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S19.E21: Live Eviction #6


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10 hours ago, Newbietunes said:

 I don't like Jessica or Cody at all, but they were the only ones fighting against that tide.  (I say "were" even though Cody is still there, because I'm sure he has checked out mentally at this point).


Jessica and Cody don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to judging the others for not going after Paul. A couple weeks ago Jessica won HOH, then POV and Paul's safety was up but Jessica did nothing. She didn't nominate Paul. She didn't backdoor Paul. She did nothing. So she can STFU on that front.

8 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

This was truly an all-timer.  Such real emotion.  Chenbot suffered a bit of a short circuit, or something.  Wow.

I can't recall more warmth for a departee with the lone exception of Janelle back in the day.  I've never seen Chenbot relate so intimately as a female Bot than she did at the end with her "girrrrlfriend" remark about Cody reeeeeeeally loving Jess.

Really? It's funny how people see things so differently. I got the distinct impression that Julie wasn't impressed with Jessica at all. She seemed like she was practically mocking her when she pointed out that Elena was the actual target and that Jessica had thrown away her game for Cody.


5 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Apology for only tangentially being about the episode but I keep laughing that I'm getting 'targeted' ads for false eyelashes inbetween posts.

Same! I have one on my screen right now for "magnetic eyelashes" (wtf?). Thanks, Jessica!

31 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

At the end of the first performance of D&D, the woman's hair obviously changed from brunette to blond, yet when JC asked that question 3 HG's got it wrong.  Can someone explain that?

I was shocked at that too. That was the only question I probably would have gotten correct.

  • Love 7
9 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

I got the distinct impression that Julie wasn't impressed with Jessica at all. She seemed like she was practically mocking her when she pointed out that Elena was the actual target and that Jessica had thrown away her game for Cody.

Julie has taken an interest in this showmance as evidenced in her Tweets. More than usual, anyway.

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

Jessica and Cody don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to judging the others for not going after Paul. A couple weeks ago Jessica won HOH, then POV and Paul's safety was up but Jessica did nothing. She didn't nominate Paul. She didn't backdoor Paul. She did nothing. So she can STFU on that front.

Jessica putting Paul up would have been pointless. She wouldn't have had the votes to send him home, and she was (at that point) actually trying to mend fences and not ruffle too many feathers. The other players have more of a shot of getting him out, if they banded together they'd have numbers on their side. Jess just did not have numbers. 

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Jessica putting Paul up would have been pointless. She wouldn't have had the votes to send him home, and she was (at that point) actually trying to mend fences and not ruffle too many feathers. The other players have more of a shot of getting him out, if they banded together they'd have numbers on their side. Jess just did not have numbers. 

If Jessica hadn't played such a crappy social game, she probably could have swayed the votes easily. Aside from Alex, Josh & Christmas, I could definitely see the rest of the house using that opportunity to get out the vet, especially in a backdoor situation where they wouldn't have had to deal with any repercussions. As it was, she didn't even try. (Not to mention, that just sounds like a lame excuse. You can't bitch about nobody else doing something when you also refused to do it.)

  • Love 7

I was still with Jody until last night.  Jess's need to try to humiliate Josh was uncalled for.  Sure he'd done a lot of bad things, but you don't go poking the bear and then cry victim when he reacts.  Asking him if he could spell a word was mean.  She was the epitome of the mean girl during that incident.  Then Cody "comes to the rescue".  and Jody always has to have the last word.  The were just as bad as the others.

  • Love 8
19 minutes ago, dolphincorn said:

Also, Chenbot and Codybot have a few things in common. I was joking around with a comedian I follow on Twitter that Cody is probably a Capricorn like me, the comedian I was talking to, and Julie herself. We can have a difficult time trying to appear smiley when we're in the company of idiots.

As a fellow Capricorn, I can SO relate. Interesting to know this about Julie. 


18 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

If Jessica hadn't played such a crappy social game, she probably could have swayed the votes easily. Aside from Alex, Josh & Christmas, I could definitely see the rest of the house using that opportunity to get out the vet, especially in a backdoor situation where they wouldn't have had to deal with any repercussions. As it was, she didn't even try. (Not to mention, that just sounds like a lame excuse. You can't bitch about nobody else doing something when you also refused to do it.)

I think the best social game Jess played was during that week. It would have been better if Cody wasn't there. She was talking to people and repairing friendships and seemed to genuinely be listening to people. But they all went against her wishes and voted Ramses out over Josh. I truly do not believe she could have rallied those lemmings against Paul. At that point, she was just trying to keep HER head above water. 


3 minutes ago, watch2much said:

I was still with Jody until last night.  Jess's need to try to humiliate Josh was uncalled for.  Sure he'd done a lot of bad things, but you don't go poking the bear and then cry victim when he reacts.

