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S02.E14: Con-text is Everything

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As the charter season comes to an end, the crew members struggle to resolve their complicated relationships; Bobby finally finds romance; Hannah and Bugsy air their grievances, and Lauren must choose sides; Adam has one more shocking detail for Wes.

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Absolutely none of these people are likeable! Adam won't let the Malia thing go so he has to insinuate himself in to make trouble by exposing her to Wes! Loser! From the previews it looks as if Bobby's doing exactly what he called Hannah on by monopolizing Paula! The HOST can't be happy & their TIP will prob reflect it! "Thanks Bobby!" Bugs' going to catch all kinds of flack @ the reunion for her not so humble attitude! She's a chronic complainer even when she says "I'm not going to complain!" I call BS on her and so will many more next week! "Get ready Andy!" See y'all @ the reunion next week! ;-)

Edited by Avon.Blakes7
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I'm aware that Bobby should have kept the girls together on the shopping excursion but when they decided to split up was he supposed to tell them no. Think of the pouts that would have ensued. Then when Jerry was angry at the table and he asked who's fault it was a female answered "Bobby". Yeah right. Throw Bobby under the bus because you know the primary is mad and you want to stay his golden ticket girl. If he's the one that endangers their tip then everyone will be thinking off with his head. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
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1 minute ago, Mindthinkr said:

I'm aware that Bobby should have kept the girls together on the shopping excursion but when they decided to split up was he supposed to tell them no. Think of the pouts that would have ensued. Then when Dean was angry at the table and he asked who's fault it was a female answered "Bobby". Yeah right. Throw Bobby under the bus because you know the primary is mad and you want to stay his golden ticket girl. If he's the one that endangers their tip then everyone will be thinking off with his head. 

Works for me! ;-)

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6 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Fugs was giggling about Bobby and the guest last week. 

Did Bobby say that girl will make any guy leak or weak???

Yes.  Beat up on Bobby. 

Cry me a river! He was so down on Hannah, but at least she was hit on by Host instead of one of the bimbos being mauled by Bobby! ;-)

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4 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Hannah to Fugs. 


giphy (1).gif

Just like a POS like Figs to drag everyone else into that BS about Hannah's work ethic! Why would she do that? Did she need back up because she's so fk'n insecure and FOS? ;-)

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@Avon.Blakes7 I think Fugs is one of those people who isn't happy unless she drags everyone else into her crap. 

She reminds me of a certain kind of Jr High click. Where the lead mean girl is popular in the third most popular group and the most popular girl of that group, someone who parades what a hood girl she is and calls the girl who her secret crush is dating a slit and makes up stories about her giving head based on seeing them hold hands. 

Edited by ShawnaLanne
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31 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

"If Capt Sandy was any more laid back she'd fall over"

Best line of the night

(Well so far)

I liked when he said guests who drown in the hot tub usually don't leave good tips. Lol 

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5 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

I wonder if they decided to do the reunion after filming.  You really don't need to spend a boring half hour with everyone saying goodbye and departing the boat with a reunion.

I think that's what happened since "Med" didn't have a reunion last season! ;-)

Edited by Avon.Blakes7
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1 minute ago, ryebread said:

I just happened to catch the last five minutes tonight. Captain Sandy says she's been in the business many years and has had a lot of Chief stews. And she says that she's never had one like Hannah. All she can say about her is that Hannah did her best. LOL. If that's not a backhanded compliment I don't know what is.

Is this the first season where there hasn't been a crew member fired and replaced?  Sandy really doesn't want to come back next season.

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Seriously?  The last half hour is just everyone lamely confronting each other?  Hannah, you win, you are the chief stew.  Bugs, why take the 2nd stew job if you insist on being first? The way to be first is not to bitch about setting the table and reading someone's private messages to fellow crew members.  

Adam got played but seriously, get over it.

Malia has a lot of growing up to do.

Sandy and Max were the best parts of the show.

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At the start, I see they have all cranked their obnoxiousness up yet another notch.

Bugs fuming while drunken Jerry praised Hannah was priceless.  He is quite an asshole, but a big tipper.  That's what matters.

The shoe shopping trip was a riot. Herding cats indeed.  Chill out Jerry, the eye candy will be along.  Just shut up and eat.

Dumbass Bobby being a dumbass, How do you just leave two guests behind?  Sandy was too kind to him.  She's too kind to everybody.  She can't be this way all the time to have made it where she is.  No way.

Jerry totally yanks Bobby's chain and then "punishes" Paula.  Too funny.

Poor Bugs, Cinderella has to stay home and clean the glasses while the cool kids go party with the guests until 3AM.  They didn't show Hannah being sloppy drunk and she gets a bonus!  The pressure builds in Volcano Bugs........

Very generous (and smart) of her to share it and of course Bugs has to be a bitch with her snide comments.  Yuk!  I hate lamb.

