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S07.E02: Stormborn

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Episode Synopsis:
Daenerys receives an unexpected visitor. Jon faces a revolt. Tyrion plans the conquest of Westeros.


Reminder: This is for discussion of the TV show only, no book talk allowed - including saying "but it's different in the books". Any spoiler from outside the books (i.e. next weeks preview) should be in spoiler tags.

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Yes, Yes, YES to every fucking bit of this episode!!!! So much good happened, it was orgasmic! Now we're talking! OMG, my GoT love knows no bounds. My wish finally came true and it was worth every bit of a six season wait - NYMERIA!!!! I could fill this post with exclamation points and gibberish.

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Another great episode! How the hell did Euron’s fleet get so close to Yara’s fleet without them seeing it. Was the watch asleep? Contrived as hell, but damn the attack and fight was well done. Theon is so freaking weak, abandoning Yara like that.

I loved Daenerys and Varys’ conversation. It was nothing like the leak described. Varys swore his loyalty and truth to Daenerys and in turn, she promised to burn him alive if he deceived her. Love it. Both actors gave strong performances.

Olenna was right that Daenerys should be a dragon and make them fear her.  

I am glad that Daenerys is skeptical of Melisandre and her ever changing predictions

Way to go, Grey Worm. He and Jon Snow use their mouths well, making them the best tv male lovers that tv women can have. Don’t die, Grey Worm!

I love earnest Jon. To put it bluntly the northern lords will piss themselves when they see the army the dead. OMG, someone please stab Littlefinger through the heart and soon. I say that every episode that he is in.

Hot Pie! He is so sweet now. Good to see him again. I am so glad that Arya decided to go home. Wow, Nymeria is huge. Where is Ghost these days?

I am loving Sam “the Brave” Tarly. Damn, that looked painful, I couldn’t watch the cutting and pus oozing.

The Westeros lords are dumbasses. I look forward to all of them being burnt alive.

Qyburn is a clever fucker. I look forward to his death also.

Edited by SimoneS
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It was so good to see Lady Olenna again. I didn't realize how much I missed her.  You could tell she was thinking "I can't believe I have to support this would-be Queen." LOL.  And her mentioning that the most loved Queen she had ever heard of was her Margaery, by Nobles and Commoners alike. LOL.  She is out of all F's to give.  I also think her bitterness came through very well.  It's also clear she has nothing but resentment and disdain for what's left of Westeros.  What Cersei did completely changed her world view and now Olenna is all for using force where in the past she would have preferred guile.  That could be because she doesn't care about Dany's longevity past the destruction of Cersei.   Also interesting,  I got the impression that Dany truly felt sorry for her.  Just in the way she approached her and seemed understanding about why Olenna was there.  A lot of things in play in that scene.  I liked it.

Though it looks like Olenna was right.  They should have marched on Kings Landing.  Now they have lost the Iron Born they did have.   They also don't have the Dorn forces anymore.  Dany''s grand return is leaving much to be desired and Cersei is again proving that if you underestimate her or think she has nothing left, she will always surprise you.   If Jon is smart he will learn from Dany's mistake.  Cersei is ALWAYS a pressing threat.

Though Olenna is going to have bigger problems if the gambit Cersei and Jaimie are playing works.  Scheming to steal Lady Olenna's army out from under her.  And it's clear that Lord Tarly is giving serious though to switching sides.  It's funny that Jaimie is using the same tactic that Sansa wanted Jon to use on the Northern Lords.   Sansa had the right of it, she's just in the wrong court for it.

I never felt bad for Myrcella, since what happened to her is what the Lannisters have been doing too families for years.   Still surprised at what happened to Ellaria and the Sand Snakes, I'm rooting for everyone who hates Cersei.  Not at all surprised Ellaria regretted NOTHING about what she did.  The Lannister's have inspired that kind of hate in all of the people they've crossed through the years.

Jon needs to work on winning over his bannerman.  TOO many of them were way to Anti-Targaryen for him to just say I'm going and that's that.  They may have been cowed by the talk of Dragonglass but it seemed reluctant.  

Sansa's aversion to the Targaeryen's was on display last season when she and LF were in the Crypts talking.  It is not at all surprising that she is not overly thrilled with the idea of Dany.  She also doesn't like the idea of the North bending the knee to her.  She and Jon did go through a lot to reclaim it, I can understand why she doesn't want to bow to "The Dragon Queen."  Looking forward to seeing what Sansa and LF get up too now that they will have the run of the castle.

