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S19.E23: Power of Veto #7


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Mark should have reconsidered tying up that shirt during the veto competition. Not a good look.

Watching Cody interact with that pack of hyenas in a vain hope of staying off the block made me sad for him. But at least he made an effort.

Elena was smart to grab the money. She already had a target on her back, so she should get what she can now. Her big mistake was promising Alex that she wouldn't curse her. If Elena hadn't promised, Alex would likely still have complained but at least it would have been unjustified complaining. Alex sucks, so I don't like her having the moral high ground in any way. Also, Alex needs to stop shouting in the DR. And everywhere else. So annoying.

I tremendously enjoy that Raven is barely on the show.

  • Love 14

I started out liking alex.....but she just seems hateful and bitter.  Elena had every right to take whatever she wanted.  People lie in this game.  It happens. 

I thought it was sweet that Paul wanted to give Christmas the outback spot.  

Poor Jason. The suit looks miserable. 

I feel for Cody.  Whaaat? How dare these people make me sympathize with Cody!! 

  • Love 2
42 minutes ago, TimWil said:

Alex (re Elena): She literally shot herself in the face.

OK, enough with this constant misuse of the term "literally." It's making me want to shoot myself in the face-figuratively, of course.

Not to mention I've never heard anyone say someone 'shot them self in the face', I believe she was looking for 'in the FOOT' not face. But then this year's cast is big on reinventing wordage what with Josh having people 'lying on me' etc.

Cody is done like dinner. Alex is as delusional as Josh was when saying he was 'sending Elena home'. Didn't happen then won't happen now, for the same Paul-derived reason.

Speaking of Paul's suggestions dictates I can't believe Matt kept himself on the block to help take out Cody, when he's already up for doing Paul's bidding in the first place! Ugh.

4 minutes ago, Cherry Cola said:

People lie in this game.  It happens. 

"This is Big Brother, you can bounce checks up in here. ;-)

  • Love 10

I was confused when Mark said he wanted to win the veto and NOT use it so as to keep Cody safe and shake up the house. First of all, why couldn't we have gotten that outcome instead of Matt winning! Second of all, how would Mark have kept the noms the same without incurring the wrath of Elena? Does this mean Mark is not as into Elena as he pretends to be? If so, he's my new fav houseguest but I really just think the producers asked him to say that because they needed a sound bite.



I thought it was sweet that Paul wanted to give Christmas the outback spot.  

He just did that so he could make sure nobody left in the house talked to Cody and was persuaded to switch their vote.

Edited by lids
  • Love 7

At least Cody woke up and started to play Big Brother. It actually sort of annoys me, because I feel like if the producers hadn't been so super in love with their showmance, we could've seen a lot more pot-stirring and a little more of a challenge for Paul. I believe when Cody was sent out the door the first time, he successfully threw suspicion on Mark and Dominique, and was probably a large part of the reason Dominique was sent home.


21 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Not to mention I've never heard anyone say someone 'shot them self in the face', I believe she was looking for 'in the FOOT' not face. But then this year's cast is big on reinventing wordage what with Josh having people 'lying on me' etc.

Between this and Survivor, I've also heard the following expressions butchered this year:

-foil my plans (not soil my plans)

-under the bus (not under the rug)

-take a shot at  (not take a stab at)

Edited by Eolivet
  • Love 4
47 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Not to mention I've never heard anyone say someone 'shot them self in the face', I believe she was looking for 'in the FOOT' not face. But then this year's cast is big on reinventing wordage what with Josh having people 'lying on me' etc.


I remember Britney in BB12 saying in the DR  "I wanted to shoot myself in the face" re her having to go up to Rachel's HoH room. I must admit it was pretty funny. And she never used the term "literally"!

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Michichick said:

Mark should have reconsidered tying up that shirt during the veto competition. Not a good look.

Oh man, that was a bad decision!  When the camera was panning up his tanned, hairless legs and those thunder thighs, then those embarrassingly-tight short-shorts to that pudgy tummy and teasing belly button, and finally the tied-up shirt and I thought, "Which girl is that?" only to find Magilla Gorilla, was jarring, and that's putting it mildly.



