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S19.E19: Nominations #6


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I hate* you Paul;  vile little troll.  I hate you Josh... I hate them all.  The only one with any marginally redeeming qualities is Kevin.

The haunted house was way cool.  Production did a lot of work setting that up.

Ha! Cody is safe, but Jess is on the block.  That complicates things.  Best laid plans and all....

Josh wants Elena out bad, but Paul will never let him get his way.

Cody has to win HoH next week and send one of the Paulettes home.

It bums me out that one of these morons is going to win.  Kevin and Mark lead my "lesser of evils" list and neither one stands a chance.

That last HoH conversation was like turds swirling around the toilet and refusing to go down.  Yuck.

I hope Jessica manages to stay this week.  She and Cody are the only ones with the stones to go after King Paul.

*TV hate.  These idiots don't merit the energy for the real thing  :)

  • Love 9

First of all if you need evidence of production being pro-Paul check out the opening credits. If you have a DVR with 30-second skip and hit it right when the logo come on all you see is Paul. Sound familiar?

Speaking of Paul I'm loving that he's try to control the loose cannon. That's what you get for keeping a wild card around instead of sending him home. I'm hoping he realize you can't reason with the mentally incapable and everyone votes out Elena instead. And in that convo it must be said 'Go Christmas!' I love that she doesn't seem to be snowed by Paul.

That was my least favorite comp EVAR. Sure they were in the dark and it was creepy but we got to see in night-view just how fucked up that shit was. And we got to see it over. And over. And over. I fear that will be tonight's movie playing in my head... damn you Big Brother.

Speaking of the comp results, it's pretty clear that if Alex had not tried to hold her ears and the jar at the same time she might have won. Great strategy there.

I don't however understand why Jessica thought it would be just fine to be on the block. How about this for a better scenario Jess? How about BOTH of you having a chance to not be on the block. Throwing a comp that will lead to you going on the block is not exactly playing to your best odds.

  • Love 6

Did Josh really tell Elena she "threw Paul under the rug?" Oh, Josh.

Christmas, getting her Rachel Reilly on, with her "floaters, grab a life vest"-type speech. Why do I feel like it's not Paul's HoH, but Christmas'?

I still can't bring myself to feel much for Jessica and Cody. They lie in bed and complain everyone hates them instead of -- oh, I don't know -- trying to do something about it. A big alliance always has cracks. Start trying to find them.

  • Love 8

Josh, if it weren't for Paul, you might be gone already.  Christmas too.  You both might want to remember that.

And that's pretty rich of Christmas to say it's Josh's HOH while she tries to steer him in a direction as well.

I don't care one way or the other about Elena's feelings, I just want Jess and Cody gone so Josh finding a spine is frustrating.

The temptation comp was TERRIFYING and I would have peed, cried and then forfeited.

  • Love 5

Color me shocked that Josh isn't proving to be as big an A-Hole as I thought he would be as HOH. In fact the surprise of the night is at that a couple of houseguests seem to finally be buying a clue that Paul is attempting to run EVERYBODY's game and there's a bit of a rebellion seeping in...to my delight.

With that said though I am a bit suspicious that maybe Josh's sudden get Elena out at all costs might now be some producer manipulation in the Diary Room. Obviously the powers that be know the Cody/Jess vs Paul and his minions is the strongest thread they've got going right now and they would want to keep it up....which makes me equally suspicous about Cody's win. That was something that could easily be manipulated/fibbed by production to ensure safety. Cue the veto competition of who has the longest fake eyelashes!

Alex gets the most speaking role she's had in a month! I still wish there was some way she could work with Cody.

Paul, Elena and Josh all lying to each other in the HOH room was a thing of beauty.

"Do you want to hug this out?"

"Don't touch me!"

Hands down the funniest moment of the season.

CBS/VIACOM own stock in NETFLIX? What was with the not so subtle pimping of STRANGER THINGS?

  • Love 3

I feel like I have to preface every post with, "All of these people are terrible, but..."

At least Christmas told Josh that he didn't have to listen to Paul all the time. 

Idiot or not, Josh is the HOH and does not have to do what Paul says.

Paul will never understand that just because something is good for his own personal game doesn't mean it is good for everyone else's game.

Oh, and Josh, it's "could NOT care less." (Yeah, I'm an asshole when it comes to grammar, and I'm okay with that about myself.)

Edited by helpmerhonda
  • Love 11
1 hour ago, North of Eden said:


CBS/VIACOM own stock in NETFLIX? What was with the not so subtle pimping of STRANGER THINGS?

