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S09.E15: Oil And Vinegar

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25 minutes ago, Mrs peel said:

I thought she was referring to the divorce, as in (as others have said) they split the assets 50-50.  Not that surprising considering it was a long-term marriage and their daughter was an adult at the time (college payments were likely split betw them too).  She can get off her high horse with "I gave him half."  Likely he had way more $$ than she did.

She said that when she had her business she gave Mario half her paycheck and I think she also mentioned him getting half in the divorce. As for their comparative earnings, I suspect that Ramona made more money than Mario did until she sold her business and then she had her Bravo paycheck, which grew larger each year. Mario worked in his families jewelry business and I doubt he made as much as she did. At one point, she claimed that it was her money, when she had the resell business, that bought the Hamptons house. I don't think Ramona realizes that most divorces (those without a pre-nup) are a 50/50 split. That said, Bethenny can down off her self imposed cross, her divorce wasn't more emotional than Ramona's was. Jason didn't cheat on her then kick her to a very public curb like Mario did to Ramona. 

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, Jezebel97 said:

thanks, ZM! means alot coming from you

I think they are called bubble skirts & looked to try a comeback


Well, they are making a comeback of sorts, in a maxi dress style though! LOL example 1..... http://www.evine.com/Product/723-432 example 2 (to show it just isn't online shopping sites) http://shop.nordstrom.com/s/elan-cover-up-maxi-dress/4602939?origin=coordinating-4602939-0-1-PDP_1-recbot-fbt_similar_items&recs_placement=PDP_1&recs_strategy=fbt_similar_items&recs_source=recbot&recs_page_type=product  LOL

  • Love 3

Tinsley is letting us know how she feels about the discussion about her hair:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-9/blogs/tinsley-mortimer/tinsley-mortimer-does-anyone    She does not like being called out by Bethenny.  Nothing says take me seriously like, "Redic!". 

Sounds like she is loving on some Scott.  Glad she is happy and I hope it doesn't mean the end of her on RHONYC.  Happy just never works.

  • Love 10
On 7/13/2017 at 0:22 AM, Cheetosandchoc said:

        I thought she felt protective of her niece. Even though they were broken up, it may of been irrational but those things often are.

That I got.  Despite what I said about LuAnne,  I don't think she's any worse than any of the other women,  admittedly I like her better single,  married Lu is a bit of a hypocrite.

I understood her protectiveness of her niece,  she seems to be very loyal to her family,  something else I like about her,  but that was a way low blow. 

Except for Ramona, who I wholeheartedly despise because, Ramona,  I see the good and the bad in all the women on the show,  but I don't think Lu deserves a pass on being an ass, and she's been insufferable with every aspect of her relationship with Tom. 

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

According to several sources Tinsley has been dating Scott Kluth for about 6 months. They were seen together in Chicago in early June, and apparently he was buying Tins a blue Channel handbag ($5,500)!! I think they are perfect together: a nerdy guy with NO game, and an eternal debutant! 

I agree with others that Adam has never been as upbeat as he was around Tinsley. He and Carole bring out each other's drab nature. 

That salon owner with the front row seat to Sonja's crotch was creepy. I was surprised that Sonja is new to Brazilian waxing. When my daughter and her friends told me I needed to try it my response was that I didn't want to look like a prepubescent girl. However, don't knock it until you try it! It feels so clean and fresh that I doubt I will ever be full bush again. 

not only the owner but the entire film crew......that's as bad as a gyn visit with an entire group of people, geez have some decorum.

as much as i've dislike lou at least she has some 'social graces'.  after all, we never saw her in bed with the pirate.   i don't think she would be shown being waxed

i'm really clutching my pearls over the waxing and anal sex discussion!!!

  • Love 13
4 hours ago, sasha206 said:

That Girl as a big part of my childhood  -- I was born in 67 and it was in syndication.  I do wonder if she got confused by the opening.  That Girl didn't toss the hat, but she's wearing cute hats and there's a scene with her with umbrella.  I loved that show!



4 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Lol!  Isn't it funny how memory works?  I would've sworn on a bible she throws the hat.  Lol.   I definitely see how Marlo and Mary could've been confused for each other by looking at this.    And now I wanna kite with my emoji self on it.  


I was a HUGE fan of That Girl, too!  I can remember wanting to be just like Ann Marie - "struggling" actress (with a killer wardrobe) in an adorable apartment and a great boyfriend!  

Well, as you grow up, you realize that a struggling actress could have NEVER afforded that apartment and wardrobe by herself, and even if she could, that wardrobe would have taken up square inch of that three room apartment!  

But, I still dreamed of being like her - with a bag and shoes to match every single outfit!!  

