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S01.E10: Avalanche

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Fuuuuuuuuck that was a rollercoaster. I have whiplash! Juanda, we hardly knew ye. GREAT death scene though.

And the three-way fight between Uncle Daddy and his Boys (to Whitney Houston, no less) was sublime.

This ending did not disappoint. 

And Reva is a GREAT villain. (Who WERE all those old people with guns?)

(Watching Desna's reactions as the upper hand kept changing was worth the price of admission.

This show NEVER underplays...for which I am truly grateful.

  • Love 17
4 minutes ago, ThisOne said:

LOL! That is one story line I am not looking forward to. Hopefully she doesn't keep it, because Desna does not need to take care of a baby. And if Dean and Virginia have a baby, Desna will be taking care of it.

Oh I don't believe for one solitary minute that Virginia is going to actually become a mother. I think it's being done solely to create conflict between her, Dean, and Desna. Speaking of Desna, her Dr. Boo is indeed some kind of a mob criminal.

Edited by Syndicate
  • Love 4

This finale gave me every god damn thing. Some things I wanted, some I didn't want, some I didn't expect, and some that made a bitch literally gasp for air -- e v e r y t h i n g. 

Of course, Claws wouldn't be Claws without literally the most dramatic final moment ever shown. Dean Norris (Uncle Daddy) was literally sweating from squeezing out those tears

And the Riva showdown? Y'all. Y'alllllll. I think I did four literal double-takes from all that foolery. 

  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, kwnyc said:

We all totally called this. :-)

Just as I totally called China Doll ending up knocked up! Not sure that I'm liking such predictability. LOL.

Juanda was fierce in this episode! I wish they had made her part of the main ensemble of women working at the salon. Rather than five of them, made it into six of them.

Edited by Syndicate
  • Love 2

The point I was making terribly in the last episode came to pass in this episode. The Russians were shaking Roller down for $30K a month. You don't watch an operation as closely as the Russians were if you were just satisfied with the $30K. And if Roller had any sense he would have realized it. Pill mills do millions in business. Roller could have come clean to Uncle Daddy about his screw up with Riva's niece. Uncle Daddy could have helped Roller buy his way out of trouble with a lump sum, but ultimately Riva wanted her hooks into the organization in order to unravel it. I knew Riva was higher up than Uncle Daddy in their respective organizations.

Also this mess was still all Roller's fault. His dicking around and refusal to communicate is the reason Riva was able to get her hooks in him. He wouldn't or couldn't tell Uncle Daddy how he screwed up. Desna's attempt to kill Roller accelerated Riva's time frame, but this was clearly Riva's plan from the beginning.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 4

I loved Toby just sitting in the background waiting for this shit to end during the club scenes. The first half was very mafia heavy and there was a commercial during one of those breaks for Animal Kingdom  that started with "The bad boys of the Dixie Mafia will be on a break" and at that point I was annoyed because  I don't  watch for the guys, as entertaining as they can be. The doctor didn't even need to turn around once  they showed who they were walking towards  of course it was going to be him. 


Dean for the win with "stop making  bad life choices!" Even with his own obvious bad storyline heading his way. 


Over all though a finale that did this crazy show justice. 

Edited by Gigi43
  • Love 7

My favorite scenes:

  • Juanda's fight and subsequent death scene.
  • Husser men fighting that ends with all 3 in tears (I was crying with laughter).
  • Dean telling Desna about making better life choices.
  • The old ladies dancing to the Humpty Dance (and everyone being flummoxed, except for Roller who was bobbing his fool head).
  • Said old ladies pulling out alllll the hardware.

Y'all called the hot doctor being super shady and Virginia being pregnant (which...god help us all).

That was really fun.  This is a perfect summer show with just the right amount of episodes.  Can't wait for season 2.

P.S. AMC has been showing lots of Breaking Bad today and I caught a few episodes.  I forgot how much I loved Hank Schrader.

  • Love 14

I'm surprised Jenn actually did the deed with the square dancer.  If I was her, I would worry about the continued life span of her fling. Bryce is a loose cannon, although based on the supposed unassuming background characters, the square dancer might be an undercover DEA agent or something.

