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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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Just out of curiosity, what age qualifies one for the Lonely Spinster Club in their cult?

Jana is quickly approaching 26 with 30 around the next corner. When will she be deemed "too old" to marry? Will the only fundie guys still available at 30 be the bottom-of-the-barrel guys and/or widowers?

My guess is 25, with 30 being the nail in the coffin. I remember hearing friends joke about 25 being a "quarter life crisis" (which I absolutely hate) so my uneducated guess is 25 is a milestone where you really should be married in their world. Keep in mind most Duggers "graduate" at 16, so by 25 you are almost a decade into doing nothing.

Of course, as with everything fundy, the boys get a pass.

Edited by TaxNerd
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Just out of curiosity, what age qualifies one for the Lonely Spinster Club in their cult?

Jana is quickly approaching 26 with 30 around the next corner. When will she be deemed "too old" to marry? Will the only fundie guys still available at 30 be the bottom-of-the-barrel guys and/or widowers?

I think most Fundie guys probably get married between 20-25 for the simple fact that they want to get laid and are tired of waiting. I think women in their culture have a shorter shelf life. A 30 year old bride isn't likely to pump out fifteen kids, so she won't be able to make her husband look like King Shit at all the homeschool conferences. It sucks to say this, but Jana is nearing the point of no return. If she wants to get married she better figure something out within the next year.

Of course if she lived in the real world like the rest of us, 26 and unmarried wouldn't be cause for panic, but in her culture she might as well buy a vibrator and an army of cats.

Edited by BitterApple
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I wonder how many copies of that book JB and the Gothardites bought themselves to pump up sales. Maybe that's what's in one of those warehouses on their property.

Hopefully it's gotten harder to inflate sales since the Mars Hill church scandal, and Amazon saying that it wouldn't do business with ResultSource anymore. Of course the latter is probably going to resurface with a new name.

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These people clearly don't like to waste time, Josh was apparently betrothed to someone when he was 15, Marjorie was only 17 when she was courting Josiah (age 18). I think the shortage of self sufficient Quiverfull men remains the biggest problem for the girls. Even when the show was alive, JimBob wasn't in a position to employ all of his daughters husbands. He naively/stupidly/recklessly thought he'd have to support just his 19 kids, not 19 kids plus 19 spouses and the 80 grandchildren (at 4 per couple), which is the way things are going.

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Kokapeti, I agree. Even though Derick had his Wal-Mart job, Boob was still supporting them through a rent free house. Sure, it's all fine and good to do that for one or two of your kids, but all 19? Boob is going to start feeling the pinch at some point.

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I still can't believe that derickdillard left his Walmart accounting position for this back-and-forth "overseas" mission stuff. The mind boggles.

I'm feeling nice this morning. Maybe Jill was breaking down from the Josh molestation scandal and he wanted to get her the hell away from Dodge. But they are back frequently not only for the weddings but Jill is going through withdrawals from her buddy group and keeping them safe and loved.
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Not to defend JB at all, but I really don't think he is obligated to provide for his adult children and their spouses. It's nice for him to help out (or it helps keep them controlled) but it's not his responsibility.

Yes, because of him the kids seem to have crappy educations. But thousands of kids do everywhere and they find a way to make it work in life.

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Not to defend JB at all, but I really don't think he is obligated to provide for his adult children and their spouses. It's nice for him to help out (or it helps keep them controlled) but it's not his responsibility.

Yes, because of him the kids seem to have crappy educations. But thousands of kids do everywhere and they find a way to make it work in life.

JMO, if they don't have trust funds, all of his fortune comes from putting those kids on TV without pay and keeping the money in return for letting them grow up uneducated in what essentially amounts to a detention facility with bad food, so I really do think he's obligated.

If they do have trust funds, I still think he owes them, but they have the wherewithal to get an education, so less of a problem.

Edited by Julia
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Just out of curiosity, what age qualifies one for the Lonely Spinster Club in their cult?


Jana is quickly approaching 26 with 30 around the next corner. When will she be deemed "too old" to marry? Will the only fundie guys still available at 30 be the bottom-of-the-barrel guys and/or widowers?

Heh. My grandmother used to say, "I was an old maid when I met your grandfather." They got married when she was twenty-six. Of course, my grandmother was born in 1897...


