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S07.E06: Beyond the Wall

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8 minutes ago, screamin said:

Can't see how Sansa won the game of faces, Arya told her no lies and Sansa didn't guess any. IMO, Arya is resuming their old adverse relationship that they had as children, except now instead of pranking her with sheepshit, she's pranking her with death threats. I can't see what else she's driving at, at this point.

Maybe that's why, Sansa's fear is enough to know she's not playing Jon, if she gave any hint she was or if she cried and begged, I think Arya see that as a weakness or lies, and Sansa would be dead.

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6 minutes ago, crowceilidh said:

So Dany's objection to marrying Jon is that he's too little?  (Yes, I get the joke, Kit is short).  But  was she really making a comment about his physical size or what is she really saying?  KitN is not royal enough for her?  Who would be?  If that comment had no double meaning, then I am super unimpressed.

It is just the latest in a long line of Kit Harrington is short jokes that the writers keep putting into these episodes because they think it is funny. I wouldn't read anything more into it than that.

Edited by LanceM
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5 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

This is medieval fantasy Westeros, not 21st America with estate attorneys.  In any case, how does someone who hasn't won a throne make plans for someone to inherit? LOL at her making the plans for the dragon though. Again, the purpose of the conversation was to inform the audience that Daenerys believes that she is infertile.

The purpose was twofold:  1) to remind us all that she's barren (or is she?); and 2) to reinforce how short-sighted she is.  As Daario has said, she's a conqueror, not a leader. A true leader would make plans. 

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28 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Is she not entitled to be frustrated with Brienne basically acting like her babysitter?

Brienne is devoting her life to Sansa's safety. Sansa knows this and is happy to take advantage of it when it suits her purpose. Brienne tries to do something to help ensure Sansa's continued safety and Sansa's response is to give her an ungrateful and snotty attitude. I think Brienne deserves better than that considering everything she's done for Sansa so far. Sansa is turning her anger and irritation on the wrong person and I felt zero sympathy for Sansa's frustration in that scene. Even when she's "safe" at Winterfell, I think Sansa's history does seem to suggest that she needs a babysitter with muscle. 

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6 minutes ago, Francie said:

Was that Tyrion's plan? I thought it was Jon's. And exchanging one wight for one dragon is not exactly a great trade. 

Okay, no one here is stupid enough to think that Cersei's gonna change her gameplan upon seeing the wight.  Why are all the people who actually know her even more blind to that? 

It was Tyrion's plan. Jon doesn't offer to go until after Jorah says he will get the wight and Davos points out that the windings won't follow Jorah. 

I agree about Cersei which makes this an even bigger blunder by Tyrion. Everyone but Varys is relying on him to be the Cersei expert.

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I am not as invested in the series as a lot of people even though I have read every. single. increasingly ponderous. book. I thought the episode was epic, I do wish that Jon and Dany weren't so closely related but hey, there is nothing that can be done about that. I also laughed a lot as the Magnificent 7 journeyed on--the Hound's repartee especially tickled me, I cried when the dragon died. I do rather hate the way the Double Ds chose to end the Benjen storyline, but what the hell? LOL. I try not to think too rationally about some of the action in the episode (such as the speed at which Gendry got help, etc.) Ultimately, the David's have to move the story along to some conclusion--in the books isn't Dany is still freaking 14? Considering the length of the books plenty of editing had to be done and I certainly appreciate that. BTW, I just had to look up Kit's height--supposedly 5'8 which probably means in 5'6 IRL.

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6 minutes ago, crowceilidh said:

So Dany's objection to marrying Jon is that he's too little?  (Yes, I get the joke, Kit is short).  But  was she really making a comment about his physical size or what is she really saying?  KitN is not royal enough for her?  Who would be?  If that comment had no double meaning, then I am super unimpressed.

He is tiny next to 6'4" Jason Momoa, but Jon definitely has more going for him than Hizdar zo Lorak.

Maybe she saw him bathing at Dragonstone and had a George Costanza moment.  "I was in the pool!"