  • Love 11
4 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Too sweet!  It's me (now/then) but I tell him I only want gifts I can use after we break up (we're Adam and Carole lol).

You are the complete package....gorgeous, smart and hysterically funny, with a good, sensible head on your shoulders (it seems that way, anyway, from your posts, which I sincerely love, love, love - each and every one of them!)  :-)

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:


do you guys remember those skirts?  what were they called?  what the hell were we thinking?  lol!


2 hours ago, Jezebel97 said:




8 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

You are the complete package....gorgeous, smart and hysterically funny, with a good, sensible head on your shoulders (it seems that way, anyway, from your posts, which I sincerely love, love, love - each and every one of them!)  :-)

Hey, now.  Back off.  I'm a'callin dibs just in case ZW decides she wants a big ole celibate sugar mama some day (and I hit the MegaMillions).  ;-)

  • Love 4
On ‎7‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 10:34 AM, MerryMary said:

I kinda enjoyed Tinsley's date.  Sure she made every gaffe possible but Cabin boy didn't seem to care.  You can tell that he's nice and doesn't have much game.

I thought Scott was TOO cute!  He's in that "Kevin James tribe" for me and as far as I'm concerned, Kevin James can get it.

I couldn't be bothered to rewind to see if I heard correctly, but did Ramona call it EXpresso?  If so, "Oh, Moaner.  Kadooz to you!"

Dorinda may have supplanted Phaedra as my favorite Talking Head.

Mexico ain't ready for these bitches.

  • Love 4

I mostly watch to see what crazy Ramona will do each episode. This woman is legitimately insane, no kidding. I'll bet Mario watches and wipes his brow with a big "whew! glad I got rid of that!"  I can't imagine any man putting up with that insanity for 30 years. Does Ramona exaggerate? Do birds fly, do elephants have a trunk, does the sun come up ever day? Ramona is one big dramatic, theatrical exaggeration. She speaks in inappropriate clichés, catch phrases and anecdotes that never seem to quite fit the situation. Blowing things out of proportion is so common for Ramona that nothing she says can have any relevance since every thing is so dramatic, there's no drama, it's just a comic routine. Ramona would argue that her wrong is right every time, like the oil and vinegar thing. That's just being dumb, nothing deeper, just dumb.

"Talk to me after you've been married 30 years, okay? You were only married two. My heart was cut out, my legs, my arms. So don't even compare my life to yours, just don't Bethenny....don't, don't, just don't."

(le sigh)

Edited by Lunata
  • Love 11

OK, there is nothing uglier than a mad and screaming Ramona.  Her face is a fright.  She is just so rude.  She was rude to her trainer, even though she was late to the appointment.  

I saw a lot of stress on her face when she was arguing with B.....she thinks she's a goner as a HW....I hope she's correct.

She blew down the 4th wall.

Edited by ButterQueen
  • Love 17
28 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

OK, there is nothing uglier than a mad and screaming Ramona.  Her face is a fright.  She is just so rude.  She was rude to her trainer, even though she was late to the appointment.  

I saw a lot of stress on her face when she was arguing with B.....she thinks she's a goner as a HW....I hope she's correct.

She blew down the 4th wall.

Watching Ramona is like watching a scene where one by one the fingers start slipping off the edge of the cliff and no one wants to reach out to her for fear of being pulled down with her. 

Ramona spent way too much energy spying and lying on the others and now there is no one in her corner.  I honestly believe she does not understand that forgiveness is not a given.  It is not as if Ramona hasn't watch Bethenny  pull the plug on really close relationships in her life (parents, father of her child, Jill).  Why would she think she would be spared?  Ramona should have caught on a long time ago Bethenny laughs at Ramona not with her.  From Bethenny's return she made it all about Ramona stealing the dresses to set up her Ramona Ryder line. Or the battling brunches where Bethenny cut to the front of the line.  Bethenny saw the reactions to Ramona and Sonja and the ridiculous Tom stuff she knows when to cut her losses and loser hanger ons.

If Bethenny doesn't return next year it matters little.  Ramona has burned all the bridges except fake Dorinda and Dorinda is spite of hosting a lot events just can't pull it off.  I hope Dorinda doesn't have the pull to keep Ramona on the show.  I just envision Ramona negotiating with the producers first her dropped down calm voice, then her wildly screaming she saved the series when the producers fired Jill, and then promising to bring Jill back and make good TV.  Finally she will ask for a raise and top billing and claim to have  a sex tape of Tom, Luann and Sonja.  

  • Love 13
On 7/12/2017 at 10:38 PM, Jel said:

No, I don't, but I find it a little telling. Some HWs, over various franchises eventually had enough and walked away -- not Lu. Downgrade her to friend of status, and instead of being insulted and quitting in a huff, or humiliated and fading away, she'll fight her way back. Call her a slut and whore, she'll look past it, as long as she's included. It's interesting to me.