Exactly. There was absolutely no point to that comment, and it made her look just as bad as Josh. 

  • Love 3
32 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Jessica putting Paul up would have been pointless. She wouldn't have had the votes to send him home, and she was (at that point) actually trying to mend fences and not ruffle too many feathers. The other players have more of a shot of getting him out, if they banded together they'd have numbers on their side. Jess just did not have numbers.

But she was an idiot for keeping Ramsey on the block.  If she truly wanted Josh to go, she needed to put up a real pawn, someone she knew the house would not vote out (like Paul, or even Raven or Matt).  By putting up another 'outsider', she just ensured he'd go and take away another potential vote against Paul.  Jess was a poor player all the way around (except sometimes she did well in comps). 

I do feel for Jody that they will not be able to spend time together in jury.  If nothing else, they should have tried something, anything, to do that.  But if it is real between them, it'll last 2 months apart.  

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

But she was an idiot for keeping Ramsey on the block.  If she truly wanted Josh to go, she needed to put up a real pawn, someone she knew the house would not vote out (like Paul, or even Raven or Matt).  By putting up another 'outsider', she just ensured he'd go and take away another potential vote against Paul.  Jess was a poor player all the way around (except sometimes she did well in comps). 

I agree. She should have taken him down. I think that was Cody's influence. I actually think Jess had good game instincts, but she let her hormones/heart override those. She was starting to doubt everyone and wanted to take him down, but Cody talked her out of it. I do think that week Jessica was trying to find the balance between doing SOMETHING beneficial for her game WITHOUT ruffling feathers - since she was on an island of two. I think going for Josh was the perfect compromise. But the rest of the house was not willing to give her anything, so they rallied to keep her target safe. She definitely should have pulled Ramses down. Her game was in no way perfect. But I do think she has a better head for it than most of the people in there. Save Paul. Execution? That's another matter. 

1 minute ago, dolphincorn said:

Dr. Will and Janelle are probably the two most-famous Capricorns to play this game. We're in good company.

Oh, yes! Good to know. I feel like a rarity in that I loved the original Dr. Will and Mike Boogie. 

  • Love 3

All episode though I kept wishing Jess would keep quite and maybe by some miracle Elena would go home....because now folks...there is NO story. It's all Paul's edicts and mandates going forward. Alex's HOH is  going to be as meaningless as her last one. It'a Paul's...they'e all been Paul's. They've all voluntarily ceded power to him. The season is all but over.

The only thing that may be remotely interesting is to see the order they get picked off, and whether *anyone* (other than Christmas) recognizes it. And it is remotely interesting to watch how Paul dictates the next victim to the rest of the sheep - how he paints them as the enemy of the people. After his (lame) attempts to do some deal-making, I wouldn't be surprised if Kevin is now in Paul's cross-hairs. NOBODY is allowed independent thought, Kevin, didn't you get the memo?

And on that note, it is always disappointing but sadly not surprising when it's the former outsiders who turn and become the biggest tattletale sycophants. Jason and Alex were not part of the cool kids club at first. The glee with which they ran to Paul to tattle on Kevin is disgusting.

I know he doesn't have a whole lot of fans but what surprised me the most about Cody is how authentic he seems to be. The tests in his eyes and his husky voice tonight....this is a real experience for him. This was the wrong game for him to play. 

  • Love 5
41 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

We have just reached the half way point of the game.  Why people are panicking about Paul, I haven't a clue. 

He's really good at comps and has most of the house under his thumb? 


31 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

If it helps sell shirts, why not?

If people can use the opportunity they have to be on tv to promote themselves and/or others, great. 

I had no idea these shirts were for sale. I just think of it as the loud, ugly shirts that Jason is CONSTANTLY wearing. 

  • Love 3

I loved Jessica's face falling when she realized if she had been just slightly less bitchy to Josh she could have stayed another week as that big meatball wanted Elena out more! That exit interview was the very picture of delusion. Wow.

No. It doesn't matter what Josh wants.  It matters what PAUL wants.  Did Josh get anyone to support his move to get rid of Elena?  No.  Jess was correct.



Jess's need to try to humiliate Josh was uncalled for.  Sure he'd done a lot of bad things, but you don't go poking the bear and then cry victim when he reacts.  Asking him if he could spell a word was mean.


Jess had a good reason to humiliate Josh.  He was picking on her on the anniversary of her dad's death. I would have done the same thing.  And, please ... there are spelling contests on all sorts of reality shows--heck, the BACHELORETTE had one this season and with similar-type words.  

  • Love 5
20 minutes ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

 He was picking on her on the anniversary of her dad's death.

 I thought she said he targeted/taunted her during the HOH comp on that day.  I'm glad she won on that particular day, if it really meant something to her, but don't think anyone in the house owed it to her to make it an easy win. 