She is truly disgusting.  Why rope Wes into this confrontation?  He has no clue what really goes on inside.

So Lauren has been a super secret double agent while Bugs tries to "brainwash" her against Hannah, her true friend.  LOL.  Oh right.  She's a "people pleaser" and just agrees with whoever she is talking to at the time.


Wes is confused.  Wes is an idiot.  Malia annoys the hell out of me.  Just go away.  

I really enjoy when people force these confrontations to make them feel better about themselves and the person getting confronted just won't co-operate with the self-righteous bullshit, leaving the confronter even less satisfied.  Waaah!

Then Adam drops the hammer.  "Oh.  BTW Wes, we were doin' it, too.  Good luck, Bro!"

So Max has a dysfunctional family??

Nice Hannah and Bobby made up, for the most part.

Bugs pulls her usual passive-aggressive BS.  Hannah is unfazed.  "And honestly, fuck off."  With the editing it is impossible for us to know who is doing how much work and how long it takes, except for Lauren doing all the mega-laundry.

Every place I have ever worked, there are always people complaining that so and so isn't doing their share of work.  Often that is true.

Then there is always the one who claims to do everything and that the whole mess would collapse without them.  Please.

Good-bye Malia!  "Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!"

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4 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Wes is an idiot.  If Malia played Adam, she'll play you too, little Wes.

Love is "stupid!" That's why Beyonce came up with that song "Crazy In Love!" ;-) 


Edited by Avon.Blakes7
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1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

Wes is an idiot.  If Malia played Adam, she'll play you too, little Wes.


I don't get the Wes love.  He's a toad who promoted someone he's in a relationship with and comes as an idiot.  I also didn't like how he puked on Hannah. He literally had no skin in that game except he's a twerp.  I hated how he condemned Hannah for flirting with a guest and then high fives Booby over it. 

Max is a non entity judgemental ass kisser.

If Adam actually told Malia he loved her after four days I almost understand why she hooked up with Wes. As protection. Adam's the kind of guy who only understands no if a woman is attached. 

Hannah is arrogant and obnoxious. But she did her job. Her job is not the Dr as the 2nd and 3rd Stew. Different responsibilities and Fugs knows this. 

Fugs is a whiny,  lieing, psycho who will throw the primary overboard if it suites her agenda. I've worked with people like her,  they sow trouble and crest more work with their chaos. 

Sandy should have fired Adam. 

L,  whatever her name is, is a negligible pushover. 

Edited by ShawnaLanne
I really hate that my spell checker replaces words like toad for road. Fuck you spell check.
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38 minutes ago, ryebread said:

I just happened to catch the last five minutes tonight. Captain Sandy says she's been in the business many years and has had a lot of Chief stews. And she says that she's never had one like Hannah. All she can say about her is that Hannah did her best. LOL. If that's not a backhanded compliment I don't know what is.

Didnt see it that way.  Like the title of the episode,  it felt part of a larger comment. Like she did her best with the staff (stews) she had to work with. Also, if Bugs main complaint is that Hannah was lazy, then Sandy's comment appears to contradict that.  

Malia is someone who needs to be the prettiest girl at the prom. Anyone who might challenge her for attention is a threat.  Hence, Bugs appeal as her wing woman.

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Adam could have gotten away without looking so bad but for him trying to get back at her through her new beau! He just came off like a psycho and it'll all come out at the reunion how obsessive he was for the most part; "fatal attraction II!" ;-)

Edited by Avon.Blakes7
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Watching with my teenage son and when we got to the scene of Adam and Wes talking on the last day in their cabin, he exclaimed 'Bananas on a boat! What??? Look at that box of bananas! THAT is why they had so much bad relationship juju...EVERYBODY knows you can't have bananas on a boat or else you'll be jinxed!' 

I spilled my ice cream in my lap, I was laughing so hard. Mystery solved folks, courtesy of an 18 year old boat rat LOL 

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26 minutes ago, HahYallDoin said:

Watching with my teenage son and when we got to the scene of Adam and Wes talking on the last day in their cabin, he exclaimed 'Bananas on a boat! What??? Look at that box of bananas! THAT is why they had so much bad relationship juju...EVERYBODY knows you can't have bananas on a boat or else you'll be jinxed!' 

I spilled my ice cream in my lap, I was laughing so hard. Mystery solved folks, courtesy of an 18 year old boat rat LOL 

I didn't know bananas were a boat jinx, but I did wonder what the hell that box of bananas was doing in their room.  It's not like one person could eat that many on the last day of charter, and they likely wouldn't last until either gets home.  But now that I know they're a jinx, that explains all the bad juju in that room.