46 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

Take a shot at  (not take a stab at)

I've heard the phrase, "take a stab at" all my life and use it myself.  Where is she from?  Maybe it's a regional thing.

I have a friend who says, "give and take" instead of "give or take".  That and lots of other grammatical things about this friend literally drive me crazy.

  • Love 5

In the case I'm thinking of, "take a stab at" was used as a synonym for "try to remove," which I'd always thought was "take a shot at."

"Take a stab at" I always thought meant "try," so "take a stab at the guy" means ... something different.

But maybe it is regional.

(Can you imagine this group of contestants trying to solve the "you reap what you sow" riddle from several years ago? I'm not sure half of them know what "reap" and "sow" mean)

  • Love 2

Since it can't be said enough...Elena sure was dumb to give up the VETO when she's on the block! I'm mean there is dumb and then there is dumb!

It was SO GREAT to see Alex and Cody interacting again. I really wish they could indeed team up but Paul has such a stranglehold on her she probably doesn't even realize it. Why would she even want to go to the end with him? All the sheeple will only vote for him to win the half a million. 

Anyway after so many years I 'm onto their tricks...splicing in bits like "Maybe Matt won't use the veto" or ""Maybe Alex will work with Cody" all teasing to generate false suspense.

Are Mark and Elena not a couple anymore? His plan not to use the Veto if he won would have put Elena in extreme (no pun intended) jeapordy of going home if Cody was not up there. Who knows...maybe he's realized he should have showmanced Dominique instead...they seemed to really like each other during her time there.

I wish they would phase out the silly costumes....its just so dumb. BB is already as far away from Emmy territory that you can get....stupid get ups does nothing to improve its image.

Screw BB and its fascination with certain characters like Johnny Mac. I would be quite happy never to hear that man-child's name mentioned again.

Losing Jess was a blow story wise now that they have time to fill up without that saga they have to turn to non-entities like Kevin to do so. Even now though they can't muster up enough enthusiams to give Raven any airtime. For heck's sake couldn't we even get a reaction to her boyfriend not taking her to the steak dinner? Speaking of which Paul should have been made to stand there behind Christmas being tantalized by the steak and not being able to have any.

Upcoming Double Episode= NON-event. It always does. Even if Cody survives the first eviction when the new HOH takes power....during the commercial break they will run to Paul and he will tell them to put up Cody. If Cody is not available then it will be Mark. There is not going to be any suspense or drama....unless by a miracle Cody is not voted out first and becomes the HOH....he should instantly put Paul on the block against someone no one is willing to sacrifice....Matt maybe.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, slasherboy said:

Oh man, that was a bad decision!  When the camera was panning up his tanned, hairless legs and those thunder thighs, then those embarrassingly-tight short-shorts to that pudgy tummy and teasing belly button, and finally the tied-up shirt and I thought, "Which girl is that?" only to find Magilla Gorilla, was jarring, and that's putting it mildly.

In one of the Scream movies (two I think...) Shawn(?) Wayans asks about if his yellow shirt makes him look gay, and he then ties it up like Mark had his tonight, and that was all I could think of. So very unfortunate.

41 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Speaking of which Paul should have been made to stand there behind Christmas being tantalized by the steak and not being able to have any.

I noticed they gave them a ton of latitude on being attatched to each other. I agree he should have been watching every morsel of that meal pass right past his head into Christmas'. They also eased up on them going to the bathroom etc. it was the least adherence to a punishment ever. I guess they didn't want to risk Christmas re-injuring herself but it was pretty lame.

I don't know why I found the 'EXTREME' parts so funny, maybe because it was cracking everyone else up too.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 4

Ok, they don't really have to go to the bathroom together, do they? Like, one can just stand right outside the door or something, right? Because that would just be creepy.

Cody is finally playing the game but it's too little too late. He burned way too many bridges. It's funny, Jessica played her best game when Cody was gone and Cody is playing his best game now that Jessica is gone. Those two were just toxic together in this game.

Kevin not knowing who Johnny Mac was cracked me up. Has he ever even watched this show before? (I unabashedly love Johnny Mac, by the way.)

  • Love 3

Actually watched this one…Satan only knows why.

Fake suspense about Matt using the Veto on himself.  But of course he's such a goddamn follower that he won't dare give up his cozy seat in Paul's rectum, even to get off the block.

