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S08.E03: Low Key

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@Scarlett45 glad I explained it better! ? I like learning how other people think and talking through differences of opinion. I definitely can see where you're coming from w/r/t Chelsea thinking it would be smooth sailing! I bet you are right. This is probably the first big problem she has experienced while she's been with Cole. Plus there may be other things going on that are bothering her more that she isn't talking about on camera, like maybe she's pooping uncontrollably...lol! I've never had a baby, so idk if that happens. ? She could just be physically uncomfortable, and maybe she wants to talk to Cole privately about her poop problem or whatever. I have definitely been annoyed when I wanted to talk to someone privately and someone else wouldn't leave the damn room!

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2 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

@GreatKazu I'm of a similar mind. No one "deserves" abuse, but when you're a horrible violent person yourself who has abused other people, and refuses to own up to it, I'm not going to have sympathy for you when you get a taste of your own medicine. 


Right. These two are abusive assholes who have left their own victims' behind without owning up to it. Amber and Jenelle are still threats to the human race including their own children. They both could care less about the two children who are being cared for by other people.  If they were guys I think they would be looked upon like Matt, Adumb, Nathan, and David. Those two are right up there with Kail. 

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To me it's not as much about personal sympathy, everyone is going to have their own feelings about each of these girls and situations emotionally based on various things including our own experiences and that's neither here nor there. The fact that I don't want *anyone* to be abused as a matter of principle and think by definition, it is never "deserved," doesn't mean I do or don't have sympathy personally for Jenelle. What disturbs me is that I have seen hundreds of her fans wax poetic (using bad grammar of course) about how romantic David is. He is so perfect, he truly cares, he's a real man, finally you are with someone who treats you right, etc. When they see things like this-- obvious manipulation and extreme tendencies towards psychological and physical violence-- they are somehow interpreting it so radically differently that I'm afraid many of them also don't think for themselves. Or, even worse, they *want* to be told how to respond emotionally, who they can and cannot speak to, etc. And these are not jealous 17 year olds we're watching, they are 20 somethings with children. I don't know how they can see David and praise his and Jenelle's relationship as something they would want for themselves. It is jarring and terrifying and answers some of my questions about who keeps going for the Ryans and Kailyns and Nathans of the world. 

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4 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

@Scarlett45 glad I explained it better! ? I like learning how other people think and talking through differences of opinion. I definitely can see where you're coming from w/r/t Chelsea thinking it would be smooth sailing! I bet you are right. This is probably the first big problem she has experienced while she's been with Cole. Plus there may be other things going on that are bothering her more that she isn't talking about on camera, like maybe she's pooping uncontrollably...lol! I've never had a baby, so idk if that happens. ? She could just be physically uncomfortable, and maybe she wants to talk to Cole privately about her poop problem or whatever. I have definitely been annoyed when I wanted to talk to someone privately and someone else wouldn't leave the damn room!

Totally. She's also probably sleep deprived, healing from the birth and it's been several years since she's had a newborn- those midnight feedings aren't fun, and if she's nursing and up 500x a day she might be more crabby than normal. For so long Aubree has been a pretty easy going kid, and Chelsea is like "hey bud this isn't like you". 

Aubree knows her Mom loves her bunches, I don't think these weeks or months are going to have a negative effect on her relationship with her mom, step dad OR Baby Watson. I think it's cute how she wants him to smile for her. ?

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5 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

To me it's not as much about personal sympathy, everyone is going to have their own feelings about each of these girls and situations emotionally based on various things including our own experiences and that's neither here nor there. The fact that I don't want *anyone* to be abused as a matter of principle and think by definition, it is never "deserved," doesn't mean I do or don't have sympathy personally for Jenelle. What disturbs me is that I have seen hundreds of her fans wax poetic (using bad grammar of course) about how romantic David is. He is so perfect, he truly cares, he's a real man, finally you are with someone who treats you right, etc. When they see things like this-- obvious manipulation and extreme tendencies towards psychological and physical violence-- they are somehow interpreting it so radically differently that I'm afraid many of them also don't think for themselves. Or, even worse, they *want* to be told how to respond emotionally, who they can and cannot speak to, etc. And these are not jealous 17 year olds we're watching, they are 20 somethings with children. I don't know how they can see David and praise his and Jenelle's relationship as something they would want for themselves. It is jarring and terrifying and answers some of my questions about who keeps going for the Ryans and Kailyns and Nathans of the world. 

Slow clap to you on that note. Yes it is jarring to see that many people (not naive kids but adults that should know better), see their relationship as something they should aspire to- it's 2017, DV isn't the "hush hush" topic it was 60 years ago, and I would think most young people would be educated that this behavior is a pre-cursor to violence, which is not funny. Women (and some men) DIE at the hands of their partners daily. It gets labeled a "domestic dispute", IMO a "domestic dispute" is "what color we paint the kitchen", not assault/battery/rape/murder. 

I want to know why is it that when you do x (without permission) to a person you claim to love (like hit them) it's "understandable" but if you did the same thing to Joe Schmoe on the street everyone would condemn you. It's even more upsetting because Jenelle witnessed DV growing up and Barb spoke about how awful it was, yet she's mooning over David. 

