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S19.E24: Double Eviction


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1 minute ago, Pondlass1 said:

Since Paul's directing traffic at all times, I wonder who he'll take to the end?  I think he'll take either Josh or Kevin.  Neither have really played the game so if the jury is fair, they have to give the money to Paul who's played hard every second.

Or maybe Jason. I absolutely think he'll lose Alex and Christmas first. Alex has a decent comp record and Christmas is too likeable. 

6 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

I still blame them taking all the drama out of nominations when they ditch the key wheel for the bluetooth wall. There is no suspense "Hamster One... you are safe." or message sending "you got the last key for a reason!" etc. anymore.

It had become something of a joke with the HoH dragging that huge heavy wheel around, but I agree it was an important part of game strategy.

That could easily be fixed with a better key holder.  Maybe putting the keys into numbered slots in a 4 by 4 "chopping block".  Fake wood grain plastic and everything, no more than a couple pounds.

Edited by PaperTree
  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, notagoodsport said:

Congratulations Paul! UGH

 I'd root for Paul if he actually had to dodge bullets or be on the bottom and having to socialize or strategize his way back to the top.  

I'm still hoping for a light bulb to light up over someone's head (won't be Josh)  ...  "Why are we all doing what Paul says all the time?  Why are we handing him $500K?  Why does HE never go up as a pawn?"

Dangerous words... but at least there'll be some drama 

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Paul threw it.  Christmas might have too.


To me it looked like Christmas was trying to push it so hard to go off the board so Paul would win, and he went weak to make sure he didn't.  

I sooooo want Derrick to come in and make an off hand comments like - I guess none of you want to win with a Vet still in the game.

I was yelling F.U. at the tv when Jason was giving his nom speech about wanting to spend time with Mark and Elena outside the house - dude you are in with the group that is bullying them - you are NOT worth spending time with outside the house.

Edited by Boilergal
additional thoughts
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Snappy said:

Had Cody had half as much personality in the house as he did in his exit interview, he'd still be in the house,

No, he wouldn't be.  The Paulettes are all marching in lock-step; Cody "turning on the charm" wouldn't make the slightest difference.  If he was more personable, Paul would have just said that Cody was "dangerous" because he was showing that he could be a "threat" with his social game, and that's why he needed to go.  And Raven would say that they shouldn't forget that Cody liked Jessica better than he liked her, and Alex would scream "DUDE!!" while wearing nothing but cat ears and her black bra and jumping up and down, and so on.

Cody's personality hasn't affected the game since Week 1.  When the rest of the couples revolted over his backdooring of Christmas and refused to back his play (led by Elena because of her personal affection for Christmas, and look how well that was repaid), that could be laid at the door of Cody's "lone wolf" demeanor, even though (allegedly) Mark and Dominique were in that loop, as well.  But after that, with Paul being protected by the Pendant of Producer Power and able to convince the Paulettes that following him was the ticket to Jury and America's heart and blahblahblah, Cody was a target every moment he was in the House, and Jessica was one by dint of association as well.  Once Matt/Raven decided that following Paul meant that they were good people for "sticking to the plan", it was hopeless for the non-Paulette HGs.  

(Obviously, Jessica's foolish decision to try and "build trust" by having the House unite behind evicting Josh didn't help.  Silly of her to assume that others would be put off by Josh's being a childish bullying jerkwater; as seen the next week, several of them [Alex, Christmas, Raven] were just looking for a time to unleash their own Inner Asshole and clearly Josh's public displays of scumbaggery provided emotional reassurance for that, just as Paul worked to keep the group-think going in his "strategy" sessions.  So while Jessica missed a chance to chop a number from the other side of the house, it still would have been 7-against-2, with Mark/Elena/Ramses too scared to make a move for fear of becoming targets.  A difference that makes no difference, most likely, IMO.)

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, GeorgiaRai said:

I'm looking forward to seeing how things play out now that all that remain are HG's with some not the slightest semblance of humanity.

Fixed that for you.  

