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S19.E18: Live Eviction #5


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1 hour ago, ProfCrash said:

There is nothing to like about Paul. He is a bully. He could not get Cody and Jessica out using conventional methods so he reverts to an organized campaign of harassment in order to get the to DOR or to throw a punch. That is not great strategy, that is being a lame ass who can't handle that the game didn't go his way this week. He is not playing the game, he is harassing people. Those are two separate things.

No argument there.



Paul is an ass. Production should shut down his bullshit as soon as they can because what is happening is wrong and not fun to watch.

That's not Production's MO.  TPTB's way is to let an asshole HG be the most thoroughly amplified asshole s/he can be, give them a quick 5-10 minute post-game orientation with a PR staffer on what reaction(s) might be expected and/or encountered out in the Real World, and throw them to the wolves.  From the Production viewpoint, all is permissible - and defensible - under the aegis of putting the "real" in "reality".  

Look at past practice: if TPTB didn't cashier chunks of the BB15 cast for their actions, what makes you think they're going to touch this bunch?

Edited by Nashville
BB15 comparison add
  • Love 2

Looks like I'm not the only one who feels like I'd be rewarding all this ugliness by continuing to watch this madness. It's Lord of the Flies + One flew over the cuckoo's nest + Clockwork orange + The Shining.

I'd add ... + woodchipper scene from Fargo.



As for TPTB changing things because people say they're boycotting the show, I doubt that's ever going to happen. And the main reason it's never going to happen is that 90% of the people who say they won't watch anymore still watch anyway. As long as the ratings are good (and they are), TPTB are gonna keep doing what's been working for them.

Then you go all Josh and start complaining to the ADVERTISERS.  You go on Facebook and complain directly on the advertisers' pages about them supporting harassment of a MARINE VETERAN and trust me, that will get CBS' attention.  

  • Love 5

My favorite part?  Paul's flat-out statement to Jessica&Cody of having "no power" over the other HGs - then just a few minutes later, Paul is playing ringleader and barking orders to the rest of the circus animals (er, HGs) in the kitchen to fire up the harassment boilers: "They're going outside?  Josh, follow them and keep it up!  Let's keep this party going!  Alex - you outside, too, and keep heaping it on!  NOW FLY, MY MONKEYS, FLY!!!  MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...!!!"


Okay, I added on the flying monkeys part.  But you get my drift.  :>

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

I'm surprised at all the outrage at alleged producer manipulation this season.

The last time they allowed such organized harassment (Donato-ville), I quit the show, too.  I only came back because of the writers' strike.  If Grodner has another one of those up her sleeve, goody for her.  Otherwise…

(And nowadays, I've got winter BB anyhow.  Thanks, BBCanada!)

2 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

As for TPTB changing things because people say they're boycotting the show, I doubt that's ever going to happen

Whoever said they expected it to? It would be nice, but…it's as likely to happen as Josh realizing he would be smart to flop from Team Paul (where he's the #3 target, after Paul and Alex) to a restored Couples' Group, where he'd probably be last in line, after Cody/Jessica/Mark/Elena.  (Not to mention the part where he'd no longer be against strong competitors but rather the likes of Dying Swan Raven, Christmas-Unable-Needing-Technology, and Kevin the Slimy Thrower/Floater.) It's nice to think about, but I don't believe anybody in a million years expects it to happen.  We're just venting, that's all.

2 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

And the main reason it's never going to happen is that 90% of the people who say they won't watch anymore still watch anyway.

True, I've gone twice in 12 years.  But once as I say was when I was hooked back in by a writers' strike (and I have winter BB already, nowadays) and the other time was when "the Detonators" had complete control of BB16 and threw the HoH to Fuckin' Frankie for a week of preening, misogyny, and queerbaiting "Zankie" cockteasing of the audience, none of which I had any interest in.  I only came back when Donnie/Nicole won the next HoH, and it looked as though the House could still be flipped.  (It wasn't, in fact it was a disaster of an HoH, but at least the spell was broken for a bit.)  

Who's going to do that here?  The Cody/Jessica survivor will still be desperately outnumbered, Mark seems as though he'll just listen to Paul and try not to be a target, Matt will throw the HoH (and I can hardly support him while he's allied with Raven, after all) and all of the others are legitimate minions, just content to snuggle up and look for space in Paul's asshole as Josh is.  And I don't like any of them, for non-game reasons.  (I'm probably one of a minority that despises Kevin. Organized crime hurts people, it's not funny, ffs!)  So, who cares? Not I. 