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It upsets me to think of how worried barb must be. She has been through DV and sees the same thing happening to her daughter, who won't let her help her!!! I know it must be so frustrating to talk to jenelle alone and have her be fine, but then talk around David and it's a completely different story. Also, being beholden to David's stupid wishes about where they should meet, etc. I'm sure she is worried for jenelle, but also herself when she sees David. Not only is he big enough to hurt her, but she would be worried already as a DV survivor. This has to be such a hard situation for her!

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16 hours ago, Emmierose said:

I feel bad for Briana because she's so dumb.  Her mother is aching for an Oscar nomination with her drama.  Settle down there Roxanne, you're on Teen Mom and no one is impressed with your acting skills. 

@Emmierose LMAO!!!! I am trying to figure out if someone told her she was auditioning for a lead role in a Lifetime movie. 

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Jenelle can be hyper-sensitive. To inform her, as gently as possible, that David is abusive to her would only bring out the wrath of Jenelle. She would see it as being told she failed. She didn't have enough sense to find someone better. To Jenelle, and unfortunately a lot of people,, if her partner isn't beating her senseless and she isn't spending time calling the police, her relationship is fine. How many times have we heard Jenelle say, "We get along great. We hardly fight."? To her, if a week goes by without any drama, things are perfect. Jenelle's dad was out of her life by the time she was 6 years old. She likely doesn't have a lot of memory of what happened to her mother. She loves her dad to pieces and feels Barb is at fault for the break-down of that marriage. 

I was deeply bothered at Jenelle's comment at that stupid baby shower where she said her mother doesn't take vacations. Jenelle is really a straight up liar because Barb has gone on vacation. In fact, she took Jace to France last summer, I believe. Barb has also gone to Florida to visit Disneyworld with Jenelle and Nathan. She can't take vacations on a whim because she does have a job, but Jenelle's blatant lying is truly bothersome because it goes to show the things she will utter at a moment's notice just to take a stab at her mother. 

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To be fair, I think in Jenelle's world 6 vacations count as one. Only one or two a year would count as "never going on vacation." 

Also, is "Jeremy and Brooke broke up because of a phone conversation with Leah" the "I'm going to treatment but I don't have a drug problem" of 2017? Because, yeah, pretty sure they broke up because Jeremy was screwing other people. 

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8 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

Barb kept asking who was going to watch the kids? I think she was just making it clear that she wasn't. Good for you Barb!

I honestly don't even know why Barb asked that question. If she knows she isn't going to watch them, what does she care? It's not her problem. 

Going by Jenelle's photos, she did take Jace and Maryssa but not Kaiser and Endtable. I assume Kaiser was with Nathan and his mom while Endtable ended up with David's side of the family. 

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Leah is posing as a college student, she has to study after the long commute. She's exhausted and has to take care of a house and 3 kids. Oh! I know, let's get a puppy. 

1 minute ago, GreatKazu said:

I honestly don't even know why Barb asked that question. If she knows she isn't going to watch them, what does she care? It's not her problem. 

Going by Jenelle's photos, she did take Jace and Maryssa but not Kaiser and Endtable. I assume Kaiser was with Nathan and his mom while Endtable ended up with David's side of the family. 

Who knows? Those 2 kids need to get busy and have another baby, like David wants. Barf!

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@Christina87I think one major thing that Aubree is dealing with is that she doesn't feel special anymore.    But she can't articulate that.   She wants attention and acceptance even from an infant.    Chelsea is not assuring her in ways that Aubree can receive imo.   Like when Chelsea was saying how much she wanted a baby and then Aubree chimed in and Chelsea said a little baby.  Then finally said you're my baby too.    she's not particularly convincing.  I don't doubt that she loves Aubree, and I get the fact that she just had a baby and everything that goes with it, but I also think Chelsea is making Cole and his happiness more of a priority which is a dick move to me. 

She has always done that tho.  Like when she was trying to fix things with Adam even though they fought so bad around Aubree ---and that came straight from randy on one of the reunions.   

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2 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Totally. She's also probably sleep deprived, healing from the birth and it's been several years since she's had a newborn- those midnight feedings aren't fun, and if she's nursing and up 500x a day she might be more crabby than normal. For so long Aubree has been a pretty easy going kid, and Chelsea is like "hey bud this isn't like you". 

Aubree knows her Mom loves her bunches, I don't think these weeks or months are going to have a negative effect on her relationship with her mom, step dad OR Baby Watson. I think it's cute how she wants him to smile for her. ?

 Right. I've refrained from commenting on the Aubree, Chelsea, Cole, & new baby "drama" because:

1) it appears it may have been spliced together from different conversations anyway, and didn't happen like that at all; 

2) I remember very well what it was like to be postpartum - physically still healing, physically and mentally exhausted from labor for weeks plus the lack of sleep, and hormones making you feel like someone else completely from time to time. I'm not gonna crap on Chelsea for not handling something better when she's likely exhausted, frustrated, and dealing with hormonal mood swings. That's not excusing that she could have handled it better if it went down the way it was shown, but I'm kind of going to give her a pass because of how crazy life with a newborn is and how it can make you not be yourself, so to speak. 