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I wanted Rhagerian to save jon from the ice. I honestly thought that was going to happen and would have been an improvement on what actually happened. It's one more reminder that Jon is a Targarean and Rhaegarian could have warmed Jon up. 

Did Jon not get on Drogon because of what Thoros said about him needing to kill the night king? He's so impulsive and doesn't think things through.

Why did Dany pull her hand away from Jon? My immediate thought was of Back to the Future when Marty and Lorraine kiss and it doesn't feel right since he's her son. More likely the chemistry was too strong for Dany and she pulled away.

Agree with others that the Arya/Sansa storyline is annoying. These girls learned so much over the years and you'd think they should know better but their issues make them blind. Kind of realistic if you think about it which is why it's not very satisfying. 

Edited by SoWindsor
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6 minutes ago, crowceilidh said:

So Dany's objection to marrying Jon is that he's too little?  (Yes, I get the joke, Kit is short).  But  was she really making a comment about his physical size or what is she really saying?  KitN is not royal enough for her?  Who would be?  If that comment had no double meaning, then I a super unimpressed.

It was a double entendre on the part of the writers.  Dany meant "too little" as you said, not a big enough fish in the sea to qualify as husband material.  The writers, however, have been poking Kit Harrington this season (and when he got resurrected too).  This was the 2nd  "little" Jon Snow joke in as many weeks.  Last week was Gendry saying "you're shorter than yours" when Jon said to Gendry "you're slimmer than your father".  Kind of lame, IMO.

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First thoughts:

That was amazing scenery on the Wight Hunt.  Is this Iceland--the scenes with the river/creek flowing through the snowy terrain?  Gorgeous.

The interaction between the men was great.  Can Beric and Jorah have a voice off?  I could listen to them read the phone book.

Dany to the rescue!  I have hated losing each dire wolf, and now to have lost a dragon!  Hard to watch but packed a real emotional punch.

Okay, Kit may not be the tallest, but when you have a face like that you'll never be lonely.  LOVED the Dany/Jon scene on the boat.  Finally felt the connection, and heat!


Somehow Arya is just testing Sansa.  Not liking this interaction.  Maisie and Sophie are great together though.

And hoping that ultimately Bran can warg into Viserion and use him to kill the Night's King.

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12 minutes ago, Francie said:

Was that Tyrion's plan? I thought it was Jon's. And exchanging one wight for one dragon is not exactly a great trade. 

Okay, no one here is stupid enough to think that Cersei's gonna change her gameplan upon seeing the wight.  Why are all the people who actually know her even more blind to that? 

It was Tyrion plan after Dany refused to help Jon against WW because Cersei would remain in the throne,etc. Jon did it because he realized it was the only way to convince both queens

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Just now, screamin said:

The only way you could know that for sure is if you know what Sansa is thinking...so how do you know that?

If Brienne witnessed how Arya came up to Sansa with a knife talking about cutting off her face to add to her collection...do you think she'd side with Arya over Sansa? She's a bodyguard. Which sister is more likely to be capable of being a physical threat to the other, and need Brienne's physical protection from the other? Brienne sparred with Arya herself - in a physical face-off between the sisters, which one do you think she'd consider more of a threat to the other? IMO, she'd side with the one who appears to be in greater danger from the other - that's undoubtedly Sansa.

Are you seriously saying that Brienne is just going to go and kill Arya? Because Arya scared Sansa with her FM talk after she found Sansa snooping in her room?

Brienne has sworn to protect both daughters! You don't think the sensible option here is to confide in Brienne and tell her everything and ask her to go talk to Arya first? Instead of sending her off to frigging Cersei because Cersei send them a letter? So she is sending Brienne off to meet a dangerous, untrustworthy person instead of having her intercede between her sister and herself? That's the sensible decision to take?

Sansa comes across as an utter moron here. Instead of trusting in Brienne, she trusts in LF of all people. Why is she discussing Arya with LF? Why is she not using Brienne to keep an eye on LF and see how Arya got the letter? There are so many ways she can use her body guard, but instead she does not bother to explain anything and rudely sends her off to meet with Cersei.