(And if I weaken again down the road, that's my right, anyhow.  Doesn't mean I'm not sincere about how I feel right now, anyway.  But JMO.)

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Eolivet said:

Cody needs to go, because then it will get interesting. If Mark, Elena or Kevin wins HoH, she [Jessica] doesn't go up, I don't think. 

Chance of Mark as HoH sacrificing Jessica to stay "in" with Paul? (He isn't but we'll get 1000 Paul DRs laughing at how stupid Mark is to think so, etc, etc.)  Roughly 65%, I'd guess.

Chance of Elena as HoH sacrificing Jessica for "my own game":  roughly 90%, I'd say. (ETA: Although it's true she could use Jessica merely as a pawn against Mark, should Paul decree it.  That's probably the more-likely scenario, now that I think about it.  But it still means Jessica is on the block, just not as the "target".)

Chance of Kevin as HoH nominating Jessica?  At least 100%.  Possibly higher.  He's a full-fledged minion.  Being in the mob is great training for saying "Yes, boss!", don't you know?

Edited by Halting Hex
  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Nashville said:

Insofar as we're talking about one or two sentences from a conversation some 3+ weeks ago, my leanings were toward a faulty memory as well.

Regarding this...when Jessica asked Matt about what had been said, clearly he remembered the original conversation between himself and Cody 3 weeks prior, but he had no intention of revealing it to Jessica.  To what end, though?  Was Matt feeling guilty about the treatment Jody had been receiving?  He told her that telling her what Cody said was no longer important.  If he was truly one of Paul's minions (which I don't think her is), he would've been falling all over himself to blab to Jessica that Cody originally (supposedly) wanted her out.  So...what would be his motive for not sharing that?  Seems like he either didn't want to be involved, or he didn't want Jessica to have ammunition against Cody.  Either way, I'm trying to understand's Matt's motives in not telling her.  Currently he appears to be straddling the fence between Paul/Sheeple and Jody.  He's going to have to choose a side.

Edited by laurakaye
5 hours ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

Well I'm still the only person who LOVES Paul ! That guy is playing the GAME and it the other nitwits let him??? Good for him! I just watched a re-run of Survivor (the one with Woo and Stephen) and NO ONE liked the guy they all voted for to win. But he won for 1 reason---He played the game-he manipulated, he lied, he was sneaky, and he's a million bucks richer. Now in REAL life I wouldn't want to be around someone like that but in a GAME?? Hell Yeah! Bring it on! I'd be bored out of my mind if was all Kumbaya and we all love each other and Oh I can't vote my friends out. This is the 3 times a week, highlight of my day! The scheming, manipulation, etc. Big Fun for Me!

Full Disclosure-Last year was my first BB experience and I'm so sad I missed this before! Know I'll on Amazon looking for past seasons to watch....

I like Mark. Such a big teddy bear. I just want to make him cookies with a big glass of milk..(I'm Grandma age so....just think he's a cute kid) 

Still hating Cody the Robot. There's something wrong with him.

I HATE the dam cat ears. All I could think watching that little girl in her cat ears, boobs falling out, hanging on some guy she barely knows...Shudder....Not what we fought for equal rights for! She just looks like a little girl pretending to be a playboy bunny...UGH

Josh is HOH??? Oh Lord. Not a fan of that kid...he really needs therapy. 

I hated Cody the robot at first, and now he's all I want to see. I love his THs. I love his blatant not caring. I just find him very entertaining now.

And you go with Paul love, Eurekagirlmoo :) Someone's got to love him! ;) 

Agree with you about, Mark. He seems like a pretty sweet guy -- I like nice people.

5 hours ago, Nashville said:

Insofar as we're talking about one or two sentences from a conversation some 3+ weeks ago, my leanings were toward a faulty memory as well.


Remember the last time Mark even voiced an opinion in opposition to Bucky Beardo's harassment agenda?  Mark caught a Josh-led backlash which almost led to him getting pulled from the House.  So I can understand why today's Mark might act with an overabundance of caution.


Don't know whatever gave you an idea like THAT.

The human brain is wired to look for patterns? Yes, I will go with that.

  • Love 2

Did anyone else see the end credits over a title card instead of the live video that's usually shown on Thursday nights? A storm knocked out our power last night, so I had to watch the show on demand this morning, and I don't know if the credits appeared on the live show. In any case, what was the point of Julie rushing Christmas along if they were going to have to fill time at the end by talking with the new HOH? There was also a brief flash to the fish tank -- did the language get too raw and they had to cut the live portion?