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I totally thought they might show Bran leave the Wall heading for Winterfell, so he could just miss out on Jon. It looks like Arya will miss him, because White Harbor is east of the Riverlands.

Loved seeing Hot Pie and Nymeria again! Although, now I think he's going to die.

Dany has long been in severe need for a one-to-one conversation with a wise old lady.

Looks like Grey Worm knows nothing, just like Jon Snow in the cave.

Aww, Theon. I can't be too angry with him, because he has to be dealing with some strong PTSD.

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So last week's bedpan torture was to prep Sam for oozing greyscale grossness. Knew there had to be a reason. 

So does Greyworm have equipment?

Couldnt Theon have arrived at his series epiphany during his Reek phase? If you don't have the balls, grow a new pair. It's crunch time, get a move on dude!

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5 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

I am loving Sam “the Brave” Tarly. Damn, that looked painful, I couldn’t watch the cutting and pus oozing.


Neither could I. I put up the menu screen and read the captions to tell if it was over. They said like "muffled shouting", and I was like NOPE!


2 minutes ago, Geneve138 said:

What did Arya mean when she said "that's not you" to Nymeria after she chose not to go back rob Winterfellbwith her?

I think she meant that Nymeria wouldn't just abandon her pack to go with Arya.

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Seriously, Theon? Seriously?! Your sister risked everything to save you from Ramsay and then you punk out like that?

I'm going to have to rewatch because my mind was so blown over that battle, but who got captured alive? Ellaria, Yara and one of the Sand Snakes? I only saw two of them dead and hanging from the ship. 

I'm curious to see what's going to happen between Sansa and Littlefinger with Jon out of the way. I know everyone wants LF dead, but he's a sneaky bastard. 

Loved seeing Lady Olenna again and the conversation with Dany reminded me of the ones she used to have with Margaery. 

Edited by BitterApple
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6 minutes ago, Geneve138 said:

What did Arya mean when she said "that's not you" to Nymeria after she chose not to go back rob Winterfellbwith her?

I took it as that wasn't Nymeria. Were those all direwolves?

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2 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Seriously, Theon? Seriously?! Your sister risked everything to save you from Ramsay and then you punk out like that?

He was doing so well before that too. So one-third of the plan is down and if Jaime and Randyll Tarly sack Highgarden that'll be two-thirds. 

Edited by AimingforYoko
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I liked parts of this episode and was meh on some other parts. Way too much Sam, also as much as I love Grey Worm and  Missandei, that scene also was a bit too long when we only have 7 episodes this season. I was also wondering if we were going to see him below the waist? 

Hate Euron, but now I know his gifts, it will be Yara and Ellaria. Ellaria killed Myrcella and once she is in Cersei's hands.....yeah I'll leave that hanging.

Loved Varys's speech to Danaerys, he basically said his piece but did not apologize for his past actions or allegiances. She had not a leg to stand on, personally I felt that he took her down a peg or two.  Westeros will be hers by right of conquest, the only true rule of Westeros is the one with the biggest might,. 

Hate Euron and hate that he has Yara, I guess Theon's conditioning is still in there. He was fighting well but his PTSD kicked in and he abandoned his sister. If she lives, she will never forgive him.

Great seeing Hotpie again, that was a surprise..and NYMERIA!! On that subject, where is Ghost..did he go with Jon or stay at Winterfell?  *sniff..Poor Summer, Grey Wind, Shaggydog, Lady..**  I know they are on a budget but I hope we see Ghost some point during this season.

Jon can barely stand Littlefinger..he was about to choke him out!

Forgot to add, never count Cersei out..she always has a plan..

Edited by bluvelvet
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11 minutes ago, Geneve138 said:

What did Arya mean when she said "that's not you" to Nymeria after she chose not to go back rob Winterfellbwith her?

I took it to mean, "You've changed from being the innocent little puppy who belongs in Winterfell.  You've had to get tougher to survive."  And it was as much about herself.

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3 minutes ago, AimingforYoko said:

He was doing so well before that too. So one-third of the plan is down and if Jaime and Randyll Tarly sack Highgarden that'll be two-thirds. 

Yara was right. They should've moved taken King's Landing when they had the chance. Now all her ships and men are gone. That's going to tie in nicely with Lady Olenna telling Dany not to listen to the Lords and follow her instinct instead. 

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Okay. I get it. No eating during GOT.  Was I the only one cringing as Sam took way too long to skin that piece off of Jorah?  