3). It's hard enough to get sleep with a newborn, let alone with an 8 year old who likely kicks, tosses, and turns all night smushed into bed with you and your husband. I LOVED cuddling and holding my babies, but I also get the need for a little bit of space and/or curling up next to your partner in bed while the newborn sleeps without a kid kicking you or hogging the covers. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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14 minutes ago, lexiexx said:

  I don't doubt that she loves Aubree, and I get the fact that she just had a baby and everything that goes with it, but I also think Chelsea is making Cole and his happiness more of a priority which is a dick move to me. 


I agree. I felt bad when Aubree said Watson only smiled for Cole and Chelsea responded "well, that's his daddy." Way to make your kid feel like shit, Chels. If Jenelle or Kail made a comment like that they'd be getting reamed. I don't think Chelsea's problem is new baby exhaustion as much as it her annoyance that Aubree isn't sticking to the script she wanted. She can't be all that tired if she has the energy to spackle on twenty-six layers of MAC StudioFix.

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4 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

She can't be all that tired if she has the energy to spackle on twenty-six layers of MAC StudioFix

That is hilarious I almost spit out my water all over my phone!?

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Jo just seems like a cool, mellow, stable figure in Isaac's life. It is telling how Issac goes to him for comfort.  When he did hug Kail, she looked bored, not concerned. 

Jenyell is so gross. Actually, she looked completely different with her real smile, when on the phone with Barb, early in the episode. 

I think things will calm down with Aubs.  I bet the cameras, new baby etc are a bit much for her to handle at times. 

I think too, that Addy is just worried she won't see her dad for a long time if she leaves him.  Poor girl.   She is also his spitting image, but with blonde hair. 

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2 hours ago, Christina87 said:

@Scarlett45 glad I explained it better! ? I like learning how other people think and talking through differences of opinion. I definitely can see where you're coming from w/r/t Chelsea thinking it would be smooth sailing! I bet you are right. This is probably the first big problem she has experienced while she's been with Cole. Plus there may be other things going on that are bothering her more that she isn't talking about on camera, like maybe she's pooping uncontrollably...lol! I've never had a baby, so idk if that happens. ? She could just be physically uncomfortable, and maybe she wants to talk to Cole privately about her poop problem or whatever. I have definitely been annoyed when I wanted to talk to someone privately and someone else wouldn't leave the damn room!

I know you are just using this as an example, but I am 100% SURE that Chelsea has not discussed poop with Cole.  She does not seem like the type to be able to discuss it, and he seems like he would be happy to not know about any of that.  

Also, it is usually the other way around, after having a baby, inability to poop.  Just in case there are questions about that!  :)  



20 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

She can't be all that tired if she has the energy to spackle on twenty-six layers of MAC StudioFix.

HA!  And I know it is a shallow observation... but did anyone else notice how white her scalp is compared to her orange face??  I was like, does she see this in the mirror?  Holy bronzer!

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32 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I agree. I felt bad when Aubree said Watson only smiled for Cole and Chelsea responded "well, that's his daddy." Way to make your kid feel like shit, Chels. If Jenelle or Kail made a comment like that they'd be getting reamed. I don't think Chelsea's problem is new baby exhaustion as much as it her annoyance that Aubree isn't sticking to the script she wanted. She can't be all that tired if she has the energy to spackle on twenty-six layers of MAC StudioFix.

In my view it's because Jenelle and Kail have gone far and beyond doing what Chelsea has done to deserve the backlash they do. Kail and Jenelle are abusers. They wreak havoc and create utter chaos in the lives of their children. They are emotionally and mentally abusive to them as well as other people. Plenty of snark to be delivered their way. If all they did was make an honest mistake here and there, like Chelsea does on occasion, it would be different.  Chelsea's intentions are good. Jenelle and Kail's intentions are selfish ones. They choose to be disgusting assholes all the time so of course their behavior will be dissected and they will be scrutinized a lot more. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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OMG I almost forgot to mention - how HIGH was Janelle (high high ya both high) when David was holding the baby and she was sitting next to him????  Her eyes were barely open and she had an actual smile on her face.  I know an opiate high when I see one (don't ask), and she was insanely high.  I am sure the doctor have her some percocet for her stitches and she was LOVING them.

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19 hours ago, AhFillAck said:

Kail: "I havent told Javi yet because I'm afraid he'll try and sell it."

Jo: "Sell the baby??"

I was DYING laughing at that.

Hahahaha, I forgot about that one! Jo had some great lines in that conversation. 

Kail : "So.....you know that thing I haven't wanted to talk about on camera?"

Jo : "Which one?"


17 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

In the not too distant future, I can see Isaac requesting to live with Jo full-time because his emotion needs aren't being met by his mother.

On the contrary, I see him as such a people pleaser, that he's going to be unlikely to do anything to hurt her. I see a lot of Jo in him. He's quiet and sensitive and just wants to keep the peace. 


16 hours ago, nikita said:

I don't even think Aubree is jealous. I think she feels excluded, and there's a difference IMO.

I actually never thought Chelsea would sort of push Aubree aside for the bio trio of Chelsea/Cole/Elementary. I really feel for poor Aubs. And she can't even turn to Adam for consolation.

I agree on both counts. It's definitely being left out - she wasn't just mentioning the attention Cole gets. She mentioned her parents getting to play with HIM after she goes to bed. And getting his smiles. I am an only child of my mom and dad, but I have 3 sisters from my mom's second marriage. I am super close to them all now, but as kids there were rocky moments when I felt I wasn't part of their family. It wasn't even really anyone's fault, it was just natural due to being the only one to go away on weekends. 