Alex is incredibly useless and stupid.  Again.  Some more.  "I'm HoH, so I have some say in who goes home" or whatever she said at the end.  Not after you put Target!Cody in the cross-hairs, you dumb piece of shit.  Put up Raven or Kevin or Paul, ffs.  Oooh, Paul might be upset.  Can't have that.  Pathetic.

Paul continues to lack any basic social courtesies, which would be a game necessity, except that apparently Production routinely threatens the contestants' families if they even think of disobeying him.  When he wants Matt to do the Marcellas move, leaving himself on the block despite winning the Veto, which would ordinarily be the stupidest of stupid plays, does Bobblebeard TinyDick ask how Matt feels about this?  Does he attempt to form strategy and get Matt's consent?  Of course not.  He just barks at his loyal dog (this is an insult to dogs, which are much smarter than Matt) "One hundred percent, use it on Jason".  Fuck you, asshole, you didn't win the Veto, did you? (But then, he doesn't have to…there's Big Brother, where you have to influence your fellow players to achieve your goals.  And then there's Paul Abrahamian, Producers' Pet, where a certain micro-dicked asswipe fuckboi gets to bark his orders and have the mindless minions go "yes, boss!"  JFC.)

On the plus side, I don't think that Raven got even one DR and might not have been heard from at all.  Good work. Keep it up.

Now if only they could apply that treatment to pretty much everyone in the house.

Oh, and what sort of asshole screeches for joy every time they get served a course in a meal?  I'm pretty sure these dipshits, I mean "people", have actually eaten before. Possibly even at restaurants, although after that display, I'm frankly dubious.

What a shit show they've turned this into.  I always say that they can't "top" S8 and S15 for Worst Season Ever, but this looks set to give it a good go.  Blech.

Edited by Halting Hex
  • Love 13

Unless Production was doing Alex a disservice by airing her closing statement on this episode out-of-sequence with the PoV meeting, said closing statement was quite possibly one of the most BB-ignorant statements I've heard aired this season - and that's saying something.  For Alex to say "I'm HoH, so I have the power to send you home" after the PoV meeting is just plain stupid, because Alex doesn't have that power; as a matter of fact, Alex no longer has any power at all.

An HoH's last official act of their tenure is to select the replacement nominee if the PoV is played; as soon as that meeting is concluded, their HoH tour is effectively done.  Nothing else to do except maybe break a tied House eviction vote - and with seven HGs voting, the chances of a tie vote between two of the Block noms are extremely slim. 

So what exactly what HoH muscle does Alex think is available for flexing?

  • Love 4
25 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

Did you forget about this creepy exchange:

I did! The brain bleach worked!  Woo and hoo!

Forgot to mention this before, but Alex, dear?  We've seen the titties by now.  Put a shirt on, please.  Seriously, I'm glad that Elena took the $5K just so Alex has to wear the costume.  She wasn't even wearing a sports bra in the first half of the ep (including the Veto comp), am I right?  That was an actual bra bra.

I mean, they're perfectly nice titties and all, don't get me wrong, but this screams "Attention-seeker!" in ways that the cat ears only purred.  Get dressed, already.  [/cranky middle-aged person]

3 hours ago, lids said:

[Paul swapped the dinner with Xmas] so he could make sure nobody left in the house talked to Cody and was persuaded to switch their vote.

Oh, please!  This is the sort of "gamer" crap that I'm sure Paul thinks makes him seem brilliant, but just makes him look even more stupid.  

It's not as though Paul is with Cody 24/7 otherwise.  (We saw Cody having solo talks with Kevin [x2] and Alex, as well as a three-way chat with Alex and Jason in this ep alone.)  He'll have plenty of chances to "persuade" people whether you go eat or not.  And is Paul really afraid of Cody (Cody!) being so strong in the social game that he can take half an hour (these dinners don't last long) or so, and suddenly forge an alliance with Josh and Christmas and Raven, who just happened to be the three biggest assholes who've spent the past two weeks loudly attacking Cody and Jessica?  Hardly seems likely.