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7 minutes ago, Francie said:

Sadly, I don't think it had any other meaning. And it's a tired joke. Wish they had kept Vanessa Taylor and not promoted Dave Hill.  The inner circle of four in charge are becoming more and more dude bro/AWG. 

Lord, yes. I know some find the meta jokes amusing, but they bother me so much. I don't need Daenerys speaking in the voice of the dudebro writers, thanks.

1 minute ago, SoWindsor said:

Why did Dany pull her hand away from Jon? My immediate thought was of Back to the Future when Marty and Lorraine kiss and it doesn't feel right since he's her son. More likely the chemistry was too strong and she pulled away.

It was pretty ambiguous (as most scenes with these opaque actors are), but I interpreted it as her feeling overwhelmed by emotion/realizing she let her guard down and backing off. 

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Dany should have contingency plans and she should communicate those plans to her followers should anything happen to her.

I admit I'm torn on this issue. On the one hand, a true leader whose goal is to "break the wheel" vs. wearing the crown would ensure that he or she had a named heir in place, to carry on the important mission that is not about wearing a crown. On the other hand, history has more than shown that when you explicitly have an heir, there tend to be some dastardly types who will plot to get that heir in your place sooner rather than later. So in my view, both Tyrion AND Dany have solid points.

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5 minutes ago, Kanner said:

It was Tyrion's plan. Jon doesn't offer to go until after Jorah says he will get the wight and Davos points out that the windings won't follow Jorah. 

I agree about Cersei which makes this an even bigger blunder by Tyrion. Everyone but Varys is relying on him to be the Cersei expert.

Yep the series made Tyrion the engineer of Dany's downfall.  He becomes too clever for his own good

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I LOVED Tormund grabbing Gendry's war hammer "You can run faster without that.  Give it.  GIVE.  IT."

That may have been my favorite scene of the episode.  And Gendry can run like a greyhound.

Oh, and East Watch looked pretty cool in the details we got to see this week.  The landing at the top of the Wall, and those crazy stairs....plus being right on the sea.  Great CGI all the way around.

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9 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

This is medieval fantasy Westeros, not 21st America with estate attorneys.  In any case, how does someone who hasn't won a throne make plans for someone to inherit? LOL at her making the plans for the dragon though. Again, the purpose of the conversation was to inform the audience that Daenerys believes that she is infertile.

Dany doesn't necessarily have to get married or name an heir. She could make a decision about what she thinks the plan should be. The queen approved plan is to have an election or a king/queensmoot or something. Maybe have a triumvirate or something made up of three people she chooses. I think coming up with some sort of plan is better than having nothing at all. So all of their work should just be for nothing if she gets sick or poisoned or catches an arrow or whatever? No plan makes sense because she isn't on the IT yet? 

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12 minutes ago, stagmania said:

There was nothing on screen to indicate that Sansa was onto Littlefinger. He pointed out that Brienne is not strictly loyal to her, and is honor bound to defend Arya, too. Which to me means she wouldn't let them hurt each other-and Sansa's response was to send her away. 

Brienne's a bodyguard, not a nanny. She's not going to referee squabbles and send them both to bed with a cup of chocolate, and they're not preschoolers. She sparred with Arya herself and knows she's dangerous. If she was told Arya threatened Sansa - which she DID - well, she knows damned well Arya is physically capable of being a threat, and Arya seems very proud and hubristic, unlikely to deny having done what she'd done if confronted about it. If Arya loses her temper again and does something that LOOKS like another threat to Sansa with another knife, it will be Brienne's responsibility to react as a bodyguard and disarm her - and knowing Arya's skill, Brienne can't guarantee she can do it without harming her. 

Not to mention that if she does manage to disarm Arya without killing her, she becomes the kind of impeccable character witness obliged to state that yes, Arya DID threaten the regent appointed by King Jon himself - which would be treason, punishable by death - likely the result LF is aiming for. Even if Sansa commutes the sentence to imprisonment or exile, the relationship between the sisters will be irretrievably broken - probably what LF wants.