  • Love 6
12 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Yep. A big hulking lout starts banging pans near your girlfriend's head  to agitate her...not to mention the culmative behaviour of Josh for weeks on end. He was asking for it.

Part of me was hoping Cody would attack Josh and they would have to kick him (Cody) out.

4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

and Alex's goodbye was trash.

What did she say? I missed it.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thought that was a really distasteful thing to say. I just found it too personal, and a real low blow. I don't love Jessica or anything, but going after someone's man like that is just off limits, as far as I'm concerned. 

In no way, shape, or form do I expect Alex to sincerely go after Cody. That statement was just meant to ruffle Jessica's feathers, or eyelashes.  I don't hate Alex, and give her credit for laying it all out on the table instead of faking sympathy. As for Jessica, I found it ironic that when Cody reentered the house she told him he had to play differently, yet she reverted right back to the mean girl (and they, to the mean couple), sealing her fate. Had she listened to her own advice, and continued being "nice" to the other houseguests, I think she'd still be there.

Anyone remember who was the primary bullies toward Megan? Was it Cody and Jessica?

  • Love 4
28 minutes ago, GeorgiaRai said:

 I thought she said he targeted/taunted her during the HOH comp on that day.  I'm glad she won on that particular day, if it really meant something to her, but don't think anyone in the house owed it to her to make it an easy win. 

Its hard to believe everyone knew about the anniversary of her dad's death since neither she, nor Cody, talked to anyone. Even if she did tell them,, she's not the only person to have lost someone, and I agree with your statement about making it easy for her. Would she have made it easy for anyone for any reason? No. Its a game and being in the house on the anniversary should not have come as a surprise. 

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

"I guess I should be proud since it took half a season to evict Cody or me."- Jess 

Pssst.... he's been evicted. You were there. 

Julie said something similar about them "finally" being broken up, but she was probably in on the plan to send Cody right back in, so it would have been easier for her to make that mistake than Jess.

2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I had no idea these shirts were for sale. I just think of it as the loud, ugly shirts that Jason is CONSTANTLY wearing.

I presumed it was just one of the countless novelty shirts sold to college students in stores across the country.

13 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

It was Josh, who claimed she was masterminding a plot to get him out so he "had to" take the golden safety apple and screw over his team.

I don't think Josh was the main problem.  Yes, he had that one blow up with Megan but he apologized sincerely after. Jessica calling her a liar (instead of just admitting that she called Alex by another name that sounded like "panda") and Cody nominating her with "I just don't like you" is what pushed her over the edge.

2 hours ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

Jess had a good reason to humiliate Josh.  He was picking on her on the anniversary of her dad's death.

If that's the way we're going to look at it, then Jessica and Cody deserved everything the other houseguests did to them. They were just as horrible to Josh, (and others) if not more.

3 hours ago, Mumbles said:

And on that note, it is always disappointing but sadly not surprising when it's the former outsiders who turn and become the biggest tattletale sycophants. Jason and Alex were not part of the cool kids club at first. The glee with which they ran to Paul to tattle on Kevin is disgusting.

Paul & Alex have had a secret Final 2 deal for quite a while now so I don't think her telling Paul makes her a sycophant. Whether either of them actually plan to honour that F2 deal remains to be seen but, for now, why wouldn't Alex tell him?

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No. It doesn't matter what Josh wants.  It matters what PAUL wants.  Did Josh get anyone to support his move to get rid of Elena?  No.  Jess was correct.

Yeah all that talk about Elena being Josh's "target" meant nothing. No way were any of the sheep going to betray Paul.

As for Megan, there was drama between her and Jess when she told Alex (incorrectly) that Jess had called Alex a "panda." In fact, Jess had called her "Pao Pao", a reference to a petite, feisty Asian houseguest from a few seasons ago. This resulted in Cody telling Megan that he didn't like her.

1 hour ago, Snappy said:

In no way, shape, or form do I expect Alex to sincerely go after Cody. That statement was just meant to ruffle Jessica's feathers, or eyelashes.  I don't hate Alex, and give her credit for laying it all out on the table instead of faking sympathy. As for Jessica, I found it ironic that when Cody reentered the house she told him he had to play differently, yet she reverted right back to the mean girl (and they, to the mean couple), sealing her fate. Had she listened to her own advice, and continued being "nice" to the other houseguests, I think she'd still be there.

I don't think Alex was sincere either. I still think it was a classless thing to say. It really had no bearing on the game or their inter-personal relationship, so I just thought it was stooping too low. I was fine with the rest of her snarky message. I hate fakeness, but I thought that one comment was too much. 

I do think Jessica really WANTED to play a different game. She tried. Cody was too stubborn and a bit impediment to that. Plus, it didn't seem like the rest of the house was really receptive, so I think she just said "fuck it" and decided not to give a damn the rest of her time there. She definitely took it too far with her bitchy comments. But I can't fault her for giving up. 