What Paul should be worried about, of course, is making sure that he doesn't get backdoored. I mean, his whole shtick has been saying that he "just wants to get the group to Jury", right?  Well, guess what?  They've made Jury now; they don't really need you any more.  So why would you let a group that comprises most of the "power players" in the House (sorry, Josh, I'm not counting you as such) and which includes both the HoH and the Veto holder have an opportunity to strategize and go, "you know, I love Paul, but none of us are beating him in the F2, and maybe the sooner we make our move, the better"?  Those are the people you need to be keeping an eye on, not Kevin and Raven, ffs.

But, of course, where you or I would have to worry about minor things like being considered a target and making sure we don't get backdoored, Producer Puppy Paul has no such concerns.  He never has to play defense because Production has his back.  So he can just plan on steamrolling straight to the end, not a step to the left, not a step to the right.  "It's like fun, only boring."  Sigh.

I did enjoy seeing Christmas Schadenfreude being so ecstatic about being Paul's One True BFF (he chose me to do the skydiving! he gave me his dinner!) in her patented obnoxiously smirky manner, little understanding that Paul threw her over for Alex about six weeks ago, and the Little Xmas That Could might not even have a spot in Paul's final five locked up, never mind F2.

Of course it's incredibly stupid for Alex to be planning to take Paul to the F2, given that he's probably the only one in the House who has a chance of beating her in the Jury Vote…but then, I don't call her Alex the Incredibly Stupid for nothing, after all.  Yeah, keep blocking for Paul, genius!  That won't mess up your game at all!

As I said before…Sigh.

4 minutes ago, Nashville said:

So what exactly what HoH muscle does Alex think is available for flexing?

The one between her ears. Because clearly there isn't a brain there, or any such thing.

Seriously, she's SO stupid.  Biggest waste of potential since…Saboteur Annie?  I don't know.  Grrr.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Blissfool said:

Alex wants to play with Cody but is afraid of backlash from her squad. She should have told Matt that she understands if he feels the need to use the veto on himself because being on the block is dangerous. Then it could have all been "Matt's fault" that Cody escaped eviction.


4 hours ago, Cherry Cola said:

I thought it was sweet that Paul wanted to give Christmas the outback spot.

Hardly.  He always has some scam going.  I agree that he wants to keep Cody segregated.

4 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

"This is Big Brother, you can bounce checks up in here. ;-)

I proclaim you the winner!

1 hour ago, ketchuplover said:

I thought Paul and Xmas would actually be skydiving after the season.

Me too.  I thought they would get to go out of the house and then the house could talk without them there.  It happens every so often that houseguests get to leave for a concert or something.

3 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

Me too.  I thought they would get to go out of the house and then the house could talk without them there.  It happens every so often that houseguests get to leave for a concert or something.

That's what I thought too. I said, "How's she supposed to do that with a broken foot, genius!?"

But then I saw what it really was and I was disgusted by their giddiness. 

Paul was all about gifting things to Xmas this episode. Josh must have told him that she was questioning Paul's tactics last week.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Since it can't be said enough...Elena sure was dumb to give up the VETO when she's on the block! I'm mean there is dumb and then there is dumb!


I disagree. Like Cody pointed out when they were talking, there' no money difference between #3 and #11 finish. Assuming she was the target (which she was fairly certain she was not) if she went to Jury, she'd have $5000, plus her stipend for making it to Jury. 


Realistically, she knows there's no way she's either going to win or come in 2nd. Why not take the 5K and go after a sure thing?

I would have done the same.

Matt, OTOH, is an idiot. He had the veto and used it on someone else. Shades of Marcellus!

Edited by Rosebud1970
  • Love 2

So Cody doesn't get picked to play in the Veto. Now the only way for him to have a chance is if Matt gets Veto, since there won't be a replacement nominee for him. But he's out 4th, so I'm figuring - no way. Alex and Elena want that Veto. But then the unthinkable happens. Both girls are enticed by $5k. NEITHER takes the Veto! Alex not taking it was slightly less stupid, but stupid none-the-less, as most HOHs like to keep the power in their hands. But I guess since it's technically PAUL's HOH, that doesn't apply here. But then Elena.....

Wow. That is one of the biggest bonehead moves I've seen on BB. Not only does she leave herself on the block, when she knows good and well she's not just a pure 100% pawn, but she goes back on a promise she JUST made. Fucking stupid. 