I don't get why the two Russian goons call the boss mother, and why they can only have two names.

You guys called the surprise pregnancy and the Haitian boss!  Desna is in so much trouble.

  • Love 3

I'm disgusted with it's all Desna's fault vibe that I got, hell it is not. 

I'm tired that she can't win for losing and gets all the fingers pointed at her for the blame. 

And for the first time, I was like STFU Dean. Make better choices? You make better choices since you knocked up your little skank ho and in no way can YOU take care of a baby and neither can she. So guess who you and your skank ho baby mama is going to be looking to for assistance...your sister, who has taken care of you  like a mother, and tried to avenge the crimes committed against like a mother. Watch your damn mouth.

Unless we find out that she skanked her way onto another penis and the baby isn't Dean's. Yeah, who am I kidding, where would the torture be in that, of course it's Dean's, ugh.

Well, "Gyno Dr." just got interesting. Of course he did, you can't be on this damn show and have your hands clean unless you're a child.

Now what the hell happened between Roller and that Russian seventeen year old girl? I couldn't get what that was all about. I know the baby that Riva was holding was that girls. But I just couldn't get what Roller did to her.

Edited by Keepitmoving
  • Love 5

Oh man I had a feeling Desna's new man was a part of the Haitians so that ending was pretty satisfying.

I can't believe the show actually made me feel with Big Daddy and Juanda but her death was kind of sad. Good for her taking out one of the Russians.

I was over Jen and Roller blaming the whole Russian thing on Desna. Ah no, that was Roller's underage sleeping ass who was being blackmailed who started this. Eventually it was all going to come out in some other way.

Wish they didn't go with the pregnancy storyline. Polly just bought a new kid. They don't need more.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

I don't know whether to laugh or cry!  The writers are determined to shove this waste of flesh and her dumb assery down our throats.  The only fly in the ointment to an otherwise kickass finale.

The show's insistence on making Virginia a thing is maddening.  No way would any of the women, some of whom have clearly been friends since childhood, accept her in the click.  She doesn't belong, she doesn't fit, and the "actress" continues to be the weak link on the show.  Too bad we are stuck with the utter nothing that is Virginia and Juanda, a character who was infinitely more interesting and better acted is dead.

Otherwise, the show and episode were awesome. I was surprised that Uncle-Daddy was more interested in getting his granddaughter back than getting revenge.  I still think he should have let Roller get taken out, but I'm sure that Reva would have simply killed Baby-Boy and taken the businesses anyway. Desna is correct, Roller is a mad dog that needs to be put down.  Wonder if the show will have Roller be the one to come through for Desna with the reveal that Desna's Mr. Right is Mr. Oh-So Wrong.  They have too find a way to keep crazy that is their relationship going, if not, they could have kept the original Roller is dead storyline going. Dean dropped some truth bombs on Desna, too bad, or perhaps intentionally, his words were undercut by his relationship with the Skank Ho.

Edited by Happytobehere
  • Love 2

No surprises, but what did the Not A Doctor say at the end? I listened to it about 10 times & just can't figure it out.

15 hours ago, peridot said:

I'm surprised Jenn actually did the deed with the square dancer.  If I was her, I would worry about the continued life span of her fling.

I know! That was my first thought, why the hell did you tell him with who? She probably just got the guy killed, talk about bad choices.

Edited by GaT
  • Love 6
5 hours ago, peridot said:

I'm surprised Jenn actually did the deed with the square dancer.  If I was her, I would worry about the continued life span of her fling. Bryce is a loose cannon, although based on the supposed unassuming background characters, the square dancer might be an undercover DEA agent or something.

You may be on to something.

Remember when Desna found Jenn?  The square dancer seemed awfully interested in what they were saying.  Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but maybe not.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, GaT said:

No surprises, but what did the Not A Doctor say at the end? I listened to it about 10 times & just can't figure it out.

"What do you have in mind?"