7 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I'm really over this season. I am beyond disgusted. I haven't even had a major beef with Paul.....until now. The way he is using Josh as his weaponized bully and calling everyone in his group "dogs" just disgusted me. He is smart and he plays the game well, but he has let his status in the house go completely to his head. I was furious watching the episode last night. I am loathe to use the "bully" word, because it gets thrown around so loosely these days. But that is exactly what I was watching last night. 

Paul tells psycho-Josh to turn it up to 30. He's inciting this bullshit. Then Cody takes Jessica outside, ALONE, so she can calm down. So they can get away from the drama. And Paul rallies them all to go outside and bother them. What's the fucking point? What do you hope to accomplish? I don't mind some psychological warfare, but this is way too over the top, even for more. 

Previously I was just disgusted by the sheep who were FOLLOWING Paul around. And they're still pathetic. Who LETS themselves get called someone's "dogs" and is just okay with it? I would tell him to fuck right off with that shit.  But this also shows just what an ego-maniac this dude is. He's fine when HE'S on the outs, and he has to scramble and manipulate and really play hard. But this dictatorship is just insanely uncomfortable to watch. 

I have no choice now but to root for Cody, Jessica, and Mark. 

And I still like Kevin. I don't watch the feeds, but he seems to be friendly with everyone and stay out of the drama. But right now, this group-think, herd mentality bullshit is leaving such a bad taste in my mouth, I don't even know if I want to watch any more. And now JOSH is HOH? My worst freaking nightmare. This will be a miserable week, for sure. I just want to FF to when Jody are gone, and possibly Mark, and these people have to turn on each other. Losers. Pathetic. Every one of them. 


I had other thoughts about other parts of the episode, but I'm so pissed right now.....I can't even remember. 

I did laugh my ass off when Kevin saw the Veto as an impromptu brass knuckle. He's so great. 

I agree with every single word in your post. 

i hate that I've become so emotionally invested in these strangers. I am so angry at them and they don't even know it and it makes me angrier because I want them to know I hate them! It's funny actually.


7 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I couldn't figure out if Cody was lying or genuinely forgot that conversation. Things have changed so much since then, I don't even really find it relevant. 


I'm choosing to believe that he forgot all about it. But even if he didn't, it doesn't matter because we all know he doesn't feel that way anymore. I even think Jess would understand that those are words he said before they caught feelings for each other. BTW, why isn't anyone mad that Matt was in on this in order to get rid of Raven?


7 hours ago, asabovesobelow said:

I loved Paul last season, and I don't hate him yet, but man, he's skating on thin ice. Knock off the god complex Paul. It's not a good look on you.

I liked him last year too, but I'm starting to think that it was because he was teamed up with the charming Victor. 

That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.


7 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I think Cody is hot-tempered, and has made some major game mistakes. I think he's not a very good team player. But I don't think he is an intentional asshole like Paul or Josh.

Eh, I think he can be and intentional asshole. (i.e. "Megan, I nominated you because I don't like you.")   BUT....he isn't a bully like Paul and Josh. Paul and Josh harrass to no end. On the contrary, I think that if Cody doesn't like someone he is going to ignore and avoid the person. He'd be in the same room, but be disengaged. It'd be like the person does not exist to him.


7 hours ago, Gummo said:

Not making excuses for you anymore, Paul. You're just a mean, petty little man with a god complex. 

When Josh was accusing Cody of having Little Man Syndrome, I thought "has he not measured Paul?"


5 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

There is nothing to like about Paul. He is a bully. He could not get Cody and Jessica out using conventional methods so he reverts to an organized campaign of harassment in order to get the to DOR or to throw a punch. That is not great strategy, that is being a lame ass who can't handle that the game didn't go his way this week. He is not playing the game, he is harassing people. Those are two separate things.

Paul is an ass. Production should shut down his bullshit as soon as they can because what is happening is wrong and not fun to watch.

I really hate that after the show is over, he'll be rationalizing his bad behavior as being "all part of the game. I love Cody and Jess." Of course, Cody will be all dead-eyes.