Luann comes back because she really needs the money.

I still think The Count shanked her in the divorce. He's a creep who only thinks of his pleasure and what makes him happy. I do not doubt that he loves his children - but the child rearing was Luann's job. The house they had in the Hamptons was beautiful. Once Noel was of age and moving off to boarding school/college/or in his own apartment - The Count wasn't going to pay for maintenance of that house. I think this is why Luann bought the smaller place. Luann said that she and the Promiscuous chicken have a pre-nup - she needs income to pay for the real estate taxes and maintenance of the Hamptons house.I think if Tom pays those bills, would he say he has a stake in it if they divorce?

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, film noire said:

The attributions could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure it's her - this is no-doubt her:



I spy a different nose, lol. Well no wonder she's extra attached to her hair - she saw that as her signature. Getting rid of her hair probably means letting go of whatever remnants of that socialite life she had before and having to start from the scratch - which isn't necessarily true but attachments are usually a mental thing anyway. The other pic posted here with her long hair straight looks great. She needs to the ditch the curls and that alone will update her hairstyle. The entire combination of the hair and clothes she wears just looks like she's a little girl trapped in a grown woman's body. 

  • Love 4
On 7/13/2017 at 3:05 PM, Baltimore Betty said:


I have been channeling my inner Housewife, I am getting eyelash extensions (in preparation for my son's wedding, I want to see if I like them before the big day or if I should stick with glue ons) and this past Monday I did a little Botox (only my 3rd time) and the doctor and I had a conversation about the whole Housewife look and how to avoid it...Ramona's name came up and I asked the doc to steer clear of what ever the hell made her look like that, we laughed and laughed! 

I my gosh!  My son is getting married at the end of September.  Now you have me thinking........

Edited by Emmeline
  • Love 1
53 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Luann comes back because she really needs the money.

I still think The Count shanked her in the divorce. He's a creep who only thinks of his pleasure and what makes him happy. I do not doubt that he loves his children - but the child rearing was Luann's job. The house they had in the Hamptons was beautiful. Once Noel was of age and moving off to boarding school/college/or in his own apartment - The Count wasn't going to pay for maintenance of that house. I think this is why Luann bought the smaller place. Luann said that she and the Promiscuous chicken have a pre-nup - she needs income to pay for the real estate taxes and maintenance of the Hamptons house.I think if Tom pays those bills, would he say he has a stake in it if they divorce?

I think Luann comes back because TV is all she has known since her mid-twenties.  Before there was RHONYC she was hanging around on some local cable show.  Why she stays probably has something to do with the various lines she has launched, exposure and a paycheck.  She has another two coming out soon-linens and clothes.  The exposure on the show is great for her.  These little launches she does most likely are bringing her six figures-Trooper York mentioned she sells a lot of units on E-VINE.  She had a Bravo special. Sadly, Andy has talked her into releasing a new song.  So obviously her ego outweighs good taste.

Luann's $8 million house in the Hamptons became a tear down.  Luann bought her new house in the Hamptons when Noel was 16 years old.  He was living in the guest house and playing with Adam when Carole met Adam. I know this may seem hard to fathom but the tear down home in the Hamptons was in Luann's name only so when she sold it the proceeds went to her -not the Count.  Luann and Alex were the ones with the speedy divorce.  I tend to think a couple who stay on good terms generally don't have an unequal division of assets or a speedy divorce.  Luann unlike Bethenny and Ramona has never made a big deal over her contributions to the marriage financially nor did she let it stand in her way when it was time to divide the property. 

I do not know why Luann would want Tom paying her bills on her home.  She most likely makes in the high six figures for the show and doesn't seem to spend every last dime.  Usually pre-nups cover situations regarding contributions to maintain the others' separate property.  Say Luann was unable to make a $20,000.00 property tax payment on her $4 million dollar home-it would not necessarily give Tom a 50% interest in the home.  I always figured financially Luann married smart.  Tom doesn't have any child support or alimony or adult kids to provide for and has a small business and two modest (for this crowd) properties that certainly allow the couple to have a place to crash in NYC and Palm Beach.  Things get sticky when they start buying properties together.   

  • Love 8
19 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I found out through one of my brother's random girlfriend's who does this for a living that it doesn't work on my hair. Something about light colored hair and follicles. I need my chin done so bad. So I was bummed 

That is interesting because I would thing the darker the hair the more difficult it would be to remove.  Thanks for the information.

  • Love 1

Tinsley first comeback circa 2012:       http://guestofaguest.com/new-york/celebrities/the-rise-and-fall-and-rise-of-tinsley-mortimer  

"She was almost like a "Real Housewife' - people didn't want her at the party," an anonymous tipster confided to The NY Times.