I think Chelsea has good intentions, but she needs to be more aware of how hard this is for Aubree. I don't care when she made that comment, whether it was in front of Aubree or not. The perspective shocked me. Chelsea has always be soooo about Aubree. I imagined her being super patient and helping the kid work through it. Who knows? She's probably really tired and hormonal. I reserve total judgment until we're a year on, but I do feel for Aubs. 

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10 minutes ago, Cherry Cola said:


I think too, that Addy is just worried she won't see her dad for a long time if she leaves him.  Poor girl.   She is also his spitting image, but with blonde hair. 

It kind of annoyed me when Jeremy and Brooke inferred there was some shady reason behind why Addie never wants to go home. To me, it's pretty simple. Jeremy is the Disneyland Dad who spoils Addie to make up for the fact that he doesn't see her, while Leah is the boring parent who makes her brush her teeth and wake up early for school. Of course Addie is going to prefer the guy who takes her on trips and keeps her flush in Walmart goods. 

Edited by BitterApple
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1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

Also, is "Jeremy and Brooke broke up because of a phone conversation with Leah" the "I'm going to treatment but I don't have a drug problem" of 2017? Because, yeah, pretty sure they broke up because Jeremy was screwing other people. 

Right? Even Addie probably knew the truth. She reads In Touch, people!

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4 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

It kind of annoyed me when Jeremy and Brooke inferred there was some shady reason behind why Addie never wants to go home. To me, it's pretty simple. Jeremy is the Disneyland Dad who spoils Addie to make up for the fact that he doesn't see her, while Leah is the boring parent who makes her brush her teeth and wake up early for school. Of course Addie is going to prefer the guy who takes her on trips and keeps her flush in Walmart goods. 

Exactly, plus a visit with him isn't on a specific schedule or guaranteed. Mom is a given, he's a special treat that gets taken away at intermittent times. 

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1 minute ago, BitterApple said:

It kind of annoyed me when Jeremy and Brooke inferred there was some shady reason behind why Addie never wants to go home. To me, it's pretty simple. Jeremy is the Disneyland Dad who spoils Addie to make up for the fact that he doesn't see her, while Leah is the boring parent who makes her brush her teeth and wake up early for school. Of course Addie is going to prefer the guy who takes her on trips and keeps her flush in Walmart goods.

I wish Germy would spend one-on-one time with his daughter without the girlfriend in tow. He hardly sees her and it would be great for them to share time as father and daughter not father, daughter, and hoo-ha of the month. 



I think Chelsea has good intentions, but she needs to be more aware of how hard this is for Aubree. I don't care when she made that comment, whether it was in front of Aubree or not. The perspective shocked me. Chelsea has always be soooo about Aubree. I imagined her being super patient and helping the kid work through it. Who knows? She's probably really tired and hormonal. I reserve total judgment until we're a year on, but I do feel for Aubs. 

I just posted the same thing about Chelsea's intentions are good. If there was a pattern where Chelsea was behaving in a manner where she was a fucking asshole who was treating her child like Jace or Leah (Amber's daughter), I'd be on her ass like white on rice. 

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On 7/31/2017 at 11:02 PM, heatherchandler said:

This made me so angry!  Yes, she's ruining it.. and Aubree, a child is *hearing* that she is ruining his experience!

Maybe I didn't see it correctly but I thought they showed Aubree leaving the room and Chelsea talked in a lower voice when she said it (although we now know it wasn't said during that convo at all).  But Chelsea has always been pretty good about not saying negative stuff in front of Aubree. 

On 7/31/2017 at 11:20 PM, Quilty said:

Briana that dude will not be there to raise the baby. He's about 80% gone now and the kids not born yet. You are stupid too.


I think at that moment Briana would have agreed with you, hence the reason she was looking into adoption, BUT honest question here, if Louis didn't want adoption, she never could have went that route, right?

On 8/1/2017 at 1:49 AM, Hagosaurus said:


Chelsea is getting the bad edit this season.

I don't see her as getting a bad edit.  She just finally has some legit family drama going on for once. 

On 8/1/2017 at 7:34 AM, lilmarysunshine said:

Jo below and Vee is gorgeous. 

They are totally like two guys that I work with and their wives.  Their wives are SO pretty and petite and these guys I work with I wonder how they got such great catches lol 

On 8/1/2017 at 8:25 AM, ghoulina said:

Yea, but she said something like - "He's a man, he knows how to pull out". Pulling out doesn't prevent pregnancy. 

I can't believe people think this works!!!! I knew as a teenager that it's not a legit form of birth control. 

On 8/1/2017 at 8:53 AM, lilmarysunshine said:

I guess because they were engaged. But, again, I don't understand him moving in with a woman who lives out of state.

But he spent the majority of his time there working, right? Even before meeting Leah?  It seemed like when him and Leah were dating and married he was only home on the weekends.  So him taking residence where he spends the majority of his time doesn't seem odd to me. 

18 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Jo has to appease Kailyn like every other emotionally abused partner who doesn't want to escalate a situation ever. He just nods and asks for minor clarifications. He gently and quietly reminds her of her duty to her children and doesn't judge her to her face or on camera. I hate that she uses programs and people who are dedicated to helping abused women to her advantage because she is petty and vindictive and sets things into motion without the long view of where it ends up.