It's not pimping anything. It's capitalizing off of something that is popular.

1 hour ago, Wandering Snark said:


I don't however understand why Jessica thought it would be just fine to be on the block. How about this for a better scenario Jess? How about BOTH of you having a chance to not be on the block. Throwing a comp that will lead to you going on the block is not exactly playing to your best odds.

If Jessica doesn't compete, she's leaves herself to be backdoored or Cody the same. Now one is safe and the other can compete to protect themselves. Cody is also a bigger target so he needs to safety more.

Also, people keep calling Jessica a idiot but Cody is the only person working with her. Its not like if he goes alk will be forgotten. He's also good to keep around for comps because he's good at them. He's more likely to win a important comp than she is. Not because she's a woman. Just because she's seems to be middle of the road comp wise.

  • Love 1

Why was Josh wearing Jason's shirt during the HOH competition? I just noticed it in the recap tonight.

"How many days does it take for you to evict us?" Ask Production, Jessica. So where's all that smug now, hon?

Why was Paul a) holding court in Josh's HOH, and b) treating Josh like his butler? And why was Josh letting him?

I think I'm liking Christmas--for now. She seems to have Paul's number and she's not aligned with Jody. Don't see how she can last much longer though.

Yeah, I feel like Elena getting aggressive and condescending with Josh is the wrong approach. Dial it back a notch or twelve.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

Also, people keep calling Jessica a idiot but Cody is the only person working with her. Its not like if he goes alk will be forgotten. He's also good to keep around for comps because he's good at them. He's more likely to win a important comp than she is. Not because she's a woman. Just because she's seems to be middle of the road comp wise.

First of all I never brought her being a woman into it and I also didn't call her an idiot. I said I believe she made a strategical error in this case as she assumed both her and Cody would be on the block. If they were trying to not get nominated they might have pulled it off this week. If you're going to throw a comp knowing that in that case you're going up, then why play? Get Cody to win safety in the comp, sure but her throwing it does nothing for her OR him. "I want you to be safe and I'll basically put myself on the block" is not a good decision. You never want to go on the block. "I'm going to put myself in danger because it gives me a chance to save myself..." is a tactic I disagree with... how about staying out of danger in the first place??

  • Love 4
29 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Why was Josh wearing Jason's shirt during the HOH competition? I just noticed it in the recap tonight.

I was kind of happy to see that there actually were two of those shirts, never noticed the color difference and really thought he was just wearing that same shirt everyday.

1 hour ago, woodscommaelle said:

Yeesh. Has Elena always been so high-pitched/squeaky. Could NOT handle that voice.

She has serious "muppet mouth" going on too... she looks like IS Janice from the Muppet band. Same eyelashes and mouth!


I do wonder about her radio career too, she doesn't seem to have a voice I'd tune in for either.

Edited by Wandering Snark
Realized the Elena-Janice comparison
  • Love 10
10 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Why was Paul a) holding court in Josh's HOH, and b) treating Josh like his butler? And why was Josh letting him?

Yeah, I caught that.   Josh comes in with two glasses, tries to give one to Paul, who is busy talking.  Paul says "put it over there."    Josh obeys.  

Paul has the manipulation thing down pretty well.  Act like you're the boss, convince people that you're on their side.   get them to do you small favors, then larger ones.  

  • Love 8
35 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

It's capitalizing off of something that is popular.

Except there's no way to know whether or not it's popular. We assume it is because a lot of people talk about it, but Netflix refuses to release ratings.

My personal favorite moment was Kevin's nonplussed "I'm not scared of haunted houses. You should see the neighborhood I grew up in." Easy line? Yes. But I laughed anyway.

  • Love 1
18 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

Except there's no way to know whether or not it's popular. We assume it is because a lot of people talk about it, but Netflix refuses to release ratings.

My personal favorite moment was Kevin's nonplussed "I'm not scared of haunted houses. You should see the neighborhood I grew up in." Easy line? Yes. But I laughed anyway.

There is also the fact that every time a news story drops about the show or a trailer, it's the biggest story at the time. At comic con where the biggest movies are being discussed a trailer for a tv show on Netflix stole a lot of the spotlight. It's very much huge. One doesn't need to be told their ratings to knows this.