4 hours ago, GeorgiaRai said:

Things BB19 has taught me about myself:
1.  Even though Publix commercials & Hallmarks movies always make me cry, I now know I have a heart of stone because I felt absolutely no sympathy or pity for Cody.  I find nothing appealing or deserving of admiration in the way he's presented himself (or been presented?) on the broadcast show - which is all I judge by.


Maybe you can empathize, you can understand how he might be feeling although you don't care that he feels that way.

I really hated Cody (and Jess) at the beginning, but I've really done a 180 on my feelings for him.


2 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

 (I'm probably one of a minority that despises Kevin. Organized crime hurts people, it's not funny, ffs!)  So, who cares? Not I. 


I enjoy Kevin's antics and I think he's funny and I really want to like him, but then I remember his backstory and I'm like "Darn!"

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

Well I'm still the only person who LOVES Paul ! That guy is playing the GAME and it the other nitwits let him??? Good for him! I just watched a re-run of Survivor (the one with Woo and Stephen) and NO ONE liked the guy they all voted for to win. But he won for 1 reason---He played the game-he manipulated, he lied, he was sneaky, and he's a million bucks richer. Now in REAL life I wouldn't want to be around someone like that but in a GAME?? Hell Yeah! Bring it on! I'd be bored out of my mind if was all Kumbaya and we all love each other and Oh I can't vote my friends out. This is the 3 times a week, highlight of my day! The scheming, manipulation, etc. Big Fun for Me!

Full Disclosure-Last year was my first BB experience and I'm so sad I missed this before! Know I'll on Amazon looking for past seasons to watch....

I like Mark. Such a big teddy bear. I just want to make him cookies with a big glass of milk..(I'm Grandma age so....just think he's a cute kid) 

Still hating Cody the Robot. There's something wrong with him.

I HATE the dam cat ears. All I could think watching that little girl in her cat ears, boobs falling out, hanging on some guy she barely knows...Shudder....Not what we fought for equal rights for! She just looks like a little girl pretending to be a playboy bunny...UGH

Josh is HOH??? Oh Lord. Not a fan of that kid...he really needs therapy. 

I feel like most people who love Paul come with the gameplay defense. For the most part, no one is coming for him or hating because of how he's playing the game. People don't blindly hate him Just because he's found a way to rule over idiots.

The huge ego he has about it is super outputting.

Production basically set up this position for him on a platter. All he had to do was not fuck it up. He didn't have to work for it. Props to him for also winning when he needs to. It's not like he hasn't put work in. But, being handed this spot will always leave a bad taste in people's mouths.

His constant hypocrisy over what people can or can't do while he does the same things is always annoying.

In general, watching a group on this show casually pick off others one by one without much change has never been fun on this show. 

His being on top is just leading to a type of gameplay that does nothing for most viewers. There is no alternate schemes. Almost no side deals. It's one house against two people with only two people in the middle. One of those people being more than willing to just jump on the other side. I hope Elena knows she's first to go after Cody, Mark and Jessica if it plays out that way.


I hope to god we don't have a double eviction for over two weeks. Watching two of the outside four getting picked off with ease would be the epitome of wasted time.

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

Maybe you can empathize, you can understand how he might be feeling although you don't care that he feels that way.

I can both empathize and sympathize but I choose to do neither. Just because people are being jerks to Cody now, that doesn't erase his asshole behaviour.  Back when he was in power, he was more than happy to say hurtful things to both Josh and Megan.  Him and his Mean Girl were all over Josh, calling him a girl and trashing him every chance they got. But as soon as things stopped going their way, they started making victim noises.  I'm not saying that what the rest of the house did is any better but I think there's bullying and then there's "what goes around comes around".  YMMV.

  • Love 8
19 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

I'm choosing to believe that he forgot all about it. But even if he didn't, it doesn't matter because we all know he doesn't feel that way anymore. I even think Jess would understand that those are words he said before they caught feelings for each other. BTW, why isn't anyone mad that Matt was in on this in order to get rid of Raven?

'Cause Raven's just a "dog" who does what she's told. 


20 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

Eh, I think he can be and intentional asshole. (i.e. "Megan, I nominated you because I don't like you.")   BUT....he isn't a bully like Paul and Josh. Paul and Josh harrass to no end. On the contrary, I think that if Cody doesn't like someone he is going to ignore and avoid the person. He'd be in the same room, but be disengaged. It'd be like the person does not exist to him.

Regarding Megan - I don't see that so much as being an intentional asshole. I took it as social awkwardness. Cody really has no game. He doesn't know how to "fake it". He was just being honest, but I don't think he was TRYING to upset her - whereas, I think Paul and Josh are absolutely TRYING to upset people. 