I'm sure Jo and Vee have had the conversation where Vee says "I don't care if she hates me" and Jo says "ok."

Kailyn really needs to work on herself. If medication is appropriate and available she should be taking it.

She is straight up abusive. She is not a good mother. It's so fucking pathetic that Jo has to lie to her face in order to retain access to his child. 

And currently doesn't Jo get more time with Isaac than their agreement states?  He's probably worried about it going back to his limited days.  And he's also probably learned that a happy but annoying Kail is better than a raging Kail.

3 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

@Christina87 I don't quite follow that Chelsea should just be so lucky to have a husband, (nothing against Cole he's a very nice man, not a sleaze bag or anything)  nor do I understand feeling sorry for someone because they didn't have a boyfriend for 5yrs. 

Again I think it might be personality differences and communication styles but I never thought Chelsea wasn't being sympathetic to Aubree, I never thought her tone was inappropriate, I didn't think she was dismissive. I'm not seeing that from her. I understand her wanting Aubree to be comfortable sleeping in her own bed since they aren't generally a co-sleeping family. 

I can find many a fault with Chelsea but I don't think criticizing or expressing displeasure at one aspect of your life right now means you are someone who's entitled, or unappreciative. No ones life is 100% perfect all the time, that doesn't mean you aren't grateful for what you have. When I moan about having to get up for work, of course I'm grateful to have a job, when I complain about my Mom and the gazillion errands she wants me to run of course I'm still thankful she's a live and well. 

Of course this might just come down to how people express their emotions differently because so many intelligent people on this board have looked at the same scenes and come to different conclusions. 

Not to mention this was filmed right after she had Watson... she was probably really tired... with a baby that wakes up during the night.. and then a young child who also won't sleep because they want attention.... she was probably exhausted.  I thought she handled it pretty well.  The only thing I wish she would have said to aubrey - when aubrey said she has to go to bed and they get to stay up and have fun together - chelsea should have said "we don't stay up and half fun. Watson is a baby and he's either eating or sleeping" instead of "you're a kid and you have to follow the rules"

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41 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

I honestly don't even know why Barb asked that question. If she knows she isn't going to watch them, what does she care? It's not her problem. 

Going by Jenelle's photos, she did take Jace and Maryssa but not Kaiser and Endtable. I assume Kaiser was with Nathan and his mom while Endtable ended up with David's side of the family. 

I'm actually glad to hear that!!! I'm all for Maryssa getting to know Barb. That girl desperately needs a positive role model! She's probably never known anyone in her life who has a job and goes to work every day! Also, if she got close to barb, I see her being more likely than jace to tattle on Jenelle. 

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1 minute ago, Christina87 said:

I'm actually glad to hear that!!! I'm all for Maryssa getting to know Barb. That girl desperately needs a positive role model! She's probably never known anyone in her life who has a job and goes to work every day! Also, if she got close to barb, I see her being more likely than jace to tattle on Jenelle. 

Oops. I obviously was not clear. Jenelle took Jace and Maryssa on vacation. Barb did not babysit.

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I really do try hard to give Jenelle the benefit of the doubt.  The first two phone calls she had with her mom went really well, and she seemed genuinely happy and smiley. As SOON as whatever guy she is with gets involved though, it is all downhill. She lets the men in her life have such control over her relationship with her mom and it makes me so sad. At first she stood up to him and was like you need to be quiet when I'm on the phone, but then in the car he got to her and she lost it. This is such a pattern with all the guys she has had in her life. I imagine she might actually be on decent terms with her mother these days if it wasn't for the other people around her getting in her head. Not necessarily defending her or anything, I just think it should be pointed out that the situation escalates 1000xxxx more when her boy of the day gets involved.

Edited by BXD
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1 hour ago, heatherchandler said:

OMG I almost forgot to mention - how HIGH was Janelle (high high ya both high) when David was holding the baby and she was sitting next to him????  Her eyes were barely open and she had an actual smile on her face.  I know an opiate high when I see one (don't ask), and she was insanely high.  I am sure the doctor have her some percocet for her stitches and she was LOVING them.

That clip going around twitter of this scene is awful. I didn't notice it then, but I do now. Holy wow!

1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Hahahaha, I forgot about that one! Jo had some great lines in that conversation. 

Kail : "So.....you know that thing I haven't wanted to talk about on camera?"

Jo : "Which one?"


On the contrary, I see him as such a people pleaser, that he's going to be unlikely to do anything to hurt her. I see a lot of Jo in him. He's quiet and sensitive and just wants to keep the peace. 


I agree on both counts. It's definitely being left out - she wasn't just mentioning the attention Cole gets. She mentioned her parents getting to play with HIM after she goes to bed. And getting his smiles. I am an only child of my mom and dad, but I have 3 sisters from my mom's second marriage. I am super close to them all now, but as kids there were rocky moments when I felt I wasn't part of their family. It wasn't even really anyone's fault, it was just natural due to being the only one to go away on weekends. 