46 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

First of all I never brought her being a woman into it and I also didn't call her an idiot. I said I believe she made a strategical error in this case as she assumed both her and Cody would be on the block. If they were trying to not get nominated they might have pulled it off this week. If you're going to throw a comp knowing that in that case you're going up, then why play? Get Cody to win safety in the comp, sure but her throwing it does nothing for her OR him. "I want you to be safe and I'll basically put myself on the block" is not a good decision. You never want to go on the block. "I'm going to put myself in danger because it gives me a chance to save myself..." is a tactic I disagree with... how about staying out of danger in the first place??

My comment about her being a woman was about me making it clear I wasn't calling her weak because she's a woman. And what does it matter anyway. Either one of four people were going up on the block. It was never going to be both Jessica and Cody because they want them for sure gone. Hence the blindside. At that point, she can't save herself. They are just trying to make sure they have a chance to protect themselves. This isn't a pawn situation where you would be a idiot to put yourself up. This is fighting against the inevitable.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

First of all if you need evidence of production being pro-Paul check out the opening credits. If you have a DVR with 30-second skip and hit it right when the logo come on all you see is Paul. Sound familiar?

Oooooh!  Interesting!

1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Why was Paul a) holding court in Josh's HOH, and b) treating Josh like his butler? And why was Josh letting him?


57 minutes ago, backformore said:

Yeah, I caught that.   Josh comes in with two glasses, tries to give one to Paul, who is busy talking.  Paul says "put it over there."    Josh obeys.  

I could not believe that.


Best line, for me, was when Raven went into the house for the scary comp and said, "I am a professional ghost hunter....".  Then she freaked out.

I really need people to start mobilizing a group to covertly go after Paul and I need it quick.  I can see Christmas, Kevin, Mark, Matt, Elena and maybe Jason.

Alex  seems to have gone from playing the game to being played.  Her argument that Mark is a flip flopper makes no sense.  They will all have to flip at sometime and probably more than once or twice.  You can't take everyone with you to the end and win the game.  I like Kevin.  I like that he is quietly playing the game while still being nice and personable.  It worked for Derrick.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

I don't however understand why Jessica thought it would be just fine to be on the block. How about this for a better scenario Jess? How about BOTH of you having a chance to not be on the block. Throwing a comp that will lead to you going on the block is not exactly playing to your best odds.

Odds had nothing to do with it - certainties did.  As in:

  • Thanks to their almost total lack of communication with the rest of the House, neither Jessica nor Cody had any feel whatsoever for the depth of Josh's antipathy for Mark and Elena and their sketchy votes when Josh and Ramses were OTB; take that into account, and their expectation of ending up OTB would seem extremely reasonable.
  • One of Jody might win safety, but both certainly would not - meaning that best case, one of them would still be Block fodder.
  • Continuing the  one-of-Jody-safe line of thought - depending upon which didn't win safety, there was a significant BD peril.  If Cody wasn't safe, he would be virtually guaranteed to be the victim of a BD attempt; Jessica less so, but still a significant possibility.  And given Jody's perceptions of House feelings against them, any member of Jody OTB on Thursday night would be a pretty certain bet for eviction.

Hence Jody's reasoning: one of them would go all-out to win safety, and the other would go all-out to tank it.  

  1. In Jody's view the half of the team not winning safety was guaranteed to end up OTB eventually, either directly or via BD.  
  2. By "claiming" the Temptation seat OTB, Jody at least guarantees whichever of them isn't safe has at least one certain chance to play for PoV (possibly two, if the safe half of the team gets picked for PoV play) - defeating any opportunity for a BD attempt.
  3. Added bonus to this strategy: if the half of Jody OTB does win PoV, then one of Josh's pawns is guaranteed eviction - reducing that side of the House's voting bloc, and power. 

Is it risky?  Oh fuck yeah.  But based on Jessica and Cody's (mis-)perceptions of the House's unity against them, it's also about the only shot they have for both of them to stay in the House at least long enough to make it to the JH together.


1 hour ago, PaperTree said:

Her bio says she is a "Radio Personality".  I  must be missing the appeal.  She would only last seconds on my car radio.

Don't forget: on radio, Elena has an engineer whose sole job - and one s/he probably works overtime at - is to modulate her broadcast voice down to audio frequencies which don't cause active pain and distress to the canine population in the greater Dallas/Fort Worth area.

  • Love 5

All of these people have such pretty teeth.  Anybody else notice that?

I've asked before and I'll ask again because nobody has answered.  What's with the black fingernail polish on the men ... just one finger.  Are they demon possessed or something?