25 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

It was Josh, who claimed she was masterminding a plot to get him out so he "had to" take the golden safety apple and screw over his team.

Yea, Josh is the only one I remember being OTT nasty to Megan. He was mess from the beginning. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

Yes, and she did that to herself. If she had been even remotely nice to people (or at least faked it like most BB players know how to do), especially Josh, there might have been a chance for her to stay.

What chance was that? Besides Josh, who viewed Elena as a bigger threat than Jessica?

ETA: Not saying Jessica wasn't a terrible player. She was. 

Edited by Kip Hackman
  • Love 1

Lamb18 said:


 I have a soft spot for Cody even though he's exasperating and not that likeable because he comes from my world.

I like Cody too.  Sure, he's said stuff that I don't get behind, but as far as Big Brother goes, I like players that don't go along to get along.  I just hope he can get through this week, win HOH, and send home either Paul, Raven, Christmas, or Alex.

And I agree with those that said Alex's parting shot at Jessica was disgusting.  I'd like to add to that classless, petty, & delusional.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Kip Hackman said:

Paul and most of the house wanted her gone.

All you have to write is "Paul"; "and the rest of the house" is implied. I could not have survived in that house with Joth for very long without rendering bodily harm, so kudos to Jess and Cody. I loved that Xmas got a chance to put herself up as a Veto replacement and then wasn't allowed to BE the Veto replacement. Would have been amusing if BB had substituted Cody, nullifying her BIG MOVE. I will enjoy watching Paul turn on her. And the rest.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Kip Hackman said:

What chance was that? 


The chance to be social and nice and try to win people over (even if she hates everybody and has to fake it) The chance to strategize by pointing out to other people why she could be an ally and Elena couldn't. (Even if she has to make stuff up) The chance to actually listen to people who wanted to talk game with her. BB players are fickle and the smallest thing can make people turn on each other, the game is constantly changing. She had a lot of options but she chose to just give up and be a bitch.

  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

The chance to be social and nice and try to win people over (even if she hates everybody and has to fake it) The chance to strategize by pointing out to other people why she could be an ally and Elena couldn't. (Even if she has to make stuff up) The chance to actually listen to people who wanted to talk game with her.

She did all of that during her HOH week. How did that work out?

If she had been doing all that stuff from week 1, she might've had a chance. At this point in the game, there was no way the house was going flip and miss out on the chance to break up Jessica and Cody. Not on Paul's watch.

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, Kip Hackman said:

She did all of that during her HOH week. 


Not really. She really wasn't all that pleasant when she was HOH. And the only reason she talked to people was to make sure they were voting Josh out, not to convince them that she could be a good ally in the future.   But that's not what we're discussing here. We're discussing what she could have done this week to save herself.  And she chose to do none of it.

Edited by Rachel RSL
  • Love 6
8 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

Really? It's funny how people see things so differently. I got the distinct impression that Julie wasn't impressed with Jessica at all. She seemed like she was practically mocking her when she pointed out that Elena was the actual target and that Jessica had thrown away her game for Cody.

I agree with you that Chenbot was eager to share with Jess that Jess had messed up.  That does not mean she did not emote a special connection and sympathize unusually.  She did much the same with Janelle when she asked her why the heck she chose to "believe" or work with Chilltown.  

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Mumbles said:

Yeah all that talk about Elena being Josh's "target" meant nothing.

True, but it was still very amusing to watch Josh repeatedly confide to the viewers that his super secret squirrel strategy was to eliminate Elena, in spite of what "the house" was planning.  Er . . . ?  That's not how this works, Josh; that's not how any of this works.

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

Jess had a good reason to humiliate Josh.  He was picking on her on the anniversary of her dad's death. I would have done the same thing.  And, please ... there are spelling contests on all sorts of reality shows--heck, the BACHELORETTE had one this season and with similar-type words.  

For one thing, you can't expect anyone to give you a pass during a competition because it's a difficult day for you personally. Was he making comments about her father? No, he just wasn't giving her special treatment. (It was also over 2 weeks ago, get over it.) And, on the off chance you were serious, no this was not a spelling contest.

  • Love 5
15 minutes ago, candall said:

True, but it was still very amusing to watch Josh repeatedly confide to the viewers that his super secret squirrel strategy was to eliminate Elena, in spite of what "the house" was planning.  Er . . . ?  That's not how this works, Josh; that's not how any of this works.

LOL - so true! It's like he thought just telling us she was the target would make votes magically appear.

  • Love 3
21 hours ago, PaperTree said:

If Cody loses the Temptation Competition, he's gone.  First jury member.  Home alone for a week.  No Battle Back!  Yea!

When the next loser arrives, I can just picture him standing in the doorway, slapping a baseball bat into his hand.

It's a double eviction week so he won't be alone for long.

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