But here I am, all happy inside. Because now Cody has a chance. Except not. I feel like a dolt. Because I never considered that Matt would give the Veto to someone else. I should have. He's been a placid puppet from day one. Why should this time be any different? But it bothered me that it was just a foregone conclusion. There was never even a serious discussion. Cody went to Alex, to try and sway her, which I knew wasn't going to work. Why didn't he got to MATT? That would have been my first move. "Look, dude, let's turn this game on its head. I know you've been trying not to make waves, but you and Raven are next to go after Mark and Elena. Paul is running this show, and his core group does not include you two. " He could have left Jason's ass up there. Then Cody, Mark, Raven, Matt, and maybe Kevin could have voted him out. Leaving Josh, Paul, and Christmas out in the cold.

Now is the time to do something like that. The group is still large enough that you can rally and get numbers. But I guess I underestimated just how much of a servile, brainwashed sheep Matt is.  He's a moron if he doesn't realize his place in the pecking order. And I'm disappointed that it doesn't appear Cody even tried to talk to him about it. But whatever. Once Cody is out, save some fluke where Mark or Kevin make it to the end, I hope Paul wins just to screw all these losers who are content to lay down and play his game. 


Alex is still as annoying as ever. NO, Elena did not LITERALLY shoot herself in the face, you eejit. I LOVED seeing her punishment. That was great. What a freaking nightmare. 

And how hilarious was it when they were all at their Outback dinner and Kevin said, "I guess I'll just have a hot dog when she comes in"? Bahahaha! I'd get sick of hotdogs after the first day of that crap. 

Jason's Extreme-i-tard seemed just as much of a punishment for the rest of the house. Ugh. All that screaming. But it was still a better look than his cowboy hat and that goldamned Whiste-nut shirt. 

Awww, Kevin sticking his head in the freezer to cry. I do that when cutting onions. 

So Josh can spell drought, but can't pronounce "tandem". I bet Jessica is kicking herself for missing that moment. 


Come on, Double Eviction, make SOMETHING good happen!

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Rosebud1970 said:

Matt, OTOH, is an idiot. He had the veto and used it on someone else.


Well, Beardo the Bridge Troll gave the order.  So Matt, having straw for brains, had no other ideas or options. 

I'm just really hoping Cody gives an epic pre-eviction speech to the HGs and tells them what spineless lapdogs they have been and how they are handing the game directly to Beardo.   It probably won't matter to that bunch of mindless minions, but it would be fun to hear.

  • Love 4
35 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Now is the time to do something like that. The group is still large enough that you can rally and get numbers. But I guess I underestimated just how much of a servile, brainwashed sheep Matt is.  He's a moron if he doesn't realize his place in the pecking order. And I'm disappointed that it doesn't appear Cody even tried to talk to him about it. But whatever. Once Cody is out, save some fluke where Mark or Kevin make it to the end, I hope Paul wins just to screw all these losers who are content to lay down and play his game. 

And Paul's sheeple will applaud and jump around like idiots at the finale when Julie "dramatically" pulls Paul's key and proclaims him the winner.  It will be months - possibly years - before these dolts fully comprehend that Paul's win was not their win.  

Cody's strategy of keeping Elena from apologizing to Alex for taking the money was smart on his part.  Cody and Paul are the only two who are actually playing the game and thinking beyond what they're going to have for lunch.  If Cody leaves, it's going to be The Paul Show 24/7, worse than it already is.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 7
3 hours ago, mojoween said:

I noticed when they called people for the veto competition that Christmas and Cody were in the kitchen together.  How did THAT happen?  Thought that was against Christmas's rules?

I think Christmas is a little sweet on Cody; sweet&sour because he devoted himself to Jess in the game.  I thought her "How come you weren't on the wall?"/"You guys evicted me"/"Oops I forgot! I'm so silly!giggle" moment was flirty on her part.  Like that annoying way some people sometimes flirt by feigning stupidity.

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, lids said:

Second of all, how would Mark have kept the noms the same without incurring the wrath of Elena? Does this mean Mark is not as into Elena as he pretends to be?

DOES he pretend to be? Does he even seem interested in her? Save Jody, none of these "showmances" seem to have ANY chemistry. 