Of course if she lived in the real world like the rest of us, 26 and unmarried wouldn't be cause for panic, but in her culture she might as well buy a vibrator and an army of cats.

There are no vibrators in Jana's world.

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A reminder folks that all sorts visit this board, we are all guests at a fabulous, fun party. Not everyone will agree with you, and if you can't be civil and respectful party goer then it would be best to bite your tongue. Let's keep in mind that some jokes, especially about religion and politics, can easily be taken the wrong way and it would probably be best to keep the jokes and comments about the Duggars and not about religion or politics. Please let the host know via report or PM if you feel something has crossed the line. Getting defensive and heated only makes the situation worse.

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There are no vibrators in Jana's world.


Well, let's hope she has an excellent imagination. Then no vibrator would be necessary. Unfortunately, though, I suppose the Duggar assault on kids' imaginations pretty much extinguished Jana's.

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Well, let's hope she has an excellent imagination. Then no vibrator would be necessary. Unfortunately, though, I suppose the Duggar assault on kids' imaginations pretty much extinguished Jana's.

She would also need privacy, and I just can't imagine that ever happening. Those girls don't even have their own beds, do they? And I am thinking that the bathrooms even have multiple toilets (or did I hallucinate that?) so it must not even be OK to plead privacy while you are on the throne. I guess that leaves the shower. But maybe not. There can't be enough hours in the day for everyone to take even a brief shower.

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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I think most Fundie guys probably get married between 20-25 for the simple fact that they want to get laid and are tired of waiting. I think women in their culture have a shorter shelf life. A 30 year old bride isn't likely to pump out fifteen kids, so she won't be able to make her husband look like King Shit at all the homeschool conferences. It sucks to say this, but Jana is nearing the point of no return. If she wants to get married she better figure something out within the next year.

Of course if she lived in the real world like the rest of us, 26 and unmarried wouldn't be cause for panic, but in her culture she might as well buy a vibrator and an army of cats.


Yes, IMO this is that bible verse in action, about "it is better to marry than to burn" (in hell with lust). 


And I've often wondered, if this is the source of some super-fundie marriages which go south - those which do so with what seems like alarming ease, in particular. "This is a case of finding Ms. (or Mr.) Good-Enough, but convincing myself that s/he's a perfect, God-sanctioned, ideal love partner, simply because s/he is there, and I do find them somewhat attractive, and/but, the main crux of the matter is, I myself really, really want to have sex.  So I'd better take Mr/Ms. RIght Here, without wasting any time.  Because I really want to have sex."  


Because I just find it hard to believe (based upon the experiences of one HS friend who went to divinity school, and a teenaged-era church entertaining new ministerial candidates), that all these ministers "have been called to" marry one particular person, before they have even a bachelor's degree at age 22.  Even if you believe that God wants (or requires!) it, and thus arranges that person to fall into your lap accordingly, I don't believe anyone could believe it across the board for everyone, on account of that pesky "free will" thing.

Edited by queenanne
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She would also need privacy, and I just can't imagine that ever happening.


Yes, setting aside the vibrator and/or imagination, even the army of cats would require moving out of the TTH. Nine lives aren't enough on the Duggar property. Poor woman might as well live in a medium-sized fish bowl.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Having to stand in the back holding your sister-in-law's baby as ransom so she doesn't run off while others in your age group are off having a wonderful time enjoying a reception MC'd by Arkansas' top DJ..... Typical Jana.

Right? The other girls her age are out mingling, dancing and flirting and she's stuck watching a baby that isn't hers. If she's going to be a full time nanny she might as well go work for some rich Southern family and at least get paid for it.

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in her culture she might as well buy a vibrator and an army of cats.

To me this sounds preferable to the life that Anna got herself into, and not just because Anna's married to a douchelord like Josh. Hey, at least if Jana finally decides to flee, she won't have to worry about any children. 


Run, Jana, run! 

Edited by galax-arena
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Jinger has on way too much bronzer --- or she just came off a shift in the coal mines.


If it weren't for all the pastel shirts, this photo looks like a bunch of people leaving a funeral. Good lord, the look on Ben's face...like he's STUNNED. What a gang of pinheads


Note to Duggar girls: bowties do not go with every style of shirt. 