A lesser girl would have joined Alex McCord in the unemployment line for socialites.

Lots of phots of Tinsley and maybe some introspection why they aren't crazy about her joining the  crew.

  • Love 3
20 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Watching Ramona is like watching a scene where one by one the fingers start slipping off the edge of the cliff and no one wants to reach out to her for fear of being pulled down with her. 

Ramona spent way too much energy spying and lying on the others and now there is no one in her corner.  I honestly believe she does not understand that forgiveness is not a given.  It is not as if Ramona hasn't watch Bethenny  pull the plug on really close relationships in her life (parents, father of her child, Jill).  Why would she think she would be spared?  Ramona should have caught on a long time ago Bethenny laughs at Ramona not with her.  From Bethenny's return she made it all about Ramona stealing the dresses to set up her Ramona Ryder line. Or the battling brunches where Bethenny cut to the front of the line.  Bethenny saw the reactions to Ramona and Sonja and the ridiculous Tom stuff she knows when to cut her losses and loser hanger ons.

If Bethenny doesn't return next year it matters little.  Ramona has burned all the bridges except fake Dorinda and Dorinda is spite of hosting a lot events just can't pull it off.  I hope Dorinda doesn't have the pull to keep Ramona on the show.  I just envision Ramona negotiating with the producers first her dropped down calm voice, then her wildly screaming she saved the series when the producers fired Jill, and then promising to bring Jill back and make good TV.  Finally she will ask for a raise and top billing and claim to have  a sex tape of Tom, Luann and Sonja.  

I think that's it exactly though, Dorinda is faking any good feelings for Ramona. She's doing what Bethany is doing to Lu,  but without making a thing out of it, while keeping her enemy close.

Yes,  she said she forgave Ramona last year for trying to humiliate her about John and his Viagra, he likes to pound Derinda all night thing,  but she hasn't.

Then when Ramona threw her temper tantrum at the Christmas weekend and went off on Bethany and Bethany left,  Dorinda muttered that she wished it was Ramona leaving. 

I read above about how an intern of Sonja's posted on Reddit /since scrubbed/ that last year Ramona went to Sonja's house and moved medicines around and messed up the place to make Sonja look bad. I'm pretty sure all of the women know this. Who would want to hang out,  much less film with a psycho like that?

Edited by ShawnaLanne
  • Love 5
On 7/13/2017 at 4:05 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

Tinsley never once asked that blind date guy what he did for a living, where he lives or was raised, what college did he attend, hobbies, favorite foods, ever been married, have kids or knows another language!  Instead she put a spotlight on her divorce and drinking and then made out with him, I would have done it so much better than her.  This shows me that she is not really interested in finding a husband or even a long term boyfriend. 

I have been channeling my inner Housewife, I am getting eyelash extensions (in preparation for my son's wedding, I want to see if I like them before the big day or if I should stick with glue ons) and this past Monday I did a little Botox (only my 3rd time) and the doctor and I had a conversation about the whole Housewife look and how to avoid it...Ramona's name came up and I asked the doc to steer clear of what ever the hell made her look like that, we laughed and laughed! 

Maybe you should try Latisse.  It works for me.  Brooke Shields was in their commercials.


Originally it was developed to lower eye pressure and one of the side effects is eyelash growth and is the same as Bimatoprost 0.03%.  I like that there's nothing 'fake' and you just look like you have really nice eyelashes.  I started it to reduce eye pressure as a precaution and got this great side effect.

  • Love 3

I would've taken Dorinda for more of a Maude fan. :)

With a little editing, this Wikipedia article even kinda works...



Maude Dorinda stars Beatrice Arthur Dorinda Medley as Maude Findlay Dorinda Medley, an outspoken, middle-aged, politically liberal woman living in suburban Tuckahoe, Westchester County, the urban Upper East Side, New York, with her fourth husband, boyfriend, household appliance store dry cleaning shop owner Walter Findlay (Bill Macy) John Mahdessian. Maude Dorinda embraces the tenets of women's liberation, always votes for Democratic Party candidates, and advocates for civil rights and racial and gender equality. However, her overbearing and sometimes domineering personality often gets her into trouble when speaking about these issues ^and just about everything else.


Edited by ivygirl
  • Love 14
2 hours ago, Emmeline said:

That is interesting because I would thing the darker the hair the more difficult it would be to remove.  Thanks for the information.

Nope. The way the laser works, you need dark hair and preferably light skin. The melanin that turns your hair/skin dark absorbs the laser and basically fries it off.