8 hours ago, ketchuplover said:

I thought Paul and Xmas would actually be skydiving after the season.

Me too! I'm generally pretty good at discerning punishments from actual rewards, but not this bad. I didn't feel TOO lame, though - as my husband thought Alex won some big camping vacation. 


8 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Oh, and what sort of asshole screeches for joy every time they get served a course in a meal?  I pretty sure these dipshits, I mean "people" have actually eaten before. Possibly even at restaurants, although after that display, I'm frankly dubious.

They had to have been doing it to rub it in to the others, right? Because.....yea, it's not like they're on Survivor. It's not like they're starving and have been subsisting on one scoop of rice a day. Outback is okay, but they have actual food in the house. 


7 hours ago, Blissfool said:

You wish! Did you forget about this creepy exchange:

"Matt, that's the first time I hear you yell."

"It won't be the last. "

"You promise?"



Keep trying to make us think you and Matt have some hot-n-heavy relationship, Raven. Not buying it. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Double Eviction, make SOMETHING good happen!

I would imagine TPTB behind this show check online reaction.  I don't know how good ratings are.  I don't live in the US.

But I'm getting bored.  Production surely must be tempted to intervene because the "Paul & His Obedient Sheep Show" is taking away from what BB is supposed to be about...  the unexpected.   These people (except Kevin) all know the routine.  But none of them seem to be planning more than a day ahead.  

I'm new to BB but I've always watched Survivor and the tribal council is nearly always a lot of fun to watch. More fun than the expected and unanimous voting on BB.

Hope someone wakes up and there's a shake up.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

Just what I want to see, geezer snot on frozen food.

I don't think he was crying heavily enough for snot to be dripping out of his nose. We saw no evidence of this once he removed his head. Also, I'd imagine ANYONE'S snot in the freezer would be gross, no matter how old.  Is there something worse about "geezer" snot, that I don't know about?

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 10

Just curious about the book Cody was reading while sitting in bed - I didn't know the houseguests were allowed any books, including the Bible.  I can't recall ever seeing anyone read in the BB house before.  I used to say that there would be no way I could handle being locked up in that house all summer with nothing to do, but give me a stack of books and I'd be golden.

1 hour ago, Pondlass1 said:

But I'm getting bored.  Production surely must be tempted to intervene because the "Paul & His Obedient Sheep Show" is taking away from what BB is supposed to be about...  the unexpected.   These people (except Kevin) all know the routine.  But none of them seem to be planning more than a day ahead.  


Paul seems convinced (not without reason) that production has his back. But production also has to make a compelling tv show. I'm holding out a tiny scrap of hope that TPTB sit Paul down in the DR and have a stern talk, about how riveting tv needs both a protagonist and an antagonist. And how they will still have his back and not let anything bad happen to hurt his pwecious fee fees or inevitable trip to F2, but showbiz is showbiz, hint hint nudge nudge wink wink. The awful troll uses his powers to "allow" Elena to be evicted, thereby letting Alex get what she really wants, solidifying with her, and preserving the only real competition in the house.

I've watched every broadcast season since S3, and I have put up with a lot, but I can't put up with something as lame and boring as Paul stomping all over the rest of this terrible season.

  • Love 2

Sayonara, Cody. They can tease all they want about Alex wanting Elena out, just like Josh did last week but we all know that Paul wants Cody out and so they will vote him out.

I found it heartwarming when Cody was talking about his daughter to Kevin and he was all, "I know all parents say this, but my girl is smart!" Points for recognizing that all parents think their kids are geniuses, and points for getting excited that his girl is *smart*.

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Not to mention I've never heard anyone say someone 'shot them self in the face', I believe she was looking for 'in the FOOT' not face. But then this year's cast is big on reinventing wordage what with Josh having people 'lying on me' etc.

She may have been overly-conscious of Christmas' injury.

8 hours ago, Rosebud1970 said:

Like Cody pointed out when they were talking, there' no money difference between #3 and #11 finish.

Except that the longer you stay in the house, the more chances you have at winning prizes.

3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Save Jody, none of these "showmances" seem to have ANY chemistry. 