That dress of Jessa's is one that she's worn many times before.  It is not a maternity dress, which is fine, but adding the slip underneath so as to conceal her knees, just does not look good.  I don't know why they just don't invest in some maternity clothing.  Those will look much more flattering, and they'll also get their money's worth. 

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The Duggars have the strangest spending habits.  They splash the cash on things like Boob's Senate run, iPhones, MacBooks, unused kitchen equipment, 100s of paper plates and probably have a huge electricity bill yet won't buy a few nice pieces of maternity wear.  Given the sheer number of babies that are likely to be popped out, it would be smart to have a couple of nice dresses or skirts to share.  But I guess that it too logical for the Duggars! 

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  I don't know why they just don't invest in some maternity clothing.  Those will look much more flattering, and they'll also get their money's worth.

AMEN. It's not like maternity wear (a.k.a. a Duggar wife's everyday clothes) won't be used again, and again, and again (and that's just by one person. If they're shared, they may indeed wear out!).

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AMEN. It's not like maternity wear (a.k.a. a Duggar wife's everyday clothes) won't be used again, and again, and again (and that's just by one person. If they're shared, they may indeed wear out!).

Now there is a business for them. Modest Maternity Wear by Jana.

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I think most Fundie guys probably get married between 20-25 for the simple fact that they want to get laid and are tired of waiting. I think women in their culture have a shorter shelf life. A 30 year old bride isn't likely to pump out fifteen kids, so she won't be able to make her husband look like King Shit at all the homeschool conferences. It sucks to say this, but Jana is nearing the point of no return. If she wants to get married she better figure something out within the next year.


I've read some speculation that the Duggars are posting a lot of photos of Jana on social media lately because they are "shopping her around" and trying to drum up interest in the eventual courtship. Personally, I hope that's not true. I want to believe that they are posting photos of her because they're shrewd and they realize that she is one of the last unscathed-by-scandal "fan favorites."


However, the fact that she is an obvious fan favorite (even amongst us hate-watchers!) and the leghumpers are always clamoring for news of a courtship on her photos makes me a little nervous. The Duggars will be looking for a way back into the public's good graces and once Jessa's baby is born, they will be out of feel-good press stories. A big People magazine spread announcing Jana's courtship/engagement would generate a lot of positive press and fan attention. 


I want Jana to remain single until she is no longer attractive to a fundie guy, then stumble across a more mainstream man. Preferably a super wealthy, smokin' hot man with a college education, a successful career, and a beautiful home, because I want fundie girls everywhere to see that if you don't marry the first man-child that comes along (Ben!), God will ultimately reward you with the biggest prize of all. And that's the thing about Cinderella, folks. We all feel really bad for her in the beginning of the movie when she's scrubbing floors, but by the time the credits start to roll, she's riding off into the sunset, like "Bye, Felicia!" I want that for Jana. Hehe. 


My biggest, guiltiest wish: Der/Jill, Ben/Jess, and Jana/nice mainstream guy get their Duggar Daughters spin-off. I don't think Der/Jill and Ben/Jess could carry a show just the four of them, but the addition of Jana would make it possible and a mainstream guy with a good sense of humor trying to navigate the oddities of the Duggar clan would make for good TV, y'all. 


And now this post is too long. I'm rambling. 

Edited by Guest
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Sorry for asking a stupid question that's probably been discussed a lot here, but I just found out that Josiah isn't in his courtship anymore? That makes me sad for some reason. Josiah has always been my "favorite" Duggar. I think he's such a sweet, sensitive young man who has never been able to express that side of himself. I hope he gets out. I still think that after the first one escapes others will follow.

I've searched some pages back for information about what happened with him and Marjorie but couldn't see anything about it.

Could somebody maybe tell me which page to start reading?

Thank you so much.

I don't follow these people outside of this site and never think to check this thread.

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Sorry for asking a stupid question that's probably been discussed a lot here, but I just found out that Josiah isn't in his courtship anymore? That makes me sad for some reason. Josiah has always been my "favorite" Duggar. I think he's such a sweet, sensitive young man who has never been able to express that side of himself. I hope he gets out. I still think that after the first one escapes others will follow.