Edited by screamin
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51 minutes ago, anamika said:

Things that confused me:

Who send the letter to Sansa inviting her to KL? Cersei? Why?

Even if the invite was real, I saw this as Sansa responding to Littlefinger's remark about Brienne needing to intervene if the sisters were threatening each other by sending her away. After watching them spar, she may fear that Brienne would side with the warrior sister. I think she's wrong, but Sansa's paranoid like that now. 

I have missed the slower paced travel scenes recently, so I loved the scenes of the party wandering through the snow talking smack. This was Tormund's finest hour, which is why I was so sure he was about to die. I love that Thoros of Myr doesn't remember the attack on Pyke. It's one of those in-jokes that's legendary it's been going on so long. Jaime and Jory Cassel talked about it way back in the third episode of the show, I think (I'm watching season 1 and season 7 at the same time this month. There are MANY callbacks). Everyone was there, and everybody remembers it, but not Thoros, who was blacked out drunk. 

I am sad they are going south on a boat, because I wanted Dany to meet the Stark sisters, while wearing her "Beyonce at a White Party" outfit.

This happened more or less like I expected - I was spoiled without realizing it months ago, I accidentally red set spoilers but decided there was no way these events were actually going to happen on the show, but last week when they set off to capture a wight I realized it was all true. Which sucks, I hate being spoiled. The only thing that really happened differently is they sent a raven to Dany and it got there in time, which WTF, were they on that island for a week? Dragons fly fast, but ravens? I though it took a couple days for a raven to get from the north to KL, and Dragonstone is a few hours from KL by rowboat, just ask Gendry. So I though Dany would have a bad dream, or just get up from that conversation with Tyrion and say, "oh fuck, those assholes are gonna get killed, I better go save them." Or even, "I should have gone myself," because she should have.

The other thing I realized is that, while I still think it's unlikely, I don't actually think it's impossible that this ends with some kind of White Walker victory. Because just  like at the end of Hardhome, we see that you don't defeat the Night King, you just escape him. Even if you come at him with three dragons and the fucking Hound.

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I want a scene with Davos and Tyrion drinking and comforting each other because it is so hard to get Jon and Dany to follow their advice anymore. (It doesn't matter if I agree with the advice or not).

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3 minutes ago, MichaelaRae said:


I admit I'm torn on this issue. On the one hand, a true leader whose goal is to "break the wheel" vs. wearing the crown would ensure that he or she had a named heir in place, to carry on the important mission that is not about wearing a crown. On the other hand, history has more than shown that when you explicitly have an heir, there tend to be some dastardly types who will plot to get that heir in your place sooner rather than later. So in my view, both Tyrion AND Dany have solid points.

I think having a named heir, and then having dastardly types plotting against the heir is still a more stable choice than not naming any heir and having even bigger squabbles and fighting. 

Who was the king who gave his bastard son the sword that's always given to the heir? Look at all the havoc that wreaked. 

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Edited by VCRTracking
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1 hour ago, DarkRaichu said:

Does anyone else think NK did not immediately kill Jon & co because he was waiting for the dragons???  We saw in episode 1 he had at least 2 wight giants that could easily cross the frozen/unfrozen lake to crush Jon & co.

Instead he was waiting with ice spears ready to shiskabob the dragons

Yeah. I think it's a hint he has some ability like Bran's. He was way too ready for the dragons. There was no way he was using those spears on people.

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6 minutes ago, anamika said:

Are you seriously saying that Brienne is just going to go and kill Arya? Because Arya scared Sansa with her FM talk after she found Sansa snooping in her room?

She walked up to her holding a knife, talking about cutting her face off. If Brienne saw that, do you think that would look to her like a harmless childish prank? If she were there and did nothing, she'd be a pretty poor bodyguard.

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6 minutes ago, Drogo said:

We might be down a dragon,  but at least we have Tormund and Brienne's great big monster babies. 

