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Somewhere Between - General Discussion

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I just noticed this is premiering tonight on ABC AT 9:01 CDT.
So does that mean viewers who like those Bachelor and Bachelorette shows would like this? 

OMG this show has worse production values than my middle school, hand-copied, pencil, comic strip newspaper, The Shrewville Gazette.

Edited by shapeshifter
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I tend to love time travel, re-do type of shows and movies, but I'm just not sure what to make of this one. It seemed really disjointed, like they threw everything in the pilot all at once. Maybe if it stayed on Mondays at 10, I'd watch, but not Tues. night, already have something. Maybe I'll watch it online. It's too bad, I wanted to like it but I wasn't really impressed with the pilot and that's never good.

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12 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I just noticed this is premiering tonight on ABC AT 9:01 CDT.
So does that mean viewers who like those Bachelor and Bachelorette shows would like this? 

OMG this show has worse production values than my middle school, hand-copied, pencil, comic strip newspaper, The Shrewville Gazette.

It means overrun and networks usually do this to try and get that audience to sample but it hasn't worked for them.

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17 minutes ago, allonsyalice said:

This pilot is a mess.I'm only about halfway through, and I'm not sure what's going on. This kid is cute, though. 

Yes, it's a mess.  I gave up halfway through.  5 minutes in I was hoping the kid would get hit by a bus.  That is one of the most annoying child characters I've seen in a long time. 

I was looking forward to this, hoping for something new to watch this summer.  I was horribly disappointed.  Bad all the way through - writing, acting, everything.  Also, the district attorney "pulling strings" to get front row concert seats?  Were they trying to establish him as an unethical moron, or is this just another example of the horrible writing?

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The lead actress was so bad that I could not get passed her horrible line readings, etc.  And while the little girl is cute, she is just too annoying to watch for more than five minutes.  Unless I'm totally bored, I cannot imagine trying to suffer through another episode.

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Could not believe how bad this was - one of the worst scenes was when the ex cop (also soon to be executed murderer's brother) and his girlfriend break into the wrong house and it just "happens" to be the district attorneys house! Please!  Oh and the stupid little girl and her obsession with Jessie (who will soon be killed int a car accident - related to the plot?  who knows) just dancing around with him!  I also love the idea of the do-over but don't know if I can stick with this one.

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What really isn't fair is that the summary of this episode sounds good! Like, I'd watch that, but this pilot was way too flawed for me to stick with it. I love time travel, but I think I'll stick with Timeless. 

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I tried to stay with it, but the tedium finally wore me down after 45 minutes and I went to bed. The only one I cared about was Devon Sawa, and only because his talent seems wasted in this role. In fairness, the little girl's acting is OK, it's the character that's annoying. Maybe the whole thing would work better as a one- or two-hour plot. Or summer reading. As is, I have zero interest in seeing what happens next. 

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I thought it was mildly more interesting in the last 10 minutes or so.  However, I've always been annoyed by Paula Patton, so casting her as the lead already means there's a strike against the show.  Then, the daughter was just the most annoying character I've seen in a long time.  I also found it a little unbelievable that a 8 year old (?) could just run around the city and even go to another school without any adult asking questions about where her parents are.  I might give it one more episode.  We'll see.

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OMG this was awful! I see I am not alone in that opinion either! The lead actress was so bad it was almost laughable! Where on earth did this find this "actress?" Her reaction (and her husband's reaction) to her daughter's kidnapping was ridiculously underwhelming! If my kid had been snatched by a serial killer I'd be so nuts I wouldn't be able to stop screaming but both parents were just so calm and collected. The acting all around was terrible and the whole pilot was so disjointed and unfocused. It was just all over the place.

Usually I'm a sucker for these kinds of fantasy shows but I honestly could not find one single thing about this to like. Not one. 

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As much as I love "do over" stories (I can think of 1 year of my life that I would love to do over) this show is just atrocious. I can't put up with Paula Patton and that obnoxious brat, not even for JR Bourne.


God, how I miss Being Erica and Hindsight.

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I'm bummed, I really liked this premise. It helped that I was busy doing a lot of things during this episode. Washing dishes, meditating on belly button lint, watching my toenails grow...

Yeah, JR Bourne and Devon Sawa, you're going to have to give me more here. Like...just stay on the screen all the time. Kaithnxbai!

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This is so bad. Disjointed and confusing.

Paula Patton is such a horrible actor. I don't know how she continues to get jobs. I was happy her character offed herself and then she came back.  WTH?!

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Just by these comments, I am now glad I forgot to watch this last night. The synopsis and trailer looked like it w's interesting but I guess not. No worries, one less thing to watch on a very long list of shows to watch. Scratched off!

Edited by Valny
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I really gave up at the first commercial. I love time travel but could not follow it..plus, I lost my composure when they showed Coit Tower in San Francisco....my recently departed best friend lived a few houses from the base of the tower...and that had me bawling...I wasn't ready for that....and knowing I might have to see that again..nope...can't put myself through that...and yeah, the acting sucked...

I may just watch Quantum Leap on Hulu...

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I'm so glad I'm not alone in thinking this show is unwatchable.  This was the second show in 2 weeks that looked like it had promise but greatly disappointed - Hooten and the Lady also looked like it would be a fun summer watch, but that was also a botched mess of bad writing, acting and production.  How do things this bad get out of production?   I don't think I've seen Paula Patton in anything before (ABC was heavily promoting her being a part of this show, and I was like, who?) so I'll trust the others that say she's this bad in everything.  The little girl seems like she might be an ok actress but was just given the most annoying character to play.  Maybe she should get an Oscar for being so convincing?

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This was like a mashup of Groundhog Day and Deja Vu, a Denzel Washington film that introduced me to Jim Caviezel and, coincidentally, Paula Patton.