I've searched some pages back for information about what happened with him and Marjorie but couldn't see anything about it.

Could somebody maybe tell me which page to start reading?

Thank you so much.

I don't follow these people outside of this site and never think to check this thread.


There is a lot of speculation about what caused their courtship to end -- Joshgate, the show being cancelled, young love naturally fizzling out, etc. -- but no one really knows the truth. The Duggars just posted a vague statement on their Facebook page announcing it was over. 

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In a nutshell, it was announced that the courtship was over at the beginning of August, before the Ashley Madison scandal broke.


There was some speculation that Marjorie and her family wanted out after Joshgate 1.0 broke, but agreed to wait for a bit to make the announcement.

The other possibility was that she bailed after the show was formally cancelled.

Of course no one really knows the true story, but it is hardly surprising. 


ETA:  Sorry, I see my typing was a bit slow-There were no other replies when I started to answer the question.

Edited by 3 is enough
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Thank you all for answering. Poor kid. I feel for all of the kids but Josiah has always tugged on my heart when I've seen him on the show, especially after they announced the last pregnancy and he was visibly upset.

Upset, then abused by his father off camera.

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Are Jinger and Lawson Bates courting?  They're awfully close to each other in photos of the wedding.


Good question. It looks like Jinger is standing between both Lawson and Trace(?) in the photo, but I agree that Lawson does appear to be hanging around the Duggars in a lot of photos lately.


While I have no clue if Lawson and Jinger are courting or merely family friends, I suspect that Jinger is feeling left behind by Jessa and it is possible that she may want to follow her best friend into the marriage and motherhood stage of life in order to remain close. 

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Are Jinger and Lawson Bates courting?  They're awfully close to each other in photos of the wedding.


Also, considering the recently failed courtship of Josiah and Marjorie, if Jinger and Lawson are courting, we probably won't hear about it until they are halfway down the wedding aisle. The Duggars can't afford another embarrassment right now if things didn't work out. 

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In the last Bates show I saw, Lawson did say some awkward thing about there being a girl in his life.  It was a little strange, and I thought it was just a tease for next season, but maybe....


I don't know about Lawson.  He doesn't seem ready for marriage IMO.

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In the last Bates show I saw, Lawson did say some awkward thing about there being a girl in his life.  It was a little strange, and I thought it was just a tease for next season, but maybe....


I don't know about Lawson.  He doesn't seem ready for marriage IMO.


Imagine if Jinger is becomes a feature on the Bates show.

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Also, considering the recently failed courtship of Josiah and Marjorie, if Jinger and Lawson are courting, we probably won't hear about it until they are halfway down the wedding aisle. The Duggars can't afford another embarrassment right now if things didn't work out.

Well, the beauty of the courtship practice is that it makes headlines either way (Jebus approves). If it fails, it's news. If they get engaged, it's news. In fact, it never has to happen at all and it's still news. I'm starting to see what they like about this system. :-)

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In the last Bates show I saw, Lawson did say some awkward thing about there being a girl in his life.  It was a little strange, and I thought it was just a tease for next season, but maybe....


I don't know about Lawson.  He doesn't seem ready for marriage IMO.


Isn't that considered the perfect time? Marry 'em off before the thrill of their first "teen crush" wanes? Totally. Awesome.

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Imagine if Jinger is becomes a feature on the Bates show.


With her name in the opening credits! I can hear Jessa's head explode from here. Please, please, please let this happen.


....And go one further and have JB and Michelle blurred because TLC won't allow them to be on a rival network.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
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Guys, hate to say it but Baseless Internet Gossip has beaten you to the Jinger/Lawson courtship speculation, some of them as early as mid-2014:




(I regret to report "Washinton" (sic) is theirs):


Word on the street is that either Jinger or Jana is dating Lawson, because he's been seen hanging out with their family a lot — especially after he and his sisters were spotted going to Washinton, D.C. with the Duggars for an anti-abortion rally, a trip that both girls were on. Unfortunately, the evidence stops there, and Lawson being on a trip with close family friends literally means nothing.


There's more if you Google their names together, but all in the same vein.  Takeaway:  them being friendly in public is no shock.

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