I think Chelsea has good intentions, but she needs to be more aware of how hard this is for Aubree. I don't care when she made that comment, whether it was in front of Aubree or not. The perspective shocked me. Chelsea has always be soooo about Aubree. I imagined her being super patient and helping the kid work through it. Who knows? She's probably really tired and hormonal. I reserve total judgment until we're a year on, but I do feel for Aubs. 

She did mention on twitter she struggled with post pardum and asked for advice after Watson was born. On Snapchat Aubree is much more involved with Watson and constantly makes him smile/laugh. 

Edited by Mkay
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21 minutes ago, Mkay said:

She did mention on twitter she struggled with post pardum and asked for advice after Watson was born. On Snapchat Aubree is much more involved with Watson and constantly makes him smile/laugh. 

That's good to hear. Going from 1 kid to 2 was a lot harder than going from 2 to 3, for me. It was a huge adjustment for all. I really hope they're doing great now!

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19 hours ago, Jennifersdc said:

Yes (for me anyway). I was Lily John. No really.

Haha!  I love it.  I'm Lucky Avenue E.  I prefer just Lucky Avenue though.  When you add the E in, people tend think I'm E-Z.  ?

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1 hour ago, Mkay said:

That clip going around twitter of this scene is awful. I didn't notice it then, but I do now. Holy wow!

She did mention on twitter she struggled with post pardum and asked for advice after Watson was born. On Snapchat Aubree is much more involved with Watson and constantly makes him smile/laugh. 

Is it going around twitter?  I don't twitter, but I am glad to know it was as obvious to others.  I noticed something was off when she was smiling and giggling.  Happiness does not happen with her unless she is high.  Not pot high, but opiate high.

I feel for anyone struggling with postpartum.  I wouldn't wish that on my enemies.

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2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

OMG I almost forgot to mention - how HIGH was Janelle (high high ya both high) when David was holding the baby and she was sitting next to him????  Her eyes were barely open and she had an actual smile on her face.  I know an opiate high when I see one (don't ask), and she was insanely high.  I am sure the doctor have her some percocet for her stitches and she was LOVING them.

I didn't notice this and am not on twitter so if any of y'all see it can you please post it here?

I think I remember that Jace's custody agreement states Barb and Janelle can't drink alcohol in front of him.  Given Janelle's junkie background I wonder why wouldn't the courts require random drug tests?

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19 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Do we know in what context Chelsea said "taking away from Cole's experience"? Was she referring to Aubree or someone else? Was she even referring to anyone in particular? Was she perhaps referring to herself? We don't even know when she made that comment. Was it months ago? Two months prior? She may have had a conversation with her dad, her friends, or even the camera crew and said something to the effect of how she is feeling so sick and miserable from her pregnancy and wasn't feeling too good or even happy, but she didn't want to take away from Cole's experience. Is she experiencing some post-partum? Was she referring to that possibly, but hasn't revealed having PP? I know being pregnant the moodiness can be brutal. We don't always feel our best and sometimes we are deeply on edge. We will say things that don't always come out sounding nice, for lack of a better term.

I know @Lm2162 is due any day now and she has expressed some feelings about her pregnancy. Hold on, sweetie! Supporting you all the way! I look forward to hearing you had your baby.

I am feeling so damn edgy with this season. I had to muster the energy to watch both episodes. I am just not on board with Briana, and I can't take Jenelle and UBT. Kail is the fucking worst. I need someone to just beat the shit outta her STAT! I seriously do feel my blood pressure rising, my heart beats faster, and I want to throw a brick at my screen when I see her Big Foot face.

Poor Isaac. My heart was aching. Still is. I want so bad to take him in my arms and let him know his dad and Vee are there for him. He has such a sensitive soul. What I see happening is Isaac will end up with some bitch like his mother for a girlfriend, the way Javi ended up with Kail.

Leah is boring as hell.

@SPLAIN I believe it was taken from the convo Chelsea had with producers last season about her pregnancy. She didn't want to divulge too much because it would take away from his experience. 

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21 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

I've never been on opiates as I've never had surgery etc and I've never seen anybody on them that I know of so I guess I just don't know. What exactly are people noticing about that clip that indicates they're high? 

They are saying she is flagged in their hospitals so she wasn't prescribed opiates. I was watching her eyes. Granted, I've never been around high people but they have the look Leah had when she was high. Kinda drooping slow movement. They glanced at the camera to make sure they were capturing those fake looks of love.  

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1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

I've never been on opiates as I've never had surgery etc and I've never seen anybody on them that I know of so I guess I just don't know. What exactly are people noticing about that clip that indicates they're high? 

At the end, when she's looking at Entable, she is trying really hard to keep her eyes open.  They are drooping.

Opiate use/abuse has a distinct look.  I guess it's hard to describe but it's one of those you-know-it-when-you-see-it things.

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3 hours ago, qtpi17 said:

@SPLAIN I believe it was taken from the convo Chelsea had with producers last season about her pregnancy. She didn't want to divulge too much because it would take away from his experience. 

Oh, this is interesting. You recall that conversation? Great memory.

After reading about Jeremy stating the whole scene about him and Brooke being set-up to look as if they were talking about Leah, and reading the other comments about the editing happening in the two episodes, it seems MTV is really going the Real Housewives route.