The pilot was so odd that I am compelled to watch the second episode just to see if it is as weird as the first.

At least there is baseball, and reruns of Burn Notice on USA.

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I missed the pilot, but I thought this was a decent episode. It made me interested in how they will stop the daughter's murder as "fate" seemed determined to move in that direction. The woman whose life they saved was an idiot. She runs away from the two people who rescued her instead of staying and getting help. 

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I may not have been paying close enough attention but how does the daughter still know Ruby (the daughter of the about to be executed murderer)?  In the pilot it showed them meeting during the week that is now looping?  and a more burning question - what has happened to her Jessie obsession?  and does he still die in a car crash?

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On 7/25/2017 at 7:33 AM, sinycalone said:

The lead actress was so bad that I could not get passed her horrible line readings, etc. ...


On 7/25/2017 at 10:22 AM, iMonrey said:

...The lead actress was so bad it was almost laughable! Where on earth did this find this "actress?" Her reaction (and her husband's reaction) to her daughter's kidnapping was ridiculously underwhelming! ...


20 hours ago, StillCrazy said:

... Paula Patton is such a horrible actor. I don't know how she continues to get jobs. I was happy her character offed herself and then she came back.  WTH?!

You ain't lying.

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My love for JR Bourne has no bounds (even though I had no idea he would be in the show, lol). But after watching five minutes of the annoying child being really stupid and hating third grade level math (really, show? just. REALLY??) I gave up.

On 25.07.2017 at 6:25 PM, Bobbin said:

The only one I cared about was Devon Sawa, and only because his talent seems wasted in this role.

JFC, they also dragged Devon Sava into this, didn't they? *faceplam*

Edited by CooperTV
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Not great, but I'm watching it this afternoon. 

This episode, the one guy catches a murderer in a bath, over the body of a woman, and the police are saying they have nothing?? It hasn't finished yet, but that pisses me off. 

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This show is confusing.

Are there two killers or one?

The girl was attacked by one killer and then she escaped and ran into the other killer?  That cannot be a coincidence.

I am getting shady vibes from the husband. 

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Well, we know it won't be back. Ratings are terrible, even for a Summer show. So her husband is the killer or is protecting the killer? I'm in the phone while the show is on. ABC knew it was bad that's why they didn't let critics see it.

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I missed the scarf-washing. I also missed the husband texting something. I searched for an episode recap, to see what I'd missed, because I didn't give parts of it my full attention. 

I figured the husband must be in on it, too - two killers.

On 7/28/2017 at 0:34 AM, sisterspoon said:


haha! I missed this earlier. 

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21 hours ago, Anela said:

I missed the scarf-washing. I also missed the husband texting something. I searched for an episode recap, to see what I'd missed, because I didn't give parts of it my full attention. 

I figured the husband must be in on it, too - two killers.

haha! I missed this earlier. 

Did you find a recap?  It seems as if no one is recapping this show. 

I missed the girl washing the scarf, too - although that explains why she was so obsessed with it.

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13 hours ago, mochamajesty said:

Did you find a recap?  It seems as if no one is recapping this show. 

I missed the girl washing the scarf, too - although that explains why she was so obsessed with it.

Barely anyone is watching the show, so that's probably why.

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On 8/4/2017 at 7:39 PM, mochamajesty said:

Did you find a recap?  It seems as if no one is recapping this show. 

I missed the girl washing the scarf, too - although that explains why she was so obsessed with it.

I did, but I can't remember where. 

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Devon Sawa was the draw for me; he was my childhood crush and I follow him on Twitter, where he was promoting this show.

I'd never seen Paula Patton in anything before and agree with all of you above - she is horrible!

I am really having trouble following the story and am also confused about things such as: how do Ruby & child who comes back to life know each other in this alternate timeline? What is the significance of Jesse's death?

It's a pretty terrible show but I'm going to keep watching (for some reason).

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We are watching it in my home as a family so I grade it up when everybody can agree on a single show.  But, we also repeatedly think the mother does the dumbest things and is totally squandering her do-over by acting all crazy pants all the time.  Why didn't she tell the hubby that she knows Jesse will die before it happens? I mean, it's not that challenging. Also, how was there NO DNA on the shower curtain cop guy wrapped around the killer in the bathroom of the one victim? Yes, I don't care enough about this show to know any of the character names except the fake singer (only because his name is on so many backpacks). 

The one victim (from the alley) didn't get attacked by one and killed by a different one. It was the same guy, who took off his hoodie or changed clothes. He had the same wound in his belly.

I think Dad is just a lawyer who wants to win cases and withholds evidence.  I don't think he's another killer or in league with them. But I have been known to be wrong about my guesses.

After watching the first 3 episodes (mini marathon), we watched Idle Hands to see Devon Sawa's earlier work ha.  He's a lot rougher looking now, but it looks good on him, if that makes sense.  And I love JR Bourne, because of Teen Wolf and Thirteen Ghosts.

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5 hours ago, jhlipton said:

I found some recaps (at celebritydirtylaundry) -- it doesn't get any better.

You really didn't miss anything, nothing of importance has actually happened.

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This is a train wreck and I can't get out of the way.  The show has so many errors.  It does not make sense most of the time.  They hot wire a car.  Later she starts the car with a key.  Where did this key come from?  The mistakes are what makes me keep laughing.  

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6 hours ago, LakeGal said:

This is a train wreck and I can't get out of the way.  The show has so many errors.  It does not make sense most of the time.  They hot wire a car.  Later she starts the car with a key.  Where did this key come from?  The mistakes are what makes me keep laughing.  

This show is so off track I can't tell what's going on half the time or what the show wants to be.

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