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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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My question would always be why her parents allowed the court-shit in the first place?   

       We all want to hope that the parents yanked her out of there, but as I said in another topic yesterday, we make an assumption that one of these people are "good" but it never happens.

 They go on to do something horrible.

          So, at this point I can't venture to guess, because they let her daughter get involved in that asylum in the first place.

"Court-shit" is my word of the day. The year. The DECADE...


Kudos ! Your post was beyond awesome...but begs many questions from those of us outside the Quiverfull. Or, outside the crazy...


You have ruined me FOREVER. I will never be able to say "courtship" again. And thank you for that.  But I still (STILL !) struggle with the difference, as they define,  between "dating" and "courtship" and "dating with a purpose"...


I "dated with a purpose" with NO religious overtones whatsoever, from high school on. We all, all of us girls in our little group, in our little town, didn't want to just randomly "date" without marriage in the future. The Duggars don't have a lock on that feeling, but they certainly claim it as their own, don't they....???


I dated Guy One from 10th Grade to Freshman Year in college. Didn't work out, but remain friends to this day. Guy Two was from the end of the 1st relationship until Senior Year in college. Guy Three was the next TEN years. We broke up, then met Guy Four, my "soulmate" and married. Fifteen years later we divorced...


Does that mean I've given away too many pieces of my heart. Am I a whore ? Are you all looking at your shoes as I pass by ?


Nope. And Fuck You, Duggars, for suggesting it. I've been with FOUR men since I was fifteen. I'm now forty-???.  I won't be judged by you, you pack of sexually suppressed weirdoes. Meh. 


Does this mean that poor Marjorie is now "tainted" ? Doesn't her courtshit mean that she was just feeling around, looking for suitable match, and didn't find one in Josiah ?  That poor girl. So hopeful with the pitiful, cheap flowers still in the vase...


Courtshit is NO different than dating. It isn't. Except, of course, that JB and Michelle have their hands in every meeting, text, and phone call. 


And they have the nerve to declare that any unsuccesful courtship isn't "really" like a dating break-up. Because The Lord willed it. 


Remember Josh had TWO unsuccessful coutshits before Anna. But no, no...he never "dated". If someone could please explain this to me I'd be grateful.


I'm now with a new boyfriend, post-divorce, with no designs on marriage. Just having a good time. Suck on THAT, Gothard. 


Oh, but I do feel bad for Marjorie, but at the same time, good for you, girl, for gettin' out when the gettin' was good.

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IF, and it's a big IF, imo, the breakup was due to Si begging for sexting, what does that say about his parents' controls?

I guess they don't listen to every phone call, nor monitor every text or on-line comment.  It doesn't surprise me that there are such deviations from their rules simply because they made sex such a huge issue.  Poor Marsiah, but they are better off, I'm sure, in the long run.  

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But I still (STILL !) struggle with the difference, as they define,  between "dating" and "courtship" and "dating with a purpose"...



I think one reason for this is that the people who are defining these words are stupid, ignorant, and absolutely unwilling to think. .... That's just a guess, of course.


Great post, by the way.

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I'd believe the sexting story... if it was Josiah and another male.

Yes. It was probably a gossip story planted by the family to make their son appear straight to not threaten any future Hetero courtships.
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Yes. It was probably a gossip story planted by the family to make their son appear straight to not threaten any future Hetero courtships.

THIS!! I can't imagine Josiah going off the rails and asking for sexing. NO way.

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Not that I expect the parents to respond to what their children do in an appropriate way, but during a sex scandal which brought the hopes and dreams of their family crashing to the ground with the whole world watching seems like an odd time for the Duggars to stop monitoring their courting children's internet access.

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THIS!! I can't imagine Josiah going off the rails and asking for sexing. NO way.

Most likely not, but the way they were setting up Josh to be Josiah's courtship adviser gave me the creeps, big time.