  • Love 3
On 7/13/2017 at 8:01 PM, breezy424 said:

R Ro, So and Tinsley could all use a good chopping of their hair.  If anyone saw Tamra on WWHL... this attests to it.  She looked like she had a Kelly Ripa bob.  She never looked so good.  Turned out it was 'fake' and her hairdresser pulled the long hair back and up.  I think So, Ro and Tinsley hang on to their hair like it is a blanky.  I get Kyle Richards keeping the long hair because it's all hers and it's gorgeous.  But even she has shortened it up.

Heck, I even give Beth props for cutting her hair. 

Re-watching Season 3 and Beffy looks so much better (healthier, softer) with her longer/thicker hair. ??‍♀️

  • Love 3
On 7/13/2017 at 9:57 AM, Mozelle said:

And this is what I don't get about Tinsley. The ditzy, let's make out an hour into meeting each other will certainly attract men. Will it attract a man who Tinsley wants to marry, however? Because it's easy to be the life of the party after some Tito's, but at some point, she's going to have to be real and open (though not in the way she was dumping everything and mentioning every single bad relationship on the first meetup). It will have to be with a man who's also ready to receive that.

Part of me thinks that Tinsley lowkey is self-sabotaging. She can say that she's getting out there to meet a marriageable man, but how she behaves on that first date seems more like, "We'll get it in and that's it." She isn't ready for the whole marriage deal quite yet. 

Tinsley would make a great replacement for Sonja because she is just a different version of her with a little bit of money.

Her behavior with Hanging Chad and now Scott - being sexually aggressive for the cameras - tells me she is not over Nico and needs Vicki sized validation. She's not moving her furniture from Palm Springs which is smart - she needs confirmation of an apple for next season before she will commit to finding something permanent. It would also make a great story line for her - still being a hot mess and not being able to make a decision.

  • Love 4
18 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I think Luann comes back because TV is all she has known since her mid-twenties.  Before there was RHONYC she was hanging around on some local cable show.  Why she stays probably has something to do with the various lines she has launched, exposure and a paycheck.  She has another two coming out soon-linens and clothes.  The exposure on the show is great for her.

I do not know why Luann would want Tom paying her bills on her home.  She most likely makes in the high six figures for the show and doesn't seem to spend every last dime.  Usually pre-nups cover situations regarding contributions to maintain the others' separate property.  Say Luann was unable to make a $20,000.00 property tax payment on her $4 million dollar home-it would not necessarily give Tom a 50% interest in the home.  I always figured financially Luann married smart.  Tom doesn't have any child support or alimony or adult kids to provide for and has a small business and two modest (for this crowd) properties that certainly allow the couple to have a place to crash in NYC and Palm Beach.  Things get sticky when they start buying properties together.   

My opinion is based on what I've seen. The Count dumped Luann via email/text for the Ethiopian Princess. I saw an interview where Luann was very upset and she said he left her to tell the children and she had to do it before they saw photos of him and the princess in the press. She begged him to to be more discreet and because he didn't care about anything but himself he chose to be photographed with his new love before Luann got to release her book. Her book tanked. She bragged that The Count was so excited for her wedding that he insisted on walking her down the aisle. The Count didn't even show up for the wedding. I think Luann lies about how wonderful The Count is, I think she is afraid of him.

They were married for 16/17 years, no pre-nup, married in the US, and have 2 children. the Count has many properties - they had a beautiful apartment in Manhattan. I think she got shanked "monetarily" The only person who bragged about Luann and The Count having a wonderful relationship is Luann. I follow her on Instagram/Twitter and there is but one photo of her and The Count when they were first married. There are pictures of Luann with Coert, Jacqeus and of course Tom - yet none with a man she has a wonderful post marriage relationship with. I have never heard that the Hamptons house was in her name only

As for Evine, Luann had Statement necklace jewelry and clothing in 2015. There are no statement necklaces advertised on Evine and all of the clothes she has left (6 pieces) are on clearance. She did an launch of her bedding in October of 2016, these are not being sold on Evine. Most celebrities that go the HSN, QVC, Evine route will advertise on their franchise. Take Nene and Lisa R. Luann did it one time, the Evine website doesn't say - keep your eyes open for new Countess Collection items - nothing. Nothing in current news. I don't think she did so well and I don't know if they are going to keep her on their roster.

I like Luann for the show. I think everyone of the HW's "needs" the income from the show except for Bethenny. Bethenny will stay because she can promote the hell out of her businesses on the show. However, I also believe Bravo is not "happy" with Luann and if they demote her to Friend Of they will still be able to talk about her and Tom shenanigans without having to pay her as much.

Luann knew what she was doing at the dinner, bringing up what should I pack, I'm coming earlier and traveling with everyone. Talk to Ramona, I'm going to the bathroom. I thought it was hilarious.