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26 minutes ago, Lizzing said:

I didn't know bananas were a boat jinx, but I did wonder what the hell that box of bananas was doing in their room.  It's not like one person could eat that many on the last day of charter, and they likely wouldn't last until either gets home.  But now that I know they're a jinx, that explains all the bad juju in that room.

I served on a ship in the USN and never heard of that,  but on reflection I don't think we ever had ? on board either.  Hmmmm. 

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1 hour ago, PaperTree said:

Every place I have ever worked, there are always people complaining that so and so isn't doing their share of work.  Often that is true.

Every place I have worked, the person complaining so and so isn't doing their share of work is also not doing their share of work or they wouldn't have so much time to whine and complain and monitor everyone around them.

One thing I did find interesting, was that when Wes told Malia that Adam told him they had been physical before the boat she was transparently thinking about whether she could lie and deny.

Much of this season felt like production was sharing information that crew members "got away with" and forcing confrontations.

Not an entertaining season. I feel like most of the crew won't be back next season.

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My favorite moment was Bugs flouncing away, declaring her would-be confrontation with Hannah "childish", because Lauren didn't back her up and told her to work out the issue between the two, and Hannah called out the fact that Bugsy's biggest problem was less about Hannah and more about Bugsy wanting the Chief Stew position, something she admitted to in last week's ep when she was trying to get Capt Sandy to do her dirty work. 

ETA: Also, when Bugsy finally attempted to enumerate what exactly Hannah was slacking on, it was also clear that it was parts of the job that are SUPPOSED to be done by the second and third stews. That, again, highlighted Bugs' issue was about position and not work load, imo. 

Edited by VagueDisclaimer
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It was a split second shot, but Hannah was wearing duct tape around her waist when she took her clothes off after the final charter. Ouch!!  Did she leave her Spanx at home? 

Those girls hated Jerry!!  I thought it was hilarious when one of the crew said they'd gone to buy running shoes.  Ha!  He probably was humiliated because he could clearly tell they didn't want to be around him.   He won't be asking them again next season!  I wish Bobby's crush's friends would have texted her to meet them out.  That would have really pissed Jerry off! 

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Just now, Teddybear said:

It was a split second shot, but Hannah was wearing duct tape around her waist when she took her clothes off after the final charter. Ouch!!  Did she leave her Spanx at home? 


It's probably for the mic. 

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4 minutes ago, Teddybear said:

but Hannah was wearing duct tape around her waist when she took her clothes off after the final charter. Ouch!!  Did she leave her Spanx at hom

It was most likely her mic pack belt.

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2 hours ago, PaperTree said:

At the start, I see they have all cranked their obnoxiousness up yet another notch.

Bugs fuming while drunken Jerry praised Hannah was priceless.  He is quite an asshole, but a big tipper.  That's what matters.

The shoe shopping trip was a riot. Herding cats indeed.  Chill out Jerry, the eye candy will be along.  Just shut up and eat.

Dumbass Bobby being a dumbass, How do you just leave two guests behind?  Sandy was too kind to him.  She's too kind to everybody.  She can't be this way all the time to have made it where she is.  No way.

Jerry totally yanks Bobby's chain and then "punishes" Paula.  Too funny.

Poor Bugs, Cinderella has to stay home and clean the glasses while the cool kids go party with the guests until 3AM.  They didn't show Hannah being sloppy drunk and she gets a bonus!  The pressure builds in Volcano Bugs........

Very generous (and smart) of her to share it and of course Bugs has to be a bitch with her snide comments.  Yuk!  I hate lamb.

She is truly disgusting.  Why rope Wes into this confrontation?  He has no clue what really goes on inside.

So Lauren has been a super secret double agent while Bugs tries to "brainwash" her against Hannah, her true friend.  LOL.  Oh right.  She's a "people pleaser" and just agrees with whoever she is talking to at the time.


Wes is confused.  Wes is an idiot.  Malia annoys the hell out of me.  Just go away.  

I really enjoy when people force these confrontations to make them feel better about themselves and the person getting confronted just won't co-operate with the self-righteous bullshit, leaving the confronter even less satisfied.  Waaah!

Then Adam drops the hammer.  "Oh.  BTW Wes, we were doin' it, too.  Good luck, Bro!"

So Max has a dysfunctional family??

Nice Hannah and Bobby made up, for the most part.

Bugs pulls her usual passive-aggressive BS.  Hannah is unfazed.  "And honestly, fuck off."  With the editing it is impossible for us to know who is doing how much work and how long it takes, except for Lauren doing all the mega-laundry.

Every place I have ever worked, there are always people complaining that so and so isn't doing their share of work.  Often that is true.

Then there is always the one who claims to do everything and that the whole mess would collapse without them.  Please.

Good-bye Malia!  "Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!"

Jerry also praised Danny last season, so he might not be the best judge of who the MVP is.

The weak link stew always gets stuck in the laundry because they can't be trusted with anything else.