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13 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I agree. I felt bad when Aubree said Watson only smiled for Cole and Chelsea responded "well, that's his daddy." Way to make your kid feel like shit, Chels. If Jenelle or Kail made a comment like that they'd be getting reamed. I don't think Chelsea's problem is new baby exhaustion as much as it her annoyance that Aubree isn't sticking to the script she wanted. She can't be all that tired if she has the energy to spackle on twenty-six layers of MAC StudioFix.

Re bold, I just have to ask. Is this directed at us here? If not, my apologies.

J&K are on one side of a spectrum while Chelsea is on another. I have to kindly disagree and personally find it unnecessary to have to even compare one to the others in this particular instance. It is like comparing the parenting of the female Manson Family members to the parenting style of other honest parents with good intent. J&K are in a group all by themselves.

A member noted up thread (in my post above) how that comment by Chelsea was extracted from a scene from last season. Context is the key here.

As @ghoulina pointed out, let's just see how things are as they progress. This is not something that is the norm with Chelsea and certainly doesn't fall under the same category as anything J&K have ever said or done to their kids. Knowing now that comment had nothing to do with Aubree and that scene, it just puts things in perspective and not worth raging about.

Someone else here pointed out that Chelsea tweeted she is suffering from PPD. I had no idea. As someone who has gone through PPD, the feelings I went through were through the roof. Not wanting to deal with my newborn and pretty much wishing I could get back to work was a pretty ugly feeling and I can recall saying not so nice things to my husband. Poor guy. Thank goodness I wasn't on some television show. People would not take kindly to the kinds of things I was saying. It was such a horrible feeling. Feeling depressed, moody, edgy. I don't wish that on anyone.

Edited by SPLAIN
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Watching Janelle and Barb somewhat getting along on the phone made me think that things between she and UBT have hit an all time low.  Then UBT listens in on the next phone call, growls, and removes all doubt.  Jenelle has a pattern of being disrespectful and down right bitchy to Barb.  However, when she is in trouble (homeless, physically abused) with a guy she seeks out her mother and tends to be much nicer.  She knows Barb will have her back in the situation regardless of how Janelle treats her.  

I think that is why UBT insisted she have another baby and to win her over, he proposed.  All of this is his way of tightening his grip on her and making sure she is further isolated from her mother (who would come through for Janelle in a pinch if she decided to leave him).


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When David was in the kitchen during/after Jenelle's call with her mom and was so odd and scary, was he high or jonesing? He seemed manic/cocky to me at that time.

Edited by nikita
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11 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

I was deeply bothered at Jenelle's comment at that stupid baby shower where she said her mother doesn't take vacations. Jenelle is really a straight up liar because Barb has gone on vacation. In fact, she took Jace to France last summer, I believe. Barb has also gone to Florida to visit Disneyworld with Jenelle and Nathan. She can't take vacations on a whim because she does have a job, but Jenelle's blatant lying is truly bothersome because it goes to show the things she will utter at a moment's notice just to take a stab at her mother. 

It only counts as a vacation to Jenelle if there are no kids there. Even if Barb didn't take a single vacation I don't understand why Jenelle thought this was an insult? Barb is raising a son and hell, maybe the MTV trips, let's not forget those, are enough each year.

11 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Also, is "Jeremy and Brooke broke up because of a phone conversation with Leah" the "I'm going to treatment but I don't have a drug problem" of 2017? Because, yeah, pretty sure they broke up because Jeremy was screwing other people. 

That annoyed the shit out of me...I was literally like WHAT?! Fuck MTV for flattering Leah.

9 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I know you are just using this as an example, but I am 100% SURE that Chelsea has not discussed poop with Cole.  She does not seem like the type to be able to discuss it, and he seems like he would be happy to not know about any of that.  

Yes, I bet she times going for when he's not home as much as possible. She's so the type. 

9 hours ago, BitterApple said:

It kind of annoyed me when Jeremy and Brooke inferred there was some shady reason behind why Addie never wants to go home. To me, it's pretty simple. Jeremy is the Disneyland Dad who spoils Addie to make up for the fact that he doesn't see her, while Leah is the boring parent who makes her brush her teeth and wake up early for school. Of course Addie is going to prefer the guy who takes her on trips and keeps her flush in Walmart goods. 

I totally agree with what you're saying and that it's because Leah is the "boring" primary caregiver but that made me lol... More like the one taking her frosting can lid off for her and dumping the cold soup from the can into her bowl. 

9 hours ago, BXD said:

I really do try hard to give Jenelle the benefit of the doubt. 


I agree the reason Jenelle seemed sorta human on the phone there for a second was because she was high.   David was so extra he was like an SNL parody sketch of himself..but he wasn't joking. Yikes.

Edited by Rebecca
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On 8/1/2017 at 0:40 PM, zenme said:

Aubrey is jealous, plain and simple, but I don't think it should ruin Cole's experience. I doubt Cole has ever expressed that, and I'm sure it's just Chelsea the Pinterest Queen's idea that Aubrey is putting a ding in the DeBoer fairy tale. 

I don't think it's a good idea that Briana has Nova do some of the phone calling to Devoid.  She already knows chances are good that he won't answer. Why put that in Nova's memory bank? 20 years from now she'll be talking to her shrink and recalling the times she'd call her father and he'd never answer.  Briana and the coven should be taking the hits for her. As a matter of fact, IMO they shouldn't even tell her when he's expected. Let is be a sweet surprise. As a kid she should be as carefree as possible. She can find out the ugly truth when she's piecing things together on her shrink's couch in 20 years. The same thing goes for having her opine on the adoption matter. Had they adopted out the baby, she'd always believe she was complicit in giving her baby sister away. That seems so damaging. 