D-E-D at the "gotcha-gotcha!-gotcha!!-gotcha!!!" scene at the convalescent home. This show! A practically perfect finale: funny, touching (my eyes got misty when Polly "bought" that girl, then I had to dab them when Desna gave Jen the keys to the salon), all-around awesome.

Not a fan of Juanda's but glad she got a body before being shot. And I'm sooooo not here for the VA pregnancy story line, you can miss me with that. 

So are they going to have both salons now, or is Desna selling Glint since nobody will do it without her? I agree with whomever said they have to keep the crazy relationship between Desna and Roller going, he's clearly not as over her as he pretends to be.

Can't wait for Season 2!

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, Syndicate said:


Hopefully it's Roller's. Would serve them both right.

I thought it was a nice finale although I too got tired of the "everything is Desna's fault" vibe because it's clearly not. The fact that she was willing to take all of that and not throw it back in their faces says a lot about her character. 

Riva and the Gangster Golden Girls were the MVPs of the night. 

Edited by Dream Boy
  • Love 12
3 hours ago, mochamajesty said:

You may be on to something.

Remember when Desna found Jenn?  The square dancer seemed awfully interested in what they were saying.  Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but maybe not.

From personal experience at first I thought it was more along the lines of I was in for adultery but now I am suddenly involved with some very dangerous people related to her. But then after all the seniors being in the game at the end like with John Wick 2 I am thinking that he probably a player in the crime world too.

  • Love 2

The show's insistence on making Virginia a thing is maddening.  No way would any of the women, some of whom have clearly been friends since childhood, accept her in the click.  She doesn't belong, she doesn't fit, and the "actress" continues to be the weak link on the show.  Too bad we are stuck with the utter nothing that is Virginia and Juanda, a character who was infinitely more interesting and better acted is dead.

I'm starting to seriously RESENT her character. Fucking Dean, yelling at Desna about life choices, yet nothing for his skank ho? No chastising her, since she was the one who shot Roller? You gotta be kidding me, she hasn't suffered any consequences for anything IMO. She's annoying and I don't feel the warmth and care for her that I do that girl that Polly rescued and I've only seen her like three times now. The show needs to cut the shit when it comes to this character because it just started to backfire with this viewer.

Be careful show about shitting all over Desna and making her take most of the heat for shit, cut it out, because it will turn me off.  I already have an issue with the black female characters being portrayed constantly as some strong mama bear to all, no one taking care of them. At least Desna has Ann and Polly, steadfast those two in not shitting all over Desna and pointing fingers solely at her. The whole everything is on the black woman's shoulders and she must be strong didn't bug me as much with this show, because I love Niecy Nash, and the show is fun and quirky with it's large side order of danger, but it's starting to bug be me now when blame doesn't seem to be spread evenly. Desna being strong and taking all the heat can't become a thing ALL the time, it's going to turn me off this show.

Edited by Keepitmoving
  • Love 11

Could anybody read the facial expressions at the end? My impression was that Bryce was surprised Desna's new man is dirty, Uncle Daddy obviously knew, but Roller.... I couldn't read his face. Did he already know? And in general I had mixed feelings because I am endlessly more interested in the women than the men and this episode was VERY heavy on the men, but those old ladies kind of made it all worth it.

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, gesundheit said:

Could anybody read the facial expressions at the end? My impression was that Bryce was surprised Desna's new man is dirty, Uncle Daddy obviously knew, but Roller.... I couldn't read his face. Did he already know? And in general I had mixed feelings because I am endlessly more interested in the women than the men and this episode was VERY heavy on the men, but those old ladies kind of made it all worth it.

Roller's face looked like, oh so you're not a good guy, you're not BETTER than me, you don't deserve the respect Desna was giving you. It was like a righteous, satisfying smirk in my opinion. Because the entire time he was losing his shit, twice he brought up her wanting and respecting the Dr. The key word was RESPECT and that bothered his ego.

Bryce knows him as well and was just in shock.

Meanwhile, Uncle Daddy definitely doesn't know he has any connection to Desna nor that his two boys know who he is.

Edited by Keepitmoving
  • Love 7

 I was surprised that Uncle-Daddy was more interested in getting his granddaughter back than getting revenge. 