Josh thinks he's too cool for school.  He's not.

Cody and Jessica sure would make some pretty babies.  

Edited by slasherboy
  • Love 1

Okay, it's official now: Alex is a fucking moron.  Wtf does Alex think she "got away" with, with that Mark gaffe?


My favorite part of the episode?  Matt's stroll through the Haunted House.  Killer Klown getting up in Matt's face like "AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!", and Matt's body language reaction being somewhere in the neighborhood of, "How's it hanging, d00d?"  

In truth, this is *me* going through a haunted house - and I love them, too.

  • Love 5
31 minutes ago, slasherboy said:

All of these people have such pretty teeth.  Anybody else notice that?

I've asked before and I'll ask again because nobody has answered.  What's with the black fingernail polish on the men ... just one finger.  Are they demon possessed or something?

Kevin's teeth seem to need work.

Black nail polish on men - showing allegiance to Paul.

@Nashville - I agree with your assessment. 

  • Love 1
48 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Is it risky?  Oh fuck yeah.  But based on Jessica and Cody's (mis-)perceptions of the House's unity against them, it's also about the only shot they have for both of them to stay in the House at least long enough to make it to the JH together.

As it turned out, Elena finished next to last, so had Jess not thrown it, the noms would probably be the same just with Elena being the non-replaceable third nom.  Josh would have had a lot of pressure to put Jess up to placate "The House".

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Odds had nothing to do with it - certainties did.  As in:

Fair enough, I shall cede my point to you. I guess my logic was tainted by the fact that we knew it'd be Mark and Elena and I discounted the backdoor given how much Josh wants Elena gone and there being no backdoor as "his" nominee was already on the block. I only deduct points for repeated use of 'Jody'. I will say that I am pulling for those crazy kids to be safe together. Heh.

1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Don't forget: on radio, Elena has an engineer whose sole job - and one s/he probably works overtime at - is to modulate her broadcast voice down to audio frequencies which don't cause active pain and distress to the canine population in the greater Dallas/Fort Worth area.

And now you're making me think of one of my favorite movies... "Hey, poetry lady... are you really this cool?" Heh. I'm convinced you're right on this theory. Bravo.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

I only deduct points for repeated use of 'Jody'.

The only explanation - not a defense - I can offer is this: I'm usually on an iPad, and repeatedly typing out "Jessica and Cody" gets to be a royal pain in the ass.  "Jody" is purely more economical, typing-wise.


12 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

And now you're making me think of one of my favorite movies... "Hey, poetry girl... are you really this cool?" Heh. I'm convinced you're right on this theory. Bravo.

+50 points in the movie reference.  Got that'un on DVD.

  • Love 2

I don't understand Josh's belief that Elena is going home. 

Unless I'm missing something, Jessica is wrapped in fuct tape unless she wins the veto. So you put up someone less likely to win, allowing Jessica the chance to pull herself off and then Elena goes home. 

But putting up Mark didn't make sense to me. If he wins, he'll pull himself off, and Jessica goes home. If he doesn't, he goes home instead of Elena.

What am I missing? You don't put up Mark, you put up Raven. 

I wonder if Jess screwed herself by participating in that temptation challenge. 

It'll be interesting. Josh has put more thought into this than I expected, but additional thought doesn't always help when you're dumb.

  • Love 6

Cody's DR at the very beginning cracked me up. "Now that Josh is HOH......" (10 minute pause) ".....not much to say about that". Bah! 

Then there was #ooops. Alex, you is dumb. Wow, what a fucking blunder. Luckily, Mark is on the outs anyway, and she was able to spin it. I don't really care one way or the other, but that was some funny shit. No wonder Paul can lead all his dogs around by the collar. They're freaking morons. 

Well, apparently not Christmas, though. I liked seeing that she has his number and was encouraging Josh to think for himself. Honestly, I was quite shocked by how it all played out. When Josh won HOH, my husband and I started arguing over what would happen. He said that Josh would put up Cody and Mark. I said he'd do whatever the hell Paul told him to. Looks like we were both wrong. I'm not sure about his Elena strategy, but I am not super attached to her anyhow and it's just nice to see someone (even that raging psychopath) go against the Evil Overlord. 

So the Temptation Competition was a bucket of laughs as well. When I first saw it I was all, "NOPE". Big, fat nope on that competition. I love/hate scary stuff, and to go through it alone.? NOPE. But once I calmed down, watching the different hamster reactions was awesome. 