So much for the Sand Snakes.  I thought Yara has the best of the Iron Born? Looks like she and Ellaria will be Cersei's gift...   Euron probably wants to rape Yara before he kills her. Gross.

Tyrion will have to figure out a way to get the Dornish armies across the water.

Is it next Sunday yet?

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This episode could have been called "Foreshadowing", instead.

Grey Worm probably won't make it, which hurts because he and Missandei were sweet together.

Arya probably won't last long at Winterfell.  Her Dire Wolf has been through a lot, just like her. The wolf pack leaving must be foreshadowing that Arya's place is not at Winterfell or anywhere else - she's The Wolf Princess and has no home.

Daenerys better take Olenna's words to heart and use her dragons soon because her navy just got fucked up.  Yes, Cersei has that giant crossbow, but there has to be retaliation.

Kings of the North don't have much common sense, do they?

Well, people must be plotzing now that the Desert Snakes are dead.

And, once again, this show brings on the gross with Sam cutting off Jorah's infected skin.

Edited by bmoore4026
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though i have to wonder. if Sam was willing to do that to my Jorah - why was it all "meh, you're gonna die." obviously they had something. i"m more curious how did that thing spread/thicken/darken so quickly. 

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8 minutes ago, jbrecken said:

I took it to mean, "You've changed from being the innocent little puppy who belongs in Winterfell.  You've had to get tougher to survive."  And it was as much about herself.


That makes sense, Arya and Nymeria are mirrors of each other, they both had to run and have seen surviving in the wild. Would be interesting if Arya finds or feels that she does not belong in Winterfell...

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8 minutes ago, bluvelvet said:

Loved Varys's speech to Danaerys, he basically said his piece but did not apologize for his past actions or allegiances. She had not a leg to stand on, personally I felt that he took her down a peg or two.  Westeros will be hers by right of conquest, the only true rule of Westeros is the one with the biggest might,. ..

Frankly, I didn't think that Daenerys faired that well through the whole episode.  In the presence of so many Westeros  movers and shakers, she just didn't have the gravitas that the Queen of Dragons should have. 

I sense a three-peat of walking out of fire naked to convince everyone she is a badass again cause her speeches just aren't working for me.

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Despite the consequences, I'm glad Danaerys listened to Tyrion instead of Olenna & Co. because she needs to be at homebase when Jon shows up.  The iron throne will mean next to nothing in one short season. 

Conversely, this show hasn't managed to gut-punch me like this in years.  Nymeria.  Yara's face after Theon's dick move.  Jorah writing his suicide note to his Khaleesi.  Hot Pie!  GoT fired on all cylinders with this one.

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Just now, ParadoxLost said:

Frankly, I didn't think that Daenerys faired that well through the whole episode.  In the presence of so many Westeros  movers and shakers, she just didn't have the gravitas that the Queen of Dragons should have. 

I sense a three-peat of walking out of fire naked to convince everyone she is a badass again cause her speeches just aren't working for me.

 I tend to believe that she will not be to her full potential without Jon. 

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Hot Pie!


Arya's going home!

Somebody, anybody, PLEASE KILL LITTLEFINGER! I was so glad that Jon didn't have time for his bullshit.

Alright Sansa, try to be smart and not get manipulated by Littlefinger. Hopefully, Arya will make it home before too much damage is done.

Oh Jorah, I was screaming in pain for you :(

Euron is no joke. That battle was intense. Ironborn on Ironborn violence.

There must be a reason for Theon's survival, but I can't imagine what it could be. He's no good to anybody and should just curse the gods and die.

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18 minutes ago, SoWindsor said:

I took it as that wasn't Nymeria. Were those all direwolves?

It was Nymeria.

In the post show episode, one of the show creators explained that the line was a direct reference to what Arya said to her father when he painted a picture of the life she could have as the lady of a castle -- "that's not me."  Arya is not domesticated so it would make sense that her direwolf would not be, either.  Nymeria is doing exactly what Arya would do.

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Hot Pie!!! I was not expecting to see him and Arya have a reunion.  Poor Sam has the grossest tasks.  Dany gets less likable each season, I know we're supposed to be rooting for her, but at this point I just kinda wish Drogon would eat her.  I don't think Cersei and Yara have ever met so I'm going to laugh if Euron's all, "Here's your present!" and Cersei's like, "I know who Ellaria is, but who the hell is that?".  

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Petty gripe: How the hell did Arya not know Jon had reclaimed Winterfell? She's been back in Westeros for months. I find it hard to believe there was no talk of it in the Riverlands, especially considering that's where Cat was from. 