Edited by JoanArc
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Doubt he wanted to do sext or skype or whatever.  All those Duggar kids are media smart.  Anyone could record that and you'd have a HUGE mess. Or just screen shot the request on text or whatever new technology would capture it.  No way.


If he were anonylous and was caught doing something with a woman or something in the cover of the night, I'd believe that more.  But to show his face or junk or whatever on a screen?  No way. Way too risky.  Especially after the Josh story. I bet all the Duggars are feeling really burned from media. 

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It's kinda hilarious imagining what the Duggar version of sexting would be. 

I lust after you, my lover, whose genitals are like those of donkeys and whose emission is like that of horses. (Ez 23:20)

You make my nard give forth its fragrance. (Songs 1:13)

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I lust after you, my lover, whose genitals are like those of donkeys and whose emission is like that of horses. (Ez 23:20)

You make my nard give forth its fragrance. (Songs 1:13)


Best pickup line EVER.


I don't know what my favorite thing about this is - that it's a spikenard, which makes an even better pickup line, or that the Urban Dictionary says it also means a person shaped like a chicken nugget.

Edited by Julia
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The sexting story doesn't ring true for me. Maybe it happened, but I'd be surprised, especially the Skype component. Who knows, though?


God seems quite indecisive at times, like when he told Boob to run for office, apparently for the sole purpose of spending $250K to lose. He also leads young people to courtships, which after much prayer are deemed blessed, and which then end four months later. Makes you wonder why, if God speaks to them so clearly, he doesn't just lead them immediately to the right person. Could just be me, but I think it's because God's voice sounds an awful lot like their own. I

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Jana is going to be a bridesmaid for one of the Bates girls. At the rate she's going collecting bridesmaid dresses from all of these fundie weddings, it won't be long before she is ready to star in a sequel to the movie 31 Dresses



Good catch. I've been keeping up with the Bates's show (it's just a quick half hour and I scroll through Facebook during the boring parts) and Michael listed Kelly, her sisters, Brandon's sisters, and just said "a friend." I know there's not supposed to be any crossover between the shows, so I guess that's why she was not named, but it will be interesting to possibly see her when they air Michael's wedding. I'm guessing she will not talk to the camera and will be in the background.


I definitely see the air of fragility and being on the edge of a breakdown with Jana. She is so good at keeping her countenance sweet but I have always worried about an underlying sadness. Everyone keeps saying they want her to get married, but I just wish she could live a normal life. A fundy marriage, which always runs the risk of the wrong kind of guy abusing the submissive wife doctrine, is not what I feel is best for her.

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I really feel sorry for Jana, the Cinderella Duggar.  What does she have to look forward to?  She's 25 now and when and if she enters into a 'courtship' she'll have to share every text, phone call, and communication - with Jim Bob and Mechelle.  How humiliating for a 25 year old.  Especially one that has already raised tons of her mother's children.  What she's not mature enough to date on her own?  t's humiliating.  Abusive even.  

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I'm happy that Jana and Joy get to hang out with the Bates girls.  It's nice to see them looking happy - Joy and Carlin would always pair off when we saw the Bateses and Duggars together on the show.


Sucks for Jinger to have to stay back and do all of the packing/child wrangling. There is a picture of Jinger driving the stink bus to the wedding on the Duggar's facebook page and another of the boys' clothes that the J'slaves picked out for them. Jim Bob and Michelle can't function without one of the girls or someone being brought in to do the heavy lifting for them. 

Edited by Cocka doodle dont
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Jana with her accountability partner, Joy, head off with Michael Bates to the wedding rehearsal.


I'm really hoping Jana and Joy got to head to TN early by themselves. That would be a fun girls trip and I'm sure Jana would love to help prep for a wedding where she's not being treated as a scullery maid. Not to mention no rug rats hanging off of her while Michelle gets to enjoy the festivities.

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I'm sure they headed out before the rest of the family. The Bateses let Michael travel alone to see Brandon; why couldn't Jana travel by herself to the wedding? Yes, I get that Joy gets more time to hang with Carlin, but let's look at the real reason she's there. It paints a very poor picture where the Duggars are concerned. 