Heh, it was not the lost of a dragon that upset me, it is the fact that Tyrion's stupid plan gave NK a dragon to ride.   NK could theoritically ride Veserys and crash the Cersei vs Dany meeting next week :P

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2 minutes ago, MichaelaRae said:


I admit I'm torn on this issue. On the one hand, a true leader whose goal is to "break the wheel" vs. wearing the crown would ensure that he or she had a named heir in place, to carry on the important mission that is not about wearing a crown. On the other hand, history has more than shown that when you explicitly have an heir, there tend to be some dastardly types who will plot to get that heir in your place sooner rather than later. So in my view, both Tyrion AND Dany have solid points.

I was far more disturbed by Danaerys getting mad at Tyrion for pointing out the obvious that she missed (when she once again accused Tyrion of thinking of his family).   Dany does NOT try to put herself into her enemies shoes, and think tactically.  She is all emotional about everything, and Tyrion was right, she is quick to anger over stupid stuff.  She needs to grow up....she's now THE CinC of a huge armed force, and soon to be an ally and in charge of a Joint Force, but she is still thinking with her emotions.   And Dany wields the biggest, and most terrible weapon, her Dragons, so she needs to give some long and clear thought on exactly HOW she wants to utilize them moving forward. I hope Jorah can get a hold of her impetuousness and actually TEACH her some battle strategy.  It seems to me that she is far to pissed at Tyrion to actually listen to him (because the Casterly Rock plan failed, and Euron got the jump on Yara.....which was Yara's own bloody fault, not Tyrion's).   But I suppose, plot is why this is stupid.  Again, my opinion only, but we could use far more important character interaction (*cough* Jon learns from the Hound AND Gendry about their time with Arya) than just stupid drama for stupid drama's sake.

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4 minutes ago, screamin said:

She walked up to her holding a knife, talking about cutting her face off. If Brienne saw that, do you think that would look to her like a harmless childish prank? If she were there and did nothing, she'd be a pretty poor bodyguard.

Wait. You are being actually serious?! So you think in that scene, Brienne would have rushed in and chopped off Arya's head with Oathbreaker?

And Sansa send her off to prevent that?

The justifications for Sansa's moronic decisions gets more nonsensical by the minute.

Edited by anamika
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2 minutes ago, Couver said:

Yeah. I think it's a hint he has some ability like Bran's. He was way too ready for the dragons. There was no way he was using those spears on people.

I keep think that the others are in the same boat as the wildings. For their own safety and survival, they need to get south of the wall. An asteroid hit up north and destroyed part of their land mass or something.  But, yes, the whole point of this, I'm convinced, is that those two shapes, the spiral and the circle with a line through it, mean something. The WW need something, and they are building an army because numbers is one way to help them achieve their goal. 

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57 minutes ago, Avaleigh said:

I cringed at the way Sansa spoke to Brienne. Has Sansa done a single thing to earn Brienne's continued loyalty? I don't like the way Sansa takes Brienne for granted and hope that she learns to appreciate her. It's also sad that Sansa knows what sort of person Littlefinger is and still happily confides in him at any given turn. 

1 hour ago, Bongo Fury said:

But, she's doing it for reasons, she has done nothing to cause Brienne not to be loyal to her either.

In this case, she's is having a representative for House Stark, Brieene isn't on Cersei's head list, Sansa knows about Brienne and Jaimie. If Sansa isn't forceful then LF could use Brieene, which vow does she honor: The one to Cat, protecting both her daughters, or the one to Sansa, having to fight and possibly kill Arya to protect the sister who she pledged her life too to defend from anyone that can do her harm?

She didn't say one thing he didn't already know, and she got out of him what she knows, Arya won't hurt her ( That's a chance she's taking )and by him bringing up Brieene's vows, she surmises he's making her a piece in his game.

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4 minutes ago, domina89 said:

I definitely think the NK's plan was to ambush the group and get one or more dragons.  His connection to Bran may be more troublesome than anyone realizes...

This episode proved one thing to me- the dragons need riders.  Hoping Jon fills that role with Rhaegal soon.