(And I wouldn't slander Mark by lumping him in with these vermin.  But he'll be free soon enough, so that's just a short-term issue, it's true.)

Edited by Halting Hex
  • Love 8
7 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

I think it's just the show showing it's age, not us... it has definitely morphed into something different from it's "roots". I still blame them taking all the drama out of nominations when they ditch the key wheel for the bluetooth wall. There is no suspense "Hamster One... you are safe." or message sending "you got the last key for a reason!" etc. anymore.

It's a lot of little things like that that have been lost over time for what they think we want, but don't. That includes having Paul back this year for example.

I thought I was the only one who missed the big key wheel...ah, memories. These newfangled tekkie bluetooth screen just do not generate suspense!

  • Love 11
30 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

[The Wheel O' Keys] had become something of a joke with the HoH dragging that huge heavy wheel around, but I agree it was an important part of game strategy.

That could easily be fixed with a better key holder.  Maybe putting the keys into numbered slots in a 4 by 4 "chopping block".

The original key device (in S2-S3, and maybe S4) was a smaller, square block. I believe they swapped it for the Wheel because it was visually lacking, and also because the Wheel forced the hamsters to remove the keys in a specific sequence, rather than random order.  Perhaps they could use some sort of a long rectangular device, with the HoH starting at one end and the HGs working down towards the other.  That would have to be easier to carry than the bulky circular wheel.

Another benefit of the Wheel was that after the ceremony was done, all the HGs except the nominees had their personalized keys, a physical reminder of their (temporary, pre-Veto) safety.  And they would put them back in the slots next to their pictures on the Memory Wall, a visual rebuke to the nominees that they were now outside the circle that comprised "society" in the House. ("Bob has a key.  Stu has a key.  Even freaking Leonard has a key, and he's just obnoxious! I can't believe they put me up, of all people! Etc.") Even pawns got paranoid because of the missing keys, I'm sure.

But you can't stick a key into a Wall O' Bluetooth, so…

  • Love 3
25 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

Fixed that for you.  

(And you shouldn't slander Mark by lumping him in with these vermin.  But he'll be free soon enough, so that's just a short-term issue, it's true.)

Obvs we have different ideas of what are decent qualities in human beings - or maybe just different ways of interpreting what we see.  I appreciate your reiterating of the popular opinion, but don't feel my own needs "fixing"!  But thanks anyway! :)

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, slasherboy said:

Alex looked like she was in her underwear.

Maybe she's practicing for her next gig on Survivor :/ that's all they wear anymore.

11 hours ago, helpmerhonda said:

What the hell was Elena babbling about in that first speech? Good lord.

I'd like to know the answer to that, too! 

7 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

I think it's just the show showing it's age, not us... it has definitely morphed into something different from it's "roots". I still blame them taking all the drama out of nominations when they ditch the key wheel for the bluetooth wall. There is no suspense "Hamster One... you are safe." or message sending "you got the last key for a reason!" etc. anymore.

It's a lot of little things like that that have been lost over time for what they think we want, but don't. That includes having Paul back this year for example.

Right! Julie, or someone, mentioned the Have Nots last night. What? Unless I'm really missing something I don't even know who they ARE.

I miss that as being  punishment or consequence. There's no mention of slop - I actually kinda miss the gross choices people (not me) voted on for them to have in addition to slop.

Why do the "powersthatbe" always ALWAYS try to fix something that's not broken? 

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Aw, I forgot all about the key wheel.  How fun would it have been to watch Paul's head explode if, at any time, one of the Sheeple had forgotten to make sure his key was pulled first?  That would've been good times.

Also, apropos of nothing, I cannot stand the sound of those stupid chips being clinked around in the name draw box.  Alex is particularly horrible when she goes to draw a player's name.  Just another petty reason I really want her to leave the house.


+++1 to this entire post, but I have a question - how did Alex know that Cody had a kid?  Did Kevin tell her?  I can 100% see those jerks using Cody's daughter to get him to self-evict.  No way could he have handled that, and I wouldn't blame him one bit.  But if Kevin squealed, my opinion of him is going to change drastically.