I'm sure they headed out before the rest of the family. The Bateses let Michael travel alone to see Brandon; why couldn't Jana travel by herself to the wedding? Yes, I get that Joy gets more time to hang with Carlin, but let's look at the real reason she's there. It paints a very poor picture where the Duggars are concerned. 

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I agree 100% about the Duggars not trusting their single ladies out alone. I am just happy that Jana and Joy get time away from their family. Wish Jinger had the opportunity too. Did Jana have an accountability partner when she flew out to babysit for Josh and Anna or is it only when she'll be spending time with non-family members? I don't think that they trust their daughters but they really don't trust those outside their family, even when they are all Gothardites.


It was refreshing to see that Michael had the freedom to leave the house without a buddy (though Micheal did tell them she had girl friends who would serve that role). <-- It's sad that I wrote that about a woman in her mid-20's. 

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Josiah lost his co-mingling thread, too. It's just a matter of time before the Duggars take away his social media; I'm sure they already took back his i-phone in favor of the Flip Phone of Shame. 

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Jana lost her own thread? How much more can be taken away from her!?   

Seriously.  She has everything taken from her.  Jewelry box.  The thread.  Hell, even Jinger is the one that gets to drive the bus to Tennessee for the wedding.



Not to body snark, but Jinger is looking sickly thin these days.  Does she have health issues? Or is it just from the molestation/cancellation stress?

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CofCinci, I see that you found that pic from a fan site. I've found it hilarious to see in comments how they fight each other for these pics (the Jinger one first appeared on Duggar Family Official Facebook), then ban one another over perceived slights. It's highly entertaining! LOL


I've been worried about Jinger for over a year now. She doesn't look bad in this pic, but she's wearing two dresses! She's painfully thin. :(

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Not to body snark, but Jinger is looking sickly thin these days.  Does she have health issues? Or is it just from the molestation/cancellation stress?


Seriously, her upper arms are the same size as her wrists. I'm not one to throw the term around lightly but this is anorexia thin, not dieting thin.

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I'm 5'6 and weigh 110 pounds. I am a beanpole. Why, just the other day a homeless man yelled at me, "Damn girl, you skinny as f*ck!" I'm a stick. I am. Jinger is thinner than I am. Not good.

Edited by Aja
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I remember from the goodbye to Jerick video that Jinger wore a cute maxi with shrug ensemble. The outfit was really stylish, but it looked like a sack on her; there was no shape underneath. Not even the hint of curves. She's about 5'5"/5'6" but I would say she doesn't weigh more than 105, if that. I'm only 5' tall, but I weigh more than that (and am not overweight by any stretch, built more like Joy). 

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I'm 5'6 and weigh 110 pounds. I am a beanpole. Why, just the other day a homeless man yelled at me, "Damn girl, you skinny as f*ck!" I'm a stick. I am. Jinger is thinner than I am. Not good.

That guy was rude as hell!  OMG


The sad truth is that a certain percentage of girls have anorexia and/or bulimia.  I am not saying that Jinger has either.  She could be going through a stage or a stressful time (imagine that).  I've gone through stages (when I was actually very happy) that I just became very thin.  I look back and cannot believe some of the statements people would make.  I remember thinking that people would never make the same comments if someone gained weight.    


My daughter is very thin.  I get so annoyed with my mother in law when my daughter comes to visit.  She is constantly harping on her to gain weight.  It makes me so uncomfortable.  


Honestly, Jinger is probably just going through a stage.  She may or may not be more thin now because of stress or something totally not related. To me, she has the body type of Kate Middleton.  Hoping Jinger escapes to New York and enjoys lots of bagels and city life!