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2 hours ago, PaperTree said:

I really enjoy when people force these confrontations to make them feel better about themselves and the person getting confronted just won't co-operate with the self-righteous bullshit, leaving the confronter even less satisfied.  Waaah!

That was pretty funny. She thought she was going to be the mature one and be magnanimous and go talk to Adam and say no hard feelings. As if the fact that she's declared it over and her only fault was being too intimidated to be honest (coughbullcrapcough) means he owes her forgiveness and an apology of his own. He is a fool, but that was a pathetic apology and I'm glad he didn't give an inch.


Consequences Malia. Acquaint yourself with the concept.

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1 hour ago, Lizzing said:

I didn't know bananas were a boat jinx, but I did wonder what the hell that box of bananas was doing in their room.  It's not like one person could eat that many on the last day of charter, and they likely wouldn't last until either gets home.  But now that I know they're a jinx, that explains all the bad juju in that room.

Well, they had bananas in the relationship corner of their cabin.

1 hour ago, VagueDisclaimer said:

My favorite moment was Bugs flouncing away, declaring her would-be confrontation with Hannah "childish", because Lauren didn't back her up and told her to work out the issue between the two, and Hannah called out the fact that Bugsy's biggest problem was less about Hannah and more about Bugsy wanting the Chief Stew position, something she admitted to in last week's ep when she was trying to get Capt Sandy to do her dirty work. 

ETA: Also, when Bugsy finally attempted to enumerate what exactly Hannah was slacking on, it was also clear that it was parts of the job that are SUPPOSED to be done by the second and third stews. That, again, highlighted Bugs' issue was about position and not work load, imo. 

True true. During this last charter, Bugs was bitching about Hannah again because the primary wanted the crew to go clubbing with him. However it was pretty clear that Hannah was doing a decent amount of concierge/stew services on the go for the guests. She was arranging admission to clubs, getting drinks, and even arranging to have Bobby and the guest to go go dance. Also if you've ever had to hang with your boss or client in a situation where the boss or client could get drunk, but you still needed to be relatively sober in order to brief or pitch them, you know how miserable hanging with your boss or client at a bar is. Shut up Bugs.

Whatever. Evil Hannah made Bugs wash dishes. 

32 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

The weak link stew always gets stuck in the laundry because they can't be trusted with anything else.

I'm ironing the captain's shorts. More steam. More starch. I'm ironing the captain's shorts.

Edited by HunterHunted
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The bananas theory is for fishing vessels.

I liked Sandy, the blond guy and that's about it.

Loved how the last charter had the girls who just wanted a cruise and not the handsy hands of the primary.  Very funny and very sad all at the same time.

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1 hour ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Jerry also praised Danny last season, so he might not be the best judge of who the MVP is.

The weak link stew always gets stuck in the laundry because they can't be trusted with anything else.

It wasn't until that clip of him handing the "MVP" tip to "Daniel-San" that I realized that was the same dude. Am I forgetful? Or just bored?

I'm not sure that I can say anything different about Bugs that hasn't been said. I'm just so over her pouting and pettiness. And her treating the security camera like her own private soap opera/spy cam.

I don't feel sorry for Wes. He should know better, but he's going for it anyway, and he's a creep for putting his hookup in a leadership position. 

And as for Malia, now I know "the real Malia"--she's a schemer, a cheater, and not the hot crap she thinks she is. All season she's reminded me of a coworker, who constantly tries to "pull rank" on me by trying to prove how much smarter she is than me, and who clearly thinks she's the crap. 

Edited by ivygirl
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16 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

It wasn't until that clip of him handing the "MVP" tip to "Daniel-San" that I realized that was the same dude. Am I forgetful? Or just bored?

I'm not sure that I can say anything different about Bugs that hasn't been said. I'm just so over her pouting and pettiness. And her treating the security camera like her own private soap opera/spy cam.

I don't feel sorry for Wes. He should know better, but he's going for it anyway, and he's a creep for putting his hookup in a leadership position. 

And as for Malia, now I know "the real Malia"--she's a schemer, a cheater, and not the hot crap she thinks she is. All season she's reminded me of a coworker, who constantly tries to "pull rank" on me by trying to prove how much smarter she is than me, and who clearly thinks she's the crap. 

Probably just bored (not that anyone would blame ya) because they showed clips from last season during the last episode and it was mentioned that he was that guest in the episode thread on this site.

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3 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Probably just bored (not that anyone would blame ya) because they showed clips from last season during the last episode and it was mentioned that he was that guest in the episode thread on this site.

The crew were so jealous of Daniel-son! lol! ;-)

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The only thing that saved this episode was re-running that clip of Bobby getting whacked in the head with a water bottle. They could have cut this episode in half and just played that clip for 30 minutes and I would be happy. 

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