Cody told Kevin, and asked Kevin not to tell. Needless to say, Kevin promptly told and then everyone knew. And started harassing Cody over it. Because that's what polite decent adults do, you know.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Drogo said:

Salty-ass Elena giving her pre-vote speech "I have nothing to say to any of you but Mom it's time for WhatsHerName to get her teeth cleaned, please make that appointment"...?

Really, nothing to say to Mark whose been your friend (+more?) the entire time?  GTFO.

I think she said what she wanted to say to Mark privately. They were in close conversation as soon as he won the veto. 

10 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Didn't you see the Derrick season? Hands down the most boring BB season ever. It was almost like one of CBS's police procedurals....it was so by rote that it wasn't funny and Derrick was calling every shot and not once did any of his sheeple put him on the block.

And he only won 6-3, so I don't understand why CBS treats him like the GOAT. Dan Gheesling won 7-0 and made it to F2 his second time. Dr. Will patented the art of the BB social game. Are they just not returning CBS' calls anymore?

Derrick also had a majority bro-liance, and say what you will about Paul, but at least his core alliance isn't a bro-liance. If one argues he means to cut Raven prior to final 5, he's also not keeping around a Victoria as a perfect goat. Paul is Survivor's Boston Rob on his fourth try more than he's any previous Big Brother contestant: a big personality whose social game was his initial downfall(s), who returns to get a group of malleable people that enjoy being around him.

  • Love 1
30 minutes ago, GeorgiaRai said:

What I saw at the end of the show last night were all the house guests speaking to, congratulating and hugging each other.   I don't like all of them, but I've seen them engage with, at the very least, civility and what even appeared at times to be acceptance & friendliness.   I must've missed Alex haranguing Cody, and can't comment without seeing it for myself.  (I do miss segments due to aforementioned granddaughter who knows not to walk on furniture.) 

I may not be able to live with strangers for a month and come out liking everyone, but I can't relate to someone who actively hates everyone in his/her environment and can't find a nice thing go say about anyone; who believes he's superior to those he deems less physically attractive.  I haven't seen any other HG ostracize someone for their ethnicity or looks.  Banging pots is silly, but way less offensive to me than telling people they're fat & stupid, and calling them by someone else's name because... I guess because all unpretty people are on the same level of useless/worthless.  All of the HGs have had ugly moments, but Cody & Jess are the ones that, in my eyes, didn't balance that out with any redemptive qualities. 


What you saw were friends congratulating themselves on ostracizing other people and giving each other atta boys for treating someone poorly.  I'm not going to defend Cody.  You can like him or hate him and he has done plenty of stuff to warrant engendering both feelings.  But these people systematically targeted and attacked him.  It was their plan to make him feel like shit.  So when they finally accomplished their goal they felt great and hugged and congratulated each other.

  • Love 21
10 minutes ago, MV007 said:

What you saw were friends congratulating themselves on ostracizing other people and giving each other atta boys for treating someone poorly.  I'm not going to defend Cody.  You can like him or hate him and he has done plenty of stuff to warrant engendering both feelings.  But these people systematically targeted and attacked him.  It was their plan to make him feel like shit.  So when they finally accomplished their goal they felt great and hugged and congratulated each other.

I understand you (and most others!) see it that way, and I have no problem with differing opinions.  I'm not trying to change anyone's mind, but like you, I've formed opinions based on what I've seen & heard, and every once in a while, I post them.  I realize I'm in the minority here, and I'm ok with that.  At least I can't be accused of group-think! :)

  • Love 2
39 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

Everything changed when Cody tried to backdoor Paul without telling Cody's alliance first.  At that point, Cody couldn't be trusted

Everything changed when the Pendant of Producer Power was whipped out.  Surprise!