(Or he was already planning the double-cross, not counting on the triple- or quadruple-cross.) And IS Brianne his granddaughter/grandniece? Is she Bryce's child from another relationship, or Jenn's? More backstory for season 2.

Also...I was kind of surprised that Juanda's gun wasn't loaded. She's a woman who keeps a knife strapped to her leg, and her house-gun isn't loaded? And if I were Desna, I'd insist on a DNA test when Virginia announces her blessed event. (Though how will Dean react when he finds out it isn't his?) 

And yeah, the "everything is Desna's fault" was ridiculous. She's the one who sat down and brokered a deal (that Riva totally took advantage of), which would otherwise have led to pretty much everyone on the Husser side getting killed. 

And Polly's "human trafficking!" at the end had me laughing. Though what IS she going to do with her teen daughter/purchase? Dr. Ken seems like he can't be trusted with a nubile young thing around. (Though there he was, trying to be all gangster when Roller was being held at gunpoint by the Russians. Not succeeding, but trying.)

Also, just because Quiet Anne's cop GF is out of the picture doesn't mean her case load goes away. Another cop might be looking for the collar, and if s/he's not on Uncle Daddy's payroll, the Coombs murder could still come back to haunt Desna & Co. "Could?" I bet it will.

Anyway, I'll miss this show, and look forward to it coming back. Dean Norris is SO lucky to be in this one rather than that shitty "Under the Dome."

  • Love 3

I REALLY hate that Juanda was killed in this episode! She proved herself to be kickass, and like Roller, should have been made a regular. I think Virginia's brat has to be Dean's, for the sake of REAL conflict at least. Who cares about Roller being the father? He's a renowned manwhore who likely has children on all four corners of the Earth. There are definitely some answers needed as to why Jenn has a biracial child.  Is Brianne her biological child, which would mean her father is a man of color? And where is this man of color? Or was Brianne adopted? Ready for season 2, NOW!

Edited by Syndicate
  • Love 1

After thinking it over, I realized I didn't much care for the finale. It was well acted but ultimately it just felt like a bunch of plot points playing out at rapid pace with very few genuine character moments (Juanda's death scene was the only scene that had any type of resonance to it, IMO). It was a loud and very busy plot point extravaganza.  I was waiting for some Benny Hill theme music to pop up at times. I don't blame the actors... I blame the script. Sure, I laughed at times but meh. This ep was also disjointed from ep 9 and I got whiplash. Roller has a breakdown in the last ep and then it's glossed over. Ann's gf was drugged  in prior ep and ... ? I hope they can figure out the pacing for S2 a little better as it started off strongly, slowed down in the middle, and then raced at warp speed to the finish. 

I didn't mind people blaming Desna cause that's being something going on with the show for a while in the sense that many of the focal characters make selfish / dumb / bad decisions and then blame someone else for why they made selfish / dumb / bad choices. There's always a reason *why* it's someone else's fault that they did what they *had* to do. There's also a tendency to snowball bad decisions on the show. They almost all do it. I only side-eye when folks start getting on judgmental high horses when really very few on this show can call out someone else's shit without looking somewhat hypocritical. 

The reveal that Dr. WhatsHisName is the Haitian mob leader wasn't surprising and I'm glad that they cast a good actor in that role. One thing I can say about Claws is that other than Karrueche's acting wobbles, it has a pretty strong cast with some serious ensemble acting chops. I look forward to seeing what the Haitians and Hussers joining up will mean in S2. 

Ugh at Virginia being pregnant. That's some straight up lazy writing right there IMO but I don't think she'll keep the baby. 

1 hour ago, gesundheit said:

Could anybody read the facial expressions at the end? My impression was that Bryce was surprised Desna's new man is dirty, Uncle Daddy obviously knew, but Roller.... I couldn't read his face. Did he already know?

I got a feeling Roller was thinking "of course it's him" like it was his bad luck that that's who they're trying to partner with now. Bryce was definitely more of an "Oh, shit! it's him" surprised face. 