Count me in with those who are getting tired of Dany's smug entitlement. 

Edited by BitterApple
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Just now, Decider said:

It was Nymeria.

In the post show episode, one of the show creators explained that the line was a direct reference to what Arya said to her father when he painted a picture of the life she could have as the lady of a castle -- "that's not me."  Arya is not domesticated so it would make sense that her direwolf would not be, either.  Nymeria is doing exactly what Arya would do.

Thanks! I don't think that would be clear to most folks who don't read here or watch the behind the scenes.

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1 minute ago, BitterApple said:

Petty gripe: How the hell did Arya not know Jon had reclaimed Winterfell? She's been back in Westeros for months. I find it hard to believe there was talk of it in the Riverlands, especially considering that's where Cat was from. 

Agreed on this and everyone's general lack of knowledge. The only thing I can think is the showrunners wanted to give us reaction shots to all of the "big news". If Arya had learned it off screen we wouldn't get the visual of her conflicted and ultimately choosing family over vengeance. Willing suspension of disbelief! 

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Just now, SoWindsor said:

Agreed on this and everyone's general lack of knowledge. The only thing I can think is the showrunners wanted to give us reaction shots to all of the "big news". If Arya had learned it off screen we wouldn't get the visual of her conflicted and ultimately choosing family over vengeance. Willing suspension of disbelief! 

i could see this as Arya being focused on killing Freys and staying away from people. it looked like she wasn't taking the main populated roads either so possible?

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4 minutes ago, SoWindsor said:

Thanks! I don't think that would be clear to most folks who don't read here or watch the behind the scenes.

Agreed.  I didn't remember that myself and I have watched the whole series.

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26 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

Btw, thank you to all my neighbors for not reporting me for noise disturbance.

Yeah, I shouted "YOU F**KING COWARD" at Theon, then was, like, oops...

Hot Pie! :-)

I still don't want Baelish dead.

Samwell, I love you, but your scenes have been a whole lotta gross this season. Hope the treatment works.

Nymeria! Now, where is Jon Snow's dire wolf?

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1 minute ago, LisaBLingLing said:

Alternate opinion on Theon.  He knew charging Euron in that situation was suicide.  He would die and so would Yara.  He lived to fight another day, somehow.  I suspect his decision will prove important and ultimately the right one.

Or not.  

Maybe he dies rescuing Yara from King's Landing? That would be a nice redemption arc and a good way to finally put him out of his misery.

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Just now, LisaBLingLing said:

Alternate opinion on Theon.  He knew charging Euron in that situation was suicide.  He would die and so would Yara.  He lived to fight another day, somehow.  I suspect his decision will prove important and ultimately the right one.

Or not.  

There was no way Theon was going to save Yara in that moment.  Better to lose the battle today so that you can win the war tomorrow.

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21 minutes ago, Mya Stone said:

 I tend to believe that she will not be to her full potential without Jon. 

Dany is irritating the hell out of me and Jon is showing the opposite traits of what Dany is doing to annoy me, so maybe she'll learn by example.  My primary problem with Dany in this episode is thinking that making an imperious summon to Jon to bend the knee to his Queen is a good idea.  For all the dialogue about knowing people aren't waiting for her return, unlike her brother, she doesn't seem to actually get it.  As expected, Tyrion seemed to massage that message.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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Yeah, I don't really blame Theon for jumping overboard. He's no match for Euron and it was all a lost cause at that point. I assume he has a purpose in this story if they are bothering to keep him alive.

Add me to the list of those who are surprised that Arya wasn't aware that Jon and Sansa were in Winterfell. Isn't Littlefinger on her Master List of Kills? RIP Baelish (although I hope it's Sansa who does the killing). I got a bit misty when Arya decided to go home instead of King's Landing to kill Cersei. She's still human, not a faceless assassin. I'll have a box of tissues ready for that reunion.

Edited by LilaFowler
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2 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

Dany is irritating the hell out of me and Jon is showing the opposite traits of what Dany is doing to annoy me, so maybe she'll learn by example.  My primary problem with Dany in this episode is thinking that making an imperious summon to Jon to bend the knee to his Queen is a good idea.  For all the dialogue about knowing people aren't waiting for her return, unlike her brother, she doesn't seem to actually get it.  As expected, Tyrion seemed to massage that message.

Yeah, I'm not really getting why she expects to be serenaded and welcomed with open arms when the Targaryens were just as shitty as the Lannisters. 

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