I believe if that hadn't happened, Paul would have been out the door.  At that point, a "get the vet" mob could have been easily arranged.  Cody could  have used the "loose lips" argument for his secrecy.  Jess would apologize profusely.  Then they would have just tried to whack him the next week.

Once that all crashed and burned, the terrified sheep ran to the man with safety for 3 weeks.

  • Love 6
55 minutes ago, mertensia said:

Cody told Kevin, and asked Kevin not to tell. Needless to say, Kevin promptly told and then everyone knew. And started harassing Cody over it. Because that's what polite decent adults do, you know.

I assumed so.  Nice going, Kevin.  He's just as bad as the rest of them.  A man with a posse of daughters at home...wonder how quickly he'd fold if Josh started going all circus-pans on Kevin's daughters?  Jerk.  He had me snowed. 


41 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

And he only won 6-3, so I don't understand why CBS treats him like the GOAT. Dan Gheesling won 7-0 and made it to F2 his second time. Dr. Will patented the art of the BB social game. Are they just not returning CBS' calls anymore?

But but but --- Dr. Will is going to come back and do the jury round-table, right??  Can I at least have that to look forward to?

  • Love 6
47 minutes ago, GeorgiaRai said:

I understand you (and most others!) see it that way, and I have no problem with differing opinions.  I'm not trying to change anyone's mind, but like you, I've formed opinions based on what I've seen & heard, and every once in a while, I post them.  I realize I'm in the minority here, and I'm ok with that.  At least I can't be accused of group-think! :)

I understand.  I'm not trying to change your mind.  And Cody certainly brought a lot of stuff on himself in my opinion.  From my perspective though people are exposed when you see how they treat outsiders.  And just 10 minutes after these civil people were hugging and friendly with each other, Josh proceeded to clap emphatically when Mark was eliminated in the DE HOH comp.  I have no issue with people being excited about winning comps.  But this house dynamic is a little different.  These people are under no stress.  They have no excuse.  The "other" side is so small that its virtually impossible for the Paul side to lose at this point.  So rubbing in a guaranteed victory is a little classless in my mind.

Edited by MV007
  • Love 6
22 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Glad to see others miss the wheel and people physically having their keys. It was kind of a Survivor torch...

And even Survivor has arguably diminished the importance of the torch, by cutting out the March of Dead Survivors on finale night (even though I didn't like it, it was certainly a reminder that a snuffed torch meant you were out of the game).

I will say that one thing I'm glad Big Brother still does, which Survivor stopped doing, is the "reveal the hierarchy of your alliance" challenges. I remember tribal councils changing and alliances getting shaken up because of those. Granted, that didn't happen in Big Brother last night, but there's always that potential. As others have said, Matt and Raven getting chosen after Mark and Elena should've been a huge red flag about their place in the pecking order.

(I don't know why Survivor doesn't do those anymore, except that Survivor has largely shied away from villain edits, and also those kind of "social" challenges aren't as interesting to watch from a visual standpoint as "complete this obstacle course and solve a puzzle" challenges)

Wow, for someone who's trying to promote a career as an on-air personality, Elena sure blew it last night. She was obviously trying to show how witty she is in both of her pre-vote speeches, but she came off as either flustered and incomprehensible (the first speech) or unfunny and pointless (the second one).

And her nitwit demeanor in her interview with Julie was just icing on the cake.

  • Love 2

Ultimately, Cody is a huge jerk, who has transphobic thoughts & comments, & who is too controlling of Jess, a woman he just met 28 minutes ago. Somehow, these douchebags have made me root for him, & Cody has qualities that I detest in real-life people. That exit was pure gold. I did notice that one of the sound people missed one of the ladies calling Cody "dick" when he left. I rewound to make sure. Ugh, these people are just wretched. 

I can only think of 2 things that would've made his exit better.

1. If he'd gotten up on Julie about how things would've been different if America the producers hadn't given Paul 3 weeks of safety at the beginning of the game. That would've shut her up.