Edited by KungFuBunny
  • Love 8
41 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Tinsley would make a great replacement for Sonja because she is just a different version of her with a little bit of money.

Her behavior with Hanging Chad and now Scott - being sexually aggressive for the cameras - tells me she is not over Nico and needs Vicki sized validation. She's not moving her furniture from Palm Springs which is smart - she needs confirmation of an apple for next season before she will commit to finding something permanent. It would also make a great story line for her - still being a hot mess and not being able to make a decision.

The only difference to me is at least drunk, floozy Sonja of years past could be funny as hell. I miss that Sonja.

  • Love 7
Just now, sasha206 said:

The only difference to me is at least drunk, floozy Sonja of years past could be funny as hell. I miss that Sonja.

I think you'll get to see old Sonja in Mexico. The GIF I posted earlier with Luann taking the pitcher away, Bethenny said that purple bathing suit is hers. She jumps into the pool naked and when she comes out, Sonja donned her outfit.


  • Love 6
On 7/13/2017 at 11:53 AM, Michichick said:

I think you're right. Ramona did lord it over everyone like having a husband was a big accomplishment, so now she's totally adrift without him.

Since Luann is currently lording it over everyone about her great catch Tom, I wonder if Lu will fall apart as soon as her marriage hits the skids?

Honestly, this is what blows my mind about Ramona and Lu: having a husband is NOT some great accomplishment. 

I think that is what Beth, Carole and Dorinda are ridiculing. 

  • Love 11
On 7/14/2017 at 0:43 PM, Dutchgirl said:

She's obviously emotionally stunted. When Bethenny told her to grow up, she whined about "getting in trouble" and people "yelling at her", like she's a 4 year old. She's a little long in the tooth for the baby doll makeup, tights, and ringlets.

Tinsley wants to be treated like a peer, but then constantly calls Sonja "Mommie".

Note to Tinsley: You're not going to be treated with respect if you keep whining like a brat. You and your tights need to self evaluate at the hotel


Edited by KungFuBunny
  • Love 10
14 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

My opinion is based on what I've seen. The Count dumped Luann via email/text for the Ethiopian Princess. I saw an interview where Luann was very upset and she said he left her to tell the children and she had to do it before they saw photos of him and the princess in the press. She begged him to to be more discreet and because he didn't care about anything but himself he chose to be photographed with his new love before Luann got to release her book. Her book tanked. She bragged that The Count was so excited for her wedding that he insisted on walking her down the aisle. The Count didn't even show up for the wedding. I think Luann lies about how wonderful The Count is, I think she is afraid of him.

They were married for 16/17 years, no pre-nup, married in the US, and have 2 children. the Count has many properties - they had a beautiful apartment in Manhattan. I think she got shanked "monetarily" The only person who bragged about Luann and The Count having a wonderful relationship is Luann. I follow her on Instagram/Twitter and there is but one photo of her and The Count when they were first married. There are pictures of Luann with Coert, Jacqeus and of course Tom - yet none with a man she has a wonderful post marriage relationship with. I have heard that the Hamptons house was in her name only

As for Evine, Luann had Statement necklace jewelry and clothing in 2015. There are no statement necklaces advertised on Evine and all of the clothes she has left (6 pieces) are on clearance. She did an launch of her bedding in October of 2016, these are not being sold on Evine. Most celebrities that go the HSN, QVC, Evine route will advertise on their franchise. Take Nene and Lisa R. Luann did it one time, the Evine website doesn't say - keep your eyes open for new Countess Collection items - nothing. Nothing in current news. I don't think she did so well and I don't know if they are going to keep her on their roster.

I like Luann for the show. I think everyone of the HW's "needs" the income from the show except for Bethenny. Bethenny will stay because she can promote the hell out of her businesses on the show. However, I also believe Bravo is not "happy" with Luann and if they demote her to Friend Of they will still be able to talk about her and Tom shenanigans without having to pay her as much.

Luann knew what she was doing at the dinner, bringing up what should I pack, I'm coming earlier and traveling with everyone. Talk to Ramona, I'm going to the bathroom. I thought it was hilarious.

Luann and Alex bought the house in the Hamptons before the children were born and for under a million dollars.  Luann claimed the timing of the divorce had more to do with her children and breaking it to them.  I think Luann stalled, I don't think the book mattered one way or another as Luann had very limited exposure at the time the book was released (the show), and it wasn't really all that great a book.  Luann when asked about the Count attending her wedding, went from the Count offering to walk her down the aisle (she already had enlisted her brother), to if he was in town that day, and finally it was about her and her future with Tom not him. (Luann did say they are competitive with one another.) To each their own, but I cannot imagine why Luann would fear the Count-she still socializes with him.  I am guessing but I doubt the Count was ever a resident of the US and again a guess for tax purposes they probably had some sort of arrangement that was mutually beneficial to both of them.  Luann is that person that doesn't seem to harbor a lot of ill will towards exes-except that guy that went after her at John's party that was someone that seemed to frighten Luann.

