn sexy and a great dancer.  She would make a great stripper.  ?

Kelli said some comment about someone rocking in a Texas tree or something and it made me laugh.  Cant wait to watch the episode again to remember what that was about.

  • Love 3

"Rock a bye Brianna" Kelli?? you really said that?? Whose fault is it that she is getting coddled??? YOURS damn it! You're not doing that girl any favors. She is really not up to scratch and this isn't helping her. Let her cry her way back to New Jersey and come back stronger next year. Worked for vet Madeline.

I really wish they would leave Kalyssa alone about her appearance... she is no more or less sexy than Holly is yet no one called Holly a stripper every.damn.day. How you perceive someone is entirely on you.

  • Love 14
  On 9/8/2017 at 3:48 AM, MyFavShows said:

Brennan really bores me.   She always seems like she is about to cry - like ALWAYS.  She's also like too small and tiny or something.

Gina looks likes she's always squinting in the sun. Like gosh.

Rachel does look really thick, and I don't think she's that special looking.

Kalyssa just keeps getting prettier and prettier in comparison to the other girls - she's just gorgeous.   I loved it when she got called out for doing extra choreography to get attention though - I HATE when show off-type people do that (almost every dance team/group has an obnoxious one in the bunch that's always trying that crap) and it was so nice to hear them correct her.

That was funny how those two kept saying "definitely" - haha.  That blonde reporter asking them questions was really pretty - she definitely looks like could have been a DCC when she younger.

Lol at Kelli's shock at how that Alexis was in a car accident on the way to the interview and still showed up like nothing happened.   Yes, Kelli, this is the type of stress your training camp pressure cooker does to people...they don't even want to tell you about things like car accidents cause they are so paranoid that you might see it as a sign of weakness and a reason to cut them ;).

Ugh - I still hate that Bree lady over how she treated Angelia.   That hip hop guy seemed cool though.

Well, we didn't get to see how things went w/ Miranda and the uniform fitting - was really interested to see Kelli's reaction to her botched boob job.


Regarding the botched boob job:  Agreed.  I wanted to see if the uniform would give her normal cleavage.  Maybe it was seen as too mean to showcase on the show.  She could've had a mastectomy of some medical reason why she has uniboob.  Also her big camel toe....  I wonder how to hide cameltoe in those tiny white shorts if you're extra plump down there.

  • Love 1
  On 9/8/2017 at 4:00 AM, ReneeK said:

Kelli said some comment about someone rocking in a Texas tree or something and it made me laugh.  Cant wait to watch the episode again to remember what that was about.


I was waiting for a place to mention my favorite Kelli-ism thus far   remember last week  she called Alexis sexy fish lips!  LOL?

1. Kalyssa is totally growing on me.... I love watching her dance. Just stop with the extras.

2. Oh Brianna. Sweetie. Stop. Crying. 

3. Michelle Keys looked smoking hot! I love her!!!!

4. Ugh that Bree chick. I actually threw something at my tv. I do not like her.

5. Keyra is awesome

6. Judy is getting soft in her old age, and I love it! 

  • Love 11

I don't know why they're keeping Brianna.  It's obvious that no matter how much of a ballet background she has, she's not picking up the dance style of the DCCs.  It's also obvious that she doesn't have "the look".  Everyone else looks like a sexy young lady, Brianna looks like a little girl.  You know what she'd be good in?  She'd make a good Clara in The Nutcracker.  A DCC?  Not so much.

  • Love 4

Some notes on the ep 


I think it shows the lack of dance knowledge of Melissa R. that the only trick she has is the video camera 


Brennan is 28 !!!! , she comes off and looks like Teenager 


Can Brianna plz stop saying emptied my bucket we get it ! stop it !


Kelli office looks more personal every week ,She seems to be still moving it i hope she re decorate it. 


What’s with American flag vest that Lauren , honestly the only one that dresses her age is Klyassa. They only dress super old for their age when doing DCC stuff.