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The thing is, Jinger hasn't always been this thin. That's where my concern comes from. And this is an ongoing thing; she was rail thin in the Jessa Gets Engaged episode, and that was almost a year ago to the day. I believe this goes all the way back to when Jessa started courting. Jessa dropped weight when she started working out with Ben. Jinger also dropped weight, but we've never seen any hint that she works out. 


If it's a "phase," it's certainly a long-lasting one. Don't forget, they also put Joy on a diet last year, before she turned 17. They got a lot of criticism for that, and we haven't heard about Joy's eating since. So they're aware that criticism exists about how the girls eat. I've seen Jinger's plate in pictures before; no carbs. If she is indeed built like Kate, she could eat whatever she wanted and not gain an ounce. I don't think that's the case with her, because she used to have more meat on her bones. She has intentionally lost and maintained for over a year, so she must think she looks good. 

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The thing is, Jinger hasn't always been this thin. That's where my concern comes from. And this is an ongoing thing; she was rail thin in the Jessa Gets Engaged episode, and that was almost a year ago to the day. I believe this goes all the way back to when Jessa started courting. Jessa dropped weight when she started working out with Ben. Jinger also dropped weight, but we've never seen any hint that she works out. 


If it's a "phase," it's certainly a long-lasting one. Don't forget, they also put Joy on a diet last year, before she turned 17. They got a lot of criticism for that, and we haven't heard about Joy's eating since. So they're aware that criticism exists about how the girls eat. I've seen Jinger's plate in pictures before; no carbs. If she is indeed built like Kate, she could eat whatever she wanted and not gain an ounce. I don't think that's the case with her, because she used to have more meat on her bones. She has intentionally lost and maintained for over a year, so she must think she looks good. 

I didn't know they put Joy on a diet.  Wow! I can tell you from experience that as a teen, anything anyone says regarding even a pound of weight gain, your body type, what you are eating or not eating etc. can send a girl into a whirlwind of emotions.  When did this happen with Joy and why?


I really hope that both Jinger and Joy are okay and know they are beautiful. (Even though they live with crazy parents!)

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Joy was on a diet with Jessa around the time of Jill's wedding, maybe a little after (?). Last spring/summer. They instagrammed Joy's no-carb meal and talked about the type of diet they were utilizing (I just remember that it was no-carb, other details escape me now). 


But yeah, they had her on a diet and workout regimen. There were the contraversial pics of Joy in a skirt over yoga pants working out with weights. It was never clear what kind of workouts she was doing, or if she has continued to do them. 

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The thing is, Jinger hasn't always been this thin. That's where my concern comes from. And this is an ongoing thing; she was rail thin in the Jessa Gets Engaged episode, and that was almost a year ago to the day. I believe this goes all the way back to when Jessa started courting. Jessa dropped weight when she started working out with Ben. Jinger also dropped weight, but we've never seen any hint that she works out. 


If it's a "phase," it's certainly a long-lasting one. Don't forget, they also put Joy on a diet last year, before she turned 17. They got a lot of criticism for that, and we haven't heard about Joy's eating since. So they're aware that criticism exists about how the girls eat. I've seen Jinger's plate in pictures before; no carbs. If she is indeed built like Kate, she could eat whatever she wanted and not gain an ounce. I don't think that's the case with her, because she used to have more meat on her bones. She has intentionally lost and maintained for over a year, so she must think she looks good. 

The thing is - Kate M. can't eat whatever she wants and stay as thin as she is. She, too, controls her diet heavily. This is what Kate looked like in college.


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The thing is - Kate M. can't eat whatever she wants and stay as thin as she is. She, too, controls her diet heavily. This is what Kate looked like in college.


She looks positively normal here! I've only seen the modeling pic on the catwalk in the lingerie, so I figured she was always rail thin. 


Makes the comparison to Jinger look that much worse, but true on all fronts. :( 


JoanArc, INDEED! Mechelle has projected ALL of her baggage onto these girls. I guess it's been a miracle that more of them don't have out and out eating disorders. Jana and Joy have NEVER been fat for crying out loud! 

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