2. If instead of blasting Jason & Alex, if he'd said to those morons: "in case you idiots don't know, you're all playing Paul's game, & only 2 people will sit in chairs at the end. Do you think that Paul wants to sit next to Alex, who's a good competitor, or Jason, who's fairly likable, or Kevin, who's a dad (worked for Derrick), or Christmas, who got hurt & couldn't fully-compete, or Raven, who's dying not-fast-enough, or Matt, who's the biggest disappointment this season (seriously, I nicknamed "The Silver Fox" at the beginning of the season, now, he's "The Silver Dud"), but not offensive? Um, no, he wants to sit next to Circus Freak Josh, who has done nothing in the game, except bully & annoy people & he will get no votes, so Paul will win in a landslide. Purposely left you out, Mark & Elena, see you in a few weeks in Cabo! Jet skis!"

I swear, my husband & I agree, if Mark had gone, we would've been out. I pray he wins HOH &/or veto, although, I truly can't wait to see these assholes start to devour each other. My hope is that Matt or Mark win HOH & have a conversation about the pecking order. I have hope that Matt can still switch to the right side, but my hope is fading faster than Raven's condition.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, MV007 said:

Josh proceeded to clap emphatically when Mark was eliminated in the DE HOH comp.  

I hated that reaction - and not just because I like Mark.  But I'm not convinced that Josh doesn't have some sort of personality disorder in real life (oops - breaking my own rule about not judging beyond the show!)  So in my own mind, I've separated him into a "protected class" that I choose to ignore, simply because I think he's behaving at his highest level of capability.  I suspect Jess & Cody, on the other hand,  are both way more functional/rational/personable outside the show. 
If/when Josh reveals that he is really a smart, highly functioning, capable individual who just acts this way out of spite... I'll eat my words.  Please pass the salt. :)

  • Love 7
Just now, GeorgiaRai said:

I hated that reaction - and not just because I like Mark.  But I'm not convinced that Josh doesn't have some sort of personality disorder in real life (oops - breaking my own rule about not judging beyond the show!)  So in my own mind, I've separated him into a "protected class" that I choose to ignore, simply because I think he's behaving at his highest level of capability.  I suspect Jess & Cody, on the other hand,  are both way more functional/rational/personable outside the show. 
If/when Josh reveals that he is really a smart, highly functioning, capable individual who just acts this way out of spite... I'll eat my words.  Please pass the salt. :)

If Josh has a Kaysar Soze moment in the finale, this board owes you a bottle of Dom, which I'll start the GoFundMe account to purchase. That would be the best moment in Big Brother history! I'd be satisfied with Paul going out anytime before the finale, though. A Mark win would be aces!

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

The only bright spots were Cody spilling the faux-tea before he left the house, his stone cold exit, and his hilarious exit interview. "You're going to JURY HOUSE!!!!!" - "cool". You'll finally get some solitude". "No I won't, did you forget you just revealed it's a double eviction night?"

Even though Elena went out the door within the hour, the producers aren't going to send her into the Jury House until they're sure they have all of the footage they need of Cody being by himself. He'll probably have at least a few hours, if not a day or two of solitude.


14 hours ago, slasherboy said:

I remember seasons past when the hamsters got dressed up for the live episode.  These people, not so much.  Alex looked like she was in her underwear.

Alex made herself look even worse when she slouched in her seat.

16 minutes ago, nkotb said:

1. If he'd gotten up on Julie about how things would've been different if America the producers hadn't given Paul 3 weeks of safety at the beginning of the game. That would've shut her up.

Heh. I actually think he got in a jab about this during his first eviction! He had talked about how Paul had an army and an invincibility shield that didn't allow him to get Paul out week 1. 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, MV007 said:

What you saw were friends congratulating themselves on ostracizing other people and giving each other atta boys for treating someone poorly.  I'm not going to defend Cody.  You can like him or hate him and he has done plenty of stuff to warrant engendering both feelings.  But these people systematically targeted and attacked him.  It was their plan to make him feel like shit.  So when they finally accomplished their goal they felt great and hugged and congratulated each other.