  • Love 2

There are definitely some answers needed as to why Jenn has a biracial child.  Is Brianne her biological child, which would mean her father is a man of color? And where is this man of color? Or was Brianne adopted? Ready for season 2, NOW!

I thought Brienne's father was implied during the episode where they hung out with those ladies from the fancy side of town. I could have sworn that Jen mentioned during their girl talk about falling for some black cowboy. How she had never  met anyone like him because he was black and into country music like she was. Then she said that he was in jail, I think it was for armed robbery but I could be wrong. I do know she definitely said he was in prison. So I just put it together that he was probably Brienne's father. No way do I think Brienne is Bryce's bio child, but Brienne is what six years old? So they probably known her since she was a toddler at the very least. Uncle Daddy and his family have been her family since she can remember. n

Edited by Keepitmoving
  • Love 5
13 hours ago, Dee said:

Desna has the worst luck in men.

Right?!  It's as if the words, "Can do bad all by herself" and "Can't win for losing" are right in the dictionary next to Desna's picture.  And, here I thought that the "doctor" might be working undercover for the feds.  Instead, he's a kingpin.  No wonder Roller looked so smug at the end because the good "doctor" was no better than his shady, mad dog ass.


12 hours ago, Keepitmoving said:

I'm disgusted with it's all Desna's fault vibe that I got, hell it is not. 

I'm tired that she can't win for losing and gets all the fingers pointed at her for the blame. 

And for the first time, I was like STFU Dean. Make better choices? You make better choices since you knocked up your little skank ho and in no way can YOU take care of a baby and neither can she. So guess who you and your skank ho baby mama is going to be looking to for assistance...your sister, who has taken care of you  like a mother, and tried to avenge the crimes committed against like a mother. Watch your damn mouth.

Unless we find out that she skanked her way onto another penis and the baby isn't Dean's. Yeah, who am I kidding, where would the torture be in that, of course it's Dean's, ugh.

Well, "Gyno Dr." just got interesting. Of course he did, you can't be on this damn show and have your hands clean unless you're a child.

Now what the hell happened between Roller and that Russian seventeen year old girl? I couldn't get what that was all about. I know the baby that Riva was holding was that girls. But I just couldn't get what Roller did to her.

THIS.  So much THIS!  I am so over the "everything is your fault, Desna, because you keep making piss-poor choices" trope.  The way I see it, none of the people pointing fingers can blame anyone else for their decisions except themselves.  I get that Dean is Desna's brother and can say those things to her, but I also got a feeling that Virginia was cheering him on which made me want to snatch somebody's wig and cut a bitch my damn self.  Are we really supposed to forget that a lot of this shit started because of Virginia disrespecting Desna in the first place?  Not to mention that whole contrived mess where Virginia claimed the Russians kidnapped her?  Not only is Virginia a skank ho, she's a dumb bitch who continues to shit all over Desna.

Don't even get me started on Roller playing Mr. Run 'n Tell Dat to Uncle Daddy about Desna and Virginia shooting him and setting his trifling ass on fire.  Funny how he couldn't tell about the treacherous shit he did behind Uncle Daddy's back to piss off the Russians.  

Nor, did I appreciate how Desna felt as if she had to clean this mess up on her own, hand over the keys to Jen for the new salon (complete with more apologizing), and how she was blamed for the whole Russian mess and indirectly blamed for the demise of Jen and Bryce's marriage.

  • Love 7

Desna has the worst luck in men.

At first, I fully agreed with this, but then looking at the total picture, he's way better than Roller in how he treats Desna. 

At least the "Dr." doesn't bite her damn neck after he comes, like Roller use to. That's what she said,something about Roller's idea of romance was biting her neck after he came. Then she made a comment during their date at her house, that it was going to be nice to sit down and eat dinner with a gentleman for a change.  So yeah, he is slightly better than Roller, in how he treats Desna, he treats her like a lady.

And to be honest, there is no way that Desna, as long as she's in that business, can ever get with a "clean hands" type of guy. How is that going to work? That can't work. So a guy with dirty hands, just like hers, although she's not proud of what she has had to do and is always looking for a way out, but a guy with dirty hands who can treat with care and respect, that would be good.