  • Love 2

 Cody really has no game. He doesn't know how to "fake it". He was just being honest, but I don't think he was TRYING to upset her - whereas, I think Paul and Josh are absolutely TRYING to upset people. 

I don't agree. I think we've seen enough of Cody in power to say had he been able to hold power for longer periods or more often this summer, he and his gang would have been incredibly arrogant, mean, snotty assholes. Just in a different way.  

Which is NOT to excuse Paul and the Junkyard Dogs in any way.

  • Love 6
10 minutes ago, Gummo said:

I don't agree. I think we've seen enough of Cody in power to say had he been able to hold power for longer periods or more often this summer, he and his gang would have been incredibly arrogant, mean, snotty assholes. Just in a different way.  

Which is NOT to excuse Paul and the Junkyard Dogs in any way.

I wouldn't really feel comfortable predicting what he MIGHT do based on one week as HOH. But I will say, there are varying degrees of arrogance. And I can see how having the "power" in the house would inflate one's ego a bit. I haven't even really minded PAUL's arrogance until last night. His current behavior, IMO, is beyond the pale. There's no way of knowing who would or wouldn't behave that way if things had gone differently. But so far I have NOT seen Cody behave that way, and I HAVE seen Paul. That's all I can go on. 

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, Mumbles said:

I don't think he did.

That group bullying was one of the most chilling things I've seen on this show. To quote Basil Fawlty, this is exactly how Nazi Germany started.

When Jess called out Paul's cult to him, I wanted to hug her. The one thing that always surprises me every summer is that I become fans of the people I hated the first week or two. It's like always picking the slow line at the grocery store. But that's my relationship with Cody and Jess. Hated them week one. 

Oh and Paul's "disrespect the game" bullshit? Spare me. 

I'm so glad that he didn't join in.  I'm no fan of Cody or Jess but they had a lot more patience than I would have had with those beasts.

  • Love 1
15 hours ago, NorthstarATL said:

Julie Newmar beat her to it, followed by Eartha Kitt (and, briefly, Lee Meriwether?), so, no, nothing about Ariana is original.

Those names seem a little before her time; I figured she was emulating porn star Kat, who wore ears like that to go with her name, and whose picture you'd see on the cover of videos in convenience stores.

10 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Julie acted like kind of a jerk, trying to rush Christmas.

Considering how often they've ended an episode with an HOH competition in progress (hoping to push their live feeds no doubt), what was the rush?

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Sadly, there are only two or maybe three who understand just how terrible it is for an entire house to gang up on two people who are calmly sitting in a hammock, but no one dares stand up to Paul the Great Vet and Almighty Leader.

I did a rematch (with the sound off, of course) for the Kevin fan (I'm not one) who was hoping he hadn't participated, and well…eh.  He doesn't do any active screaming, but he's wandering around, shirtless, when both Josh and Raven are at their most obnoxious, and shows no inclination to try and get them to shut it, despite being a father of seven and a peacekeeper and yadayadayada. If not a willing participant, he's an unruffled bystander, perfectly glad to let the "show" go on.

Mark had the decency not to come outside and join in, Matt tried to wander off and hide in the corner with the pool table and the laundry machines (and even seemed to be trying to convince Raven to STFU at one point!), and I don't know where Elena was.  But while Josh and Raven were screaming and Alex the Stupid and Christmas the Vicious were hurling insults and Paul was cackling like a demented chicken, the "mature" married men, Jason and Kevin, were content to bobble about the eye of the storm and didn't seem to even think about asking Team Puppet to cool it.  Feh, IMO.

  • Love 6

This probably isn't the right thread for this. Sorry.

This is my first season of BB. I'm enjoying it, but I wanted to see how it compared to other seasons. So I started watching season 7 (all stars). I know it's not really an apples/apples things, but...

Everyone on season 19 put together doesn't have 1% of the charisma of Chilltown.

Edited by phlebas
  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Blissfool said:

I enjoy Kevin's antics and I think he's funny and I really want to like him, but then I remember his backstory and I'm like "Darn!"

What is Kevin's backstory?

And thanks to everyone who commented on who Megan is.  Now I remember her. And I remember how bad I felt for her, being treated as she was for absolutely no reason.  