I really loved the Jon/Dany scene and I am looking forward to where this may lead.  Once Dany stopped demanding Jon's fealty and respect and actually did something to earn it, Jon had no issue bending the knee.  Jon is practical, not prideful.  It's never been about his pride, only his people.  Ned drilled the idea of "whoever passes the sentence swings the sword" into the Stark kids and Jon, especially, took it to heart.  That works as a metaphor for his approach to life- if you make a decision, you follow through, even if it is a very difficult thing.  Once Jon saw that Dany was willing to follow through- she risked her life and the life of her children to help him- she earned his ultimate respect and he gave her his fealty, because it is exactly what he would have done if he had been in her shoes.  Good stuff.

Great point!  A hundred uppies!

I think that definitely surprised her, and I hope she takes it to heart going forward.  You have to EARN respect and loyalty.  The name Targaryan is NOT enough.  You could see how much it meant to her to hear she'd earned Jon's fealty.

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1 hour ago, Skeeter22 said:

So Faceless Men just carry their faces around in their luggage? Seems very inconvenient. 

I had to stifle a snort at that. So goofy. I'd find the whole Faceless Man thing more believable if it involved a glamor of sorts (kind of like the magic the Red Woman uses to obscure her older self).

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10 minutes ago, dragonsbite said:

I'm tempted to make a cosplay outfit: redshirt wight hunter.

Be sure to include a hood! The red shirts were the only ones properly dressed for the cold...

I'm fanwanking that the physiology of people in this world is just different, and they're not as susceptible to frostbite and hypothermia as we are, but their repeated exposure, and particularly Jon falling into the freezing water, had me rolling my eyes. And clearly he was affected/ near death, which is why I was totally taken out of his final scene because why would you leave your unconscious, nearly frozen-to-death friend half naked in bed??? (I know, I know, Dany needs to ogle his scars and his nudity...) Pull the damn covers up for the poor guy!

Edited by dargosmydaddy
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1 hour ago, GraceK said:

I'm also seriously annoyed that  when it comes down to it, they went on this ridiculous Wight hunt and lost Viserion purely to convince CERSI about the WW threat. Why is she even a factor? It's such plot armor and Lena Heady fan service at this point. She's the least trustworthy person , not to mention a sadistic psychopath who is not even intelligent enough to look out for her best interests. There is no way she  will actually help them.  It just makes everyone other character  look unbelievably naive and stupid to think she can be reasoned with.

100% agreement.

I also don't think you can convey the WW threat with one undead wight. Yes you can show off something no one generally believes but until a character sees like Dany did the sheer number of wights and sees the NK & WW I don't think they will feel any urgency. At best they'll just let Cersei know that there is a threat she can sit back and let wipe them out.  Then she will probably think she can swoop in and finish off the NK and rule.

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2 minutes ago, GraceK said:

I'm also seriously annoyed that  when it comes down to it, they went on this ridiculous Wight hunt and lost Viserion purely to convince CERSI about the WW threat. Why is she even a factor? It's such plot armor and Lena Heady fan service at this point. She's the least trustworthy person , not to mention a sadistic psychopath who is not even intelligent enough to look out for her best interests. There is no way she  will actually help them.  It just makes everyone other character  look unbelievably naive and stupid to think she can be reasoned with.

Pretty much this. Listening to Tyrion spout that nonsense about convincing Cersei made me want to punch him the face. He knows better. The show is making him and Varys look like fools. Jorah too for going along with this ridiculousness. Jorah has no conflicting loyalties and knows better. It is unbelievable that he went along on that wight capture craziness and  now with this plan to negotiate with Cersei.

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50 minutes ago, Cthulhudrew said:

Why, oh why do people stop everything they're doing and pause dramatically when something tragic happens, despite the fact that they're knee-deep in the middle of a hostile force? It's so stupid when shows do that. Yes, we get it, it's sad and ominous, but surely you can show us that without having people act like complete morons in its wake?

I was the one screaming "Leave! The Night King just took out a dragon! Why are you still on the ground?" Thank goodness I have no neighbors on either side of my house. They would have thought I was crazy!