  • Love 5

I get that Dean is Desna's brother and can say those things to her, but I also got a feeling that Virginia was cheering him on which made me want to snatch somebody's wig and cut a bitch my damn self.  Are we really supposed to forget that a lot of this shit started because of Virginia disrespecting Desna in the first place?  Not to mention that whole contrived mess where Virginia claimed the Russians kidnapped her?  Not only is Virginia a skank ho, she's a dumb bitch who continues to shit all over Desna.

And for some reason the writers/show runner think this shit is cute. I have been very understanding of Virginia, getting that she is young and wants to desperately be accepted into the family. But when the show keeps shitting on Desna and making her suffer consequences all the while acting like fucking Virginia is some delicate flower to be protected, I'm done trying to understand her. I'm now full on turned against the bitch. They're about to push me to the point of wishing that she ends up being food for the gators down there. Please show, stop pushing me to that point where this character is concerned. It's easy, get off your little protective love fest for this character always going to the "innocence" of her youth and desperation of wanting to be accepted. Please, Desna had a fucked up life too, Ann, all these women. Virginia is not a teenager, she's not a minor, and my patience with the coddling treatment these writers continue to give her at the expense of Desna has worn thin.

Edited by Keepitmoving
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, kwnyc said:

(Or he was already planning the double-cross, not counting on the triple- or quadruple-cross.) And IS Brianne his granddaughter/grandniece? Is she Bryce's child from another relationship, or Jenn's? More backstory for season 2.

Brianne is Jenn's daughter.  It was mentioned in an earlier episode, 3 maybe, that her bio dad is in jail and Bryce has raised her since she was a baby.  So Juanda and Uncle-Daddy have been her grandparents basically all of her life. Since Uncle-Daddy called her his granddaughter, Juanda addressed both girls as grandma, and Roller put out the Batman-signal,for both girls, I conclude that they consider Brianne family even though there is no blood link.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Keepitmoving said:

I thought Brienne's father was implied during the episode where they hung out with those ladies from the fancy side of town. I could have sworn that Jen mentioned during their girl talk about falling for some black cowboy. How she had never  met anyone like him because he was black and into country music like she was. Then she said that he was in jail, I think it was for armed robbery but I could be wrong. I do know she definitely said he was in prison. So I just put it together that he was probably Brienne's father. No way do I think Brienne is Bryce's bio child, but Brienne is what six years old? So they probably known her since she was a toddler at the very least. Uncle Daddy and his family have been her family since she can remember. n

Brianne's father is probably an incarcerated black cowboy into country music? I like this plot point actually. You just know he'll be cast at some point when TPTB decide that it's time for him to be released from prison. I can see him taking the form of Taye Diggs (he's on Empire at the moment, but could probably juggle both shows).

Edited by Syndicate
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, kwnyc said:

(Or he was already planning the double-cross, not counting on the triple- or quadruple-cross.) And IS Brianne his granddaughter/grandniece? Is she Bryce's child from another relationship, or Jenn's? More backstory for season 2.

And Polly's "human trafficking!" at the end had me laughing. Though what IS she going to do with her teen daughter/purchase? Dr. Ken seems like he can't be trusted with a nubile young thing around. (Though there he was, trying to be all gangster when Roller was being held at gunpoint by the Russians. Not succeeding, but trying.)

Also, just because Quiet Anne's cop GF is out of the picture doesn't mean her case load goes away. Another cop might be looking for the collar, and if s/he's not on Uncle Daddy's payroll, the Coombs murder could still come back to haunt Desna & Co. "Could?" I bet it will.

Like another posted stated below, Brianne is pre-Bryce, but she was adopted by Bryce and is treated like his own. I was inwardly happy to hear that Uncle Daddy considered her his "granddaughter" (grandniece). 