Elena was probably the best - "I don't like you." "Please get away from me." She's very direct and polite with the ghosts. 

Then you had Mark with his "DAMN!"s

Kevin was so casual. "Here, hold this." "Easy, killer." "You did a great job." And then he's the only one who took the actual heart out of the box!!! Hahahaha

I gotta say, all things considered, good episode. Lots of laughs, and I'm personally happy with the outcome, so that doesn't hurt. I'm glad Cody is safe. Now, Jessica's plan to come in last so she's guaranteed to play Veto? Eh, I don't know. But we shall see. Elena might really end up going home is A. Josh can rally enough votes and B. She keeps flipping out on people. I get that she's angry and it's quite obvious she's being lied to about the pawn shit. But she's not realizing that you need to adapt your game with different people. Socially, she's sucking this week. 

Also, I gotta say, I 100% think she stood up during her argument with Josh in the HOH room so she could watch herself in the mirror. 

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Kevin was so casual. "Here, hold this." "Easy, killer." "You did a great job." And then he's the only one who took the actual heart out of the box!!! Hahahaha

And "Here, hold my glasses".  I was almost on the floor.  He brings the much needed comedy relief.  Pulling that heart out of the jar was the topper.

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, mojoween said:

And that's pretty rich of Christmas to say it's Josh's HOH while she tries to steer him in a direction as well.

I didn't really see her naming names, though. I only noticed her steering him in the direction of doing his OWN thing, not Paul's. Which, it seems like he was already considering. So to have someone in the house let you know they got your back if you want to go against the purported leader is a good thing, IMO. 


9 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Why was Josh wearing Jason's shirt during the HOH competition? I just noticed it in the recap tonight.

He's worn it several times. Which seems impossible, because I swear JASON is always wearing it. Does he have more than one? Whatever the case, my husband wants Jason evicted for the shirt alone. 


6 hours ago, Nashville said:

My favorite part of the episode?  Matt's stroll through the Haunted House.  Killer Klown getting up in Matt's face like "AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!", and Matt's body language reaction being somewhere in the neighborhood of, "How's it hanging, d00d?"  

In truth, this is *me* going through a haunted house - and I love them, too.

I forgot Matt's! He was pretty funny too. I just loved all the different reactions. I would have been a Jessica - "I'm going to poop my pants" - and just hung out on the other side of the house until it was over.

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, ghoulina said:
9 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Why was Josh wearing Jason's shirt during the HOH competition? I just noticed it in the recap tonight.

He's worn it several times. Which seems impossible, because I swear JASON is always wearing it. Does he have more than one?

Something tells me he has a whole closet full of them......

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, Eolivet said:

Did Josh really tell Elena she "threw Paul under the rug?" Oh, Josh.

Christmas, getting her Rachel Reilly on, with her "floaters, grab a life vest"-type speech. Why do I feel like it's not Paul's HoH, but Christmas'?

I still can't bring myself to feel much for Jessica and Cody. They lie in bed and complain everyone hates them instead of -- oh, I don't know -- trying to do something about it. A big alliance always has cracks. Start trying to find them.

Exactly.  A stray comment here and there to set off paranoia.  I even think if they swallowed their pride and humbled themselves to Josh.  Josh just wants to feel respected.  If they were to go to him and apologize and cite some reason for their hostility....Josh is all about family so they could share the death jessica's father and cody's brother--Josh could relate to the sorrow that would cause.  But the two of them are either too proud or too lazy to do any social gaming.

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, watch2much said:

Exactly.  A stray comment here and there to set off paranoia.  I even think if they swallowed their pride and humbled themselves to Josh.  Josh just wants to feel respected.  If they were to go to him and apologize and cite some reason for their hostility....Josh is all about family so they could share the death jessica's father and cody's brother--Josh could relate to the sorrow that would cause.  But the two of them are either too proud or too lazy to do any social gaming.

Eh. I don't see how it really matters. They could try or stand to be more social but Josh isn't really their problem. It's Paul and there is nothing they could say to change that. He has too many followers. Also, unless someone monumentally fucks up, those two along with Mark and Elena will continue to be scapegoat targets no matter what they say.

Edited by Racj82
  • Love 1
25 minutes ago, watch2much said:

Josh is all about family so they could share the death jessica's father and cody's brother--Josh could relate to the sorrow that would cause. 