The rented a brownstone on the UWS and once the Count checked out Luann's permanent home was in the Hamptons.  I believe the kids were going to school in NYC at the time.  I don't blame Luann, once she knew the Countdown was coming she opted for rightsizing.  As to Luann's Instagram-how many photos do we see of Kyle's first husband on her Instagram?  Kyle's ex and Mauricio still do business together and we have seen him on the show.  When she had her special there were plenty of pictures of Luann and the Count.

This is my understanding of E-Vine-they have a release of a line for a particular season.  Each season is a launch.  If you follow Luann on Instagram you know she has made an announcement about celebrating an upcoming line.  I have no idea who the new line is even with E-vine but I have read where her linens come out this fall.

Luann has her own star power and I would agree they all want the money with Dorinda being the other possible exception.  I am not of the thought the producers sit around and come up with ideas how to shortchange Luann anymore than they would say Ramona or Sonja.  I believe they work hard for these women to have relevant storylines.  there was a story recently how the producers rued their decision to drop the three RHONYC after Season 4 and bring in three new ones.  Dorinda does pretty much nothing except she throws parties and to date her big walk it Kilt event wasn't even aired, Sonja they have continued the Grey Gardens theme, Luann was obviously her wedding, Ramona was given some bad meds from that producer she named that told her she needed to speak out more, Bethenny has nothing but sponsoring a trip to Tequila.  Bethenny is on to promote a new show-big whoop and Skinnygirl.   I am just under the impression Bravo is just fine with Luann.  They gave her a special last year, they allow her to come and go to events under the guise of wedding planning, she serves up Tom on occasion for fodder-which the first half of the season was all about Tom again.  In my opinion-if the producers didn't want Luann they would fire her.  It just seems Luann likes to be a RHONYC and the producers like having her as part of the cast.  She has to be at least half as difficult as Sonja or Ramona.  I also believe she takes the show in stride and enjoying her off time to spend time in the Hamptons, travel, ski and spend time in Florida. 

Although Bethenny has called for younger cast members, I think it is difficult to find "young" rich, successful women, who want to expose themselves to ridicule and scorn and adhere to a shooting schedule for four months a year.  Dorinda, according to Andy was a franchise saver and she is neither young or even working.  She does have an amazing estate that works well for filming.

  • Love 12
38 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Honestly, this is what blows my mind about Ramona and Lu: having a husband is NOT some great accomplishment. 

I think that is what Beth, Carole and Dorinda are ridiculing. 


Ramona was horrible. She always talked about Mario as  if was the bestest husband who ever husbandend!  That really blew up on her. 

Lu should remember that. I get that she's happy but we get you are married. Reminding everyone every minute isn't going  make these women think that Tom is faithful, good guy. I don't see why they really care what Tom does. It's not they really like Lu. 

Trust me I understand starting over and being scared. My marriage of 20 years (together 25) ended this year it is  scary as hell.  I'm very lucky that I'm beyond comfortable in my own skin and am truly enjoying getting to really know me again. 

  • Love 10
15 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

The rented a brownstone on the UWS and once the Count checked out Luann's permanent home was in the Hamptons.  I believe the kids were going to school in NYC at the time.  I don't blame Luann, once she knew the Countdown was coming she opted for rightsizing.  As to Luann's Instagram-how many photos do we see of Kyle's first husband on her Instagram?  Kyle's ex and Mauricio still do business together and we have seen him on the show.  When she had her special there were plenty of pictures of Luann and the Count.


The difference is Luann brags that she has a wonderful relationship with her ex. Kyle does not. Luann brags that The Count stayed with her in the Hamptons, that The Count loves Jacques, that the Count loves Tom. Only her word - no pictures.

As for the bedding - Luann did an interview with People in October 2016 that the bedding was launching last year. She was promoting 3 sets - one called Hopeless Romantic as her ode to soon to be a newlywed.

As for her Evine line - if there is a new Countess Collection coming with both clothes and statement necklaces - Evine should be promoting it now - even if it is just a banner. It says in her twitter to click on her bio - and there is nothing. Fall 2017 - is Sept to December - something should be up in terms of an announcement.

If the dress she is wearing is from her new line - I think she'll do better cause her last collection was hideous.

  • Love 3

I am already burning in Hell, AND late to the party, but reading all the Zapruder comments about the number of blueberries left on a plate?  In the words of Bethanny - "Get a hobby".