As for Dr. Ken, you know -- I don't see it. I read that scene first as hilarious given his crazy eyed expression + his clutching his blouse closed as if he was scandalized by the whole event. He definitely puts women on a pedestal (I think he's actually a Sub who needs a Dom) and I think he was looking at Polly in awe as she tried to comfort the girl (what's her name??). His joining in to hum/sing the lullaby, with one arm around Polly and the other hand on top of hers, gave me the feeling that he may try to take on Polly's circumstances and become a surrogate father. 

There's no way we're done with the police; that would be too easy of a plot to drop. 

  • Love 5

As for Dr. Ken, you know -- I don't see it. I read that scene first as hilarious given his crazy eyed expression + his clutching his blouse closed as if he was scandalized by the whole event. He definitely puts women on a pedestal (I think he's actually a Sub who needs a Dom) and I think he was looking at Polly in awe as she tried to comfort the girl (what's her name??). His joining in to hum/sing the lullaby, with one arm around Polly and the other hand on top of hers, gave me the feeling that he may try to take on Polly's circumstances and become a surrogate father. 

Yeah, I was watching him in that scene, watching his hands specifically. I noticed that his hands were on Polly's hand while she hugged the girl. He wasn't trying to cop a feel on a teenage girl and that made me breathe a sigh of relief. I love Dr. Ken and copping a feel of a teenage girl would for sure change that. 

Edited by Keepitmoving
  • Love 6
7 hours ago, link417 said:

"What do you have in mind?"

Ahh, thanks,it was driving me crazy


So are they going to have both salons now, or is Desna selling Glint since nobody will do it without her? 


This contrivance annoyed the hell out of me. The new salon has been the goal the entire season, so they just wipe it out in the finale by creating a reason the Russians don't want Desna to work there? It's not even a realistic reason, & it's stupid.

6 hours ago, Dream Boy said:

Hopefully it's Roller's. Would serve them both right.


I can't believe this never occurred to me, I've been just thinking Dean, but I bet "who's the daddy" is going to b a big theme of season 2.

3 hours ago, kwnyc said:

And IS Brianne his granddaughter/grandniece? Is she Bryce's child from another relationship, or Jenn's?


I've been wondering about Brianne. To me, the 2 little girls seem about the same age, so I'm confused as to how either Bryce or Jenn could be the bio parent. Since the only black person besides Dean is Not A Doctor, & they apparently know him. I wonder if he's Brianne's bio dad?


And Polly's "human trafficking!" at the end had me laughing. Though what IS she going to do with her teen daughter/purchase? 

I didn't get what was happening when I watched the scene, but now I'm confused. Why would the girl just stand there & let her mother sell her? Why wouldn't Polly just punch the mother's lights out & take the girl away instead of paying the mother money? The mother is coming back as soon as she needs another fix.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, kwnyc said:

I've been wondering about Brianne. To me, the 2 little girls seem about the same age, so I'm confused as to how either Bryce or Jenn could be the bio parent. Since the only black person besides Dean is Not A Doctor, & they apparently know him. I wonder if he's Brianne's bio dad?

When Jenn was trying to talk Bryce out of working for Uncle Daddy earlier in the season, I believe she mentioned something like "I already have one baby daddy in jail." I assume she got with Bryce when Brienne was just a baby.

  • Love 6

 It's not even a realistic reason,

Actually, Desna's role (other than general scapegoat and diplomat) is to launder the huge amounts of cash through her nail salon. As she pointed out, the NICE salon is not a cash business, and if they don't have a laundry service, they might bring banking/government scrutiny to the pill mill. Though, if they thought big, they could buy a car wash, like "Breaking Bad." (Ironic that thy turned down the idea of owning a nail salon for a car wash on THAT show.)

Edited by kwnyc
additional thought
20 hours ago, kwnyc said:

Fuuuuuuuuck that was a rollercoaster. I have whiplash! Juanda, we hardly knew ye. GREAT death scene though.

And the three-way fight between Uncle Daddy and his Boys (to Whitney Houston, no less) was sublime.

This ending did not disappoint. 

And Reva is a GREAT villain. (Who WERE all those old people with guns?)

(Watching Desna's reactions as the upper hand kept changing was worth the price of admission.