Spoilered because while I'm 90% certain this was on the broadcast, I'm allowing for the other 10% (if somebody knows for sure, let me know and I'll pull the spoiler tags):


Josh already knows about Jessica's dad and his death, because this has already been a point of contention between them.  In one of their fights, one of Jessica's grievances against Josh was that he knew the day of the slipping-disc competition (the HoH comp Jessica won) was the anniversary of her father's death, but he persisted in heaping abuse (and garbage) upon her.  In a display of an almost Raven-esque level sense of entitlement, Jessica apparently felt (a) Josh should have been "hands-off" on her during the comp for that reason, and (b) his targeting her during the comp on that day was an act of disrespect to both her and her familia.  Which is bullshit, but there ya go.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, phlebas said:

I don't understand Josh's belief that Elena is going home. 

Standard-grade HoH-itis: believing THE ALMIGHTY WILL OF THE HOH SHALL PREVAIL THROUGH TO EVICTION - even though the power-wielding portion of an HoH's reign is effectively concluded with the end of the PoV meeting, and the (potential) naming of any replacement Block nominees.

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

I was kind of happy to see that there actually were two of those shirts, never noticed the color difference and really thought he was just wearing that same shirt everyday.

She has serious "muppet mouth" going on too... she looks like IS Janice from the Muppet band. Same eyelashes and mouth!


I do wonder about her radio career too, she doesn't seem to have a voice I'd tune in for either.

Her face irritates me!  She seems to think she's the modern day Marilyn Monroe but her face looks so plastic an clownish.

  • Love 5
15 hours ago, TroopinFairy said:

Jessica is being is being a complete moron!!! Cody is not worth all this. Why is it that everyone can see that but her??? Ugh!

She does. There was a DR not long ago in which she expressed that, but she doesn't see an alternative to sticking with him. Speaking of her DR's, I was surprised to hear her use the phrase "Cody and I" correctly. She usually puts that into a part of a sentence where "I" should be "me" or "myself".

5 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I have seen the "could care less" thing in many scripted shows.  I don't know why those writers can't get it right either.

That's actually a valid phrase when said with the proper intonation (implying a "but not much"). It doesn't mean the same as "couldn't care less", which makes it clear that something is of no importance at all.

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, LoneHaranguer said:

She does. There was a DR not long ago in which she expressed that, but she doesn't see an alternative to sticking with him. Speaking of her DR's, I was surprised to hear her use the phrase "Cody and I" correctly. She usually puts that into a part of a sentence where "I" should be "me" or "myself".

It's kind of a Devil-You-Know vs. Devil-You-Don't situation. Jessica knows Cody is an albatross around her neck, but she also knows he's 100% got her back and she can trust him. She can't effectively defect to the other side of the house now. She can't trust a single one of them. The Ramses eviction proved that. 

  • Love 6

I love that Xmas is so delusional as to believe that anyone could get away with NOT playing "Your Boy" Paul's game. She's risking another broken bone. Joth toned down a bit of the crazy, but he's still a mess. I think the vote against Ramses showed that Cody and Jess have no clue how to play this game. Maybe their "us against the world" bit will get noticed by the producers of Amazing Race and/or Survivor, where their skill sets might be more suitable.

  • Love 1
14 minutes ago, NorthstarATL said:

I love that Xmas is so delusional as to believe that anyone could get away with NOT playing "Your Boy" Paul's game. She's risking another broken bone.

Somebody has has to lead the charge if there's any chance at all of taking this season away from Little P and driving a wedge between him and the Paulettes - and outside of Cody (whose social game makes Robocop look like Rachel Ray), I don't think anybody else in the House has the testicular fortitude to lead the charge.  

Of course, the very first person or two to raise a challenge flag against a given House's ruling cult of personality usually gets their bones ground to dust beneath the heels of the oligarchic oppressors and their blind minions - but hey, you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs....



Joth toned down a bit of the crazy, but he's still a mess.

Not sure.  Josh definitely isn't the sharpest bowling ball in this particular lane, but I'm pretty sure even he (more so than Paul, even) picked up a psychic twinge as to how badly the House in general - and himself in particular - came off in last week's barrage of successive persecution tirades.  Question of the Month is: will this flash of self-awareness stick?



I think the vote against Ramses showed that Cody and Jess have no clue how to play this game. Maybe their "us against the world" bit will get noticed by the producers of Amazing Race and/or Survivor, where their skill sets might be more suitable.

Agree 100% on that'un.  Anything which minimizes Cody's interactions with people not named Jessica Graf would be a tremendous advantage to the two.

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