Edited by slasherboy
  • Love 1

I thought Julie telling Christmas to hurry up was the show's way of showing they weren't cutting Christmas any slack, or making any special accommodations for her in the comps.  Or maybe I'm just hoping that's the case because otherwise, it seemed kind of awkward & unnecessary.

16 hours ago, Blissfool said:

Maybe you can empathize, you can understand how he might be feeling although you don't care that he feels that way.

Actually, no, I really can't empathize with Cody because I don't understand anything about how he acts, how he treats people, or how mean and angry he is.  And I don't sympathize because I think he's brought it all on himself, yet seems perfectly content to continue being a jerk.

Edited by GeorgiaRai
  • Love 6
On 8/4/2017 at 7:21 AM, Jel said:

I wonder if Julie Chen is a Paul fan. I remember reading that she liked Evel Dick of all people, so maybe she just has terrible taste in HGs. Maybe that's why he's getting a favorable bs edit, and why all the effort was made to made Cody look like he was unsupportive of Jessica, when that is not the reality at all.

There has to be a reason for this madness.

Julie mentioned in a brief interview that she liked Jessica, saying she was smart and saw what was going on in the house.

I don't think anyone in production likes Paul's game.  Why would they?  Yes, they wanted him back but I do believe they would like to see him gone now.  

I am sure Julie had a producer in her ear when Christmas was putting asking her to move it along.  She is not looking at time left, not her job.

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Julie mentioned in a brief interview that she liked Jessica, saying she was smart and saw what was going on in the house.

I don't think anyone in production likes Paul's game.  Why would they?  Yes, they wanted him back but I do believe they would like to see him gone now.  

I am sure Julie had a producer in her ear when Christmas was putting asking her to move it along.  She is not looking at time left, not her job.

Why do you think they'd like to see him gone, Wings? I thought he got a pretty sweet edit on the Wednesday show.

1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

Just for giggles.  Is it really possible to bully a bully?  If a bully gets bullied, doesn't he or she kind of have it coming to him or her?  At what point does it become too much?

I would respectfully submit that just because something represents poetic justice, doesn't necessarily make it right.  Kinda falls into the "two wrongs don't make a right" category.


1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

I don't think there were any innocent people in the backyard.  Those that were just witnessing what was going on and not participating in it,  look like enablers. 

IMHO it depends on the motivation for their inaction.  Were they silently rooting for the abusive behavior but simply didn't want to get their hands dirty, a la Alex?  Or were they afraid taking a stand against the abuse would result in it being redirected toward themselves, a la Mark?

  • Love 4

The biggest difference between Cody/Jessica and Paul is that C/J did their own dirty work.  They confronted the houseguests head on and with limits.  Paul sent out his minions with orders to destoy.  This make Paul a coward and bully, imho. 

Who know what C/J would have done if they stayed in power?  That's just speculation but Cody did hold his temper where I would have wanted to punch Paul out.   Cody has Paul's number which was the catilyst for Paul's rage and actions.   A man would have confronted Cody directly.  A coward sends out his minions to do the dirty work.  Paul reminds me of a dictator who hides behind his generals.   I'm hoping Paul's generals start questioning his power and have a coup.  

Both guys aren't perfect but I believe Paul's actions are just evil.  I don't see evil in Cody, just stupidity and bad game play.    

And, yes, Paul and his minions had a "good" edit, Paul looking "better" than he deserved.  

  • Love 7
19 hours ago, slasherboy said:

What is Kevin's backstory?

And thanks to everyone who commented on who Megan is.  Now I remember her. And I remember how bad I felt for her, being treated as she was for absolutely no reason.  


Kevin's father was a drug dealer in Boston for many years. He has since been convicted. There are articles online if you google "Kevin Schlehuber's father." 

I realize that Kevin is not guilty by association, but the fact that he is a stay-at-home father of 7, makes me wonder where he gets the money to raise 7 children with only his wife's income.

Also, when the patriarch is a successful drug dealer, he most often times than not, involves his grown sons. <----This is just my thinking. No where have a read that Kevin is actually involved in the drug business.

I enjoy Kevin and he makes me laugh, but I hold this tidbit of information against him for some reason.

3 hours ago, greyflannel said:

Isn't it Jessica, not Paul, who called the other houseguests Paul's dogs? I think it then turned into a joke with Paul & Co. Then again, I could be remembering wrong.

I thought it was Cody, but either way, that's how I understood it, too:  Jodica said it as an insult to the rest of the HGs who then turned it around on them.

  • Love 2

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