This show NEVER underplays...for which I am truly grateful.


The country club crew were a part of or family of the Russian Mob. Pink Track Suit Granny  had the same hand tattoos as Riva.

The big surprise was that Desna's Hatian Dr. was a drug lord. That's why we saw the shock of recognition on Bryce's face at the end. He recognized him from Desna's when he was walking out with Jen and the girls. At that same visit to Desna's the good doctor gave the stink eye to Roller. They knew each other which why Roller didn't look surprised in the last scene of the finale when the Dr. Drug Lord turned around.


  • Love 2

Ok so I broke down and watched since it was the finale.  I loved the final scene with Uncle Daddy and soon-to-be-dead Juanda.  They really did love each other and I was sad for both of them.

On the other hand.....I was howling at the fight scene playing out to Whitney Houston, with Toby and Desna just watching the three idiots, and it was very realistic for them to hug it out at the end, crying and all.  I've got some uncles who did pretty much the same thing after they fought each other.

Dean gets on my fucking nerves.  I don't care if he's autistic, he's still got enough balls to tell Desna about making bad decisions, all while he knows full well that she's been taking care of his stank ass, and will soon probably be taking care of his stank ho's baby.  STFU Dean.   

I still think Polly would snatch the pennies off a dead man's eyes, so yeah no I don't like her.  Virginia either.

Edited by Ohwell
Added stank ho Virginia

Maybe I'm watching a different show, but I don't get the Virginia hate, maybe the part would be different with a better actress.  As for blaming Desna for everything, I don't see it because she's a black woman, as much as it's because she's the lead character in this show and everything has to revolve around her.  

I don't get the Juanda love.  She was the reason Brianne got kidnapped.  She had the kids outside and in the car and then she ran back into the house to get her ring. 

  • Love 8

Oh Claws,how I will miss thee... Only on this show will I get a full white trash brawl with '80s-era Whitney Houston playing in the background LOL

After recent current events, it absolutely warmed my heart to see Uncle Daddy unquestionably regard Brianne as his granddaughter and was willing to protect her, no matter what.

Given the girls ages, I'm guessing Brianna's biological father was incarcerated while Jen was pregnant or shortly after she gave birth. I wouldn't be surprised if Bryce fell in love with a pregnant Jen, and agreed to adopt the baby as his own. Bio-dad probably relinquished his parental rights due to his situation.

I loved the Gangsta Golden Girls.

So what happens to the new salon now?

Edited by AgentRXS
  • Love 3
5 hours ago, ThisOne said:

When Jenn was trying to talk Bryce out of working for Uncle Daddy earlier in the season, I believe she mentioned something like "I already have one baby daddy in jail." I assume she got with Bryce when Brienne was just a baby.

Yeah, I forget what episode it was but Jen said it when she and Bryce were walking down the dock. I think right after Uncle/Daddy bought them a house.

This finale was amazing! Not high brow in the least but perfect for a summer show. And that brawl with Whitney playing had me fucking rolling with laughter, especially when they were yelling at Toby to turn the music off. He is criminally underused. I'd love to see him in the salon with the girls :)

And maybe I'm alone here but Dr. Haitian Drug Lord wasn't doing anything for me until the big reveal that he's a crime boss. Suddenly I'm like:


  • Love 4

I agree with those of you who did not think Dr. Ken was being creepy around the girl. I think he was confused by what he saw at first through the window, but then he just had this look of pride and love on his face. I think he admired what Polly did and he was holding Pollys hand and trying to comfort that poor girl. I think Polly and Dr. Ken r going to be good for each other...Like how Dr.Ken climbed over the wall at the country club and helped Bryce with the Russians.  The basket case at the beginning of the season has gotten some backbone and confidence with Polly, and I can't wait to see what things Polly is going to teach that girl.

On a different topic, could someone clear up for me the blood/marriage connections are for Juanda, Bryce, Roller and Uncle daddy. I know Bryce and roller are blood brothers. Now was CLAY their brother of the boys Birth Father and he adopted them? WHere did Juanda fit in, and just for good measure, where does Toby go?

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