She'll find out the truth sooner than that, when she sees the show in 5-10 years...

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15 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

 Right. I've refrained from commenting on the Aubree, Chelsea, Cole, & new baby "drama" because:

1) it appears it may have been spliced together from different conversations anyway, and didn't happen like that at all; 

2) I remember very well what it was like to be postpartum - physically still healing, physically and mentally exhausted from labor for weeks plus the lack of sleep, and hormones making you feel like someone else completely from time to time. I'm not gonna crap on Chelsea for not handling something better when she's likely exhausted, frustrated, and dealing with hormonal mood swings. That's not excusing that she could have handled it better if it went down the way it was shown, but I'm kind of going to give her a pass because of how crazy life with a newborn is and how it can make you not be yourself, so to speak. 

3). It's hard enough to get sleep with a newborn, let alone with an 8 year old who likely kicks, tosses, and turns all night smushed into bed with you and your husband. I LOVED cuddling and holding my babies, but I also get the need for a little bit of space and/or curling up next to your partner in bed while the newborn sleeps without a kid kicking you or hogging the covers. 

I've had 3 children and I still maintain that the first 6-9 months after a baby is born is THE single most stressful time of a parent's life (barring tragedy, death, etc.) Not only is your body trying to recover, but you're dealing with a loss of hormones, onslaught of NEW hormones, and mental stress. My oldest son didn't sleep for more than 2 hours at a time until he was a year old. And when he was awake, he was crying (severe acid reflux). My daughter was the easiest baby and it was even stressful with her. You have zero time to yourself and your own thoughts. You're either doing something FOR the baby or you're thinking about doing something for the baby. You're emotionally drained, physically wiped out, sleep deprived, stressed, malnourished (it's incredibly hard to get in a full, nutritious meal when you're either too exhausted to cook or too tired to eat), in physical discomfort, and usually a little constipated. My husband and I get along great. We rarely have disagreements. I threatened divorce after all three births. 

I think it's funny when some young women think that having a baby with their partner will bring them closer. Sure, you'll probably feel more bonded but there are few things more stressful on a couple than having a newborn. It's not for the faint of heart. Love my babies, hate that they're growing so quickly, and I sometimes get a little pang when I see a pregnant woman but I don't think anyone could pay me to return to those first few months. (As an aside, however, our second child died in his sleep at 8 weeks old so when our daughter came along, there were a bunch of new stressors on top of the regular newborn ones. We were afraid to leave her side. She wore a chip on her diaper that would sound a buzzer and alert us whenever she stopped breathing and, let me tell you, nothing will knock you out of a nap or send you hurdling over furniture faster than that sound.)


Just remembered that @Lm2162 is getting ready to have her baby...I'm not meaning to sound so negative. Yes, it's a stressful time, but in a weird kind of way. It's one of those things that's hard when you're going through it, but a beautiful memory when you look back upon it. The one thing we always reminded ourselves during the second and third child was that everything is temporary. No matter how bad things seem at the time (baby won't sleep, you're exhausted, your nipples hurt, you're not having regular sex, baby won't eat, night terrors, etc.) NONE of it lasts for very long. And one day you'll even look back on that period and be kind of misty eyed. 

Edited by mamadrama
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On 01/08/2017 at 5:02 PM, Spiderella2 said:

Javi did the right thing by taking Kail to court for 50/50 custody. Joe will forever have to remain in Kail's good graces in order to keep majority of the time with his son. Vee is right, Joe should take her to court for 50% custody. Kail can be quite petty and vindictive, if Joe does or says anything that she doesn't like, he will lose the time with Isaac. Right now it's conveneient to have Isaac with Joe, especially with a new baby on the way. But it will not always be that way. Kail does at all times what is in the best self interest of Kail. The needs of her kids are secondary. 

Vee is right - it's time to strike while the beast is down!  Perhaps the judge will be persuaded to give Joe at least 50/50 now that Kail has baby #3 without the baby daddy around to help, since clearly she is making wreckless decisions.

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I hope Jo and Vee have been writing things down such as what days they have had Isaac in their care and for how many hours beyond what Jo is entitled to with regards to visitation. Judges like to see things in writing. Proof is the key here. Also, I wouldn't recommend Jo just go to court. This situation requires he discuss this matter with Kail first, especially because he is having better communication with her. He doesn't want to come off as if he is coming after her as much as he wants her to see that it is in the best interest of everyone involved. 

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10 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

IMO, Chelsea deserves to be called out just as much as the others when she does something shitty. Obviously mileage varies and that's ok.

She didn't do anything shitty. Someone discovered that was a comment she said last season about her pregnancy. It was  was then merged and spliced into a conversation this season which was used to imply she was referring to Aubree when that wasn't the case at all. Just like the scenes featuring Jeremy and Brooke were spliced together and it was made to look they were blaming Leah when that never happened. Even Kail had some scenes that were spliced together. I didn't remark on those scenes because it was clear MTV was dicking around with the viewers. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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