I don't recall which of the women explained it when they unveiled the pairings, but it was basically that they were horny 20-somethings settling for what was available.

1 hour ago, Pondlass1 said:

Production surely must be tempted to intervene because the "Paul & His Obedient Sheep Show" is taking away from what BB is supposed to be about...  the unexpected.

Thinking further about the "Paul never has to play defense" angle, that's surely a big part of the boredom.   Plot and counterplot doesn't work when you never have to worry about things being switched up on you.  Dan Gheesling became a legend for playing defense, that's what "Dan's Funeral" was all about.  He was in seemingly-fatal trouble, but because he hadn't burned any bridges too thoroughly (he was hardly Frank's favorite person, but Frank would at least listen to him) he was able to see the way clear to new allies, saving himself, shaking up the House and evicting the player who had seemed the safest before that. (His mid-season alliance with Memphis in S10 was similar, if less dramatic, and that was after his Week 1 alliance was dramatically destroyed and got marched out of the House, sock puppets and all.  But Dan had a perfect season, never a vote cast against him, and not even on slop, for that matter.)


Dr. Will's game in All-Stars was even more exciting because he was able to slide himself and Boogie through a series of dangerous circumstances (that long run of S6-veteran HoHs at the start) by simultaneously convincing people that Chilltown was no threat because there were only two of them (and of course Will threw every competition he could, so they looked weak) and yet they could be an asset for a larger alliance.  But he only got 4th that season, because he put too much into the "Operation Double-Date" showmance strategy and not enough work into convincing Janelle that Erica was the only player she couldn't beat in the F2 (where was the "there's too many floaters in the Jury" push, Kirby?) and prepping the eviction to go the other way.


At the moment, Paul's game seems far simpler and far more boring (despite being so obnoxious on so many levels) because all it consists of is "the team" knocking off their targets one at a time, and eventually fighting to see who gets to sit next to King Bobblebeard and lose at the end. Yes, if somehow Paul gets evicted, things could change, but we've seen no evidence of anyone planning such a coup.  Even in the best possible scenario for the upcoming Double Eviction (Mark wins HoH, nominates Paul and Alex, so that he knows Jason will vote out Paul, the Veto doesn't come into play), I don't think we could get rid of TinyDick.


(Hypothetical) Votes to evict Paul:  Jason, Kevin (maaaaaaybe), Elena (this assumes a LOT, that she can put strategy over her personal issues with Alex and that Mark can work the fractured showmance enough to get some trust, but let's be optimists here)

(Hypothetical) Votes to evict Alex:  Josh, Christmas, Matt, Raven


The numbers just don't work.  Put up Raven as a pawn, and you gain Matt's vote, but you lose Alex and probably Jason.  Put up Christmas as a "pawn", and everybody except Josh (maybe) and possibly Elena votes her out.  Put up Kevin and he probably gets booted unanimously.  (Elena isn't going to be the outlier on a 6-1 vote.)  He can't be steamrolled by the remnants of the "couples" (especially as Matt/Raven want to protect him at all costs), so you'd need a backstab.  


But Josh missed that chance.  (He would have had to make the deal with Cody/Jessica before the Safety comp so that [hopefully] the third nominee was from the Minions side of the House, and he would have had to use Raven as a pawn to secure Matt's vote, but he could have had Cody/Jessica/Mark/Elena/Matt and possibly Christmas voting out Paul, and with only needing four votes and his tiebreak, he could have survived even two flips. But of course Josh never even had a thought about that move, even though getting Paul out before Jury would have been enough of a coup to make him the frontrunner in any F2 he might have reached.)  And now I can't even see when another one might be coming.  Maybe Alex/Jason/Kevin making a move at the F5, but not before, and that assumes Kevin lasts that long.  Very long odds.


Well, that's what I get for relying on Josh to make big moves, I suppose.  And again I go with "Sigh".

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24 minutes ago, LoneHaranguer said:

I don't recall which of the women explained it when they unveiled the pairings, but it was basically that they were horny 20-somethings settling for what was available.

Surely Matt is at least 30? (And I don't just say that because of the grey hair.) You'd think by that point his hormones would have calmed down enough that he wouldn't need to resort to hitching his ride to uber annoying Raven all season just to get his rocks off. 

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