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Noooooo, Viserion (or Rhaegal ???) !!  Ugh, I didn't know it would happen in this episode, but someone left a spoiler comment about this on a Youtube video.  I was hoping it would have been just a rumor... damn it!  If Jon would have just immediately got on Drogon they might have escaped in time. >:(

(I feel bad to say this, but I do hope that it was Viserion.  I'd rather it be him than Drogon or Rhaegal - still hoping we get a scene between Rhaegal and Jon.)  Although, I didn't want to lose any of them!

Sansan/Arya:  Ummmm, what the heck is going on?  I felt annoyed last week at what felt like forced drama, but now it's really amping up.  Essentially to the point that we are lead to believe the sisters are plotting to kill each other???  WHAT!??  I understand Arya's anger at losing her father and blaming Sansa and even thinking Sansa might be plotting against Jon, but really?  And why is Sansa voluntarily talking to Littlefinger?  I thought she understood how much of a manipulator he is.

I can only hope that it will be revealed that both girls are playing Littlefinger.  And where the hell is Bran in all of this?

Why did Sansa get a letter to go down to King's Landing/who sent it?

Wow, the writers are just making time into a joke now.  How long were Jon and the gang waiting for Daenerys?  A day, maybe a day and a half?  When that should have taken, what - a month??  Lol.

Still the dumbest plan to get a wight and bring it to Cersei.  I really don't see how that plan is going to work next week.  Cersei is not a logical person who can look at the bigger picture.

Jon called Daenerys, "Dany".  Weird.

I feel like we could still use 4 more episodes till the season finale.  Is the next episode gonna be longer or just the same time length?  

Guess that means we won't get any reveal on Jon being a Targaryen to anyone else this season then :(

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11 minutes ago, screamin said:

Brienne's a bodyguard, not a nanny. She's not going to referee squabbles and send them both to bed with a cup of chocolate, and they're not preschoolers. She sparred with Arya herself and knows she's dangerous. If she was told Arya threatened Sansa - which she DID - well, she knows damned well Arya is physically capable of being a threat, and Arya seems very proud and hubristic, unlikely to deny having done what she'd done if confronted about it. If Arya loses her temper again and does something that LOOKS like another threat to Sansa with another knife, it will be Brienne's responsibility to react as a bodyguard and disarm her - and knowing Arya's skill, Brienne can't guarantee she can do it without harming her. 

Not to mention that if she does manage to disarm Arya without killing her, she becomes the kind of impeccable character witness obliged to state that yes, Arya DID threaten the regent appointed by King Jon himself - which would be treason, punishable by death - likely the result LF is aiming for. Even if Sansa commutes the sentence to imprisonment or exile, the relationship between the sisters will be irretrievably broken - probably what LF wants.

Absolutely none of this was expressed or even implied as being part of Sansa's thought process. If you want to twist logic into pretzels trying to find a way for her to be the good guy here, go for it, but you probably shouldn't expect others to agree.

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I like Arya and Sansa both, and they both annoyed the heck out of me this episode.  

I nearly cried when the dragon died.  I knew it was coming (probably much later than most) but it was still hard to watch.  And I thought Dany looked pained when she saw it.  

I did wonder why the WW were just hanging out, waiting.  I like the idea this was a setup.  I'm not sure how they'd know this group was coming, but once they were there I can see them expecting the dragons to come save them.  I'm not totally convinced though.  Regardless, they now have a dragon of their own... dammit.

I thought maybe Jon was resurrected again.  I thought for sure he had died, but maybe not.

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9 minutes ago, that one guy said:

WTF, were they on that island for a week? Dragons fly fast, but ravens? I though it took a couple days for a raven to get from the north to KL, and Dragonstone is a few hours from KL by rowboat, just ask Gendry. So I though Dany would have a bad dream, or just get up from that conversation with Tyrion and say, "oh fuck, those assholes are gonna get killed, I better go save them." Or even, "I should have gone myself," because she should have.

I am tired of calling out the usage of warp engine in these later episodes.  I am just going to fanwank that Eastwatch is by the sea and has a lot of southbound wind to push the raven.  At least they showed that Jon & co were surrounded all night long, ie the rescue was the next day.  They could have made the dragons show up 2 minutes later :P

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