At the risk of being snarky, I'd like to see one of the "cool kids" get ostracized now and see how it feels.

3 hours ago, GeorgiaRai said:

What I saw at the end of the show last night were all the house guests speaking to, congratulating and hugging each other.   I don't like all of them, but I've seen them engage with, at the very least, civility and what even appeared at times to be acceptance & friendliness.   I must've missed Alex haranguing Cody, and can't comment without seeing it for myself.  (I do miss segments due to aforementioned granddaughter who knows not to walk on furniture.) 

I may not be able to live with strangers for a month and come out liking everyone, but I can't relate to someone who actively hates everyone in his/her environment and can't find a nice thing go say about anyone; who believes he's superior to those he deems less physically attractive.  I haven't seen any other HG ostracize someone for their ethnicity or looks.  Banging pots is silly, but way less offensive to me than telling people they're fat & stupid, and calling them by someone else's name because... I guess because all unpretty people are on the same level of useless/worthless.  All of the HGs have had ugly moments, but Cody & Jess are the ones that, in my eyes, didn't balance that out with any redemptive qualities. 


When did Cody ever ostracize another houseguest based upon their ethnicity?

The other houseguests did not just engage in "banging pots." Paul specifically stated that their organized, systematic, and weeks-long harassment of Cody was intended to provoke physical violence. Aside from Mark and Elena, the cast at variously times attacked Cody for his armed forces service; suggested that he was not, in fact, a veteran; formulated paradigms in which he was at fault for any aspersions they cast on the military; contradictoriy explicitly stated that his armed conflict background was exploitable and would make it easier to elicit a physical reaction from him in order to get him ejected from the game; asserted that he was lying about the death of his brother; fabricated all of his war experiences from movies; made up his daughter and yet conversely was a bad parent of whom said daughter would be ashamed; contended he brought dishonor upon the Marines and Iowa; and disparaged him for having the temerity to even read the Bible. All of which are profoundly personal and sensitive elements of Cody's foundational identity.

Edited by lunastartron
  • Love 8

I feel like some of what's being said in here is really more feeds related than episode related, because some of this never made the show and while it made media reports, that's not really relevant either. So, for the sake of keeping the broadcast only viewers spoiler free (if they want to remain spoiler/feeds talk free) there is this thread: Season 19 Episode Discussion for Feed Watchers whereupon we can rant and rage about anything we want and the broadcast only viewers can choose whether they want to know or not (or even ask questions that we can clear up). 

Edited by Callaphera
original link pointed at the last point, just changed it to take it to the beginning of the thread
  • Love 3
5 hours ago, GeorgiaRai said:

I'm not sure where to go for absolution, but I am so ashamed of myself for giving Cody even one benefit of a doubt last week and having the thought cross my mind - however quickly - that he might be able to stay in the house and act like anything less than a total jerk.   I find him delusional, ugly-minded and just plain bizarre.  His on-the-table walkout was something my two-year old granddaughter would do...and get scolded for.   I'm so glad he's gone. & hope to never have to see him brushing his teeth, tonguing a spoon, or bragging on himself again. Ever.

I love the campfire punishment & while she hasn't reached Paul's secret-service level of all-in-iosity, I think Alex is doing ok with it.  Obviously Elena had little interest in staying in the house, so I don't blame her for taking the money in exchange for a neon flashing target on her back, but the way she did it left her without even any plausible deniability to defend herself.  I won't miss her. 

Glad Mark won veto & used it on himself.  I understand why Alex is sticking to her final-two with Paul, but I'd much rather see her assemble a new alliance with Mark, Kevin & Jason.  I'm looking forward to seeing how things play out now that all that remain are HG's with some semblance of humanity.

I have actually read on a couple other sites that Paul and his sheep had planned to ruin his exit and remain seated while he left. Paul had his feet up on the table so Cody couldn't walk out that way .

I cant verify as true as i don't get the feeds, but if it's true, I love that exit even more!

Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, GeorgiaRai said:

That one was Jess, not Cody, with Panda-gate.   I guess it's not fair of me to lump the two of them together, but... I do. 

Well, Jess didn't ostracize Alex because of her ethnicity, from what I gathered. Yes, it was wrong to keep calling her Pao-Pao and it could definitely be misconstrued as that. I just think that she just didn't like Cody liking Alex and that was the cause of her hatred and name-calling, rather than because Alex is Asian. 

  • Love 2
40 minutes ago, Snappy said:

At the risk of being snarky, I'd like to see one of the "cool kids" get ostracized now and see how it feels.

I think some of them are going to be in for a shock when they hear what Zingbot has to say about them (especially Josh, if he's still around when/if Zingbot makes an appearance, who can clearly dish it out, but can't seem to be able to take it).

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, MMLEsq said:

I think some of them are going to be in for a shock when they hear what Zingbot has to say about them (especially Josh, if he's still around when/if Zingbot makes an appearance, who can clearly dish it out, but can't seem to be able to take it).

I usually hate anything Zingbot related, but this year's gonna be good!

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

. I just think that she just didn't like Cody liking Alex and that was the cause of her hatred and name-calling, rather than because Alex is Asian. 

I can see how that might be the case.  I'd be more likely to believe it if Jess had admitted what she'd said rather rage at Megan.  I felt she didn't confess because she knew using  Pao Pao was just as insulting.   Also, I thought this happened while Alex was still in Cody's "outsider" category and was too soon to be accredited to jealousy/possessiveness/whatever in Jess.  Again, I only watch the broadcast show, so maybe there were reasons only feeders are aware of.

Just now, GeorgiaRai said:

I can see how that might be the case.  I'd be more likely to believe it if Jess had admitted what she'd said rather rage at Megan.  I felt she didn't confess because she knew using  Pao Pao was just as insulting.   Also, I thought this happened while Alex was still in Cody's "outsider" category and was too soon to be accredited to jealousy/possessiveness/whatever in Jess.  Again, I only watch the broadcast show, so maybe there were reasons only feeders are aware of.

I think Cody liked Alex from the first night, when he saw how tough of a competitor Alex was. He stated in several DRs in the first week how much he respected Alex for being a tough competitor. She almost beat him in the first competition, after all. Agreed that she should have talked to Megan first and admitted what she actually said to Alex, so it's not like I'm defending Jess by saying that she was totally right, because she just wasn't. 

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

I think it's just the show showing it's age, not us... it has definitely morphed into something different from it's "roots". I still blame them taking all the drama out of nominations when they ditch the key wheel for the bluetooth wall. There is no suspense "Hamster One... you are safe." or message sending "you got the last key for a reason!" etc. anymore.

It's a lot of little things like that that have been lost over time for what they think we want, but don't. That includes having Paul back this year for example.

I agree, they really need to bring that back.  My favorite part about the key wheel, was the HOHs who were so dumb they revealed the hierarchy of their loyalty.  My favorite would be the last key, and I would prepare them for that knowledge. 

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36 minutes ago, MarysWetBar said:

I have actually read on a couple other sites that Paul and his sheep had planned to ruin his exit and remain seated while he left. Paul had his feet up on the table so Cody couldn't walk out that way .

I cant verify as true as i don't get the feeds, but if it's true, I love that exit even more!

Plus I've noticed that they are showing less and less of the goodbyes by the HGs. Some don't get any at all.  Time constraints maybe?  I always liked that part, where secrets can be told, etc.

2 minutes ago, marsha said:

I fucking hated Cody and wish he'd never come back from his first eviction. He comes across like a real douche and that walking on the table was ridiculously immature.  Even though I don't like her much either I will say this: "Run, Jessica, run!"

If you look at the video of Cody walking on the table...he did it because Paul and maybe someone else had their legs up on the table.  Clearly, they were not intending to even stand for him.  So he did what he did.  I don't fault him for that.  I prefer it to all the fake hugging.

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