Oh, and that guy Tinsley's still "dating"?  Mayhaps have a Little Bo Peep fantasy.

I will never refer to Sonja's nethers, but if I could, I would certainly steal "Grandma Wrinkles".

  • Love 13
3 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

I am already burning in Hell, AND late to the party, but reading all the Zapruder comments about the number of blueberries left on a plate?  In the words of Bethanny - "Get a hobby".

Oh, and that guy Tinsley's still "dating"?  Mayhaps have a Little Bo Peep fantasy.

I will never refer to Sonja's nethers, but if I could, I would certainly steal "Grandma Wrinkles".

Since Sonja is transitioning in her relationship with Tom/Luann, can Luann pass the Snatch Guard torch to you? According to Sonja, there's only a little Grey in her Gardens.


  • Love 5
1 minute ago, KungFuBunny said:

Since Sonja is transitioning in her relationship with Tom/Luann, can Luann pass the Snatch Guard torch to you? According to Sonja, there's only a little Grey in her Gardens.


That's like letting the fox guard the henhouse, since I'm often nude, always commando, but thankfully a hermit who doesn't share her wares.  I also don't have the grey hair gene (Grey Gardens, yes).  My Mum and Oma hardly had a single grey hair in their 80s and 90s; I've yet to find one, even in my unkempt nethers. (/TMI).

I would, however, use the HELL out of a bidet - in the right way - should I ever hit the plumbers' Lotto.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

The difference is Luann brags that she has a wonderful relationship with her ex. Kyle does not. Luann brags that The Count stayed with her in the Hamptons, that The Count loves Jacques, that the Count loves Tom. Only her word - no pictures.

As for the bedding - Luann did an interview with People in October 2016 that the bedding was launching last year. She was promoting 3 sets - one called Hopeless Romantic as her ode to soon to be a newlywed.

As for her Evine line - if there is a new Countess Collection coming with both clothes and statement necklaces - Evine should be promoting it now - even if it is just a banner. It says in her twitter to click on her bio - and there is nothing. Fall 2017 - is Sept to December - something should be up in terms of an announcement.

If the dress she is wearing is from her new line - I think she'll do better cause her last collection was hideous.

My issue with these women is a statement of fact is not bragging.  I have company all the time and we never take pictures.  Maybe the Count doesn't like be photographed.  I would think Kyle saying your ex is on such good terms with Kyle and her new husband he trust him to manage multi-million dollar business deals for him would be on par with saying what Luann says about the Count. I see it as a compliment to the Count not anything Luann did.   I am married, my kids are out of diapers, I am not an only child, my parents were poor/or rich, doesn't seem like bragging or complaining.  To me, it is no different than when Dorinda goes on and on about her mother and how special she is knowing Bethenny has a shit relationship with her mother.  I really enjoyed seeing both Carole with her mother and Tinsley with her mother.  Not everyone has the luxury but it is nice when they share.

This is my gripe with these women-they will hammer someone for not speaking their "truth" so to speak.  Well most of the time it is how they feel the other's truth should be.  Luann went down the road after Tom got busted.  She told everyone at the Reunion, she wrote in her blog she had forgiven Tom they were moving on.  What she would not do is give any of them the satisfaction or placate them by saying she was in an open relationship.  She has said she is not, and none of them are really close enough to know what goes on.  Effing Carole even tried to say they were lying about Luann making pasta.  Give it up.  Tinsley has said she wants to marry and have children, so any time she behaves in a manner that seems contrary to such a goal she is dishonest?  I don't get them.  Dorinda, of never let anyone else speak, or tells people what they can and can't talk about,   Bethenny indicated last year at the Reunion she was very close with Dennis, this year, when Luann let her have her truth, she looked at Luann like she had horns when Luann said, "you have Dennis."  Apparently, Luann didn't have the latest update. 

IMO these women seem to think they know what is better and what makes someone else happy better than the person does.  I don't find getting married, having a companion, traveling and skiing any more or less laudable than a career, or hanging out at the dry cleaner boyfriend's storefront everyday, or reading and pontificating on a presidential election.  I get that Bethenny, Dorinda and Carole don't like hearing about others' trivial happiness but I don't see it as wisdom-just bitchy.  The take away from this episode is Ramona blowing off her phony "care for Bethenny" obviously Ramona though there would be a quid pro quo, and she was sadly mistaken and horrifically rude and illogical.  I am just hoping Ramona doesn't some day compare her marriage of 65 years as more important than Carole's five year marriage or Dorinda's six year marriage.  The woman is sick.

Luann's dress is not from her collection, and  I would agree I am not a fan of horizontal stripes-especially black and white.  It is a Nicole Miller NYC.  I do think Luann does the dress justice.  https://www.nicolemiller.com/knit-dress

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