The editors got the worst Archive footage for Michelle Keys ever , seriously they  could've chosen her DCC pic or a youtube video & it would've been better than what they chose WTF was that.


Honestly , I think Madeline has potential over Brianna  , i don’t understand y they kept her over Madeline 


Overall , i really like this ep & i’ve been liking all eps overall this season. I think it’s part better editing , part new locations and i think big part new activities that the rookies are doing. 

  • Love 4
  On 9/8/2017 at 4:10 AM, Princess Chloe said:

"Rock a bye Brianna" Kelli?? you really said that?? Whose fault is it that she is getting coddled??? YOURS damn it! You're not doing that girl any favors. She is really not up to scratch and this isn't helping her. Let her cry her way back to New Jersey and come back stronger next year. Worked for vet Madeline.

I really wish they would leave Kalyssa alone about her appearance... she is no more or less sexy than Holly is yet no one called Holly a stripper every.damn.day. How you perceive someone is entirely on you.


I think she is trying harder and combined with her looks (because she is stunning let's be real) she does look striperish. I mean her facials during the Keys choreo were definitely not what they expect out of their cheerleaders and I can't believe they haven't said anything about it. She is good as she is, I don't get why she feels the need to add stuff (like smirks and hair flips) to get noticed.

And please fire whoever thought that the hideous fireball song should be used for this choreo. It doesn't even go with the moves.

I also don't get why they would waste again a whole night for choreos they will never use again. Plus, even some of the vets looked awful especially during the contemporary dance. 

I found the media training segment to be really interesting BUT that's not a training, that's testing. I studied journalism and I wasn't a natural the first time they put me in front of a camera so i wouldn't expect a cheerleader to be amazing without attending some kind of workshop before.

Aaaand I found Gina SO irritating, don't know why. The only rookies so far who I like hearing talk are Alexandria and Lauren.

  • Love 6
  On 9/8/2017 at 10:19 AM, dreamcatcher said:


I also don't get why they would waste again a whole night for choreos they will never use again. 



They use them in the show group and special performances, Plus it's Training camp is basically a Long Dance audition it's a good way to test their dancer and add to their dance experience and knowledge. I think it only benefits and i don't see it as a waste of time.

  • Love 2
  On 9/8/2017 at 3:48 AM, MyFavShows said:

Lol at Kelli's shock at how that Alexis was in a car accident on the way to the interview and still showed up like nothing happened.   Yes, Kelli, this is the type of stress your training camp pressure cooker does to people...they don't even want to tell you about things like car accidents cause they are so paranoid that you might see it as a sign of weakness and a reason to cut them ;).


That's a good point! I wonder if Kelli even made that connection. It wasn't poise, it was fear of losing her spot on the team.

  • Love 9
  On 9/8/2017 at 5:10 AM, Quilt Fairy said:

I don't know why they're keeping Brianna.  It's obvious that no matter how much of a ballet background she has, she's not picking up the dance style of the DCCs.  It's also obvious that she doesn't have "the look".  Everyone else looks like a sexy young lady, Brianna looks like a little girl.  You know what she'd be good in?  She'd make a good Clara in The Nutcracker.  A DCC?  Not so much.


I actually disagree -- I don't think this group of DCC are that pretty or sexy at all.  Brianna is actually the prettiest, she just doesn't have that tarted up skank DCC look. You can slap that look on a non-attractive girl and she looks like a DCC. Brianna had a much more East Coast look that just isn't the DCC (lack of) style.

  • Love 11

Really Mentor Melissa is something big in the DCC World because she won DWTS and is a former DCC (who was not a standout DCC, and kept changing her mind about being on the team because of her on and off again relationship with her boyfriend.) Seriously...

I chuckle at Kelli when she said a few of the girls kept saying the same word over and over again. Has she watch the show before? They all are guilty and yes I am looking at you Kelli of saying the same blasted thing over and over again. I am disappointed with the girls who made the squad since Season 7. Yes, there have been a few standouts, but now it seems it just a group of blenders.

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